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Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Phew, that was it, quite alot of inspiration I draw there from my few hours of playing EoS today out of boredom

But as much as inspiration I got from it, GW2 is stil lthe far superior game, its just all the small things that come together that EoS did well and where you see the potential in GW2 to be in the future even much greater, cause GW2 is a AAA game, where the developers actually have all the ressources to make usage of all the potential, where a Eos will fail, cause of never having the same ressources, like a GW2

As a special side note, what I want to mention also is, that I especially like the unique quiver designs and capes in EoS.
Also when there is everything gender locked and there beign no different playable races, so that the reason why EoS has no problem with capes as much as I’d love to have capes again in GW2 and other similar things like long scarfs and the like that could be used similarly like capes.
Wish GW2 would ovver more unique quiver designs in the same way liek EoS, not havign them only on your back, but also at your sides at your hips. Makes quivers look so much better (for my taste) ^^, especialls when they are designed with nice physics and animated stuff that reacts on movement

oh and before I forget it, that Accessoires in this game are actually all also really accessoires and not total weird crap, like here in GW2.

Rings are there actually also all only Rings, Earrings are actually also all Earrings, ect. and what I find also nice there is, that you have there Gear SETS, which give a nice little Set Bonus, if you wear a complete Gear Set, so that there is also a little incentive to collect and wear a complete set over mix matching items together of different armors.

I think that could be somethign, that could work for legendary armor,s that they come as “Sets” and just give you that visual BANG, when you wear them as complete set.
i gues,s that way could work legendary armors wel for GW2

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 6

Not racial locked Tattoos for Character Creation/Style Kits

In EoS, you can give all your characters if you want some kind of Tattoos.
I find Tatoos shouldn’t be something special to Norn only as currently they are the only race, which can have Tattoos.
If find it only, when they have special and uniqe Full Body Tattoos.
But all other races should have also the option to haveTatoos. Nasturally not the same like Norn.
But I think this hsould be some kind of racial thing, Each race should have in the character creation the option to have racial based Tattoos.
Tatoos are imo too much of a visual character individualization tool, to make them a norn only thing, when all what Norns need are just unique tattoos, that are bonded to their lore, which simply no other race can have.

Hard Mode
It exists there also for Dungeon Content. I see no reason, what ANet stops to brign this kind of content that also GW1 had back for GW2 to game content, where it would fit, like Dungeons, Guild Missions (which soon will be instanced), Personal Story (make pS finally replayable like LS please with an option to reset it and your character back to Level 1 if that must be to make it work) and Living Story instances.
So much potential also for new achievements, if there would be Hard Mode again

Achievement Suggestions
EoS also has an Achievement System, one, which I find nice and that offers inspiration for improvements here in GW2, that are the impressions I got from there.

New Achievement Sections for:

Level Achievements for reaching specific Levels the first time per Class.
So Level 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80 per each Class. Seriously surprised me alot, that EoS has that, but we not …

Death Achievements.
When we have such simple achievements in GW2 for like drinking booze, I think there could also simply be an achievement for dieing lol (alot) In EoS theres 2 of the, 1 for your first death, and one for 100. So nothing special, but for dieign alot, it could give a title maybe in GW2 ^^

Gathering Achievements
For simply gathering materials, was also extremely surprised over it, that we in GW2 haven’t them, so simple, but so good to give people a little more incentivization to gather, instead of simply buying materials from others (at least as long you work on these achievements ^^)

Craftign Achievements for actually the amount of crafting. EoS has them ,not only for craftign ranks, but also actually for the amount of items you craft within the craftign job.
This would be a nice addtion, so that theres also somethign for crafting, when you already maxed out the ranks, that theres also achievements for the amount of crafting that surpass by far the required amount of craftign to max the rank.

Achievements, that have to do with simple things of game life, like

  • the amount of waypointing you did.
  • the amount of Asura Gates you used.
  • the distance that you traveled on feet
  • the amount of loot that you gathered from killed foes
  • the amount of items that you sold in the trading post
  • the amount of items that you sold to NPCs
  • the amount of items that you bought from the Trading post
  • the amount if items that you bought from NPCs.
  • The amount of items you got from the various qualities, like how many exotic items you found, how many rares ect. …
  • achievements for equipment a full set of gear of the various quality types
  • Inventory Achievments, for maxing out your inventory space, or doing somethign specific with the inventory, like the amount of deleted items from inventory or the amoint of salvaged/ identified items from inventory, the amount of items put into account chest
  • Lottery/Luck achievements (for those peopel who love RNG and luck games)
  • Companion Achievements (Companions are there the classical pets), but I would see under a companion more than a “Minipet” A companion for me would be more of a special “House Pet”, something that will travel with you, fight with you (pve only) and can be found in your House Instance. Maybe Anet could rework Minipets more into that or add a system, how you can make out of for your account unlocked minipets also “House Pets” that work as companions which you can give names also, like basically ranger pets

Dynamic Event Achievements (EoS has Quests Achievements basically)
An achievement for the amount of dynamic events done, EoS has one for the amount of quests done. So again surprisign that we have none for the amount of DE’s done

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 5:

Durability of Gear

And Improvement to the Repair System.
Currently ,how it works in GW2, the system is ttoslly obsolete and a pure annoyance.
It once was made with the intent of being a small gold sink.
I think it should become this again, but not as directly harsh, as it was once, but more of a slow over time little gold sink with the help of a Durability System.

Instead of breaking equipment with every death. our equipment should have Durability and with every death through combat, the durability of our equipment should get reduced by -1. Goes the durability to 0, then and only then does the item become broken, so that we have to repair it.
Armor and Weapon Smiths as armor Crafters should receive recipes for crafting Weapon and Armor Repair Kits, which can instantly refill on usage the durability of our gear, so that the silly NPC repair locations can be removed and Repair Kits just become the craftable little gold sinks, which you simply use on that gear of yours, thats near to get 0 Durability.

*Add then a new Equipment Stats for Legendary Armors/Trinkets/Weapons".
These items are “Undestructable” with basically INFINITE durability, so that these items get a little QoL out of it and more value, that you don#t need to repair legendary things anymore, never ever again …

Smart Matching
EoS offers this system, that simply allows you to enter Dungeons from anywhere via a simple menu, without that you need to travel first to the maps of where the dungeons are!! After enterign a dungeon for the first time, it should get unlocked for instant travel from a new Dungeon Menu.
From that menu you could then also decide if you want to activate7travel to instantly to all kinds of different Dungeons, be it:

  • Solo Dungeons
  • Group Dungeons
  • Raids
  • Fractals of the Mist
  • Guild Crusades/ Missions

Chain Specializations
In EoS you have Skilsl and Talents, Talents work there what is here basicaly Elite Specializations with HoT as the Classes there have basically each two Sub Classes with different Talents.
What do I understand now under a Chain Specialization you may ask?

A Chain Specilization would we special new Skills that each Elite Specialization should receive, which you unlock one after another and where the previous Specialization is needed to learn the next one.


Ranger = Main Profession
Druid = Elite Specialization (Sub Class)
One Chain Specialization of a Druid would be “Animorphism”.

You learn this special Chain Specialization, when having mastered Nature Magic as a Druid. Animorphism is a new Type of Utility Skills, which lets a Druid shapeshift into various Mystical Beasts. to fight in Beast Form.

One of this Skills could be for example the Arachnos Form, which transforms you into a huge Tarantula of the size of those giant spides in Orr, that changes your Weapon Skills into 5 Beast Skilsl of the Arachnos Form (basicalyl works like Engineer kits, just that its transforms you, having the Sklsl as long you stay in the form)

If you learned and mastered Animorphism, then you can learn a next Chain Specialization from this. “Shapeshifting”, which is a complete new Core Specialization thats based on that new Chain Spezialization.
That way Anet can add more progression later on top of Elite Specializations and give Elite Specializations even more depth.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 4:

Dungeons & PvP

In EoS you have Solo Dungeons…
Rest assured, they are by far not what I would expect under a Solo Dungeon. But its the first MMORPG I have seen it being part of its game content.

I’m pretty sure, that if anet would come up with Solo Dungeons as new Game feature, that they would be a ton times better and far like what I would expect from something like that. A challenging Solo Instance that invites you to delve deep into and explore a place in a Zelda-like environment full of traps, riddles, challenging boss monsters and treasures to be found, which can be found nowhere else in the game…

Then theres “Battlefields” in EoS, something that works like like some kind of mixture between our WvW, where everyone gets mixed together and GvG like amount of player matcvhs (30 vs 30).
I hope we will see somewhen in GW2 somethign similar with a PvP Mode, where Guilds can battle against each other directly in different size formats like 25v25, 50v50 and 100v100 on different therefore fitting “Battlefield Maps”.
That would be absolutely some kind of different Pvp, that GW2 yet doesn’t have and kind of misses very much. It is that niche, which WVW nor the normal PvP or the upcominng Stronghold does fill in. PvP maps, that are especially designed for Guilds in mind to fight agaisnt each other in different member sizes on various battlefield maps.
I think this would be a real great benefit for GW2 to add something liek that in the near future.


EoS offers raids in a kind of dungeon crawling instance, called “Endless Hunting Grounds”. Something what I have suggested here some long time ago already, and now I find it exactly there (irony.) A place, simply, that changes everytime when you enter, that is full with daily repeatable tasks and dynamic raid events, where you go in as guild or solo to hunt there as long as you want, level there, progress there masteries ect. pp

Voiced and animated HELP TOOL
EoS offers a fully voiced and animated Help Tool, that is also very clearly sortated by its features, that you can open up when needed, which explains you everything of the game either by voice, or by showing you the features of the game. Somethign I feel ,that is totally missing for GW2 and if we would have had that fro mbegin on, then such crap like the NPE would have never happened…

Energy and Satiety
in EoS you have also Cooking as Craftign Job, but cooking is there a but more, than just consumeable buff items.
Food gives you Energy. Satiety tells you, when the point is reached, k*tten you can’t eat/drink anything anymore.
This system made made think about it, how Food/potions could be improved with this system.
Currently when you use Food of some type, it replaces the effect of old food you used before. Thats kind of stupid, because you lose on the effects. Food/Potions of the same type don’t stack their durations.
Thats something that should change. If you use Food/Potions of the same type, they should stack their duration as long your Satiety isn’t full.

Example: Say your Max Satiety is 1000, Buff Food A has a Satiety Grade of 100. Would mean, you could eat that Food maximum 10x to stack its duration x10.
Say you eat now Food B, with an other effect, it won’t replace anymore Food A’s effect, it will just increase again the Duration of Food A.
As long as your Satiety isn’t full, you can eat.
But if you want to reset a Buff Effect now, to replace it by somethign else, then you have to use now instead a new Consumeable. A Digestion Pill
Using such a pill (craftable as cook as beginner recipe), will neutralize any food buffs, so that you can change the buff effect. It will reduce also slightly your Satiety.
Satiety will decrease automatically also over time while you are in combat or just standign around afk.

Energy would be something, that you receive, whenever you eat and drink.
Energy would become the new way for PvE only to increase your maximum health. The WvW related max health bonus gets removed, you have to eat now and get Energy to get the maximum 10% increase of your Max health for PvE/WvW.
Energy depletes again, whenver you use your Healing or Elite Skill and when you die.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 3:

Item Identification

In EoS, you can find often items, which are unidentified and which you have to identify first to get the full potential out of something.

Item Identification in GW2 could be used for example as system to bind an item especialyl to 1 Character, not to the full Acccount, but to 1 Character only and if you do that, this item receives a little bonus that is random.
Be it a little Stat Bonus, be it 1 additional Rune Slot or Sigil Slot. However, Item Identification in GW2 would be only possible from Crafted Items as they are at first not bonded and first acokittenbound and then characterbound on use.
I think, there simply should be a little bonus for it, if you bind forever an item to just one specific character.
there was also one in GW1, there you got for eample a 20% damage bonus on your weapons, when you bonded a weapon to a character.

Karma Tree
Based on the Moods, Karma receives as Reward System a new Platform, the Karma Tree, that is split up by the Sections of Courage, Wrath, Placidity, Euphoria, Dignity, Charm and Ferocity.
On the Karma Tree you progress and unlock new types of Mood based “Buffs” and other things, like Finishing Moves, Emotes, Decorations, Skill Skins, Outfits, Minipets ect. that you then can buy for Karma in your Guild Hall, or your Home Instance.
Progressing in the Karma Tree’s sections of Moods raises also the chances, that NPCs might react differently or might give you different answer options based on how much progresse you are in a specific mood.

Some QoL and other small things, that EoS makes better:

WASD Movement + the Option of Click to Move
The game clearly shows, that both systems can work clearly together. EoS supports both movement Systems. You can run around via WASD, but you can also just right click on the ground and your character automatically moves to that position, so that your left hand is free meanwhile

Item Quick Use Slots
In EoS you can put all your items of your inventory, that are consumeables also into your Skill bar and use them there as Quick Use Slots, so that you don’t have to open up permanently the inventory menu …. a great QoL, that Anet should finally add to GW2 too so that wqe could have Quick use Slots for Buff Items like Food, Potions, (Moods), or Toys, Tonics and the like.
The UI there is based on 2 Skill Bars.
The first being F1 to F12, the other the numbers below from 0 to 9 + ? and ´

For GW2 it would be simply enough to have 1-0 for the Skill Bar and then a second Bar that can be shown up by pressing Control +Shift , so that you have then 10 Quick Use Soots via Shift + 1-0,where you can place in your thing,s that you want to use quickly, without havign to open the Iventory.

Crafting Job Spiritualist

An interesting thing which I found there, where I think it could be a nice new Craftign Job here in GW2 also. Spiritualists.

A Spiritualist would draw “Ether” from our used equipment, trinkets and weapons.
So more we use equipment in combat, so more Ether could draw a Spiritualist out of the items.. That gathered Ether is basically a new “Material”, which they can combine together with Spirit Shards to create various things, from Recipes for Scribers (another new Crafting that comes with HoT), to a new type of Upgrade Item, so called “Soul Crystals”, which are vessels of powers from the souls that they contain.
They work basically similar like Sigils, but just for Trinkets, so that you can receive additional powers (instead of stats) if you want to sacrifice more Stats for direct powers of various beings and their souls that you refined into a Soul Crystal.

They could like all other Craftng Jobs also create Sigils and Runes. With the help of Spiritualists you’d be able to create also the best Mood Buffs

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 2:

Combat Mood.

Something I got an idea about, when I played around in EoS with their “Soul Skill System”
When you use there a Soul Skill, it creates a different now intense back ground music that sets up basically a different mood.
These moods are there shown basically by 4 ways, but EOS makes absolutely no use of the potential behind it basically, there its just 4 different temporary buffs.
I think anet could make much more out of this in a unique way.
In EoS, these 4 categories there are Courage, Peace, Hope and Innocence.
I thinl, in GW2 this should be based on 4 Emotions (Moods)

  • Courage
  • Wrath
  • Placidity
  • Euphoria

Based on which mood you are in combat, a different combat rhythm and melody plays in for you and the Mood could have also different effects on your Skills.

When you are encouraged, it could have for example an effect on the Critical Hit Rate of your Skills and their Cooldowns.
When you are wrathful, it could have effect on your Critical Damage and your Condition Damage.

While being placid, it could affect your Toughness and your Healing Power.
And while being euphoric, your maximum Vitality could get a boost and your Boons could last longer.

But Anet could make even much more out of this, than just different little Buffs and a audio based immersion improvement for combat.
Based on these Moods, they could affect, how we interact with NPCs, the Personality System should return and add to those 4 Moods the old ones "Dignity, Charm and Ferocity! Ferocity – the Stat, should get renamed to “Finesse”

Dignity could then as mood in combat affect how long you suffer on Conditions and your Precision.
Charm would affect be basically the jack of all trades mood, that affects everythin, but just a little bit.
And Ferocity would affect in combat your Finesse and how long your Conditions last.

Combat Mood Intensity.

Your Moods will become stronger. Whenever you change your moods in combat, you will progress in that “Mood”, so that its affects become more intense, so more you intensify that mood’s “level”.

However, Moods are not unlimited. They work as temporary “Buffs”. To refill the limited supply of your Moods, you have to use up KARMA.
So Moods would be effectively a new 3rd type of Buff, aside from Potions and Food and to get them, you have to make use of your Karma and you get them randomly in Personality Situations within the Living World and personal Stry and every single NPC, that gives you different Answer options based on your Mood.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Emotes Part 2:

  • Shy:
    Character puts fingers together and looks shy around, saying something like “Oh no!”, or “How awkward!”, or “Uuh, I, Ugh..”, simply some shy stuttering.
  • Disappointed:
    Character looks down, moving down the arms from head to body down and saying something like “Very Sad!”, or lettign off simply a clearly hearable loud “Sigh” or “Wherefore do I deserve this?!”
  • Scared:
    Character takes a step back and puts its arms in front of itself for protection, shaking under angst, saying somethign like “Help!”, or “Oh, what was that!”, or " Something is not right here…Heeeelp!" or “Ooh, I’m so scared!”
  • Give Up:
    Character falls to knees, bows the hend and puts hands together praying for mercy saying something like “Respect to You, I’m giving up!” , or “I’ve failed. You deserve the victory!”
  • Yawn:
    Character yawns, with hand at mouth, stretching his/herself, seeing some blubble animations coming from the characters mouth, and you say the character makes various yawning sounds, or says something like “This is so much fatiguing!”, or “I’m so bored!”, or “Come let Us do something together!”
  • Showoff:
    Special character animation and character says things like “You think you’re a rival?!”, or “I know that I’m just unique!”, or “Ahaha, you’re better to be prepared!”
  • Handkiss:
    Pretty self explanatory.. character makes a handkiss movement and some hearts appear as animation flying towards a person making blubble sounds, burstign in the midst of the air and you say somethign like “Hehehe, here for you”, or “Catch it!” , or “I love You”

I want to show these, just as examples and inspiration to show, that theres yet so much unused potential in GW2 and now where our Characters will be again far more talk active with HoT, I think, this should be also shown very much in the Emotes.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 1:

Today I started out of boredom and because I saw for the first time in my language a TV commercial for it running and I just had to test it out…

I was interested in it, since I saw online a first teaser about it, because it showed some good rudiments.
However, after having it seen and played it now by myself and seeing, how it realy is, its disappointing. It made me realize again, what Anet made much better with GW2.
But still, if you just take a deeper look into the smaller things EoS (Echo of Soul) provides and directly compare it with GW2, you actually will find some things, where you must admit, that the creators of EoS have made a better job in certain things, than ANet did.


Better animated and trustworthier Emotes that include several different Voice Acting Lines of your Character. Something, that would be awesome to be improved, now that with HoT our Characters actually learn how to speak (again)

Here what you find there: Part 1

  • Anger : Red # appears above your head, letting steam off and your Character stoms with his feet on the ground, balling the hands to fists and saying something like:

“Now I have enough”! , “It’s enough!” or “Fine! You asked for it!”

  • Excuse:

Character says things like “Oh, Oh, I beg for forgiveness!” or “Oh, how embarassing, excuse me!”, or “Oh my, I’m so sorry!” while pressing the hands together and bowing the head one time left, one time right

  • Cheer:

Character claps his hands (with actual very good sound quality) and says things like: “Hooray, awesome!”, or “Yippie, that’s fantastic!” or “Oh great!”

  • Dance:
    You see a visual light effect and dance music/rhythm starts, while your character says things like:
    “Dancing runs simple in my Blood!”, or “Do you feel the Rhythm?”, or “Come dance with me!” or “Look here!”/“What are you looking?!” or simply a giggling/yay, showing that dancing makes fun.
  • Greeting/ Farewell:
    Character waves the hand with a Hi (or in regard you want to say goodbye a “Bye” for a farewell appearing above it and you say things like: “Nice to see you!” or “Oh, It’s you!” or “Good Day!”
    In regard of a farewell you could hear then your Character saying thing like:
    “Goodbye my Friend!”, “See You later!”, “Farewell and take care!”
  • Challenge:
    Your character points his finger at someone and pulling the finger back to oneself lke wanting, that this person comes over to you and says things like:
    “Hey You there, Yes you!”, or “Come on, or are You scared?!”, or “Hey, I’m talking to You!”
  • No:
    saying things like “Never ever!”, or “No” (pretty simple xD), or “Out of the Question!”
  • Laugh:
    Various laughters or in regard of saying somethign while laughing, like “Stop it! I cannot anymore!”, or
  • Sorrow:
    Character falls to the knees and says things like “Why must have this happened?!”, or crying (or simply crying only) with a “What should I do?!” or “Why only… No!”
  • Thanks:
    Character bows with a stance of gratitude and says something like “Thank you very much!”, or “Thank You, how considerate!”, or “Thanks, I’ll show You my gratitude!”
  • Mockery: Character points with the finger at someone and starts giggling, shaking the head at the end, or says something like “Oh, what a pity!”, or "mocks you with simple words of childlike denying of something (in German that would be
  • Salute: Character performs a salutation and says something like:
    “Yes, Sir” or “At Your Service!” or “Stand to Attention!”
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Stop Calling HoT an expansion!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


(from a player post)

Here is what a expansion is:

This analogy forgets one important thing:

Guild Wars 2: Subscription Free
FF 14: Pay every Month 15 Dollar/Euro, regardless if you played the game in the month , or not

So over a year : Guild Wars 2 = 0€/$, FF14 over a Year = 180€/$

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

AP reset idea

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


NO, a ret peep terrible idea.

Anyone who suggests this has absolutely no clue about, how the AP System functions and whats all behind of it in regard of an own reward System thats linked to the AP System.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Ascended Gear now 10% Stronger than Exotics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


To everyone whos saying now, that they are done ect.

Can I have your Stuff?

I’ll make sure to keep it all in honor and make good use of it in regard of mats, gold and consumeables like food, but eapecialyl naturally the first two

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

The future of living world

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


YES, but you can’t participate in them, as long you don’t have HoT.

It will mostly be like this for sure with the same method, that if you don#t log in within 2 weeks after the Patch has went up, that you have to pay some Gems/Money to unlock the Living World Chapter for your Account, like it was in Season 2 and that somewhen in the future later will be put HoT with a Full unlock of Season 3 into the Gemstore, like theres is now a Full Unlock for Season 2 in the Gemstore, if you completely missed it.

The future of Living World is pretty simple. Don’t buy HoT and any other uptoming Add Ons, and you won’t be able to participate in any upcoming Living World Content, you can unlock it for the account, but not play it as long you have not the Add On on which the Season is relating to, unless , cause from now on it its a “POINT OF NO RETURN” and all what happens in the Living World is based on what happens in HoT.

If you don’t own HoT it would be pretty pointless to participate in further in the Living World Events, as you wouldn’t understand the context most likely from the LWC due to not knowing, what happenedcin HoT.

HoT is also not just only Season 3 basically, its also your next part of your Personal Story. You will make further decisions in HoT, that will have effect on your ongoing Personal Story as much as I have understood it so far what would be another strong reason for it to buy HoT, because HoT saiply said progresses for your characters in overall their stories, so if you want to know what happens with your Character, you will want to buy HoT.

However, theres naturally no point in it that you have to buy HoT instantly now, you can wait also simply for it, when the tiem has come and you can buy it in the retail stores or from other online stores like amazon which are also retailers, but just online.
Nobody is forcing you to prepurchase it now, but if you do, Anet rewards you simply for it with a unique title, in regard of ultimate edition with 4000 gems for 25€/$, that would cost normally double as much and the digital extra content, because nobody knows and I’m sure it won’t be that way, that all that digital content will be sold later also with the physical versions in the retailers.
I’m pretty sure, that the Deluxe/Ultimate edition will be for online buyers only and that later the physical version of HoT you can buy fro mretailers wll be just simply only the Standard Edition., so that we will find in the gemstore under Upgrades then a HoT Deluxe Uprade again, like we had for the Main Game there a Deluxe Upgrade.

Like ANet said, Ultimate will always be only avaiable as prepurchase, they wont add later any Upgrades for it, which basically means, also no retails version.
They pretty much made sure to tell us, that if you want Ultimate, you have to prepurchase now. Theres no second chance later from retailers or Gemstore to get an Upgrade from Standard Edition to anything higher.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Disappointed with many upcoming thief changes

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Final Part



  • Kleptomaniac: Stealing gives you 2 initiative and Steal Skills used remove 1 Condition.
  • Preparedness: Increases maximum initiative by 3 and reduces chance to receive Critical Hits by 10%.
  • Lead Attacks: Increases damage by 1% per initiative. Steal recharges 15% faster.


  • Uncatchable: Leave behind caltrops when you dodge.
  • Flanking Strike: Gain haste when attacking a foe from behind or the side.
  • Thrill of the Crime: When you Steal, you and all nearby allies gain fury, might, and swiftness for ten seconds.


  • Bountiful Theft: Stealing grants you and all nearby allies vigor. You remove now an additional Boon from your target that you will grant to nearby allies (includes Quickness, Alacrity and Resistance)
  • Trickster: Reduce recharge on tricks. Tricks remove 1 condition when used.
  • Pressure Striking: Enemies you interrupt are inflicted with 3 stacks of torment for 5 seconds.


  • Quick Pockets: Gain 3 initiative when swapping weapons while in combat. Increases Boon Duration on you by 10%
  • Sleight of Hand: Daze enemies for 1 second when stealing. Steal’s recharge is reduced by 20%.
  • Bewildering Ambush: Stealing also applies 5 stacks of confusion for 5 seconds.
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Disappointed with many upcoming thief changes

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 5



  • Expedious Dodger: You can dodge now 3x before your Endurance is out.
  • Feline Grace: Gain Health when you successfully dodge Attacks and gain Swiftness.
  • Endless Stamina: Vigor is for you 50% more effective in regard of duration and intensitiy.


  • Vigorous Recovery: Gain vigor for 5 seconds when using a healing skill. Lose a Condition when Vigor ends on you.
  • Pain Response: Gain regeneration and protection for 5 seconds and remove damaging conditions when struck while below 75% health.
  • Guarded Initiation: Remove vulnerability, weakness and slow from yourself when striking an enemy while above 75% Health


  • Swindler’s Equilibrium: Successfully evading an attack while wielding a sword recharges steal by 1 second. This effect has a 1 second internal cooldown.
  • Hard to Catch: Break stun and refill endurance when you are disabled (stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, fear, taunt, or launch)
  • Assassin’s Reward: Heal yourself whenever you use a skill that uses initiative. Heal yourself for each point of initiative spent plus 1% Bonus Healing Power for every Initiative Point (10-13%).


  • Fleet Shadow: The effects of cripple and chill on you are reduced by 50%, meaning your movement is decreased by 25% and 33% respectively, rather than 50% and 66%. If you would become immobilized, you are instead crippled for 4 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 10 seconds.
  • Upper Hand: Gain one initiative when you evade an attack. This effect has a 3 second internal cooldown. When you gain initiative through a successful Dodge, it will recharge your Healing Skill Cooldown by a percentage.
  • Martial Artist: Using Deadly Blossom has a chance to stun foes now and you gain Stability on Dodge Rolls for 2 seconds.
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Disappointed with many upcoming thief changes

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 4:

Shadow Arts


  • Meld With Shadows: Stealth from your abilities last 1 second longer and Shadow Refuge no longer shows enemies when you used it and where you used it exactly.
  • Reselience of Shadows: Receive 25% lesser Damage in Stealth and move 50% faster in Stealth. (overrides other Movement Speed Factors)
  • Last Refuge: Gain Stealth and Resistance for 4 seconds when your Health reaches 25%


  • Hidden in Smoke: Create a Smoke Screen when downed or being hit with a burst attack that deals more than xxxx damage within 2 seconds . Deception abilities recharge 20% faster.
  • Shadow’s Embrace: Remove 1 condition every 3 seconds while in stealth.
  • Shadow Protector: When you grant stealth to an ally, they gain 3 seconds of regeneration. This effect no longer has an internal cooldown.


  • Hidden Thief: Gain stealth for 2 seconds when stealing from an enemy (automatically affected by Meld with Shadows)
  • Leeching Venoms: Siphon life from your foes when triggering a venom. This can only occur once per strike. Gain 2 stacks of might for 20 seconds when activating a venom.
  • Shadow Reinforcement: When you summon Thieves, you summon 1 additional Thief and your summoned Reinforcements deal 25% more damage, are summoned with Quickness for 10s and have 50% more Health.


  • Cloaked in Shadows: Gaining stealth blinds nearby foes for 5 seconds. When you dodge roll and avoid successfully being hit, gain Stealth for 3s.
    Fall Damage as like Revive Speed Effects are now moved into a Mastery for this
  • Shadow’s Rejuvenation: Regenerate health and initiative while in stealth.
  • Venomous Auras: When you use a venom skill, you apply the effect to all nearby allies as well. Increases maximum duration of Venoms by 20%.
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Disappointed with many upcoming thief changes

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 3

Critical Strikes


  • Keen Observer: Increases the Range of the Shortbow and Pistols from 900 to 1200. Trick Shot will bounce now once more at 50% chance, while Pistol Shots gain a 50% chance to bounce to nearby targets.
  • Unrelenting Strikes: Gain Fury for 4s, ICD 10s, when you strike foes that have under 50% Health. Your Criticals become unblockable, while under Fury.
  • Ferocious Presence: Critical Damage is increased by 10% against targets with over 50% health. Gain 10% lesser Damage from Critical Hits while you have more health than your target.


  • Side Strike: Gain 10% critical hit rate when attacking from the sides. 15% when attacking from behind.
  • Signets of Power: Signets recharge 20% faster and let you gain 5 Stacks of Might for 10s on activation.
  • Fluid Strikes: Damage is increased by 10%, while your endurance is not full.


  • Sundering Strikes: Vulnerability is increased by 33% and your Criticals have a chance to cause Vulnerability for 6s.
  • Practiced Tolerance: Gain Vitality based on 7% of your Precision. Ferocity increases by 7% of your Precision too, if your Health falls below 50%
  • Ankle Shots: Pistols and Harpoon Guns have a 60% Chance to cripple on Criticals (ICD 8s) and deal 10% more damage against crippled targets, while Shortbows have instead a 60% chance to cause Bleeding on Critical and deal 10% more Damage on bleeding targets.


  • Invigorating Precision: Criticals heal you for 15% of your outgoing Damage. Gain +150 Precision while you have Vigor on you.
  • Hidden Killer: Attacks from Stealth are guaranteed Critical Hits and unblockable, except for Aegis.
  • Fast and Furious: Criticals let you extend Fury for 2,5 seconds (ICD 2s). While you have Fury on you, you will gain every 3 seconds also Quickness for 2seconds.

@ Tarkan: Thief got nerfed already with nearly every prior balancing patch.
Alot of their skills/traits even never got touched until to day. Its always easier and better to buff a class first a bit too much, cause then its easier to slightly nerf it again down to a point, where it fits, than to constantly nerf a class into oblivion to find then buffs, that are appropiate enough, while all other classes receive at the same time also absurd buffs. itd all fine, when you disagree with my proposed changes, but that doesnt make then ridiculous as logn as you have no god darn clue about it, how they would play out at all, until you could test it :P With my proposed change to Mace Head Crack i just wanted to find a way to differentiate this skill significantly more from the other similar skill Bone Crack, which stuns and is basically the same skill as Daze/Stun is basically the same.
A Steal Skill, that is something that you get only every xx seconds, and i nthis case only from guardians to protect you with it for 5 seconds better agaisnt the other profession’s special mechanics is something, what I absolutely don’t find ridiculous, but absolute fitting as something that I could steal from a “guardian”. Just think about it.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Disappointed with many upcoming thief changes

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 2:

  • Piercing Shot: This Skill will cause now Torment instead of Bleeding and the Base Damage is increased by 25%.
  • Escape: Increased the poison duration from 1 second to 2 seconds. Movement speed adjustments no longer affect the intended travel distance. The Skill has been renamed to “Toxic Retreat” This Skill causes now a new effect – Hallucination that blurs the Screen of players that are in the poison trail of Toxic Retreat.
  • Deluge: The Velocity of this Skill has been increased by 50% and its damage has been increased by 33%. Deluge will cause now also to Cripple. The Skill has been renamed to “Seeker Bolts”
  • Disabling Shot: This Skill will dazes foes now instead of crippling them.
  • Ink Shot: Initiative Cost is reduced from 5 to 4, Velocity is increased by 50%
  • Smoke Trail: When using this, is causes now a large AoE Sphere at the place where you shadow step, in which enemies get blinded and weakened every second as long the sphere is there.
  • Tow Line: Range is increased to 1200, This Skill now longer interrupts yourself, but instead lets the foe sink for 2 seconds after you have pulled yourself to the foe. Initiative Cost increased to 5
  • Shadow Assault: Initiative Cost reduced to 6. Gain now Resitance, while using this Skill.
  • Serpent’s Touch: This skill now applies 2 stacks of poison for 10 seconds.
  • Choking Gas: Added now a Daze Effect for foes, that stand longer than 3 seconds inside of a Choking Gas Field.

Thief Stolen Skills:

  • Healing Seed: The Duration has been reduced from 10 to 7 Seconds. It pulses now every second
  • Skull Fear: he duration of fear has been reduced from 3/2/1 seconds to 2/1.5/1 seconds.. Skull Fear activates now 50% faster. Skull Fear has its old duration of fear, if the Target(s) had at the moment no boons.
  • Mace Head Crack: Renamed to simply Head Cracker.
    Mechanic changed to disable for 5 seconds gaining Adrenaline, Initiative, Life Force, deactivates Virtues, lets clones/phantasms explode without shatter effects, deactivates Tools and Attunement Changes for that time.

Deadly Arts


  • Serpent’s Touch: Stealing inflicts 2 Stacks of Poison for 10s. All your Non Auto Attack Hits have now a Chance of 50% on hit to cause a Stack of Poison extra.
  • Lotus Poison: Weaken Targets for 4 seconds when you poison them. Increases Poison Durations by 33% and reduces Venom Cooldowns by 5 Seconds.
  • Exposed Weakness: Deals 10% more Damage if your Target has a Condition. Receive 10% lesser Damage from foes that suffer on Weakness.


  • Dagger Training: Daggers now have a 33% chance to cause Vulnerability for 2 seconds and you gain +1 Initiative every 5 seconds, if you wield 2 Daggers.
  • Mug: Gain Life when Stealing, Dealing Damage is now baselined into Steal. Removes two Conditions from you, if you had no Stolen Skill so far.
  • Trapper’s Respite: Traps cause 5 Stacks of Vulnerability for 10s. Traps recharge 20% faster and you gain 5 Stacks of Might für 8s when foes run into your traps.


  • Ressourceful Trapper: Stealing reduces Cooldowns of recharging Traps and you get healed when foes run into your traps.
  • Panic Strike: Striking a foe under 50% health causes Immobilize for 3s. ICD 20s. Striking foes that have over 50% health in melee causes Fear for 2 seconds ICD: 30s
  • Revealed Training: Reduces Revealed by 1 second and increases Power by 200, when beign reveiled.


  • Potent Poison: Poison deals now 10% more Damage and using Venoms increases your Condition Damage by +50 per used Venom (max +250 on full venom build)
  • Improvisation: Deal 10% more Damage, while you have a Stolen Skill in F2.
    Your last used Utility Skill is immediately recharged, if you use F2 and F2 can be used twice.
  • Executioner: Deal 20% more damage, while your target has lesser than 50% health. Gain Health when you kill targets and gain 5 Stacks of Might for 20s on kill of a target.
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Disappointed with many upcoming thief changes

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 1:

Am disappointed too
Thats how I’d like it to be rather:


Steal: This ability is now split between F1 and F2. F1 beign the Steal Trigger, F2 being the Steal Depot. If you use F1, while you have still something stolen under F2, the next stolen item will replace the Skill under F2.

  • Steal Range has been baseline increase from 900 to 1200
  • Steal Cool Down stays at 35s, but now baseline steals also 1 Boon.


  • Haste: This skill no longer removes your endurance. When using Haste, your Initiative Regen is increased also too as long Quickness is up by +25% and critical hits under the effect of Quickness causes your Elite Skill to recharge faster.
  • Withdraw: This Skill is now a Trick with increased Cooldown from 15s to 18s.
    Both base and healing power coefficients have been increased by 10%.
    This skill grants you now protection for 3 seconds if you successfully evade with Withraw an attack. Withdraw works now as a Stun Breaker.
  • Daggerstorm: This Skill has been changed into a Signet and been renamed to “Signet of the Blade Dancer”.
    Passive Effect: You have a chance of 33% (ICD 15s) to parry incoming melee attacks and to perform automatially an unblockable counterattack cloak and dagger while gaining also Fury for 10s from this.
    Active Effect: You start spinning around yourserf performing your Blade Dance (litterally what Daggerstorm is now), just with the difference, that you gain besides of Stability now also to Resitance every 3s for 3 seconds of Duration for the 9 seconds of maximum duration of the Blade Dance. Your Movement Speed isn’t anymore decreased while using the active effect, like it is currently under Daggerstorm, where you suddenly move 50% slower than normal….
  • Hide In Shadows: The Skill is now classified as Deception and has now Activation time of 1 second anymore and will cure now up to 3 Conditions, regardless what they are.
  • Signet of Malice: Cooldown increased to 20s. Passive Heal Effect increased by 5% per every Condition on you. Lets you gain Skale Venom for when you activate the Signet now.
  • Skelk Venom: Cooldown reduced from 40 to 30s. Your Attacks under Skelk Venom will cause the target now also to lose Boons and your own Boons get replenished by +2 seconds now with successful hits with Skelk Venom on your Weapons.
  • All Traps no longer reveal you now when enemies run into then and receive damage from them
  • Cloak and Dagger: This skill has been unsplit for all Game Modes and its Damage has been normalized for PvP to do there same as much Damage, as like in PvE, whats equal to a +25% Increase in Damage
  • All Dual Wield Skill have now baselined 15% more Damage.
  • Deadly Blossom: This Skill is now uninterruptable, its Dodge Effect counts now for its full animation from the moment you start the Skill to the moment you land back on your feet and stand normal. Instead of 3 Stacks of Bleeding will cause this Skill now 1 Stack of Bleeding, 1 Stack of Torment and 1 Stack of Poison, if all 3 attacks hit the target(s) to cause more Condition Pressure to give Dual Daggers a better Skill to be used as Condi Hybrid. Deadly Blossom will cost now 4 Initiative.
  • Heart Seeker: This Skill will receive as a QoL now a Line of Sight Arrow Mechanic like the Warriors Greatsword’s Whirlwind Attack, making it easier to make with Heart Seeker quickly changing direction changes . Initiative Cost is reduced from 3 to 2. Range is increased from 450 to 600, if the target is wider away from you, than 900.
  • All Venoms: Venoms no longer are based on Charges. Venoms have now unlimited Charges and have Durations instead.
  • Skale Venom: This Skill has now a Duration of 15 seconds
  • Devorer Venom: This Skill has now a Duration of 10 seconds
  • Spider Venom: This Skill has now a Duration of 15 seconds, and its effect is changed from Poison to Confusion
  • Ice Drake Venom: This Skill has now a Duration of 10 seconds
  • Skelk Venom: This Skill has now a Duration of 12,5 seconds.
  • Lotus Strike: Increased the poison duration from 4 seconds to 6 seconds.
  • Venomous Knife: This skill now applies 2 stacks of poison for 8 seconds.
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Compliment for the Thief Balance changes

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I also have to disagree.

All other profession received strong buffs through the whole bank, while the Thief (again) received only minion buffs at many sections, where nobody ever asked for it, while many other things got either removed or nerfed.
Theres once again no other profession, that received among the changes so many nerfs, like the thief, while all others mostly received only buffs.

They still changed not some useless traits, they still kept obsolete stuff in there, like the fall damage traits, instat of makign them either baseline or turnign them into a movement based mastery what would make a ton times more sense.

Now Step by Step:

Steal Changes:

  • Some QoL improvement and 2 little buffs

General Changes

  • Certain Skill given now a SKill Category, makign them changeable with accourdign traits for decreased Cooldowns – Buff
  • Movement System CHanges liek for everyone – Neutral Buff, as it affects everyone, so Pro/Con
  • Removing the Base Damage from all Traps – Nerf with the silly intention to make them no reveal us anymore, somethign, that could have been changed also, without removing the Damage, by simpy making traps not reveal you, as traps are no direct damage, they are indirect damage where your characters weapon is not the source from. Reveal should come only from direct damage caused by a thief’s weapon skill.
    Thats why Choking Gas got basically nerfed and added an initial direct damage part on hit, so that it reveals thieves… – all thief traps already were from release day on ridiculously underpowered and total garbage compared to any of the ranger traps!! Now they will be even far more garbage than ever before. GG.
  • Cloak and Dagger Damage nerfed for PvE (WTF WHY???) by 17%
  • 5% damage buff for all dual weapon skills – buff, but laughable, a like 15-20% damage increase would be far more appropiate to make the dual weapon skills far more outstanding compared to the single handed weapon skills.
  • The 5% dagger damage increase from the taining trait removed – nerf, makes the above change even far more ridiculous >.>
  • Venoms have now 1 more charge. -Buff, Wow, awesome, really, venoms belong redesigned since game release and should be a much more integrated gameplay part of the thief in general. They never will be that with a silly charge system. Venoms belong to be changed into a duration system with unlimited charges as long the duration hasnt expired!! Venoms should much more influence the effects of the weapon skills, so that they have a much bigger impact on the gameplay of thieves to make thieves alot lesser predictable and give them more versatility in combat.
  • Lots of Poison Duration increases, that brign not very much, when Conditions can be instantly removed, converted or be thrown back at you, its again a neutral buff, cause all other proffessions got also tons of condition duration increases.
  • Choking Gas Poison Duration nerf (WHY?)
  • Ranger, Necromancer and Guardian Steal Skill got all nerfed in their max durations.

Trait Changes

  • Like said above, Dagger training got nerfed
  • Ricochet got removed, so no increased pistol range anymore, while all other professionds receive range increases any many skills WTF
  • Many traits of the thief are half of the tiem useless, because you easiyl will lose either their effects (your health under 90%, and you have mostly a wasted trait slot all of the time)
  • Still useless Reviving and fall Damage Traits there, which should get exchanged with far more useful stuff
  • Still such junk there, like Last Refuge
  • Vigor nerfed, so that such obsolete junk like Endless Stamina just has a stupid reason for its existance
  • Still no traits there, that make Thieves lesser independant on lots of Stealth/Dodges, like traits that give is somehow blocks to attacks , stability, increase the range of shortbow to 1200 so that its again useful for defending places like towers/keeps in in WvW without shooting permanently into the stupid dumb wall rims- we can’t even use our groudn target attacks, cause we are with that reta* peep* 900 range permantly out of range >.< The velocity of clusterbomb should get finally also increased and it should be shot at a slightly higher angle to prevent finalyl that stupid wall rim problem.

Theres alot more old traits that got removed, than Ricochet and would have beeen better choices, than to keep that mostly useless Last Refuge which many thief players want to see gettign removed or changed for years now.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Invigorating precision

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Stop whining for things, that won’t get changed on the 23rd june. IP is already now 15%…

The 15% are nothing, they are only helpful when beign combined together with the signet healing skill tat lets you gain health back on every attack. without this skill and without the gain health from using ininitative attacks, the trait alone is pretty useless and underwhelming and just will help you to outheal some low stacks of torment or bleeding, but nothign more.
It won’t make you invincible…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

reward tracks, wider access?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


maybe, but it was alot more grindy, than it is now with the traacks and not based on RNG anymore.. now you can clearly work for the skins that you exactly want in pvp.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

reward tracks, wider access?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Because pvpers complained, that they can’t earn the pvp armor and weapon skins via pvp, that they get “forced” to play PvE to get then.
Thats the simple but true reason, why ANet added the dungeon based PvP reward tracks, so that people stop complaining about, that they have to play Pve to earn those skins …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Why is the RP crowd so closed off?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


GW2 does little to nothign at all to really support roleplaying at all:

GW2 lacks massively the Emotes/Animations to support proper roleplaying
GW2 lacks all kinds of tools for roleplaying, liek the proper ability to sit in/on chairs or to open up private chats that are password locked, so that multiple people can conversate with each other in a kind of multi people whisper chat, that only they can see and read to not disturb other non rp-ing peole around them.

GW2 provides in regard of roleplayign no option, that lets you clearly become visible for others, that you are a roleplayer.
GW2 provides no clear roleplay servers with strict and clear RP Server Rules in regard of naming characters and other rp relevent moderation that is absolutely needed to warrant thaton such a server runs everything smooth – free of grieving and trolling

GW2 would have alot more roleplayers, if there would exist clear RP Servers with their own strict and clear RP Rules that ensure, that no trolls find the way in there with junk names like X Blah Blah X and the like and other ridiculous reta peep names, especially if the game would provide also alot more features and ontent, thats based around roleplaying, like especially alot more emotes, better animations and features like Housing/Gardening, Fishing and the like…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I can’t believe that anyone would be so insensitive to criticize this request, and after all that’s what it is, a request. Calling it attention seeking and being patronizing enough to say “it won’t bring him back to life”. No kidding. So we should never memorialize anything because it doesn’t bring the person back? Then what astounds me even more is one of them actually said they wouldn’t object to something in a Guild Hall even after saying such rubbish. Wow.

I think this is Anet’s decision to make anyway, not those of you who seem to have a problem with this … I don’t get the intrusion in this thread. This isn’t the kind of thread you should be trolling quite frankly.

OP, I am so sorry for you and your guild’s sudden and tragic loss. My condolences to his family as well. I think something placed in your guild hall once we get them would be more than reasonable, and really not hard to implement. I also would not be opposed to public memorials for our fallen players either.

Remember the good times OP

I’m not trolling. My opinion on this is dead serious (pun not intended)
Its not my problem, if you have issues with other peoples opinions in such an unethical topic.

And I find it unethical to beg literally for attention to get from a game developer for a dead person some kind of special treatment in a game, which should always, regardless what comes, stay in first line a game and shouldn’t become everyones public memorial, only because some people believe that their “cases” are somehow special/worthy enough for it, that Anet has to put some value to them rolleyes.

However, an emotion neutral non public gameplay related implemented feature would be something totally different.
If Guild Halls would provide an option for Guild Leaders to create their customized gravestones, then will have people a way to get, what they want, without that they think that there is some kind of “need” to seek attention for their cause here in the forums, where something like this absolutely has no place in my eyes. Period.

Instead, they can put up then the wished gravestone, statue or whatever as a memorial and place it somewhere in their Guild Hall, where Guild Members can read then some kind of memorial text maybe, when standing before that thing.

And now take a chill pill, because as you can see, I do basically support what the OP wants. I just personally prefer only a Guild Hall integrated solution that works for everyone and I absolutely dislike just the forum method of trying to press on the tear gland for sympathy to get through some special treatment, what is kind of selfish, when you think about it, that the Guild Hall related solution would be way better for everyone and it doesn’t require in the future then anymore to make more threads liek this here to get “hopefully” a memorial for a dead person.

No, with such an integrated solution could get then everyone in the Guild Halls a memorial for various different reasons even :O

Call me disrespectful all you want, I stay to my opinion. Theres nothing to be ashamed of it to have an own opinion and especially to call it out also against all the odds of others. Deal with it. Not everyone does swim with the stream always :P
Thats life as much as life goes on.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Too sudden build up of LA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


It just seems rushed and half@ssed the way it is being done now. I would have gladly waited an extra couple for expansion in order to see it done right.

People are already complaining about the expansion not being released yet. I find it highly unlikely that they would like to wait potentially months extra just to get a couple of Lion’s Arch (temporary) updates.

people complain for complainings sake, because alot of them are allso spoiled people which are at the same time impatient.

I personally always prefer to get a high qualitative solution that takes longer, than to get somethign halfhearted and rushed implemented, only because impatient players can’t get to see something fast enough gettign changed.

if ANet holds anything about their living world concept, then they will better do it slowly and integrate us players also somehow into the rebuilding process, so that we can partake on this task and help.
You know, like the Tower of Nightmare, where our participation by running to the top and injectign an Antidote leaded to a over time progression, where every player could see daily, how we progressed together to brign the tower to fall.

Thats somethign what I woudl expect here too.
Town events and daily we can see on a progression meter, how much our activities help on the progression bar to increasse and whenever a milestone on the bar has been reached, we would get to see some signicifant changes on LA.

Thats how I ever thought ANet would make it, how it would make also sense under the living world system.
And not like now, we do 1 map design change addign in some new airships holding stuff, some metal constructs here n there and sand plateus and then a few months later out of a sudden after a next content patch everything is changed over night and looks like as if never has somethign happened without any dynamic events around it, where we could help at all – thats the point that I fidn simply weird and what I would dislike and find immersion breaking.

We will have to wait on HoT anyways for sure alot longer, a few weeks longer won’t change much on that. Most likely date to get to know any release date at all is most likely around 6/7th of August when in Cologne in Germany this year is again the Gamescom (where I as one living in Cologne hehe will be, tickets are ready YAY)

And I’m sure, that it won’t get released then on the same month, but most likely several months later, perhaps around christmas, because thats naturally the best time to make money… so my own guess is, we have at least to wait 6 months more.

Naturally it can also be, that I clearly missunderstood the annoucement, and next week won’t be the said “content patch”, in this case, simply forget that this thread ever existed lol ^^
If that said next contet patch is maybe just in 2 months perhaps or so, then there is naturally some space in between, that Anet could use to add some more progression signs to LA so that we see from now on more oftenly some minor changes in LA happening to give us the feeling, that the work in LA progresses at all.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Evaara:

That were in my opinion already 3 cases too much, because they let people believe since then, that their “cases” might be also special enough for Anet, that they put some value into it to make their losses look for everyone else like something special, when in fact alot more people who played GW2 for sure have been died in the last 3 years and where nobody felt “the need” to tell that thousands of other people in a public forum with the sole intention to make the death of a person look special enough, worthy enough (god, just writing this disgusts myself right now) to give the person a memorial.

As I said, I have absolutely nothing against it, if ANet uses now the time of chance to make out of Guild Halls a Feature, which encases also the option to add to them a personal “Field of the Fallen” with customized own gravestones, where you can mourn as much and long as you like and feel still connected to that lost person “somehow”

Thats what I personally absolutely support and theres no reason to be against something like this, because then can have everyone have their memorials and nobody has a reason anymore to come here into the forums for attention seeking trying to make their “cases” look somehow special, why it would be nice, if Anet could give person X a kind of memorial, statue, whatever.

I think this should have made my last sentence clear enough.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


UK, theres a difference in between offtopic Posts and clearly trying to derail the thread, thats what these guys above tried to do with their non to the topic contributing stuff.

Your argument is nonsense. Yes, it is a public forum, but also a public foum has RULES and one of it is not to derail threads – Code of Conduct:

  • Stay on topic and create a new post for tangentially related topics.
  • Do not submit “trolling” posts or threads. We define “trolling” as commenting in a manner intended to elicit overly strong negative and emotional responses for mere shock value, attempting to derail threads, persistently posting off-topic, or engaging in personal attacks on another forum member. Accounts made with the sole intent to “troll” will be terminated.

enough said.!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Too sudden build up of LA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Knowing, that next week most likely will be LA build out out of a sdden with the next patch, I think this would be weird, cause LA currently still looks more than 90% destroyed.

Don#t you find it weird, that we won’t will see more steps in between, so that we see on a wider stretch more progression steps that Lion Arch keeps on changing daily a bit here n there, so that we can daily guess a bit more and more, how LA will look like in its final new state?

Thats what I personally would at least expect from building up a town under a living world, that you can clearly see daily some kind of progression and not that with 1 patch a nearly full destroyed town is out of a sudden fully repaired again.

Please make it not like that, it would be so immersion breaking, if towns get destroyed and from yesterday to day are suddenly totally repaired again,
Repairing LA should be a slow progression with several bigger milestones in between, that you can clearly see that the repairs progress and that the whole repair progress is not some kind of overnight magic, as if nothing happened before.

Whats your opinion about this guys. Do you believe too, that when the patch comes, that LA will instantly be completely repaired again, or would you find it also better, if there would be alot more progress steps being shown, maybe also bonded together with some kind of town event where you can help on buildign up LA again as some kind of content, that keeps us busy, while we wait on HoT.

I absolutely think option 2 would be the way better choice.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Racial Skills: Their place in the future

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


They all should become baselined.

Give characters all integrated Racical Skill Slots, increasing the Skill Bar from 10 to 11.
This way you don’t have to waste utility skills for them.
This way can also revenants have them
This way we get new space for some new utility skills that are more useful to fill up the gaps of the old as utility skill countign racial skills, when with skill slot 11 racial skills become their own category.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Nope. Everytime. To tired to bother reposting any of the arguments against here. Give this thread a day or two and it will die off again till somone makes the next mount thread. And then the same people will come in saying Yes or No. Like it happens every single time

Isn’t it beautiful to have something to rely on?

Like death, taxes, and mounts threads?

And Offtopic Posters, that have nothing to say at all and rather should be quiet, if they have nothing to say constructive as contribution

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Brainstorming placeholder Content for HoT.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Its about time for the next WvW Tournament…
SAB should return finally
Fixing the Personal Story like announced
Reimplementing Season 1 under the Format of Season 2
When Season 1 is reimplemented, remove the Season 1 based Fractals and replace them with completely new Fractals, like that Abaddon Fractal that was planned
Add finally missing content like Bar Brawls, Polymok ect.
Fix the WvW Achievements
Improve existing Achievementsand add more tiers to way too easily maxable ones, like the slayers (1000 kills) to make them better long term achievements (while adding also in the future finally more giants to the game! – everythign that is massively bigger, than us should count also as giant)

That would be already 4 great options that Anet could do to keep us busy, until HoT comes

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


If everyone who dies here on this planet as a GW2 gamer would receive a monument or gravestone whatever, the Field of the Fallen in our new Lions arch would be soon bigger, that the town itself …

Sorry, that I’m now the realistic mood destroyer here, and I can absolutely understand the feelings and the reason behind this request, but seriously, this is the first MMORPG ever Ive tseen, where so many people think, they should have or even go so far to say “deserve” (not in this case) to get some kind of attention through threads like this, so that they get a special place in the GAME (seriosuly, wtf for do you need this in a game) to mourn.

If that person that died there meant so much to you, then you mourn at his REAL grave and use this maybe also as an opportunity to come together as a guild to get to know each other in real better, if you haven’t done something like that yet as a “Gaming Family” when you play as you say for over 10 years together.

A digital gravestone/monument won’t make Doug come back to live.
The stuff Konig mentioned did go in my opinion already too far ..
GW2 is in first line a GAME and not a memorial for dead people.

However, Ive also nothing against it, if ANet adds in regard of Guild Halls some kind of feature that lets have the Guild Hall instance some kind of own “Field of the Fallen”, where you can create Gravestones.
As an implemented gameplay feature, there is nothing to be said against that.

But always coming here into the forums, pressing kittento the tear gland in hope, that Anet reacts on it and grants you your wish to give a dead prson some kind of special memorial – I don’t know, I personally absolutely don’t find that this is right and that this would be something that the dead person in question would find ok too that you literally “beg for him/her” for attention.

Now you can kill me for being the mood killer :P, but I think this opinion has the same right to be expressed, like everyone else one too, even if it doesn’t jump onto the support wagon too.
I support Gravestones as Guil Hall Feature! (just to be clear)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Rin:

just that a speed boost of something, that you easily can get permanently already with signets, traits or runes is no go darn kittening advantage!!

It is what it is. THE SAME and absolutely no P2W like some people here are still until today too stubborn to grasp that. Paying money for an effect, that is the same than what you can get already in the game for free is no P2W. It is P2W, if you would receive an effect, thats way better than what you can somehow get for free in the game.

If mounts would give you for example a permanent +100% speed boost, that would be god darn kittening P2W where you would pay real money to receive a clear advantage over others!!!, because you would be then able to move always 3-4 times as fast than anyone else with the options they can use for free.
But if Mounts give you only maximum 25-33%, just like perma movement speed signets/swiftness

Don’t forget, that the mount effect also would count only, while you ride it.
If you dismount, you have still to rely yourself onto the known methods to move faster.

Mount would be nothign else, that a vanity item for character customization (skins) that allows you to have a bit more quality of life not to have to change permanently between your Travel Build and your Combat Build anymore.

For me as a thief as example does this simply mean, I don’t have to change permanently out my signets for when I want to travel around quicker and for when I want to fight, unless I want that extra side effect of the travel signet for a more defensive build and for more secure not interruptable stomps.

We already have basically Mounts that can be used for combat, like Siege Golems, all what ANet needs to do with that mechanic now is it only to make it possible that the game can show your character also, while using the mount. Thats the only thing that is missing.
The carpet shows, that anet makes improvements on that already.

Sure would people still use waypoints, when mounts woudl be the, but thats no kittening argument against them. Its just a matter of taste in the end still, if you like to use them, or if you prefer the lazy and faster way that you know since game release and you want to be somewhere instantly in the game, cause you don’t want to waste time or you need to be somewhere quickly.
Thats all fine and good.

But there is absolutely nothing wrogn with having MORE OPTIONS ever, cause no freaking butt will ever force you in this game to use mounts ever, if you don’t like them and anet has more then enough options to guarantee you all mount haters, that you will never see anywhere mounts in the game, where they don’t belong to and if thats even still not enough, then theres stil lthe option of making Mounts under the graphic section a cullion option, so that when people use mounts and you have that option on, that the game will show you that chasracter, as if he would not use a mount at all.

Heck, theres even that option in the graphic section, that makes all of your enemies in PvP look like humans for you.. that technology could be simply used also to make all mounted players look for you still like normal unmounted players. (at least in PvE)

In PvP would be mounts anyway no topic at all ,they dont belong there.
The only area open up for discussion about mounted combat yes or no is still WvW and with the new desert wvw nmap and upcoming new maps that most likely will follow we can see already, that the newr maps are alot larger, that the current alpine map, which gets removed and hopefully will return someday as a reworked and much bigger map also too.
WvW where mounted combat would be a possible thing that makes sense (i.E siege golems ect.) thats the only place, where such a mount culling option couldn#t work, because it would be weird if you would get attacked by some mounted combat skilsl and all what you see in front of you is then a normal dismounted player that swings its weapon at you…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Jewelcrafting & cooking 500 skill cap

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


But they are UPGRADES, just like GEMSTONES, thats what combines them and makes it completely legit, if Jewelers 500 would make it possible for you in general tocraft UPGRADES of any sorts.

All Craftign Jobs can create Runes and Sigils, but I think Jewrlers should be from all Craftign Jobs the Specialists, that know as only Crafting profession when they get to ascended state, how to evolve Exotic Runes and Sigils to Ascended Runes and Sigils.
Ascended Jewelers should be more about, than only ascended/legendary accessoires.
Ascended Runes and Sigils would come just right in for them as a 3rd option, that gives them a good reason to make Jeweler 500, to add something unique for them for why it’s needed to become an ascended jewel crafter.

And getting Jeweler 400 to 500 is no painful grind, if you do it right, using the Crafting Booster to make it easier for you to gain quicker Crafting Levels.
Then theres this *+10% Crafting Critical Success +10% Crafting Critical Success * that can help you also when you are in a big guild that has this active.

Just like for all other ascended crafting jobs, would Anet reset all the crafting recipe unlocks for Jewel Crafting, so that we can do them again for an easy headstart, that should with boosts bring you easily to 425 so that you can start the new added ascended recipes that use the unused crafting materials like Crystal Ore to make out of them Crystalline Ore to make out of it Ingots which you need then again together with Gold, Silver and Platinum to make out of that most likely Xunlai Electrum that is needed then for the 450+ to 500 recipes together with Globs of Ectoplasm and the current exotic insignias ect. .

The “grind”, that is expensive are basically only the last 50 levels, where the time gated stuff begins, should you be able to make Xunlai Electrum only once every day…
Thats the general problem and thats what should get removed in general, that obnoxious obsolete time gating system that is no fun, but nothing else than a pure annoyance for every player to artificially slow the player progress down, what is its only purpose, why it exists.

Wouldn’t that senseless time gating be there, I’m sure, alot people wouldn’t think of ascended craftign as being “grind”

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Losing Intent of Conditions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Your conversion example clearly shows the problem, GW2 has. GW2 has way more conditions, than it has boons.
And its incomplete. GW2 needs more Boons as a part of Game Balance, as also so that each Condition has also a fitting Counter Boon for conversion.

Something along the line like this:

Bleeding = Regeneration
Slow = Quickness – New with HoT
Chill = Alacrity – New with HoT
Cripple = Swiftness
Weakness = Might
Fear = Resistance – New with HoT
Immobilize = Stability
Vulnerability = Protection (Protection gets increased from 33% to 50% with the changes to Vulnerability to have a boon, that can negate the full 25 stacks of Vulnerability instantly)
Confusion = Concentration
Burning = Sturdiness
Taunt = Retaliation – New with HoT
Torment = Vigor
Blindness = Cunning
Fatigue = Fury
Petrification* = Aegis
*Needs to become finally a real condition, so that for example Ele Earth Skills can do that also.

Sturdiness = Increase for every Stack of Intensity your maximum Toughness and Vitality as an opposite Boon of Might, just for increased defense and to be able to survive better Condition Spam as like high critical hits.

Concentration = Makes you temporarely immune against Daze, Stuns and Knockdowns. Basically a weaker form of Stability with longer durations, but you can get feared and immobilized. Increases also your Healing Power.

Cunning = Your next skill used is 100% guaranteed to hit, as it ignores all blocks and all reflections

Fatigue = Reduces the maximum Critical Damage you can receive and the Chance of receive Critical Hits from a fatigued foe is reduced. Direct opposite of Fury. It reduces Critical Hit Chance by 20% and lowers your Ferocity, cause when you are dead fatigued, you hardly can be anymore at the same time very ferocious >.>

If ANet would do something like this, GW2 would be alot more fun and would look for once at the moment “complete and consistent” and not like a switzer cheese full of holes

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Items which should get into the Wallet too

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ skull: absolutely agree to this, somethign they should have done from begin on, when they redesigned tequalt, to add also a token for killing him, that you basicalyl receive for every kill of him ,so that you can at least slowly work towards the unique ascended items that you can get from him and their skins, if you are totally unlocky with RNGeesus, then you could be at least a patient player and earn your skins you want with the help of kill tokens. (but different topic)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Conditions in the PvE Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


They are, if you know how to play them out well and how you make with them constant pressure, based on it that you use also the right buffs, the right upgrades and runes to maximize your builds synergy to help you out getting a simple easy mode, especially in WvW and thats what I’m mostly talking about.


And that’s where you’re making your big mistake. Read the title of the thread again, then read the bolded, keep going back and forth till you understand

We’re talking PVE, where pressure isn’t really a thing because we’re fighting NPCs which rarely heal. To maximize your damage with Condi’s you’ll still need to do a proper rotation just like Power damage, in some cases I’d bet the condi option would actually be more intricate, though I’m not sure “hard/easy” would be the words I’d use. Camp your GS on War facerolling your keyboard or dance between Sword/sword and Longbow for condi, surely more intricate. Engi I think power will be a bit more intricate just because you swap to the third kit twice as often using FT compared to Flame Bomb which I’m thinking would be used for condi builds.

The point is, anets changes won’t just only affect PvE, they will affect everything of this game, including massively WvW, unless ANet starts to make finally more changes, that are splitted between the game modes, but with changes to the whole general combat system, thats affectign the whole game, this is hardly to impossible doable.
Skill Effect Splits, yes, but making differences in the combat system for different game modes?
Have you ever seen a single MMORPG doing this successfully?? I not.

@ zenos: yes I understood what you mean. I’m just worried, that these changes will make condi spammers suddenly too powerful

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Items which should get into the Wallet too

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Yeah, I forgot pristine relics.
However, as i said in my lost posting also I’m absolutely fine also with it, when those mentioned materials get finalyl a material slot to be stackable in the chest to currently 1500 units there, so that the stuff vanishes from the accoutn chest nd inventory of our characters. Leads also to the goal of gettign simply more free space and removing needless items that block space and puttign them to the spots, where these items belong to.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Should Each Server Have a Unique Banner?

in WvW

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Hmm, Server Banners would be somethign nice as Gemstore Item for sure for Anet, like the ones that already are there for your Guild Emblems, I see that working also for the Server…


“Heritage Backpack”
Equip this Backpack to war a Banner of your Heritage on your back, that will show your enemies your pride of your heritage.

Some examples:

Drakkar Lake = See a Banner with a Dragon Motive with ice blue background with a golden thick rim .
Piken Quare = See a Banner with a Pike Motive in a Quare withsome colored background
Sanctum of Rall = See a Cross Motive on colored background with black teared rim for example
Yaks’s Bend = See a Yak Motive …
Ring of Fire = See a Flame Ring Motive on fitting colored background.

So motives and background motives as also the rims of the banners could be something, that varies from server to server to make each server banner look as unique as possible.

I like the idea ^^

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Next week: Guild Halls!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Hmm, I hope the new system will significantly improve the game and actually give the palyers also a good incentive to be part of a guild.

I have since game release just my own one man guild, just cause of the little advantage of having more space to bunker in my items.

The current guild buffs that you can get are ridiculously too low, to be any incentive to get into a guild. the grind behind the guild missions is also not very incenting to be in a guild, just only for a half handful of boring ugly multi color golem minis and some ugly boring guild weapon/armor skins that you can’t customize alot more to make them look also more guild unique for you, other than only the guild emblem, which currently is also extremely limited in its versatility and hasn’t seen in the 3 years of GW2 existance 1 single improvement with added new emblems, more colors ect. pp

The current expansion lines of the guilds seriously need a complete overwork, as like also the whole system behind it, that works like a silly browsergame with ridiculous logn waiting time,s that become each tiem you progress needlessly progressively much longer (whats that for a BS, are we playing a MMORPG, or a browsergame like Ogame??? )

I hope we will see some significant long term mechanics bonded to the Guild Hall System, that allows it a guild to expand alot more and better and this also visually, so that you can expand your head quarter as a guild from a simple guild hall to a guild fortress to a guild castle to a guild vilage to finally a guild town on your own chooseable floating guild island instance which will be accessable then through the mists.

Being part of a guild and playing especially together with guild members should feel rewarding, so that peopel actually want to sozialize with their guild members often and prefer to play with them together as often as possible, than to use Pugs.
Guild Missions were one step in the right direction.
I hope as challengign group content via raids gets bonded together with the guild system too.
Something like “Guild Crusades” would be an awesome addition as group challenging raid content for Guilds as a higher form of Guild Missions..

Can’t await the next week

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Conditions in the PvE Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Condition Build should never compete in a 1:1 basis with direct damage builds and you know why?

Because direct damage builds require alot more player skills, than condition builds.
it requires alot more and better positioning of the direct damage build, the direct damage build in itself is also alot riskier to play because you need for example as thief to be in direct near to the enemy, risking to be hit self alot, while the condi builds can spam their aoe condis oftenyl from wide away from a safe spot, like Mesmers and Necromancers with their 1200 range condit skills and home in clones that cause conditons on destruction/defeat.

Condition builds are basically made for beginners with less game experience in this game, because the condis allow you to be successful without requiring too much positioning, cause when you can spam your enemy full with conditions faster, than he can remove all the Dots that you keep constantly on reapplying much faster, than any of the games condi removals can reload, then its for the condi spammer just a waiting game, until the DoTs do most of the job for you.
If you suffer on all DoTs at the same time and you don’t get them quickly awayy, because they get covered with other junk like weakness, cripple or immobilize and fear, then this is NO FUN.

It would be more balanced, if you as a player could directly decide over it, which conditions your removel skills should remove for you by markign them, before you use the skill. Then you could react a bit better on the situation by giving priority over what is more important to you to remove instantly and very often its alot better to remove a strong DoT over a silly condition like weakness

This is nothing but misinformation. I play both power and condition builds and conditions aren’t easy mode. LTP

They are, if you know how to play them out well and how you make with them constant pressure, based on it that you use also the right buffs, the right upgrades and runes to maximize your builds synergy to help you out getting a simple easy mode, especially in WvW and thats what I’m mostly talking about.


Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Items which should get into the Wallet too

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Donari:
Who says, that chests can’t stay quickily buyable, just add them soemwhere as item to buy via karma and everythign is good, cause as long you have no key, they are worthless anyways. But they shouldt use up anywhere inventory or chest space.

I think it will make all WvWers happy if they don’t have to waste anymore Gold on blueprints to get their siege weapons for WvW, if blueprints would become a currency.
People which used blueprints to make money will quickly find some alternatives, or anet simply can add some alternatives.

There will be always more than enough crap ANet has already or will add in the future to ensure, that we will have bursting full inventories and chests to make us brign to the point, where we need to buy more bank/bag slots, don’t worry Dark. These changes will not stop this, it will only “slow it down” for a bit.
If you reach that point where you need more space comes now sooner, or later, is regardless.
But its just bad game design, if the game junks you so full with so many unneccessary items, that would be better designed to work as currencies, that to block off for you space in your inventory and/or account chest, when there exists with the wallet a much better and easier to handle system in the game that can help you to keep the game clean from such needless filler items.

PS: id be ok also with it, if some of my mentioned items, like mystic forge stones would get their own material tabs, this would also work and remove these filler items into an accountbased palce, the chest, where they would get at least counted (with upgrades) to a maximum of currently 1500 units.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Items which should get into the Wallet too

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


There are more things, which should get into the Wallet too, which have been mentioned often already, but also thing,s which haven#t been mentioned yet and which i want to mention now.

I think, the following items should get added all to the Wallet too:

  • Bubbles
  • Blade Shards
  • Mystic Forge Stones (it should become a currency, that if you “bribe” Zomorros with them, makes it sure, that the results of blue, green and yellow items have significantly better chances to get upgraded to a next higher tier for the item that you receive.
    They shouldnt work like joker items for the mystic toilet, they should work like donations to zomorros, that gives you a unique boon for your next toilet use and so more stones you throw into the forge (like a well of luck into which you throw money), so higher your chances are, that your next toilet use will be more rewarding for you or that you receive some kind of unique extra item besides of what turns out of the 4 to 1 item process.
    Replace MFS then with an other item that can be used for the crafting of the mystic salvage kits
  • Augur Stones
  • All Gift Items for Precursors that you can get from Dungeons/WvW/Fractals
  • Blueprints (shouldn’t be in your inventory, as long you have blue prinzs in your wallet, there should be an option just for players in WvW, that have the WvW Skill for it to use them a button option to draw a blue print above or besides of the say for example Weapon Swap Icon, clickign it lets you choose out then which blueprint you want to use) Besides of that Blueprints could be used as currency then at a WvW npcs to buy other blueprints of higher tiers and types
  • Crystals
  • Philosopher Stones
  • Blood Stone Shards
  • Eldritch Scrolls
  • Bottle of Elonian Wine
  • Vial of Condensed Mists Essence (currently these count as materials, they should be currency for special Fractal rewards, like Fractal Armor Set, Fractal Minis ect.)
  • Glob of Condensed Mists Essence
  • Shard of Condensed Mists Essence
  • Influence (seriously, this needs to become a currency, that you can get and trade somehow also in more different ways, call it maybe Badges of Reputation, for example bought with Karma, so that you can boost your influence also with your Karma if you want and karma receives a good new sink, lets say 25000 Karma for 1000 Inluence)
  • Black Lion Tickets/ Scraps
  • Black Lion Chests
  • Glory (bring it back as pvp unique currency to be able to buy with it pvp unique things, earned via completing the reward tracks and for wins based on how many “Top Stats” you got in the battle, so that finally Top Stats matter somehow, otherwise these are basically totally useless as mechanism in PvP and meaningless mostly, as gettign them minimally increases only your reward track progress as much as i understand them)
    If Im wrong with this, then either remove it, or make usage of it and combine it with Glory as reimplemented PvP currency for unique rewards, like special back item skins, finishign moves ect. that you can earn only via pvp (there needs to be more, than just only the bathazar back item and those 2 armor sets, like for example also fitting weapon sets, and what would fit better for Glory, than to be able to unlock with it pvp unique Glorious Weapon Skins or a Glorious Finisher or a glorious back item ect.?)

Anet should take this chance to clean up finally the game from a lot of inventory/accoutn chest filling items, which never shouldnt have been designed liek this in first place and put them into the wallet, where they can’t block lots of inventory/chest space, so that we will get again some more free space.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

New condition system suggestion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I was talking also only about PvP and WvW, I know that the coming changes are mainly made only for the condition issue that was there sicne game release for PvE…
Condis in WvW aren’ät useless, as long you do with it small scale battles or 1v1s, they are basically absolutely Op, especialyl with buff food., because the gameplay of the cobmat systenm of GW2 wasn’t ever designed for counterign in combat such condition spammers, the condition removal skills and effects are all balanced around small scale PvP battles, where you have to rely yourself also onto your team mates that they help you out with their skills and aoe removals to support others.

But condition builds in 1v1 situations require no player skilsl, its just spamming your condition rotations through as quickly as you can to overwhelm your foe constantly with DoTs faster then he can remove, while trying to dodge or mitiage self as much attacks fro mthe foe and watching meanwhile, how the dot does the job for you in a matter of seconds, if you are able to keep the stacks high enough together with very high condition damage in your build, so that already low stacks of torment alone together with burnign or bleedign can be a serious life threat for you, espercially if you are panickign at the moment and get kited around, so that torment does significantly more damage per tick

With there being even buff items, that increase condition durations by freakign 40% that allows it for condi spammers to use non damaging conditions much better and longer for cover ups for the significant DoT, while the victim HAS NO CHANCE to directly remove the condition that he/she wants to remove asap by choosing directly out, which condition you want to remove, makes it even much worser in WvW

A power build just pressign only 1,1,1,2,3,1,1,1,4,5,1,1,1,2,3 ect won’t come very far agaisnt a very skilled player, because pressing your constantly your same attack pattern makes you very predictable if you try to do always the same stuff, without changing weapons or making usage of your other class related skills and mechanics.
However, a Condi Spamer doesn’t need to use that.
A necromancer already basicalyl has everythign what he needs for that in his Staff Weapon and if thats not enough, they can quickly swap to another weapon to add more conditions for their condi spam burst, that does also pretty decent direct damage at the same time, where I say, that should get reduced and therfore the condis of those skills should get slightly improved. (in regard of Staff ive also a feeling, some people uses hacks to spam all 4 skills basically in an inhuman speed simultanously)


Necrotic Grasp: Reduce its base damage from 246 to 145 and add as effect to it Vulnerability Chance of 50%, when a foe is over 50% health.

Mark of Blood: Remove its Base Damage of 73 and add 1 Stack of Bleeding, so that it does 4 instead of 3 Stacks.

Chill Blains: Remove its Base Damage and add Stacks to the Poison (with the change to Poison thats planned no problem)

Putrid Mark: Reduce the Base damage from 444 to 250 and let it also remove 1 Boon

Reapers Mark: Remove its Base Damage and add Poison to it.

So for the remove of base damage, you will then gain increased stacks of bleedign and poison as compromise what should be for this 100% condi build weapon a good change.
If you want to go Power Build with burst damage as Necro, you should use Daggers, Axe or soon Greatsword, but Staff and Scepter/Focus should be clear condi weapons.
Staff currently is too OP to be a clear condi weapon and deals too much direct damage at the same time when you burst with all the marks a target at roughly the same time, what is humanly not possible, but as like said ..hacks peopel abuse … but its hard to proof that.

With the planned changes, I see these condition spammers becoming only far more ridiculously OP in WvW, unless ANet makes also appropiate changes to Boons, to Buff food/potions for WvW and makes it finally possible for players to choose out directly, which conditions you want to remove with your skills and not handle the game that automatically for you after a dumb mechanic that can’t make good decisions for you.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Conditions in the PvE Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Condition Build should never compete in a 1:1 basis with direct damage builds and you know why?

Because direct damage builds require alot more player skills, than condition builds.
it requires alot more and better positioning of the direct damage build, the direct damage build in itself is also alot riskier to play because you need for example as thief to be in direct near to the enemy, risking to be hit self alot, while the condi builds can spam their aoe condis oftenyl from wide away from a safe spot, like Mesmers and Necromancers with their 1200 range condit skills and home in clones that cause conditons on destruction/defeat.

Condition builds are basically made for beginners with less game experience in this game, because the condis allow you to be successful without requiring too much positioning, cause when you can spam your enemy full with conditions faster, than he can remove all the Dots that you keep constantly on reapplying much faster, than any of the games condi removals can reload, then its for the condi spammer just a waiting game, until the DoTs do most of the job for you.
If you suffer on all DoTs at the same time and you don’t get them quickly awayy, because they get covered with other junk like weakness, cripple or immobilize and fear, then this is NO FUN.

It would be more balanced, if you as a player could directly decide over it, which conditions your removel skills should remove for you by markign them, before you use the skill. Then you could react a bit better on the situation by giving priority over what is more important to you to remove instantly and very often its alot better to remove a strong DoT over a silly condition like weakness

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Feedback] Movement skill changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Hmm, most likely, when you consider, whats all in the pipeline to come, before HoT should come:

  • Lions Arch Revival
  • Core Specializations
  • Combat System Changes
  • Wallet Change
  • Typical Gemstore Stuff from datamined things that aren’t there yet
  • Bug Fixes
  • Fixing the Personal Story back to its State, how it was before the ridiculous NPE came and fixing all the other absurd crap that came along with it to dumb this game down to ape niveau
  • Fixing/Reintroducing Season 1 with the rest of the Game in a similar way how Season 2 worked with new challenging Achievements for doing them another time.
  • Announcing next WvW Tournament
  • Adding Legendary Trinkets (Jeweler 500)
  • Adding Exotic/Ascended Food/Potions (Chef 500)
  • Adding the still since release missing Polymok, Bar Brawls, Target Shooting Minigames (Bar Brawl Achievements were even for a time in the game and got removed later without any explanation, what Anets plans are at all about these things>.>)
  • Game Performance Upgrades like DX11+ or 64bit Client (what would be great and seriously somethign they need to consider finally doing)

So theres more than enough good stuff in the pipeline from which they can and will draw thigns from for a potential next upcoming feature patch that should and I think will definetely come out, before HoT gets released as a preparation for HoT.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

New condition system suggestion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


ANet has to make definetely some changes to the condition system, paired together with fittign changes to the Boon System also for game balancing reasons.

I absolutely don’t get it, why they make such serious changes about conditions and make then as it seems so appriopiate changes to the condition system also too.
They are buffing the condition system clearly for people that play a strong condition build with high Condition Damage (Not, Devs say with CD over 700 you will see later a clear increase of your damage that you deal as condi)

A full condi build can eassily top this, so we will see definetely all Condi Builds gettign buffed and Condi is already in its current state extremely powerful for requiring basically 0 player skills, because all those mind numb damage over time mechanics that you only need to spam like crazy do the job for you mostly and NAet plans to add on top of that even more to increase this BS now with ANOTHER dot effect on Confusion.
As if Guild Wars 2 wouldn’t have already more than enough DoTs to kill people in a matter of seconds if they don#t get rid of the conditions instantly, before they become too strogn or covered by non damaging conditions, where you can#t personally choose, which condition you want to remove.
Thats something, that ANet needs to fix finally to, that you as a player can directly choose out, which condition you want to clean by marking the condition that you want to remove, before you use the condition cleanse, unless its a skill that automatically removes all conditions or only specific ones.

We have currently Bleeding, Poison, Burning and Torment, which deal damage over time. Thats more than enough, the game doesn’t need now Confusion on top of that also too, its just way too much DoT.
The game has currently even with is 4 Dots it has too much DoT, if you get spammed full with all 4 of them constantly.
Having 10+ stacks of bleeding and torment on you while you are posion and burnign is no fun, you die in seconds if you dont get the crap away ASAP.

Vitality in GW2 is too weak to prevent such way too fast kills, therefore would have to increase finalyl ANet the formular of how much health you gaion per vitality point for ridiculous 10HP/point to at least 25HP/point so that players with defensive builds can sustain better and survive longer condi builds after these buffs and to make vitality in general a more impactful stat, because currently its with toughness way too weak.

The game lacks a new Boon like Sturdiness, that should work like a counterpart to Might, so that you have a boon, that will increaase your maximum toughness and vitality. With the comung and planned changes to the Condition system, I absolutely see this boon being needed for game balance.

Retaliation is a boon, that should get removed or replaced with a different effect, like a condition spread effect, when you attack a foe, so that you give nearby foes your conditions if you get attacked with an ICD off x seconds to have a better counter boon against condi spam builds.

I’m absolutely not convinced yet, that what anet plans there will be very good changes. But who knows how all of this will play out in the end, once all changes come together including the specialization changes, all the e-specs, new skills ect. pp
What we can do now is nothing more, than just making only speculations over unlayed eggs

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Jewelcrafting & cooking 500 skill cap

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


About Exotic/Ascended Food – if its not better in regard of Stats, theres always the option for exotic and ascended food to have significantly longer duration times.

Currently the maximum is just 1 laughable hour.
Exotic Food could have durations of say 2-3 hours.
Ascended food could have say durations of max 6 hours.
With both being also “plates”, so that other players can use them also too, that will make them very valuable.

With their durations being under 12h, the value of that gemstore item that will raise durations to 12h won’t get affected. But with exotic/ascended buff food and potions with such durations, you could make with your friends then also finally a longer gamign session, without needing to think about it, that your buffs might run out in the middle of a combat.
The gemstore Item could get improved as little compensation then with the effect of it being “accountwide”, that when you use that on a character that used a buff, that the gemstore item will make its effect for 12h accountwide for all of your characters then …, this way the value of the gemstore item will even increase and make it a better QoL item with that you can safe a bit money also too then.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Jewelcrafting & cooking 500 skill cap

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


As for trinkets, we have alternative ways to get them (i.e. laurels, Guild Commendations, WvW tokens, etc.), so I do not see the necessity to bring JewelCrafting up to 500. It would be redundant.

To bring Cooking up to 500 would also be redundant as it would mean to increase the stats given by food buffs, which is not in line with how GW2 works (no vertical progression).

IMO, keeping those two professions at 400 is perfectly logical.

People who say this are totally uninspired and have no clues, what ANet could do all with Jewelry 500.
Theres more than enough unused potential for jewelry 500 to give it a reason to raise it to 500 too like all other craftign professions.

Only because there are other ways currently how to obtain ascended trinkents also doesn#t mean, that this must be so forever the case.
Anet could change that system whenever they want or they think, the old system becomes obsolete with some made game improvements and added new systems.
We see soon massive changes to the combat system and you seriously believe, that Naet can’t or won’t change if needed also too the current system of how you obtain acended trinkets???

lol, don#t make me laugh, cause if people really believe this, then this is very naive.

Just to mention some potential that ANet could add to the game with Jewelry 500 alongside of becoming able to craft ascended rings, earrings and necklaces:

  • Ascended Sigils (either with a slightly more powerful effect, or with the QoL effect, that you can remove and add them to equipment as you like, making them not permanently bonded to equipment)
  • Ascended Runes (see above)
  • Legendary Rings, Earrings, Necklaces and their “Precursors” (for more visual fluff effects and “Skill Skins” for more visual character customization )
  • Ascended Gemstones (theres ascended materials currently with no usage, Xunlai Electrum, Crytal Ore and there could be also added other missing things, like Diamonds as ascended material for that, just suprised, why there aren’t yet diamonds in GW2, when it was a material in GW1)

Just to name some of the most logical things that Net could add to the game to make Jewelry 500 a good and strong craftign job with some good unique crafting items to craft, that would allow you to customize your character more and add some QoL to the Game with it.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Conditions in the PvE Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I find all of the condition changes good, except of 1 – confusion.

This change is stupid as like ridiculous and adds nothing good to the game, rather than dumbing the condition system only more down to a complete reta peep fire and forget-system, where you don’t need player skills, because some silly automatic damage over time conditions in a mass do the job for you and all what you as a player need to do is just to ensure, that your enemies get spammed faster full of these conditions, than they ever will be able to cure them away, so that you will see your enemy dead after a few seconds, without that you actually had to do much, because the foe killed basicalyl his self, or if not, got totally shut town by not attacking anymore, not moving anymore and still suffering on tons of damage over time, thats good enough to kill anyone in a matter of seconds, if you don’t get that crapload of consitions instantly away from you, before the stacks get too high, that you could anyhow outheal that DoT and there aren’t much classes, which can outheal DoT, except 1, the Thief, but also not forever naturally, especially not when under poison.

Why I find crazy about these massive changes to the condition system is, why they make not also too at the same time appropiate changes to the complete BOON SYSTEM too to make it fit to the new condition system.
With the changes they plan, the game screams for a new Boon like “Sturdiness” to have a counter agaisnt Vulnerability…

Seriously.., as if 25% more damage isn#t enough and we clearly have seen already more than enough builds, new oners as like known old ones, that are easily able to burst 25 stacks of vulnarability, which would be with the change instantly 50% more direct damage. THATS FREAKING INSANE without appropiate changeds to the existign boons and addings of new good fitting boons for the game balance, like Studiness, which should work like a direct opposite of Might, just for Defense, that it increases toughness and vitality per stack.

Then protection needs to get increased from its 33% to 66%, so that this boon will become alot more impactful in combat as a counter to that significant boost to vulnerability.

To come back quickly to confusion, the dot should get removed again, thats no solution to balance a game universal condition, because its in PvE useless and in PvP too strong due to the combat system beign too fast paced for it and its current damage calculation with being an intensity type.

Cofusion shouldnt have been an intensity type at all. it should be a duration type, that deals addiotionally more damage whenever the target attacks, so more conditions you suffer, on so that Confusion reards the player with more increasign damage over time, so more other conditions you cover up confusion. With makign Confusion a duration condition, that becomes more powerful, so more conditions you have on a fow, then it makes also no difference anymore, if your foe attacks slowly, or fast.

If it attacks slowly, like a world boss for example, they will be anyways permanently full of all condition,s so if they attack with confusion on, then it will hurt them pretty hard at least therefore and with tons of players spamming enough confusion, it will be guaranteed, that it will always be there together with all other conditions to deal serious damage whenever the slow boss tryes to do something.

On a quick attacking player, it will deal serious damage only then, if the attacking player is reckless and has no condition clean , so it will be automatically for pvp weaker, because

A: you won’t have alway all conditions on you at the same time in pvp, so Confusion won’t deal its maximum potential damage in pvp
B: intelligent players have always some kind of condi clean with them in pvp so that they can get rid of confusion or at least some other conditions to reduce the damage potential of confusion to make it lesser of a shut down hard counter to quick attacking classes

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside