Showing Posts For Orpheal.8263:

New Speculation on Elite Specs = Dual Class

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I just hope the thief will never get to see a silly rifle, so in that case Id be happy if Revenants get them.
Rifles simpyl dont fit to the quick and silent thieves and for all those sniper wannabes, theres already kill shot with the warrior.
No need to have thieves doing a stupid unneccessary copycat here.

ANet should give Guardians Shortbows and Thieves Longbows, so that they get finally their fitting silent 1200 range weapon. Thieves already can use shortbows, so whsat should stop them to use also rogue style longbows like Robin Hood, one of the most well known THIEVES that used a Longbow.

If I speculare right and we will see in the future 5 Elite Specializations per Class, basically 1 per Specialization, then this are the 5 Weapons I want to see only getting added for the Thief

  • Longbow = Rogue = Deadly Arts
  • Mace or Axe = Saboteur = Trickery
  • Whip/Chain Sickle = Infiltrator = Shadow Arts
  • Offhand Sword = Seeker = Critical Hits
  • Quarterstaff = Brawler = Acrobatics
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Gift spare portal to the Heart of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I agree with that completely… which brings me to ask you… what does that have to do with the asked question above? Clearly the one who posted this thread HAS his portal AND an extra one. So he did put the time in to get it and so forth. The rest of these comments are on that and on the idea of players with extra portals to give them away somehow. Nothing to do with complaining about the time spent to get the portal or a whining to Anet to hand it over. So I’m a bit confused on why you would post something like that here where it isn’t warranted instead of on another thread that would better have use of it

Was just a general comment, because you need to just take a quick look over the forums in the moment to get the gist what I mean

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Gift spare portal to the Heart of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The time alot of people waste here to try to convince Anet to implement any circumventions to get easier acccess to a Beta portal should be better used to actually be in the game and kill stuff, because that will actually influence better your chances of getting your desired beta portal, than wasting time here in the forums and hoping for ANet to change anything for you for this time limited event in which it is clear, that Anet doesn’t want to have everyone inside, because then it wouldn’t be anymore a CLOSED BETA, but instead an open beta where everyone would have access to it.

Anet even already increased the drop rates, what do you expect more?

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

New Speculation on Elite Specs = Dual Class

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Druid = Ranger + Elementalist
Tempest = Elementalist + Thief
Saboteur = Thief + Engineer
Crusader = Guardian + Warrior
Reaper = Necromancer + Guardian
Pioneer = Engineer + Warrior
Legionnaire = Warrior + Necromancer
Chronomancer = Mesmer + Necromancer
Ritualist = Revenant + Ranger

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Speculation on Skill "Types"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Chronomancer = Wells
Druid = Shouts (improved as Roars)
Tempest = Symbols
Saboteur = Traps
Pioneer = Banners (Drones)
Legionnaire = Minions
Reaper = Spirits (fuseable with the Weapons to gain Spiritual Weapons)
Crusader = Stances
Revenant > Ritualist > Meditations

However, basically I’d not like it if ANet just copy pastes now only Skill Types arond from each Profession to the others, but instead woul and should be also so creative enough to add also completely new Skill Types to the Game to give Elite Specializations where it fits also for the design and gameplay of the Specialization something new and unique.

Druid = Shouts… but Ranger already has Shouts.

Improved Shouts > Roars (with Echo Effect)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Question about the Beta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Just some questions that pop into my mind after seeing this thread now..

Does anyone know, when the next Beta will start?

Eventually directly just after that 1 week where people can try to collect the portals, or has there been somewhere any official words about it, that the beta may start maybe just somewhen later first….

Anet itself just says people which got a portal should registrate for that newsletter email on

but I’m curious, if there is even already a concrete date for when the next beta based on these portals will begin, so that I, as an owner of such a portal can prepare myself for it accordingly to give the beta enough time to test it out and find as many bugs ect. as possible.

Also, what I’d like to know, and what most likely only a dev from Anet can answer (as i was not part of the first stress test beta, so I can’t know this)
Will there be for the upcoming Beta something like a NDA, or can we make pictures of the stuff that we see in the beta ???

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestion] bring back lucky/unlucky titles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Nonsensical idea, because at the rate of how many blues n greens drop everywhere in this game compared to rares, by your nonsensical suggestion here evewryone would permanently run around as “cursed by fate”, because for nobody in this game ever will drop so many rare items, that they outpace the drop rare of junk

The idea in itself is cute, but the suggested format will never work.

If ANet ever shoudl implement as Community Titles again the Lucky and Unlucky ones of GW1, then the mechanics should be based on this:

Gain Progression towards Luck Title, when you

  • Successfully get out of Rare or Exotic their most valuable materials (+1/2 Points)
  • Whenever you find a Rare or Exotic Drop from an Enemy or in Chests (+3/5 Points)
  • Whenever you raised your Luck Meter for your Magic Find Account Bonus (10 Points)
  • Whenever you use a Luck Essence of Exotic or Legendary Quality (5/10 Points)
  • Whenever you craft or find an Ascended Item (+25 Points)
  • When you win a PvP Match (2 Points)
  • If you Win a WvW Match at the End of a Week and you participated at least in 3 Days in WvW for 1 Hour (+50 Points)

Gain Progession towards Unluck Title, when you

  • Get Downed/ Die (+1/2 Points)
  • Do not get successfully out of Rares/ Exotic their most valuable materials (+1/2 Points)
  • You fall somewhere down and get at least 50% Fall Damage (all flat onto ground animation – splat)(1 Point)
  • When you run into Enemy Traps (1 Point)
  • When you don’t do a successful critical crafting (1 Point)
  • If you lose a PvP Match (2 Points)
  • If you lose a WvW Match and you participated at least in 3 Days for 1 Hour (2nd Place = 25 Points, 3rd Place 50 Points)

Lucky Tier Title

Tier 1: Req: 1000 Points of Luck = Mister/ Lady Luck (Glücksherr/ Glücksdame), Unlocks Tier 2
Tier 2: Req: 5000 PoL = Blessed by Fate (Gesegneter vom Schicksal), Unlocks Tier 3
Tier 3: Req: 10000 PoL = Shamrock Collector (Kleeblattsammler), Unlocks Tier 4
Tier 4: Req: 25000 PoL = Monarc of Fortune (Vermögender Monarch), Unlocks Tier 5
Tier 5: Req: 50000 PoL = Brilliance of Prosperity (Glanz des Wohlstands)

Unlucky Tier Titles

Tier 1: Req: 1000 Points of Unluck = Jinx (Unglücksbringer) , Unlocks Tier 2
Tier 2: Req: 5000 PoU = Cursed by Fate (Verfluchter des Schicksals), Unlocks Tier 3
Tier 3: Req: 10000 PoU = Mirror Shard Collector (Spiegelscherbensammler) Unlocks Tier 4: Req: 25000 PoU = Harbinger of Misfortune (Vorbote des Missgeschicks), Unlocks Tier 5
Tier 5: Req: 50000 PoU = Gloom of Doom (Düsternisvolles Verhängnis)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Speculation on Skill "Types"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Chronomancer = Wells
Druid = Shouts (improved as Roars)
Tempest = Symbols
Saboteur = Traps
Pioneer = Banners (Drones)
Legionnaire = Minions
Reaper = Spirits (fuseable with the Weapons to gain Spiritual Weapons)
Crusader = Stances
Revenant > Ritualist > Meditations

However, basically I’d not like it if ANet just copy pastes now only Skill Types arond from each Profession to the others, but instead woul and should be also so creative enough to add also completely new Skill Types to the Game to give Elite Specializations where it fits also for the design and gameplay of the Specialization something new and unique.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

To those who got portal (beta key)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


3 days ago, just 10 minutes in Dry Top after login.
Have stolen a poor Skritt his shiny after I have defeated it

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Chronomancer Confirmed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


YES, strike 1 for my prediction list
Was so kinda obvious, that Chronomancer would become their very first Elite Specialization just from looking at the Mesmer Skills that have kind of a Chronomancer Theme already with Temporal Curtain, Slipstream and Time Warp

Now next the Bard for them, the Duelist, the Mentalist and finally a Visionary and the Mesmer would feel being so complete in regard of Elite Speciliazations in the future

Basing from skills like Sirens Call, it could be also obvious, that their next Elite Spec could be the bard, it owuld be the most fitting choice for a Mesmer’s Elite Spec based on Inspiration bringing back gameplay elements of Echos and Hymns and improving Calls to Songs that change their effects based on the used Rhythm and Melody with a speciality to use instruments as weapons lol
How funny would it be to see a Bard in GW2 using a harp as a bow or a guitar as an axe xD basically as “skin”

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

RnG beta key lottery??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Its really lottery lol

Yesterday I farmed for several ours in silverwates making a couple of vine wrath runs for chests ect. – nothing at all other than 1 exotic weapon of a skin that I hand’t yet and a few rares aside from all the rares that you get rewarded with from the VW runs

Today, I log in into dry top to try this day this map out.
I’m not yet like 10 minutes logged on, I throw in my birthday MF cake and a MF buff food for 30% more MF after falling down in the map to a place full of skritt and I just thought to myself – ok I can give it a try now here. when I’m already here after being fallen down like a stone from heaven to this place, I can also just kill everything here now for the chance of the drop of all drops

and BAM

the very first skritt that I cornered at a place and killed dropped his kept “shiny” for me and it was the chest for me containing the Portal to the Maguuma Heart.

its all just about LUCK, whats exactly likely playing the lottery

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Quality of Life Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


and the last two points which didnt fit due to letter limit:

7) A real practice mode where you can practice on the maps agaisnt 100% NPC enemies to learn the mechanics of the maps, where you can test out your builds.
These NPCs just won’t use generic A.I. no these NPCs will get feeded by Meta Gameplay Builds of known PvP Players so that these NPCs will act accordingly intelligent enough and wont be easy pushovers, unless you decrease for the practice mode the difficulty of the A.I. You won’t be able to make any progress for PvP Rank ,achievements ect. pp in Practice Mode

8) Redesign the PvP Lobby, its so boring and ugly.
PvP should have a nicer looking Lobby.
One from which you can directly access all kinds of different PvP Maps, so that you don’t have to make any ridiculous random choice systems for choosing out on which map you will just play.
Just let people queu up for each PvP map seperate, so that you can exactly play on those maps, ON WHICH YOU WANT TO PLAY ON and not on those maps, which get randomly chosen out by the game out of some picks, where some random guys that you don’t know have influencde on which map you have to play on most likely.
Means, if I want to do a rated battle on the Coutard Map, then I’m 100% able to do so by just going from the general PvP Main Lobby via an Asura Portal to a specific Courtyard Lobby from where I’m able to start of battles, that will be only on the Courtyard Map as either rated or unrated battles or team battles that are either rated or unrated.
From that redesign PvP lobby should we have then also later direct accest to a new Stronghold Lobby area where we iwll then be able to queue up for the various to come Stronghold Maps.

The redesigned PvP lobby has to work basicalyl liek Lions Arch ,it should be a knot point, where you have access to just every other single lobby map for each different pvp map as like also different pvp mode lobbies like for Stronghold.
The current heart of the mist lobby just looks to totally out of place and definetely could look alot nicer. It should look more like being in the realm of balthazar, the Fissure of Woe, where everythign looks after like war, destruction and combat.
Simply said, the heart of the mists should look darker >:3

If I repeated some things, then this simply means I agree with the OP

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Quality of Life Ideas

in PvP

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Heres what I think would be a pure QoL massive improvement to PvP for everyone:

1) Create for PvP “Rank Zones”

Beginner Zone = All Players between PvP Rank Rank 0 to Rank 20
Adept Zone = All Players between PvP Rank 21 to 40
Master Zone = All Players between PvP Rank 41 to 60
Grandmaster Zone = All Players between PvP Rank 61 to 80

This way will become Matches finally alot more FAIR, because you will get matched together with other Players, that are at the same niveau like YOU and you will get matched agaisnt player,s that are also on the same niveau of experience like you.

2) No more Upleveling Display
When you enter PvP, regardless what your real level is of your Character, it will get instantly boosted up to level 80

3) No more Premade Groups against Randoms
If you create a Group and start an either counting or non counting match, then this Match will automatically become a “Team Battle” where you get matched against only other premade groups and you won’t be playing anymore against complete randomly set up groups, because this kind of screwed up match making system gives the side that is a premade group a huge gameplay strategetical advantage over the randoms, the advantage of COMMUNICATION, because when you are in a premade group, you can communicate yourself with your teammembers via TS or via Group Chat – somethign that random matched up PUGS CAN’T DO.

3) Remove the Respawn Timer!!
When you get defeated in PvP, you shouldn’t be forced to wait like 5 long seconds, before you can finally respawn. You should be instantly able to raspwn at the moment of beign defeated to get as quickly back into the battle as possible.
PvP is very fast paced, so should be the comeback of a player after defeat too.

4) Add Reputation System
So more people leave, so worser will their Reputation become, which will lead to the peoint, that leavers in random Matches will get put put together only with other random players of their same bad reputation.
Once you have a bad reputation, you can restore it, how exactly I’ll leave to ANets decision. Point of this system is simply to incentivize people not to leave/leech or stay AFK around once it looks good enough for them that a match will be won after the motto “the other four will do the work for me, we have already nearly won…” goes AFK

5) Make us at match begin automatically GROUPS.
So that once a match statrts, all people of one side will be for that match in the same group, so that at least the basic communication of Group Chat will functionize for random matched together people for the duration of the match

6) Change the Niflheim Creature Mechanic to not be “stealable” by just making the last hit that kills the beasts.
Points should simply get the side, which deals THE MOST DAMAGE.
Its super ridiculous and unfair, when the foes can steal your 25 points, by just hard ccing you away before you coudl land the final hit, while you made basically the hard pre work by slaying that beast 99% to near death and then comes a ranger or thief from stealth afar and steals you your points just cheesingly away, without that you had any chance to prevent that.. just absolutely SUCKS and is poor gameplay.
Who does the most damage to these beasts, shoudl get the points, simple.
Change the points you earn based on the amoutn of dmaage you do.
100% damage = 25 points for your side
Under 100% damage, foe kills beast for you, You get 20, foe gets 5 points
50/50 = both sides get 15 points
Something like that would be alot more fair for both sides.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Moa Mantra

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


ANet should simply reconsider also maybe just to remove some skilsl that they can’t categorize and replace them simpyl with new skills.

Moa was anyways a kind of I win button OP Elite in certain situations…

However if I had to give that Skill a category, I would turn it into a MANIPULATION, while Mass invisibility becomes GLAMOUR and Time Warp becomes a Signet that creates on activation its AoE Haste Field, while getting for its passive a new effect of creating when being under 50% health a circular Wave Attack that causes foes that get hit by it to be sufferign on Slow and Cripple then

And i hope that engi skil leffect gets changes its already lame enough how much the engi copies from other classes, ie. tornado from the Ele, now also Moas of mesmer.
I want an Engineer, not a Copycat

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Beta key drop rates??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The system woudl have been far simpler and better, if Anet would choose out by random of an active player pool out the beta invites, for everyone which successfully can make within say 1 week the requirements to be part of said “invitation pool” of players.

That way ANet guaranteedly will see this way only active players, cause the requirement fullfilment part will quickly sort out just everyone which plays not actively enough the game to get the requirements done in time.

ANd once phase two begins with sending out the invitations from the limited active player pool, everyone then will have again an equal chance to get invited, without that anyone had to grind their butts of for a whole week countless of hours just in hope to get that one lucky drop and Anet gets sure also, that they exactly will get the amount of players they need for the next beta and if they dont get instantly enough people together, they can still make quickly on the forums a little activity to award some active forums people with beta access that haven’t already gotten access to it via the ingame activity – somethign like doing successfulyl a gw2 related quiz to earn that way your access to the beta with brain and not with mindless grind…

This beta key hunt is absolutely everything for what Guild Wars’ philosophy never ever stood for

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Engineer] Condis on turret

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Bleeding = Oil Leak
Poison = Tainted Oil
Confusion = Bug in the Controling System
Burning = Melted System
Chill = Frozen Mechanisms
Vulnerability = Rusted Mechanisms
Weakness = Wearout
Stun = Electrical Discharge
Daze = Strong Hitted simply
Knockdown = Strong Hit from above
Knockback = Auto Destruction/ Pierced through/crushed mechanisms making it unable to stand anymore… = making Knockbacks a good hard counter to Turret Spam, favors LB Rangers for example then.
Torment = Magical Crushing of Mechanisms/ Acid destroying systems
Slow = Magical Reducement of Attack Speed/ Overheating of Systems
Cripple = Can’t deal critical hits anymore, Weapon malfunctions, unable to deal critical hits with a crippled weapon, so basikally works like Weakness
Fear = Data Overflow of the Sensors, Interrupts Attack System
Taunt = You get simple the attention of the Turret as it takes you into focus

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Which Specialization First?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Mesmer Specialization Art

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Chronomancers are by far one of the coolest concepts of a Profession in a MMO, that nearly never gets used.
I can’t think of a single mmorpgs that is out that, that actually even has right now playable chronomancers.

So in regard of creativity, Chronomancers owuld be one perfect choice to make GW2 more unique and to give on the same move Mesmers also one of their most fitting sub classes, that you could possibly just give them, because already their basic class design showed from begin on alot of signs, that Mesmers will one day master the most powerful form of illusion magic > time magic, where you bend the reality of time space to turn the chaos that they create from it into reality and let become things of the past and the future the present time, manipulating the fate of themself and everyone around them.

Chronomancers are the perfect class for that I could think of an Elite Skill, that would work like “Izanagi” from Naruto just via manipulating the time space at the moment they should ever suffer a lethal strike, it bends the time and turns back the moment of time to your favor.
Moving with the help of time magic so fast, that it looks to you as if they woudl be able to teleport around, slowing foes down to let them attack not anymore so frequently fast as a counter to Haste and zerkers in general to massively influence their dps down.

Bards on the other hand I do see just as their next Elite Specialization.
And after that then Visionaries as the GW2 form of FF14’s Astrologists so that thered also a class in GW2 that has some kind of fortuneteller style that makes usage of Astral Magic and tarot cards to draw powers from Tyrias universe, stars, the moon and the sun, where the Mesmer as Basic Class would perfectly fit for that kind of Elite Specialization using Kessens (War Fans) or Magical Gauntlets/Claws .

If GW2 should follow the rout of givign all classes like 4 Elite Specializations or even 5, like 1 per Core Specialization., then the next most fitting Mesmer Elite Specialization would be Duelist as a Elite Specialization that focus more on Melee Combat with Dual Swords and Dual Pistols as also Whips

And the last one could be most likely then something like a Mentalist, that is the most best Elite Specialization when it would come to classical Illusions, Will Power and Psionics with telekinetic forces and mind manipulations as also telepathy. to support allies in a way how for example the Yamanaka Clan in Naruto operates with their skills and abilities together with telekinetic powers that are similar to Pain pushing and fulling foes with pure will power as if you would be able to simply manipulate gravity at will.

God, I think that would be the 5 most awesome epic Elite Specializations i coukld think of Mesmers receiving ^^

  • Chronomancers
  • Bards
  • Visionaries
  • Duelists
  • Mentalists

5 completely gameplay changign Elite Specializations, one per Core Specialization.
One can dream, one can dream

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Ele Elite Specialisation - The Tempest?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Why would a Tempest be purely under Air Magic?

Personally I think Stormcaller would be a fine profession name, even if the Proffession mechanic stays the same.

After all, there are different sorts of storms. You do get firestorms, hailstorms, sandstorms etc.

That is what I mean and what Donari explained so well here.
You read in the word “tempest” somethign different, because you understand under that word as maybe a native english speaker something completely different, that what I do understand from it from a direct translation.

For me viewing somethign that is called Tempest as a profession is for my understandings equal to what I would call an Aeromancer, just with the differnece, that for me an Aeromancer is a clear known professionalistic trustworthy term for a profession, that I do see as a kind of learnable JOB, where the expertises, skilsl and talents you learned and mastered for it define that profession and naturally also its name.

Especially when there are already Tempest-Weapons in this game, which are also translated as Sturmwind-Waffen and in fact are, what else should it be – WIND WEAPONS, because when we spaek about a tempest, by nature, the first thign you would expect from it are very strong gusts of wind and not anythign that is related to fire, water or earth.

A firestorm has a reason, why its also called Inferno.
An icestorm is also called Blizzard for a reason
A thunderstorm with strong gusts of wind followed by lightnings is a Tempest
A sandstorm is also known as Scirocco
A rainstorm is also known as Monsoon

You see? People were creative to give all these types of storms different “names/terms”
I do suggest Tempest just automatically to Wind only, because from what I understand under it I do take it as what I simply learned what it means.
But a native English Speaker may see in that word far more, that I do.
For me its just only a clear word, that means “storm” and under storm I understand strong winds and being just strong winds is no profession, as said, you can’t learn how to be a weather effect, so the only way how it works for languages, where a direct translation won’t work like in German (where Donari is right with, trying to translate it comes over as meaningless or nonsensical like in this case, cause of there existing no word for german for Tempest with that you could suggest somethign that fits for a profession) – tzhe only help will be to name it in German somethign completely diffente, what in the end won’t be able to get directly translated back into English so that it means for a native English Speaker the same.

Because Stormcaller is not = Tempest, exactly like Aeromancer is not = Tempest.
But I would perfectly fine understand Aeromancers (Aeromant) as being “Tempests” if Anet would nname the class so in German.
However it won’t change the problem that if a German player would discuss with an English native speaker about this Elite Specialization and the German would start talking about Aeromancer/Stormcallers, the English person most likely wouldn’t be able to directly understand that he means in fact Tempests if Anet would call in every language the professions differently.
Thats the kind of misunderstandings between players, that should get prevented as best as possible.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Visual Skill Redesign for Categories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Tomes simply become Consecrations by changing Tomes into not only change your Weapon Skills, but lettign them change out also your Healing and Utility Skills for that short moment.

However I think Anet should turn those Tome-Consecrations into normal Skills with weaker effects and exchange these Elite Skills out with 2 new Elite Skills for Guardians.
Merging Hallowed Ground and Purging Flames somehow with the tome skill effects so that the tome-consecrations basically would work similar to engineer kits, that they change out your weapon skilsl while you hold those books.

Would simply increase their build diversity, if those elite books woudl get nerfed down to normal skilsl and would work as utility skills so that the Guardians could get some new better elite skills, while not using their book gameplay. Especially two better elite ksills, that do work also under water, so that guardians have also under water more than just onlyRenewed Focus, which sucks also too as an elite skill to have to wait 90 secinds if not traited just for laughable 2 seconds of invulnerability and a renewign effect of your virtues. Renewd Focus shoudl get redesigned to an Elite Signet that grants as passive a reduction to Virtue cooldowns and virtue intensitiy buff while makign you on activation invulnerable and healing you for every boon on you while giving you Resistence.

That would be a skil worthy of being an elite, more than renewed focus that would also work on land as like in water (Signet of Virtues, so simple)

Healing Spring should get changed into a Spirit and be basically merged with Water Spirit. Then give Rangers a new Healing Skill that is based on a Signet, like “Signet of Nature” that heals you and gives you protection and resistance from a vine armor that you’ll receive while lossing a condition from it too to have an alternative healign skill that is able to cleanse conditions, but this one would be more powerful than the new merged healign spring spirit (a healing spring is water)
Saw nearly nobody ever use the water spirit healign skill, because healign spring was just superior anyways, but with merging both skills, healign spring woudl get balanced bette,r because as a spirit skill it would be possible then to remove that healign from the field by killign the spirit. due to spirits beign soon not mobile anymore, as a counter balance the range of that skil lcould get increased – when I remeber what big ranges the spirits had in GW1, I wish the spirits of GW2 would have also such a huge range with long durations, so that you could place them somewhere in a tactical safe zone, without havign to fear, that they get instantly destroyed by some aoe spams.

summoning a new one would then always remove the old one.
Mendign should be redesigned into a Banner Skill > Banner of Morale
with a completely changed effect.

While holding it, allies should get a constant healign regeneration that works like the warriors Healing Signet, just weaker, when placing it to the groud, you and nearby allies should lose conditions and/or receive resistance and it should morale allies, leadign to increased boon durations.


Banner of Morale
Self Heal when used = 3500, Self Heal again when placed to the Ground 1500
Heal every second your nearby Allies = 350 HP/s
Increases Boon Duration for allies in range of Banner of Morale by + 10%

1) Stab
2) Heroic Presence > Inspire your allies, removes a Condition from them and grants Resistence
3) Inspire > Inspire yor Allies, Grants Swiftness
4) Sprint > Dash forwards with your Banner ignoring movement reducing effects, Stun Breaks
5) Plant Standard > plant your banner to the ground

About Healing Surge, this is the one I would change into a Shout and rename it to “Vigurous Roar” which heals more, so more adrenaline you have and has a wider range so more adrenalien you have, so that you heal with it also nearby allies, that are affected by the shout. It shoudl work like a cascade skill thats also more effective, so wider your allies are away, working basicalyl like an echo, that becomes louder over time

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Give us something to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ lord

they had absoliutely more than enough TIME for that, please rethink for just one moment, how long it is already ago, since SAB was the last time there accessible.
The last time was on SEPTEMBER 2013.
We have now soon MAY 2015

So in a quarter year it will be 2 years since the last time we had SAB. Thats way than enough time to check if some system still work if they bring back SAB.
Last year was already a large break of the Living Story, in which they could have checked that and brought in as a break filler SAB, but they did not, insteadf it was nothing but just Gemstore Stuff and the Luna New Year Festival where already many hope for SAB rather to return instead, just to get disappointed, to have to wait xx monthy longer again until now.

So pleas,e time is no excuse here anymore, ANet had already more than enough time to check everything what is needed to check to brign back SAB.
What should there be still to check, what most likely hasn’t been checked until today already???

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Movement - Runes, Traits, Passive skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Or just remove all the permanent 25% movement speed effects from traits, runes and skills and implenmt therefore simply rentable as like also tameable/breedable own prestige MOUNTS that give players simply permanent 33% movement speed increase and change Swiftness from a 33% to a 50% movement increase that works only while being in combat and remvoe that silly in combat movement speed reduction while also reducign the amount of waypoints in each map so that each map has maximum only 5 wps and not more (which is more than enough, would make exploring also a bit faster for world completion) and anet would get a great new way to make money with the gemstore by selling mount skins

win/ win for all including Anet and not only the selfish player side

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Give us something to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Which new roads? :P The content of SAB hasn’t be changed, it has#t be replaced and put to an other location or anything else like that.

Also the tokens for Mist weapons in wvwv and the location of said responsible npc for that havent changed. What hinders also Anet to just make a new WvW Tournament??

You speak there of some kind of engine changes ect. when there were absolutely no significant game changes regarding anythign game performance wise, that would have to be reinvestigated first if NAet would try to bring some older content back.

Rata Sutm is technically stil at the same place, we use still technicalyl the same game engine that has been used when Anet introduced SAB.
So please explain me, what should be so hard for Anet now just to brign us back Moto, that gives us access to the content, that already exists and doesn’t need to be developed first.

All what we need is just the KEY, that opens for us again the door to the already existing content and that key is nothing else, than an activating patch, that reactivates the old content, so that once we login after that patch into the game again, we will find the old content being accessible again.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Give us something to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Most of your ideas, although perhaps entertaining, sound as though they would take some development time/resources. Do players want to trade the time to develop and implement these ideas at the cost of releasing Heart of Thorns in a more timely manner?

I’m not sure I would, I’d rather HoT released sooner than later; others might disagree, and rather have it postponed.

Bringing content back, that already exists, like Sab requires absolutely no ressources or any development time at all …

Or do you need to rebuild a car, that you already have build, but just parked somewhere >.> No, or?? See?

The only ressource that it takes for you in this case it the time, that you need to spent to go to where you parked the car.
Spoken with GW2 terms, this means, the only ressource that it takes here is the time, that Anet needs to reactivate the already existing content.
they need to make only a patch ,that reactivates the already existign content, so that we get access to it again and thats nothign that requires such huge development time or any other ressources, that it would slow down the progess on HoT at all…

Makign a new WvW Tournament requires also no developer time, there is nothign that needs to be deloped, its just n event that needs to be started, that rewards automatically players at the end of it with WvW tokens for the mist skins ….

The only suggestion that would require here a bit of development ressources would be to imprve the already existing achievements.. for that would have to be coded and programmed the achievements, but I think this shouldnt take so much time that it woudl postpone Hot significantly.. maybe maximum a few days to weeks, but thats naturally also based on the amount of added and improved new achievements.

I know, HoT will by itself add tons of new achievements, but why wait xx months until HoT comes, it it would be better, if Anet woudl do somethign for that also on the way while we wait for Hot on the already existing stuff, that most active players have already maxed out sicne years, cause of alot of the achievements were too easily maxable and could need to have some more tiers by now that get unlocked if you maxed out the previous tier, just like the pvp rank achievements which is also an already existign mechanic, that needs to be reused only and not be developed first…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Ele Elite Specialisation - The Tempest?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Donari

I do consider Warrior definetely more creative and correct in terms of “professionalism”, than Tempest.
A Proffesion needs to be a term, that is comparable to a JOB, something, that you need to learn, to study, to train for to become it.
A Warrior needs to learn how to fight with various weapons, he needs to learn battle tactics to become an effective combatant on the battlefields, he needs to get strength, so that his attacks become more powerful and all these things that you need to train ,to learn and to do to become your chosen profession, are the professionalistic things that DEFINE a name of that said profession and its class skills, traits ect. pp.

But how do you please define what it takes to become a… ah yes, what again? to become a weather effect??? Thats the first thing that is just irritating.
Maybe for those of you natural English Speakers not, because you have in your language a methaphorical fitting different meaning for that. But if somethign like that doesn’t exist for other translated languages, then you have there a BIG PROBLEM, unless you don#t give a peep about it, if you alienate a large, if not the largest european part of the GW2 community with such an immersion breaking name.

So far, with the exception of the revenant which already started this big naming mess, all other professions of this game are named correctly after something that resembles to a trustworthy profession name when beign translated over to other languages.

I would personally find it better if ANet would call the class in German also Revenant, cause that way it sounds much better like a trustworthy professionalistic name and in fact the word also exist exactly so in German!! –
See the lowest one and this site is one of the best translation sites on the whole internet, because revenant has not its origin from English, but instead from French, what is the reason, why this word exists in the same way in both languages meaning for both of them the same thing. However, Widergänger in German doesn’t sound profesisonalistic and trustworthy for being a profession name, while Revenant would do that perfectly. I I see the word Widergänger, I’ve always to think first on something like zombies and general undeads whe I think somethign like Revenant woudl have been a better choice for being a Necromancer Elite Specialization in regard of fitting terms as some kind of Death Magic Elite Specilization that allows you to turn yourself into an undead…

Do you realize now, how quickly words can manipulate what peopel can understand under them and how important it is to name somethign correctly to prevent misunderstandings, especialyl in languages like English with its multitude of different meanings for one and the same word.

Look, I found in the translater already directly 3 different meanings just for the word Tempest which are all three not fittign as a professionalistic name choice for German.
In German you don’t have this so extreme, that you have for 1 word like a half a douzen of synonyms for, which mean all the same thing.

Terms like warrior are just classic, its a term that is known for everyone for the RPG genre since basically from begin on. Anet could have been also a bit more creative here and could call Warriors instead Fighters or Swashbucklers, but in the end, they decided to take the save choice and name it the traditional way that is known for mostly everyone and thats good so, because tradition has to do with values, that people do appreciate and continuity is in regard of naming things a value, that I do appreciate very much (see the incontigent BS around Aquamancy/ Hydromancy)

Engineer is creative, its a simple word, that is more unique and professionalistic trustworthy, howeve,r they could have named it also more traditionally here as Mechanic, Technician ect. but this wouldn’t have fitted so much with the class mechancis, as the Engineer has also alot to do with Alchemy and there doesn’t fit a name, that has basically only to do with technics and mechanics.

I don’t know what your problem is with Guardian, but its a perfectly professionalistic and trustworthy term for that profession. Or do you prefer the more clasiscal and traditional stuff like Knight, Defender or Paladin how 99,99% of all other generic MMOs would have named such a profession, which in fact would have been also working, but wouldn’t have been so fitting and creative for GW2 and how this class is designed by its gameplay?

Sure, creativity lies in the eye of the beholder, but a creative name should sound at least professionalistic trustworthy to be not immersion breaking. It should fit to the class design and be defined after what the profession does and what you need to learn and do to become that said profession.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Ele Elite Specialisation - The Tempest?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


That people that use languages like ENmglish have no problem with words like Tempest is absolutely normal, because English is known for this to have for many worlds douzends of metaphorical different meanings.

But other languages aren’t working exactly like that. Gomes mentioned example of Stormcaller would be basically translated to German be a very cheap solution to that, but its also one, that absolutely doesn’t fit from what we know so far about the Elementalist Elite Specialization based on what we know from Data Mining, where it seems to be clear, that the Elite Specialization will still be somethign, thats able to use Elemental Attunements of all elements and won’t be a Air Magic Specialization where a name like Tempest or for German Sturmrufer by the cheap metaphorical reference solution of Stormcaller to give it a name, that actually really sounds like a believeable PROFESSION in a world like Tyria.
However, even if that what we saw there from the Data Mining was nothign but a big hoax to irritate us all and bring us on a false path of speculation and Anet is actually making for the Elementalist for each elemental attunement and for Arcasna an own Elite Spezialisation, then this result of that design should be called Aeromancer and not something stupid, like Tempest that is no profession name at all.

Aeromancer is an already known and used term in the whole Guild Wars franchise from the begin on for an on air magic specialized Elementalist, so why should Anet do here now something so weird like that and call such a specialization now in GW2 as a completely different term with Tempest??? Absolutely makes 0 sense!!!

Its same as unlogical as like ANet now startign out of a sudden to call hydromancy everywhere suddenly “aquamancy”. Its the same incontinent BS that makes no sense there, but thats an other topic and that, when they began calling it already from begin on corrently with items like Sigil of Hydromancy /facepalm.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Give us something to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


We all know, that you are working as fast as you can on HoT, but until that point when its ready to get released, months over months will pass.
So please:

1) Bring back Super Adventure Box World 1 and 2 including Hard Mode, so that people which had yet no chance to do them can do it now and those which weren’t successful last time with Hard Mode get again a new chance to get the Achievements. now. The content already exists, so its no work for Anet to reactivate already existign content!!

2) Bring back the Crown Pavillion, also already existing Content, Lions Arch needs more funds to be rebuild xD ^^ Lets guys of DR responsible for that fund have miscalculated it >.>

3) Improve already existing Achievements, like the Weapon Master and Slayer Achievements. 1000 Kills of a creature isn’t much, also 1000 kilsl with certain weapons inst much. The PvP achievements show, that you can unlock new achievements after maxing a previous achievement. Do this with these achievements also too.

Kill 1000 Bandits to finish the Bandit Slayer Achievement, which unlocks then the new Bandit Annihilator Achievement that requires you now to kill for example 2500 Bandits.
That way you could easily give everyone again something to do.
Do the same for Weapon Kills.

And I’m sure there are also other existing achievements that could be simply improved that way, like Combat Healer also – made some longer tiem ago a suggestion aroudn that with some pretty cool new title ideas for people that revive alot other players/npcs so that theres is some kind of progression behind that too like becoming a Livesaver, then Blood Saint and so on …

4) Make again a WvW Tournament
alot of people want to earn more constantly the stuff thats required to unlock their Heroic Mist Weapons..also please add as new rewarc also a fitting heroic mist/heroic armor set!! Whats such a weapon without a fittign armor set to it …???

5) Start the Rebuilding of Lions Art as a huge Meta Event that takes a longer time.
remember the living story about the nightmare tower, which also was a big meta event, which progressed over time?
Somethign like that do we need again with the rebuildign of lions arch, where we can actually also see over time the progress really, how Lion arch gets rebuild day per day so more we progress on it beign rebuild.
The game woudl have for that time also a huge money and material sink what would be good for the game economy and players could get rewarded somehow so more they partake on the rebuilding progress with money and materials spent for the progress by themself until that progress timer is over and the town is beign rebuild completely and looking nicer, greater and more awesome then than ever before

Adding here n there some new jumping puzzles and explorable treasure places in the existign world together with new jp and exploration achievements would be also an awesome way to keep us for some time entertained

6) adding more region achievements to the already existing maps would be also very great to keep us bsy and entertained for the next months to come.

7) add new dungeon rewards liek new dungeon weapon skins and armor skins for ascended weapons/armors that woudl cost significantly more tokens to make also playing with alts again more alt friendly and to broaden a bit more the ways of how you can obtain ascended stuff, other then only through pure luck, laurels or time gated crafting whats the most biggest grind that destroyed the alt friendliness of this game in the whole place first and foremostly.

What do you think of this guys?
I’m surely not the only one here, who thinks that anet should do something about this situation so that we have again something to do, while we wait on HoT other than playing only for dailies and grinding gold and other currencies/materials ect. by permanently repeating somenearly 3 year old game content.

So, everyone whos for it here that Anet should bring back soon some older content to keep us busy and improve older content, please comment here and show your sympathy for that by writing at the end of your post a


Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

To use SP or not to use SP before HOT

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


All excess skill points that you have at the moment, where skill points get changed into a limited amount of hero points, will get changed into a new currency material that you will be able to use for Miyani at the Mystic forge.

So it plays no role i would say if you use all your skill point roles now, or later, because if you use them later I guess anet will change the effect of those items to generate directly that new currency material instead of skill points.

So lets say you have a stack of skill poitn scrolls..
If you use themm all now, then you have not 250 skills points more on excess when the hero points come, which will get automatically changed then into that new materil.

If you use the after the change, the changed effect of the scrolls will give you directly than that new material.

Basicalyl both ways would end then just in the same way with you getting just materials that you will be able to use for things like Crystals, philosophers stoens ect. at Miyani, cause skill points won’t exist anymore then after that change.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Core Specialization Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Final Part 2 Thief


Buffs = 20
Buff/Nerfs = 6
Nerfs = 2
Changes = 11
Unchanged = 28
Removed/Integrated = 18

Comment on this:

I’m personally, due to playing Thief as Main absolutely shocked and speechless, how recklessly you butchered around this class like crazy and basically changed the class to death here with all the effect removals which mainly are focused in the thief classes MAIN MECHANIC of their Initiative System. You completely erased out absolutely every single trait, that was somehow responsible for Initiative Regain and simply put all of that into 1 single way of how you regain faster initiative back and thats via using Stealth.
If you so recklessly handle around with the Thief Class, then you can also directly completely redesign the class from scratch, if you seem to hate your Initiative System so much, that you give it here such a drastical cut off

You added some new Effects, but nothign of them addresses the absolute mind numbing weaknesses of the whole class design that make the Thief class so increadible dependent of Stealth cause of having no other damage mitigators and no access to defensive boons, other than vigor to play the dodging troll while having at the same time also extreme poor condition removal options.

When you look at all the lost skills, I hope personally that some of them will get basedlined into the class somehow via merging with Utility/Healing/Elite Skills or so, because thats the other area, where the Thief is very poor compared to what the other classes have in regard of things like Support especially. Venoms need a drastic Gameplay Design Change and should get moved into a chooseable F2-4 Skills to make place for better more useful Utility/Healing Skills

How would the Thief Core Specializations be better?:

1) Merge Furious Retaliation with Invigorating Precision
2) Merge Combined Training with Combined Critical Chance
3) Baseline the Initiative Increase of 3 Initiative more and replace Preparedness with Opportunist and merge Opportunist with Critical Haste
4) Replace Last refuge with Hidden Thief, merge Hidden Thief with Slowed Pulse, that you gain Regenation with Stealing if you have 2 Conditions
5) Expedious Dodger, let us regain Initiative when you dodge successfully and gain Swfitness on successful dodges. Let it also increase the Dodge Time of Deathly Blossom from 1/4s to a full second for its whole animation and add Vigor to Deathly Blossom and Dagger Storm to make it especially harder to interrupt DS with a single boon strip/stun combo what completely negates the whole Elite Status of this Skill when its so stinking easy to stop it completely, makign it so that boon strips will always remove first vigor to protect the stability from too simple removal!!
6) Merge Power of Ineartia to Feline Grace, Felines have CLAWS :P, this trait was important to get some powerful counterattacks after alot of dodging with the help of the might from it.
7) Merge Endless Stamina with Feline Grace, replace Endless Stamina with Fluid Strikes and add to Fluid Strikes an Initiative Regen Effect, when you have no full endurance and base the damage increase on the amount of initiative used for the skill.
3,5% Damage Increase per Initiative spent.
Means a CoD with 6 Initiative used at say 50% endurance will have 3,5*6 =21% more Damage. A Heart Seaker at that moment would deal just 10,5% more damage, what would be nearly equal to the old effect,, but this way you would profit more from using big initiative cost skills. Would be a nice Damage Boost for Unload after a dodge to let Unload be more on par with that nasty Rapid Fire of Longbow Rangers
8) Add to Sleight of Hand the feature to be able to Steal more Items, like a second Steal Skill Slot
9) Change Trickster to remove Conditions on any usage of Utility Skills, not just only Tricks and add a Stun Breaker Effect, if that Utility used was a Signet. Add a Heal Effect, if it was a Trick, add Stability Stacks of 3, if it was a Deception and a taunt foes, if it was a Trap. Merge it with Master Trapper also if this wasn’t baselined.
10) Merge Fleet of Foot with Uncatchable
11) Merge Long Reach with Bewielding Ambush, if not baselined
12) Baseline Initial Strike into the Auto Attack of Thieves

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Core Specialization Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 1 Thief

Deadly Arts


  • Serpent’s Touch > Merged with Adept 1 and slightly alterated values = Buff/Nerf
  • Lotus Poison > Reduced Cool Down Time by 5s = Buff
  • Exposed Weakness > Unchanged


  • Dagger Training > 5% Damage increase baselined, Chance to Poison foes with Dagger Attacks = Buff
  • Mug > Unchanged
  • Trappers Respite > Adept 2 baselined into Needle Traps on Heal Skill Trigger = Buff


  • Ressourceful Trapper > New Effect = Buff
  • Panic Strike > Moved from GM to M = Buff
  • Revealed Training >Moved from GM to M = Buff


  • Potent Poison > added increased poison damage, but moved to GM = Buff/Nerf
  • Improvisation > Effect Change, move to GM = Buff/Nerf
  • Executioner > Moved from Critical Strikes over to DA, Unchanged


  • Combined Training = No more increased Damage for Dual Skills
  • Residual Venom = No more increased strikes for Venoms

Critical Strikes


  • Keen Observer > Unchanged
  • Unrelenting Strikes > New Effect = Buff
  • First Strikes > Changed from Damage Increase to Critical Damage Increase = Buff/Nerf


  • Side Strike > Unchanged
  • Signets of Power > Merged with Master 8, removed Initiative Gain = Buff/Nerf
  • Combo Critical Chance > Unchanged


  • Sundering Strikes > Moved from DA over, Unchanged
  • Practiced Tolenrance > Increased from 7 to 10% = Buff
  • Ankle Shots > Merged with Adept 5 but only for Crippled Foes= Buff/Nerf


  • Ricochet > Moved from M Trickery over and put to GM, Unchanged = Nerf
  • Hidden Killer > Unchanged
  • Invigorating Precision > Unchanged


  • Furious Retaliation = No more Fury when Target is below HP Threshold
  • Opportunist = No more Initiative on Criticals
  • Critical Haste = No more haste on Criticals

Shadow Arts


  • Last Refuge > Unchanged
  • Meld With Shadows > Unchanged
  • Resilience of Shadows >Moved from GM to Mi = Buff


  • Merciful Ambush > Moved from Trickery over, revive faster = Buff
  • Concealed Defeat > Moved from Critical Stikes over, merged with Adept 1 = Buff
  • Shadow’s Embrace > Unchanged


  • Shadow Protector > Moved from Adept to Master, Unchanged
  • Descent of Shadows > Moved from Acrobatics over, Unchanged
  • Leeching Venoms > Merged with Venomous Strength


  • Cloaked in Shadow >Unchanged
  • Shadow’s Rejuvenation > Merged with Master X = Buff
  • Venomous Aura > Merged with Master 8 of DA = Buff


  • Slowed Pulse = No more Regeneration when having more than 2 Conditions
  • Infusion of Shadows = No more initiative when at the moment of entering Stealth
  • Power Shots = No more Shortbow and Harpoon Gun Damage Increase if not baselined into the weapons
  • Hidden Thief = no more Stealth with Stealing



  • Expedious Dodger > Unchanged
  • Feline Grace > Dodging gives now Vigor instead of a direct Endurance Return, has now 3s Cool Down = Nerf
  • Endless Stamina > New Effect buffing Vigor Efficiency, a buff basicalyl as reaction on the FG Nerf in splitted specializations, makes really sense here …


  • Fleet Shadow > Unchanged
  • Vigous Recovery = Unchanged
  • Pain Response = Reduced Cooldown to 20s = Buff


  • Guarded initiation > New Effect = Buff
  • Swindler’s Equilibrium > New Effect = Buff
  • Hard to Catch > Effect Change, works as Auto Stun Breaker/Endurance Regen now = Buff/Nerf


  • Assassin’s Reward > Unchanged
  • Quick Pockets > Unchanged
  • Don’t Stop > New Effect = Buff


  • Fluid Strikes = No more increased damage on non full endurance
  • Power of Inertia = No more Might on Dodge Rolls
  • Assassin’s Retreat = No more Swiftness on Kills
  • Master Trapper = No more reduced Trap Cool Downs
  • Fleet of Foot = No more Cripple/Weakness Removal on Dodge Roll
  • Quick Recovery = No more increased Initiative Regen



  • Kleptomaniac > Unchanged
  • Preparedness >Unchanged
  • Lead Attacks > Also reduces now Stealing Cooldown like Sleight of Hand = Buff


  • Uncatchable > Unchanged
  • Flanking Strikes > Removed Damage Increase, added Haste Effect = Buff/Nerf
  • Thrill of the Crime > Unchanged


  • Bountiful Theft > Unchanged
  • Trickster > Added Condi Removal on Tricks Usage = Buff
  • Pressure Striking > New Effect = Buff


  • Hastened Replenishment > Unchanged
  • Sleight of Hand > Unchanged
  • Bewildering Ambush > Unchanged


  • Instinctual Response = No more Auto Stealth/Blind when receiving fatal damage
  • Long Reach = No more Stealing Range Increase, if not baselined
  • Initial Strike = No more Initiative Regain on First Strike
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

We need larger bags!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


We have still since the release of this game “Beginner Rucksacks” that give us only 20 Slot.

I think its about time, that Anet releases there a way in the game to upgrade the Beginner Rucksack into better Rucksacks that have more Slots and maybe also more/better functionalities in form of some QoL features, like directly putting Items from 1 Rucksack into a Rucksack of an other character of your account, without having to use the account chest between charcters with such upgraded Rucksacks.

let it work like this for example:

Game Release = Beginner Rucksack = 20 Slots
Mystic Forge Recipe = Adventurer Rucksack = 30 Slots
Mystic Forge Upgrade AR = Heroic Rucksack = 50 Slots
Crafting Recipe HR (Leather Crafting) = Magical Rucksack = 60 Slots + Item Share Function for your Account for Characters that have a MR
Crafting Recipe MR = Mystical Rucksack = 80 Slots + Item Share Function + Quick Use Slots for useable items like Buff Food, Potions, Toys ect.
Mystic Forge Recipe MR = Ascended Rucksack = 90 Slots + ITS + QUS + Currency Slots for Region Currencies like Bandit Crests
Crafting Recipe AsR = Legendary Rucksack = 100 Slots + ITS + QUS +CS +Use All Function to be able to use stacks of items with just one click instantly

Wouldn’t that be awesome ?

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Ele Elite Specialisation - The Tempest?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


if this tempest nonsense would be really the name of this specialization, then consider Tempest being the most dumbest idiotic class name ever in gaming history.

You don’t name a profession after a silyl weather effect, pardon me, but thats just totally ridiculous. Don’t want to know already now, hiow that laughable idea would just get translated into German later ….

If I will see later there such idiotic junk like “Sturmwind”, “Unwetter” or “Windsbraut” that will be absolutely immersion breaking beyond all what logic stands for, then I don’t know, if I will laugh or cry over Anet…

What will we see next then? Lightning? Snow? Hope? Vanille? Oh i forgot, thats already taken by SE that kind of naming things …
So please ANet.. just prove me wrong and be more creative than somethign like that …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Core Specialization Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Final Part 3 Elementalist

How would the Elementalist Core Specializations be better?

As you can see, the Elementalists loses alot here, because Anet couldn’t find places how to integrate some old Traits into the new System, or because they felt, theose Traits weren’t amazing/exiting enough.

1) Merge the Effect of Fire’s Embrace with Powerful Aura letting using Signets give you instead of a Fire Shield a Water Shield which gives Resistance on hit
2) Merge Shards of Ice to Piercing Shards and remove the Arcane Skill Trigger here, so just on signet usage, you cause with Piercing Shards also Vulnerability
3) Merge Obsidian Focus to Stone Flesh to add a little extra toughness when using channeled skills like Churning Earth is one when being attuned to Earth
Reduce the overall Toughness increase from 120 to say 90 and increase it while using CE to 150, so that you get incentivied to use that skill for more Toughness at that moment as you can’t move while using it.
4) Merge Stone Splinters to Stone Heart
5) Enduring Damage made by its name never sense, but in a senseful matter it should get merged with Diamond Skin, that you should receive lesser damage or removes conditions when your health threshold gets back to 90% plus after using a healing skill.
6)Zephyr’s Focus should get merged with Zephyr’s Boon so that it is more than just a tiny movement speed effect
7) Windborne Dagger, its effect should replace that one of Zephyr’s Speed, the old effect of ZS gets merged with Zephy’s Boon basically by slightly improving the duration of Super Speed. Both ZS and ZB are in their old form literall too similar. It would be a wasted spot here, if they would be kept unchanged and removing the effect of WD, only because you think it isn’t exitign enough. But you think having nearly 2x the same core specialization is more exiting??? >.> omg Anet, can’t believe this is your “logic”.
8) That removal is out of Balancing Reasons actually quite reasonable about Arcane Retribution, but I would brign arcane Retribution back just under a different Effect and merge it with Arcane Fury unter the merged Name of "Retributive Fury with the Effect of gaining also additionally to the Fury on Attunement Change also Retaliation if your Health is under say 25%.
9) Vigorous Scepter should get merged to Evasive Arcana

That way with these changes, nothign would get left out fro mthe old Elementalist Traits, everything woudl have foudn somewhere a new place then.

Next I’ll continue with thief tomorrow

PS: and for the love of god, please don’t name the Elite Specialization something stupid like “Tempest”, thats no profession/class at all, its a WEATHER TERM what would be totally ridiculous and immersion breaking.
Give the Elite Specializations please PROPER names, that actually also do sound like realistic professions that you would expect in a world like tyria to exist.
Something like Summoner, Sage, Arcanist, Sorcerer, Warlock and so on, but not Tempest >.<

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Core Specialization Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 2 Elementalist



  • Arcane Fury > Unchanged
  • Lingering Elements > Unchanged
  • Arcane Precision > Unchanged


  • Arcane Energy > Moved from GM to Adept, merged with Adept 1, removed Sigil Trigger Effect for Endurance Regen = Buff/Nerf
  • Renewing Stamina > Unchanged
  • Arcane Abatement > Moved from Water Magic to Arcana = Buff/Nerf


  • Arcane Ressurection > Unchanged
  • Elemental Contingency > Moved from GM to M = Buff
  • Final Shielding > Unchanged


  • Evasive Arcana > Unchanged
  • Elemental Surge > Merged with Master 7 of Air Magic = Buff
  • Elemental Attunement > Moved from M to GM = Nerf


  • Windborne Dagger > No more faster movement with Daggers equipped
  • Blasting Staff > made Baseline Effect of Staff AoEs
  • Arcane Retribution > No more Arcane Power when under Health Threshold of 75%
  • Vigorous Scepter > No more increased Endurance Regen when using a Scepter


Buffs = 23
Nerfs = 5
Buff/Nerfs = 2
Changes = 4
Unchanged = 32
Removed/Integrated Baseline = 9
More than 4x more Buffs through Merges, than Nerfs, more than 50% unchanged.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Core Specialization Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 1 Elementalist

Before I will start to explain, what could have been done better per Class, I’ll show you here a quick analysis, what exactly ANet has changed on every class compared with the old system:


Fire Magic


  • Flame Barrier > Changed Burning on Hit at Fire Attunement to gain Fire Aura = Buff
  • Sunspot > Unchanged
  • Burning Rage > Unchanged


  • Burning Precision > Merged Trait 3 with 5 simply = Buff
  • Conjurer > Added an Fire Aura Effect on Ally Usage of Conjured Weapons = Buff
  • Power Overwhelming > Completely New = Buff as it synergyzes with Full DPS perfectly aka Berserker Ele to make them even far more powerful


  • Pyromancer’s Training > Merged with Adept 6 = Buff
  • One With Fire > Completely changed Effect
  • Burning Fire > Merged with Adept 4 = Buff


  • Persisting Flames > Merged Adept 1 to it = Buff
  • Pyromancer’s Puissance > Unchanged
  • Blinding Ashes > Recharge reduced from 5s to 3s = Buff


  • Fire’s Embrace > No more Fire Shields on Signet Usage

Water Magic


  • Soothing Mist > Unchanged
  • Healing Ripple > Unchanged
  • Aquatic Benevolence > Moved from Grandmaster! to Minor = Buff


  • Soothing Ice > Soothing Wave + new Frost Aura Effect = Buff
  • Piercing Shards > Added longer Vulnerability Duration Effect = Buff
  • Stop, Drop and Roll > Moved from Master to Adept = Buff


  • Soothing Disruption > Merged Adept 3 to it = Buff
  • Cleansing Wave > Unchanged
  • Aquamancer’s Training (sidenote, its called HYDROMANCER!) > Merged with Adept 6 = Buff


  • Cleasing Water > Unchanged
  • Powerful Aura > Unchanged
  • Bountiful Power > Moved from Minor to Grandmaster = Nerf


  • Shards of Ice > No more Vulnerability on usage of Arcane/Signet Skills
  • Adept 1 moved to Arcane Core Specialization

Earth Magic


  • Stone Flesh > Unchanged
  • Earthen Blast >Unchanged
  • Geomancer’s Defense = New Effect making Eles close range alot more tanky = Buff


  • Earth’s Embrance > Reduced the Threshold from 50 to 25% = Nerf
  • Serrated Stones > Unchanged
  • Elemental Shielding >Unchanged


  • Strength of Stone >Unchanged
  • Rock Solid > Unchanged
  • Geomancer’s Training > Merged with Master 9 = Buff


  • Diamond Skin > Unchanged
  • Written in Stone > Merged with Adept 2 = Buff
  • Stone Heart > Unchanged


  • Obsidian Focus > No more Toughness when using channeled skills
  • Stone Splinters > No more Dealing more Damage on Range of <=600
  • Enduring Damage > No more dealing more Damage on Full Stamina

Air Magic


  • Zephy’s Speed > Unchanged
  • Electric Discharge > Unchanged
  • Weak Spot > Unchanged


  • Zephyr’s Boon > Unchanged
  • One With Air > Unchanged
  • Ferocious Winds > New Effect of Gaining Ferocity based on your HEALING = Nerf


  • Inscription > Merged with Adept 3 = Buff
  • Aeromancer’s Training > Basically merged with Adept 10, but changed to more Critical Damage due to increased Ferocity = Buff
  • Tempest Defense > Moved from GM to M = Buff


  • Bolt to the Heart > Moved from Adept to GM = Nerf
  • Fresh Air > Unchanged
  • Lightning Rod > Unchanged


  • Zephyr’s Focus > No more faster Endurance Regen when using channeled Skills
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Whose builds are burned, and why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


This is the exact reason, why I keep telling here, that ANet should better finally SPLIT UP the Trait Sysstem into 3 different categories, like this:

  • Specializations (Traits) = For all kinds of ACTIVE SKILL CHANGING EFFECTS
  • Expertises = For all kinds of VISUAL CUSTOMIZATION of your Class in regard of Skills and Baseline Effects

This way Anet would be able to keep such stuff, like the old Fall Damage Traits as Baseline Effects passively for a Class Talent to be learned, so that don’t have to waste a Specialization Slot for that.

As long Anet won’t split up the mechanics of the Trait System into these 3 seperate sections, the system will always be disappointing and very limiting for the player, because it takes gameplay mechanics, that should work as passive permaenent talents as active class changing mechanics that you have to waste an important Specialization Slot for to get something, that should be permanent part of your class gameplay.

Fall Damage in itself is just a thing, that is mostly anyways only relevent in WvW due to only there the maps having high enough places to fall down that you’d need those 50% FD reduction to survive the fall. Such specializations aren’t just important enough for the whole game, that on something like that should get wasted a Specialization for.

In Specializations should come only skill changing effects, that are everywhere useful for the player, be it PvE, PvP or WvW. Fall Damage Reducers don’t count to that effectively.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestion] Rethinking Dungeon Rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Anet definetely needs to rework and redesign more of the games overall complete Dungeon System.

The Dungeon System is nothing at all as much fun, as the dungeosn were as much fun to play in GW1.
The rewards of GW2’’s dungeons are boring and nothignj at all, that keeps you wanting to make runs in them, after you unlocked all of the dungeon weapon and armor skins, because there are no useful or really awesome rewards there for tokens, that makes you want to run dungeons.

The path system of the dungeons limits way to much the depth dungeons could have.
Dungeons need to be bigger, they need to get more depth, making usage of the Z-Achsis, so that we can see for example also something like a really high floored tower dungeon or a really deep cave dungeon that leeds deep into the underground somewhere

How awesome wopuld it be, if there would be some kinmd of elite tower dungeon with like 50 floors, where the dungeon becoems from floor to floor more and more dangerous that isn’t just something ythat you can do in like 30 minutes, what is someething where you would need to play like 4+ hours to reach the top to get at the end then some really awesoem and valuable rewards that make such a long dungeon trip at the end a really awesoem and rewardign feeling, that you achieved somethign really great in teh game by successfulyl doing that dungeon

GW2 needs more dungeons and more new dungeon types.

The current Dungeons shoudl get redesigned more and should count only as “Story Dungeons”
Then there should be also Zelda Like more difficult and challenging “Solo Dungeons”.
ANd then there should be Raid Dungeon Crawlers in which you can raid with larger groups in radomly created Dungeon Crawls which feel everytime you enter them different, where dynamically could happen everytime then different things in them.

Anet should also brign back all of the old GW1 dungeons back as good as possible, because they should all still exist even 250 years later, maybe now much more beign ruins, than in the past, but alot of them should still exist and be explorable, plus it would bring so much good and needed nostalgia back into GW2 and surely would bring alot of old gw1 veterans to gw2 if we would get to see in GW2 more gw1 nostalgia that we adore all so much.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Guild Wars 10th Anniversary Contest!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


And sent my entry

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Ele Elite Specialisation - The Tempest?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Tempest is no profession at all, its just a stinking normal English word for a weather effect, a strong storm (of wind normally just)… > look at Tempest Weapon Skins, = Wind Weapons

When you actually would look at what kind of things are listed up all there, one with the ability to put 1 + 1 together should quickly get it, that with Tempest isn’t meant an Elite Specialization, but most likely some kind of gameplay mechanic, that the Elementalist has…

You see first all the 5 original trait lines, that are now called Core Specializations. Then you see 1 Core Specialization for every single Utility Skill Type of the Class.

So its most likely, that tempests are simply a complete new Utility Skill type for the Elementalist Specialization where you can create then as Elementalist based on your attunement different tempest effects.

Fire Attunement = Inferno as a fire based Tempest Utility Skill
Air Attunement = Lightning Orb as an air based Tempest Utility Skill
Earth = Sandstorm as an earth based Tempest Utility Skill
Water = Blizzard as a water based Tempest Utility Skill

as the ele specialization will be most likely from what has been data mined stil lbe able to use ele,mental attunements, maybe gets a new 5th attunement, what I would guess as Ether Attunement for Arcane Powers as neutral element what would be then

Ether = Arcane Prism

For that change I simply guess, the Glyph of Storms will get removed.
Anet is merging Skill Effects, traits ect.

I find it not impossible, thta Glyph of Storms might be a glyph Skill (which rarely gets used if at all) and gets integrated with Tempest as more useful seperate Utility KSilsl under the new Term of “Tempests”, because thats what these kind of skilsl would be like, huge AoEs with environmental effects.

A Sandstorm could environmentally reduce the sight of foes.
A Blizzard could environmentally slow foes so that they can’t attack so fast anymore
A Lightning Orb could weaken foes or make them quickly alot more vulnerable while jumping from foe to foe or moving slowly around like a homing missile that continously damages nearby targets per second so that theres a dps option of those temepests
A Inferno could set foes on burning and cause torment also too through the incredible heat it creates everywhere around you, making breathign alot harder, or instead of torment posion, though all the poisonous smoke that an inferno can create. Both options would be incredibly powerful dps option,s one for direct damage, one for condition damage … whiel the other two are better support tempests

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Ready Up: 4/24 - Specializations AMA

in WvW

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


1) Will there be WvW specific changes to Traits and Specializations?

  • Will we see a kind of rework/redesign to the current WvW Traits ?
  • Maybe also finally some more expansion of them for more new Character Progression that WvW is lacking off for a long time??

2) To be more concrete on 1, but asked differently, will we see with the Release of HoT a clear differentiation of Game Balancing between PvE, PvP and WvW, so that all Skills, Traits and Specializations will be differently balanced for each Game Mode???

3) Are there any plans for more Character Progression for WvW in regard of Specializations maybe via Class Specific WvW Traits to intensify and expand upon each Class’ Roles in WvW?

For Example:

Giving the Thief Class based on your chosen Elite Specialization a multitude of different WvW specific Trait Lines you can progress on via WvW Experience directly either or with WvW Rank ups as usual.

Lets say there are 4 different Elite Specializations somewhen in the future for each Class, lets call it for now Saboteur (Mace), Infiltrator (Longbow), Rogue (Crossbow) and Brawler (Quarterstaff)

Lets say I choose to make my Thief into the Elite Specialization Infiltrator, then I would receive in WvW the Ability to learn the WvW Class Specific Traits

  • Infiltration Mastery (each costing 100 Ranks to max with 20 Ranks per Tier, 5 Tiers for the beginning)
  • Espionage
  • Shadow Control
  • Quick Reflexes
  • Sensoric Instincts

9*500 = 4500 Ranks until you would have maxed out all WvW Class Specific Traits for WvW We can have 10000 Ranks max, so that would be a perfect way to give the huge amount of Ranks in WvW a MEANING as also giving each class in WvW more meanign also too by strengthening their unique roles for WvW.

Progression on such a thief special WvW Trait, while playing as your Elite Specialization Infiltrator in WvW, you could work on there then for example on your “Sensoric Instincts”

Working on this Trait Line yould give your Infiltrator then these 5 Effects for example:

1) Eyes of the Mist – Your Eyes become better, making it possible for you to see stealthed enemies, if you go also into stealth
2) Sense for Danger – You can sense now Enemies in your near and see them on the Minimap. When enemies get near you from behind or the sides, you will get warned by a suble red flash effect on the screen borders to warn you, that danger comes from out of your view giving you a better chance to react ealier fitting to the situation. The flash intensifies, so more enemies approach you to signal you the intensity of the danger.
3) Height Sense – You get a better sense for heights, decreasing your Fall Damage by 25% (this accumulated to all other Fall Damage Reducement Effects like of Traits/Sigils)
4) Hunting Instinct – Your attacks deal 20% more damage against Downed Targets and those enemies which have lesser than 20% Health of their Maximum when you hit them.
5) Empathetic Senses – You feel the emotions of battlelust from your allies in your near, letting you gain the same boons in their near, when they gain boons from their own skills. Example, whenever a Guardian gets aegis automaticalyl from his Virtue, an Infiltrator with this Trait would then also always receive automatically Aegis every like 40 seconds when beign in the near of said Guardian.

Or when you stand in the near of such a Mesmer, that gets every 10 seconds a random boon, you would get also every 10 seconds a random boon in the near of such a mesmer.

Just a bit brainstorming hear, because would hreally love to know, what kind of stuff you thought off for WvW in regard of Specializations, when I saw, that you made for WvW an own thread about questions.
Never thought about it, that you could make for WvW any special different mechanics ect. in regarc of specialziation, but that remembered my directly on my idea about WvW specific Trait Lines and it woudl suit so perfectly in to the game in combination with Elite Specializations, that I just hard right now this light bulb moment in my head and had to write all this down here now xD

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Ready Up: 4/24 - Specializations AMA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


For convenience again in this official thread: copy pasta

I’m going to ask here the questions, which I think are the questions, which most people want to know simply:

1) What is the Name of the Thief Elite-Specialization?

  • Which Weapon will that Elite-Specialization add to the Thief?
  • How will that Elite-Specialization change the Game Mechanics of the Thief? Still Stealing, or something different and if no, how does it work?

2) What is the Name of the Engineer Elite Specialization?

  • Will the Elite-Specialization or in general HoT fix the Hobosack Issue of this Class?
  • How will that Elite Specialization change the Gameplay Mechanics of the Engineer?
    Still the Toolbelt Skills, or something different and if no, how does it work?

3) What is the Name of the Warrior Elite Specialization?

  • Which Weapon will that Elite Specialization add to the Warrior?
  • How will that Elite Specialization change the Gameplay Mechanics of the Warrior? Still Adrenaline, or something different, and if no, how does it work?

4) What is the Name of the Guardian Elite Specialization?

  • What Weapon will that Elite Spezialization add to the Guardian?
  • How will that Elite Specialization change the Gameplay Mechanics of the Guardian?
    Still Virtues, or something different, and if no, how does it work?

5) What is the Name of the Elementalist Elite Specialization?

  • What Weapon will that Elite Specialization add to the Elementalist?
  • How will that Elite Specialization change the Gameplay Mechanics of the Elementalist?
    Still Attunements, or somethign different and if now, how will it work?

6) What is the Name of the Necromancer Elite Specialization?

  • How will change the Elite Specialization the Gameplay Mechanics of the Necromancer? Still Death Shroud, or somethign different, and if no, how will it work?
  • Will HoT fix finally the incredible A.I Bug of the Necromancer’s Minions to make Minions again more useful, instead of lettign them be canon fodder that just stands around and doesn’t attack on its own initiative due to that A.I. bug?

7) How will change the Rangers Elite Specialization the Gameplay Mechanics of the Ranger? Still Pet Control, or somethign different and if no, how will it work?

  • Will Rangers ever be able in GW2 to become true Beast Masters, that can control more than 1 Pet at the same time? Like 2-3 at the same time to perform something cool like Pet Combo Attacks?
  • Will HoT add new tameable Pets for the Ranger, like for example Toads, Anacondas, Crocodiles, Tarantulas and other jungle specific creatures? Rainbow Phoenix as something rare, nostalgic and exotic to be found in the Jungle??

8) What is the Name of the Mesmer Elite Specialization, will it be the most expected Chronomancer?

  • How will the Elite Specialization change the Gameplay Mechanics of the Mesmer?
    Still Shattering Clones, or somethign different, like Time Aspects fitting for a Chronomancer based on the Past, the Present, the Future and the Chaos Principle/Fate?
  • What was the reason behind the decision to give this Elite Specialization a Shield and not for example use Daggers instead or give them even a completely new Weapon Category, like Whips, Halberds or Glaives or even perhaps Scythes to torn rifts between dimensions of time aspects??

9) What is the Name of the Elite Specialization of the Revenant?

  • How will the Elite Specialization change the Gameplay Mechanics of the revenant?
    Still Legendaries, or something different, and if no, how will it work?
  • Which weapon will the Elite Specialization add to the Revenant?
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Do racial skills go away?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


God I hope yes, implementing that junk was a bad idea fro mthe very begin on …

Instead wastign ressources on racial skills, Anet should have given instead of those 4 racial skills every class just 4 more useful utility skills

And now with the Revenant comign to the game, we will see a class, that has on its own no space for utility/racial skills, because the legendaries will always change out completely the whole right side of your skill bar completely.

SO what does it make for any sense to keep that crapyp thought out system of those racial skills, when theres a new playable class, that won’t be able to use any of them cause of its whole own class gameplay design???

Racial Skills should get completely redesigned into RACIAL TRAITS if at all

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Ready Up: 4/24 - Specializations AMA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I’m going to ask here the questions, which I think are the questions, which most people want to know simply:

1) What is the Name of the Thief Elite-Specialization?

  • Which Weapon will that Elite-Specialization add to the Thief?
  • How will that Elite-Specialization change the Game Mechanics of the Thief? Still Stealing, or something different and if no, how does it work?

2) What is the Name of the Engineer Elite Specialization?

  • Will the Elite-Specialization or in general HoT fix the Hobosack Issue of this Class?
  • How will that Elite Specialization change the Gameplay Mechanics of the Engineer?
    Still the Toolbelt Skills, or something different and if no, how does it work?

3) What is the Name of the Warrior Elite Specialization?

  • Which Weapon will that Elite Specialization add to the Warrior?
  • How will that Elite Specialization change the Gameplay Mechanics of the Warrior? Still Adrenaline, or something different, and if no, how does it work?

4) What is the Name of the Guardian Elite Specialization?

  • What Weapon will that Elite Spezialization add to the Guardian?
  • How will that Elite Specialization change the Gameplay Mechanics of the Guardian?
    Still Virtues, or something different, and if no, how does it work?

5) What is the Name of the Elementalist Elite Specialization?

  • What Weapon will that Elite Specialization add to the Elementalist?
  • How will that Elite Specialization change the Gameplay Mechanics of the Elementalist?
    Still Attunements, or somethign different and if now, how will it work?

6) What is the Name of the Necromancer Elite Specialization?

  • How will change the Elite Specialization the Gameplay Mechanics of the Necromancer? Still Death Shroud, or somethign different, and if no, how will it work?
  • Will HoT fix finally the incredible A.I Bug of the Necromancer’s Minions to make Minions again more useful, instead of lettign them be canon fodder that just stands around and doesn’t attack on its own initiative due to that A.I. bug?

7) How will change the Rangers Elite Specialization the Gameplay Mechanics of the Ranger? Still Pet Control, or somethign different and if no, how will it work?

  • Will Rangers ever be able in GW2 to become true Beast Masters, that can control more than 1 Pet at the same time? Like 2-3 at the same time to perform something cool like Pet Combo Attacks?
  • Will HoT add new tameable Pets for the Ranger, like for example Toads, Anacondas, Crocodiles, Tarantulas and other jungle specific creatures? Rainbow Phoenix as something rare, nostalgic and exotic to be found in the Jungle??

8) What is the Name of the Mesmer Elite Specialization, will it be the most expected Chronomancer?

  • How will the Elite Specialization change the Gameplay Mechanics of the Mesmer?
    Still Shattering Clones, or somethign different, like Time Aspects fitting for a Chronomancer based on the Past, the Present, the Future and the Chaos Principle/Fate?
  • What was the reason behind the decision to give this Elite Specialization a Shield and not for example use Daggers instead or give them even a completely new Weapon Category, like Whips, Halberds or Glaives or even perhaps Scythes to torn rifts between dimensions of time aspects??

9) What is the Name of the Elite Specialization of the Revenant?

  • How will the Elite Specialization change the Gameplay Mechanics of the revenant?
    Still Legendaries, or something different, and if no, how will it work?
  • Which weapon will the Elite Specialization add to the Revenant?

Thats the kind of meaty infos, that people want and are waiting mostly for I think

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Dailies are still no good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The Daily System is now so dumbed down, that I think Anet should completely remove it from the game and brign back a redesigned System of “Zaishen Quests”, that simply rewards players with “Zaishen Keys” to open up the Zaishen Chest which could reward you then with special rewards that you can receive only from this Chest.

The Zaishen Quests should be then every day tasks of a huge list of possible tasks and just you, the player decides which of these taskas you want to do, it simply resets every day, theres no silly random mechanism like now with Dailies, where you jiust randomly get a few tasks out of a premade pattern that rotates through, where you know exactly that every few weeks will come some specific tasks.

Anet should give with Zaishen Quests simply the power of decision fully into our hands and let us do as many of them as we want, no random system behind it, just a huge list of possible tasks that simply resets daily and that rewards the player for doing as many of those task as as you want.
Doing them doesn’t give the player any AP.
So there is no forced gaming anymore to ensure that you lose not any AP for the day.
Means, you could just make finally for once maybe a week break of this game without having to fear, that you will lose 70 AP on the way to maxing out your daily AP cap but that could mean on the leaderboards a big difference for alot of ap hunters

AP should get added only through new game content, not through Dailies!!
Every Ap from Dailies and old Mothlies, should just get merged to the Permanent AP under the Retired Achievements Section as “Old Tasks” Achievement.

So if you have for example currently 10k Daily Ap and 5k Monthly Ap, you woulds see then under Retired Achievements the Achievement “Old Tasks” with 15k AP there as a merged display and when you over your mouse over your achievement points, you don#t see there then anymore remnants from your old daily and monthly achievements – the hover effect just gets removed as there is then no need for it anymore…
Or if there needs to be stil la hover effect, then you get shown there instead how many Zaishen Quests you have done with your Account in Total for that tiny bit of maybe interesting info there and what kinmd of Zaishen Quest is your most favored one, if you keep on repeating something significantly often of them …

The current Daily System is just boring, underwhelmingly unrewarding, uncreative, too restrictive and just not motivating the player at all to do anythign more, than just the required minimum amount of tasks to do tovget as quickly as possible your 10 AP to just leave the game then again, cause your done for the day …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

What does your GW 2 "Wish List" look like?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I could fill so many pages with stuff that I’m wishing for GW2 to have, so I’ll reduce it just only to Bullet Points that would make up for great impacts in this Game which would enhance this gme in many Aspects of Content, Fun, Progression, Variety, Achievements, Gameplay, Complexity/Depth and so on

1. Housing
2. Mounts
3. Naval Battles
4. Zelda like Solo-Dungeons
5. Various forms of Raid Content (Guild Crusades, Battlefields, Hunting Grounds, Heroic Fractals, Dungeon Crawls, Missions)
6. More Activities, Polymok, Target Shooting, Rollerbeetle Racing, Moa Racing, Battle Collosseum, an ingame Collectable Card Game similar to FF8’s Triple Triad and somethign similar to FF10s Blitzball maybe to have also an activity that uses the underwater mechanics where you can freely move yourself around in all 360 degrees in the water to make full usage of your environmental positioning
7. New Weapons (Halberds, Whips, Claws, Great Axes, Glaives, Crossbows, Chain Sickles)
8. Cantha & Elona explorable again and a fully explorable Tyria
9. Tengus and redesigned Largos as playable Races
10.Trait System Redesign, split up into Traits, Talents and Expertises, including introduction of own Underwater Traits/talents and Expertises
11. Complete Rebalancing of all Underwater Skills
12. Introduction finally of DX11 at least and a 64Bit Client for better Game Performance
13. Multiple different themed high quality WvW Maps (Redesigned Alpine Borderlands, Desert Borderlands, Jungle Borderlands, Island Borderlands (includes Naval Battles), Marshland Borderlands, Summer Grass Plain Borderlands ect. so that there is a big amount of different themed borderland maps that anet can rotate through weekly.
14. Reintroduction of Season 1
15. Merge of Personal Story as basically Season 0 with Season 1 to include the LS Characters within your personal Story and make them part of it somehow in it, so that you see them beign also part in the game from begin on more or less actively somewhere.
16. Redesign of the Zhaitan Battle
17. Each Class having somewhen in the future around 3-4 Specializations (Sub Classes)
18. Redesign of the Craftign System to make it lesser of a Grinding Chore and more of a System, that lets you really create unique and useful things that you can receive only via Crafting
19. Making in regard of Ascended Equipment GW2 again a more Alt Character friendly game, by introducing more ways on how to get effectively Ascended Equipment, where gettingn Ascended Equipment actually becomes easier so more alt Characters you make, so that the system REWARDS you for actually alting alot instead of punishing you by slowing you massively down in progression with such ridiculous nonsense like time gating mechanics that artifiscially make the costs of the stuff higher, than it needs to be.
20. Bring back more of the old GW1 stuff to give this game more nostalgia, be it old revamped GW1 dungeons, be it more of the old GW1 armors and weapon skins, be it a Factions System ect. pp
This is GW2, you should make us feel more, that we do play here actually a sequel of one great MMO and nostlagia is important for that.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

4 MILLION worth of Luck, what to do?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I can’t deny to say, that i’m kind a bit of jealous seeing this, but somehow do make me pictures like this always think:

How the hell is that possible?? Especially with such a friggin low play time on the account.
2100+ hours for auch a HUGE amount of luck (just to reach first the cap) plus those spare extra just 4 million – just 4 million only do take ages to get so much, unless there is some kind of trick to incredibly speed up the luck gain, like maybe some kind of yet unknown item dupe exploit ….

I can’t believe, that all this luck should come just only from trying to get Gwynefyrrd by using ToT bags and that stuff from Halloween.
Or did you help yourself out here by using real money to buy gold to buy with all the gold tons of bags from the TP???

I don’t Know, I personalyl find these kinds of threads always more suspicious and fishy, than fun to see. Gives me always the feeling, that there must be really something incredibly running wrong with this game …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Dagger Storm Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Uhm, no, such a cheap situation wasnt the case..

Just started Dagger Storm, having the full stacks of Stability a few seconds later and then out of a sudden, the Dagger Storm was just like 2-3 seconds active and BOOM interrupded by a single god kitten Fear making this ELITE SKILL total useless.

Got not the boon stripped by a stupid well or so, no, just fear and it ends your Dagger Storm.
I wouldn’t have opened a thread for this, if this silly situation wouldn’t have happened for me already countless times in WvW.

It was that fear, that comes from Death Shroud and under Death Shroud Necros have no direct skills by itself alone, that can remove Boons.
The only way that I can think of what could work is Dark Path with Path of Corruption followed by an instant Doom, but the point is, those Necros which do this, never DP’ed to me with that teleport, its always a fear from the distance…

Or I’m just so rageous over this, that I simple didn’t recognize somethign much simpler…
However, an Elite Skill like Dagger Storm, which is in WvW one of the thieves most essential live savers shouldn’t be so cheesingly easily interruptable

The sense behind DS was from behing on, to give the Thief a skill, that lets us at least from 9 seconds be save from all the hard cc spam in this game as it is the only single skill that gives thieves actively stability on demand.

If Elite Skilly can be so cheesingly easy et completely interrupted, then there is nothign at all “Elite” about that skill. Elite Skills are designed to be TIDE TURNERS.
Theres no tide to be turned with such an easy interruptable skill at all in a battle, when at what is needed to make you instantly stop is a single fear.

If this is really a bug, it should be very easily reproducable for Anet to test it out and when I’m right with this to make a fix, to guarantee, that Stability od DS protects again completely against fears as long your Stability is up and stab on DS refills intself every few seconds after the last change to Stability.

Personally I think DS should get changed to give players not just only Stability, but also Retaliation and Resistance, that new boon to make it harder to strip off stab from DS so easily

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Where did all the players go?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


People make breaks whiole they wait for HoT so simple, because until BHoT iwll get released, it looks like this game won’t receive anymore some significant updates, other than the typical gemstore stuff every few weeks, because all of the devs are working on HoT now…

If ANet doesn’t throw us a bone and some meath to gnaw and chew at via easy already existign content at least, many people have nothign to do in the game at all anymore, other than farming gold/mats, what isn’t really entertaining.

So its normal that a large part of the active community plays now GW2 alot lesser active to the point of loggin in only for doing maybe the dailies and loggin then out again for the rest of the day for those, that do care about AP or Daily Rewards.
But people which don#t care for these thigns, will naturally make a longer break now, until ANet adds again some content to the game, that keeps players entertained for some time, like a new explorable map, like a new class ect. what is all what we will receive with HoT

I to belong to those players, which don’t play GW2 currently so actively anymore, mostly only for Dailies/Daily rewards and some WvW at the moment, cause I’m waiting for HoT, what lead me to the point, that I currently play again more with my console games, that I still need to play hehe, so my consoles get some love more again

You will see alot more people in the game again, once HoT is there, or if ANet would finally decide to throw something into the game, that would keep people for a long time BUSY via existing content.

  • Bring back Super Adventure Box World 1 and 2 again finally – this could keep people busy for quite some time …
  • Make another WvW TOURNAMENT
  • Open up again the Pavillion with some new Enemies in there that aren’t a huge task to make
  • Reimplement Living World Season 1 under the same System of Season 2, its already existing content, that just needs some tweaks here n there to get integrated back into the game as permanent content
  • Start finally a World Event based on the Build Up of Lions Arch, so that once HoT gets released, we will have build up to that point L.A again, maybe with special rewards for servers, that build up L.A. again before HoT gets released to give players also an incentive to partake as good as possible in that gargantuan task so that you server will get these rewards if you are quick enough
  • Make some redesigns of the World Bosses similar to Tequatl and let the Boss Week return, somethign that requires some effort yes, but should be doable in the background, while working on HoT and slowing HoT’s progress not too much down, but it would keep people busy

By the lack of information regarding the most interesting topics of HoT (GH’s and Specializations), its normal and clear, that people will make breaks of this game, especially when they have already done mostly everything in this game up until this point.

ANet has enough options to keep us busy for enough time that they can work on Hot in the backgroumd, but sadly currently we see anet utilising nothing of these easy options to keep us busy.

Instead they feed us rarely with some blogposts of HoT infos, that are only for a minority of people interesting enough to stay hyped and entertained in such a time, where you have ingame nearly nothing to do at all anymore, other than grinding for all kinds of basic stuff in this game – gold and materials

and if Anet doesn’t throw us a bone very soon, I guess alot more people qill quickly make longer breaks of this game, its just that downward spiral of boredom, that every game will hit on sooner or later if there isn’t constant content to keep you somehow busy/informed about new things to come that you want to know and that are relative to the actual GAMEPLAY of this game in the future and not just only its lore….

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Please fix this

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Why do I just believe right now, that this here is just a cheap disguised try to want to see Thieves getting nerfed only more and OP is in fact just someone, who gets beaten by this kind of thieves often in PvP/WvW and disguises his inability to beat such thieves there now as an “exploit” in PvE, that is no exploit at all in the hope, that in relation to that bad and wrong comparison ANet does nerf the thief in the end??

Is it just me, who believes this…?

PS: and even if the Op really was serious with all of this, then he posted it in the wrong area… then this should belong to the bug section where it literally wil lget closed only anyways, cause it is no bug/exploit at all

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Suggestion: General Game Balance Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Miku

1 vs 4+ should surely not be able to win, but those 4+ should be able to stunlock that 1 player from the very first moment the battle begins until the moment of you becoming downed. You should have at least a chance to flee/react on that situation after getting hard cc’ed the first time and thats exactly whats not the case now.
The game gives you in such situations not the chance, even if you have a Stun Breaker with you, because you waste it in such situations only, because the moment you use it, you will instantly get hard cc’ed again.

If this would be protected by a temporary immunity after the first hard cc either automaticalyl or from using the SB, then there would be a chance to get away quickly without fearing (pun not intended), that you might get instantly hit by another hard cc again to keep you stun locked at the place so that they can pummel you further while you are completely defenseless and unable to do anything at all.

The point is, this problem exists not only for 1v4. it exactly exists also in like even situations 10v10v, 20v20, ect. because the whole hard cc gameplay of this game just reduces and waters down the whole combat system of GW2 only to the silly question of “which side can hard cc quicker more foes from the other side?”
This is exactly the reason, why people try to buff up since the hammer meta exists always first lots of Stability, before they run into a zerg Clash to reduce the chances, that the own side fells first for those cheesy hard cc spam builds and gets defenselessly overwhelmed.

About your Clone question, what happens with Clone 2 and 3, if a player would be for some some immune to dazes after the first clone hits.
Clone two and 3 stop then automatically to run further to you and don’t explode and attack the foe again.
If they would have hit anyway at the same time, they would have caused anyway just only 1 second of daze together, cause as shown, daze doesn’t stack and the player has no control over the running in ready to shattering clones anyways.

I know you would say, that if they would still go in and explode and don’t daze, that they would be then a waste an the system be a nerf to Mesmers. But fact is, this is already the case, when all 3 hit a target the same time, then two are already wasted.
However, anmother improvement to simply make that shatter skill more useful is, if every clone would automatically run to a DIFFERENT nearby foe just to maximise the possibility of you dazing up to 3 different foes around you and not just one target.
That would be the actually a way smarter solution for this skill and would require just an A.I improvement of the shattering clones to make them each run fpor an individual nearby target, if there are some in the near and if there aren’t multiple foes in the near, to make just only 1 of them run and shatter to a foe and not all 3 at once (the one that stands nearest to a foe)
As a little compensation Anet could reduce maybe slightly the cooldowns of that shatter skill from kitten to 35 seconds and that of distortion from 60 to 50

@ war

Nice to see another old GW1 veteran who knows the old gameplay mechanics of the prequel in regard of this to appreciate the same like me

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside