also ANets biggest Update so far in history xD
omg, can’t believe it, that size, must be like 1 GB oz so, am actually at over 500 Mb and it has still way over 6000 foles to load xD
PS. ok 1 GB is exaggerated, my more proper guess would be its over at like 800 Mb , buthats still insane ^^
PPS , its over and its freakign seriously 897 MB !!!
good lord, what in hell is the reason for this size !! lol, thats like the size of like 3 Living Story Patches together!!
PPPS : first sight, urgh ,BUG ?? are now the Loading Screens changed or what, or is it normal that they are now showed in much smaler sizes, that we see now alot more black background oO
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
@ MandJ
You know as good as mee, that the Search Function in this forum is junk, so it would be quite helpful to just provide the link of the thread as you know exactly where to look for it…
Others, that haven’t seen the thread you are talking about, don’t know, where to look for it.
However, i searched a bit around and found so far just only something with chinese translated stuff in, where peopel partwise used even Google Translator.
What I meant with my question is, if there is already some kind of official preview thread about it, that doesn’t come from some chinese patch notes, but has been posted by any NA Anet Dev with a red post or so here… or if everyone is now just taking everythign as officially set in stone from some chinese translations nowdays??
Because you know, from chinese to international client version release, can still be made some changes … or in those translations can be found misinterpretations, as long its not somethign oficially posted by a red post from a NA Dev that makes it set in stone for us in the US/EU
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
urgh, did I miss here something, or what are you guys talkign about??
Has Anet posted somewhere a new official BalancingPatch Preview in which stands, that they will make some changes to those mentioned Guardian Skills ??
if yes, then please post here the link to that thread, so that those of us, which haven’t seen it yet can get that official info too
thanks in advance
Having more Options for playlists surely would be awesome.
Options like this:
- Ambient = when no other Criteria is fulfilled
- Danger = when you are nearly dead (not defeated), or when dangerous situations occur around you
- Main Screen/Login = when you login to the game and select your characters
- City = in racial cities and outposts
- Home = in your personal Home Instance
- Dungeons/Fractals = in Dungeons and Fractals of the Mist
- Guild Hall = in your Guild Hall
- Guild Missions = when you Start a Guild Mission or when you participate at one of an other Guild
- Battle = when you battle something
- Boss Battle = when you battle World Bosses or Bosses in Dungeons
- Defeated/Dead = when you get defeated or killed
- Victory = when you are victorious after a Battle
- Victory Boss = when you are victorious after a Boss Battle
- Activities = in Activity Instances, like Keg Brawl, Sanctum Sprint ect.
- Adventures = when you activate an Adventure
- Nighttime = when it is Night
- Underwater = once you go into Water and dive down.
- PvP = when you go into the PvP Lobby and play PvP
- WvW = when you go into WvW
If ANet would improve the playlist Options to this, I’m pretty sure, that alot of more people would like to use Custom Playlists then.
The more options there we get, so better it will be for the whole game and its something, that really shouldn’t be hard to improve to add in that Custom Playlist Folder just more options for us.
It would be a small QoL improvement with just a huge awesome positive effect for all of us.
New Players that have yet no Max Equipment and can die due to this easily cause of inexperience with the Game Mechanics in PvE should search best a Beginner Guild.
Sure, such thigns like “Dodge is your Fried” are clear as butter on the bread, its the first mechanic that anyone should get quickly used to to prevent getting damaged.
However, the most important thing is more to get quickly better Equipment first.
By doing the personal story and leveling up, the game should provide you accordingly always with level appropiate Armor, that is better than the junk, that NPC Vendors sell for you – so use these things and do also the Heart Quests, as they provide also good level appropiate Armor for cheap amounts of Karma, so you don’t waste Money.
If you are in a Beginner Guild and Max level People help you out, you shouldn’t die at all, because mostly the enemies will die all, before they could get a serious scratch on you, if you just keep yourself a bit back and act as a back liner with ranged attacks supporting just simply only, while your stronger supporters mow through the enemies at the front line and watch out, that nothing gets at you with the help of stuns, immobilizes, cripples, chills and knockdowns so that you can always stay at safe range.
Once you have reached a certain level, that you can farm with your buddies dungeons, like the Ascalon Dungeon, leveling up will become for you alot quicker, because with every successful Dungeon Run you will effectively level up by +1 each time, plus you make some good money on the way with that method too and start on collecting dungeon tokens for an easy exotic armor set by the way.
As long as you havent Cooking and other useful crafting jobs levelup up to make yourself good stuff, your buddies from the Beginner Guild can surely help you out also by giving you some useful Buff Items (Food, Potions) to help you gain also more Experinece from kills, plus theres a crapload of other ways guildies can help you to gain even more extra experience points from kills (Banners, Campfires, Guild Boni)
From your Laurels you can buy yourself also some cheap experience booster helps.
Then there are naturally with the login rewards also those helpful boosters now, that will help you level up quicker, as they boost you instantly up by +1 Level.
Doing with your buddies also alot of Dailies helps also, as they will give Exp Packs.
In regard of Class Choice: best beginner Options in my opinion are as followed:
1) Ranger playing with Longbow/ Dual Axe Combo = Low Risk/High Reward, super beginner friendly as all you do is spammign Rapid Fire from safe rang,e push enemies away that get too near to you, and if you need to slow down enemies, use barrage.
Your pet is a nice Extra Tank/Meat Shield, especially when you use a Bear or Wolves, but bear is tankier
2) Thief
very easy to play, you can stealth yourself when it gets dangerous to lose aggro instantly.
with the right build, you gain back health with all your attacks, by using simply your weapon skils, landign critical,s as passive effect from your healing signet.
This paired together with attacks that can deal multiple hits, bounce between targets or pulse, like choking gas and deal damage over time, you will pretty alot of health regen, plus you can use ur steath also to help your buddies alot, saving time, rezzign them safely with shadow refuge. So if you like to play the Ninja Nurse, thats your class then. Plus, as thief you can dodge alot more oftenly, than the other classes. especialy with shortbow.
3) Mesmer is also very beginner friendly and helpful, which you can play form safe range with Greatsword, while givign your buddies also nice support with clones/phantasms that will help keeping aggro from you away.
Then theres time warp with that you will kill enemies alot faster.
if needed they can stealth also to to lose aggro, while they can have permanently all kinds of helpful boons up due to a signet utility, that gives them every few seconds a random boon. with their healing skill they can have also a nice self regeneration as logn you have clones or phantasms up, plus you can provide your buddies a self regen, when you have phantasms up, what is also useful alot.
Otherwise, the best tip for Newbies is:
Don’t rush things. If you try to rush through things in this game, you will see yourself alot more oftenly dead. Play the game not haste, take your time, do what the game provides you in content by making the personal story with other people, doing any dynamic events that you come accross on your map you play on while doing heart quests and exploring the maps to 100% and killing by the way creatures, which most likely haven’t been killed for a real long time, as that gives alot of bonus exp, especially when you have buffs on that increase your exp gain from kills.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
yeah with longbow beign the better choice :P
Don’t understand what people have all with their rifles, when longbows are much nicer and are more fitting to the overall Thief Theme of invading places quiet and unseen in stealth There have rifles no place.
At leasts its absolutely not what I would want to see as the first Thief Specialization.. somewhen later sure with something like Gunslinger… but I hope for god’s sake, rifle won’t be put in with their first specialization..
Don’t want to wait until the next specializations come, until Thiefs get a better Spec that doesn#t use these silly rifles, when everything that is the reason for why people want rifles is just only, so that thieves get a 1200 range weapon too.
so, if thats really all for the reasoning, longbows can do this job too and look better at it
However, I start to ask myself, if Thieves get a ranged weapon even at all and not maybe Torches or Axes/Maces instead, cause of basically confirmedly Guardians receiving already Longbows, if Anet should follow the thought, that every Specialization will get a new weapon which won’t repeat itself perhaps with other specializations.
So far, each weapon that we know up hsa been a different one, no repeats.
Mesmer = Shield
Necromancer = Greatsword
Engineer = Hammer
Ranger = Staff
Guardian = “Longbow”, not really officially confirmed yet, but the latest trailer is so obvious…
So the left out weapons so far are:
Dagger, Shortbow, Rifle, Sword, Axe, Mace, Pistol, Scepter, Focus, Torch, Warhorn
and there are basically 4 Professions left from which we don#t know, what they wil lget yet.
Thief, Elementalist, Warrior and Revenant from which we event don’t know yet all of itd Standard Weapons that it can use and what its Specialization adds on top of it.
Warriors already have nearly everything.
They miss on Dagger, Torch, Shortbow, Pistol, Focus, Staff and Scepter, where only Dagger and Torch would make sense, other Specializations should get new Weapon Types rather, like Great Axes or Halberds
Thieves are missing on Longbows, Rifles, Axes, Maces, Torches, Warhorns, Shields, Staves, Scepters, Focus and sense of these would make only LB, Rifle, Axes, Maces and Torch
Elementalists will I think receive Swords, but thats just a wild guess, or if ANet should go for the easy route of Ele Specializations and start with something like the Pyromancer, then its most likely clear, that they would get Torches then.
in case of the HoT them, Pyromancer would make even the most sense, because plants are best destroyed with Fire.
Anet said already, that the Druid uses the powers of the jungle, so I guess, the specializations are also somehow tied a bit to the story and location of GW2, that we will see for now specializatinos, that maske mostly sense for playing part in a big jungle in which that kind of character progression starts for all for the first time.
hmm, speculations over speculations, so more I think over it, so more I want to get to know finally something official ^^
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Will there be HoT World Completion Rewards?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
The completionist in me hopes so. The completionist in me also hates the fact that there is no map completion for South Sun, Dry Top and the Silverwastes.
I share to 100& the same opinion.
Anet should now, that they remove WvW from World Completin (4 Maps) use as a compensation for that Southsun, Dry Top and Silverwastes to incorporate these 3 Maps also into 100% Map Exploration and give those Maps also for exploring them to 100% a Map Reward to give people more incentives to explore these maps also for 100%.
Basically everything ANet has to do only is to copy the % coverage of the 3 Borderland maps for example over to Dry Top, Silver Wastes and Southsun Cove in a 1:1 way and if needed add to the 3 maps some new POIS, vistas or Skill Point Challenges if needed, so that they have an equal amount of points to explored for the % coverage of a alpine BL Map, cause DT, SW and SS being smaler than a BL Map.
Every new explorable Map should also always be included into 100% Map Exploration with a 100% explored Map reward.
Thats imo they way how ANet should have handled it from begin on.
People without the expnasion would stay then on the old style 100% exploration.
For them would nothing change.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
I also fele lately very oftenly again massive Skill Lags that are like +5 seconds and longer or even so strogn lags, that even the Chat lags or that you start to rubberband through the game.
I always know, when it happens, basically when I just can keep on running around with my Character, but I can#t suddenly use any skills anymore, the game reactly on nothing anymore and then some time later all what happened in the mean time happens in a matter of a blink of an eye instantly, what happendcin real time while yo uwere lagging and either you find ypourself then dead on the ground instantly, or you get rubberbanded to an other spot on the map.. in most cases to an old place where either the lag started for you, or to a new place, where the lag ended for you .
it the worst case, the game has so much lag at the moment for you, that you get forcefully disconnected, because of the games client server connection breaking in or what I guess is, forcefully gets stopped by the game so that the servers lose pressure at that moment and you as a player who got chosen by the game to get forcefully dced gets for it the red card…
I don’t know, what is wrong right now, that the game lately starts to lag in certain servers so extremely that WVW becomes unplayable, even if not zergs of like 50 people clash into each other.
The general lag problem imo is only something, that can be solved in future, if anet does finally somethign more for the overall game performance for the player’s PC side.
With a 64bit Game Client and DX11 Support at least, I’m 100% sure, would have alot lesser peopel such nasty lag problems in the game and the game woudl run for alot of players in WvW alot smoother.
I think ANet should follow the rout of designing for the game exactly 4 different huge Borderland Theme Maps-
- Alpine = (should get completely redesigned brought back first to com back with the same Quality, that the new Desert Map has as the new Standard for WvW)
- Desert
- Lakeshore (kind of Atlantis Style with more Focus on Underwater Battles)(EB schould get worked into this)
- Jungle (Forest/Swamp Mix with exotic wildlife Style)
These 4 huge Maps should work then on a 3 Month Rotation through the Year, basically like the 4 Seasons
Alpine = Winter
Lakeshore = Spring
Desert = Summer
Jungle = Fall
So every 3 Months the Borderland Map will change to the next one.
Edge of the Mists stays as neutral Map that can be entered at any time.
Same as like Eternal Battlegrounds, but I wish EB will get somewhen in the future redesigned and improved too, so that it will profit somewhen from all the latest WVW improvements too, while EotM stays as basically Testing Platform for eventuelly new Features.
Thaty my personaly vision about WvW, which I hope, that Anet kind of will do this with the BL Maps and the whole thing about their Rotation Plans, because, what would it make for a sense to start with a Rotation here, if Anet wouldn’t plan on releasing more new BL Maps for the future, because a Rotation between only 2 Map Themes wouldn’t make much of sense.
So my guess is, Anet will make must likely 4 Maps, if not more, so that a rotation system makes sense and is worth it to do it instead of simply enabling all players to play on all maps all the time, but that would divide too much the WvW community, so I think thats the most logical reason for why we get that rotation system most likely too.
I think 3 Months between rotations is a good amount of time, long enough to make also within that time seasonal tournaments for example.
Prophecies: King Adelbern
Factions: Kuunavang
Nightfall: Ilsundur (Djinn Boss from Catacombs of Kathandrax)
EotN: Gwen
Neutral: RazahThat would be my personal choices
Hmm you raise an interesting question with adelbern, would he be able to become a legend? technically he is dead but his ghost still lingers in the catacombs, would you be able to summon someone like that?
I think when Rytlock finishs, what he started by stopping the Curse of the Ascalonian Spirits from the powers of Magdaer with the help of Sohothin, then absolutely yes.
@ Lunacy:
1) I don’t know from where you got that “adding Name” thing, but it wasn’t me.
2) only Commanders beign able to put AC’s was a Suggestion instead from me and I haven’t said, that it would be a perfect solution. its merely a restriction that should help to reduce the cases of trolling with ACs, because its much more likely to get reported, if you have a visible Commander on your Map, that recognizable sabotages your own side by trolling with unneccessary Siege Weapons being placed by him/her.
Why do you think do people troll so much this way? Because of the current anonymity, that most likely no one will see them, whikle they troll.
So to take the fire its hotness, you make take away those trolls their anonymity as best as possible and reduce as best as possible the chances of peopel beign able to troll by taking the fire its air away, in that case, allowing only Commanders to place AC’s because changing AC’s to preset locations like my suggested Ballista Change for example makes not really sense to do the same heere with AC’s. Therefore are AC’s too important as defensive SW to be placeable anywhere at will.
Sure, there are many Commanders, but the amoutn of Commanders in WvW is by far alot smaller, than the total amount of WvW Players, so it will definetely drastically reduce the chances of seeing someone trolling in WvW and thats the sole purpose of a restriction like that.
3) I don’t care about what you are blabblering there about an Elitist Nonsense about kitten ect. thats just not at all about the topic and has nothing to do with the suggestions, other than being destructive criticism, without saying anything constructive at all about the suggestions, for why you think the suggestions would be exactly bad and how you think, that the base idea could be improved to prevent maybe your issues you have with my ideas, which I might have personally overseen to think about, you know
4) Fact is, all my suggested ideas above there focus mainly only on stopping, preventing or restricting the WvW Trolls from placing Siege Weapons at senseless places or in such an amount, that nobody else will be able anymore to place Siege Weapons.
by changing certain Siege Weapons to preset locational Siege Weapons, similar to how Mortars and Cannons functionize, Anet will be able to increase the Limits of Siege Weapon Placing for all other Siege Weapons, that stay like they are and can be placed anywhere where you want, like AC’s.
Plus to that suggestion of mine is also, that it would incredibly help to balance WvW by slowing down the speed of how incredibly fast gates can be opened currently due to the limitless rams that can be basically put up in front of a gate, where realistically 2-3 should be maximum as a limit.
Also by changign rams to be a more significant supportive Siege Weapon by reducing their damage and therefore making it possible, that with their help Players can do more significant Damage to set up the focus for quick gate destructions to Golems is imo also the right thing to balance better the WvW Game Mechanics, because thats the sole purpuse for why Golems exist in WvW, they are the Gate Breakers mainly, or they should be that in my opinion honestly to make Golems more important, which doesn#t change the point, that players should be still able to break gates just ionly with Rams, but it should take with Rams alot more time, than right now it is the case, where you can breeze through Gates in a matter of no time with like 1-2 superior Flame Rams already if nobody stops you with a Siege Disable in time.
Brief said, rams deal definetely way too much Damage to Gates, than it is good for WvW.
I absolutely don#t see, where my suggestions here should do any harm to WvW or invite any kind of “anti siege-trolling” as you say, only because I suggested, that players should be able after a TIME LIMIT to remove also Siege Weapons and that only when the Siege Weapon has still 100% Health!!
Means, if any enemy should see and attack that placed Siege Weapon, your said anti-siege Troll wouldn’t be able to remove a Siege Weapon that is somewhere needed from the field.
Most important Siege Weapons in GW2 get anyway controled and patrolled by their Scouts that ensure, that the Uptime of the Siege doesn’t run out. So I think it wouldn’t make sense to try to anti siege troll something, that gets permanently watched over.
An a troll, which just places unneccessary sieges to just remove them again a few minutes later makes no sense and would be just a big waste of time for that person.
If neccessary, removing siege could be also restricted to a Commander only feature to massively reduce the possibility of any trolling too.
Show me any person, that is willing to waste 300 Gold just to become a Commander in Wvw to be able to troll there and risk getting their accounts terminated ?
Prophecies: King Adelbern
Factions: Kuunavang
Nightfall: Ilsundur (Djinn Boss from Catacombs of Kathandrax)
EotN: Gwen
Neutral: Razah
That would be my personal choices
This can be only a Mesmer or Necromancer.
However, a Torch would be for a Thief Specialization a nice and perfect choice for becoming Saboteurs as a Weapon, that creates shadows from its source of light, its the most perfect weapon to perform more constant Shadow Steps or an improved form of Shadow Steps > Shadow Walks.
Based on Thief Specialization possibilities, anything of these would make sense:
Rogue = Longbow or Axe or Mace or Quarterstaff
Infiltrator = Longbow
Saboteur = Torch or Mace
Brawler = Quarterstaff (New Weapon Type required)
Assassin = Offhand Sword
Gunslinger = Rifle
I personally hope, we will see as Thief Specialization first the Infiltrator with Longbows as a Specialization, that focuses more on Stealth and Venoms with finally a proper silent Weapon of 1200 range that fits to the style of the Thief.
This, or the Saboteur with Torch or Mace woudl be awesome that focuses in this case on Trickery and Traps.
But the first option I’d prefer alot more, because I like that playstyle more
I hope, that we get something useful/funny.
Hopefully not again any Lvl 20 Boosters.. if they shoudl come up with them again, then i hope it will be this time Lvl 40+ Boosters, as they have been already basicalyl datamined, that there are also those Boosters with higher instant boosts, so coming up again with instant lvl 20 boosters for a third time in a row would be really laughable.
Coming up with these 24h birthday boosters as somethign special would be also ridiculous, now that we can get monthly such a booster for 1h for just login in….
So my personal guess and suggestion would, that the next birthday gift should consist out of these thing:
- A Tool Item that works like a significantly improved Flames of Kryta-Torch, the “Divine Fire”
Really, personally since I earned that Flames of Kryta form the Meta Achievement in the past and used it the first time, the very first thing that went through my head is, why doesn’t that thing shine alot brighter..even a normal torch thats used as a weapon gives more light, than this thing…
And then now with the actual living story there is this Divine Light, which really shines bright, so bright, that it really can make be see thigns in the darkest spots of GW2.
it must be the original, but just some kind of renamed magical replica of the Divine Fire, which is a permanent more owesome looking Torch Tool that could come maybe together with some skills that aren’t fcor combat, but rather just for the looks to perform some flashy moves with it, which could give you, a potion type buff, whereas the birthday blaster gave you a food type buff.
- A new Birthday Instant Booster Item: Instant Crafting Level Booster for all Crafting Professions at once.
Use it on a Character and that Character will receive on all Crafting Professions a Boost of say for example +25 Crafting Levels.
Would be a nice little QoL help and somethign that would be worth it as a year year birthday present to help with it boosting a new Characters crafting levels..
Lets say there is then a limitation with these kind of boosters, that you can’t boost with them over say for example Crafting Level 250, but therefore do these boosters count directly for all Crafting Professions at once.
- A new Birthday Time Duration Booster: Merchant Booster
Boosts for 24hours your Gold Find by +100%, Items you sell to NPC Vendors will sell for double the amount, than normal and salvaging Items under the influence of this Booster have an increased chance of +50%, while there is also an increased chance of 50% to keep Upgrades from salvaged Items or to find Upgrade Components from them like Insignias for example.
If you don’t know it yet:
Otherwise I don’t get what you mean with “something that isn’t there”
The function that I decribed clearly exists as you can see above.
Or in case of it, that you mean with “instn there” the responding “Playlist”, if that is somethign ,that is maybe pregiven by ANet and can#t be changed by the individual player pershaps, as I don’t know thatm never used this function until toda,y but just know,m that it exists, then you might be right naturally, because in that case, Anet would have to add first the playlist for “Adventures”, so that the game would know, which customized music the game should play once you start in the game an adventure if thats it, what you meant ^^
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
weekly? hmm, then I seem to have misunderstood what has been said in that trailer
Thought Anet would use this chance in which they throw us now this new flesh to bite on for some time, until we see somewhen a new Tournament for which they might return the Alpine Borderlands in the future.
Do you really want to the the low quality Alpine Borderlands after a measly Week again back, when the new fresh huge Desert Map is there one?
I for once would find it silly to see the ancient old Alpine Borderlands after a luahgable Week back again, when it surely would be more fun to spent more time with the new map, than with a Map, that we all now for now for already 2 and a half years in which nothign at all has changed in there except of a tiny environmental redesign that removed a lake and some Quaggan NPCs, while reintroducing the Shrine Feature in a way, that isn’t very pleasing/convincing, where the SHrines in the new Map will be alot better and meaningful to the point, that we surely see alot more constant battles for the shrines there, than we do in the current WvW maps, where they are mostly absolutely uninteresting and most get taken only for the Daily Shrine Achievement once per player at such a day and otherwise mostly ignored by everyone.
Yeah, Solo Flipping must stay definetely.
Also flipping a fully upgraded Camp solo is also a thing, that requires SKILL and is absolutely nothing, that simply everybody can, nor every class build…
Its something only skillful players using specific classes can do fast and effective enough and so that nobody of your opposition might have enough time to stop you from doing it, because once the swords are there, time is ticking against you until someone recognizes that their camp gets attacked and at that point when this happens, you most likely want to have killed already the camp leader npc and be halfway done with flipping it to prevent a cat and dog fight for which the dog has nothing to do, than to buy enough time, until reinforcements follow or until those already killed stupid NPC’s respawn, what is imo something, that anet should change – once killed, it should stay dead, unless the owning side defends successfully and holds the place until the timer runs out, then the NPCs should in my opinino respawn first again so that these cheap time buy methods find an end and people actualyl really fight you, instead of running away and dpoing everythign thats neccessary to stay alive, in hope that either other players help them out in time or until NPCs respawn …
lol , the vid made my night xD
Picten > Piken ROFL
My problem is sure smaller forces can defend better now with the way keeps/towers are setup, but if its so laggy due to map capacity being so large and every1 blobbing, then really those defenses arent going to help. They need to fix populations and then these changes might actually be noticable. If maps held only 60 people instead of the 100 it can now, it would make it so tiers 3, 4, 5, and maybe 6 actually be playable and balanced.
They not not only to fix populations, but also the Game performance of the general Game must be improved finalyl to help players with bottlenecked systems to get the best performance of this game, that they can get.
GW2 needs finally a 64bit client and at least DX11 Support, so that PCs of today don#t get performance slowdowns from this ancient old DX9 anymore that isn’t able to deliver best game performance together with a crappy 32bit client, that lets not make PCs from today use all of their memory power ect.
What helps it, if you have 8 cores in your PC, that could work for your game, if the current client lets you have of your powerhorse only like a small piece of its maximum performance, when you know, that with maximum performance, the game would run alot smoother for you, when you simply can’t have internet Problems causing the Lags (which one with 50mb/s shouldn’t have)
So if it still lags, then just only because of the PC not beign able to handle too many moving players at the same time, which is a performance thing, that would work better, if there would be a 64bit client and DX11 Support for which most if not all GW2 players today should have good enough PCs/Laptops ect. that support DX11 to not worry any compability issues once ANet should roll out that performance improvement and the 64bit thing is just downloading and installing a new client over the 32bit version…)
A 64bit client for a 64bit PC is just an absolute must.
playing GW2 on such a pc with a 32bit client is like driving a Ferrari with a casual car motor inside and not with a ferrari sports car motor that should be better inside of it for the best performance …
Sure, player population itself is also a problem, but it is better first to solve the technological problems of WvW performance, that are in the hands of Anet, rather than working on overhasted server based solutions to change somethign on the player populution, like the often wished Server Merges or anything similar, which is just in my opinion a short sighted solution, because players can quit at any time and thus this means a server merge is only a kind of temporary solution… somewhen sooner or later that problem will return maybe …
Going for solutions that improve the general game performance is imo the safer long term better route for the game.
sadly no words or anything about WvW achievements from the EGX rezed trailer about the new borderland map, if it will have like EotM also its own achievements and more especialy, what ANet will do finalyl about the existing ones.
Come on, with the trailer its now official, that for now anet WILL REPLACE the complete “Alpine Borderland” with the new Desert Borderland, which is alot bigger, than anythign we ever had before, because in fact, that new desert map is basically 3 maps in one and as it looks ANet will take the time to bring back the Alpine Borderland only, when the Moment is fitting, like for a torunament that should find place on it… but for now, I think we will get for some longer time now first the complete new Map which should give ANet enough time to rework the alpine Map in the background, so that when they bring it somewhen in the future back, that it will be also a complete new overhauled and improved Alpinme Map of the same quality that the new Desert Map has, which won’t be then anymore 3 little divided copies of the same map, but also just 1 merged big 3 in 1 size map, like the desert I think.
However, alot of the current WvW Achievements, to come back to the main theme of the thread, are currently based all on the gameplay of the alpine borderland.
Saw in the trailer no Dolyaks, or did I have overseen them???
When the new map comes, shpould we do dolyaks then in the eternal battlegrounds from this moment on…?
Now after seeing the trailer about the new borderlands, its nice to see, that alot of thigns are in the new map, that has found place in my list here today which I hoped are way, how anet will improve the general WvW.
points 6, 7, 9 and 10 (Alpine Borderland< that was the word I was searching for lol ..Snowland xD – / Desert Borderland replaces it most likely, until Anet has the time to rework the Alpine Borderland for the Rotation to start and to add more Borderland Themes in the future) will be found all in the new map
I’m very pleased with that ratio ^^ Hopefully the other points will come somewhen later too to clear the other issues of WvW, that most likely are simply too much to get solved all with just HoT alone and need more changes and finetunings ect. later with upcoming Feature Packs for example.
what about scrubs alt+f4ing? downed this condi teef in my matchup and he rage quitted twice. Than he proceeds to spam me with emotes. I mean I didn’t even do anything bad mannered, all I did was kill his friends one by one like bad henchmen in a movie
What do you mean exactly? I thought there was an update (probably a good few months ago now) that made it so that if someone DCs or just straight up ragequits when downed in WvW that it still counts as a kill..
Yeah, that is the case, but people still do this…
happend for me after that until today still like a douzen of times, that people, which simply are annoyed of that that they lost and don’t want to see themself getting finished off, forcibly log out, just so that you can’t finish your move, even if you still get points for that…
No clues, what people leads to still do this childish behaviour
You know, that it is possible here in GW2 to hear whichever music you want?
You can replace the music you want to hear with the OST from GW2.
However, I understand the suggestion and would find it personally also nice, if some kind of specific catchy original music theme would start, when we do Adventures in GW2 that is significantly different from everything that we heard so far.
Maybe also changing ones, based on the situation of the adventure, in regard of if the adventure is currently at the moment a peaceful thing, or somethign that is far mor dangerous, so that the music catches also the mood of the situations.
That would I like
The mesmer forums have been arguing about this for much of the last couple of weeks. In broad terms, most mesmers are hoping that something good will come in the expansion, but the shield offhand has left a lot of us feeling very much doubting that the class will have anything decent happening in the expansion. While some (Chaos) keeps trying to ignite the flames of hope, others(Fay) are firmly convinced that a shield for mesmers is just a way for them to blow us off and not worry about doing anything good for this expansion.
For myself, I still have faith that anet may realize that ignoring an entire community is unwise and they will revisit the decision…
I came up already once with the same concept i think anet will go with with Chronomancers for GW2 together with Shields in an other similar complaint thread about Mesmers gettign with shields on first sight only 2 skills with the new weapon…
Again, please don’t forget, there exist also other weapons, which might be considered to add new Weapons skills, not just only the new Weapons that the Specialization adds.
it would be just weird, if a Specialization would do nothign else, than to add only 2-5 new Weapons Skilsl based on the new already existign weapon, when there are also other Weapons which don’t want to be forgotten.
The other point is, the Mesmer’s F-Mechanics easily allow it Anet to change the whole Shatter Gameplay of the mesmer with the change to the Chronomancer most likely to a new “Time Aspect” Gameplay in which the Chronomancer most likely, because it belongs theme wise to them, like butter on the bread, will be able to get control over the 4 aspects of Time Magic, which is the strongest form of Dominion and Chaos Magic together.
- Past
- Present
- Future
- Chaos
With that beign said, the Chronomancer is basically a Mesmer Specialization, that focuses on Dominion Magic and Chaos Magic to become able to control and bend time at will through manipulation of the very fabric of time and space itself, that is the illusion that lies in between the reality and the mists like a veil. (butterfly effect says what design was again the Mesmer..humm grubs? or no, were it perhaps butterflies?? ^^) with chromancers making alterations in there, which will change the past or the future after the chaos principle that is part of the theory behind the butterfly effect basically as much as I understand about it. But theme wise it just all would fit together so much
With such a change in the F-Skills, Anet can easily change all kinds of Weapon Skills also those 2 of the Shield and can make easily out of those 2 Skills directly 8 and instantly by this butterfly effect, the world does look mathematically instantly different again for all those little complainers out there
Just as said, its the Class Design that matters, not the amount of Skills on first sight that are newly added without knowing anything about new gameplay mechanics ect. that come along with the Chronomancer Specialization too.
I hope, that this Game will see one day the new feature of “Skill Skins” (not as gemstore thing, but as earnable Character Progression stuff thats just cosmetical, same like Colors are earnable) to allow us players to change the looks of our Skills.
With something like that I would love to change for example:
- My Bone Minions into 2 GW1 Style Skeleton Hounds
These were truly epic and fearful looking.
They would transform themself under water into Skeleton Sharks
- My Flesh Golem would I love to exchange also with a GW1 Skin Version, that looked alot more awesome, that that plain ugly flesh mole thing we got now
- My Shade Fiend would I love, if I could change it to look more like this:
Not like a ugly black ball with 6 eyes, but more like something, that really resides in the darkness, that got basicalls absorbed by it and become one with it-feeling and look, that it should have with sharp claws, that look, like that they could shred you into pieces, if this hunter of the darkness could get you with them… especially cause of GW2 already having somethign that could replace it, this
- My Flesh Wurm would I love to exchange with something, that looks more like this:
A big evil looking snake that spits acid/poison like a cobra …
- My Bone Fiend would I lvoe to change into something, that looks more like this:
- For my Blood Fiend I have no clues, just more bloody and evil/scary looking would be nice xD..
The current undead minions of the Necromancer do look all, as if they would have been designed for like 6 year olds, that they shouldn’t get creepy nightmares hopefully, if they see them.
Undead minions have to look really dead, scary, boney, tattered, bloody and just fierce to give you the right feeling about it, that it are souls, which are forced to obbey willinglessly the commands of their masters the Necromancers, like some tools of destruction on your invisible line which hear on your command.
The GW1 Necromancer felt also more fearsome with their 10 minions they could have at the same time, where it are now maximum only 6, theoreticalyl for short moments 7, if traited for jagged horrors.
I think Necromancers in GW2 would be more awesome, if they could have again maximum 10 Minions, once Anet would improve the A.I System of this game also too for the cost of Minions like in GW1 temporarely loosing again health slowly if you want to surpass the current maximum of permanent 6 minions in a battle.
Would be nice if there would be a trait for that, which increases the maximum number of minions to 10 somehow, for the costs that minions lose health over time with say for example a constant bleeding of 2 stacks, what would make sense, undeads are bloody and lose it over time ^^
The only thign that Anet shouldn’t brign back is that silly undead summon mechanic of GW1 that allowed to summon only when dead corpes were near. That was an annonying feature and its good, that anet remioved that for GW2.
To reach 10 Minions fom its current maximum of 10, one could add for example a Trait, which adds +1 summon for the Utility Skills.
Bone Minions + 1
Bone Field +1
Blood Fiend + 1 and you would have 10 (theoretically possible even 11 with that mechanic, but lets cap it at 10 with such a Trait, lets say if you would summon the theoretically 11th minion, the first minion would explode and it would cause an aoe damage so that trying to play with 11 minions in GW2 would not be a waste of time, if Anet ever would really considerign to give Necromancers such gameplay through a new trait, or with a specialization that focus more on death magic and the minions somewhen later, like an “Occultist”
PS: about Swiming Lessons for Flesh Golems: better would it be, if Anet would just improve the skill to let the Flesh Golem automatically transform itself into something like Flesh Sharks, which would be a more powerful version of my suggested Bone Sharks here for a Skill Skin of the Bone Minions when going with them under water)
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
lol .. that people always again bring up this nonsensical argument, that only because a class gets an offhand weapon, that it MUST be automatically worser than what others get.
In this braindead (sry when I say this word, but it is what this kind of complains feel to me) way of thinking today any normal??
Do people of today just think only with mathematics in their head first which tells them 5 v 2 new Skills, so the Specialization with only 2 new Skills on FIRST SIGHT must be automatically worser??? Ergh..NO?
Don’t you people think, that it is mostly obvious, that if a class receives on first sight lesser new skills, than an other specialization, that Anet might have GOOD REASONS for this decision???
1) Class Balancing
2) Will get in a different way more Skills, like through a change in the Class Mechanics (Hello there F-Skills!!! Long time no see… cough)
3) Will receive something different as compensation, like therefore more power/meaningful effective Traits under the Specialization
4) Other Weapons might not fit to the Specialization Theme…
5) or is the most fitting Weapon that currently exists as the better choice would eventually require to implement a complete new weapon type
6) Don#t forget the other already existign Weapons, because when you change to a Specialization, you don’t will suddenly forget how to use the other Weapons that you used already before as they surely will get with the Specialization also different Weapon Skills, or do you believe, that the Longbow Skills of the Ranger will still be the same, as like when you are a Druid??
Theoretically possible, but would it make much sense?? Not really, Thats Anet perfect chance to add new Weapon Skills for all existing weapons without alot of problems, just through Sub Class..ergh Specializations ^^
What i want to say with my last point is… we have already 8 Classres with different amount of Skills, did anybody complain about that until today ???
No, because people get/got used to that very quickly, that Classes like the Warrior, the Engineer or the Elementalist especially have the biggest amount of options of Skills in this Game, while other Classes liek the Thief, the Ranger or the Mesmer on the other hand have not so much choices.
Based on this fact, there will always be Classes, which have more Skill options, than others, because its the CLASS DESIGN which matters, not the total amount of Skills they have.
Part 2:
6) Improve the A.I of all WvW Enemy NPCs and improve also their Skill Sets, no WvW Defender should be the same, they should all have different Skills Sets, so that fighting them feels each tiem different and challenging at best.
7) Merge the 3 Borderland Maps and make a complete new Snowland Borderland Map out of it of the Size of all 3 Maps together, so that the Snowland Borderland will be similar to the new Desertland Borderland that we will receive with HoT.
Then from that point on, Anet should add more new Borderland types for the rotation of the Borderland Maps, so that players will battle in each RvR Match Up everytime on a different Borderland Theme Map.
- Icy Tundra = Snow
- Desert of Despair = Sand
- Phantom Mist Lake = Grass Plains and Water
- Wrath of the Nature = Forest
for example of some rotational Borderland Map Names and their environmental Themes.
8) Implement some of the good sounding Stronghold Features into RvR, like recruitable “Heroes” that could used like moveable “Special Weapons” which could grant players on their way certain special buffs based on which Hero you sended out.
Basicaly a mechanic improvement of the WvW Commanders Siegerazer ect. or how they are named… just that those heroes aren’t limitated foronly into the Starter Zones Towers, but can be sent out anywhere to help claiming back something or help defending something. (there heroes would be of legendary rank high health, so harder to defeat, than those simple WvW Commanders that are Champions)
9) Add some more Siege Weapons, like for example different Siege Golem Versions, or Arballistas or some of the Asura/Charr Style Sieges (Mega Laser, Lightning Turrets, Sniper Rifles, Charr Tanks as a different form of a Siege Golem maneuverable slightly faster but not so powerful version of that, with lesser health, but more defense that is rather weak to conditions (burning) than to physican damage)
10) Add more Traps and make them in general more useful, together with map build in environmental traps (like stone falls, needles, fall traps ect. pp)
Part 1:
WvW has to do some significant changes to improve itself: Heres my list of changes, that would be needed to make that game mode alot better:
1) Get away from the World v Word v World Concept of Servers and change WvW into “RvR” = Realm versus Realm.
Realms wouldn’t be just countless of servers anymore. Realms would be just 3 rotating Factions that fight each other in the Mists, and all Servers would get merged into 1 single pool of players, among which each single player gets rotated between those randomly.
However, the game tries to make all 3 Factions the equal size, so it can happen, that the game will put you into just a specific Faction, because of say Faction Red is already full to its maximum possible allowed size.Then the game will just put players to the other two Factions to fill them up.
With such a system it plays no role anymore, in which time zone you play or on which server you play.
The new WvW experience would give players the choice to get their accounts locked for the current match up’s Faction, so that you would stay for the whole Match Up in that Faction with the disadvantage, that you can’t play on WvW Maps, when its full (except EotM), or you don’t lock your Accoutn to the current match up Faction you have been put to the first time you log into WvW after a new Match starts and you will be randomly put to any Faction daily whenver you log in, which should be more interestign for those players, that have no interest in it for winning at any cost the matches, but rather play for fun/achievements ect.
Unless theres a tournament, then you will always stay locked on the Faction after your first login that has been chosen for you, until the tournament is over.
2) Improve the Siege Weapon Mechanics to work alot more like what you would expect from real Siege Weapons, rechargign range, placement ect. to stop the Siege Weapon Trolling, like what makes it for a sense to place a ram just somewhere in the open area or a Catapult directly in front of a gate or behind of it…
This Game Mode needs to become a better and more trustworthy War Simulation.
3) Improve/Change the WvW achievements so that they are all doable in a humans lifetime as an active WvW player that focues on this Game Mode.
4) Merge the WvW Traits into the new Mastery System, making out of them WvW masteries basically, with merged traits to make spece for new ones, also improve all of them to have 10 tiers and especially add WvW masteries, that signifianctly improve the defense in this game Mode, because currently only offense is everything, what counts there, bacause of defense being absolutely not rewarding at all. both, offense and defense need to be equal in gameplay and rewards in RvR!!
5) Add class specific Role Masteries based on “Specializations” so that every class in RvR feels special and is responsibly very good in something in RvR, like for example Elementalists being the only Class Line, that can deal significantly more Damage with their Skills against Gates and Walls with them beign the only Class, whose Skills can damage also Walls.
thiefs for example on the other hand are special in stealign and sabotaging Enemy Siege Weapons, and sneaking inside enemy territory passing through entries of keeps/gates, when in stealth, while spying enemies chat out (they are able to read, what people write in enemy chat when they are using their espionage skills).
WvW Achievements need to get fixed finally.
I don#t see, whats so freaking hard about it, to change just some numbers in the program code for those Achievements?
That Anet can change WvW Achievements, have they already proven a very long time ago with the achievements Realm Defender *, which requires after its change just laughable 10 Supply spent for an immediate increase of 15 AP !!!, where before of its change it would have needed alot more.. same with *Master of Disaster
Official Statement of Josh Davis there, that it was an intended change of one of cough other following “steps” of changing the achievements basically and when he talks about the “first step”, one can only assume, that more are to follow, but sadly MORE we haven’t seen since then several years ago >.>
His posting was from 2013!!!!!!
SO Anet is CLEARLY able like I suggested already several times, just to change the numbers in the program codes for their achievements at any time to reduce the numbers to a niveau, thats humanly possible to do in a lifetime.
However, some of the achievements shouldn#t just be only reduced in their numbers for their ranks, but they should receive also alot more ranks to feel more rewarding plus get their mechanics changed on how they give you credits towards those achievements.
Repair Master for example is such an achievement, that should get several Changes:
1) Rename it to “War Crafter”
2) Reduce the required amount from 1 Million used Supply to maximum 100000 used Supply
3) Increase its Ranks from 5 to 10 (1,5,10,15,25) to (1,3,5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50)
4) Add more Ways for how used Supply gets credited, not only for repairing walls/supply generators, but also for building up Siege Weapons and enable players also to repair damage Siege Weapons with Supply, what should also count then for this achievement
5) Add a WvW Mastery that increases the Points gained toward the achievement, when repairing or building something from 1 to 3 to maximum 5 to speed up the process of working on the title.
6) Add a Bonus for WvW Achievements for the Undermanned Side of +1 Point towards Achievement Progression
Merge Master of Disaster and Realm Defender together with 30 AP as Supply Manager Achievement for simply taking your first time Supply and delivering it to a keep or tower that has not maximum supply (new mechanic to exchange those silly Dolyaks out..players become now Supply Carriers!!)
Yakslapper becomes now a simple FUN ACHIEVEMENT for WVW that ypou gain for killing 10000 YAKS in WvW Maps, ANY YAKS that are there, not just only the old specific Supply Yaks …
Supply Yaks will still be there in WvW Maps, but their importance wil be drastically higher, as they will carry now more Supply, than before and will be more importan,t due to them delivering also essential new parts to significantly improve the defense and offensive constructions of keeps and towers, that players can build only, if so and so many supply dolyaks have been escorted safely to the places.
That would be some good changes, that I’d love to see for GW2#s WvW to happen.
Part 2:
3) Arrow Carts would be placeable everywhere, but to solve the trolling ascpect, I think Arrow Carts should be only deployable by WvW Commanders.
Here the problem could be solved, that once a AC has been put somewhere and this has been done by someone who wants to troll, a deployed AC construct can be deconstructed then any time by other players as long its not fully build up.
A fully build up AC should be also removeable by any player, but first after a time limit of say for example 2 Minutes. But only if the AC hasn’t received any damage after this while. Only AC with 100% Health would be removeable after 2 Minutes anytime.
Removing an AC from the place would lead then to the player getting 5 Supply, but no Blueprint back.
4) Ballistas should work like Catapults, only with a difference, that they deal alot more damage against players and especially against Golems, significant lesser damage against gates, they help only to weaken them more in a different way than Flame Rams do. So bigger the range, so more devastatign their shots should be and only deployable in this case at PRESET locations.
In WVW currently are only Cannons and Mortars preset at specific locations.
Anet should change Ballistas also to such preset locations, just with the difference, that players would see in the map exatly, where they can place a Ballista, and where not.
This limitation would be shared among all server,s so they would work like those Street Guardians, there can always be at a place a ballista only for 1 of the 3 Servers.
is somewhere already a ballista of an enemy, then it needs to be destroyed, so that you can place your own Ballista (or in case of role improvements, an enemy ballista needs to be stolen/sabotaged by a thief!!)
5) Trebuchets, would work like Catapults and Ballistas together, only at preset locations, with them doing the most damage against walls, when hit from maximum range. Their locations would be preset and if there is somewhere already an enemy treb, then you need to destroy/steal and sabotage it to get it for your own side
These suggestions should show you simple, how much potential there is still to significantly improve the WVW experience for everyone to a much more fun and mostly logical little war simulation which solves also all this trolling in one go, if Anet would simple improve more the general Siege Weapon Mechanics in WVW to work more logical in the sense of how you would use siege weapons in real life!
Compared to how players abuse their mechanics currently just to get maximum DPS with them to destroy gates and wallest in the just fastest possible way there is, it is sad to see, that ANet ignored improving WvW in general for way too long time!
WvW is in a dire need of more significant Gameplay Improvements. I hope the removal of the WvW Exploration Part is just the beginning of more Mechanics and QoL improvements that we will hopefully see in the near future and also with HoT as also follow up expansions or general Feature Packs.
WvW currently uses felt only like 10-20% of the potential it has to be basically GW2’s most awesome Gameplay Mode in my opinion.
Part 1
There is an easy way to stop this by simply improve the Siege Weapon Mechanics.
1) Make all Starter Zones impossible to place Siege Weapons in there
(This will also stop Servers from parking whole Siege Golem Armies in there and leads to the point, that they need to be parked elsewhere in save areas like Keeps or inside Towers as long as you keep them, what makes keeping them more important than it is right now.)
2) Make Siege Weapons deployable only in specific spot areas.
Does it make sense for example to place a Catapult directly in front of a Gate ???
HELL NO, it makes no freakign sense, but people do this crap only to maximize their DPS Efficiency to take down Gates/Walls the fastest way that is possible, because auf 1s Auto Attacking with the Rocks instantly crashing into the gates/walles for immediate damage, without having to wait for it that the flying rock lands somewhere.
Catapult for this example should be changed to work like RANGER LONGBOWS.
they should be only deployable at spots that are within their range, and their possible Targets need to be at least their maximum range away from them.
So if you want to place for example a Catapult, that has a basic range of say 3000 (not including the elevation bonus), then you would be able to place a Catapult only at places in the WvW Map, that is at least a distance of 3000 away from you, so that you will hit it, if you charge the Catapult for its maximum range.
For the exchange of that, Catapult will deal more damage, based on the range, so wider the target is away, so more extra damage will do the rocks.
3) Flame Rams for example would be only placeable directly in front of gates, because thats their only purpose for where you want to place them.
if you would try to deploy a Flame Ram in a place, where no Gate is in the range of the Flame ram, then you won’t be able to deploy it. So simple and the problem of this kind of Siege Weapon Trolling would be instantly solved.
Make also a LIMIT THERE, the maximum amount of Flame Rams that should be deployable at gates should be 2.
That will slow down the extreme speed of how fast zergs can open gates and would lead to the point, that Siege Golems should become more important.
I’d also reduce significantly the Damage of Rams against Gates and slightly increase the Damage of Golems against Gates.
ANet should make out of Golems the OFFENSIVE GATE BREAKERS, while Flame Rams should be much more the SUPPORTIVE GATE ENFEEBLERS, that support the Zerg and help the zerg to deal more damage against the Gates, support the zerg with Protection against Damage more, like they do already, but way too weak, which support the players by scarign away defensive NPCs liek they do now already.
Plus Anet should increase the Roles of all Classes for WvW siginificantly, there should be professions liek for example the Elementalists, which should be able to deal more Damage towards Gates with such powerful fittign Skills like Meteor Shower, than for example a simple Thief or a Ranger would be able to do with their simple Arrows.
Also Players, except Elementalists in this case shouldn’t be able to damage Gates, unless a Flame Ram has weakened the Gate!!
I’m amazed, that there are still people trying to find spots to farm this crap… just topped by my amazement, that Anet did implement that crap at all, thinking about it, what this crap caused only all for a negativity in the game from begin on.
It leaded to the destruction of the game’s best weapon achievement working on spot in Rata Sum, what I will never forgive those perma farming idiots which don’t think about it, what they actions could mean for consequences for others and selfishly overfarmed so drastically the spot, that ANet just had no other choice than to change the ambient creatures there…
This spot showed absolutely best, why GW2 is awesome with NO KILL STEALING, but this god stupid maize balm nonsense brought all this crap with 1 strike in its most evil form back at this spot of conflict, where those selfish farmers immediatly thought, only because that spot is the most profitable place in the game for their farmings, that the spot “belongs to them”…
That some people got even suspended for this farming crap, went even too far, giving farmers more rights, than other casual players which do nothing to ruin the game’s economy
One can say now, no they didn#t because money flowed only from players to other players.
But indirectly it did, because whenever players find ways, how they can make exorbitrantly fast money in a game like GW2, without that new money gets created in that proces, they expect from all other players to do the SAME if they want to get fast money, to put that as a reason, why they can raise up the prices in the tradign post also significantly higher…. because the answer of it will be then.
You want to buy item x at the higher price from TP directly at the new higher price? Yes? then go farm maize balm till you have enough gold that I want.
its an indirect form of money inflation – expectional indirect inflation through massive money incoming speed.
It isn’t as hard hitting as like normal direct inflation, but expectional indirect inflation that is caused because of the masses expecting from you to farm certain things like all others, so that you can get enough gold to be able to pay the extreme raised prices, is to me personally alot worser and something, that should have never happened to GW2
I just hope Anet learned from this and will never ever bring anything similar into this game.
Interview of J. Corpening and I. Cartwright
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
Just 5 big Questions with a few minor sub questions that are in my mind which I’d like to know about HoT right now:
1) What are Anets plans for Fractals of the Mist regarding HoT?
- Can we see for example a few new Fractals, like the Abaddon Fractal – I mean, you already worked on that, all the work for it would be a waste, if we wouldn’t see it some day in the game later, when no one would expect it?
- What kind of Fractal Masteries will we see?
2) What are Anet’s plans for improving Activities in GW2/HoT?
- Will we see for example some new Activities within HoT and if yes, what will it be?
- Can we see somewhen finally also the missing Actitives, like Bar Brawls, Polymok or Target Shooting in GW2, perhaps together with HoT?
3) What are Anet’s plans in regard of HoT when looking at Gameplay Mechanics like Underwater Combat and its general content?
- Will HoT also have underwater content somewhere in the jungle?
- Can we ever expect to see some kind of Underwater Balancing of all the Skills which really need that and hopefully also Underwater Combat receiving its seperate own Traits, so that the Game offers its own Traits for Land Combat and its own Traits for Underwater Combat?
4) What are the plans of ANet in regard of the Game’s general Performance Systems for the future?
- Will we see with HoT for example finally the introduction of a 64bit Client and DX11 Support at least)
- Any plans on Server Merges through HoT maybe or something different?
5) When can we see some more details about the yet not more explained new Features of HoT?
- A Blog Post or POI about Guild Halls – when approx?
- A Blog Post or POI about Specializations – when approx?
No exact dates here, so that nobody can say, its some kind of promise, just an approx week or month date would be more than enough.
I wish we would get at least then the Patch Notes as some kind of “Preview” so that we know, what we would have gotten normally now today all, so that I can know at least, for what I’m happily waiting for, that got all delayed now
I’m sure the Changes to Stability and the Camera wouldn’t have been the only things that this Patch would have brought today.
But why do I have the feeling, Gaile didn’t told us here the full truth and the simple real reason for the delay is, that ANet decided to use these 2 changes rather as additional content for a later following “Feature Pack 3”, to make the FP3 look a bit bigger and meaningful to us under the covering excuse of delaying it for more quality testing…
I like lists too, here is the stuff, that is for me personally absolutely overdue, or needs changes in general listed in no special order, just numerical as my brainstorm goes through my head:
1) Improving the Game Performance through giving GW2 a 64Bit Client together with at least Direct X11 Support.
2) Implementing finally the missing Game Content, which should have been in the Game from begin on, like Polymock, Bar Brawls, Target Shooting and turnign all of the explorable Racial Towns into serious interesting places, that invite players to permanently revisit them to so various things in these towns.
3) Rebalancing the complete Underwater Combat System and giving Underwater Combat for all Classes their complete own useable Traits, so that all Characters have seperate Traits for on land combat and complete seperate Traits for underwater combat
4) Fix finally the Day One Bugs of the Collection Achievements for those Champ Bag Collection and Fractals, which still don’t work properly and activate at all
5) The Merging of alot of useless/underpowered Traits to make space for new fresh and better thought out Traits that are more interesting and add more fun and synergizing to the Build Options of a Class
6) See above, just the same with Utility Skills, alot of the Classes have some really super underwhelming Utility Skills, which should get merged with certain other Utilitiy Skills, not to just create only some space for some better more thought out new Utility Skills, but also because some of the Utilities are by their design like they are currently mostly only situationally useful, or only on land, but not in wate,r because of ANet not thinking about it, how they could change the skill, so that it works everywhere, but maybe just only little different mechanics and an other name (see Tornado > Maelstrom)
7) Fixing Class related Gameplay Bugs, like Fear being able to interrupt a Thief’s Daggerstorm, where Stability should protect you from that crap, fixing the Thief Shadow Step Immobilize Bug, fixing the Thif loses Stealth from Shadow Refuge Bug and many more
8) Rework more of the Dungeons and add more new rewards to dungeons, than only the Armor Sets. Add to them all in some regular time patterns some new Minipets, new Armor Skins, new Weapon Skins, new Back Item Skins ect., so that people have more reason to keep on farming those dungeons actively, other than only for the quick gold, more Dungeo nredesigns are also necessarry to make truly finally out of all Dungeons real GROUP CONTENT and add to all Dungeons also a SOLO MODE together with either using HEROES (NPCs or Characters of your own Account)
9) More options to reduce Particle Effects and other stuff, thst you simple don#t want to see, like Minipets of other Players, Back Items of other Players, Legendary Weapon Effects of other Players and all this heavy game performance relevant stuff, that in masses can quickly bring your game to lag and have extreme FPS break ins
10) The removal of the obsolete Follower *cough Stalker cough *Function
What I’m looking for ..
at least not for alot of unfitting stuff that got suggested here.
I just hope the first Set if Specializations will look in the end like this:
Ranger > Druid = Staff
Mesmer > Chronomancer = Shield
Thief > Rogue = Longbow
Elementalist > Arcanist = Sword
Necromancer > Witcher = Greatsword
Guardian > Crusader = Warhorn
Engineer > Saboteur = Hammer
Revenant > Mystic = Focus
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
is this really a complete new map, or is this just a trailer about the new "known2 Borderland Map, that we will find in a rotation then under the old ones later – where I say still ANet should merge all old borderlands to 1 map and use the space to brign more new maps, that aren’t called Borderlands, like this new map shouldn’t be called Borderlands also, but rather something like “Dunes of Despair”, what would be far more catchy, in this case also nostalgic cause of GW1
ah, my mistake, your right, misinterpreted that thing in the Gemstore as the full game, when it was just only the bad, am sorry.
However, I see no reason for why Anet shouldn’t sell one day also the full game / expansion just as digital download via the Gemstore, just with the difference, that you don’t get something to see in the game via mail as notification, but instead you get sent to your email-adress just the download link, when you make the buy.
Other companies also do lately in the past years more and more digital sales that way for example for consoles. So I see no problem about it, why a company like ANet shouldn’t be also able to sell their full game/expansion one day also completely digitally as it would be the best thign that Anet could do to maximise their profits.
ANet already digitally sold in their own online Story also the GW1 Standalone Games.
And if its not an email that you getsent from the Gemstore externally to your Email Adress, Anet could just confirm the buy internally with an Ingame Mail, that sends you some kind of Password, that allows you then to download the full game/ expansion from with the help of it from the main page
So simple. I think, if ANet truly would weant this, anything would be possible and they already showed with the GW1 games, that they are willing to sell their games also fully digitally for maximum profits, where maximum profit with retail sales isn’t possible
So it makes more sense for them to do that, than you may belief perhaps
Only because Anet would open up digital sales options doesn’t mean, that Anet wouldn’t receive any new money anymore.
Gems don’t simply exist out of nowhere, Gems get created only, when someone gives ANet real money.
So all Gems that someone receives from turning Gold to Gems are basically Gems, that somebody earlier has bought with real money before and used them up for various stuff in the Gemstore. Simply said, Gold Convertion doesn’t create new Gems, only real paid money does by using either the Credit Card or, buying Gem Cards for example.
By letting people buy the full game/expansion also digitally from ANets homesite, then people would have a way to get new things like expansions or the main game also from home, not having to run to the next retail store in town or having to buy a maybe preordered retail version from online sites like amazon or gamestop ect. and Anet would get the full profits from their sales.
last words..
You can disagree as much as you want, but if you would have followed the last years of this forum community, then you would know, that most people that are on here actively will most likely prefer new explorable maps, new fresh content over the living World, when it would be set up in an old beginner map of the original Main Game.
Do you see any players absolutely actively playing on maps today, like Kessex Hills, or Lornar Pass, which were maps with bigger environmental changes.
No, once the living world moments were over, those beginner maps turned into DESERTS very quickly.
Same thing with Dry Top, unless you go search for organized Map Instances , Dry Top has become very quickly a DESERT, because the reason for this is just the playing behaviour of communities.
Players in MMORPGs just play Games like GW2 like swarms of locusts, they are always only ast places where the best profits are makeable, or where the story of the game is currently, unless they play on an Alt and level them up again through the beginner maps to get them to Max Level (what is in GW2 basically pointless, because all what you need here is instant level up tomes that you can farm by now, without having to play with your Alts for a single second!!!)
So investing more time, resources and money into the old clearly as beginner maps designed maps is simply said a complete WASTE, when the investment would be of much better use for just everyone, when its put into new game content, that expands the game exactly there with things, that the majory of GW2 players wants.
And we have showed Anet more than enough over the past years, what we want the most and thats a living world, that expands the world that we play on, not a living world which stays forever in old maps that are meant for beginners to play on, that level their first Character to Max Level.
I have started a character (so far when just only for saving the name and got thankfulel one of the last similar sounding/looking versions that is still possible due to each character name beign only possible once in the whole game without making variations based on the creators account name and number combination, what would it make easily able for anet to have unendless characters with the same name basically)
Naturally ive nothign to show yet, but after having seen Fate Stay Night and havign fallen in love with the character design, and due to the popularity of that character, I thought I make my first ever Cosplay Character after Arturia Pendragon aka Saber
But however, I will link the Equipment Combination that I’m planning to use.
Just to say, I think Greasword on her looks unfitting. Sunrise has not the right effects to look like Excalibur and Excalibur itself wasn’t also a Greatsword, its just a normal 1h sword, that was wielded by Saber with both hands, to give her attacks more power, due to Saber itself being a very small Character.
Even by making a female Character the smallest that is possible, it wouldn#t sadly fit the size of Saber to make the result look fitting.
However, thats the Setting I want to follow:
Race: Human
Class: Guardian (for that kind of imaginary “Avalon” at her side, sadly in GW2 exist now Shield Skins thta look like Scabbards in the way, how this Figurine of her Alternative Design Saber Lily looks like with it in the hands, holding it like a kind of long and thin Shield, while fighting with Excalibur like a clear Swordsman does with just 1 hand
Weapon: Infinite Light (in my honest view of it the single most perfect looking “Excalibur”, that this Game currently has to offer, that looks like the Golden Shiny Blade, that she wields, without being too much of flashy effects)
Shield: Krytas Embrace (as said, saidly nothign that fits here for Avalon, but this Shield looks at least like fitting for the King of Knights with some heraldry on it that looks very knightish and fittign to the colors of Sabers design of her Armor)
Helm: None
Armor: Carapace Armor I’mo the most best fitting Body Armor, with that its possible to have something that can be colored so aluminum silver, while having also the blue ornamentals, that comes very near to the Anime Original)
Source Anime Original:
Heavy Carapace Body Armor:
Here in all Black, but when you imagine it in the aluminumn silver/blue combination, it looks very similar.
Leg Armor: Draconic Set Leg Armor (as this one looks to most like the Skirt with the protective Side plates)
Shoulder Pad: Ascalon Shoulderpad
Gauntlets: Dredge Gauntlets
Boots: Phalanx Armor Set Boots
This together with the right colors used should give I think a very good looking result
Plus a Look, thats also not costign too much ,with only Ifinite Light being the most cost intensive item, which costs lesser, than working on something like Sunrise …
Living Story will continue after HoT, just only that in the whole thing of the Living World, HoT can be seen practically as Season 3 and just like the previous seasons, you need to have played the previous season to understand what happens in the current season, just with the difference, that in case of practically Season 3, its handled as an expansion that you need to buy now to continue the story in PvE and honestly said, from a marketing perspective, that’s the most effective and clever method, when also not really fair – that I may admit at this point – which Anet could do, or better said, which ANet got dictated to do by their mother company NCSOFT to do that way for 100% sure, because of NCSOFT wanting to ensure this way, that they reach their planned sales goals for this fiscal year 2015 and NCSOFT has plans for a really massive rise in revenue, which make it instantly very obvious and clear at that point, that ANet lets the cat out of the bag finally and revealed the first expansion, because honestly, with just the gemstore sales alone doesn’t make a company like ANet/NCSOFT so much more revenue in such a short time.
Nothing of what you assume there at the end of your posting is set in stone like you want to make it look like by those words of “from this point onwards”
Because “from this point onwards” says nothing about it, that its an decision, thats meant forever, or explains in regard of which context on forwards and for how long the living world will make in older maps a break or in which kind of form this will happen in the end.
That you surely won’t see happening something of Scarlet Style scale happening again in the older maps should be clear, because as said, the story focus lies currently more on expanding the explorable maps, because thats what alot of players want currently much more, than to see somethign happening in an old map, that is by design just a begginner map thats relevant mostly only for a hand full of old personal story misisons, maybe has 1 single world boss or not, that spawns every like 3 hours daily and otherwise has nothing to offer at all currently, what makes it worth it to stay on these maps longer than 5 minutes for maybe doing some quick daily tasks like harvesting stuff to hit the nail on the head…
People want to explore new maps rather and if I would have to decide myself personally if I would rather want to see in a new patch a completely new explorable map, or instead something about living world playing in an old map, that isn’t interesting at all and that I’ve explored to 100% already like with a douzen of Characters while leveling them up ect
Then my choice personalyl will always fall easily on preferrign naturally to explore a complete new fresh and exiting map over some silly living world content in an old moment, that isn’t exiting and most likely will get me to play on that map just a few hours, until ive made all the achievements that are new there, until I return to my usual play behavior and do other things in the game, leaving again the old map in the dust…
That the point, where i found new maps like Silverwastes absolutely awesome, and much better, than just desperately trying to keep old maps fresh, because mas like SW brought both to the game.
New exiting explorable map + living world in the same place = excellent design + super sauce of awesomeness on top of that.
Thats how new content makes the best usage of both to add something to the game, that is fun, exiting,gives you something to do in the game for longer than just a couple of hours, where you want to return often too also, even if you have already done the living story parts.
ANet also never lost a single word about it, that they will sell the Main game digitally in the Gemstore ingame too and yet it was and is still until today one of the thigns, that were in the Gemstore from the very first day on …
Don’t you think, it wouldn’t be also in the interest of anet to make the gemstore more attractive, by putting also the Expansion into the Gemstore as a digital sale, just like they did with the Main Game from the very first day on???
You are way too pessimistic Boanoah.
You interpretate too much into things, that have been said in an interview, without knowing the slightest thing about it, how exactly these words will be layed out later in real in the expansion, nor do you know what Anet is planning for the games future.
However, that the old maps will lose naturally in the future some of their “importance” is absolutely more than clear enough, because the maps of the main game in the end are nothing more, than just BEGINNER MAPS, with the sole purpose of letting players level up in them on the way to Level 80.
The Focus of the Game will be in near future more and more to add new explorable Maps (or even hopefully one day also again continents like Cantha) to the game and so more Anet will do that, so more and more importance will lose everytime the older maps, because the action in the game will play somewhere else kitten more the game’s story drives forward and permanently returnign just to some super old maps in regard of the Living World would be imo just wrong, as it would show just the despair to keep the older maps somehow alive, when Anet just isn’t able to keep Maps alive, that have nothing to do at all anymore with the Living World and were just a part of the introduction of it cough Southsun Cove cough..seriously.
Thats just the normal thing, that wil happen in EVERY GAME, regardless of what kind of design model the develoeprs will follow.
New Content will always make more or less slowly older content more and more unimportant, until the point, where it makes no sense to put more ressources, effort and time into old maps, when all of that energy would be better spent for adding new explorable maps and driving the games overarcing story further into the direction of beating the other elder dragons and coming also to the point to save tyria from other threats thare are on other places, than just the continent of Tyria, because we surely don’t want to have in all eternity a Palawa Joko in Elona or a racistic ruler in Cantha that banishes everythign out of there, that isn’t a human … that are problems in the world of Tyria, that need to be solved also and would be very interesting material for new game content… but as long as the elder dragons are a threat to the whole Tyria, we will most likely not see anythign about Cantha/Elona.
ANet has most liekly plans for the games story ect. for around 10 years (when you look at the annivisary achievements going for up to 10 Years of birthdays, if not more, when we look at the current speed of fightign off the dragons and what all lies still ahead of us to be explored/and explored again in case of other continents) and we are currently just at 2,5 years roughly in this time schedule (when you think about it, that GW1 is still running and is 10 years old by now…GW2 should easily surpass this with its much richer story that unfolds and presents itself much slower than what Anet did with GW1 and its differrent design of Standalone Game Campaigns)
ANet will surely also continue to make biweekly updates after the Expansion. So far has anet nothing told about it, that this will stop after the expansion.
Why should they do that also is more the question thats to be asked here?…. theres no reason for that.
All Classes have Skills, which are either useless somewhere, or simply totally underwhelming, because they don’t seem to be worthy to be called an Elite Skill at all due to way too weak effects or too long Cool Downs.
Same with utility Skills, either too week or too long cool downs to be a worthy “utility” cause of the skill alwasys beign on CD when you would need it and when you don’t need it, then you coudl use it xD
I think Cool Downs are anyways overused as game mechanic
Anet should add an “Exhaustion” System, that should allow players to ignore Cool Downs for say of Utility and Elite Skills, but so more you ignore the CD and skip it by using Utility/Elite Skills, while their CD normally isn’t reachend, it would create Exhaustion for your Character, that could weaken for some time your Character Stats by a certain % value from all stats and disble for example also in that time effects from Buff Items.
That would make Combat in GW2 alot more interestign and quicker, because of players not being forced anymore to wait like a minute or longer, until certain skills can be used again.
Exhaustion could be then also a parameter, which could the game could be balanced around, like it gets done with currently Cool Down Time,s so that each skill exhausts you by a different amount to balance the Exhaustion if you ignore one skill’ Cool Down to use it, when you need it. The remaining CD at the moment, when you skip the CD could be also used as a balancing factor for Exhaustion.
However, I get offtopic, but I just wanted to share this brainstoming idea I had in my mind now just from reading the first few posts…
I will speak only for the Thief now, but the Thief has alot of underwhemling skills.
Especially the Underwater Skills need some buffs. Alot of their utility SKilsl are just too useless, if you don’t go the route of 100% traiting for just one specific build that makes full usage only of that one single utility skil ltype only >.> what is bad trait design if you ask me and is something, for that the upcoming Specialization System is much better for, than the simple and more unflexible Trait System, that forces you to use specific traits, just to have more or less usefull utility skills at all …
Alot of the Thief Utility SKilsl would be better, if Anet merged them with some of the Signet Utility, to merge the passive effects of the signets with the active effects of some other utility skills so thattheir signats have a much better and meaning ful impact in a combat, when you activate those signets, because most of the time the passive effects of the signets are much more useful for the thief, than to activate the signets at all … unless that one, that heals underwhemlingly just 1 single condition, where there should exist a trait, that should improve for example this signets ability to cure conditions by increasing it from 1 to 3 conditions for example, if you use the skill at 0 endurance, so that every refilled endurance bar cures 1 more condition then with such a trait, so that the skill rewards the player with a boost in effectiveness, when you use the skill at the most perfect time where it can unleash also its full potential of is 100% endurance refill effect.
Thiev Venoms and Traps imo belong removed from the roster of utility skills and completely exchanged with new utility skills. Venoms and Traps should be redesigned gameplay mechanics for upcoming Thief Specializations for F-Skills, because then would be Anet able to make usage alot better of the gameplay potential, that Venoms and Traps could offer for Thieves, but as utility Skilsl with a bad trait system, that forces you to skill totally only on one utility skill type to make that skill type useful at all, is just a bad build for a character, that makes you lose too much effectiveness in too many other aspects of the Thief Class as also limits only the build diversity too in regard with what weapons you should use best as a stay with this kind of super utility skill focused builds, instead of experimenting more with all kinds of weapon combinations around, what would be more possible, if traps and venoms wouldn’t be utility skills that need to be traited first to be effective.
Part 2:
Theres no need to break down here such a tirade of hate basically, why the expansion is bad and how it will turn the old content of the game into literally a dead zone trying to draw everyone else down with that negativity that you tell people to quit the game, because of the game instantly being no fun anymore for people without the expansion, only because of the center of the game’s story relevant action moving for now for a while into just one specific region of the game, where the current war against Mordremoth is the most active and where we will most likely also slay him at the end of that new continuing “Personal Story Part 2”, like what we did at the end of PS1 with Zhaitan.
(Just hopefully this time in a more appropiate and epic way, than pew pew pew for under a minute and some flahy sceners where we did nothing at all …what was basicalyl the most lamest boss fight that I’ve ever seen in my whole life to that point)
We don’t know yet, what Anet has for plans for the rest of the game, after HoT.
But one thing is absolutely sure…
The rest of this game absolutely won’t be dead, only because you don’t own instantly the latest Expansion.
ANet has enough options left to keep players for the older Maps entertained for long enough, even if you don’t own the expansion, also without Living World changing something in the older maps (for now first!!! or are you OP a fortune teller?? the harbinger of all prophecies???)
One simple example how ANet can add new content to the older maps, without that anyone has to own the Expansion for example is simply by updating the older maps with some game mechanics, that ANet introduced with Season 2 and which greatly improved the overall feeling of playing on a map, making it more fun and also profitable for a player to stay for some longer time on a map and return to it also oftenly:
- Add Region Achievements to older Maps also too
- Add Trophy Vendors with Map Unique Rewards to more of the older Maps too
- Add sme new World Bosses at any given time to some older Maps, is also something, that doesn’t require to have HoT at all …
So please, for the sake of what is all good and sane, don’t pretend as if HoT would be the birth of the biggest evil thing that could happen to the game, when there nobody can know, how GW2 will evolve further and what Anet can do also all to improve the game further with content, from that everyone will profit, even without owning the latest expansion.
Also HoT introduces content, that can be played, without that you need to own HoT all all.
All PvP/WvW related content will be also playable for Players, which don’t own the expansion.
HoT is, as the developers said it from begin on, an Expansion, that completely focues on Character/Guild Progression and is mainly designed around PvE, while addign naturally also somethign for the other modes, so that its not a 100% PvE centric expansiion,m but more something on the line of 60/20/20%
But also other PvE related Gameplay Changes will be there for players, that don’t own HoT, like the improvements to the A.I, the Combat System improvements about Stability/Defiance and so on, Trait/Skill Changes to all the old Professions, except things, that are bonded to Specializations, like Utilities, Elites, Gameplay Mechanics (F-Skills) ect.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Part 1:
The end is nigh… (or as Trahearne would say … This won’t end well)
God – am I the only one, who thinks as if the OP’s rant/complain here sounds, as if he’s talking about the end of the world incoming and like an inexperienced Online Gamer, that has never ever before in his/her life played an Online Game with Expansions???
All this personal negativity packed into a single posting, just to try to influence its readers to think about that game, as if GW2 would be totally worthless to play further, if you don’t buy the expansion, only because the OP projects his/her own personal negativity about the expansion gating game content and upcoming game story behind of it
Sentences like this one make me personally puke
If you enjoy PvE but can’t get the expansion for a while you may as well quit or start playing WvW or PvP since neither of those are apparently being gated.
You OP, have absolutely no clues at all about it, what the hell the Expansion Pack will even freaking cost at all, once it will get released (as Anet hasn’t talked at all about Prices yet) and if you would have at all a clue about what you are talking, then you would know better of Anet – looking back at their Trading Post behavior back of the last years, seeing that they do always every now and then also still until today (very soon AGAIN!!) for the game (and surely also later for the future for the expansion too) some MASSIVE DISCOUNT SPECIAL SALE ACTIONS, with again – soon coming the biggest discount for the Main Game for a brief time of 75% from the original price for the first time!!
Honestly .. whoever doesn’t buy this addon, is just dumb, because therefore this Addon will simply improve too much for the game too let the Expasion Pack just pass by and ignore it.
You don’t even have to pay real money at all…
You can if you want also just play the game and do in it, what you want for all the time to come and simply collect GOLD TO CONVERT IT TO GEMS and use the converted Gems to buy the Expansion from the Gemstore, without that you had to pay one freaking single penny of your real money for the simple cost of your TIME, that it will take you longer, until you will get your hands onto the new game content, whereas when you buy it directly with real money, you will have the new content instantly.
So simple can live be.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
I just hope, Anet would fix finally the rest of the Collection Achievements, that still don’t work at all
- That Hero Collection Thing, that requires Players to collect Champion Loot of all rarities still doesn’t work until today, what is really a shame, considering, with what a big tam tam Anet praised and released their new Collection System, just to see how still until today it doesn’t work all completely and that since day 1 of its release.
- The Fractal Collection is another one, that still doesn’t work.
Yes, gaile has made some months ago an official posting about it, that they finally realized it, that these thigns are bugged, after many player complaints and bug reports , which seem to have been ignored either first several months before, or haven’t been recognized truly ever before in the huge amount of daily bug reports ect., that they simply went completely unnoticed…when this is basically something, that a Quality Testing Team should find , so that such thigns can get fixed, before somethign bugged gets implemented, that was bugged already from begin on
However, Gaile told us that they focus first on 2.. so i guessed it then right and we saw shortly after fixes for the very simple tiny collections that were bugged by then also at that moment for fine wine and that brewing thign fro the collecting of beer sorts..
and from that point until today..
total silence about whats with the fixes of the missing bugged collection achievements …
So before Anet puts in any kind of ressources into new collections or any sorts of reward rebalances, they should get first finally the things right, that are still until today messed up since the collections got implemented.
Somethign like that should stand on a much much much higher priority and is absolutely overdue!!
The game has no Melee Staff Skins.. the game doesn’t have even any real Melee Staffs at all, because the Weapon Type is missing, because a Melee Staff is called “Quarterstaff” and would be considered to be a completely new Weapon Type.
If ANet would simply merge Skins over to an other Weapon Type, then there would be already no need at all for having “Tridents” at all, because basically every single Staff Skin could easily work also exactly as Trident Weapon and vice versa, which is why i already suggested several times, that it would be best for the game, if ANet simply would merge both Weapon types and make out of Staffs a universal usable weapon for the Game, that can be used on land as like in water.
But so far Anet hasn’t done this simple step
I personally just hope that we will see first Melee Staves in the game in the form of an added Weapon Caterogy as Quarterstaffs, because then we could see real skins for that Weapon type, that trule look like Staffs that are made for martial arts and not such stuff with big staff heads thats just used for magic staffs only to channel the magical energy at a point of the staff to unleash it.
ANet already has shown also in the game a perfect example for a Quarterstaff Weapon Skin that is basically a must have to be in the game-skin if you ask me, and thats this one here:
Thats a true Quarterstaff thats used to battle with it in Melee Combats in Martial Arts, that truly only a Thief could master as the acrobatical Class of this game, which already showed from begin on the most martial artistical moves from all classes, when you think on Skills, like Deathly Blossom for example.
No other Class has such body control to perform such moves, than Thieves, and thats why i think that something like a Brawler Specialization with Quarterstaffs as a New Weapon will be a 100% sure Thief Specializastion somewhen in the future, while the Staves that we have no will stay as magic focused weapons with only if at all very inferior to minor melee moves in other specializations, that don’t will feel by far as much as martial artistical, than how the Thief Specialization with a true Quarterstaff will be like I think.
I also don’t think that Revs will receive Melee Staves at all and if at all, then maybe only for their Auto Attack with very basic melee moves, but nothing over the top special, the normal 2-5 Skills surely would be more ranged “magical”/mist style designs.
This is how I wanna unlock specializations:
First you finish map completion, collect a Gift of Exploration and collect a bunch of mats and do a scavenger hunt (much like the mini moa scavenger hunt from gw1 which spans all areas of the game) and you craft a Legendary Ring at Sorrows Furnace. You then find out that the Legendary Ring has a strange inscription on it and it can talk to you. Soon you come to release that this ring belongs to Mordremoth and the reason why he’s awakened. You then have to put together a band of heroes and go into Mordre and cast the ring into the Mount Ring of Fire. However through this perilous journey you are forced to wear the ring in order to get away from the minions of Mordremoth. But everytime you wear it Mordremoth can sense where you are but you gain the ability to see everything in game code. You then realise that the players in the game are actual people who are linked to the game and controlled by other people for their entertainment. Regardless you press on to the Ring of Fire mountain even loosing companions to dangers along the way who cant respawn since you have permanent aggro from Mordremoth while wielding the ring. Then you finally get to Ring of Fire where you find out that it was Primordus all along sitting in a cave full of treasure he stole after killing all the dwarfs living there. Then you sit on a cannon for 5 min and defeat Primordus at which point Trahearne jumps into absorb the soul of the dragon since all sylvari are dragonborn and totally saves the day and takes all the credit. Then with his new found power and knowledge he grants you your specialization.
or in brief ..
just let us copy all of Lord of the Rings … at least 2/3rd of what I read here, soulds like exactly from LotR..especially all this stuff about, Mordremoth senses, where we are when we have the ring stuff …
Seriously, what has all this to do with Specilizations lol as likem also Map Completion..nothing at all …
but why do i have just the feelign this post was nothing but a sarcastic troll post and not meant for real oO
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Argh, and I thought this is nothign from a game T.T
I am no WoW game, have never played it and will never play it, so I absolutely don’t know any weapons from this game, nor its races and whatever else… so please no drawing of preemptive accusations … as if everyone and your mum would play and know everything of WoW…
There goes my hope for this cool looking bow T.T sniff bb
I don’t think it’ll be Inventor. By common standards, it better be something that is either short and sweet or has some kind of abbreviated version[Example: Warriors are wars, Engineers are engis, Mesmers are mes, thief is thief]. With 1-2 syllables at most. Inventors would be Invents, and that just doesn’t sound right.
by that logic, Inventors would be simply Inv’s, so your example isn’t compelling.