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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


This class feels so incredibly redconned just to please all those permanent Ritualist/Dervish beggars finally, its unbelieveable.

Compared to all othe professions its not even a real profession, its just a piece of supernatural powers, which you just receive simply by jumping into a mist hole, what so far has done only Rytlock out of Living Story Reasons and out of a sudden, there should exist with his return now instantly hundreds of thousands of them, which Rytlock magically teached how to become this “Profession” magically in a blink of an eye.

The lore for this profession makes absolutely concept wise 0 sense.
All races making out of a sudden usage of the power of the mists, which in itself is just a special power, that only Necromancers should be able to use, because the Mist is the Realm of the DEAD.
So why should be out of a sudden some wannabe soldiers be able to control powers from the realm of dead, making ancient hero spirits and even demonic spirits like Mallyx their “slaves”, instead of lettign them rest in peace, what they deserve in case of the heroes.
Lorewiese also only the Humans are at all related somehow a bit to these heroes, like King Jalis Ironhammer.
A Charr, Norn, Asursa or especially a Sylvari has absolutely 0 relationship to these ancient heroes, which played only in the history of the humans at all some kind of a role!!!

It will look especially later absolutely ridiculous, when multiple Revenants should fight agaisnt each other and they spam at each other ghostly hereos, to whom none of them is even at all related too at all.

As long as ANet doesn’t describe us in detaisl the lore behind that new class and explains exactly, what kind of skills, talents and expertises one has exactly to learn to become this new profession, which should be simply and easy to understasnd as also comparable with all other professions, without lettign this new professsion look like some kind of special snowflake, which sets itsefl above all others…

unless ANet solves this, this Class will be conceptual junk to me and it will be very unlikely, that I will play it later, unless Revenants will get some kind of gameplay changing Specialization, that will turn this profession right to me.

And I think before release, should this Profession get renamed to Dervish, because thats it, what it already feels lik,e like a gameplay clone of the Dervish, just with heroic and demonic spirits this time, that change your weapon skills, instead of avatar shapeshifts that change your skills, because that was obviously not possible anymore due to human lore connections and making that rather into partwise human racial skills (Avatar of Melandru)

Under the Profession Name Marauder would make this concept more sense.
So I hope this isn’t final until launch of HoT.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Will new precursors be account bound?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I hope so, and I hope so more, that HoT in general will turn all precursors and legendaries finally into accountbound weapons, making it impossible to sell them via TP.

The only stuff, that should be sellable from the TP should be the craftign parts for the legendary, that aren’t the pres or final products.
Those Gifts, they should become sellable instead, like Gift of Might, Gift of Magic, Gift of Weapon (Insert Legendary), Gift of Metal and so on..
All this stuff, that should be sellable via TP only, but not the precursors and complete legendaries self.

Precursors should be only receiveable from Crafting, the new Collection Quests for them or as Drops from Champion, WvW Rank, Dungeon, Fractal Chests, whereas World Bosses should drop finally also Tokens to turn them in after xx amount of Tokens for direct Rewards, like in case of Tequatl for Sunless Weapons or Precursor Parts.

Anet has to remove finalyl precursors and legendaries from the TP, cause they are one big reason, why the game got at all so infested with Gold Seller Spam in the hope, people use these sites to get quicker the needed gold to simply buy off their precursords or complete legendaries from the TP, instead of having to actually work for them in the game and doing in the game various things in all areas of the game to become worthy wielding such a weapon that on the course of the progression of gaining it, lets you receive also its LEGEND, telling you, why that weapon is legendary, so that each of them has also a lore to tell you.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Or a Void Knight as a secondary with sword and shield offhand for counter magic role…

You and your permanent thousands of different knights everywhere, even at classes, where it makes absolutely zero sense at all.
It starts to get really annoying.

the most simplest way for the Elementalist to specialize is to go either for the path of an Arcanist, what would be more the kind of Jack of all Trades Specialization, that turns the Elementalist also more into a kind of Battle Mage with Swords being elemental attunemental Melee Weapons for them together with Shields to give the Arcanist elemental defense skills that help them to survive with more defebnse power in melee combat.

Or to go the Rout for each individual of the four elements, becoming either pyromancers, Hydromancers, Geomancers or Aeromancers, what WILL fundamentally change for each of these specializations the original Elementalists F-Button mechanics massively, cause by choosing such a specific element specializastion, that would mean that you would give up the Attunement System for the profit of becoming able to use also Weapon Sets then, therefore you would have only Skills on your chosen specialized element, which in turn therefore again would be more effectful and efficient, as when you are splitted up between all 4 elements at the same time to be able to switch between the elements in an blink of an eye.

That would be the most logical way of specialization for the Elementalist, based on it, that every profession might get perhaps for every profession specific attribute 1 specialization, what would be 5 for each, what would be a good number to give players enough choice options to specialize, so that nobody can say, its just an addition, but you would actually have a hand full of choice options then, about which each choice would fundamentally change the experience anc gameplay mechanics you would receive from your sub class and thats what it is, not secondary class.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Housing in the expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Depends what you can accomplish with 1 person guild. A patient player can end up with their own personal deep cave, so it might be possible for one person to build a guild hall.

I’m such a player.. 1 man Guild and I’ve made my own personal Deep Cave….
So building up a personal guild hall should work also, just will take for sure some longer time ^^

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


maybe i misunderstood it and Heart of Maguuma consitst of multiple maps… but I understood it from the announcement so, that it will be just 1 huge map, which goes vertically alot higher, than anythign we have ever experienced and seen so far with 3 different layers in that map, like Donari lists them above.

ANet has announced no other Map Name, other than heart of maguuma, so I guess, we will get just 1 huge new map, that will be much larger than anythign we have had ever before

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

My Predictions for Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Ritualists, Shamans and the like are no “Soldiers”.. this makes no sense DaiBish.
You may not forget, that the Class that you have at the end will still be a soldier in heavy plated armor.

However, nothing of this is set in stone, I’ll rearrange names a bit under my concept in mind of each Class getting 1 Specialization per Attribute.
With Ranger being written down already above.

Here is what i could see also working for the other Professions:

- Scoundrel = Deadly Arts Specialization
- Rogue = Critical Strikes Specialization
- Infiltrator = Shadow Arts Specialization
- Brawler = Acrobatics Specialization
- Saboteur = Trickery Specialization

- Inventor = Inventions Specilization
- Alchemist = Alchemy Specialization
- Pioneer = Firearms Specialization
- Technician = Tools Specialization
- Grenadier = Explosives Specilization

- Witcher = Curses Specialization
- Ritualist = Blood Magic Specialization
- Visionary = Death Magic Specialization
- Theurgist = Soul Reaping Specialization
- Bellicist = Spite Specilization

- Bard = Inspiration Magic Specilization
- Chronomancer = Illusions Specialization
- Mentalist = Chaos Specialization
- Fencer = Duelling Specialization
- Psionist = Domination Specialization

- Arcanist = Arcana Specialization
- Pyromancer = Fire Magic Specialization
- Hydromancer = Water Magic Specialization
- Aeromancer = Air Magic Specialization
- Geomancer = Earth Magic Specialization

- Berserker = Strength Specialization
- Legionnaire = Tactics Specialization
- Mercenary = Arms Specialization
- Partisan = Defense Specialization
- Crusader = Discipline Specialization

- Patron = Valor Specialization
- Augmentor = Radiance Specialization
- Templar = Honor Specialization
- Inquisitor = Virtues Specialization
- Mystic = Zeal Specialization

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

My Predictions for Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I can see rangers getting a sniper specialization, allowing them to use rifles. I’m hoping they get a marksman/sharpshooter/archer spec that allows them to ditch the pet in exchange for more personal damage output.

Will never happen, as they have always said from begin on, that the Ranger will be a strong nature influenced class, that makes no usage of technology.
A Crossbow instead as a kind of New Weapon Category is something different again.
But for sure that Specialization won’t be name something like “Sniper”

This is Guild Wars 2 and not Counter Strike 2
So I guess a Specialization named Hunter, Scout, Strider or Trapper is alot more fitting for that.
And I guess all Specializations will have more or less to do with Pets, as the Druid used also in the Announcement a Wolf Pet at his side.

But if there will be more Specializations for all classes in the future, I hope Rangers will see in the end something like a max of 5 Specializations, like all other Classes too with something in the end like this:

- Druid = Nature Magic Specialization
- Hunter = Marksmanship Specialization
- Trapper = Wilderness Survival Specialization
- Strider = Skirmishing Specilization
- Scout = Beast Mastery Specialization

I think thats a good working concept for Specializations to give all Classes 1 Specialization per Main Class Attribute.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


This is no profession.
A profession consists of skills, talents and expertises, one has to LEARN to master the profession.

But the Revenant learns nothing, he steals just the powers from others that lived in the past and can do this only, because the revenant got put this ability to control the powers of the mist free into the butt, without us knowing so far at all, how you get this ability and what you have to do, to gain this ability…

But it is absolutely no profession in regard to what the others all are, where you can clearly talk about skills, talents and expertises, that these profressions have, which need to be learned to master your profession, which don’t have all just some inherent powers that come from the realm of the dead, and thus should be logically just an ability, that Necromancers should be able to receive and not some kind of wannabe soldiers that seem to be just somehow “blessed” by that ability to control the powers of the mist, because the clear explanation of how to receive this abiloity is currently missing.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

My Predictions for Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


As it seems, Anet wants to start first with 1 Specialization per Class, rather than starting with at least 2 to give players a Choice, I predict these Specializations for our Professions:

Ranger = 100% sure from the announcement = Druid getting Staffs
(If Anet will start agaisnt my predition with 2 Specialization Choices per Class with HoT, then I’d hope for Hunter being the second Specialization here getting with it Main Hand Daggers

Engineer = Inventor (that thing that we saw with the Hammer and the flying Drones) If there are 2, I hope the second one will be Alchemist getting Axes

Thief = Rogue getting Longbows and the second if there will be two from begin on being Saboteur, getting Maces

Warrior = Berserker getting Torches and if theres another Specialization, then also Legionnaires, getting Main Hand Shields

Guardian = Patron getting Main Hand Shields and if theres another Specialization, then also Augmentor getting Longbows

Revenant = Crusader and if theres another Specialization, then I could see also for them something working like Marauder

Necromancer = Witcher getting Greatswords and if there is another Specialization, then also Ritualist getting Torches

Mesmer = Chronomancer getting Shields and if there is another Specialization for each Class, then also Bard getting Warhorns.

Elementalist = Arcanist getting Swords and if there is another Specialization for each Class, then also Summoner getting Warhorns

What do you predict, what we will see in the future under Specializations ^^??

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Not Secondary Classes

Sub Classes or in case of Anet Speech – cough “Specilizations” ^^
forget this term Secondary Classes, GW2 will never become a Game like GW1 again with Secondary Classes

Not much will change I guess, some things will rise for sure a bit for some time, but i guess, things will stabilize quickly again.
Only because there are now all classes gaining some new Weapons fro mthe existign ones won’t lead now into a huge increase of demand for certain skins, at least not for a very long persistent time span.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Place your PAX bets!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Summary of my Predictions:

  • New High End Map – Check
  • Guild Halls – Check
  • Crafting Progression (through Masteries) – Check
  • New Legendary Weapons – Check
  • New Weapons for Classes (through Specializations cough Sub Classes ^^) – Check
  • New SPvP Game Mode – Check
  • Redesign to Traits (through Masteries basically) Half-Check

Makes basically for me 6,5 Points

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Precursor prices after HoT announcement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


it was about time that precursor prices fall, its just normal that they do, with the announcement of Precursor Crafting/ Quests, because this feature just means, that alot more Precursors will find their way into the game soon, what will lead automatically in a rise of supply ands with higher supply, while demand will most likely stay unchanged, means automatically, that prices will fall for precursors.

But my personal hope still is, that anet will change Precursors and legendary Weapons into accountbound weapons, makign it impossible to sell these from the TP and instead turns the accountbound crafting components that are needed to make legendary weapons, like all those various Gift items, that these become sellable instead via TP.

That would make alot more sense, than to be ablre to sell the Precursors or Legendaries from TP, which is the main reason number 1, why Guild Wars 2 is so massively infected by Gold Sellers and why the Gem/Gold Trading Rate inflated so massively in the past years, because of people massively buying gems to flood the game with Gold to be able to buy their legendaries from the TP and the 15% TP tax alone isn’t able to stop that inflation.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Live Heart of Thorns Pax forum thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Hmm, lets see what we basically got here

1 new Map, Heart of Maguuma, that is the games first 3 layer map, basically 3 maps in map inside 1 map, cause of vertical increase, rather than horizontal increase of size.

More Character progression through a new Feature beign called “Masteries”.
Its basically a redesign or improvement of the whole Trait System.

Specializations for all Professions…. wohoooo we get SUB CLASSES, because nothing else are Specializations, regardless how you rename it to make it sound different ^^
Super Duper Awesome, my Concept in the HoProg-CDI was convincing enough to find its way into the Game for better Character Progression with one of my many proposed ways for the Ranger – Staff wielding Druids that actually make use of their Nature Magic CHOO CHOO

Precursor Crafting finds its way into the game finally together with new Legendary Weapons and new Precursors.
Awesome, hopefully this includes also jewler and Chef 500 as threy talked only about Major New Features, please tell us also more about Minor New Features that are simply only improvements of existign content please ANet

Guild Halls
Just Awesome
But this was more or less one of the very expectable things to be announced, based on the things we discussed together in the CDI’s lately and I thik, Raids are simply something, that was too complex for this Expansion, so they rather decided to give their attention first to Guild Halls – simply said, you can’t have everything just at once.
Some thigns may just take longer time, than you think, what is absolutely fine and understandable. Then I guess we will see Raids maybe somewhen later in the future in the next Feature Pack.

New Class – the Revenant
Meh, I dislike the Name and Theme, should have been something else.
it doesn’t fit to the rest of classes in my opinion and feels to me so out of place, like the Dervish felt completely out of place in GW1 compared to the original classes, especially races making usage of powers from other racial heroes/villains, they are in absolutely no way connected to at all….
This class is unoriginal. If there is a class, that should use the powers of the mist in any way, then it should be the Necromancer only and not some kind of wannabe occultic warrior mix, that just gained somehow powers from the realm of the dead… makes all no sense… a profession should be all about skills, talents and expertises, that you have to learn to master your profession. Not about powers, that you simply get somehow put for free in your butt, that define instantly your profession’s skillls ect without that you have to master anything, because you steal just the powers from some otherdead persons and beings to make use of them, as if they would be yours.
Would have clearly expected something better here.

GvG returns under the term of Strongholds
Yay, can’t say Awesome here, cause GvG was never my personal kind of thing
But finally a different PvP Game Mode, which I hope, will interest me more and bring me to PvP more, than these boring 5v5 battles that the game has currently, where everythign essential to win is just only to take places and defend them to get quickly points to reach first 500

WvW new Borderland Map
Finally Defense will play a much more important role in WvW, I hope this new Borderland Map will be just 1 new huge merged Map of those current 3 clone maps.

Alot of new Enemies and Bosses
Super Awesome, god I freaking love these new monster and enemy designs, they are just incredible
The very first thing I had to think about, when I saw the trailer – LOL, kitten there went for 100% sure kitten alot influence into the whole designs of this based from the movie AVATAR – Start to Pandora xD
So many things in the enemy/environment design in that trailer, that remind me on that movie ^^

That dragon in the darkness – epic design.
Wyverns – awesome
That Rolling Beast – reminds me from that large hunting beast in Avatar, just that it didnt rol there
A new Giant I guess together with some kind of iconic shadow beast from GW1 if I saw right
it reminded me at least of them ^^

All in all just awesome new content, but I’m very sceptical about the revenant and based from the description if Colin I tend rather to dislike this new Class.. but I have to see and play the end product and make up my decision then, if I will play it, or not, but as an Achievement Hunter I most likely will anyways sooner or later xD

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Place your PAX bets!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Just guesses:

  • Heart of Thorns will merge Personal Story with Living Story. From that Point on there will be no two Story Systems anymore, but just one, the so called “Dynamic Story System” as a preparation of reintroducing somewhen later a replayable Season 1, maybe it will also reintroduce directly a replayable Season one and players, who buy HoT and haven’t been playing so far Season 1 and 2 will unlock with HoT those 2 Seasons, kitten was basically the ground stone for S2 which led to HoT’s Story Part.
    So it would be silly, if players buy HoT and have never played before the Events, that led to HoT. So I think HoT will work as some kind of “Ending of the Trilogy” for the Mordremoth Arc, that will work as Unlocker for the previous Seasons also
  • We will get some more new explorable High End Maps in the Maguuma Jungle West and North of the Silver Waste as also Maps, that leed us into the deeper Jungle of the Magus Falls Region to make alot more of the Maguuma Wastes and Jungle explorable.
  • I also believe in at least 1 new Dungeon with 4 Paths like Ruins of Orr
  • With the Replayability of Season 1, some of the later added Fractals that got added only, so that people could still fight against the Anomaly, Mai Trin and against the Fiery Alliance Duo, will get removed and exchanged with complete new Fractals, one of the replacements will be the Abaddon Fractal, that we would have gotten, if Evon would have won. All the work in that Fractal would be wasted, if we wouldn’t get it later also at a point where it makes sense.
    So we will see basically 3 new Fractals that will replace those 3 Season 1 Fractals.
    The Achievements from those Season 1 Fractals will be reworked/renamed into the replayable Season 1 Achievements
  • We will see Guild Halls and various Forms of new Raid Gameplay, like Guild Crusades or Battlefields ect.
  • We will see Jeweler & Chef getting finally 500 including Precursor Crafting
  • We will see new Legendary Weapons and new Legendary Accessoires craftable from Jeweler 500 including new Ascended Runes and Sigils as a new QoL Feature to bring the Build Creating Simplicity from PvP over to PvE and WvW by lettign Players unlock Runes and Sigils for the Account through Ascended Runes/Sigils
  • We will see a new Build Template System also for that.
  • All Classes will receive 2 new already existing Weapon plus some new Healing, Utility and Elite Skills
  • SPvP will receive some new Maps as also some new Gameplay Modes, like Duelling (1v1, 2v2, 3v3) All vs All Last Man Standing and a with PvE elements mixed “Colosseum”
  • Lots of new things for the Gemstore in form of New Minipets, Outfits, Finishers, Gatherign Tools, Dances, Hair Styles, Eye/Hair Colors, Toys, Mail Carriers ect.
  • A Redesign to the Trait System
  • a new Dragonite Ore Eater (my personal guess that id love to see, we get that Dragon Egg and that Dragon Baby becomes our ally and we have to feed it with Dragonite Ore to make it stronger and in return we get gifts from it)

If anything from this becomes true, then I won’t be disappointed ^^

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestion] Stat selectable Vendor armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


simply signed

/15 charrs

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

wintersday ornaments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I hanged on multiple years (like really many other people too) also with the very first wintersday stuff (cogs, mini pet frames etc) and got rewarded by it by being able to make use of that stuff every follow up wintersday ..

So why not should ANet reward players for keeping those ornaments to improve them later on futurous wintersday, being able to get this way then unique useful items as some kind of long term reward for being patient and believing into Anet that they turn some things from older events into useful items later, which seem to be useless on first look??

The second winterday I was able to make from those frames another wintersday minipet.
Last year’s wintersday I was able to make use of all my remaining cogs ect. for some free Wintersday Gifts, which I wouldn’t have received, if I would have deleted most lilely like you instantly all those old wintersday items that you seem to look at as “junk” right at the moment, when the events end.
I had not to buy any of them from TP, just to get them all.
Due to doign all the Meta Achievements, collectign all the frames and keeping also those, which I couldnt make use off at the first yeasr, I was able to get all Minis without having to buy one from TP or having most likely to wait another year now on it just to get all.
So hanging on items can be good for someone.

I play GW2 with the golden RPG rule number 1 in my mind:

Never throw something away, it might become useful especially somewhen later at a moment of time, where you might already have forgotten that you even own that item.
Throw things only away, if the Game Developer officially says, that something can be safely thrown away as they have no intentions of making anything out of these items anymore. Or when you have instead of something already so incredibly much, that you don’t know anymore where to put it away and you need to make free space for something else, where you know, that you can get that thrown away stuff back quickly again, if needed like cough stacks of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore or Empyreal Fragments.

I have also since it found its way into the game that Polla Doll, just because its unique, and it could be turned by Anet at any given time through a new Mystic Forge Recipe maybe some day into a unique useful first 4 Stat celestial like accessoire, if ANet would let us upgrade that doll into ascended status, what I would find really awesome and rewarding therefore, that you kept such a unique item over a long time in the hope, that ANet might improve somewhen later its usefulness giving all those, that kept the item something more unique, cause everyone, which saw in that item only “junk” and deleted it, won’t have then anymore the chance to get that unique and then useful item and will mostly likely be seen then here in the forums QQing over that they can’t get that item again and how unfair the world is suddenly…. and how Anet could dare to improve some of their items significantly, into which many players saw into earlier just “junk”.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

About to buy secondary account, but scared

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Lol.. people have really ridiculous problems …

Send your girlfriend just some gold, so that she can just right of unlock everything important that she will need later in regard of traits .. seriously.. as a 2 year long veteran gamer you should have more than enough gold to just send her a bit, so that she can unlock right away all the traits that she will need later and then just let her play and let her her level up and experience the game alone, while you might help her simply out if needed at her personal story and play together with her doing events together and she will be quickly high enough at level, equipment and so on, especially with the double exp event.

The NPE is just bad in view of a veteran player, because it dumbed down everything, that was in view of an experienced veteran player absolutely ok and where an experienced player had with it absolutely no problems in the past time, before of the NPE, which turned alot of things into just laughable crap, like dancing for cows… seriously, where you start to believe, how massively mentally devolved some players in the past must have been, not to be able to do the easiest things in this game, that Anet felt, that their game is too confusing and needs this insulting heavy dumbing down of mechanics instead of giving this game just a proper tutorial mode that is integrated into the very first personal story instance map, before players get into the present time of the game, that is the persistant game world outside of the personal story instances.

You can send also your girl friend materials, so that she can craft herself always appropiate equipment, that is basically better than the stuff she will find and receive through level up rewards.
Juts play with her together and support her, where you can, and brign her together with also other nice supportive players, which can and will show her thigns in the game cough hint hint. a newbie supportive guild, GW2 should have plenty of them…

People do here, as if the NPE is some kind of “total different game” out of a sudden xD
You do exactly the same things, like you did, when you started your very first character.
So simple.

Somehow I really find this thread same as funny as like it is simply sad xD

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


My Top 10 Wish List for Heart of Thorns in case, that it will be the first Expansion, that will deliever also New Content, that is in regard of quality and quantity worthy to be called an Expansion, these 10 things would I love to see find they way into the Game:

1) Tengus as new Playable Races includingnew explorable Maps, racial Skills ect. that belongs to a new Playable Race, which would fit to the Tengu.
New explorable Maps in that case would be:

  • Dominion of the Wind (includes Sanctum Cay as Home Town Map)
  • Sea of Sorrows (merged with Claw Island)
  • Tarnished Coast
  • The small unexplorable unnamed Area between Kessex Hills and Lions Arch (D’Alessio Seaboard/Bergen Hotsprings basically)

2) A 9th playable Class, introducing a 3rd Soldier, the Partisan, which includes introducing also a new Weapon Type – Polearms (Spears, Halberds, Lances, Glaives, Pikes, War Scythes ect.)

3) A complete Redesign of the Trait System into Traits, Talents and Expertises including the Introduction of complete own seperate Underwater Traits for all Classes together with a Rebalancing of all Underwater Skills of all Classes and Redesigns to Underwater Skills, so that there will be no single Skill anymore, that doesn’t work under water.
Each Skill, that doesn#t work currently under water, will either morph into a new different skill under water, or gets completely exchanged with a working new skill, that can work on land as like in water too.
Each Skill, Trait and Talent will be balanced now for each Gameplay Segment differently, so the Expansion introduces different Versions for all Skills, Traits and Talents, so that Balance Patches in the future can be addressed correctly and lonely for a specific Game Segment, without that these changes chain react and destroy thigns in other Game Segments too as consequence of the Balance Change.

4) Adding to all playable Classes 2 new already existing Weapons:

Warrior = Torch + Main Hand Shield (unique for Soldiers)
Guardian = Longbow + Main Hand Shield
Elementalist = Sword + Shield
Necromancer = Greatsword + Torch
Mesmer = Main Hand Pistol + Rifle
Engineer = Mace + Hammer
Ranger = Staff + Hammer
Thief = Longbow + Torch

5) Implementing finally Jeweler and Chef 500 including things like Ascended Gemstones/Jewels, Asecned runes, Ascended Sigils, new Rare, Exotic and Ascended Buff Food Recipes with lots of new Crafting Materials

6) Adding finally the missing Activities like Polymok, Bar Brawls and Target Shooting and improving all Activities with Leaderboards, Rank Rewards, more Titles and Achievements for those, that lack in both currently compared to other Activities, which have such rewards

7) Guild Halls/Player Housing

8) Implementing various different Forms of Raids, like Guild Crusades, Dungeon Crawls, Heroic Fractals, Battlefields or Hunting Reservoirs

9) Adding in Precursor Crafting (Grail Quests) including also new Legendary Armors and Accessoires, where Ascended Equipment becomes part as Precursors.
Ascended Weapons will become also part of Precursor Crafting, upgradign all current precursors also into Ascended Weapons, turning them impossible to be sold anymore in the TP as legendary Weapons become also impossible to be sold in the TP as they are after the patch then accountbound items directly.
Instead of the final products – the crafting items needed to craft legendaries will become now sellable in the TP, like all of those various Gift Items, which currently are all accountbound. Includes also adding new legendary weapon skins.

10) In general add with the new Story that comes along with Heart of Thorns some new explorable High End Maps including:

  • Magus Falls
  • more of the Maguuma Wastes west and north of the Silver Waste
  • maybe a first Map that leads us into the Crystal Desert
  • Expanding more Orr, adding some new explorable maps around Orr
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

wintersday ornaments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I would like to see for the next Winterday that we cpould use these ornaments in some new Mystic Forge Recipes to refine those rare items into ascended versions.

As rare items, they are totally useless and of absolutely no value for the player.
But if the player could turn these ornaments next wintersday into some useful unique ascended acessoires, thenthat stuff would be very useful…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Double XP Weekend Advice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I hope this weekend includes also WvW Exp and not just only thel ame normal Exp for Leveling ,what would be alone in itself very boring and useless for all those people, whioch have 0 interest in leveling up another character, but would prefer to level their WvW ranks in that time.

Double WvW Exp in that weekend too would be awesome.

PS. its the first time after 2+ years, that Anet finally does again something, that feels like a special Weekend Event, like we had them in GW1, where they increase for a limited time some aspects of the game, like increased Exp, increased gold Gain, incread this and that.

I hope we will see this more oftenly again in the future. It helps massively to decrease the grind in this game, it helps to make playing with many alts again more player friendly, it generates more fun and gives players an incentive to play the game more, or better said to play the game at these days especially as you rewards the player basically for playing at such days with the increased rates that can be helpful towards the player’s goals.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Would you play a Guild Wars 2 card game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I want a collectable card game inside of GW2 as part of a Collection Achievement
Somethign that works similar like Triple Triad, which works also as Ingame Activity
Make enemies drop Cards from themself as part of their rarer loot

Just as a side note ^^

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestion] Reduce max level from 80 to 20.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


This will never happen.
Please go back to Guild Wars 1, as this here seems not to be the right game for you, if you dislike traditional MMORPGs

Anet would have to redesign and rebalance for this crappy idea the complete game in absolutely every section.
This change would stand absolutely in no good cost/profit relationship at all.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestion] Pls Remove Big Flag From HotW P1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


i can#t believe, that you are after over 2 years the very first person, that has any problems there with just turning your camera so and position yourself so, that you can fully see, what you are doign there….

made countless runs in this path and i had never this problem like you there.
Maybe reducing the size of that flag should be already enough as solution

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

I've redesigned the UI & the official website

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Still no Anet Posting from at least Gaile in here ….

sheesh …

This needs more support then!!


Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Buffing Exotic Chest Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Whenever I see pictures like this, I have jusk to ask myself just this one question:

No Lifer ? or Farm Bot ?

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

I hope the Land Spear/Polearm use same skin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


How people think, that because they just saw something in a trailer (or believe they saw something in a trailer), that the trailer is some kind of “confirment” is way beyond me ….

All this thread is – is just typical wild speculations and wish thinking mixed together and nothing else.

I believe in it, that GW2 will get Polearm Weapons first at the moment, when an Anet Dev officially announces them either here in the Forum, on the Website as Blogpost or live on a tradefare like PAX South or Gamescom there together with an Announcement Trailer, what is something completely different, than a Game’s Story Trailer, which is just only a piece of art and nothing, that confirms any new game features or any new game content by any way …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestion] Skills for empty off hand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


uhm and what about empty Main Hand?

If ANet would go for implementingever Skills for the Main Hand Weapon while having an empty Offhand, then they should give Offhand Weapons also new Skilsl while having an empty Main Hand or basically just allow it all offhand Items to be used also as Main Hand Weapon, because it makes absolutely zero difference, if I wield a Torch now with my left, or instead with my right hand!!!

But in regard of gameplay and Skill Diversity it could make up for a big difference and could improve the game, same as like it would create a bit more Skill Diversity by deciding to just fight only with one equipped 1H weapon over fighting with two equipped 1H weapon.

By giving Offhand Weapons also Skills for the Main Hand, that are more offensive and faster, this would allow players alot more Build Freedom and we would surely see a big rise in people actually using effectively Equipment miore, like Shields, Toches, Focus and so on, because currently playing with Shield is no fun, because you have only slow recharging skills with them and nothing with that you could fight with them in a more quicker and offensive way (what would make also something like Shield Mastery easier to max)

Its as cafard says the easiest way for ANet to add new skilsl first, without havign to touch at all implementing any complete new weapons first by expanding first the already existing Weapons which are alot lesser work for the Devs cause of already existing weapon animations and so on …

Some examples for Empty Offhand Skilsl while having equipped a Sword as Mesmer:

4) Mirror of Fate
The Mesmer creates a Clone of itself, which deals no damage, but applies Conditions to foes on which the Original is suffering at the moment. So if the Original is burns, then deals the Attack of this Clone Burning to the Foe. The clone will always just deal the Top Condition, that has on you currently the longest duration.

5) Illusion of Haste
The Mesmer gains Swiftness and Quickness for 10s, but is crippled and vulnerable then after this skill for 10 seconds. With activation of this Skill the Mesmer teleports also to a Target closing the gap with a maximum range of 900 In that moment, the Mesmer dodges sources of damage automatically.


4) Echo
Block the next attack and copy it to counterattack your foe with your memorized Echo of it (a created clone performs the counterattack for you and shatters after it instantly), which will be 50% stronger than the original version.

5) Sum of All Fears
Create Hallucinations for your foes in an area of effect, which create Stacks of Confusion per second you are on that AoE and have also a chance of blinding your foes or weakening them. If you leave the AoE, before the Skill ends normaly, you get Feared


1) Sympathic Visage
The Light of the Torch makes your visage more sympathic for your foes.
This creates basically no direct damage to a foe, but rather gives you Perma Retaliation and makes foes in your near when you use this Skill vulnerable. If you get hit, while using this short channeled skill, the foe gains Confusion.

2) Wandering Eye
You shoot a blazing Eye of Phantasmal Fire at yourtarget foe, which tracks it down like a Homing Missile, until it hits and follows its target even further, even if the target dodges it. If it hits, it burns the foe and explodes, knocking the foe down. If other foes are at that moment nearby, the explosion will be bigger to burn those nearby foes too.
Can see Stealthed Foes.

3) Boon Reveal
You remove up to 2 Boons with this Skill and gain those two removed Boons.
For every removed Boon by this Skill, you gain a Healing and some Endurance back and the Skill does some extra damage.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

I've redesigned the UI & the official website

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


This man has SKILLZ, ANet needs to hire you ^^

And whats about all this instant pessimism now about chances of implementation???
Sure is, that chances aren#t that big, that Anet would get this into the game on a 1:1 copy and paste or so, but at least ANet can get some good impressions and inspirations on how to improve significantly the UI fro the whole game.

I’m a person, who says always its better to actualyl SHOW the Devs, how to improve the game, and less talk about it, because by showing a person how you want to get something changed, its alot better and easier to understand for a developer the improvement, than when you just have a plain text concept only in front of you based on player ideas.

So thats why all of this just blew me away.
The redesigns aren’t at all too much crowded, The redesigned version of the OP actually shows exactly all of the most important things, without that you are forced to open up multiple over and underlaying windows just to be able to see all of this info, what the redesigned version here is able to perfectly show you just in 1 SINGLE WINDOW.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

I've redesigned the UI & the official website

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



divine job.
ANet has to see this and get it into the game, these panels are somewhat alot better, than the current versions, especially your redesign of the Hero Panel UI

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

502 Error

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Was searchign for somethign like this…
Glad to see, that the problem got solved for today at least to the point, that I was able to finally log in again at least after a long loading time…

But now after beign logged in, it just runs smoothly, as if nothign would have ever happened…. really weird
I was also not able to log in for the last 2 days, just able to read only.

Started to believe in already, that Anet maybe implemented some kind of EU IP Block for the forum perhaps over night … so that just American could log in and write, but then I just said to myself …

nah, so far would’t ANet go, makes also no sense to do somethign like that, but the desperation makes you start to believe in also just the most impossible things you could think about xD

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Minipet AP Still Bugged (Blocking Progress)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 2:

Nobody will lose anything from this.
Those people which already have gained double the AP, will gain 10 and lose again 10 AP from the removal of the old version and the addition of 10 AP to the new version, what makes it a technical merge of both versions.

But all those people, which can’t complete the old versions anymore will actually PROFIT from this achivement fix!! ANd thats the only thign that counts, which is important.
Players and by this I mean actually AP Hunters/Collectors shouldn’t suffer in this game, only because anet messes up their own achievements with unthought out changes and plain wrong changes without thinking twice about what for consequences their changes could bring to this game somewhere else!!

This is like Steve Urkel (for those that know the reference, otherwise this pressing on the the red button of one of his crazy inventions leading to that invention going to explode like a Mini Nuke destroying completely the whole room and the house of the beloved neighbors daughter, whiel the whole family is away and he survives it somehow, just to say later then his typical sentence at the moment where the family just returns….

“Ooooops, was I that eventually ????”

where everyone would just scream (YES, learn to think before you act!!!)

Thats exactly what it reminded me off, when I saw the new versions of the achievements and learned quickly after, that Anet removed the old mechanic from unlocking and progressing on the old version completely.
It basically felt like a big middle finger into the face to all Mini collectors, which simply weren’t quick/ rich enough in the game to get all the minis before of this nonsensical change to ensure, that you’d miss out on none of the AP forever.

Sadly there is still no fix to these achievements, same as sadly that there is still after 2 years no fix to all those unmakeable WvW Achievements, same as like there is still no fix until today to the hero collection achievement and the fractal skin collection.
But at least ANet recognized after xxx complain threads with the help of Gaile, that there are some bugged collection achivements at fixed quickly after at least 2 of 4 broken achievements from those which were easy to fix, while the other 2 seem to have some bigger problems causing the issues, that seemingly aren’t that easy to fix…

But in the case of the mini achievements, its just a matter of removing the old version completely out of the game, as if they would have nexer existed and then increase simply the amount of AP per tier of the new version from 10 to 20 AP per tier.
Et voila, mini achievements fixed then.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Minipet AP Still Bugged (Blocking Progress)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 1:
Yes, people (me included) received AP for the old as like the new versions, so people got twice the AP

40 AP for getting all Minipets once into your Account Chest (Old Version)
40 AP for unlocking all Minipets of a Set to your Account (New Version)

And if you (like me and many others) weren’t able to get all Minis of one Set complete into your Account Chest, then you are just kittened up forever, until ANet finally fixes this mess, that they created with their unthought out and wrong game change they did, what wasn’t at all, what they announced what they would do, which was implementing NEW Achievements and not just some warmed up copy & paste old coffee crap that completely leads to the point, that Anet deletes completely the old mechanism of getting the old achievements completed in a very bad and lazy (in my view) attempt to fix the problem with just their way, that is done just easiest and quickest by putting the messed up obsolete uncompleteable old version achievements into the virtual junk bin of retired achievements

Merging Achievements is absolutely no problem at all,, because its just a matter of reprogramming the code for the Miniature Collector achievement.
See, each of these Achievements has a program code which includes info about, when the achievement has to trigger (activators) and there are numbers in that code, which tell the game, how much points this achievement has to add to your total amount of your AP counter.

The old version of the Miniature Collector Program Code has somewhere inside of its program code an indicator number, which tells the game, that you get every achievement tier of collecting x miniatures of Set y just 10 AP (z)
Mostly it was all the times like Collect roughtly 10-15 miniatures (x) of Set 1(y) to get 10 AP for that tier of the achievement (z) and repeat this multiple times, until you maxed out at rank 4 of the achievement for a total of 40 AP having gained through it by then.

All what ANet has to do now is to change some numbers in these programming codes of the NEW VERSION (god simply freaking MATH EXAMPLE) and to erase completely after that change the old version of achievements from the copy.
Why is it so simple? Because old and new version are like 99% identical with each other!!
The only 1% difference between them is inside of the programmign code the part for the achievement activator/progressor, because the new version activates its progress only on account unlocking, while the old version activates progression only on account chest implemention, which got completely removed by Anet out of the game this mechanic cause of the change of the Wardrobe getting implemented to the game.

So when ANet just doubles the amount of AP getting gained from the NEW Version and therefore completely erases the old version out of the game, then in fact hits Naet two birds with 1 stone:

1. They fix the achievements that they messed up by implementign simply exactly the same achievements again, instead of delivering to us, what they announced what they would do instead – new achievements. No need then anymore to show us the old versions under the retired achievements section

2. They would fix the unfair problem that alot of people got more AP out of the Minipet Collections, than alot of pother players, they would fix the problem, that the AP from the old versions aren’t completeable anymore and that all by just giving us 20 instead of 10 AP per completed Collection Tier, what is a simple math change in the programming code of the miniature achievement changing factor z from 10 to 20 in that code.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

So... about PAX South...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I’m really sad that i can’t go to Pax south. (living in Europe ect.)
However, i WAS one of the first to play the demo of gw2 back 3 years a go at gamescom, so its fair that now America gets a chance to be first for something.
I’ll just be here in my room watching the live stream.

Sounds great, and thanks for your support.

Oh, btw, I love the gamecom show. It’s always fantastic!

Would be awesome then for all those of us that live in Europe, if you could repeat this kind of Special VIFF Guest thing then maybe again this year for the upcoming Gamescom in August.
Theoretically I could be then a VIFF there, because I live in Cologne and the Gamescom area is also just like only half an hour or so away from me.
Was there already the first two times when you were there on Gamescom for presenting the Game, when it was short before of its Release Date and you came in there with playable Demos.
Was awesome, had a talk back then at these years with some Devs that were there, like Issaiah or Ree and some others trying back then to get already out of Ree some speech how the Deep See Dragon is called lol, but without success and used the chances to get some nice signatures for my Guild Wars Books from Ghosts of Ascalon and Destiny’s Edge and that was 2010 and 2011 xD

So I don’t know, what your plans are with Heart of Thorns, but if it will take some while to release it, if it is like many think it is a first full blown expansion that we might see eventually first after Q3 of this year, it could be maybe an awesome timing for this years Gamescom that you could officially release it maybe around the date of gamescom, so you you could also present on the tradefair some kind of special Release Trailer, just like you did with the Main Game back in 2010, where you presented the game there the very first time officially to the world basically with a Trailer.

But for now, lets see what awaits us all on the 24th of January and grats in advance to those people, which can be VIFF guests on Pax South in a week.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Scripts to automate mystic forging ok?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Why should someone use junk like this, if it would be just simple better, if ANet would improve the Mystic Forge with Quality of Life Changes that let the Mystic Forge simly automaticalyl forge what you want to forge to the point, until you run out of materials.
Just works woth Crafting too ,so I don’t understand, why Anet didn#t implement the same mechanism to the Mystic Forge too ???

Choose your 4 Items, if you have enough materials to forge multiple items of the same type, then you can choose before you start the forging, if you want to forge just one, or all, until material run out and if you choose all, then the forge creates automatically your chosen item, until you have no materials anymore for it.

Another QoL improvement for the Forge would be, that it simply MEMORIZES all of the unlocked “Mystic Forge Recipes” and shows them in List Form to you,. again like Crafting and when you click on a MFR, then all the materials get automatically put into the forge, without that you have to double click them anymore from your inventory.
This way by using the MFR-Memory, you could put then also items into the forge, that aren’t currently in your inventory, but instead in your Account Chest, so that a player wouldnt have to run anymore permanently between chest and forge to get new materials into the inventory to use for the forging …

Same as that ANet should finally add this QoL feature of using up Stacks of an item instantly just with 1 single click by choosing the option of “use all”

In case for example of Luck, the game would then simply summorize all the luck of that stack together and simply show you then directly the total amount of luck gained by that.

Example: Stack of 250 10 Luck Essences, = total of 2500 Luck.
instead of clicking 500 times to get shown 250 times +10 Luck.

You would have to do just only 2 clicks (1 right click on the stack, one for clicking use all) and you would see then just one single +2500 Luck number on the screen instead of 250 single +10s after another. This QoL improvement woudl surely improve also alot the game7server performance, due to alot lesser clicks ect. lesser work for the servers for sure somewhere…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

How about sub-classes???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Thats exactly what I kind of envision also with Sub Classes, yes Maddoctor.
Not perhaps by replacing some Trait Lines, but rather more by expanding the Trait Lines giving us more Trait Points to put into, cause the Trait Tiers would get also expanded to a new max of Sage Traits (whould be shown in the Exotic Color) then, which would follow after Grandmaster Traits (which are shown in the rare Yellow Color).

After that could Anet add then eventually Ascended Traits, which get shown in thy typical Ascended Pink.
And thats something, for what ANet could implement then also a Level Cap increase, to gain from 80 to 100 just more Trait Points and Sub Class Unlocks (by gaining new Sub Class Talents every 5 Levels after 80), but Equipment would still be capped simply at 80. The only thing that I could see under vertical progression under a Level Cap increase would be, that Anet could increase perhaps with those Levels for all Classes the Maximum Health slightly a bit as a part also of Game Balance.

Level Cap Increases don’t have to come always with vertical progression, thats biased nonsense from people, that don’t know anything else than games, where cap increases always came together with vertical progression in the past.
Level Cap Increases can also easily be used for just only 100% Horizontal Progression that absolutely affect in no way or form any Character Equipment that would make your Stuff worthless then, simply because they would get not introduced any equipment with higher stats, just only because the Level Cap got increased.

The Devs of ANet, especially Mike O’ Brien in this case have always said anyways from begin on, that GW2 by its design is much more made like a classical MMORPG and that it is likely, that once the right time and situation is there, that it is also very possible and likely, that GW2 will see a Level Cap Increase somewhen and this is somethign, that also already has been discussed to death, so I don’t understand, why now that Heart of the Thorns is known to come soon this year and most likely gets officially announced on the 24th of January, why out of a sudden these Level Cap discussion threads pop up suddenly again like mushrooms, when it should be clear, that it will happen somewhen has part of the game/Character Progression and that everyone can be sure, that once it come,s it surely wont be a simple Cap increase with alot more of vertical progression, because Anet isn’t stupid…
They know very well, that such a change would be basically this game’s permanent death for sure right now… thats something what would maybe finds its way into the chinese version of this game, cause there the people just have that gaming mentality for something like that, unlike the western players which hate unendless gear grind.

So i’m very sure, that we will see in the future of this game a Level Cap increase designed as a 100% integrated part of horizontal character progression somehow.
Anything else just makes zero sense if ANet just doesn’t want to destroy their game with their own hands and put it right into the grave to shovel then the dirt on it that they created.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Incoming Might Nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Please Anet, from this moment on, always do these Explanations. Big +1
They are such a great help for a better understanding.

Alot of great changes are incoming and finalyl something where i really must say for the very first time, that this will be the very first Balance Patch ,where not the Thief will get only nerfed further into the Ground, while all other Classes get mostly buffed only.

This patch will just have something great for everyone.
A small step into the right direct, but in my opinion still alot of things to do for Balance.
Find it somehow sad and somehow good, that anet focusses this time on Skills only and makes no changes and improvements to Traits.

Thief Traits are still after 2 and a half years mostly a huge mess sadly and need finally to get merged a bit to make space for some new more useful traits and to improve the overall gameplay for the thief, so that they can provide also a bit more Support, other than only Stealth or Venoms, which requires to use way too much traits to be useful for Group Support. Alot of the Utility Skill should get merged too imo to give Thieves something new and more useful for overall support in a different way, other than only Stealth.
Its so obvious, that certain of their utilities would be better for the game when being merged, cause otherwise they get rarely used at all, if at all.
And Anet has to do finally something agaisnt alot of their skills being unuseable in underwater combat by either removing the underwater restrictions or adding to the land versions also new underwater changed versions, like Tornado alters to Maelstrom for Elementalists.
Such Skill Design has to be done alot more for all Classes, if underwater gameplay should ever become more fun in this game at all!

Who uses Blinding Power, which stealths you for a few seconds and has 40s of CD, if you coud use also instead Smoke Sceen, which can stealth you much longer as also your allies when being blast finished which has also just only 30s of CD and can be used by that much more frequently than BP. 10s more CD just for a single Blinding which can be removed by a single weapon swing, is ridiculous!!
Those two Utility Skills for an easy examplle would be much better off for this game to be merged together, as both skilsl are just about Stealth only and one of them is already superior massively over the other in case of Support, that it makes no sense to use the other Utility Skill over theclear better one.

Blinding Powder, Shadow Refuge and Smoke Screen should be merged together into “Smoke Powder”/ Changes underwater then to Shadow Refuge which creates just a large AoE Stealth, which blinds at the same time foes that enter it over the duration per pulse, while stealthed allies receive a healing and regeneration from the pulses of Smoke Powder, while ranged attacks get blocked/absorbed while standing in the Stealth Field.

That way would there be space instantly for 2 alot more useful new Deception Utilities

Example for:

Shadow Doppelganger CD 60s
Summons your Shadow to fight alongside you for the next 30s.
When used, the original profitates from all positive effect that the Shadow Doppelganger gains, for example, if the Doppelganger leeches health, the original gaisn Health too, if he gains healths due to the on hit healing signet skill, the original gets these heals too, if the clone cures a condition, the original loses one too and so on
If the doppelganger dies, the original will gain for a short moment protection, retaliation and stability.

Shadow Absorbtion CD 40s
Stun break. You lose 3 conditions and for every cured Condition, you gain 3s of Stealth.
When attacking a foe with your Stealth Attack, the Stealth Attack will deal addiotionally to its normal effect also the 3 absorbed Conditions and removes 1 Boon before of this from the foe.

That would be 2 alot more useful Deception Skills that could get implemented, if Anet would juts merge Blinding Powder, Shadow Refuge and Smoke Screen together under “Smoke Powder” or better “Smoke Bomb” and would rename for this better Skill Name then the Downed Skill Smoke Bomb to “Blinding Powder”

God, I’d kill for making these improvements for the Thief Class just happen xD ^^ lol

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

How about sub-classes???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I don’t think subclasses can work very well in GW2 because of stats and traits. One of the key aspects of GW1 multiclassing that is totally missing in GW2, is the changing of skills/traits. In GW1 you were locked with your chosen skills / traits until you visited the next outpost, so while players could have a variety of builds, the actual build being used was locked and couldn’t change.

In GW2 you can change your traits and skills anytime you want outside of combat (it’s even free now), so adding multiclass or subclass doesn’t make much sense to me. You want Stealth? Pick Thief as your second class, use all the Stealth skills you wish and be a Thief, then in the next room change to your Guardian skills and support/heal, then change to your Mesmer skills and portal people around etc

It will destroy any sense of individuality the professions have. The only way a sub/multi class system could work is if the player was somehow LOCKED with those skills like in GW1, free changing and multi/sub class don’t work well together.

Easily solved by implementing a Mentor System together with splitting up the Trait System into Traits, Talents and Expertises, as a player would have to go visit their corresponding Class Mentors to change Sub Classes by changing their Talents at them.

This way it would be guaranteed, that Players can’t switch Sub Classes outside of Combat in a matter of seconds around. Instead a Player would have to go visit their Home Towns (or any Town) to be able to change their Sub Class their by resetting their Talents for example a large Karma Fee + Gold, what would be another point, that would make people think twice about it no not change permanently around their Sub Classes, but rather stay on their chosen decisions and play it also for a while, until they want to experiment around and test something new for a while until you find a build, that you like the most.
As part of that kind of horizontal progression players could do then also something, like increasing their “Job Levels” to progress this way horizontally by unlocking more sub class specific visual stuff ect and by that you could also decrease the karma/Gold Fee slowly that the mentor would want from you to change your Sub Classes. (same could be done also with Crafting Jobs imo as part for Crafting progression to implement a way to reduce slowly the Crafting Job Change Fee, but thats an other topic )

Sub Classes will absolutely work with GW2 perfectly fine.
Your description there just shows, that Multi Classing combined with GW2’s trait system wouldn’t work at all with GW2, cause it would completely ruin GW2’s game balnce and design, if you could be basically at any given time whatever you want to be right now by changing your secondary class, what would make playing multiple character with different classes completely obsolete, if you could be anything you want whenever you want outside of combat..

Players are also locked with their Traits/Skills in GW2, you can change them also only while not being in combant (exception are Weapon Skills naturally as they are by design the only changeable skilsl for combat by switching the weapons), same as like you are able to change your Attributes in GW1 only, while not being in combat.
So your analogy was completely wrong.
Also in GW1 players weren’t able to change their Multi Classes just right outside of combat.
You have to go visit a NPC in GW1 that is in an outpost to change for a small Gold Fee your Secondary Class, unless ANet has changed this after the release of GW2 (I haven’t played GW1 since then anymore in 99,99% of all the time, so I can’t say for 100% sure, if GW1 still works so as like I remember on it, how it worked in the past years ago)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

How about sub-classes???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Sub Classes could be used to improve and redesign the whole Trait System to make it better and simpler to balance the game around the new Sub Classes.
It could be used to introduce a progression also in the Trait System, giving us more Trait Points to play with, what would create more Build Diversity this way by a from Sub Classes unlocked new Tier after Grand Master, so called “Sage Traits”.
It could be used to reformat the Trait System into 3 more depthful sections to implement with Sub Classes more horizontal Character Progression by splitting up the trait System into Traits, Talents and Expertises with each section being responsible for something different regardign horizontal Character Progression usign this reformat also to make the Traits then also more build and skill effect defining, while Talents would be from this point on responsible for all those class based special passive effects for Healings, Dodges, Blocks, on Hit Effects and so on, while Traits would then finally affect Weapon, Healing, Utility and Elite Skills so, how it should have been from begin on, that theres a heck load of Traits, which actually completely change the Effects of all Skills by their functions, like changing their ranges, adding or altering Conditions and so on.
The current trait System is way too mixed up with effect changes, which should be better sorted more in different active and passive categories (Traits = Active), (Talents = Passive), while Expertises = (Visual, ergo Skill Skins, Aura Effects and so on)

Chris ended the Horizontal Progression CDI with the proposing words, that we will see somewhen in the future also a special Sub Class CDI (once they have made other changes to the game first was what Chris has written, which could be taken basically as pre-requirements to make a solid ground for the game to handle later Sub Classes, what I find absolutely understandable) which will be hold solely around this topic only. (Something what wouldn’t make sense to be done, if that topic wouldn’t have found more internally the likings under the Devs otherwise something likg that would be only a waste of time)
I’m by sure the person in this forum here, which can’t await this CDI to appear finally the most here from all of us

I also hope, that something stupid, like GW1’s Multi Classing System will never ever return to GW2. This system was horrible, it was absolutely unbalanceable always just from begin on until today. The game really had never ever a moment, where you could have said, that GW1 was in any way, shape or form “balanced” due to this terrible Class System. Sure, it provided alot of freedom for Build Diversity, but you also have to look at which a price that build freedom came for and it was one of the best Game Design Decisions that Anet could have made to change for GW2 back to a more classical One Class System to make GW2 ALOT easier and clear to balance in a whole.
The second best decision was to make Weapon Skills then, but thats something, which Anet could expand at least also a bit more with multiple different Weapon Skill Sets to provide there also a bit more diversity with for example learnable “Combat Styles” to alter that way outside of Combats your Weapon Skill Sets with your equipped Weapon.
That way the game would receive more horizontal progression without leaving the game design of giving Players preset Weapon Skills that are easy to balance and keep in balance, than to turn GW2 back to GW1’s Skill System, where you could decide for your whole Skill Bar for each single Slot the skilsl for your “Build”

Sub Classes are in my honest opinion this Game’s future and way to go for a massive better horizontal Character Progression and they are it, what I would call by ANet’s words a new frame how to design this game and expand its “universe”

PS: See my signature, thats what Chris exactly said and what I put instantly from that day on proudly into my signature lol ^^

Edited to remove some weird unlogical sentences where my fingers typed faster than my brain could think lol

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

How about sub-classes???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


P1: (silly word limit, ANet couldn’t you increase it or change to unlimited to just reduce double postings :P)
Sub Classes is and will always be my Main Topic Number One, which I will follow and support here, whenever possible as its in fact for me personalyl the absolute best way how Anet could improve this game in a massive way for its future in regard of its current huge lack of Character progression and that since Game Release on ANet has nearly done anything at all for horizontal Character Progression and if they wouldn’t have added the Ascended Equipment, then they would have done nearly anythign at all for any kind of progression for this Game within those two and a half years by now soon, what would be really sad for this Game.

GW2 needs Level Cap Increases (must not come together with Equipment Progression that everyone fears so much, this Game needs Sub Classes, it needs more Weapon Categories that are missing (Great Axes, Whips, Polearms, Claws, Crossbows, Quarterstaves, Flails, Tower Shields, splitting Foci into Artefacts & Relics to provide there more Skill Varity), this Game needs Visual Progression (Skill Skins, for example changing the Looks of Necromancer Mininos, changign the Looks of Elementalist Summons, changing the Looks, of Mesmer Phantasms and Shatter Effects, changign the Look of Engineer Turrets, changing the Look of Guardian Spiritual Weapons, changing the Look of Ranger Pets/Nature Spirits, changing the Look of Thief Guildies and changign the Look of Warrior Bursts ect for the simple beginning…

Heck, I strongly believe in it, that there was a very good reason for it, why anet made up for the very first CDI the topic all about Horizontal Progression and if it wouldn’t have been cause of me, I think that the topic about Sub Classes wouldn’t have made any such high waves at all, to the point that the Lead Developer of that CDI Stuff, who started all of it – Chris Whiteside – officially admitted to all of us, that he likes the idea of Sub Classes for this Game as a part of horizontal Character Progression.
This naturally doesn’t mean that its some kind of promise or somethign like that, what alot of people often seem to like reading between the lines from such comments as confirments that somethign iwll be made, but it least showed to me, that the idea in itself made enough impression, that it became surely among the Devs a topic to be discussed in their inner discussion rounds due to Chris (and maybe also other Devs which weren’t so much active part so far in CDI’s, but which read them passively, which liked the idea) maybe already actively supporting the design process in the back ground that we might perhaps see somewhen under a Feature Pack or maybe with Heart of Thorns Sub Classes getting introduced, (which would be awesome cause this feature in itself would provide so much potential for alot of horizontal Character progression by using Sub Classes as key elements to unlock alot of other smaller thigns as part of the whole horizontal Character Progression from new useable Weapons over new useable exclusive Equipment Skins over new exclusive build defining Utility, Healing and Elite Skills which could get bonded to certain Sub Classes to increase this way more also our Character Individuality, whats also very important (at least to me, that not everyone is the same).

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Spoiler] video at the end of S2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Sure Pyriel, Bread Crumbs and Bread Crumbs surely let Players become basically Fortune Tellers and allow them to predict a game’s story future from like roughly a year ago basically 100% accurate!

Sylvari could have been made more interesting also completely without brandmarkign the whole race as the seed of all evil with a story, that would have followed more the Nightmare Court and the Story Parts we got from the Sylvari Story around that second Sylvari Tree from which comes the Sylvari Malyck for example.
Or something completely different.

Who says, that every playable race needs to have a freakign age long history. histories are overrated. Thats what made the Sylvari so special, beign such a young playable race with basicalyl no age long history after which they could be pidgeonholed and be put labels on based on what the race did or did not already like several hundreds of years ago.
No, they “history” is much more compact than the ones of all other playable races and that what makes them a good playable race for RP’ers, which don’t want to be labeled as like “the war driven army race”, like the Charr, cause of their plenty wars they had back in their history or like “the mad scientist race”, like the Asura.

So give me a reason, why there had to be the need to turn the Slyvari race basicalyl into everybodies symbolification of hate number one.
How does it make as a Sylvari Character now even sense anymore to play this story any further, when our “supposed Heroes” are nothing else anymore than meaningless marionettes for a dragon out there which are dependent from that “protection” from the pale tree to turn not maybe in an instant into dragon slaves like Wynne said, what she saw in her dream what Sylvari would be basically as Mordremoths Minions.

And after seeing, what Mordremoth did to a whole pact fleet in a matter of seconds, wiping out everybody in a blink of an eye.. who’s to say that Mordremoth couldn’t repeat such a dramatic attack not at any given time with that massive destructive force behind at the pale tree to end, what Mordremoth already tried by sending out the Shade of the Dragon.
With such power, it would be an easy thing for Mordremoth to destroy the pale tree same as easily to remove that “protection”.

The whole thing did look to me basically already like a by Trahearne set up “trap”, because no one as a military commander would be so idiotic to shoot with a fleet of airships aimlessly into the ground flying so extremely low, that an enemie’s counterattack can hit you directly with full force just seconds later to erase you from they sky in a matter of no time then.
tThe whole scene basically looked like a

“Hi, here we are, the army of fools which I present you for my Master on the silver platter and I let them shoot all idiotically into the ground first for you to tell you that we are ready for our deaths to come by your huge vines, my Master, once we have arrived for you” kind of trap

By the massive dislike/hate peopel have for Trahearne for all of his personal story attention stealing, I wouldn’t even be surprised, if Anet will turn up all of this desastrous story now into a “we turn Trahearne into an an enemy-plot” now, where now all Sylvari are already brand marked as minions of Mordremoth.
So what does it make already for a difference by then now?
He will be then just another meaningless foe like Scarlet, whose butt we will kick hard then sooner or later or which we will stab better said then like Scarlet too to get rid of him and Anet would take in the laurels for giving us players our wished importancy back as we become then the new pact leaders.

All perfect, or not? Hitting this way two birds with 1 stone…
Sorry, when I can’t take all this any serious anymore…
Have just to sleep a night over this desastrous story change first to get a clearer mind again perhaps. Just at the moment to disappointed and would have expected a better Season 2 Final without this bad brand marking of the Sylvari, a more neutral epic final of this Season

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Spoiler] video at the end of S2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I must say, this was very clever of ANet. I’m loving how some of the fan theories about the Sylvari and Caithe proved correct.

I must say, this was extremely unclever and total unoriginal…

ANet basically destroyed with one stroke a whole playable race storywise for everybody and turned the Sylvari into a bad race, that gets seen by everybody now basically as the seed of everything evil there is currently on Tyria.

It is way too much of an “coincidence”, as this isn’t the first time that this kind of miraculous 100% accurate story telling has happened so far in the Living Story based on someones random theorycrafting about the game’s futurous story….

Or don’t you find it freaking weird too, that some random guys comes up here in the forums with some even weirder theories about what the story will turn into in the far future, like a year ago before it happens, what happened exactly today and basically it feels like, as if Anet just copied that theory from that person and just implemented it today right away 1:1 ???

Then they let get the whole pact fleet get literally get slaughtered and shreddered into thousands of pieces, basically standing absolutely no chance against these huge vines, for those are even the biggest air ships in that scene like freaking tiny TOYS to play with…. and kill off basically in that scene everyone including Logan, Eir, Zojja and Trahearne… – come on, be real, as if anyone of them could have survived that, when Mordremoth destroyed their air ships high in the sky right under their feets away in an blink of an eye…
They all would have to be supernatural beings, if anyone of them would have actually survived that mass slaughter.

I absolutely don’t know what to say about it. I just feel in myself right now an extreme void and diappointment together than I’m absolutely unable to express with just words, that I can describe only with what ran through my head right at the second when I saw this desaster

“OMFG, well thanks ANet, you just right now completely ruined the whole story of the game forever” Thats what I had right directly in mind at the moment, when I heard Wynne say that the Sylvari are just Mordremoth Minions and saw the final scenes shortly later

Well, why forever, – because there is as the title of this episode says, absolutely, however you want to turn it now, no way how to make this desaster now unhappen.
Its destroyed, a so far so good story destroyed unrepairable forever with a whole playable race being forever now brand marked as the seed of evil in a matter of seconds.

I’m just speechless to say the least…

I see absolutely no sense anymore in playing further my Sylvari Character now basically in any kind of way storywise, because of this turnout of the story, which simply seems like a copy and paste lame implemention of a player theory and not like something very original, that any ANet Writer came up self with, which doesn’t mark instantly a whole playable race forever in a bad way that lets everyone view at this race now, like as if they are dirty filth that needs to get killed now as quick as possible and completely be erased from Tyria, that basically everyone on this world, that is no Sylvari turns now into their enemies, which just wants to see all of them dead, cause the other races see in them as like Wynne says in the story, monsters into them.

This whole thing makes everything Sylvari regarding now forever completely obsolete and irrelevant!
What plays it for a role anymore now, what the Nightmare Court is, what they do ect. Sylvari are anyways the evil now, regardless if they had any other evil faction already…
What makes it for a sense, that we defended the Pale Tree, when in the end Sylvari are just minions of Mordremoth anyways??

This episode brought me nearly to the point, where I start to say, I just absolutely don’t want to know anymore, what will happen next on the 24th, cause of Anet just recklessly killing storywise off one of their playable races with this negative brand marking of making them our enemie’s minions now, whicht are better off being killed all, than being kept alive by the other races now – never knowing, when Mordremoth could turn the whole Sylvari Race at any given moment as a weapon against all others to massicely weaken the Pact… if there is even still something like a Pact after this ridiculous David vs. Goliath Mass Slaughter in which we stood absolutely no chance against him realistically.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

What each class feels like in GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Sadly I’m missing the required picture altering skills with programs like kitten or so to make use of that blank picture, I wish I could do so, but the simple Paint doesn’t work, has no ability for multiple pictures to overlap and work with them at the same time, so meh :/
But maybe someone of those picture alterer heroes here can help me out, if I just link to 8 Pictures for the corresponding Classes, that this person could turn those pictures for me into one picture, that is using that blank picture to fill those pictures into the blank spots for me and post basically my version for me, that would be great
Some may be reduced first in their size, before they fit

So here are my 8 Pictures:

Elementalist =

Warrior =

Guardian =

Engineer =

Ranger =

Necromancer =

Thief =

Mesmer =

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Adding a gear check to the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Also no to this, cause it is if you want to believe it or not OP absolutely a definitive tool for elitism.
Such junk has nothing to search in this game.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

New weapons for Classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Ranger: Hammer
Necromancer: Greatsword
Thief: Rifle
Warrior: Main-hand Dagger/Off-hand Torch
Guardian: Main-hand Axe/Off-hand Mace
Mesmer: Main-hand Pistol/Off-hand Shield
Elementalist: Greatsword
Engineer: Main-hand Mace/Off-hand Torch

No new weapons needed. But all professions get 5 new weapon skills

If thats the case what Anet would do, giving first no new weapons, but just every class only 5 new weapon skills to keep it easy and overviewable with already existing weapons, something like this would make far more sense, than your examples here in my opinion.

Warrior: Main Hand Shield + Torch
Guardian: Longbow
Ranger: Staff
Thief: Main Hand Mace or Axe + Offhand Sword
Engineer: Main Hand Mace + Torch
Elementalist: Main Hand Sword + Shield
Necromancer: Greatsword
Mesmer: Rifle

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Land Spear (1hander or 2hander IYO)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


2h spear really doesn’t have a place in GW2 land combat (or water, really). It’s a non-projectile ranged weapon that is utterly useless inside of 5 or 6 feet. It really isn’t useful against non-mounted opponents either.

I’ve to disagree with you strongly here and tell you, that you are absolutely wrong here with this statement.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

New weapons for Classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


As I’ve said this several times among this reappearing topic, the classes should get only Weapons, that do fit to them. I’m absolutely strictly agaisnt such junk ideas like “all Weapons for all classes”, which would be just a pure balancing nightmare for the Devs.
With giving classes only weapons, that do fit to them, it stays overviewable.

Warriors: Torch, Great Axe, Polearms (Halberds, Spears, Lances ect.), Tower Shields (MH), Flails

Thieves: OH Sword, Axes, Maces, Torch, Whip/Chain Sicle, Quarterstaff, Flails, Crossbow, Claws

Rangers: Crossbow, Whip/Chain Sicle, Quarterstaff, Polearms, Staffs, Scepter, Focus

Engineers: Maces, Hammer, Crossbow, Tower Shields, Torch

Necromancers: MH Sword, Greatswords, Whips/Chain Sicles, Claws, Flails, Torch

Guardians: Great Axes, Polearms, Tower Shields (MH), Longbows

Elementalists: Swords, Greatswords, Shield, Shortbow, Torch, Whip/Chain Sicle, Rifle

Mesmer: Shield, Whip/Chain Sicle, Polearms, MH Pistol, Rifle

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Land Spear (1hander or 2hander IYO)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


God people, when will you finally give up this Paragon Junk??? this class will never ever reappear. Deal with it.

The paragon has absolutely nothing to offer as class mechanic, which can’Ät be done already by the Warrior or the Guardian. Everything what this class had, got absorbed completely by those two classes.
1H Spears make no sense, pulling unendless javelins out of thin air was already immersion breaking and in fact it would be also a little nice weapon balancign for GW2, if you would have to automaticalyl reload your arrows/bulets after say every 50 shot for a few seconds being not able to attack, which would lead to players using ranged weapons getting for the advantage of engaging combat first save from range also the final required disadvantage for it, that you have to go into defensive playstale/positioning for when you need to quickly reload your ammonition.

That would allow also ANet to give Ammonition more design relevant importancy, like turning Ammonition also into a Equipment Type with its own Stats/Effects as part of Bows/Pistols/Rifles, which could affect also partwise then your Weapon Skills, like giving for example little extra chances to deal various conditions with your weapon skills., or to make your shots fly faster than normal and so on … what would create again more Build Variety then.

howeve, to come back to Paragons, Guardians already have a PvP Achievement, that is called for them Paragon. That alone is another sign, that this Class got completely absorbed by Warriors and Guardians.

The only thing that is missing from them is basically only Polearm Weapons, that are useable on land and even then they would surely have under their Weapon Skills something, that would allow them to throw somehow the Weapon, because ANets combat system for GW2 is so designed, that all classes always have some skills, which can be used always for all kinds of at least melee to midrange distances, so that no class is forced to have to run to a foe just to be able to attack them.
And if thats not the case, then you have gap closers for that or skills, that can pull the targets to you instead from midrange distances.

Their Anthems and Hymns were nothing else than basically Shouts and if Anet should ever come up with the intention to bring back these 2 mechanics somehow new and different working into GW2, then I would like to see them back at a place, where they originally would belong to alot better by design – as new Utilities or as Class Mechanics for BARDS unlocked as a Mesmer Sub Class, because singing is all about Inspiration and they show already signs that Mesmers are about singing when fightign under water.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

add new creatures and monsters plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


There is lots of options, that anet could and should do for this game:

1) Make for all Maps different Monsters and Creatures based on the time that is on the map. There should be everywhere different creatures at night time, as when it is day time.
AT night time you should see alot more night active monsters, animals, undeads, insects, demons and ghosts and the like.
The nights also should feel for the players alot more dangerous everywhere, than when it is day time, basically lke Dragons Dogma, where everything in the world felt alot more dangerous at nights, as when you would go out at day time.
GW2 needs for this feelign also finalyl REAL NIGHTS where you need to take out sources of light to see better (Frost Fractal in the Forest, the Obsidian Sanctum JP and an other explorable Place in the Norn Regions show exactly, that ANet is able to make real dark places! where you need sources of light to be able to see your own hands! )

That would be the first real great step towards more monster variety instead of pumping the game full lazily only with tons of creature reskins.

2) I’m also missing alot really much of the known GW1 creatures, with 1 exception – dinosaurs, never thought that they fit into the game, even the raptors i think are already too much, this is GW2 and not Jurassic Park

However, just to name some creatures i want to see back:

  • Ibogas/ Ayahuascas
  • Mandragors
  • Seedlings
  • Mursaat
  • Dryders
  • Behemoths
  • Hydras (real ones, not such cheap 3 headed wannabes, I mean real big 9 headed ones)
  • Skeletons (not just only at halloween)
  • Gargoyles (not just only at halloween)
  • Bone Wyverns (to name them Bone Dragons would be weirld for GW2 I think)
  • Stalkers
  • Dragon Lilies
  • Undergrowths
  • Island Guardians
  • Jacarandas
  • Enchanted Brambles
  • Blooming Nettles/ Nettle Spores
  • Vaettirs
  • Hill/Tundra Giant (GW2 needs more Giants!!)
  • Bonesnap Turtles
  • Saltspray Wyverns
  • Djinns (as higher and more dangerous form of Elementals)
  • Environmental Manifestations (Roaring Ether, Tormented Land, Shambling Mesa, Avalanches)
  • Scarabs
  • Hopping Vampires
  • Gakis
  • Mantids
  • Phantoms
  • Dream/ Death Riders
  • Wraiths
  • Banshees
  • Kappas
  • Vermins
  • Wallows
  • Ntouka Birds
  • Howlers
  • Rampaging Ntoukas
  • Mokeles
  • Shriekers/Scabaras
  • Kveldulfs
  • Simians
  • Hippos
  • Crocodiles/Alligators
  • Rinkhals
  • Carps
  • Mantas
  • Onis
  • Stygians
  • Aurochs
  • Bisons
  • Chupacabras (were in GW1 under Skelks)
  • Scourgers (were in GW1 under Skelks)
  • Reapers (were in GW1 udner Skelks)
  • Drinkers
  • Rain Beetles
  • Rock Beetles
  • Bladed Termites
  • Ghosteater Beetles
  • Thorn Beetles/ Beetle Queens
  • Incubi (and where they are may also not miss Succubi, sadly they diodnt exist in GW1 among Incubi)

just to show you, how much freaking more monster varity GW1 had compared to GW2, which really lacks in Monster Variety.
So ANet was already creative, all they need to do is to brign bacl all this already existing creativity back to GW2.

Sure, among that huge list are also alot of creatures from Cantha or Elona, but who says, that alot of these creatures can’t be found now also too in other regions of Tyria, which are yet unexplorable or were also in GW1 not explorable, but did already live also 250 years ago in certain unexplorable parts of Tyria?? Who knows that already – nobody, so Anet has all options open …

and alot of the creatures would be also good options just for night active creatures for the already existing maps.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Land Spear (1hander or 2hander IYO)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


They would be 2H Polearm Weapons and nothing else.
The Spears we know so far for Underwater Combat would get then renamed to “Harpoons” to make the difference clear between the Land and the Water Combat Skill Versions and Harpoon Guns should get renamed then to “Bolt Gun”, while ANet should merge Staff with Trident and add therefore other Weapons to Underwater Combat too, like Daggers, Swords, Axes, Maces, Focus and Torchs.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

New Soldier Class: Reaper

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


1) Good that you come up finally with Class Names, that aren X Knight, which would not work with GW2’s Class Naming Scheme, unfortunetely something like Reaper also doesn’t work (makes people always immmediately think on something childish like Grim Reaper and the bad attempt to press some old dervish junk into the game that has no place in this game

2) There exists no undead Dragon Lord in the lore of the game. If you try to come up with a class concept, then stay at least at the existing game lore and don’t come up with some wish thinking just to have some thought out lore for the concept, otherwise the whole concept instantly just crumbles together like a cheap house of card

3) it brings absolutely nothing, if you repeat your concepts like million times, I’ve already told you that, or should I relink my postign here, where I show you how freaking often you’ve made already threads and postings about this???

4) There exists already a Shapeshifting Mechanic in this Game and it belongs to the Norn as a racial ability and partwise to humans, as their old divine Avatars have become partwise also their racial skills (Avatar of Melandru). Putting there in now also a class based shapeshiftign would be too much.
There is no need to add any more shapeshifting into the game.

5) That you want to make Bloodstones part of their gameplay, clearly shows us, that you have absolutely no clues of the game’s lore. You want just to make the mightiest thing in history of Tyria with divine powers that came from Abaddon, which have been split into multiple parts into their source of power?? – yeah clear that Knighthonor!!! About what do you dream at nights???

6) There exist nearly no Sun Spears anymore and those that stil lexist hide themself from palawa Joko and the Mordant Crescent which hunt them to kill the remaining ones too or convince them to join Palawa too and become part of them.

7) The rest of the Concept is a clear Concept merge of just Necromancer and Guardian, can’t me more obvious… and isn’t very original and absolutely not original enough to make out of somethign like that a new seperate Class, regardless of how much you wish to have some Shadow Knight-esque Class in this Game.
This would be things, with that the necromancer and the Guardian self should get improved with to get more Character Progression.

So in brief:

I dislike this Concept/Not signed

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside