Showing Posts For Pavel.8531:

Ranger Pets Overpowered?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I try more dodge roll this weekend, I trait for vigor and use vigor foods. still only get 2-dodge rolls then nothing…I dodge roll once fighting Wolfbow, wolf fear me before I can get second roll…Now I stuck running, terror, no skill work all circling like clock.

Ranger using arrows constantly not even have to move….Then call Hyena, Hyena knock me down then summon another…Then I guess after I die, I come back and I guess ranger call ranger friend over for “free kill”.

Now two ranger, first switched to dreaded bearbow/wolfbow…Second ranger have freaking small bird…Crow or something…I cant even see bird, it fluttering around my head like herd of gkitten try to hit bird not even sure where bird is….Then ranger somehow summon whole flock of birds that land on my head…

My poor character find get birds knocked off, first ranger been /laughing whole time….Now he send wolf at me, scare me again…No skills, bird pecking eyes, wolf howling both rangers fling arrows, much relentless….

No hope for game, I no go in water anymore for fear of bear might be there if ranger is chasing…Least that is fix.

10/10 would read again.

Enemys see that your uplevel

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Well, I guess I am from the rare people that ignore upleveled because it isn’t fun fighting them.

Ranger skill Barrage overpowered?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


This… I don’t even have a ranger and I was still like “this has to be a troll post”. But no, you are serious. Wow, just wow.
Btw I wonder what would have happened if 4 staff eles did the same thing… guess what – it would have happened… dramatic pause …THE same thing badum tsch. And actually meteor hits much stronger too. I get what you are trying to say about aoes and siege on walls.
And yes, defending while outmanned is quite pointless, except in some rare cases(upgraded tower, supplies, smart siege placement).

Thiefs are OP Nerf pls

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


That’s why I asked what the point of this thread is (or the naming at least). If the initial poster was THE thief in the video and he was bragging about his pve min/maxed dmg – ok, I can dig that. Otherwise I see nothing OP – pretty much every class can make a build like that (a build that deals absurd amount of damage but has almost 0 defense).

Thiefs are OP Nerf pls

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I don’t know what this thread is about… Still, a good display of full berserker 30/30/0/0/10 scholar runes build(99,9% sure) with 25 might stacks and booster I’d say.

Came across another warrior I couldn't beat

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


This is my warrior… in the OS(no stacks, no guard buffs, no bloodlust). Only food and 5 might stacks from the signet. I feel so dirty when fighting 1v1 on him…


Would sPvP Make Me Better at WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


You won’t ever find a good roamer in wvw who does not play sPvP, they go hand in hand.

You are wrong here – I have been roaming very effectively for 1+ years and I have like 3h total in PvP(it seemed so boring with lower stats and everything standartised). But I am one of these 1% people that look traits and theorycraft really hard for a long time, as someone said it. If you want to get better in 1v1 in WvW – go to the Obsidian Sanctum arena and duel there and if you get rolled by a player/build you find intriguing, party them and try to chat about pointers and builds. Usually the ones that go to the OS are actually the ones confident in their 1v1/small scale builds/abilities anyway. However if you want large fights – this is learned by experience, nothing else helps.

No more bandwagons, make rewards personal

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Good post… and the “greed” part is spot-on, so I doubt they’ll listen.

The New CDI Topics

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


So basically you have decided on something and you are trying to throw some dust in our eyes again… Let me ask you – how gullible do you think we are?

Stealth Spammers

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Let me propose you go to the OS, mr. Valentine(no, not PvP, WvW is totally different) and make a video (unedited) of you dueling people. Around 10-15 mins, if possible. Let’s see how you fare vs proper wvw built duelers.

Stealth Spammers

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I use the basic keybinds. Q and E to strafe, A and D to turn, etc. I use 1-5 for the weapon attacks, and I click on the 6-0 slots if I need to use them. If I lose a fight, I’m either outplayed, or it’s one of those close moments where one of us gets a Deus Ex Machina.

I use e for targeting, a and d are for strafing, I turn with tne mouse. z is for “back vision” x/c/v are for utils. There are some other things too, but I won’t get into too much depth. Once I started using keybinds I found out my reaction times got much better, since I pretty much only move my “a” or “d” buttons fingers a bit to press what I need.

Stealth Spammers

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


do you really need to keybind skills to be a decent player? is it requirement for a pvp and wvw player? O.o


Pretty much you asked here “do I really need to be able to react 0.5s faster to be a better player than now”. Awkward… But no, it’s not a requirement, you can be as awful as you wish, there are plenty like you in wvw from what I’ve seen.

And someone please close/delete this… it’s ran its course long enough.

Stealth is it over powered

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I think that’s hard to understand wall of text you have typed here.

For good or bad, Stealth is a thief’s(and PU mesmer nowadays I guess >_>) main mechanic. A whole traitline is tied up into it(and the only good condition removal), so any change can be class breaking. Stealth can’t be changed without massive buffs in other areas… which will make the class akin to a warrior, just with steal instead burst. Do we want that?

Also, fighting a thief 1v1 in the open is a bad idea too, unless you have played a thief for a long time(thieves are predictable if you have, the moment you see their weapon set you know what to expect and if you are able to counter it(and how – on my warr, I change 1 utility), so you will have the advantage).

Who was EoTM made for?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Don’t know about you, but my EOTM experience today was – commander blobs, avoiding each other and killing champs (lol @ the guy that said it was for people that didn’t want to take empty towers and hop all day). Good job. I won’t be going back there for some time, I will give it 2 weeks and hope people start playing properly(although without communication and server level organisation I doubt it…).

And bob is right… as a solo roamer/scout I hated pretty much everything about this map too.

Stealth Spammers

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


From a thief PoV, I can tell that such a warrior would be close to impossible to beat for a Shadow Art Thief. His healing Power and Toughness are so high that our BS will hit him for 3-4k, which will be outhealed in 5s.
Good luck killing him.

I have 1.1k hours on thief… and I know this build both can’t lose vs thieves and can win easily, if I time things right. I specially slot “fear me” for thieves, pressure them a bit, they heal, then we fight a bit more and if they haven’t caught up that it’s time to run, they are forced to use SR as a last resort(they use SS for the 1st pin down/flurry) to clean some condis+regen. Fear me > pin down > combustive shot. Dead.

Stealth Spammers

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


lol. do you do that? always have someone else beside you to protect you? i wonder who’s gonna cry after you got the nerf you all deserved.

I don’t play my thief anymore. My warrior says “hi” – now vs him, 1v1 you can cry and cry and cry…


Stealth Spammers

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


then obviously you need more nerfing here in wvw. i cant see why you guys think it’s fun playing such a no-risk high reward poor excuse of a class.

I see where the problem is… you feel entitled to loot if you bring your buddies along and gang someone. Thieves have an easy way out of that and that makes you mad. I feel you, really, mr zerker “pro pvp” ranger. Now cry me a river.

Stealth Spammers

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I just started playing wvw. I used to just play pvp before for more than half a year (snip)

You remind me of a guy(shatter mesmer), that entered wvw and asked do people 1v1 somewhere, and he was a pro PvP-er. Well guess what – WvW is so different than PvP it’s like comparing potatos to kiwis. Long story short, I found him some duelers. He lost every single duel, no matter the class he fought.
Also – zerker rangers are thieves’ food.

Thief shenanigans in our citadel

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Why is this even possible? All NPCs in citadel should have invulnerability/massive damage.

I have done this myself on my thief and guard for funzies(several months ago, but I guess looking at this – this still works). It’s pretty easy.

1. – Yes, the npcs 1 hit you… if they hit you(invul/stealth/dodge/etc).
2. – Besides killing merchant npcs(to be read as “trolling”) there is no really point to being there, as someone said enemies are invulnerable.

Bottom line – I’d say this is a minor thing, there are much more important things to fix first.

Buggy event notifications?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Does anyone else notice the buggy notifications, after the last patch? Dead caravan events sometimes stay on your screen, towers/keeps + their upgrade status expand every time you pass around them no matter what you do, taking the right side of your screen, like a permanent daily on your screen… it’s extremely annoying.

Thief stealth isn't a boon!

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Basically what teg said > you really, really don’t want these things to be affected by boon duration.

No one duels in OS anymore ?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


It takes a while to start things going, but once there are several duelers in the OS, usually it’s easy to get more to join. Try roaming and party other roamers(or you could try guesting on the other servers and propose duels while in LA?) – asking them to ask if there are any 1v1 duelers on their map/team chat. It might take time and luck, but it should work after some tries.

WvW: Scouting thief build

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Your build might be able to let you survive surprise hits from a glass and let you run, but you lack the punch to make a good roamer think a 2nd time, or even pick off baddies.
I think 0/20/30/20/0 is better trait allocation – here is what I came up in 3m of theorycrafting:
You can just replace sword with dagger, I just put sword because it’s a better weapon for scouting imo, even with the nerf.

WvW Trolls

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Sooo… on our server we had 1 person for months insult us via map/team chat, kill golems and so on… we reported that said person for months. Several days before Christmas I even made a support ticket, describing the problem. After several back and forth “we are investigating, use the ingame report function instead” and my explanations that we probably have used hundreds of ingame reports already, they said (copied from my mailbox): “We are currently looking for ways to solve the issue with trollers but we have not found a good solution for the isuse since the same ideas that are supposed to help players are causing that players abuse of the system. This has been reported to the Development Team in order to find a possible solution to the issue.”
…nice… you gotta be kidding me.

Theifs are easy kills wvw video

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


MORE! gief more!! more of these! and then we can haz thief buffs?

Knowing Anet’s balancing, the buffs will be something like “bow 3 now deals 10% more damage, increased initiative cost by 1, removed the evade from the skill” type buffs.

I want to get rid of thieves

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Zergling #89344 having a 1v1 problem? Call 555-forumwarrior!

Sorry, but I stopped playing my thief in wvw on dec 10th so I can’t be called biased anymore, but while I am on a roaming build character I never have thief problems. If your build is teamfight oriented, well duuh, then just continue running and keep dropping ccs behind you. That works for me on a zerg build, until I reach a tower/the group.

Also, in the code of conduct petitions are not allowed, so expect infraction.

Why do people complain...?

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


They complain (in wvw) is mostly because:
1 – they are weak pvp-ers, that feel offended when they get a 1v1 reality check and never try to actually learn what can be done.(and nono, it’s never they that they are bad players, or their build is large fight oriented, it’s stealth/thief/that hylek over there’s fault)
2 – when they jump someone with 5+ people they expect loot and thief is the 1 class that can tell them “bye, sukaaaz!”

I roam nowadays on condi bunker warr. I have encountered a lot of thieves 1v1. Result – 0 deaths, some kills, many times they ran(I guess running away angers a lot people too, not me though).

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


25/30/0/0/15 s/p is a one trick pony. kill one and escape or get killed.
its not a roaming spec. when you roam with thief you want to be able to fight evrything, even outnumbered, try that vs half decent players with that built.

I don’t say it’s a perfect build, but it’s “newbie friendly”(and there are some neat tricks you can do, it’s not 1 trick pony, more like 3). I can take 1v1s quite easy (I duel a lot in the Obsidian Sanctum arena and I have a good win ratio, I drop shadow refuge for signet of agility there). For roaming you are right though, outnumbered fights are hard – 1v2 vs moderately skilled enemies is the most I can manage. On my 0/20/30/20/0 s/d my record was 1v5 all enemies 80.

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


S/p is Not for beginners, at least Not in wvw.

I beg to differ. I have such a “newbie friendly” 0 stealth s/p build… and since most people don’t expect such a lock/burst from a thief in wvw it’s usually 1 free kill. Of course we can debate is this the thief way and such, but that was the only thing I liked – killing people with 0 stealth, after I stopped using s/d 0/20/30/20/0 spec(cough dec 10th cough).
Here it is how it goes – full power, several valk pieces, rest all berserkers. 25/30/0/0/15 with withdraw, shadow refuge, rfi and devourer. Crit haste and thrill of the crime traited. Step 1 – press devourer. Step 2 – press pistol whip. Step 3 – steal on the target. Step 4 – press pw again. If they manage to escape press 2, then 3 again. If something starts going wrong – withdraw, rfi, shortbow 3… you catch the idea.

Warrior or necromancer for wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Im kind of new to the game and I really want to get into the PvP and WvW, two main classes caught my attention the most, necromancer and warrior? I want a class that deals lots of damage in melee and at range and does a decent amount of AOE and CC, and isn’t to squishy (wont suck at roaming) please help me choose

P.S sorry for how much of a noob i am
P.S.S im open to suggestions for other classes to

When you see the loading screen for WvW what do you see? There was even some discsussion does WvW actually stand for warrior vs warrior.

Sword Sword warrior roaming/small group video

in Warrior

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I run s/w//lb for solo roaming/small scale fights, since perma swiftness and sword 2 without auto targeting are live savers vs mobs:
“Fear me” is such a nice thing to have vs Shadow Refuge or to interrupt stomps vs allies btw…

For official dueling I get 2nd sword and change 2 traits.

Does Magic Find Work?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


200% increase of a negligible amount is still a negligible amount.

^ this. X * 0 = 0

It’s all a big carrot on a stick scam.



Real Stealth Nerf (not trolling)

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


… You seriously put “not trolling” here? Oh boy…
Well at least you wasted a lot of time thinking about it, I’ll give you that.

Mesmers and Stealth

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Uhh… I can imagine a glass mesmer mind wracking with invisible clones – boy it sounds fun. And I guess it’s all a matter of perspective – for dueling mesmer stealth is much better and stronger. For wvw roaming though – thief stealth is better.

Pure WvWers post your /age /Deaths ect

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


/age – 2290(I’d say around 20% spent in pve)
/deaths – 1180(again around 20-25% from these from pve and game crashes/connection losses while in combat in wvw)
/kill count – 26.8k
server – Ring of Fire(never wvwed on another)

Bring back dolyak escort rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Meh. Escorting dolyaks is one of the most boring things you can do. At the end of the day, it’s just a game and I don’t really believe escorting dolyaks is really something that should be encouraged.

Welcome aboard the PvD train, zergling #485643

Now back on topic – totally agree, since currently the same people are wasting their time(and money) over and over again. And I mean – cheating by afking? For a gold medal event that gives like 1s and what, 200 karma and preferably100wexp… Wow, that sounds a good way to make money and wvw rank, much better and faster than anything else(lol).

Bad Behaviour

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


On our server we have one player like this. Killing golems/wasting supplies, insulting people in team/map chat… for months. We reported and reported, and reported him… and nothing ever happened.
I even made a support ticket recently. The 1st reply was that they were investigating, the 2nd was that we should use the ingame report system, because all reports from it are immediately sent to their “team”. …………. After I replied, when asked for feedback on the “problem resolution”, that I am not happy at all, the 3rd reply was: “We are currently looking for ways to solve the issue with trollers but we have not found a good solution for the isuse since the same ideas that are supposed to help players are causing that players abuse of the system. This has been reported to the Development Team in order to find a possible solution to the issue.”

More Counter Stealth Play

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Btw guys, if you still haven’t caught up, Sanduskel is a known troll, about everything thief-related(which is the only thing he posts about) – just ignore him and don’t reply to him.

Anyway, since you want MORE hard counters, let’s suggest Defy Pain to work in a way as Automated Response, a.k.a. you can’t be damaged with direct damage when under 25% hp, you can only be applied/take damage from conditions. After all, why should you be able to bring a warrior down with direct damage, you should be versatile with your build and… bring someone with you. Works great, huh? /sarcasm
Now on topic – I stopped playing my thief after dec 10-th, but having over 1k hours on him, I have no problems vs thieves, since I am being able to identify their build by just their initiation and act accordingly. I play a condi bunker warr for roaming. It’s funny but I get partied and complained about a “no skill build” and “op” more than when I played on thief… even from thieves.

Getting 3 shotted by thieves??

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


This game isn’t balanced for 1 vs 1. It’s pretty much the opposite of every other games, where they balance the classes in 1 vs 1 before doing the WvW stuff.

I mean seriously, try a 1 vs 1 staff ele vs thief or warrior. There is like a 0.05% chance that the ele win. I can understand the concept of imbalanced classes, but not to that extent.

Staff Elementalist isn’t good at one on one but godly for zerging so I’m not understanding your point? Warrior is useless in one on ones vs good players too and Thieves are not the greatest in zergs.

My point is that no online game should put you in a 1 vs 1 situation where you have absolutely no chance. A certain imbalance is fine, but total imbalance isn’t.

Specially considering that the elementalist doesn’t even have a weapon-swap button and that you thieve are roaming around with permanent invisibility. It’s totally broken balance.

You can walk around with D/D till you get inside the zerg and then switch to staff.

Or they could fix the game balance…

You mean – they should balance that staff eles are very bad in 1v1 fights? Man, you are right, it’s totally unbalanced that they can’t do decent stuff in 1v1, while being very good in large scale combat. Gasp you know, they reming me of thieves, but reversed.

Getting 3 shotted by thieves??

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


As an ex thief player with over 1k hours on him, I have to say “good” engis were by far the class I feared the most while roaming. You are doing something wrong.

Account Bound Ranks - When?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


We have however put ourselves in the situation where they don’t communicate much (and seriously, it is Christmas time, most people don’t even work so don’t expect an answer) due to the “community” ripping their head off if something doesn’t work exactly like said “community” thought it would or if something gets delayed.

Like when they promised 3 months ago that they will fix the wvw achievments to more achievable numbers/tiered system by the end of this year?

Need some explaining here...

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


If you know how, it’s very easy to do actually… and not only on thief. The thing is only thieves can troll successfully there because enemies are “determined”. Not a big deal anyway, unless you really need your crafting npcs that much.

If you're going to keep IS/IR this way,

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I still use my thief, occasionally, for trolling, with 25/30/0/0/15 PW build. My S/D sustain is not fun at all though in wvw. And that was the build I was having fun playing. Now… settlers/apothecary condi warrior. Now for a story:
Today I met a roamer thief. He jumped me and I used an elite skill, called /sleep. After he attacked me with all he got for around 10s and finally got my hp under 50%, I stroke back with all my conditions. He alt+f4-ed immediately after he got downed.
Something in this situation looks… not very balanced. Oh wait, I got it: /sleep skill op. Solution – nerf daggerstorm.

Sounds like you’re a Necro, and in desperate need of nerfs right next to Warrior.

Reading is a good skill to have.

If you're going to keep IS/IR this way,

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I still use my thief, occasionally, for trolling, with 25/30/0/0/15 PW build. My S/D sustain is not fun at all though in wvw. And that was the build I was having fun playing. Now… settlers/apothecary condi warrior. Now for a story:
Today I met a roamer thief. He jumped me and I used an elite skill, called /sleep. After he attacked me with all he got for around 10s and finally got my hp under 50%, I stroke back with all my conditions. He alt+f4-ed immediately after he got downed.
Something in this situation looks… not very balanced. Oh wait, I got it: /sleep skill op. Solution – nerf daggerstorm.

Stealth tank? Tell me how you see this.

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


2 remarks:
1 – Get Travelers instead of Divinity and use better utility than SoS(like signet of agility, or blinding powder).
2 – Sigil of fire… nah, use Force, with this crit chance and single target weapon it’s better.

Besides that the build looks ok. It looks kinda like standart Valk heavy d/d build, but instead of 18-ish k hp you have a lot of armor. I even doubt you need Shadow protector, you are better off with Cloaked in Shadow.

Fix hard to catch

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


- Hard to Catch – reduces all control skills duration (stun/daze/launch/etc) by 50%. Moved to Grandmaster.
- Assassin’s reward – moved to master.
Wouldn’t that be nice.

Infiltrator's Return (fix)

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


They should return it to how it was and if they really want to nerf it in some “skill-requiring-way-that-doesn’t-outright-kill sword/x sustain dps builds” way – only lower the duration to like 7-8s, making us pay more attention to when it’s running out/waste more initiative to keep it on.

Edge of the Mists in a Nutshell

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


2/10 for the video. As a finisher, you should have used kick, while shouting “This is Sparta!!” for more points.

infiltrators strike !!!!!!!!!!

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Having played multiple classes, I don’t think thieves have the worst defense by a long shot. I think we have one of the best defenses.

Having played a long time guardian, warrior, ele and necro, besides thief I think thieves have the worst defensive abilities from all of them. Now use a build creator, to make me a thief build, that can both be effective and have good defense. Direct damage build though.

every class has to make tough choices, lol. not just thieves.

Aha, as expected you can’t. All you can do is troll the forums, and with the time you spend here I am sure you don’t even play the game.

infiltrators strike !!!!!!!!!!

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Having played multiple classes, I don’t think thieves have the worst defense by a long shot. I think we have one of the best defenses.

Having played a long time guardian, warrior, ele and necro, besides thief I think thieves have the worst defensive abilities from all of them. Now use a build creator, to make me a thief build, that can both be effective and have good defense. Direct damage build though.