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My thoughts on thief post patch...

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531



How does it suck for pve yet not suck for wvw?

Do you switch your build for pve?

S/D (or D/D) PvE builds with SA in them rely on [cnd(which applies blind/regen/+initiative if traited)>tactical/backstab>1 auto attack chain>cnd>…] rotation. In WvW, unless people are kitten and stay in 1 place while you keep on blinding and slicing them, landing a cnd exactly after the chain is finished isn’t always possible.
The extra 1 second makes the pve rotation either take 2 full auto attack chains, lowering the survivability and damage, or 1 full auto attack chain and 2 hits… lowering again the survivability and damage. Our support too, if you regard aoe blinds as party support.

Violated PvE thief, no change to Wvw thief.

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Reckless and cheap nerf. You can’t nerf a class like this! You either pick burst, or overall dps, or defensive abilities or stealth or mobility! But not ALL at once!

Funny enough, burst is not affected at all from this patch. The ones that took it in the groin were the sustained dps builds with points in SA.


in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Cry me a river swilkers.


in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I played 4 hours WvW on thief today, didn’t notice the 1 more second having any difference. I was still easily winning 1v2 battles, even with the fixed culling(or escaping by chaining stealth, again no problem). However, this 1 second broke pve for me(s/d 30 sa build) great balancing, anet.

[Video] The New D/D PvE Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Don’t even get me started what this did to my 30 Shadow Arts S/D build. Funny thing is – it barely affects me in wvw. PvE is so broken though, that I shelved my thief there.

Violated PvE thief, no change to Wvw thief.

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


“I’m telling you I just logged in a played my thief, nothing about stealth has changed. They may have extended the Revealed debuff but if you have Meld With Shadows your playstyle has been unaffected. There’s nothing different about stealth in this new patch.”(quote from a page ago)

Hold on a minute… did you think while you were writing that? Or even, did you even test d/d or s/d (cnd – backstab/tactical -3 hits – cnd…) rotations in pve? I am using a 10/30/30/0/0 s/d build. After the patch, I logged and got killed from a single veteran in a 1-15lvl area. I was like “wait, what?”. Everything seemed soo bad, so clunky, that… I am still baffled how this 1 additional second revealed pretty much royally kittened up Thief in pve. Great job, Arena Net, I am in awe of your wvw balancing skills. Too bad this doesn’t really change much for wvw.

Kicking on the last fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Simply changing the kick requirement to 4 votes would reduce griefing substantially and still give parties the ability to remove problem players.

4 is overdoing it. What if one guy is a total moron and he brought along a friend? I think 3 is the perfect spot.

Well in that case, I think you should remake the party, because the other 1 will probably leave too. It should require 4 votes to kick someone. I had an AC story run with 3 people from 1 guild, me and another random. The guildsmen said “no watching cutscenes”, for which I didn’t care much. Btw the battles were going ok, no wipes, we were doing fine. So we killed the last boss and then the random guy decided to watch the cutscene… they almost instantly kicked him. I have never been so disgusted with some people in my life, screwing someone over for 20-30 seconds? So yea, 4 votes.

Party kick system [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Once upon a time… or to be more specific – 2 days ago, I went in AC story with my 70-ish ele. My pug was 3 members of 1 guild, me and another player, let’s call him “Player X”. Anyway, what happened is they didn’t want to watch the cutscenes, so, since Player X decided to watch the cutscene after the final boss, they kicked him, because he was wasting time (what, 20 seconds??!). He even thought he crashed, until I told him what they did. Anyway, I went to my main and helped him get a party together, then escorted them through the dungeon, since I felt so bad for him and so disgusted from what they did.
I am telling this story to point the flaw of 2 people kick vote. If I have to choose – 4 people vote plus a “reason for kick” message is what I’d put my finger on.

Why not use tokens for Fractal weapons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Good idea. Also, if they don’t change the system somehow, they should enable using fractal relics for Vials of Condensed Mists Essence (not coagulated or shards, since you can make them in the mystic forge with vials). Placing 1000+ price on a weapon and 150-ish on a vial should be ok.

fractals, please implement a suicide funtion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pavel.8531


On the Volcanic Fractal the walls near the first bat are walkthrough, and one of them has a hole you can’t get out of.

I used Whirlwind Attack while killing the bat, went through the wall and fell. My team then had to do the Shaman with 4 people, which at fractal 20 is pretty much impossible. Had to restart the whole thing.

Haha, funny thing is, same thing happened when I was helping some people at low lvl… we had a mesmer try to enter there and portal him out… it worked. As for myself – I have gotten stuck inside a magically reappearing dredge cart. Portal did the trick again.

AOE infinite targets

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I can see every 40+ zerg commander partying with guardians, saying “stack on me” and after waiting for the aoe telling them to say 3 words: “Stand your ground!”. I’d love to see this, please remove the limit on everything

Penalty for DC'ing?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


This is what I get every 30-40 mins ONLY in WvW and LA. Anyone knows idea what can be done, or what is causing it? I changed drivers, put everything either off or “best performance”… nope not working.


12/14 RoF/FS/UW

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I had some good fights with FS right from the morning, it’s definitely more fun when 1 team doesn’t take all maps during night time.

Penalty for DC'ing?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


its only a flipping 2 silver repair ._.
unless you literally dc several dozen times the cost is insignificant.

It’s a chance to get loot worth way less than 2 silver… My game crashes around every 30 to 40 minutes in wvw or LA only. How would you feel, for example 1 mob locks you in combat, then you d/c and you find a broken piece of gear? I know there are people with similar issues… was the alt+f4 issue so big that arenanet had to penalise us? If you alt+f4 you are out of the combat way longer than simply dieing anyway, please, do so I am at war, not at grind fest for badges.

Guarding Supply Dolyak Rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Defensive rewards should definitely be raised, including escorting dolyak ones.

AG vs RoF vs GH [Take 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


It’s pointless to create it now anyway. It’s clear who is the winner, and by now it’s almost clear who’ll be 2nd place… I have to congratulate AG, but I have to say their night capping team is soo bad, that they have to rely on 10+ golems to PvDoor right.

Event rewards... what do you think?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I am actually talking about the quest rewards for “defenses”. Because staying sentry is important job… but often utterly boring and let’s be honest just mindlessly zerging and then recapturing what you have lost is often much more rewarding(and fun). It’s even worse if you are trying to guard a supply camp – it’s 20+ minutes of you standing around, because noone else wants to do it, then 10+ people showing up and by the time you have said “need assistance in…” the camp is lost. I was thinking of maybe double the “defense event” rewards for towers, triple or even quadruple it for supply camps and leave it as it is for keeps/sm. Of course I might be mistaken, and ordering 5 people to guard a camp and they obeying, knowing they have nothing to gain, except boredom from it can be totally normal in the higher tiers of wvw(but let’s say I doubt that). Your opinions?

Botting and Trebuchets

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


So….a tarnished coast trebuchet has been shooting the exact same spot on the exact same enemy keep for approximately 6 hours now.

I know there are such “keypresser programs”(forgot the exact name) – you just set the key(s) and the time/interval(“for example: press 2, hold 5 secs and release, repeating each 6 secs”) and that’s how it goes. Is it botting? Well, you can try to destroy the treb, so I don’t think so. Is it moral to do in wvw? Hmm…

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I would probably be amused, if they logged out on me when downed – reloging takes more time than dieing and 1.5s repair… please, big deal.
However, the game just doesn’t like me, I crash like once per 40 mins in WvW or LA (nowhere else), so… I’ve had situations where I “disappear” both when I am about to kill someone and when I am about to get killed. If my armor starts getting damaged every time my game crashes(assuming it works like atl+f4), I won’t be happy at all.

AG vs RoF vs GH

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


This time, when the “night offensive” from AG came we were 5 people – they it seemed around… a lot, more than 30 at least. They attacked Bravost en force, but their catapults and rams were destroyed from well placed catapult and mortar fire. They split though and because we were preoccupied with Bravost, we didn’t notice Durios was under attack until the door was already too low to try to defend. Durios lost.
At Bravost – they placed 1 catapult we were unable to reach, we used the supplies and bailed when the door was under 5%. Bravost lost.
Quentin was next to fall, after using the supplies, which against 1 catapult took enough to get another round of points. Quentin lost.
However, then several people from RoF battlegound came (losing battle there too), we numbered 8(but we were all the “regulars” – meaning with brains and good builds and equips)… and with 5 arrow carts, a cannon and a bunch of newbies underneath(no offense, but to kill when alone 4 people with a cannon…), even if still outnumbered 4 to 1, there was a slaughter at Langor. After several pushes from their side, in which we lost noting, but gained quite a lot of badges, it seemed all of them evaporated from EB(my best guess is their night team is too used to PvDooring and didn’t like the PvP part), except for like 3 people that tried to defend Bravost, Quentin and Durios. Brave, but foolish act – a man must know when fighting a fight is worth it, and losing 3 times in exactly the same way isn’t. Bravost, Quentin and Durios recaptured.
And then it was 4:30am GMT and I decided it’s time for me to go to sleep, hoping enough will stay to defend. This is my recap of the evening from RoF EB point of view.

AG vs RoF vs GH 7/12/2012

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I hope I see a real fight from AG, not sneak zerg attacks starting at 5am GMT. I was 1 of the 5 defenders of SM and I have to say, after destroying your catas twice, your ram, racking up several kills and so on… I am not impressed.