Showing Posts For Pavel.8531:

Duelers in WvW and attitudes

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


While you are not wrong for doing what you did, it’s considered common courtesy to not disrupt even numbered fights (1v1, 2v2 etc)

Yep, I think Deli has it… most roamers enjoy even numbered fights, even if not a pure duel with /bows and all and it’s to the death. If I roam and find another solo roamer, the last thing I want is that someone interferes in the middle of the engagement, be it going good or bad for me.

My spill on why thief is not fair

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


for faksake because of these guys the thief class look like a beat up class,STOP THE QQ AND STOP THE NERF we have no more things to sacrifice for your QQing.

Honestly im sick of ppl like u, thiefs are OP. Get 10 thiefs and roam wvw who can stop you? even 30 people wont beat it. No more invis is what I say

And the people of this forum are sick of YOU and your terrible attitude. You’re just whining about another class being able to stealth because that means you can’t see them to kill them in three hits.

What you’re failing to see is that without stealth, all we have is high mobility and a sword. I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but I didn’t buy guild wars 2 because the Fencer class looked cool.

Here’s a little help, OP: find some videos of THIEVES fighting other thieves. You’ll notice something.. When they go invisible, we know where they’re going. Because we know the mindset and we can predict their intentions. I know this is a little more obscure of a combat maneuver than a simple skill rotation, but just try to use your brain and ponder on that.

Say that to my face and not online and see what happens, getting your friends to message me because you’ve got muscles and your some tough guy. I dont care about whether or not you go to the gym 5x a week, come at me anytime mate

Posts like these make you appreciate the old times with Sanduskel. This guy is -1/10 troll. At least this is enough to report him and get him off the forums for 3 weeks, work it guys.

Im new to this game :)

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Welcome. Let me say 1st, this question has been asked over and over, so let’s summarise it briefly: The optimal weapon set for open world PvE is: sword/pistol//shortbow. Gear – Power main stat, precision and ferocity minors (Berserkers). Trait build – I think standart at 80 is 5/6/0/0/3, or 5/6/0/3/0(while you level – crit strikes 1st, then deadly arts). Utilities – mostly signets, maybe shadow refuge too, daggerstorm elite. My personal suggestion is – just explore all lvl 1-15 maps to 100% 1st while testing different weapon sets, getting to know how the weapon skills work exactly (and how the fields/finishers from some weapons interact). Just to clarify something though – sword/pistol thief plays much like a straight up fighter – standing and fighting in the open. The only difference between this weapon set type of play and a heavy class is – you rely on your blinds from the black powder and pistol whip evades to mitigate the incoming damage, instead of tanking it like a champ.

Raw power and survivability of this class

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


For better assistance please replicate your exact build on a buildcalc. It would help far more than your shaky word.

I theorycrafted a bit and a probable build he might be using is 2(the power>vit trait)/0/6/6/0 with soldier weapons/armor and knights accs (all ascended). It gives close to what he is saying with the right runes, sigils and food/oil(3600 armor, 29khp, 47% crit chance before fury). However I find it hard to believe the rest of his story(the 6s part), because a warrior with such a build has lots of tools to prolong a battle, even if he is terrible player skill-wise.

The ultimatum of WvW & sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Thanks Pavel and Cam Ron for great advice.

I am thinking of following the meta: s/d with 2/0/0/6/6 – but I have no idea what type of armor I should aim for. Should I go full berserker with some valkyrie?

Is berserker better than valkyrie? What does valkyrie exactly do ?

Specific tips would be helpful. <3

The “meta” you described is a PvP meta though. It doesn’t exactly translate well to WvW roaming(because it’s more of a 1v1 dueling build). Let me show you my veeery old s/d//sb roaming build (pre the december 10th patch, now I wouldn’t recommend quick recovery, i’d rather go 0/5/6/3/0 instead)
Note – I am very squishy stat wise, so I rely heavily on stealth, evades/dodges and blinds/dazes to mitigate damage. The valk chest piece and the additional vitality is so I don’t get 1 hit by sudden unexpected bursts. Other standart build that works well in wvw is 2/6/6/0/0 ,but then you’d need a bit more armor, or more valk pieces and it’s generally a dagger mainhand build.
To roam well you need good keybindings, good map awareness and knowledge of when you can’t win. It takes time and lots of deaths, it’s a learning process. On my warrior I get so depressed when a thief jumps me, sees he can’t win, but still tries and tries, until he dies… (sob) It’s not dishonorable to admit you get hard countered build wise, even if it’s a 1v1, and retreat, as long as you pursue your objectives (yaks, camps, scouting, etc).

My spill on why thief is not fair

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I played over 5000 games in spvp and have 4 lvl 80 class which is thief, elementalist, engineer and warrior.

And all these 3 classes should have 0 problems 1v1-ing a thief, if you have played the thief class enough and you have a decent 1v1 build. God, my warrior has never lost 1v1 vs thief.

1) When a thief is invis, they gain a huge advantage over others. Sure they are not damaging, however they gain first strike. Basically, if timed well they can catch you when you are completely unprepared and deal huge amount of damage killing you in 3 – 5 seconds.
No other class has this ability, you can even see mesmers approaching you.

It’s called situational awareness. Do you know about a button that helps you see behind your back? Because while I roam or even just stand around I use it often. It helps, trust me. And if a thief actually wants to use his shadow refuge just to sneak up on me for 1 backstab, they are welcome.

2) Thiefs have huge healing power. Withdraw is a 15 second heal skill that dodges and heals + many blinks. Unless more then 1 person is shutting down a thief, they are unkillable.

1 on 1 the thief cannot be killed, as they have many escapes on a short cool down.

Riiight, ok, I won’t comment on that, I’ll just say I have 1v2-ed(and killed) thieves quite easily sometimes.

3) Thiefs can scout in wvw, you are free to roam into enemy territory, kill yaks and even snipe small groups of players. It is not hard to kill 2 on 1 or even 3 on 1 in wvw vs noob or average guys. It takes much higher skill for other classes to do this.

I roam on my warrior nowadays and while I have had situations where I could have lived if I had stealth, everything else I do just as well as when I played thief. Also, 4 days ago I 1v5-ed 2 warriors, 2 staff eles and 1 ranger, all 80, again on my warrior. You were saying?

@alchemyst: Cut him some slack, that was 2 days ago.

(edited by Pavel.8531)

How hard would extra maps be?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


We do appreciate the reply and explanation, Devon, thank you. However 1 borderland map and 1 EB map, for people that play WvW 95% of their game time… well after 1+ years they start getting boring. When you hit 2 years… And EotM… I get what the idea behind it was, but it wasn’t what the core WvW-ers were looking for.

The ultimatum of WvW & sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Condition builds are better solo roamers in WvW.
Thief power builds are still good for solo roaming, but vs some condi bunkers… you have no other choice but to disengage and run away. Also, for wvw roaming you need 6 points in SA, unless you are very experienced. A mix of mainly berserker and some valk or soldier pieces(depends how glassy you want to be) is the general way to go. As the poster above me said – d/d, s/d and d/p with offhand set shortbow work ok. You can run with the commander quite well with a shortbow and a power build too, you shoud get full credit even just after 1 hit.

GvG tourney

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


They don’t support gvg(try it, just say “gvg” and nothing else on some of their streams and see what happens, even if we know a lot more people would watch it than a pvp tournament), however I’ve always wanted to watch Asuraball tournament with actual rankings and rewards… they should do that

Create your non-stealth trait.

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Grievous Insult:
Acrobatics Master(replaces Hard to Catch) – If the thief suffers lethal damage, he/she shows double middle fingers @ the target that dealt it to him/her, prior to going in downed state.

Thiefs are broken

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Hop off the thief bandwagong and play a hard class like engi or ele


Yes, he must be trolling…

He sounds way too stupid to be trolling, I think he just isn’t wired very well upstairs.

summer season?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


when will the next tournament season begin?

Hopefully never… Actually I’d rather have new BL maps(and no, EOTM wasn’t a new WvW map, thank you very much)/quality of life improvements/population balancing/better scoring… list goes on, and THEN maybe we can have another.

Troll on Gunnars Hold server in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


There was a long long thread in the german section like a year ago or something about the same problem on a german server.. Anet’s stance is basically everyone is allowed to play the game like they want.. if they harrass other people its ok with Anet. If they do their very best to spoil the fun of the whole server its also ok with Anet. A million reports wont change a thing, its politics.

The problem with this is that it completely violates the Rules of Conduct……………………………………………………………….

One person can ruin the fun for 199 other players, assuming 100 player cap per server. How is this fair and an acceptable style of play?!

It is, in Anet’s book… on our server we had the same problem (thank god that guy quit the game 5 months ago, after an year of trolling us). We reported him every day, for months, tried customer support… customer support said “they are investigating”, then they said “if you want action to be taken, use the ingame reporting system”.

Thiefs biggest counter

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Does anyone else have trouble with condi warriors in sPvP or am I just bad? XD

I don’t know about sPvP(I have around 2h there, for over 4k Total playhours(approximately split 15-85% between pve/wvw), but my condi warrior has never lost 1v1 vs any thief in the Obsidian Sanctum.

Abilities That Must Be Avoided At All Costs

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


anyone know which abilities are very very important to avoid if possible
per class would help alot thanks

You, as a thief, must avoid using:
dagger: backstab, auto attack, heartseeker, cloak and dagger and vs mesmers – dancing dagger
sword – tactical strike, auto attack, infiltrator strike/return, flanking strike, pistol whip
shortbow – cluster bomb, disabling shot, choking gas, infiltrator’s arrow for running away and auto attack vs mesmers
pistol – black powder, auto attack and sneak attack if condition spec

others – all dodges, evades and stealth giving utilities

Threat – if you use any of these too much, cries “OP”, “IMBA”, “NERF PLZ” occur, resulting in a nerf hammer to said skill.

Best silent update ever

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I think this was one of the things Anet decided to do on their own (well I know there was 1 suggestion for it, but it wasn’t very popular). However, unlike all the other previous “we decided, we know best” changes, this one is actually pretty nice. I like.

Edit, after arKRazor’s post: I stand corrected then.
… Wait a minute. The thread “change * to grey color” is 1 YEAR old? Well here goes my positivity out of the window… sigh.

(edited by Pavel.8531)

Disabling Shot still not fixed

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I wish we had gotten a comfirmation already is this intentional(and if it is – why so stupid), or a bug.

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


So, they talked like 50% of the time on their Ready Up stream about how they are proud of their achievments and rewards for this season… Am I the only one having this ironic grin, now that the defecation has hit the ventilation?

Thief Damaging Liadri Without Orbs

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Forgive me if this has been brought up before, but while hanging around the Queen’s Gauntlet, I came across a Thief steadily dealing damage to Liadri without having thrown a single orb at her to remove her invulnerability stacks. Having never played a thief, I was wondering whether there was some class mechanic that allows one to do this, or whether the player was using an exploit?

I got a screenshot of it, which is on my computer at home unfortunately

I can only assume, because I don’t play PvE, but maybe he was using venoms with this tarit: – this was working on doors in wvw, before it was fixed – it bypassed all defense and stuff.

Proper use of hammer

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I can only reply with “the Plank should have never been removed from being usable in the OS”:

Why do you need another CDI?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Just here wondering. What has been done to improve the WvW since the last CDI?

Guard Leech was renamed to Applied Strength.

Ready Up: 5/30 @ 12PM PDT

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


So… sumup of the wvw sream: “it was so great, we liked a lot what happened, it was better than the 1st tournament, which was also great. EOTM was a great success, we liked a lot how it plays out. Rewards for this tournament will be up on 3rd of june, rewards will be this and that, soon there will be another CDI, which we will ignore as per usual, except for the things we already planned to do”… oh and they consider change of matchup durations(the only thing I approve of). Did I miss something?

I don’t even feel like being sarcastic. Just… kitten.

Ready Up: 5/30 @ 12PM PDT

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I saw the title of the OP(and the themes of the conversation) and thought about saying something sarcastic, but decided to save it for after the stream.

Applied Fortitude - Low Level Characters

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


inb4 totally removes applied buffs in an attempt to fix it

Nah… My money are on them changing the tooltip so uplevels know it works like that and renaming it from “applied fortitude” to “vampiric constitution”.

End of tournament thoughts

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


My final thought was “So, S2 was 2x worse than S1, which was already quite bad. I wonder if S3 will be 3x(arithmetic progression), or 4x(geometric).”

lose Precision swapping Knight's and Zerker's

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Let’s see… there is this trait, called Retributive Armor… are you using it?

Anet's stance regarding to WvW spying ?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


must have missed the memo where spies are not allowed in war. all the whinning about this is funny. Let’s fight to the death but make sure you follow MY rules. if you don’t your a griefer, or a cheater. you should be banned if you do things people actually do in war. You should not be allowed to play if you don’t play the way I think you should. utter nonsense. obviously comments from the no child left behind education system.

I’d hate to break this to you, but this isn’t war. It’s a video game. Didn’t you wonder why your AoE spells didn’t hurt your ally? Weren’t you wondering, “I wonder why my bullets aren’t killing Commander Kittens but it’s hurting Yak’s Bend Invader… Very odd.”

In this video game, the position of the enemy is obfuscated. It’s one of the rules of the game, which are bypassed by spying. If someone in Starcraft II – another video game – was relaying the information of their opponent, which is hidden in the fog of war, they would be suspended because it’s cheating.

I hope I’ve cleared some things up for you since you seemed to be a very confused person. Also, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny aren’t real either.

obviously comments from the no child left behind education system.

This quote makes more sense when you realize he’s talking about himself.

What?! Santa an Bunny aren’t real?! That can’t be!

Oh also let’s add to your clarification to that william child left behind education system – in “real war”, spies, when caught, get shot.

Anet's stance regarding to WvW spying ?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


If you guys dont want to devote time to make your players happy, perhaps you could give the choice to us, or maybe a few select guild leaders chosen by people to have moderator powers.

Not even mod powers are needed I think. Anet just needs like 10 guys max?(heck, I’d do it for free and I am sure many others would too) with the power to switch servers immediately and for free with the “staff” account they are given, no delay on entering WvW(maybe a “go to ‘playername’” type command too) and a direct connection to someone that can act on the gathered information and not just reply to the players’ mails with a canned and infuriating “we are investigating” reply.

2 tier commander tags

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


This has been suggested many times, and i do recall i have hear something that they either agreed or something was leaked.

Oh, you mean this 9 months old thread?

Anet's stance regarding to WvW spying ?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Destroying siege and wasting supplies is already stop-able by sending screenshots to ArenaNet.

What a fat lie. I’d post the “we are investigating, use the ingame report function and don’t bother us anymore(and of course no action ever taken)” type of answers I got when I tried to do it, after months of 1 guy trolling our server and hundreds of ingame reports every day, but I once did and got 3 infraction points for “namecalling/shaming”.

Disabling shot ruined for me

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Oh wow… I decided to return to my thief today, after weeks of warrior and not touching thief at all and… just wow. No wonder though, people in PvP complained about the skill making thieves too hard to kill, so of course anet listened and got it nerfed. Back to warrior.

Please, no more Seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


3rd season will happen as soon this new living story stuff will end again.
Its nothing but a cliffhanger between LS and i bet anet makes some good money from transfers etc, so in the end theyre the true winners.

I am glad I am not the only one thinking like that.

Disappointing Season 2

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Been outnumbered by just 2 to 1 would be a luxury for most of T3+ servers.

Amen. And that’s just vs 1 server too, in the off hours.

And this thread totally got derailed to BG teers vs JQ/TC sneers thread. Again. Sigh.

Disappointing Season 2

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I agree it is a dissappointment, but it was something anyone with half a brain saw coming from like… china distance away, since it has always been coverage>skill/prime time point ticks. Until this is adequately fixed, seasons with rewards based on finishing rank are a big fat “feline you, if you don’t like it – transfer to the winning servers” from Anet/Ncsoft.
Also, I am on EU and I think if more servers did like these 2(btw expect lock soon for this being a matchup thread, because you named servers) the seson would have been much more exciting.

Collaborative Development: Commander System

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


“I’ve said it before, and I will repeat it here. We are aware of the problems with the WvW achievements and will be doing more to address them in the near future.”
^ Devon Carver, 10 months ago.

And with China being their main focus now… the “blizzard soon” treatment wvw is getting will be going into the “half life 3 soon” zone imo.

Thanks a lot for the patch!

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Wait, people still read WvWvW patch notes?

Why not, it takes less than 20 seconds…

could we change Consume Plasma a bit ?

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Sigh… so embarassing from Black Devil. On second thought… nvm, with 6 in trickery and SoH it’s “only” 21s cd. For a thief that equals pretty much spammable guys, whatever. Heck, it’s 35s cd with 0 in trickery. Imbalanced indeed. I think the most logical thing to do to balance this situation is buff warrior hammer skills, maybe rework Dhuumfire to work on all autoattacks and nerf ranger pet hp with 30%.

Resilience of Shadow

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Did you guys use this in WvW in the 2 days before it was stealthily(lol) hotfixed so you couldn’t give gates and walls the stealth buff? I did and it was hilarious(I made a special perma aoe stealth build and I was feeding on the rage of the enemy trebbers).

WvW hackers

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


This has been going for… 4 months now, if I am not mistaken. Where is lordkrall, the white knight of Anet, to explain to us why are they not taking any action, besides closing threads about the hackers?

WvW Titles

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


As general as they are, it’s awesome to see that the community asked for dev responses to reassure us that they’re listening and now, one day later they’re doing it.

You may not give away the details, but I appreciate the fact that you’re at least listening to us!

Now if only they would focus on coverage vs. coverage ;P

You did realise Devon’s reply (and the thread) is 9 months old now and still nothing has been done, did you?

WvW Titles

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Good to know. Too bad you said exactly the same thing (or if it was another from the anet team, sorry) 3-4 months ago. How long will we have to wait? Months? Years?

Lol… quoting my 9 months old post feels kinda sad… Or rather – we passed the “sad” stage, now we are in the “pathetic” one.

edit: And Kaos, better edit/delete your post, or you will get 2 infraction points for being disrespectful to the anet staff, I can’t send PMs for pretty much the same post as you.

(edited by Pavel.8531)

Initiatives and Exhaustion

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


- CnD gets an Exhaustion timer (X-timer) of 6s while I am in stealth
- If I stay in stealth the whole time, that will make CnD’s X-timer down to 3s — 2s if traited with Meld with Shadows
- If I used a Sneak Attack, it will grant me Revealed debuff for 3s — 4s in PvP
- By the time the Revealed debuff wears off, CnD is off the X-timer, thus it won’t go into cooldown

What about standart cnd>stealth attack>auto chain>cnd>… rotations in PvE? Even disregarding them – with this post you are basically saying “play more passive and stay longer in stealth”. I don’t see advantage/logic here in any way, shape, or form.

Initiatives and Exhaustion

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


This a joke or something? Did you consider PvE(not everyone there wants to play like a pro, you know)? What about D/D condi builds? P/P power? I can go on with the list, but I won’t even bother – I got these 3 cases under 30s of thought.

How to report cheaters?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Considering this has been going for around 3-3 and a half months already and all the threads about it have been just miraculously vanishing as soon as a mod saw them says a lot… It basically says to me that the thing that is more likely to happen 1st is that these guys get bored and quit, than anet taking punitive action against them.

Why Last Refuge is detrimental "esports" pov

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Let’s see from PvE and WvW points…(oh btw I agree – this trait is pretty bad, unless you are already running away)

Proc when downed: PvE – useless, since mobs don’t lose aggro, WvW – kinda useless unless in very specific cases? But still better than what LR does atm(except when you are already running away :P).
Click to trigger: I think it won’t work that well.
Interrupt current action – I can see it working, but sometimes you don’t want your action interrupted (like for example if you are DS-ing with SoM, or you are about to finish someone) and what will happen if you are using shortbow and it procs while an arrow is traveling? Answer – revealed.
Smoke screen instead of blinding powder(at the moment LR is actually “blinding powder”) – I like this idea a lot, if the smoke screen is instant cast(otherwise it’s like a kittentier version of the No3 suggestion).

But you know they won’t do anything. Thieves have been complaining about this trait for year+ and all we got was shorter CD, saying like “we know you don’t like it, so have 33% lower CD on it, trololol”.

Can WvW have a show like "Ready Up!"?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Yes, WVW should have a show, and it should be called “Bend Over”.

I disagree, good Sir. It should be called “Totally balanced!” or “Working as Intended”.
… and it should only cover EOTM battles(lol) of course.

Blackgate getting Double-teamed

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I have to say – this is a good strategy.
(posting after the moderators go for their weekend break I mean, :P)

Strange skill behaviour in World vs World

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


stolen ability whirlwind from warrior doesn’t reflect projectiles, it works the same way as as the warrior’s. Dagger storm is the only reflect the thief has access to.

It does. … Well actually I took 10 day break. If they have patched something in these days I guess I am mistaken – if not, it still does reflect projectiles back.

Back on topic –
1 – Daggerstorm not possible, unless he activated it for a split second, was lucky not to hit anything, then sheathed weapons/dodged to cancel it. Whirlwind axe is possible. Hacking is also possible answer. (I have a lot of roaming and small scale combat both on thief and on warrior)
2 – No idea.
3 – Could be you lagged(I have had such cases, when they stomp me in like 0.5-1s without quickness, but never cared, always thought it’s lag), could have been something else(quickness, or hacking).

WvW Achievements are unrealistic

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


War… err Battle Standart on this thread, because I actually would like to be an Ultimate Technician before 2020.

Why do Thief Traps miss when blinded?

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Something else to note, ranger traps also miss when blinded. As do all the offensive shouts in the game. How Either traps and shouts missing from lack of eyesight makes any sense is beyond me.

/Insert a sarcastic remark about computer code made by monkeys here.