Showing Posts For Pavel.8531:

Commander Tag Changes Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Pricing is in general wrong, when you have to pay for QoL changes, that you use to coordinating teams. So no, bad idea. Not a step back, not a gold given for this BS.

Commander Tag Changes Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


And 300g for a color is almost an insult for people who have been playing a game mode neglected for a year.

Almost? It’s waaay beyond that point. Let me be figurative here: It’s to the point where after years of ignoring us they suddenly come to us, start mocking us, then knock us out with a punch, start kicking us and at the moment they are urinating on us. That’s how it feels like.

Commander Tag Changes Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Every color 300g.

My reaction exactly. I was trying to compose something cynical or sarcastic about the whole situation, but… the situation is beyond words. Only a lot of felines.

edit: No wonder the devs feel uncomfortable discussing upcoming patches/changes. kittening kitten!

(edited by Pavel.8531)

Commander Tag Changes Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


That just means everyone will now have unicorn rainbow effects on their weapons.

Warrior greatsword will actually shoot 100 unicorns when you do 100 blades.

Commander Tag Changes Feedback [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


If it’s going to be just colours and nothing else to do with how the tag works… are we supposed to be impressed? Grateful sure, but more like “oh thanks, finally” grateful.

Best prof to play for lazy, unskilled people?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I play both, warrior and guardian. Guardian need a lot more skill rotation for survive.

I did play both too… and I guess you are doing the staff thing wrong then. All you need is empowering might with altruistic healing and around 30% crit chance.

Best prof to play for lazy, unskilled people?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I think a standart guardian zerg build beats a standart warrior zerg build on both gear required and simplicity.

Commander Compendium is now account bound

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


August 12 Content Release Notes

World vs. World
•Updated the Commander’s Compendium inventory item to be account bound.

Wait a minute… why is this even in World vs World category? Is this their way of showing us a middle finger?

Call to Arms: We want your WvW videos!

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


How to fix Assassin's Equilibrium

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Make it like a mix between Pain Response and Last Stand: "Gain 8s stability and swiftness when struck while your health is below the threshold (stunbreak, 75% hp threshold, 60s CD). Then it will be worthy of being Grandmaster.
And let’s be honest here – even if they up the stability to 2s while revealed, the whole idea of having a stealth related thing in the Acrobatics traitline(and GM nonetheless) is flawed.

Call to Arms: We want your WvW videos!

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


(Ok, let’s see if that works)

And let’s pay homage to several skilled players from Far Shiverpeaks too, that appeared around end of February and to my knowledge still play there:

P.S.: I am sure the owner of the video would be happy to use it to showcase how awesome WvW is. No copyright music too!

Collaborative Development

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Collaborative Development implied to me that there would be a collaboration between devs and players.

But yes, there is:
They Develop… stuff. We Collaborate by still caring/playing. Here you go – Collaborative Development.

Call to Arms: We want your WvW videos!

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


i dnt think this video is gonna be awesome…

Nah, I am sure there are some that would like to get credited, so they sent videos to the adress. However all of the core WvW-ers won’t be fooled no matter what the video is… it’s likely to fool people that want to play a RvR game to buy GW2 though.

And it’s funny so many people, that I have never seen on the forums previously, came here to tell the dear anet staff how much we “love” what they are doing for us and the way they communicate with us.

Flanking => Larcenous now requires a hit

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Isn’t flanking strike actually extremely easy to dodge if you want to dodge it? People just don’t waste dodges on Flanking because there is no point… but now there will be. And with the inability to “preload” the larcenous strike and flanking being 4 ini, larcenous should have been reverted to stealing 2 boons to at least balance things a bit.

The greatest post ever

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Actually this post was posted some time before Jim’s, but it got deleted and I haven’t heard from Ragnar since then…:


WvW videos are something we are really excited by. They are something we definitely would love to submit for your use in the future, and have been discussing the idea internally for some time.

Unfortunately, I am un-able to give any specific information on videos which you might be interested in, or what videos are currently being worked on. Rest assured your concerns are important to us, and when we have something more specific to share with you, we will.

Any response after this post may result in disciplinary action. Or I might get a bit sulky.

Regards, WvW.

Call to Arms: We want your WvW videos!

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Hey, I guess I should make a video where I siege, upgrade and swiftness yaks to a tower for over 2 hours with nothing happening(or if it’s a roamer or 2 coming to try to kill my yak/take my camp). Then a 30+ ppl zerg comes, sees it’s upgraded and sieged and there is already a person inside, takes the camp, then moves away to PvD something wooden. 2 hours well spent, big rewards, many wow, real xcited.

Only a WvW player...

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


WvW videos are something we are really excited by. They are something we definitely would love to submit for your use in the future, and have been discussing the idea internally for some time.

Unfortunately, I am un-able to give any specific information on videos which you might be interested in, or what videos are currently being worked on. Rest assured your concerns are important to us, and when we have something more specific to share with you, we will.

Any response after this post may result in disciplinary action. Or I might get a bit sulky.

Regards, WvW.

Only a wvw player knows why he is laughing so hard reading this post.

Call to Arms: We want your WvW videos!

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Im so happy to play a game where the relationship with the players and the developers are so close! Thanks for all the wonderful updates to WvW and that you patiently listen to your playerbase!

You broke my sarcasmometer so bad the technician I called said I have to get a new one.
And seriously… they ask for videos, but don’t even tell us what are they going to use them for? Dakitten?

Gear suggestions wanted (non-dungeon pve)

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Yes, you can optimise your gear. What I had the easiest general PvE of my life was S/P//SB 5/6/0/0/3. I took your 1st build and just touched some things, here you go(btw if you don’t need movement speed, just switch the travelers for Scholar):

Gate Rezzing!

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


•Do not post petitions, “I demand an answer” threads, conspiracy threads, or comments about circumventing the rules anything else we don’t like answering to.

Straight from the CoC. RIP thread, when it gets seen.

Insta dead in WvW and EOTM

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Sometimes it might seem you are walking on a straight and flat surface, but the coding registers falling damage. So… yea. You better learn the spots where this happens and walk veery slowly.

Questions, questions...

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Let’s take for an example, when you guys went and changed the middle of the lake, on the home borderlands to the bloodlust, I think you would find most people found that as a rather un-needed change (I might be wrong, but have you ever asked the majority of the people?) . ignored, but at least it out there for anet, or for anyone to think about.

Funny you mentioned that:
Remember the Bloodlust (the one that was giving 50 stats/each)? When they told us about… I don’t remember anymore, several weeks before its implementation? 9/10 posts on the forums in threads with over 500 posts were like: “This is stupid, this will lead to snowballing, the server with more people and better coverage being even stronger (and so on)”… remember this leak from their alpha forums, that stirred the community?:
So… I guess the forums were right in the end after all(oh and remember the pre-patch ACs)… so yeah, it’s better to tell us in advance what are you planning, instead of the “we’ll run it and then we’ll fix it if it breaks something” style you’ve been doing.

Please Review My Build

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Yeah, what’s what I had in mind – try it and then work it from there – what do you think would suit you better and all, changing traits, utils, gear… Only when you are 100% sure this is the build you like, then start with the ascended stuff.

Well, best accepted pug PvE build for D/D is full Dire gear. You ckittene your build and traits nothing decisible “best” there maybe 4(mug, potent poison, the “5” and dagger training bonus work only for direct dmg)/0/0/4/6… you just gather the mobs in a group(since they don’t deal a lot of dmg while you are hearding them) and spam 3 and dodgetrops several times + caltrops if there are veterans… then kite them a bit and they drop like flies. A bit more work vs ranged though.

(edited by Pavel.8531)

Please Review My Build

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Thanks for the quick reply! I’ll respond in-line:

Uh, well, Variation 2 is better.

Why is that? Can you expound on that?

Because you aren’t going to be using your heal for initiative gain, so SoH+Bountiful are superiour.

Although both are not viable in WvW/PvP

Why is that? Can you expound on that?
Your build has 0 condi removal. Also, personal experience withs a full apothecary D/D build (experienced players wrecked me).

I have tried D/D condi and it works, don’t get me wrong, it works just fine for PvE, just isn’t as good as direct dmg builds.

Yeah, I get that, unfortunately. My take on it is that I like the highly reactionary, dodge-heavy style of play that DoT requires.

D/D condi playstyle is 3-dodge-3-dodge….

However, if you go with variation 2 – I suggest dropping the undead runes(not enough toughness to be effective) and dropping the rabid accs(for carrion or dire), you don’t need precision.

What runes do you suggest? It seemed like they provided the most condi damage buff. As for the accs, the build editor doesn’t have ascended carrion or dire to pick, so rabid was all that was left. I assume there isn’t ascended carrion/dire accs? Better to get carrion exotic?

I suggest your whole build is exotic at 1st. And yes, there is no ascended carrion/pure dire. As for runes – while raw stats are showing like that, you should look at durations too. I’d suggest… looking as it’s a heavy might gain build… Strength, Hoelbrak or Aristocracy?

Please Review My Build

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Hello Everyone!

So I’ve been playing thief for a little bit now (lvl 48), and after looking at some builds and thinking of what I like, I’ve come up with a couple builds that I’d like some feedback on. They’re both similar, but a few key differences. I may not know what I’m doing, so please let me know… all constructive criticism welcome.

Here are some of the main points:
1) The build is for pug PvE and solo open-world play (if it has WvW/sPvP viablility, please say so)
2) The build is hybrid power/condi, with leaning towards condi
3) I tried to max condi damage, while also throwing in as much power as possible to support DPS
4) The main application of condi is bleed
5) The synergies are through: dodge, bleed, might, init regen
6) The idea is to stack bleeds and might as much as possible and keep the pressure up that way with dodge, caltrops, death blossom, SB #2 (and #4 for posion/combo).
7) To be as self reliant as possible

So the difference between the two builds is in the trickery line, specifically {bountiful theft & slight of hand} vs {trickster and hastened replenishment}. The steal skills were suggested to me, but i honestly don’t know how good steal is. I hardly ever use it and it doesn’t quite seem to fit the build I’m going for, but maybe steal is much better than I think and I should use it more:
Variation 1
Variation 2

So, what do you guys think? Am I way off? Is this good but needs some tweaking? Variation 1 vs 2?

Thanks all!!!!

Uh, well, Variation 2 is better. Although both are not viable in WvW/PvP and aren’t optimal for PvE. I have tried D/D condi and it works, don’t get me wrong, it works just fine for PvE, just isn’t as good as direct dmg builds. However, if you go with variation 2 – I suggest dropping the undead runes(not enough toughness to be effective) and dropping the rabid accs(for carrion or dire), you don’t need precision.

Questions, questions...

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531



World vs. World
Updated the names on past WvW tournament world-placement achievements.
The Toxic Unveiling Volley skill no longer shows up on an Arrow Cart’s skill bar until the skill has been unlocked.
Guild Arrow Cart skill-damage tooltips now properly reflect their superior-level damage.


Let me summarise for you the patch notes, since the big april 15th patch:

May 20 Content Release Notes
World vs. World
•Fixed a bug in which Ballista Mastery V wasn’t working while operating a superior ballista.
•Updated the text for WvW-related daily achievements.

June 3 Content Release Notes
World vs. World
•The Battle Historian now has WvW tournament rewards. These rewards will be temporarily disabled while we resolve an issue with Tournament Ticket distribution.
•Due to fierce financial competition, one of the armor and weapons merchants in each staging area has declared bankruptcy and moved on. Their goods have been claimed by the remaining merchants.
•The player-count requirement for breakout events has been lowered from 10 to 5.

Edge of the Mists – who cares.

June 17 Content Release Notes
World vs. World
•All players who qualified for rewards from the Spring 2014 Tournament have been given 100 additional WvW Tournament Claim Tickets.
•World vs. World Spring 2014 Tournament placement achievements and associated tournament chests have been redistributed.
•The Battle Historian’s Tournament Rewards tab has been re-enabled.

July 1 Content Release Notes
WvW section missing.

July 15 Content Release Notes
World vs. World
•Fixed an issue preventing the WvW armorsmith vendors from selling to level 60-69 characters.
•Fixed an issue in which Build Master II caused the incorrect amount of supply to be spent when building burning oil, cannons, and mortars.

To be honest, I’d switch all of these for a bug fix on the “stuck while building siege, switch weapons, or type an emote” thing.

(edited by Pavel.8531)

Questions, questions...

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I am going to jump in here answer these as honestly as I am able.

  1. We can’t talk about that right now. Once the in-development features reach a state where we, as a company, are comfortable talking about them, we will.
  2. Some player requests are under development. What those are and when they will be completed, I can’t say at this time for reasons mentioned above.

First, let me start with saying “Thanks” for the reply.

But: these 2 reasons are exactly why most of the WvW players feel so… “hopeless” I guess is the word most fitting here. Just a simple and short “we are working on this and this because such priorities, priorities might change, this dropped because of that, but we are considering it for some day” once/month will go a long way. Instead we get… 1 tooltip update/2 weeks and we pretty much feel as if nothing substantial is ever being done.

Questions, questions...

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Let me start with this quote:

When I’ve been working on WvW for 11 months, then we’ll talk.

So, 11 months have passed, let’s talk then?
1. What is currently being worked on for WvW?
2. Why are things, that have been in the top of the player requests for over an year not only not implemented, but even not talked about from your side?
3. We haven’t heard from you since you posted in the “new maps” thread several months ago… and that was after around 6 months of you not posting. Do you think if you communicated better you’d avoid some of the huge negativity and toxicity on the WvW forums? Any plans to do something besides hiring more mods and creating additional CoC rules?

Feel free to add more questions guys.

WvW Achievements are unrealistic

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Initializing ArenaNet PR Doublespeak Translator


I’ve said it before, and I will repeat it here.



Stop pointing out our glaringly obvious lack of substantive improvements to WvW!



We are aware of the problems with the WvW achievements and will be doing more to address them in the near future.



We’re stalling for time by pretending to care about your concerns without any intention of doing anything about it.


Currently it is more complicated to solve the problems than I would like, which means we need to have a fully comprehensive solution before doing anything.



It’s complicated because it’s impossible to come up with a solution when there is no dedicated WvW development team and no budget allocated for improvements to this area of the game.

This demo seems legit, where can I get the whole thing?

New nerf coming . . .

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I mean they already gave you increased damage from stealth too much healing and too many ways to clear conditions -.-..

El Oh El. Dare I ask what have you been smoking?

edit: I will reserve judgement for after all the previews are done, although I too don’t get it why a class that is one of the hard counters of thieves also gets a revealed skill.

(edited by Pavel.8531)

New player seeking advice on class (WvW)

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I hope that Guardian isn’t a FotM, in which case they get turned into umm canon fodder later Lol!!

For 2+ years, there has been very slight changes to the guardian WvW “blob builds”. Staff/Hammer, followed closely by Staff/Greatsword, usually(if I remember right 0/0/6/6/2 or 0/0/6/4/4) with shouts and soldier/sentinel gear has always worked just fine and dandy this whole time, so you are safe on the “flavor” part.

suggestion: reward scouts

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I remember a dev commenting in a thread about how scouting/defending is unrewarding and they are thinking of ways to fix this… year-year and 2 months ago. I’d paste it here for you, but the search function is so borked I don’t intend to try to find it.

Communication & Development

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


@pavel 8531

but is funny..that was the 5 post they remove close after i post…
at least anet have provide me a new mode of gaming sinse i have alot of time from the moment they dont do anything to fix vwvww…the forum…:P

Yeah, I stopped playing fully 2-2 and a half months ago. WvW was the only mode I was interested in and after 2+ years of barely no meaningful updates/changes I had enough. I will continue to lurk on forums, hoping for a wvw patch that will rekindle my interest. In the meantime GoG single player games work just fine.

Communication & Development

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


allready delete 1 post cose it have that link..the excuse was
moment to copy paste

The thread “Some Info on Anet and Development” was removed from the forum due to discussing internal company information. All posts responding to it have been removed with it. Threads which violate the Forum Code of Conduct will be removed from the Guild Wars 2 Forums.

what internal company information???is on the for all to read..we dind hack some manager personal pc and we find that

And now it wouldn’t surprise me if you got a:

Your post in Communication & Development was infracted by a moderator:

Moderator Note:

We expect all community members to be respectful of one another and that includes our staff. Do not engage in personal attacks against ArenaNet staff. Please note that abuse of staff members or moderators in forum posts, private messages, or email appeals may result in forum account termination. You have been warned.

It woudln’t surprise me at all.

edit: PM me if you are curious what post I got this for, so you can facepalm at the hyper CoC stretches.

Golem tower?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


kitten, dat looks cool.

Oh and remember children, there is no hacking/cheating/glitching in GW2. (inb4 thread dissappears)

WvW Achievements

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


It has been talked about before. A-net can not do anything about it.

I really hope this is not the case, did the devs say they DEFINATELY can’t do anything about it or is it just speculation due to the amount of time they have taken to fix this? I really hope they can fix it because I’m a big achievement hunter and their is no way in hell I will go for any of those, your right that the 250k kill tally is the only achievable one.

I’ve said it before, and I will repeat it here. We are aware of the problems with the WvW achievements and will be doing more to address them in the near future. Currently it is more complicated to solve the problems than I would like, which means we need to have a fully comprehensive solution before doing anything.

- the Dev post was 12 months ago.

If 12 months is out of the “near future” border, I don’t even want to know what the “is not a short term project” statement, which he dropped for the Commander tag functionality is.

(edited by Pavel.8531)

Edge of the Mists - Anet's stance?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Their stance in some stream not long ago was that EotM is a great success and exactly what they wanted.

Stop using my thief best decision

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


For instance, a Warrior vs. a Axe/Horn + Staff Minionmaster Necro — who do you think is stronger?

You really have to specify what warriors, my settler shout s/s//lb(s/w//lb if heavy condi with traited warhorn) warr loves minion necros.
edit: actually he loves everything 1v1, except engis with the… “no condis under 25% hp” trait and (funny) glass mesmers with higher than average skill.
The drawback of that build on the other hand is the higher the number of combattants, the harder it falls off.

(edited by Pavel.8531)

Stop using my thief best decision

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


You know what really OP? Glass ranger in wvw…. Oh mah gawd…. I alwayzz loooose to dem cuz they too stronk n hard to burst to dead. They do 2 much damage 2. Lyke Naow erytime I c a ranger I run da oder way cuz I know I lose. RNger need nerf hard. N all oder classes except teef. Teef should be better cuz i play teef n i wanna win cuz im wanna feel better dan u. N so i can spam /sit on ure dead face. ululululul

Psh man, you don’t know anything:
disclaimer – the following wasn’t posted by me

I too have experienced the might of the Devil-Bear.
Changes to meta make me think time to stop hiding in Divinities Reach and take Elementalist into WvW again. Ele much powerful again.
I grab Wup-Wup staff because Ele is Jacky of all trades, stronk in all.
Lightning hands! I run with fastness from spawn camp, see Necro!
Ha-ha silly Necro, my diamond skin is stronk against your Spiteful Signit, I change to burning hands, smite Necro with lava fountain and flaming balls. Victory!
Next see coward Thief, he stealth and run fast too afraid of powerful AOE. Ha-ha coward thief, go find Warrior to kill.
Then I see plantman Ranger with BEAR! I know ranger stronkest of all but must fight for honour of my father. Bear is running at me, I strike with fire, bear not care, still running. I use lava fountain and OP keep moving tactic. Flaming back roll! Bear keep coming, run all way up fire path. Why bear not on fire? Bear made of fur. Fur and teeth and devil eyes.
Ranger is pew-pewing me with small bow. pain. agony. indigestion.
Bear biting me, much bleeding! I make bleedings too, change to dirt hands use shocking wave. Bear is very hurt but so am I try to make space with super elite flaming run away sword.
Hit invisible rock start running on spot, then cunning plantman ranger uses leafy magic and I stuck more. Change to water hands for much healing, not heal 100% ranger shooting with icky poison arrow.
Then I see bear change colour! Same bear but brown now. Different colour but same devil eyes! Same bear.
Now I know. Bearamentalist! Bear change colour when attunement swap!
Bear 100%! Why bear heal so much in water?
Ranger use OP weapon swap to big bow and strike me with thousand arrows from heaven. Bear chewing, much damage even in water atunement, must be from F1 might stack, could not see screen properly through tears. Not bother trying to rez, did not want bear to change to fire atunement and drop lava bear nugget on me.

Why no in-game moderators?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531



Can you give a specific example of someone using a hack or cheat? Not the methods used, but the effects of the hack?

I’m not the OP, but I can provide plenty of vids. I would be immediately banned from this forum forever. pdavis? Google is your friend.

Yes im sure it is a bannable offence, but even so, its hard to believe that anet isnt doing anything about it.

My guess is you are new here?

Most effective class in WvW ?

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


a thief just killed me, popped basilik venom, shadow-step on me and ? was on floor, 2 hit kill oh my god.

This sounds like a D/D burst thief. The general “1 hit combo” vs squishies is: cast Basilisk, precast CnD, then Steal in. Follow up with backstab, then heartseeker or 2… you get the story. It’s a very powerful combo vs new/unaware players, but it’s also very easy to counter this opener with even not that much experience, you just “have” to have it in mind the moment you see the basilisk.
Playing a thief – you have to know what to expect from enemies – notice in advance the weapon set on the enemy, his buffs/signets, etc, so you get the general idea what his build could be. Also, in wvw the least hp you’d want if you have less than 2.5k armor is 14k, before the server/food/applied fortitude buffs, ideally 15k.

Also most effective… even for roaming it’s a “not really”. I have roamed both on warrior and thief for lots of hours. I never lost 1v1 vs a roaming thief on my warrior. Yak killing, camp flipping, contesting and so on – I’d say both thief and warrior performed the same. The only stat the thief was clearly winning was the ability to disengage and run from angry mobs – on warrior if I saw them too late it was usually close to impossible to escape, while on thief they could be on top of me and I still wouldn’t really feel threatened.

T4 and T5 EU ???

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Wish I could, but it’s Unknown for everyone.

And it has been for over 5 months now, after countless reports and vids…

Last refuge

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


If you find that it hurts you more than it helps, then just get another trait instead.

… man, I wish we could. I think that was the general point of the whole topic?

I would like a leveling build for my thief.

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Guys are you sure? I get the feeling I’m doing more damage with D/D than P/P while leveling my thief. I even got the pistol damage trait. I am level 50ish now.

Melee weapons always do more damage than ranged weapons. And D/D is a single target weapon set, like P/P(except if you have richochet). Best for leveling is S/P with signet of malice, shortbow or P/P when melee is a “no go”. I prefer shortbow, because of the mobility options. It’s all about personal preferences, but for a new player you might aim for something like this when you hit 80:

WvW is dying

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Is lordkrall on a mission to post on every single thread that says something negative about GW2?

Well, posting on forums sure beats playing WvW after 2+ years of the “same ol’”…

Disabling Shot still not fixed

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


So, I read the patch changes, but since I stopped caring about the game so much I can’t even be bothered to log on and test it(I hope for a good wvw patch some day, that’s the only reason I still haven’t uninstalled it) – let me ask. If I get this correct – the moonwalk is still in(and it was never mentioned in ANY patch as intended nerf), just the bug with moonwalking towards the target when shooting backwards is fixed… is that correct?

Immune to stealth...

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Exiting Game to Prevent Stomp

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Say a t1 server has a server meeting and decides the following matchup is very important to them, all the major guilds decide to logout as an alternative to getting stomped. The other two servers will have to react by doing the same thing all for the sake of staying competitive.

Dude. Please. Stahp. You almost made me choke and die from laughing at this. 10/10

Disabling Shot still not fixed

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Relax man, you so impatient. It’s been only 13 days since they “identified the problem”. Expect fix soon… in like mere 6 to 8 months.

Exiting Game to Prevent Stomp

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


Oh boy, all these close PPT matches lost until now, because of the thousands of points lost in this way… Good one, that will have me chuckling for days.