let’s globally move chairs aside, then buy a high table you can stand and use computer at.
if you become tired from standing you can use a higher chair to recover and then stand again.
this will improve everyone’s leg health and chances to outrun bandits at night after a bar trip. of course people that can’t stand have to sit instead. but those who are able to stand and walk, don’t you want to get rid of that itching in your knees?
also, to people who work in offices etc. there would be no need for excercises once in a while and crazy ladies who complain about 50 year old men’s working position (legs on table) can calmly drink their tea during every break, yes it’s possible.
in the long run standing is better than sitting. probably even healthier. i hope some kind of scientist will see this and prove it. and put it on magazine, and then it would become a trend.
because sitting is more of an illness, really… you sit in school, you sit at home, and then you sit at work too. pls.
share your thoughts on this.
it is the poop of master mordermoth!
just give me your eternity and everything will be alright
I think you are holding back…..tell us how you really feel.
i feel that i have to repair a certain relationship or seal it by meeting face-to-face a certain person. but this will be difficult. he already loathes me so much.
but im lucky, i have a very good friend… expect that he lives few hours away… but next time i visit him we are going to sauna. and i will drink, after such a long time. its good to drink sometimes. i will drink hot crogs. he wont drink because he knows it will make him waste money, and he really cant afford many extras.
he usually makes me happy.
but its stupid that he repeats how old he is that he cant do something. like fix his posture. he looks like a snail when he sits.
that aside, never a boring person. when we are together, its like two kids.
we are not getting a feature like that, i’m saying this just like when my friend tells me i’m imagining stuff in my head again when i tell him i suspect him for messing with another woman…
so, no.
and no again it’s not unfair… look each one of us is already a special little snowflake just enough
yes each one of us never get enough attention this is true.
but we are special by what life has given/taken (mostly given in-factz) for/from us so far.
there are no dublicates…
let’s be happy with that, and ponder the actually relevant things. like, how to avoid hunger spreading (population rising = restricting this, and in theory this can be done moderately peacefully if only explanation precise enough is given in public – nobody likes lies and secrecy, really.) and how to avoid wars… wich is kind of hard because you know these conspiracy theories how war makes money – yet it’s true so it can’t be ignored.
no wait – why some inviduals actually need 10 villas of wich they use about 2-3, collection of cars or whatever else you really don’t need?
they do this to feel special?
do they feel special then? in their hearts… no. maybe some do though. but i dont really think so. and they make war. hmm. what’s their problem seriously???
also, we need more serious and emphatic psychologists in our world.
nobody really needs to slam a goal to be “special”. or something like that…
“hey this guy gets that. unfair. i deserve it as well.”
okay. why do you deserve this?
you make your own living so painful by assuring that other people are someway better than you. just like… rytlock. i’m just jealous to him for being a game character that doesn’t really exist.
nobody knows this, but you also have something other people don’t. it’s your nature that has been in you since birth. the way you act, and understand, plus many other ways of measuring it. everyone has it different.
so just chill as long as you have a roof above your head, a computer to play gw2, food to eat and in best cases work to do… but even roof and food is really good.
i want that hamburger meal with bbq sauce, french fries and coke. surprise, it’s not a superspecial disgusting half-raw steak from 100 dollar restaurant made by “top-cook”… cause hamburger meal is good enough. thing is, nearest hamburger restaurant is like 40 kilometres away and it’s closed for night. heh. also i’m not very rich to buy that meal every day.
so that meal isn’t special, but i know really the moment i eat it, that moment is very special to me. drools yet it isn’t necessary unless you’ve got nothing else to eat for hunger.
good night (hey mod, i guess youre gonna delete this so just in case i hope you had good time reading. ive never been very good at forums… it’s because i’m so wild. ive been banned from another forum 2 times as well for misbehaviour. but i would say some people dont want to read pieces of truth. and i always somehow manage to connect one subject to another, while other people see it as completely different matter because i haven’t explained it precisely enough. i just dont know, is there such a forum where without a care you can write anything you get ideas about… but still a place without spam. anyway good night)
OP you dont have to make your character max height hahaha… i make it minimum these days (this setting is silly because of JP. why nobody mentions that?)
first i thought of norn female because they are pretty, and heavy armor suits them well.
but sylvari are EVIL NOW >:D manic laugh
then again… charr female look really good but… will they look good at all in heavies.
something to think about. gotta consider all 3. i should only pick one.
i will re-check heavies on female charr and if yes, i go with that.
I am. I will delete my lvl 2 thief and make a Revenant after I’ve gotten HoT. Then if I like it, I will play it as main character.
My expectations: I hope skills will be awesome, a bit flashy, rainbowish (different colors for different skills), at least 3 different colors, and I also hope the class will be swift.
Fixed LA, currently closed (before were available) areas made open again and of course new places is expected from my part.
I would guess the expansion to come around may or april.
HoT is pretty good shorting for marketing. “Get a hot HoT expansion now!”
Your thoughts people?
double exp/kill means more in grindy games.
I never felt punished, yes I’ve been dying in personal story, but I’ve always succeeded at some point. Then again I haven’t experienced endgame LS.
You could assemble your skill settings to the instance…
the thing youre suggesting is the same as finnish politics: hey we are to ears in debt and we are going to help greece (some country that’s completely unrelated to our country) out by throwing a bag of millions euros, and we will be remembered trough history as worst economy ever!
hey wait. it’s true, i’m not even being racist here – i’ve lived most of my life in finland too. trust me.
we have plants, supersmart midgets, hearty idiots (humans), vikings, beasts
then we get… (drumming) BUTTERFLIES!
Adding races to a game like this probably takes a full year of development.
You can speculate about which races, if any, will be implemented. Sure, that’s fun. But suggestions made now to implement race X, Y or Z for when HoT comes out? I’m sorry, but that’s downright unrealistic. Obviously well intended, but it can’t be done.
Ps. I invite you to shoot the messenger (me) so that you won’t take it out on Anet when you find out your prayers have not been heard!
Like we care, at least we are trying something.
I would make a magpie-themed thief tengu… hehe
Just goes to show, you don’t get jack for doing your own work; better to mooch off a bunch of other suckers whenever you can! That’s the way good ole “Bob” would do it, and that’s good enough for me!
If everyone did it this way in life, humans would’ve gone extinct long by now.
Sigh. Personally I’ve never understood such people.
Because of culture shock in the past and that kind of mean people, who only are happy alone by themselves and dont even dream about friends or family (is how i see it), because of them i’ve become shy and afraid of other people.
Yeah I’m afraid.
I guess I’m not one of those guys who can laugh every day, week, month, or even a year. I don’t remember when I was last time truly happy to the core of my heart.
So that means, some people are better than others? Is this true?
More importantly, wouldn’t it be in game’s best interests to make it nice for anyone…
I don’t know, I couldn’t judge anything alone ever, unlike these elite people.
I wonder why elite people are always correct in every turn?
even kids can outsmart you tho
edit: haha i didn’t read but i agree there is things to be fixed in the game.
for example: more organization/customisation for crafting and skills if possible.
random d/cs.
(edited by Pockethole.5031)
this happened to me on 2-3 characters in past month, i close the game, i go to sleep, and next day i log in most dyes are reset.
today i logged on my new warrior i made yesterday and she only had two dyed squares ive colored, but everything else was reset. ive forgotten what it says when i mouse over that square but its not a color you can find from your collection.
not every character’s dye colors are reset. only the character i previously logged out of.
edit: also as side-note, i haven’t been able to log in to forums for 1-2 days now. i will add a screenie of that monster. there was also at some point some kind of code language litany (not very long) but i didn’t take a screenie on that. i just hope these forums will keep working like generally they have, and that gw2 stops d/cing randomly sometimes.
(edited by Pockethole.5031)
Rha, I proposed some hairstyles, and I still work … But I do not know if the developers involved Asura like it, or do not want to deal with the Asuras.
Can we have a way to report trolls in game? People whose sole purpose is to ruin the experience for other players, screw up events, etc. At this time we have no recourse when they appear and make our lives miserable.
Whenever I get serious, yes my head is not functioning the same way as others, people call me trolling.
This can be explained by my stubborn nature and hermital habits.
But I mean what I say. Socially I’m on level 1. That’s why my message doesn’t always get there the way I mean it. And I know that can be solved by taking other people into attention. Seems it’s easier for me to focus on the subject that forms inside my head than other people.
So I’d say trolls are magical non-existant nightmare creatures. We just imagine them. Someone can be “trolling” but let’s just remember that we are all humans. Surely everyone have their little reasons why they behave wich way.
It’s psychology.
male and female should have different clothes, just try military as woman and see you have to wear men underpants with loose spot just in front of the thing it’s supposed to make more comfortable.
that’s awkward… plus, as female, you have more mass on the sides of your thighs. normal fit pants for men is one size bigger for women because of this mass. note that there is more mass behind legs. its called butt.
if woman has small boobz like i do then you can be certain she has at least that mass somewhere. dont try to say our butt looks like men’s because it’s differently shaped for real. actually instinctively butt might be what spins the world around.
because of the mass the women have, they wear different clothes.
boobz are irrelevant in cases like asura and charr, but yes both race female are differently shaped in comparison to same race male.
just look closely on the pixels in the game. you might see it.
(edited by Pockethole.5031)
im blinded so shiny from legendary g-swords all other legendary weapons look like baby toys.
actually i also want pistols to be bigger and more visible. they are just lame right now. not cool. only some pieces are real pistols.
why not theme every legendary to be universe/infinity whatever…
tengu become playable and their empire will be revealed
bear eagle and other funny animals from ranger’s skills are removed, making them better-looking…
or they summon little rabbits to jump everywhere for 5 seconds on every skill.
excuse me but i can’t take this kind of thing as lightly as you guys.
i just have seen enough bullying in my life as a person who knows what kind of kitten they are themselves – i know i’m bad. below everyone else. so there is no need to repeat that to me again and again.
= no.
I feel like the only one in the world who likes Trahearne >.<
SISTER! Me too, me too! He’s like the bottle of Jägermeister.
It was easy for me to buy the game physically and give it from hand to hand.
edit: omg gizmo you can’t be serious! the cutest things in tyria once you make them that way!
(edited by Pockethole.5031)
I nearly replied to this topic:
But then I realized my little post wouldn’t poke out so good, and it’s nearly off-topic too, so I write it here like this:
This could be so easily solved by making char actually stand upright and running on fours out of combat, then again in combat, some kind of more natural stance.
like here !
I do not understand why this was not done in the first place. It would be my favourite race all the time, and… in military, you gotta stand upright, if you don’t, you will be immediately commanded to do so.
It’s funny that you didn’t mention mesmers, the only class that really is at a disadvantage when it comes to speed.
Because overall I have poor experience of different classes. I started playing this game few months ago, and I’m that super casual PvE player that slowly builds the experience over the game. I take things easy. I hope you understand.
WHAT? You don’t want to hear alternatives you just want to complain about things? Labeling them incorrectly at that.
It’s 25% runspeed at the cost of a utility.
Warriors have a trait with that same effect if they’re carrying a melee weapon.
This issue is more in your head than an actual issue.
Alternatives have been already mentioned but not suggested in this thread.
I’m not complaining, I’m pointing it out. It looks like I’m not alone either, so there isn’t really any problem here.
Yes I’ve been told many times in my life something is wrong with my head but this thread isn’t about the structure of my brain now is it?
PvE mounts sounds good but the game didn’t have them from the start so people might not agree with it. Otherwise I don’t think there is much more to discuss about. Mount threads have been made in the past and we don’t need to turn this one that way.
Also thought if something specially on hunting field would grant swiftness. But then again it’s been made into boosters and food. Dead end?
…it was actually a market trick, so people would buy speed boosters from gem store! (gem store perma swiftness would be alright I guess)
(edited by Pockethole.5031)
thank you! this was very informative.
getting around fast is really a luxury. maybe i shouldn’t have started with thief and traited for acrobatics.
but guardians, engingeers and warriors for example dont have that.
…and mesmers do not even exist in the game…
i haven’t gotten into the game very majorily yet. i don’t even have a single 80 yet. my thief is level 71 but i’m playing another class right now.
thieves, elementalists, necromancers etc. get passive signet that grants swiftness (your character runs faster).
but guardians, engingeers and warriors for example dont have that.
if other classes got that, why dont these?
of course i feel it’s a disadvantage.
and please don’t tell me alternative options. it’s slipping from the point i’m trying to make here.
this thread is about why some classes have passive swiftness and others don’t.
yes, forum looks like that hospital right now
i’ve made a collection from screenshots that shows you exclusive sylvari female and male faces and hairstyles combined.
here sylvari male:
and sylvari female:
as an active (not intended it comes by nature) character appearance changer, personally i say it’s pointless to open total makeover kit on male sylvari. they have the coolest faces and hairs for free.
(current) c.s. screen = character selection screen (BGM)
I searched on youtube but found old version (so to say) of it.
Does anybody know where to listen to this and possibly have the music file itself, is it written on a disc that’s sold or can it be downloaded from somewhere?
charr warrior, charge “surprise”
big one with huge horns
but… heavy armor on charr looks silly sometimes.
or thin charr thief, or ranger.
also im reminded of a mesmer with a torch using the prestige.
something that puts you to stealth long enough for you to surprise your enemy, especially players.
also the name could fit … a huge warrior, again, smashing everything. its not exactly boo but somehow relates to it.
Then you just need to hope that necros get access to greatsword in the future, and you can go around in dungeons, pvp or wvw trolling people.
that should be done! necros have poor access to 2h – just a staff.
would be neat to run around with a twilight as necro.
whats the easiest way to use voice chat on game? is it something within the game or…?
i completely disagree with OP. our “tutorial system” was just reworked and you want to rework it again for i dont know what it would be good for, just to prevent the workers from producing content, wich in turn would keep the complaints new players see on forums, at less amount than what it would be if this game was all about tutorials.
destroy it, there is your solution
ok, i trust you people then. later.
i think we should have about two posts a week on the front page.
if the team managing content and guys who post content is small, then just make that team bigger.
where is the problem? keep it together.
gem store update every week. and separately new content… i suppose rushing content to every week is a bit too much. every month, is that it? every 2 weeks? every 3 weeks?
just make it a little faster.
advertise your game. with the main theme being anything thats latest coming from devs.
or is there not enough funding? even i can guess what might solve that.
please stop this farce. you can do better.
And seriously, make sure your parents know where you post and what you post. You’ll save yourselves and them a lot of heartache and worry by being open about what you’re putting out in public.
tell that parent you feel safer/closer with in case you have two of them.
i feel that moms get fired up too easily and start stalking their kids or so. its like they always are there to “care” but never really teach anything about the world around us, because they think the truth will hurt – thats a mistake. im a female myself btw. saying that is only slightly risky. i hope you got a good dad. they actually teach their kids something. mothers are usually nervous and tired. they are that for vain, i dont know why go at everything so personally. kids are beings of their own, parents there to help them grow up, so kids can live by themselves in the end.
that was off topic… once again, imo truth should be told kids before a situation happens. that people eventually die, and in death they no longer move or talk. you cant have fun with dead people. also its actually pointless to cry for them, but if it makes you feel better, go ahead.
and its benefical to get a job, work, that money is part of this world, how its used etc. how politics are mostly about lies, how media can manipulate you…
actually i dont even know if your average person understands this is true.
kitten , make sure YOU know enough before you make kids.
teach them as soon as they understand what youre saying.
humans will never develop if we keep kids at tv, feeding them like cattle. they are not animals. they are just as intellegent as any of adults, but only have less information. make sure to not feed them lies. whoever feeds them lies is a rotten person from inside.
i wonder wich forum i should be at… i’m lost myself.
in any case, original poster, people who abuse other people exist. some call them “bad people” but no, in reality, they are people who abuse other people. there is no bad or good. like others have said, dont give useful information about yourself to others. dont let anyone abuse you. location is one of those informations.
i hope i didnt mistake your position.
i’ve checked that before. and i know it doesnt have all faces! ive customised norn, asura, charr with that but not sylvari yet.
if i dont get any answers, i guess i will post the faces etc here later by myself since i started this thread.
that guy
so do we have his face in total makeover kit? or anything quite similar?
(edit: answer, no, doesn’t have that face there atm but like i posted a screenshot few posts later, after finding troll citizen npc with a pixeled treh. face, i wish it just would be there)
the blah blah:
he is so handsome i want to make a necromancer that resembles him. when ive gathered gems that is. he is just sexy. i tried asking guild and LA map but they just freaked out.
can anyone help? no rewards
and yes thank you in advance.
edit: attachment
(edited by Pockethole.5031)
Race: never going to play a Human. we have fairly enough in real world. they are not needed in games. our game has human replacements. for all i care all gw2 humans can go into the tummy of kalkatorrik. also human risen are not in style. its retro already. im so fed up with humans, in game, in real world, expect that in real world they are better because they dont look like BARBIES…
Class: there is no class i dont care to play. i can play anything. i just dont have enough character slots.
my biggest problem that ive so far always overcome is character customisation. considering topic i just dislike human race. haytham kenway and connor from AC4 and AC3 are awesome, but humans generally… garbage i say.
edit: besides, we should enter the game to escape reality. when it has human race, how can we do that? norn are good because they are nice people. because they are nice people, they are not very realistic. nice people irl are rare to me.
I conclude from this thread that Living Story does not give enough content.
Personally for me LS1 gave me enough content .. and i never had problems with its
temporary kind because when it ended i had mostly also played it enough and so
it was no real loss for me.In the end i spent maybe 5-10 x more hours in LS1 than in LS2.
Big problem with LS2 were however also that we got more breaks than content
so in the end we had 7 new LS Updates after the end of LS1 .. and that was more
or less one update every 5-6 weeks instead of every 2 weeks.
if expansions are suggested already, in any case LS is not giving enough content now. that means whatever the guys and ladies are doing who are making this game should change something for the better. or simply get more sleep and less stress.
also personally i would advice for the staff… not as a player but as someone who had imagination as kid – and i wouldnt know that if other people didnt tell me – just, look, when i started doing what every gender does alone or not alone sometime in my teens (waits, im still a teen), i came up with FAR less ideas. so take a break from… just that and anything else related to it, maybe the content starts popping from your ears? this is my personal discovery.
also i’d like to add that few quests should be worldwide, difficult and challenging. if someone wants it easy, they can drop few gems. that would make a game.
(edited by Pockethole.5031)
I conclude from this thread that Living Story does not give enough content.
the following text is just my suggestion.
For example, after completing certain part of LS (that would be separate from the LS chain, so that players would not feel forced to do LS) new map would be revealed. Not a temporary map. A permament one. Temporary maps keep more people complaining. A serious map, not some do this quest and run off.
More difficult quests.
A difficult map. BIG one.
edit: may i add that some quests would actually link worldwide, so you would have to travel to complete this long quests. separate from LS. im actually irked that i have to enter LS instances. instances dont always work out. especially when it has alot of stuff inside, your in midway and boom, d/c. guess how i feel after that.
long non-LS quests that are long. and that new map, not to forget.
(edited by Pockethole.5031)
Please create more item sinks.
the first sentence of the thread is really good point.
some rationalist-designerminds (and hey its needed novadays) will feel really bad when they destroy those things. this thing could be useful, why it’s not, why must i spend time to destroy this instead of making something out of it.
maybe those “useless” items could be “salvaged” into useful materials?
“Modern guns in GW2 would look terribly out of place.”
“More then anything the skins should not look out of place in this game.”
out of place, now, im new but ive seen swords eternity, dawn, twilight, and ive looked into them, and other legendary weapons.
they are out of place, they are awesome and actually
because it would be legendary (and not so common), that would compromise the arguments i borrowed.
this is of course just a suggestion and support for OP.
edit: not to forget the rifles. THE LEGENDARY RIFLES 2.
(edited by Pockethole.5031)