this suggestion is realistic. sylvari can be pink and blue, orange, purple, red, green…
im impressed. there is 5 dailies to choose from now!
Can we get some unique effects that we can add to our characters like footprints or a glow.
this is a great idea, if only my charr would leave creepy yellow glowing pawprints behind him
i boosted my character to level 80 along with HoT and while i was picking dyes i imagined i could sell them in trade. but the same toxin dye you had came out account bound for me. before i was thinking its a nasty puke-coloured dye.
different situation but same feelings with you here
i could have gotten glint’s isolation as choice. or shadow abyss dye maybe. it included most dye kits except for mad king dye that had crushed bone. if i had known its account bound…
(edited by Pockethole.5031)
if you ask me, at least increase player’s choice by 1 more variable daily. we currently have 4 to fill 3 dailies for the reward – yesterday, the other dailies were easy but there was obvious dilemma with activities and jumping puzzle. during the puzzle i heard the activity was bugged!!! in that kind of situation people get annoyed no doubt if jumping puzzle is not their pie.
adding 5th option … what does it hurt?
“I love having the option to complete jumping puzzles as part of the daily. I’m sorry they’re not your cup of tea, but nothing is everyone’s. I’ve found that there are plenty of daily options each day, so you would never have to complete a jumping puzzle. Also keep in mind that you don’t have to get the daily achievement every day. This game is most rewarding when played for fun and not bars anyways.”
plenty of daily options. where? one needs to complete 3 out of 4 and the only choice you will be making is between 2 last dailies.
and like yesterday, activities “option” was bugged, so most motivated people had to jump puzzle.
I plan to buy HoT next week but wether to do so physically or through internet I’m not sure.
My table computer has GW2 I can play so I suppose it “has” HoT in it.
But my laptop doesn’t have anything, and regular GW2 discs are supposedly 300 km away wich is, of course, pain in the butt to get. Or maybe thrown away or packed somewhere sun doesn’t shine.
Wildstar works on my laptop, I think GW2 will too. Also WoW has been once on it. (but removed ever since)
So, the question is, will the download be faster through physical disc, or through internet, since the disc might actually contain all the “updates” until now?
What to do?
EDIT: thank you for replies!
(edited by Pockethole.5031)
okay, thank you
I cant find information about its duration anywhere
ah alright, thank you
i just casually log in gw2 after long time… the next morning im bicycling while snow drops, some roads are bad, to that place 1 km away to buy some paysafecards.
charr with hawk wings awsom! honestly this made me “come back”…
You were posting only 2 months ago and it sure sounded like you were playing.
but dont pull 24h sales. make it like armor pieces or something. 24h is like… you know not everybody are rich. and even the poor want to invest in virtual reality.
so pls.
dont be like we love rich people. i know you do but spare some for the poor too
sorry i have very bad memory.
These are always dumb, passive aggressive threads. Why should we prove to you, who don’t list the reasons why you left, why you should come back. Especially since the game has no subscription. Come back spend a week and decide for yourself but I doubt you are actually thinking of coming back at all and simply acting as an under the bridge dweller waiting for responses and only then list all your personal reasons for disliking this game that you already know hasn’t changed since you left.
I’ve seen this bait too many times. This is the Kobayashi Maru of thread topics.
i “left” while i actually didnt state im “quitting” because i know “quitting” is always the kind of thing when people have a chance of coming back later, so thats why…
dislike the game? not really. some more variety for races (other than big human, avg human, mini human, plant human, dragonrat) would be neat, but … yeah well this is the game, maybe “gw3” will have that.
but i dont have any reasons why i “left” i just … didnt click on that shortcut on desktop for while.
just asking.
well. okay.
sorry for asking?
what kind of mindgames we play, did i lose
doesnt matter
anyway i guess when i got the money to buy hot … i guess i should try it… and go macho woman
for some reason ive left gw2 properly for nearly half a year, so is there any reason for me to come back?
besides, wildstar races are so much more attractive.
but, gw2 gameplay mechanics.
basically, what’s new? anything new actually?
idk how to say thanks but thank you in advance since its all i can do
but dont pull 24h sales. make it like armor pieces or something. 24h is like… you know not everybody are rich. and even the poor want to invest in virtual reality.
so pls.
dont be like we love rich people. i know you do but spare some for the poor too
For females: bigger butts, bigger breasts. fek your feminism, im woman irl ive been in bed with about 10 men and yes i want to be like a frikin niki minaj in the game. maybe im a bit of lesbian mind. but i want it, because all of them models are mostly something like a skinny walking skeleton.
asura females could have bigger chest and i mean chest, not breasts because i get the theme that they make eggs.
as for males… nothing to say, they are nearly perfect by far.
and for my final words. nobody start defending them gw2 designers now. im sick of it, and i can imagine what you would say in their defense. “we didnt want them too look like kitten, and want fat girls to escape the reality” well kitten i want fatter girls in gw2 not overtly fat, but at least WIDER PELVIS FOR FEMALES and bigger breasts.
my breasts are small, and i like to look at big breasts. who doesnt. and some men like small breasts, so i have zero problems.
bring new shapes right now, or im gonna scream!
not that you care anyway.
same problem, please fix this
i like jump puzzles more than the rewards.. but if i have to kill a big bad boss, thats where im not very good at :P
greatsword as wep please please. and 1h sword. and axes for both hands.
same problem on my under lvl 10 elementalist. the health arrow is troublesome when you look at fullscreen map and press esc – it just goes down on the number 6 (good number, my weight is 66.6) without closing the map
luckily there is a little button to close the full map… but its there.
not sure how the arrow appears, but it disappears when using waypoints or viewing vistas (so far discovered)
and any chance removing hp alert arrow at all? only new players need it imo
i invited my friend to party, and we are at same location, that can be seen from minimap but we cant see each others characters. i have teleport to friend item and i tried it, but it said “you cant teleport to a player in another build”
so how?
and if its (omg) not possible then can gw2 staff do something about it?
But, even beautiful gets boring, eventually, if there is no real substance under the surface.
so it’s easy to hop from playing one game to another.
guess why im not in gw2 right now?
im playing maplestory. because they got new damage skin at an event, so i made an angelic buster, prepared her with nx (about 50 euros in my phonebill to come, and depending on wednesday cash shop update, +50 euros more. fun has a cost. SECRET TRUTH: GW2 IS TOO DARK GAME – like graphically dark. games are traditionally CONTRASTIC. thats what gw2 is missing. WoW is dark as well but still flashier than GW2. (just think about draenei, orc, goblin skin colors. mounts. contrast.)
so yea im just playing maple its not hard to leave 3d and do 2d. reasons above.
(edited by Pockethole.5031)
this game doesnt have fishing or horsemounts!!!!!!! ~former WoW player (i want a riding horse)
ive seen trehhy face on random npc (when 3 nightmare guys talked to saplings) trough lvl 10 or 20 LS and one trehhy face used to be in astorea.
then ppl defend how its unique. actually i wish they didnt have anything against my hopes. whatever
Half of the posts on this forum would be unnecessary if people would read…
I feel you.
They ARE releasing stuff regularly. Strange to see this post right after they released a regular batch of hype. You might want to look into their weekly Point of Interest streams also.
They’re not going to give us notice ahead of time on what hype they release. With this batch of trolls you’d see a bunch of people complaining about Hylek blogs for a week before it actually posted if you gave them a schedule. Unfortunately the complaint trolls must be kept at bay.
How about you let ANET speak for themselves? Let’s see how often they care for these posts, and what they think about it.
Or are you getting paid for defending their system? Then I understand.
I think OP made a good point, she/he even used an example. At least I agree with her/him.
Someone could get 25 accounts for 250$ or even more to manipulate the market, hence the “richer” as an adjective.
That someone would also need to buy kitten. If someone is just going to throw money at it then it is much simpler to just buy the gold anyway.
indeed. it would be so extreme it would be pointless.
hint: there should be a new way to get laurels, mystic coins, you name it.
12. Not giving enough value to builds heavily speccing into support and cc.
13. Condition damage not affecting objects.
16. Rejecting the idea of adding new playable races.
this, also whole thread has some seriously good points. i pray anet devs read this.
yes i think i will make sylvari revenant.
off-topic, typically:
but something bothers me. other races have thinner variety of skin colors – they could be more contrastic. because sylvari are so special in skin color (not being racist, thats just how it is), its disturbing.
other races should have possibility for more variety of colors, not just different shades of single color.What other skin colors for the humans and Asura, for example, are you suggesting? Normal human skin color is a shades of white to black, same for Norns. Asura seem to be grays and browns/black. Surely you aren’t suggesting Sylvari like skin colors for the other races?
Kind of yes. Stronger colours. I will start from asura since its easier.
neo colored skins. akin to electro dyes but have more color. green, blue, purple
also asuras should have choice for earrings.
continue with savagish wild theme. dark blue, gray blue, dark green, gray green, red, more variables of brown!
and male charrs should have bigger paws, like one female model has.
they are so fancypants dolly, i can think of only… pink, yellow, orange. warm skin colour.
gray, gray blue, gray purple, white, turqoise (same color as tattoo), red (as if touched by auroras)
also should have choices for scars around body.
(edited by Pockethole.5031)
yes i think i will make sylvari revenant.
off-topic, typically:
but something bothers me. other races have thinner variety of skin colors – they could be more contrastic. because sylvari are so special in skin color (not being racist, thats just how it is), its disturbing.
other races should have possibility for more variety of colors, not just different shades of single color.
M OP: Exclusive GW 2 Maguuma Hylek Interview
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Pockethole.5031
I’m so glad that these frogs have their own story, * (see down)
and I’m so relieved gw2 made new models for frogs. imagine seeing the old hylek model everywhere? in HoT too? aha.
- about story, this a bit off topic and also a reason to play games like these – with a story and all.
remember how your mommy or daddy read bed time stories to you? how exciting it was. or when you watched a movie, or read a book – it’s the same thing, but within the game. most people are “trying” to be “adults” (my favourite criticized subject?) while originally all of us are kids, why deny our kind of joy? if youre interested you might want to drop into the story (like be part of it) by playing the game. thats far more amazing than just listening to it, technically.
of course some people forget the point, and are plain sad OR their nature simply doesnt go with the thing. different people are, after all.
but this game has it, so why not? take your time to relieve your stress about real life.
lets be nice kids.
out of new hairstyles i love female asura, big top braid from norn female, short upspike & flower for male sylvari and spiky mohawk for charr male.
i think you missed something, op…
I suspect some serious artists are working behind the game…
I support but… I dont know if GW2 will make it true.
Now… should I redownload it… or what… omg… argh… sigh… gosh!!!!!!!! if only there was no subscription!
second sylvari male face.
YES YES MY TOPIC BORE A FRUIT. THANK YOU. I have to try this… hmmh now I really need to make a sylvari revenant… edit: or do something about my necromancer. problem is i dont like him (necromancer profession) that much, but with greatsword and new things, maybe, maybe something will work out…
(edited by Pockethole.5031)
All story dialogue would have to be re-recorded. All future story cutscenes would also be affected.
Why? Just player characters… how is story involved? Oh… You know…
I meant action sounds. Not dialogues…
Action sounds. Got it?
Like, when she dies… “Aaah, aaah, AAAAAHHHH!!!” (hehe)
come on…
I want my charr girl to laugh in very cute voice when she jumps. Like as if someone tickles her. And her other … sounds PLEASE?
You might find the recent interview with MacLaine Deimer, GW2 Music Composer, interesting. He talks about adding hours of music to the game.
Good luck.
HE BETTER NOT BE ALL TALK BUT MAN OF HIS WORD, or I don’t even need to remember to make another thread like this, (gasping for breath) because knowing myself, I’m programmed to make another one!!! I will be again, and again, and again so annoyed at the poor state of BGMS —- NO NO NO dont try to… to chill me with the customisation stuff, it’s not gonna work, i’ve become immune. don’t even try. it’s futile.
In any case I’m banned from the forum because making the thread again, well, have at it I’ve been banned before, worse yet, from forum I’ve met people from, but this will feel me nowhere!!! In any case I will be back and the cycle goes on.
edit: yeah ok lol let’s chill. sorry. but i cannot keep myself from trying. i’m not a sheep. i’m a goat.
GW2, despite having customisable bgm files, I still suggest (stubbornly as this is my second thread on the matter) wider variety of BGM’s added.
There is already effort on the game about BGM, please don’t make it wasted by interrupting my incoming argument by defending the current situation with uhh customisable bgm files I’m not quite sure what it’s called like.
I have played Runescape (still playing in fact). It has respectable variety of music pieces, and it’s as if every place has a bgm composed for the sole purpose of describing the feeling of that 3d area. I have played Maplestory (2d game, and still playing) it doesn’t have a music piece for every map but for each area, yes. Actually, even a petty 2d game like Maplestory has far more BGM’s than for example… GW2. And that’s my whole point, and argument. RS, Maplestory… that cannot boast about graphics, can boast about music, in front of GW2. How dare you allow that?
And of course, World of Warcraft.
I have played it, but I’ve quit. Still, it had shifting BGM’s for each area, and STILL has far more BGM’s than GW2 has.
So these 3 games have more BGMs and thus, DEPTH, FEELING, HELP to get INSIDE THE GAME, compared to GW2.
BGMs is where I’m disappointed in at GW2.
Are you telling me I must download all tracks from around internet with who knows what viruses and work so I can enjoy BGM experience in GW2 a bit more?
That’s ridiculous.
We all know that music is what introduces us to the game, especially if it’s good.
And it must be unique… otherwise, it’s not that game. I can’t slam BGM’s from WoW and hear it’s GW2. No. It (music) must be UNIQUE TO THE GAME.
So please, listen to me, and the horrible state BGM is in GW2, and have a word right here in this topic.
This CAN’T go on!!!!
(edited by Pockethole.5031)
i want my own castle with lil garden, cave, cellars, bedrooms, dragons, kitchen… should have wider access to professions by default. nobody tell me now about gem store you think i dont know it? and besides, this game STILL needs … whatever, im not alright. sigh, this is that woman’s fault who calls herself my mother. how ridiculous.
answer 1
i would find world creator and tell him/her he/she did poor job making it. creamed by complaints how there is not enough space, and that i can’t access some areas…
charr female guardian. i would have at least 5 lovers around tyria and if i find other kittenes touching my men, i would obviously guard my lovers and beat the passion out of those girls. they would go home crying, hah…
And be calm as the universe when I’m not doing it. Perfect… wish it was actually real. IRL cant beat up people at whim, nope.
what’s your prob, guv?
i don’t see zombies, ghouls or … well maybe a ghost dragon but ghosts win over zombies.
necro already got zombies.
and revenant looks more ghosty than zomby.
i like their design…
and you were trying to say? can you just put it short?
I kinda doubt that you can convince arenanet to just… stop doing it.
Best way is to vote with your wallet and just not buy the outfits.
I loathe replies that seem to have the purpose of making very subject of the thread useless.
Do you really think, that if you just sit quietly, things will work out? It’s the same as being jobless and expecting the world to pay for your living.
…well, nope, you gotta make some noise to make anything happen.
Well, this is all very disappointing. I thought the continuation of the thread title was going to be ‘…does it take to change a lightbulb?’
as many as the amount of hamburgers died in the room before
how about converting luck into gold trough a npc?
given how little actual information – and compressed, too, instead its like dropping 1ml vodka into 1 litre of apple juice, oh god nobody mix it like that…
there is no reason to watch the vids.
i think gw2 has made a deal with twitch, and so, profits come, i guess.
why else the vids are so long and … blah blah blah?
if it’s pointless to watch the vids and waste my time on them, then i’m just ignoring it and waiting for actualy expansion, i mean i will see everything ANYWAY without watching vids, because information comes quicker trough playing the game, btw, why are there vids? oh yeah company profit.
if we get dinosaurs we also need a volcano and meteorites dynamics, like love letters from destroyer guys
…hawaii anyone?
im still on one map, three layers – well, 3 big layers with their own layers… okay, like 3 maps that are stacked on each other like hamburger parts.
one map, three layers.
“hert of thorz”,“such depth”,“wow”, “very bjutiful”, “many revenans”,“much dynamikz”,
is what i expect… sigh. it would be a positive surprise to have at least 3 maps with 3 layers, or even 4-5 but thats dreaming as i know it.
(edited by Pockethole.5031)