You realize you can actually craft the Orbs yourself using artificer, right? You realize you can craft the whole gemstone without relying on any RNG, right? RIGHT????
It literally takes 4 seconds to google something before posting
4 freaking seconds. Was it hard to do?
I’ll never understand why you think you would understand a demographic of people that doesn’t exist outside of your mind
I started gaming at 9 years old. I did not speak english. I did not know how to use a search engine. I did not understand most aspects of the games I was playing. I’ve been “that” player for a lot more years than I’d like to admit. The only difference is that the people here [should] be capable of understanding the language and [should] be over the age of 9(Since the game is 18+, or 13+ if you sign with an older guardian).
It’s probably just the result of a side effects from vitamin D deficiency and a back up of sperm from all you “hardcores” spending all your time playing video games.
Please don’t start the time argument. I barely play. It’s okay. I myself called people with a better understanding of the game than me “nolife virgins that game 24/7”. But you should know, there’s players that research the game before playing, and they know what to do. Did you know that me, logging in for 30 minutes a day, am capable of getting around 20 gold and the 10AP from the daily done? Did you also know that a lot of other players who took their time to understand the game, also do this? The term casual is misused as a synonym for ignorant.
Which is accurate.
(edited by Raizen.7981)
Nothing explains or guides the player on where to go.
Any player with more than 3 months of mmorpg experience will figure the maps out in less than a day. I literally had a harder time going around Southsun Cove than navigating HoT for the first time.
or will lead you into a massive mob of pocket raptors.
We all died to raptors. No shame in that. But we stopped dying to them after getting killed 5 times and figuring them out. You can’t figure them out? Well, you are not a good player.
Maps are deliberately drawn so that the paths go over, under, and through each other without ever actually making it obvious where they go.
I spent 3 months of wandering around HoT not knowing what to do on some maps. Then I actually read the map, and everything except Tangled Depths is obvious and well-detailed. To my shame, I’ve been too noobish to figure this out right off the bat.
Oh you missed a step in one of the multiple story events? Ha ha chump, you got to wait bout an hour for the whole map to cycle through again back to where you left off. There should be ONE series of missions per map, not all these different scattered factions all with their own agenda that you have to help them through. This fractions the players off in all kinds of different directions, none of which help the other outposts.
No it’s actually very nice that they are scattered, makes a map have to work together as one in order to achieve success. I do agree with the missing part. You missed an event, you gotta wait till it resets. Needed 6 VB resets to get the first event(clear the outpost) for each outpost. Was incredibly annoying.
They are locked most of the time, and when they are available, the waypoint closest to them is contested, forcing players to run there through hordes of mordrem to reach something that could just as easily have been placed in the guild hall. These just add more clutter to maps that are already overflowing with chaos.
Sadly if you want to do a full adventure run, you have to time it right. Usually, they are all unlocked 10 to 15 minutes before night in VB(assuming map has more than 5 players). AB ones are always unlocked, except when there’s the 20 minute octovine event. TD? The only one there that’s locked is the SCAR waypoint one. Just as in VB, you gotta get there like 20 minutes before Gerent emerges. I also believe that adventures should not be locked.
Raids. Just jolly. Standing around in an instance for an hour doesn’t fill the xp bar, doesn’t earn gold, doesn’t count towards map completion. The gear checks on these are too narrow. If you aren’t running the One True Build, you have 0, ZERO, chance if success. 90% of players will never finish one, and the rewards are available to purchase without setting foot inside.
You really kittened up with this one
a)You don’t raid to get mastery experience. The fact that killing a boss gives like 600k exp is just a nice thing for casual players.
b)Gear checks? One True build? Oh you got no clue what you’re talking about. Boss 1 has been killed in 5 people. Boss 3 has been killed in 6 people. Full raid was cleared by a team in nothing but exotics. For the billionth time. Just because the LFG only looks for full ascended tempests with Eternal title and 30+ LIs DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE NECESSARY.
Have a nice day
(edited by Raizen.7981)
Because of the “Pay for Advantage” aspect, my dislike for the game is growing quickly.
Example: Had an awesome fight with a thief when she downed me. Then BOOM DEAD! As she was running away I notice very low health. After looking up why I died so fast in a downed state, this is what I found…… it possible with her low health without this specialization the out come could have been different?? You could say the fun I had before HOT is slipping away.
So the “Pay for Advantage” in your case is exactly a “I got no clue what others’ skills do” and you call that unfair? You realize that if you move/intrerrupt/push him he cant kill you, right? You realize that the skill takes 2.75 seconds to cast, in a sequence of 3 skills, which, if any of the first 2 miss, would cancel out the insta-kill, right? RIGHT? jesus kittening christ
Yes, that’s why I’m annoyed. They should’ve billed them as what they are, top specs, and make them hard to get. They billed top specs as normal specs and make them kittenedly easy to get. This was a huge gift to the casuals. Yet for some reason they still complain. I’ll never understand them
1. Which map is your favorite to EXPLORE?
Tangled Depths
2. Which map has your favorite MAP META mechanic
Dragon’s Stand
3. Which map has your favorite REWARDS (unique zone rewards)
Tangled Depths
4. Which map has the best STORY (both personal story and event story)
Dragon’s Stand
5. Which map has the best VISUALS (map design, best view)
Dragon’s Stand
6. Which map has your favorite MAP CURRENCY acquisition method
Auric Basin
7. Which map has the best ENEMY DESIGN (mechanics AND visuals)
Tangled Depths
8. Overall which zone is your FAVORITE
Tangled Depths
Let me get this straight. I kittening hate Tangled Depths. With all my soul. But. BUT. Running around the 4 lanes, dodging chak and opening 50 rare caches is just relaxing and awesome. I really enjoy doing that. Not because of the rewards. the rewards have been crap for me. Just because it’s a fun thing for me to run around a well-designed area opening shiny stuffz.
Getting your first elite is hard. You’re new to HoT, you lack a lot of useful masteries, it’s hella annoying.
Getting 2nd and so on? There’s 80 soloable points in VB, 20 soloable ones in AB. These should take somewhere between 15 and 20 minutes. For the rest(150) hopping on a HP train, asking people for help in map chat, or even running to Dragon’s Stand(easy hero points are easy) should take at most an hour. That’s 1.5 hours, WITH 0 tyria points. Any extra points you have from central tyria will just lower your time spent.
Ask any decent player, and we’ll tell you that elites shouldn’t have been gated by HPs. Because it’s too easy. Nobody should have access to the top spec after playing for 10 minutes(this is how much it took the people who had world completion when HoT launched).
I like what you guys are saying, but all I can think of is how half of my raid pug will use the mentor channel to ask for boss mechanics 5 seconds after the ready check
Welcome to the game.
Few tips/guidelines:
The game has a lot of world bosses. Starting from level 15 up to 80. Each on a timer. will show you the name and the waypoint of the boss. A lot of players gather for these bosses, so maybe you will enjoy them aswell
Never ever get depressed if you read bad stuff about the game on the forum. I almost never started the game because of it. Took me, and I kid you not, 2 weeks of reading the forums before I started the game. When I did, I realized that most of the posts(a very small part were true) were made by either bitter people, or players who had absolutely no idea how to play the game; hence, the trashposting.
Don’t rush to hit level 80. Enjoy the story. Enjoy the areas. They’re worth it. Especially the story. I played a lot of games with generic storylines that I never cared about(including WoW after Arthas died, RIFT, SRO, KAL, Aion,RoM,Tera, and many other trash games). The only game that made me love the story, was, Lord of the Rings Online, because I’m a huge Tolkien fan. And that made me cold to any other “mmorpg generic storyline”. And then I started GW2, and I gotta admit, I love it. There’s story characters that feel like family. Please take your time with the story, it’s really really awesome.
If by any chance, you’re on EU, feel free to add me, I’m more than happy to help new players
In the new wvw maps they are way too huge and it is a pain to get from point a to point b with the terrain and twists and turns and it makes everyone want to stay on the eternal borderlands because the new maps are way too big and the terrain a bit of a pain. Just make the maps a bit less huge and make the terrain less of a pain.
Agreeing with this, WvW got rekt in HoT
Condi build also still overpowered too.
No chance, power is way stronger than condi. Tempest, Daredevil, Dragonhunter(in this order) have more dps than any condi build
LAST thing making coin is not as fun and a bit more hard.
Not as fun? Agreed. More hard? Not in a million years. They said they’ll move the gold from dungeons to fractals. They did. I farmed exactly 5 hours today the level 40 fractals. Our team was meh, 0 might stacks at all time. After said 5 hours, I’ve converted karma to gold, fractal relics(got 991) to spirit shards(Dessa’s journals) and sold everything on the TP. I made 187 gold. That’s a whopping 36g per hour, and with an average team. If we had a good comp, used foods etc, I probably would’ve had 50g/ hour. You can tell me farming gold is boring, but you can’t tell me it’s hard. Get 4 friends, nolife in the lvl 40 fractal for a week, and you’ll have 3k gold before you know it.
Sry, I can’t get this picture of a bearbow ranger out of my head that is soloing mentioned encounters after pushing mobs out of melee range or luring bosses by their pet to wipe the own group and being last man standing calling out: “Why are you blaming me, you all died.”
Hahahahaha kittening hell that was my Arah 15 minutes ago
10/10 made my day
Dunno. 50$ for a f2p game isn’t much. And it’s f2p. Not f2p as in WoW’s “best mount for only 40$ on the store”, RIFT’s “Latest BiS raid set for only 600$, 900$ if you want the weapons aswell” or many other games’ “f2p” model. This game is indeed f2p after purchase, and for me it’s been worth every cent.
Full zerk, with 8 precision infusions(you can get the wvw ones since you get exactly 8 offensive slots on a full ascended set). That way, with spotter(druid/ranger buff) and banner of discipline(warrior buff) you get 100.08% crit chance, so you’re capped. You dont need any extra health on thief. With 3 evades and 2 vaults(if you get staff), you can dodge absolutely everything. Dying as a thief is purely a L2P issue. Might be hard at first, but you’ll get used to it, and then you’ll see that you’re incredibly strong
I really don’t get it. OP is complaining about “bring 1.5g back”. Arah rewards 1.25g per path, and it’s almost always empty. Has 25 silver made 99% of the players move to some other part of the game? Gib explanation pls
My level 7 thief is parked in verdant brink. I just went brisbane>silverwastes>verdant brink. Walked there. absolutely no requirements. Just go one waypoint at a time, because being low level aggros mobs from a fairly long distance.
Raizen.7981 – there is a shard cap of 100 / week?
So your calculation of 2 days – rofl.
Yes, there’s a cap of 100/week, and that calculation of 2 days was exactly what would happen if the cap were removed. Please read the post before you kittenpost
@ Raizen you got lucky on so many counts, as anyone here will tell you, your once in a blue moon lucky draw is exactly what has been wrong with this game since launch.
for example, some people me included used to drop upwards of 3k gold into the mystic toilet and get kitten for it.
Some other dude that just bought the game and knows kitten about it gets a precursor drop.
Thank God, for pre crafting the main reason I got the Xpack to begin with.
I was a top tier hardcore raider in RIFT. I quit before the latest raid wing. Why? Because in 7 months of weekly raiding, I got 1 piece of equipment(Rift had 17 total gear slots). Everybody and their grandmother we’re gearing up 2nd and 3rd alts, and I had one kittening drop in 7 months. Raid bosses, just as here, gave currencies, that were weekly capped. A kittenload of currencies were used to purchase raid gear, for the unlucky people like me. The difference was, that there you needed 5 weeks of 40 hours/week currency grind in order to purchase the chest(best piece) , while here you need, for an ascended chestpiece, 4 weeks of…either clearing the raid twice in 1 hour, if you’re an organized group, or failing VG for 3 hours with a crap pug. GW2 is so much more forgiving and helpful when it comes to raid rewards, there’s no room for complaint.
I did VG yesterday. I got 4g, a named exotic with force sigil that I’ve sold at 11g, a pair of ascended boots, a rare chest piece, and a mini blue VG. Since it was a pug and it took us 2 attempts to kill it(this meaning organized guilds clear it in 4 minutes at most) I’m pretty sure the rewards are very well done. And about the shard cap. You get like 3-5 shards per failed attempt(getting to phase 5 takes 4 minutes to an average pug). Say, you can farm it 12 times/ hour, you’re getting around 40 shards. Now, if you’re dedicated, in 2 days you can get 1000 shards. That means a 550g infusion, an almost full ascended set, or a lot of other rewards, and for what? For you and your group being trash players that can’t even kill the first boss. That’s why there’s a weekly cap.
I think it’s accurate. I was doing 33k dps at VG in his first phase, while other daredevils are getting 26-28k at sabetha in the first phase
Gw2 is a casual friendly game. Do you realize how would the “I got 25k achiev points so I’m way better than you” casual feel if he saw that he’s actually doing 6k DPS on Vale Guardian, when the build he’s playing is supposed to do 25k?
The problem is not nomands or viper or berzerker.
The problem is that Anet buried so much of a character’s performance on gear stats.
Like, the difference in power damage between a berzerker build and a soldier/magi stat gear is IMMENSE.
And for what, so you get a few extra toughness that at best makes you tank 2 more hits?
They should just baseline effectiveness ONTO the character, and make the stat bonuses from gear VERY SLIGHT. As in, the gear offers stats in the amount of a 5-10% proportion compared to base stats.
That way, you gain a slight benefit to sort of specialize, but you are not completely incompetent at one build or task if the gear isn’t suited for it.
You’d see a lot more hybrid builds and interesting builds if the DPS cost to bringing them wasn’t so massive.
But they made sure zealot/nomad/magi/soldier/cleric gear stays in irrelevance just by HOW MUCH THOSE SETS COST YOU IN DPS.
The DPS sacrifice is way too large for the marginal defensive benefits.
What they should do is delete crit damage and condition damage. Just have ALL damage scale off the power stat.
That way, all gear has the power stat, but what distinguishes gear is what utility you bring with it. You choose either toughness, vitality, healing power, or boon duration on your gear to differentiate your roles a bit without completely gimping your performance.
It’s what Blizzard did with WoW talents. Because they realized that DPS gains always trump everything else, they made talents and customization all about UTILITY.
That’s what GW2 needs to do, normalize DPS across classes and make gear just affect the utility stats you bring.
Then each raid will have a full healing power healer, a full toughness/vit tank, and 8 probably tempests(or whatever the top dps class is) running boon duration as utility. Because there would be no reason to bring a PS war when each of them can stack might with the boon duration, there’s no reason to bring a herald for the facet of nature, since they’re all a capped already on all possible boons, there’s no reason to run any other class that’s not top dps because, why the kitten would you? and you’ll be left with a game that has exactly 3 viable builds.
Alright OP, let’s do a deal. I’ll take you in my raid, whenever you want. Just so you know, me and my other 8 friends will also be playing nomad druids, because that’s what we enjoy. It’s gonna be fun, we’re going to play what we like. Yes sure, we won’t get past 75% HP cuz our damage will be trash, but we’re all going to play what we enjoy, so I suppose the Vale Guardian will truly see the power of our friendship and award us his chest anyway.
I’m still trying to understand if you’re trolling or mentally disabled.
Raids= efficiency. DPS+mechanics executed in a timed window. Why should any group add someone that clearly a)will pull them down, b)isn’t dedicated at all. Just why? Most pugs out there struggle with 10 people playing meta builds. Hope you realise how ridiculous you sound
Sesshi you might wanna reconsider your game choices. For somebody as skilled as you are, BDO is hardly a good fit. The PvE there is at least 2 times easier than the already dumbed down PvE gw2 has. If you felt this game was too easy(and it is), you’re not going to last on BDO. Just my 2 cents
Ye well even tho I disagree with many of his points, he really hit the nail with some of them. Calling the casuals “nobodies that think AP means skill” is incredible accurate and I loved that somebody finally said it.
The amount of people getting trolled by this post is kitten too high. Get smarter
GS warrior melts down any mob, but you gotta learn the mob types.
If it’s using a bow, it launches some sort of long lava fields. Don’t stand in them, damage is huge.
If it’s wielding a hammer: Easy kill, they do a full frontal powerful attack that knockdowns you for 5ish seconds. When you see the orange AoE, just use GS3 to position yourself behind him- then, easy kill.
If it’s wielding dual daggers: they got pretty big burst damage, it works really well if you kill asap. If you run into a veteran one, I suggest you stun it first(headbutt) so you don’t die.
Tiny Mobs:
Pocket raptors: These guys run in large numbers, they chase and damage you for a lot. If you run into a pack, either use GS3 to evade, pop Signet of Fury for full adrenaline, use berserker mode and use the berserker AoE- it will kill them all. If you just want to run, GS5>sword2 are your friends
Rolling Devil: they roll a lot, damage a lot, follow you a lot. GS3 when they come at you, GS4 when they pass you- easy kills
Mordrem Leechers(those annoying plants): They’re easy to kill, but beware of their AoE: every few seconds they conjure up a field(they act as the center) which steals your HP and heals them. Either stun(headbutt) when they’re about to cast it, or dodge/GS3 out of the field until it’s over.
Bristlebacks: They have a barrage attack, which shoots a lot of spikes at you for like 5 seconds, if you eat a full attack from a veteran mob, you’re dead even with our 19k health pool.
Stoneheads: massive beasts, they smash in front of them, behind them, and roll down on you if you’re flanking(on the side) them. You gotta dodge a lot here.
Smokescales: They got an annoying attack, which hits you 7 times, for a lot of damage, while the mob is evading all your attacks. You will need to dodge twice or use GS3 in order not to eat the full attack, which even from a regular mob can get up to 15k damage.
Wyverns can fly, and attack you from air. You gotta be ready to dodge any attack coming from above.
So far I can’t think of any other mob that requires special “care”. I hope this helps
Ascended is ONLY required for high level fractals. Given the fact that getting the trinkets+back piece takes little effort, you can easily reach the agony threshold to do 1-60 fractals. At this point, going higher is only a matter of completing the 1-100 achievement, which, being an achievement that doesn’t matter for absolutely NOTHING beside you having a golden skin, should not be easy to get. Your complaint here resumes to [ascended gear is required for the 1-100 fractal achievement]. Which is in no way game-breaking nor content-gating.
Yes that’s the answer I’m psychic. That’s obviously it. I did my research bought the game, and, for the most part, knew what I was getting. Other people did too, they must be psychic.
But you who doesn’t go to reddit, or Dulfy or other sites expects to know something about a game by simply reading the press on the company’s page? You take everything said by everyone at face value?
Okay then.
Mate give up already. Some people will never admit they were wrong
For the last kittening time. There is no one hiding your MPs behind arcade games. They’re here to help you get fast MPs.
This is incorrect.
If one cannot get the MPs in question without doing the mini-games, then the MPs in question are gated behind the mini-games.
Personally I like the idea of difficult content, but if I want to play an arcade style shooter, or a platformer, or whatever…there are options available that can provide those types of gaming experiences better than an MMO. I don’t buy a computer chess game to play a FPS either.
That is incorrect. You can get the MPs with little to no effort. You don’t have to MAX out the content (like doing hard metas) in order to get a reward. If they would’ve added more MPs to hard achievs, every1 would ignore metas and just get MPs from adventures. If they would’ve added MPs to gold adventures, and migrated the other 15 MPs from silver to other meta achievs, y’all be complaining about a MP grind. It’s the wisest path they’ve chosen, to make happy the largest (almost every1) amount of people. Choosing any other course of action would’ve made a lot more angry people, than the 3 here spamming this thread about how hard adventures are.
My post is accurate. One cannot get the MPs tied to the mini-games without doing the mini-games. I made no claim about gold or silver, merely about doing the mini-game.
Your claim that one can get the mini-game MPs with zero effort is a blatant falsehood. If, “no effort,” is required then one could get them while AFK. Such is not the case.
Let’s not be nitpicky and get into semantics, you got my point.
You people claim that content is gated behind MPs. The only thing that the last MPs gate is your access to HoT legendary weapons.
If we take a look at
and see the “The first step was making the journey an account-based experience from top to bottom. Then we wanted to shift some areas to take full advantage of the new Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns features and content” thing, you realise you’re supposed to do more than mindlessly farm gold in the SW in order to aquire said weapons. We can argue that adventures are intended for this exact reason, and I’m pretty sure that the argument would be 90% in my favor.Also, let’s recap: 114 mastery ranks in maguuma
104 MPs from HoT + 30 MPs from adventures, getting 10 silver rewards would cap you(and now since 4 adventures are easy gold, you get the point)Also, even if you’d REFUSE to complete adventures and remain at 104 MPs, the last mastery(either nuhoch alchemy or adrenal mushrooms) are in no way a requirement to ANYTHING in the game, they do not offer any advantage, so you can live without them happily ever after.
Also, if you feel yourself locked out of content(that being legendary weapons) I can’t see how would you be okay with farming 3000 gold and spending days on scavenger hunts, but can’t spend 30 mins to do 10 adventures and be done with it.
Honesty and accuracy are not nitpicking or merely matters of semantics to those actually being honest and accurate.
I did not claim that content is being gated behind MPs. This is another point where honesty and accuracy might serve you better than falsehoods and inaccuracy.
I did, however, point out that MPs are gated behind a type of content that I do not believe should act as a gate in an MMO.
Fair enough. I still consider that the term “gating” is way too harsh for 10 mastery points that are incredible easy to get.
If it means anything, I’ve spent 8 hours doing the JP to get the one mastery point in VB (something over canopy something).
Let me try something. Strongboxes; 20 MPs, are a sort of a find-and-seek game, that you would never get done without dulfy guides. I can argue that if we’re being honest, and we’re saying “Adventures versus Strongboxes, no guides” and take 2 guys that have never been to HoT, the guy doing adventures would be at 20/30 MPs from adventures faster than the other guy would find the 3rd strongbox. With guides, both are incredible easy. My point, these strongboxes are a far bigger gating than the adventures. Yet nobody complains about them, because you follow a guide and get ez MPs.
And let’s be fair. Salvage pit is running around not getting killed. 2 MPs that every1 gets. On wings of gold? It’s gliding. You dont even need to be precise, and the timer is overkill. You got enough time to collect all 47 things(30 to get gold) and still have 1 min on the clock. Flying circus is precise gliding. Bugs in branches is precise gliding. Here’s 8 MPs that have nothing to do with arcade games. No extra skills, no new concept in the game, just running or gliding. Gather 2 more points from the Fallen Masks and The Floor is Lava, and you’re rank capped. All these points are obtained by doing regular HoT activities, only that they require coordination while on a timer. Every other PvE activity in this game, from dungeons to world bosses require doing regular stuff on a timer while being coordinated. The other adventures are arcade, but since you’re capped you really don’t need to jump on them.
For the last kittening time. There is no one hiding your MPs behind arcade games. They’re here to help you get fast MPs.
This is incorrect.
If one cannot get the MPs in question without doing the mini-games, then the MPs in question are gated behind the mini-games.
Personally I like the idea of difficult content, but if I want to play an arcade style shooter, or a platformer, or whatever…there are options available that can provide those types of gaming experiences better than an MMO. I don’t buy a computer chess game to play a FPS either.
That is incorrect. You can get the MPs with little to no effort. You don’t have to MAX out the content (like doing hard metas) in order to get a reward. If they would’ve added more MPs to hard achievs, every1 would ignore metas and just get MPs from adventures. If they would’ve added MPs to gold adventures, and migrated the other 15 MPs from silver to other meta achievs, y’all be complaining about a MP grind. It’s the wisest path they’ve chosen, to make happy the largest (almost every1) amount of people. Choosing any other course of action would’ve made a lot more angry people, than the 3 here spamming this thread about how hard adventures are.
My post is accurate. One cannot get the MPs tied to the mini-games without doing the mini-games. I made no claim about gold or silver, merely about doing the mini-game.
Your claim that one can get the mini-game MPs with zero effort is a blatant falsehood. If, “no effort,” is required then one could get them while AFK. Such is not the case.
Let’s not be nitpicky and get into semantics, you got my point.
You people claim that content is gated behind MPs. The only thing that the last MPs gate is your access to HoT legendary weapons.
If we take a look at
and see the “The first step was making the journey an account-based experience from top to bottom. Then we wanted to shift some areas to take full advantage of the new Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns features and content” thing, you realise you’re supposed to do more than mindlessly farm gold in the SW in order to aquire said weapons. We can argue that adventures are intended for this exact reason, and I’m pretty sure that the argument would be 90% in my favor.
Also, let’s recap: 114 mastery ranks in maguuma
104 MPs from HoT + 30 MPs from adventures, getting 10 silver rewards would cap you(and now since 4 adventures are easy gold, you get the point)
Also, even if you’d REFUSE to complete adventures and remain at 104 MPs, the last mastery(either nuhoch alchemy or adrenal mushrooms) are in no way a requirement to ANYTHING in the game, they do not offer any advantage, so you can live without them happily ever after.
Also, if you feel yourself locked out of content(that being legendary weapons) I can’t see how would you be okay with farming 3000 gold and spending days on scavenger hunts, but can’t spend 30 mins to do 10 adventures and be done with it.
Why would I know anything about streaming websites? Is that a requirement nowadays? I know ANet does some video streaming on what they call, but I never watch that. Is twitchcom another name for that? I’m not alone in not knowing twitchcom. Google didn’t know it either when I looked it up.
Your side note is very amusing.
Yes, on twitch they announce further updates and even show parts of them. That has been one of the techniques used by gaming companies ever since twitch launched. And you can find twitch notes on dulfy usually. Also, I suppose that twitchcom stands for twitch(dot)com, and the guy wrote it this way so it wouldn’t create a link
Twitchcom? I don’t even know what that is.
Only the biggest(and I think the only one too) streaming website in the world. I don’t know how can people buy a game then complain about the stuff THEY KNEW THEY WERE PAYING FOR. And if you didn’t know, who’s fault is it? Anets for…nothing, or yours for not having a clue what you’re spending your cash on? The people in this game are a special kind of special
As a side note, I just met a warrior with Eternity that was using Balanced Stance as his main CC and was asking me why do I need a stunbreak removal skill(Headbutt) and why don’t I use Signet of Fury to charge my adrenaline. Yes, this is your average GW2 player.
I don’t even know why I’m arguing on the forums. Guess I’m bored.
For the last kittening time. There is no one hiding your MPs behind arcade games. They’re here to help you get fast MPs.
This is incorrect.
If one cannot get the MPs in question without doing the mini-games, then the MPs in question are gated behind the mini-games.
Personally I like the idea of difficult content, but if I want to play an arcade style shooter, or a platformer, or whatever…there are options available that can provide those types of gaming experiences better than an MMO. I don’t buy a computer chess game to play a FPS either.
That is incorrect. You can get the MPs with little to no effort. You don’t have to MAX out the content (like doing hard metas) in order to get a reward. If they would’ve added more MPs to hard achievs, every1 would ignore metas and just get MPs from adventures. If they would’ve added MPs to gold adventures, and migrated the other 15 MPs from silver to other meta achievs, y’all be complaining about a MP grind. It’s the wisest path they’ve chosen, to make happy the largest (almost every1) amount of people. Choosing any other course of action would’ve made a lot more angry people, than the 3 here spamming this thread about how hard adventures are.
1. Never
2. Loads of people sell those items(you pay them, add them to your guild, they contribute with the items you paid for, they leave) so no. You can absolutely get them
3. Condi requires condition duration already, so no
4. O hell no
5. ??
For the last kittening time. There is no one hiding your MPs behind arcade games. They’re here to help you get fast MPs. It takes several hours to get that mastery point from completing all 5 outposts in VB(after 4 months I still don’t have it cuz noble one is bugged 24/7) but it takes a few minutes to get MPs from completing a silver adventure. And there are few of them where getting gold is a 0 challenge(beetle,car one,wings of gold, collecting salvage from the vine area in VB). Heres 8 free mastery points that every single person in the game has gotten in the first try. They’re like a really easy JP, but on a timer. Just try harder. I sucked as much as you did when I started them, don’t worry. I know how frustrating it was for 3 weeks to get 45/50 at Tendril Torchers and not even be able to get silver. Now I’m getting 110/110 with over 15 seconds and 20 tendrils left, because I took 30 mins to find an optimal route. Just try harder, you’ll see that adventures are here to be fun and to help you.
Why should a total noob be at 163 mastery points? Just why?
Noob perhaps shouldn’t, but this is not an arcade game and getting full mastery points should not require being good at those.
Why should a guy who played the game from launch and beaten pretty much everything (bar Liadri and the Raid), not be able to have 163 mastery points, because he happens to live in Australia? lol
I’m talking about people complaining about the difficulty not about the ping
Hence the total noob thing.
Took me 3 months to get gold on Bugs in Branches and Tendril Torchers. I was barely getting bronze when I started. Now I faceroll-gold them with over 20 seconds left on the clock. Practice makes everything better (wink). The fact that one mastery point(Shooting Gallery Gold) is impossible to get(which should be addressed already) it doesn’t make the other 31 points impossible to get. I’m sorry, if you can’t get gold on that collect-things-from-vines adventure in VB, or from the Wings of Gold, or the car/beetle ones in TD- well I’m sorry. You’re either lacking some masteries, or you’re having terrible L2P issues, in which case you SHOULDN’T be able to progress further. Why should a total noob be at 163 mastery points? Just why?
HoT is awesome, I honestly don’t get the hate.
HP grind for elite- I’m sorry, I’ve made 4 toons since HoT, all powerleveled to 80(0 central Tyria HPs) and it didn’t take more than 2 hours to “grind” the elite. You need 23 hero challenges, and with a proper commander they’re doable in less than an hour. Get better
Verticallity and hard2navigate bullkitten- while I agree that Tangled Depths is a hate crime towards most players, the other 3 maps are extremely easy to navigate through. Running for 3 hours in each said map will make you memorize most of the stuff.
Mastery grind- Oh, kitten you. I’ve been playing daily and I’m at 114/163 points. This kitten isn’t supposed to be fast. I do a couple of adventures then hop on to something else. It’s only grindy if you make it grindy. For someone like me, who doesn’t give a kitten about masteries, being at 70% completion after 3 months(content that’s supposed to last a few years) is more than enough.
Guild revamps- Oh, kitten you. It’s called Guild Wars 2, not Me-And-2-More-Casuals-That-Log-Once-A-Month 2
Meta timers- ye, these could be cut in half, but then a lot of low-pop maps wouldn’t stand a chance to reach T4.
Raids- raids are awesome. Now, with the nerfs to alacrity, revenant AA 2 win and burnzekers, they don’t feel like a total faceroll anymore(if you complained about raid difficulty before the 26th jan patch, kitten you)
Claiming that the game is dying and loads of people left – Oh, kitten you. You got no clue how many people started the game with the HoT and the “trial” game model. Hint: Way more than the ones that quit.
Dungeons still give a lot of gold. For 5 man speed running groups that can clear them in minutes, taking into account the currency rewards aswell, I’d say that 10-20g/ hour is extremely doable. Which is very much on par with most other activities(cf – fractal runs- mat farm- chmap trains etc)
I’m almost ddddgiving up playing this game since the last updates didn’t even mention the legendary backpiece or the new set of legendary wepons….I was really hoping some info on that for months by now. I appreciate the works with gliding on Tyria and shattererd etc but i still want to finish crafting the so anticipated backpiece AND a new legendary greatsword, which i know weren’t announced and could not come in the next set of wepons but, hey what is the reason you guys can’t say a wonrd on this topic?
At least tell us there will be no wepons on the next following months so we can have our expectations down a bit
Except that they said 2 days ago that Ad Infinitum will be completable in the Spring update.
What if it’s a gold katana with green fire on it and your footsteps are green flaming skulls? Thoughts?
I don’t like any of this, but then the only legendary I like the look of, and have, is The Flameseeker Prophecies.
I hope the new sword and great sword look nicer than the first gen ones.
I hope they release soon some picture of the new legendaries, because I got a Sunrise in my inventory and I don’t know if I should soulbind or sell. My hype for the new gen GS is real
I was so close to invest on bolt and kadzu….fiu
I did. And Rodgort too. Yey.
I’m hoping that OP is talking about being frustrated about changing BiS stats. If this post is about losing 50-100g, it’ll be the last step to confirm me that the average GW2 player’s level is lower than a pidgeon’s with down syndrome. So I’m keeping a positive attitude and hoping that OP is upset(as I am) about spending few thousand gold on infusions and maybe 5-10k more on legendaries.
so no new legendaries in spring? oh boy
They didn’t say no new legendaries in spring as far as I know. I didn’t watch it though. But I think if they said that it would be in the notes. I wouldn’t make an assumption one way or another.
Yes but they announced ad infinitum completion. So I feel that if LS3/Raid wing/3 new leges would be released this spring, they would’ve announced it. Anyway, keeping a positive attitude
so no new legendaries in spring? oh boy
Biggest issue here is the huge cost on Condi gear. If it wasn’t such a huge commitment to gear a class for condi we’d have a lot less issues when balance patches drop and one build gets nerfed “into the ground”.
zerker costs twice as much as condi
talking from a pro perpsective of course. Talking infusions, where you need around 2300 t6 mats for a full set, you can’t really claim condi is so hard to get, when condi items go for 6 silver each, while zerk go 26/49 silver each.
Source: got 10 versatile and 4 normal malign infusions just waiting…something. I hope we will be able to break then down someday
did we get rekt?
the 5 man kills will die most likely today, they are based on exploiting that broken chronomancer well, same as most ‘speed kills’ (yes all VG records are meaningless after this patch as you can’t reproduce them anymore)
Doesn’t change the fact that the OP had 3 months to do a braindead easy boss and still couldn’t
Raids are hard, when they came out they were were much harder as people had to learn the tactics, and still is hard for those who are new at it and how to use their classes.
I started this game in october. In november I had the raid cleared. I know, I started as warrior, which is kinda braindead, but still, if I could raid after 100ish hours of game time, so can the 2k+ hour veterans.
Catering raids to the elite is wrong as it locks out a large amount of playerbase
Care to elaborate a bit? How does it lock out a large amount of playerbase? First of all, if you’re not willing to commit 3 hours to get your elite, I’m 140% you’re not willing to commit tens of hours to raid. Second, elites and raids are BOTH locked before the HoT expansion, so it’s not like f2p/core players can raid but can’t access elites. If you’re talking about the fact that elites are far better than the classes, and it makes for little to no DIVERSITY, then yes, I totally agree with you
while I feel their difficulty is just right atm, not reachable for those who arnt willing to learn and adapt
My only gripe with it is that theyre released so slow.
This we agree on. I agree that the difficulty is right, for the majority of the playerbase. However, I STRONGLY believe that for the elitists(don’t worry I’m not one of them, I just have 12 years of raiding experience behind me) should get their hard content as well. A challenge mote that’d make each boss harder/add new mechanics(with some improved rewards, titles etc) would be very good for the pro/hardcore/elitists.
So, to summarize, raids are hard, and PUGS have a prefered meta composition.
The PUG meta you can’t get around. If content has a relatively high challenge (and thus fail rate) there will always be a perceived “best party” regardless of whether or not it’s actually necessary. This is because people that PUG such content want to have a familiar experience each time, which means filling the party slots with largely the same characters so that each individual has roughly the same job even though they’re always with different groups.
Some classes could use a bump in viability, but even if they were all perfectly balanced in such a manner that you could randomly assemble any number of classes, there would still be one and only one PUG meta for this reason.
The difficulty is working as intended.
GW2 raiding isn’t about gear acquisition so you can eventually just faceroll through it. It’s supposed to be hard. It’s supposed to stay hard a year, or three years from now. The fact that most people don’t already have it on farm indicates its working as intended. It’s a small part of the game crated for the part of the player base that wants really hard content that they can’t just finish easily no matter how many times they do it. It’s literally the point of raiding that you have a hard time completing bosses. That’s what makes the loot valuable and the experience worthwhile.
Please stop saying raids are hard. The fact that you don’t need the best gear, the best classes, hell, for the first boss even 5 people can kill it(watch the vids), the lack of hard mechanics(1-2 wipe mechanics per boss? really? try 15, then call raids hard ffs) prove that raids aren’t hard at all. Raids are hard for the unskilled, they are average for the average player, and they are a total faceroll for the pro players.
Which make them average difficulty. Which is sad, because “elite” content should be designed around the “elite” players, not around your average casual.
(edited by Raizen.7981)