Showing Posts For Reesha.7901:

MESMERS / THEIVES - - - Stealthier?

in Thief

Posted by: Reesha.7901


PU is a strong build yes, but to me it sounds as if you are mixing all the strong abilities from different mesmer builds together.

  1. A shatter mesmer does usually not rely much on stealth.
  2. A typical PU mesmer (with the stealth heavy build) does usually not shatter illusions.
  3. A typical PU mesmer does not have high damage phantasms. In this build, the clones pose the real danger.

Mesmers mainly use their stealth as a defense, but in this particular build, stealth can work as offense as well.

We can summon a new phantasm while in stealth, but we can also try to trick you into hitting us while using the scepter block. Whether we are in stealth or not, this will apply torment. Being in melee range, while dealing Aoe damage of any kind, is not your friend when fighting this type of build. We will take advantage of it. Don’t try to hit the mesmer in stealth unless you are certain the block is on cool down.

When the stealth from torch ends (not breaking it and revealing ourselves, but just naturally ends) we can apply burning on you if we are close. Try taking advantage of the fact that mesmers are slow. Back off when you see that happen, or vanish into stealth yourself.

If you kill the clones while being close to them, they will apply conditions to you. If the PU mesmer use a staff, the clones will cast Winds of Chaos, applying conditions to you and buffs to the mesmer. Combine this with the extra conditions we can apply through the torch stealth and the scepter block if you did not back off: That is what wears you out. That is in my opinion one of the main things that makes this particular build strong, not the lack of reveal from decoy.

Again, some of it can be avoided by moving away, if the illusions are chasing you they are not casting. If they are not casting, they are not doing any damage. As Xaylin said: You can kill the phantasms without punishment, the clones are more dangerous.

I don’t have a lot of experience with the PU build, but I did try to duel a friend of mine with it, just for the fun of it. He plays a thief, and found the best way to deal with it, was to stay far away to kill the clones as mentioned by Advent.

Most of the offensive aspect can be avoided if you don’t do exactly what we are hoping you will do. We can only burst with conditions if you play the cards into our hands.

(edited by Reesha.7901)

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


So, I have contacted support on this matter, and had this response:

As a general rule, we are not able to offer a gem refund. However, in this case, we were able to refund your 800 Gems and they have been added to your account. Please check your gem balance for confirmation.

At this time, we’d like you to delete any item or items for which we provided a gem refund.

We cannot guarantee that a similar refund will be possible in the future, so please exercise care when conducting all your gem transactions.

While I am happy to get the refund, they are basically warning me here not to buy items from the gemstore when it released, because if THEY may make a mistake, I may lose that item without getting a refund?

Nah, I think they are saying that because this is a special case (they made a mistake), you are allowed a refund.

Does anyone Do Teq (or any dragons) anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


@Siofra Crumble
I send you the information you asked for. Check your Pm

Human Cultural Armor in the Gem Store [Merged]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Reesha.7901


I think it is somewhat interesting. First a portion of the player base complained that the armor was human T3 and wanted it removed.
To their surprise, A-net complied and removed it from the gem shop.
Then they realized having their wish meant that they would loose the Flamekissed as well.

Now they want that humans keep the armor and become the only race with access to an updated armor set. I have even seen one suggesting that humans with T3 should have the new armor AND a gem refund, while everyone not playing a human character or not owning the T3 set should not even have a refund…

This has definitely brought up the worst in everyone.

Im really loving my new armor set

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Reesha.7901


You know, I actually wish Anet would listen to your whine and put out more culture armors on gem stores, there are some asura and slyvari t3 i have wanted on my human since day 1.

As a sylvari, i think this is an excellent idea.

Flamekissed Light - use Masquerade armor

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Reesha.7901


Elegant and flattering?
It’s a bikini with ribbons around it and Mr.T quantities of jewelry.

It is a matter if taste. It is always a matter of taste.

At least with the current Flamekissed, it does not look like your character accidently got its lower body trapped in a tent….
Or like you grew weird insect eyes on the side of your head….
I think that pretty much sums up my opinion about masquerade. (Except the shoulders, which are decent.)

Compared to that: Then yes. I think Flamekissed manage to show of skin in a more elegant way.

(edited by Reesha.7901)

Flamekissed Light - use Masquerade armor

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Reesha.7901


I really hope they won’t use that armor set. I would like to see something as elegant and flattering as the current Flamekissed. Besides I hate how stowed weapons look on this one.

Where did my Flamekissed Armor go? O_O

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Reesha.7901


I guess the flames were not the only thing added to the mesh after all. They also added stealthy underwear. :P

Does anyone Do Teq (or any dragons) anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


There is always the option to join one of the guilds that were created specifically with Tequatl in mind.

As other people have stated, that is not always an option. Some people are already at their maximum number of allowable Guilds. And it still doesn’t necessarily help avoid long wait times, or getting trapped in Overflow, which is another big concern.

I never said the encounter was perfect. I was offering a possible solution if someone wants the option to kill Tequatl on a daily basis.
The Tequalt killing guilds are in fact always an option. You can choose to join one of those guilds. You can choose to leave a guild if you are already a member of 5 other guilds.
No, it will not be the choice of everyone to do so. However, it is still a choice and it is still a possibility.

The topic is about whether or not people are still doing the Tequatl event, is it not?
The answer is yes. Every single day.

(edited by Reesha.7901)

Does anyone Do Teq (or any dragons) anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


There is always the option to join one of the guilds that were created specifically with Tequatl in mind.

For EU servers, the guilds TKS, TSS and THS combine their effort and usually slays Tequatl 2 or more times a day.
All that is required is applying to the guild and once accepted: Read guild message of the day to find out when the kills will be, have Team Speak, have one guest pass available and be willing to represent the guild for around 15-20 minutes while assigning people and killing the dragon.

If am sure there are similar guilds on the US servers, only I don’t know the names of those.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


letting the people keep the current flamekissed design would be unfair. they can however, provide some sort of compensation like giving 800 gems AND letting them keep the new design.

Why would we want another skin instead? if we don’t end up liking it the replacement holds no value whatsoever, just junk that would sit in storage.

Unlocking cultural armor racial restrictions seems the most solid way to fix the problem but also the most work for anet. This would also allow much more character customization in terms of armour combination and gives players the ability to appear unique where t3 sets are almost the standard these days.

One thing I like about Gw2, is that any race can play any profession, because professions are not restricted to certain races. I have never been a big fan of making something exclusive. It just limits the player’s options.

I want X armor, which I can only get if I play Y race, which I cannot play if I chose Z profession.

Thankfully Gw2 does not have the Z in the above. I would love to remove Y as well. Then players would not have to consider what armor they want when creating a character (if that aspect matters to them that is.)
Instead, they could focus on choosing their preferred race.

Besides: If the cultural restrictions could be unlocked somehow, it would add a new level to the game. We could also potentially gain access to 12 more armor models. Most of them quite beautiful.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reesha.7901


It would be much appreciated, if ArenaNet would be so kind to answer the following questions.

  • Will people have a refund of their in game gold or real life money, if those were converted to gems in order to purchase the skin?
  • Will people that bought Flamekissed, but do not like the rework of the skin, be compensated with the same amount of gems they bought it with?
  • Will people, that re-skinned over an existing skin, get their old skins back from the gemstore free of charge?
  • Will people, that have previously used transmutation crystals, (in order to apply the look of cultural or any other armor set) have the armor that was overwritten by Flamekissed returned to them along with the 6 transmutation crystals needed?

And as an extra thing:

  • Will the new design of Flamekissed still be showing a lot of skin but in a flattering way? Will it in anyway have some of the qualities of the current Flamekissed skin?

If ArenaNet would answer those specific questions, people would actually know what to expect. Right now many players fears the worst.

(edited by Reesha.7901)

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


Imagene how less painfull it all would have been, if Transmutation Crystals simply transformed an armor into a skin, that after transmutation could be re-used at any time.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


and why on earth would other races than humans even consider transmuting this gem store skin to their cultural??? why? its beyond me. and humans too, you could have transmuted it on a new exotic and have both skins. just too stupid. both of them are bought only for their skin and not stats.

That is not really relevant. Not everyone wants to carry around multiple sets of gear. Some are certain they will have no regrets replacing an existing skin. Some might have wanted to re-use the runes.

As an example, I am already running around with 3 sets for PvE, 1 for WvW and a PTV set. Had I used the Flamekissed skin, odds are I would have chosen to overwrite one of my existing skins like many others did.

Whatever the reason was, it does not make them stupid. They did not regret the choice of the Flamekissed. The only reason it became a problem, was the skin being available in the gem store, only to be removed and change into…. Well hope for the best I guess.

(edited by Reesha.7901)

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


Arena Net could possibly send free flame kiss skins to those who have already owned the full tier 3 light skin beforehand and refund the gems spent on purchasing their flame kiss skin.

So only one specific race owning one specific skin, should get a free skin AND a gem refund. Let me think about that. Nope: Horrible idea.
Humans should not be compensated any different than the other races. Anyone that bought the Flamekissed gets another skin instead.

On the other hand, those who bought the flame kiss skins but don’t own the tier 3 light skin beforehand shouldn’t get any form of refund or free skins due to the fact that they chose to purchase the flame kiss skin on their own will and don’t even own the complete set of the normal tier 3 light cultural skin.

So only one specific race owning one specific skin should be allowed to have a refund now? (lol)
It is a great crime indeed that others bought a skin (in your words): “on their own will”.
Funny enough, so did the human T3 owners.
It is a great crime that other races and none T3 owners, chose to buy the skin implemented by ArenaNet.
No wait a minut. It is not. And to say that only some people should have a refund…. Only humans with t3… That is the most unfair solution to this mess I have read so far.

Basically, the people who should only be complaining are those who are frustrated about the fact that the t3 skin isn’t exclusive anymore and those who already own the complete set of the tier 3 light human cultural AND have purchased the flame kiss skin. Besides these people, no one else should really be complaining…

Everyone has a right to voice their concerns. I am sorry if you don’t see, that other races and none T3 owners, might have lost skins and armor due to the Flamekissed as well.

(edited by Reesha.7901)

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


And that’s the problem, you think you are entitled to special treatment, that maybe if you complain loud enough they will cave in and meet your demands.

I am telling you the reality of the situation, you dont have to like it but thats how it is.

Actually, you do not know how it is. You do not speak for ArenaNet.
Considering your own complaints, I find it puzzling that you are pointing fingers at others for having very valid concerns.

Instant death when re-zoning into fractals.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Reesha.7901


Hmm interesting. I learned something new.Thanks for the replies.

Instant death when re-zoning into fractals.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Reesha.7901


I could understand if we had started the fractal, but we had not. All we did was zone in to where the vendors are. Is that really supposed to be penalized with death?

Instant death when re-zoning into fractals.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Reesha.7901


I did a quick google search, but did not find anything for this.
If it has been posted previously, my apologies.

I tried this a few times with a friend of mine, just to confirm that it was consistent.
If you zone in, go out and zone in again: You are lying dead on the floor.
Is this intended behavior?

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Group with a friend.
  2. Enter through the fractal portal.
  3. Have either you or your friend leave through the fractal portal.
  4. Re-enter through the fractal portal.


[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


Refunds will come once the new skin is released, if you dont like the new skin contact customer support and be FULLY refunded.

You will get your old armor skin back.

Your refund will be gems, you spend real money on gems, you did NOT spend real money on the skin. You will never get your money back from purchasing gems.

Now take a deep breath, relax, everything will be fine you can stop panicking.

I am not panicking. I did not buy the armor. I am still curious about the source for your definitive statements.

So, source ?

I am curious as well about this “source”.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


[ ] Change the skin and refund those that don’t like it.
[] Change the skin but let ppl choose old or new.
[] Change the skin but let ppl how used it on human T3 to keep old one.
[X] Keep the skin and change the other two sets to T3 skins.
[ ] Make three new sets making three T3 sets and three normal.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


The issue is that not only do some players lose the skin they paid for in gems, but they also lose the armor skin they overwrote (in some instances human t3 armor) that they paid a significant amount of gold for.

This REALLY is not fair.

No, it is not fair.

However, it is just as unfair for any none human characters that overwrote their skin. Cultural or not.

It would not be fair to only let humans keep the skin and say: To bad! to the Azura, Char, Norn and Sylvari players, that also overwrote their cultural armor or other skins for Flamekissed.

I don’t see how only letting humans keep the new Flamekissed would make it any more fair. Quite the opposite actually.

What would be fair, is to either return whatever skin was overwritten by Flamekissed, regardless of race. Or let them keep the Flamekissed. (Yes, I know a lot of people have strong feelings about the second alternative.)

(edited by Reesha.7901)

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Reesha.7901


Hi All,

We will be moving forward on Monday with the topic of Commander Functionality which will be housed in the WvW forums. I believe this to be the right approach at this time to ensure that the WvW CDI participants get a focused experience of the spirit of the initiative and how it is intended to work.

Following a week on this topic I will appraise how things went and decide what paradigm we will be moving forward with.

Either tomorrow or Friday i will list the CDI Evolution actions.

Thank you all for you comments and participation and I am looking forward to discussing the next topic with you all.


So you really want to discuss only one topic per week? I dont think it is good idea becouse it will just delay discussions about other same important topics. We should move forward not delay.

I am fairly sure what Chris means, is that there will be one topic for wvw now, because the previous one was a bit disappointing, and he wants to give the WvW CDI participants a “focused experience of the spirit of the initiative and how it is intended to work”.

After the one week (and with the experienced gained within the week), he will decide whether to continue with one or three topics at a time.

Do you like Skyhammer?

in PvP

Posted by: Reesha.7901


Short answer is: No!

Long answer is: I find Skyhammer to be tolerable in hotjoin, because then I have time to stretch my legs, get a cup of coffee, spectate other players and get a short break in between the games.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


Yes because it’d be worse than leaving the armor for sale. The damage of the armor presence would still be here, but on top of it you’d have created some super ultra rare skin that people know won’t ever be sold again, and only the “lucky” few who bought it instantly after recognizing it was a Cultural T3 Human armor for very cheap for all expecting they’d get to keep it no matter what.

Maybe you are right.
That is not what this particular topic is about though, so I most likely should not have mentioned my own opinion on the matter. I still think the same rules should apply for all races though.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


No matter what you think is the less of the evils, it is all about damage control at this point.

Norn, Sylvari, Azura and Char players might have used this skin on their cultural armor as well.
It all comes down to how those players are compensated. If they choose not to keep the Flamekissed after the rework, I think it is horrible if they lose a/any skin by re-skinning to Flamekissed.
However, that applies to all players. Not just the human players.

(edited by Reesha.7901)

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


If you take away from one, take it away from all.


applying this philosophy would lead to a total wipe of the server to day 1…..

I am not sure I understand what you are trying to say.
If some byers get to keep it and other buyers do not, I think the predicament of Flamekissed armor would become even more unfair.
To make a distinction here, based on race, would only make the situation worse.

Personally, I think the most fair solution would be to let the people that already bought it keep it. Both human and none human.
However, since that apparently isn’t an option, then I think the same rules should apply for all. If Norn, Sylvari, Char and Azura players lose the current look of the Flamekissed, then obviously, the same should apply for the human players.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


If you take away from one, take it away from all.


Removing Race Restrictions on Cultural Armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reesha.7901


I do like the idea of being to work in game towards gain trust with a faction and then being able to craft cultural armor. Much like the Kurz/Luxon system in GW1. It should be a long term accomplishment though and maybe a limit on how many factions you can ally with. I don’t think people would be terribly upset about that as a feature as a player would a. have to grind the faction’s trust and then b. have to actually buy the expensive cultural armor.

I like this idea as well.

Will it happen again?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


I just think this is somewhat sad.

So far, I don’t think highly of most of the armors they have added in the gem store and the soon to come ascended armor is just hideous in my opinion.

I do think many of the cultural armor sets looks gorgeous. I had hoped more of the cultural armors would be re-created and like the Flamekissed, become available for all of us.

That would mean having access to 12 more armor models, many which people actually like.

It would also mean that not only Sylvari would have had access to more than one set of glowing armor.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reesha.7901


I realize I am a minority here, but the way I see it, they made the armor model available for all races. The cultural armor set is still exclusive.
You can still see if people are wearing T3 or Flamekissed, because they are not identical in every way. I do think they should have changed a little bit more than just adding glow effects though. Maybe change the pattern a bit so they don’t dye up the same way.

I would not mind seeing more of the cultural armors introduced with a few changes.
Being a Sylvari, I think there are too few armors with glows and think it would be rather cool if other classes could mix the TA armor with a modified sylvari cultural armor set.

iWarden bugged due to patch (video)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Reesha.7901


Bump: Because this one is a real problem.

Fighting classes that kite you

in Warrior

Posted by: Reesha.7901


Mesmers want you to fight near their clones so that you break them. This adds to your conditions.

That depends on the mesmer build. This is true for the condition mesmers (which are very popular atm.) It is not necessarily true for phantasm and shatter builds that are punished if their illusions are killed.
I wasn’t sure if the OP was refering to only condition mesmers or mesmers in general, so I thought I would add this.

Sensotix' Thoughts On The Dezember Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Reesha.7901


I think there are some very good points in this.
Personally I am not a fan of high damage instant attacks, where you have no chance to react, other than a lucky guess, nor am I a fan of anything that dumbs down a profession and reward passive play more than actual skill.

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Reesha.7901


lots of optimistic people here who didn’t participate in the failed wvw thread.

If it is possible to have three quality topics going at the same time, then I am all for it.
I am skeptical to whether or not it is though. I think there might be a catch when it comes to quality.

Looking at last round of living story topics, the PvE living story went ok. There was room for improvements, which is only natural when you try out something new, but the overall experience was positive.
I must admit I am not sure how people felt about the PvP topic. I didn’t have the time to follow all of them.
The WvW topic was in no way nearly as successful as the living story.

  • It is my understanding that ArenaNet developers, moderators etc. do this on their own initiative and for Chris at least, often outside normal working hours.
    If outside working hours is required in order to keep up, then that is a lot to deal with. Especially if all 3 areas of the game are up for discussion at the same time. That means never having a week off (Collaborate development wise), because a topic in your area will always be up for debate.
    Obviously, I don’t know if that is perfectly fine for everyone.
  • Then there is the fact that, due to the vote, the first topics chosen for collaborative development are the ones that means the most to many people. I think if collaborative development is to succeed, then the collaborative development on these topics has to feel like ArenaNet is there: Listening, responding entering a dialog.
  • And there is also the fact, that even though Chris maybe is supposed to manage this more than actually be the one discussing things with us, then in my opinion we still depend on him in the topics themselves. Are the developers ready to do this on their own? I am not so sure, but obviously that is not something I know for certain, it is just the feeling I got from the last 3 topics.

There is also the issue that Vi Au explained very well:

problem do not arise when you communicate, they occur when there is a lack of communication. the community will not chew off our dev as long as they keep us updated and have well reasoned posts.

It is my understanding, that the developers are venturing into unknown territory with this. I think it is important that it becomes a positive experience for them as well. The frequency of developer responses does indeed seem to have a direct influence on how hostile/constructive a discussion becomes. To have a positive experience with posting in the collaborative development topics at this point, is important for all of us I think.

The reason I suggested one topic at a time, is because: Even though 3 topics might be perfect for the many players, I am not so sure there is actually enough time for the few developers etc. to read through it all, consider suggestions given or the problematic aspects explained and then also have to post about it.

Since I am sitting on the player side of the table, I am making assumptions yes. I think Chris and his colleges are the ones that have to decide on this in the end: Do you have enough time to deal with 3?

If you are certain it wont be an issue with 3, because different developers are on different topics and there is no overlapping between developer resources and topics. If you are certain more topics will never cause a decrease in quality. Then I am all for it.

On the other hand, If the answer is: “We can, but not as well as if there was only one topic at a time”, then all I can say is:
As deafult, I would rather have 3 delicious cookies than just one. But if I have to choose between one really delicious cookie or 3 that are not really to my liking, I would rather have just the one.

EDIT: Because English > me

(edited by Reesha.7901)

mesmers spamming invis?

in PvP

Posted by: Reesha.7901


And they’re inferior runesets for obvious reasons.

Again, 2 long cd sources of interrupts. That’s it. It’s a complete waste.

In your opinion they are yes. Claiming that no one uses them is however not true.

Since they are not available in spvp, the discussion about perplexity runes in this part of the forum is somewhat irrelevant though. In spvp you are absolutely correct that no one uses them.

mesmers spamming invis?

in PvP

Posted by: Reesha.7901


PU mesmers don’t use perplexity runes.

Perplexity runes are used in at least 2 of the popular WvW PU builds:
Natsu Dragneel’s The Blackwater Mesmer and the similar build from Osicat called The Non shatter Condition Cat.

(edited by Reesha.7901)

CnD suggestion

in Thief

Posted by: Reesha.7901


…use sheath weapon binding to fake out CnD…

Can someone please explain this? Thanks.

I believe he means, that since CnD has a 0.5 second activation time, you can either lure people into blowing a cool down or prevent loosing initiative if blinded.

If you sheath weapons (stow/draw weapons command), before the activation time on CnD has finished, the attack will not use up any initiative as the sheath works as a cancel attack command.

mesmers spamming invis?

in PvP

Posted by: Reesha.7901


When he rages (and he will) and demands to 1v1 him tell him you don’t duel no skill 1v1 specs. Then block him.

Because everyone that playes PU will clearly act this way. They will all demand 1v1 and rage! ….. I somehow don’t think so.

Besides: If we are picking on easy mode 1v1 specs: There are plenty to choose from that category. There are also some that don’t, put themselves in a disadvantage, when it comes to contesting points, unlike the stealth heavy PU mesmer.

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Reesha.7901


perhaps a stupid question this long into the thread: where do fractals and dungeons belong? Are they part of the PvE development? I ask because I very often come across users who describe their daily experience something like this " it’s been a busy day, I ran a few fractals, then ran some WvW, then roamed PvE a little bit, did a few World Boss events, now am considering whether to do dungeons or PvP"

(in the interests of full disclosure: I myself play mostly open world and WvW. I just really don’t like if stuff gets forgotten or overlooked. Even if I’m not interested in that stuff)

I would say they belong to PvE.

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Reesha.7901


if they listed the topics for the next 5 cdi and we can give our 2cents on if they are worth discussing could save us from those situations

Yes. I think that is a good idea.

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Reesha.7901


That is the question.
Maybe just do what Chris suggested and go to the next on the list.

Don’t get me wrong, I rather like your suggestion. However, if implemented, I think the top 5 should be made visible for all. This would be to make sure that a topic, which is really important to the players, does not get pushed out over and over again because it is not chosen by the developers.

Hmm. Maybe it would also be possible to make one round (with one PVE, PVP and WvW topic) where the developers could freely choose a topic they would like some feedback on.

The following round could be player chosen topics.

(edited by Reesha.7901)

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Reesha.7901


So, hopefully this is short, but I’d like to propose an idea. There has been discussion as to whether the players or the devs should choose the topic and each has its own merits.

With that in mind I’d like to propose that we take a middle ground approach. Do the voting process as we did before, but have devs choose which topic would be best to discuss from the top 5 or some such number. The hope behind this idea being that we take a large part of the pros from both categories and leave a few of the cons behind.

I like this idea, but I think it would be better to implement it after the next 3 topics have been discussed.
As an example: I think a lot of people would feel very disappointed if ascended gear was not chosen, since we know it was voted high enough to be next in line for pve.
I see the issue with the next topic for wvw though ….

(edited by Reesha.7901)

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Reesha.7901


‘Do the other Devs share your passion for CDI, or will this become part of their job description?’

I think so yes, however i think they are still anxious around entering into the public arena (they are after all human and have emotions) and are still finding their feet like everyone else is in this new initiative.

Awww. I hope they will find the overall experience to be positive.
I think the majority of the posts, in both this and the Living Story topic, have been constructive so far.

(edited by Reesha.7901)

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Reesha.7901


Hi Reesha,

So one topic per week with a process evolution thread at the end of a 3 topic cycle?


Some think like that, yes.
I don’t think the one topic at a time necessarily has to be set in stone forever.
However, I think this initiative of yours is so promising and that the collaboration aspect of it means a lot. Especially where we are right now (in the early stage).

By that I mean: I think it is important that you can focus on one topic at a time.
You mentioned earlier that you were struggling for time and saw some interesting thoughts in one topic but didn’t have the time to dive deeper into the discussion.

Maybe it becomes easier over time as both players and developers gets more experience with collaborative development topics. Maybe then it becomes possible to have successful topics running simultaneously. Time will tell.
For now I think the “one topic at a time policy” is the best way to go, and that a time limit would help to make that possible.

And yes to the process evolution thread at the end of a 3 topic cycle as well

(edited by Reesha.7901)

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Reesha.7901


Hi Inculpatas,

Regarding the discussion about one thread at a time. The advantage for us currently is that the team could concentrate on one topic at a time rather than having three threads to keep up with and therefore have more time to get involved. It would also allow me to enter the discussion of the threads in different areas. Note i am still undecided about this particular discussion. I to am very worried about the time it would take to rotate between topics and for this reason alone that could be a big enough con to not move forward with the above proposal.

Since I suggested the one topic at a time back at page 3 somewhere, I still strongly believe that the pros, of only having one topic up at a time, outweighs the cons greatly.

Would it maybe be an idea to limit the period of time in which the specified topic is open?

I mean, the living story is an ongoing topic still. Last post was around 5 hours ago and the topic opened 28 days ago. With more focus on one area only, from both players and developers, would 2 weeks not be a realistic goal?

I can only speak for myself off course, but:
If one collaborate topic is open in either PVE, PVP or WvW for a 2 week period and if I only wish to comment on PVE: Then I never have to wait more than a month for a collaborate topic in the PVE section. To me, that would be more than acceptable.

hotjoin is best thing to happen to guild wars

in PvP

Posted by: Reesha.7901


I get that sometimes players pick up bad habits in hotjoin matches, but the positive aspects about hotjoin is often forgotten. The most important one being, that some of us think hotjoin is FUN!

  • If the teams are uneven, players a swapped.
  • If you don’t like the map you are about to be ported into, you can just spectate (maybe even learn something), go for a cup of coffee in the meantime or simply find another match.
  • If you want to play with a friend, try out a new build or a new class: Hotjoin makes that possible, without ruining the experience for the players that are in the mood for tournament play that day.

We always hear the bad things about hotjoin. I definitely think hotjoin has its qualities as well and I would like to keep it in the game.

Besides, if hotjoin was removed, I can’t even imagine the: Omg. OMG, OMG…..RAWR!!!!!, when more players (that no longer have hotjoin) decides to enter tournaments instead, to try out their new build or to familiarize themselves with a none familiar profession.

I think hotjoin has a purpose in the game and to be honest, I find it fun at times.
I am guessing other people do as well, as there are always plenty of matches going on.
Going by that measurement: The hotjoin concept is quite a success.

I believe having fun while playing a game means just about everything.

(edited by Reesha.7901)

PSA: PVP Leaderboard Reset Tomorrow

in PvP

Posted by: Reesha.7901




CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Reesha.7901


For the WvW topic could we please start out with the Population/Participation imbalance? Pretty please?
Is that not it?

Ideas for Additional Dungeon "modes"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reesha.7901


I am not so sure I like your first idea.
I think there is enough focus on time already, hence the constant: LF zerg warriors only!
Many classes would be in a disadvantage with this.

I would rather see something that made more professions and more versatile builds desired in dungeons.