“Join Maguuma!”
sorry, the name DarkHaven has a ring to it!! -makes director frame hands- it’s has a lord of the rings swag to it!!
Big gothic lettering, I can see it now!!
DarkHaven – The series!!
we still have time to make it a 3 way tie!! O.o
winning = the end
success = enjoying the ride
always make time for the grub, that’s success. once you finish the grub, you win …then repeat. It’s important to build a golem under the enemies boiling pot every so often, it reminds you that this game has it’s funny moments.
yep I’ve seen it and posted about it as well in other matches, unfortunately the 7 day transfer seems to lock these guys in for the whole match as opposed to discouraging them from transferring.
huge fight last night between DB and Mag’s by Durios – incredible strategies and siege work displayed by both servers in that spot, and I was among the Darkhaven guys that kept getting sandwiched between the two!! Thanks for the high repair bills guys, much appreciated!! lol -shakes fist with a smile-
Keep up the great work!
win or lose, there’s never a dull moment when Darkhaven is in the mix!!
it was in the mag area in Eternal – but the timing was nothing less than spectacular and you guys seemed as if you suddenly became visible out of nowhere …I know it wasn’t a portal trick though because we were trashing everything and anything that moved lol – it was an insanely fast moving night, I haven’t seen that much action / intensity since beta. great stuff.
i remember we broke into one tower – forgot which – and just as we finished trashing the guildlord – like 30 maguumas came out of nowhere and wiped us …i have to say..that was brilliant….it happened so fast I couldn’t even see how they did it lol
it’s not about winning, it’s about enjoying the ride.
@wads, no I’m saying some of the poor attitudes I’m noticing on our own server and reflecting on how some players in the past have wondered how to make this game more like eve.
The guildwars players do enjoy playing hard and banter, but not to such extremes…the Gw1 crowd has always been more the intelligent / all about skill and tactics. Big difference.
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i’m starting to notice a lot of new names and a lot of trash talk trying to kill server morale, i certainly hope the maguumas haven’t decided to become “that” server and we are just having bad luck with a few bad apples. This isn’t “Eve” For those who don’t know the eve players mentality http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/116503-Eve-Online-Panel-Encourages-Harassing-Suicidal-Player
. I’ve had a lot of respect for maguuma and enjoyed fighting them.
I will start blocking people so i don’t have to hear their attitudes.
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and just for the record, we at darkhaven have some very talented pvp’rs that are not afraid to face hard odd’s – we have been camped and outnumbered only to make some fierce comebacks – so we have the heart and skills – would like more of the same for our day time. we don’t fear repairs and hope to find like minds, we don’t just want bodies, we want talent. cheaters not welcomed.
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I was thinking – based on a post I’ve made in the past
Servers should be rated based on wvw attendance, It’s pretty obvious that not everyone wants to pvp or wvw and would rather do dungeon crawling / RP – while others just want to focus on PVP and WVW – a label would help them find a server that best fits their style of play. This may also help dungeon crawlers find more groups easier. It can be represented by some sort of real time color bar – so it can reflect any real time changes in attendance – like a mood ring of sorts.
So based on actual PVP attendance maybe servers can have categories …
1 – this is a server that has little to no wvw attendance good for people who just want dungeon crawl, pve / farm items / Role play / chat- make machinima movies / enjoy holiday events – if they go into wvw – it’s to hunt grubs and roleplay – at most you’ll see is 10-20 people in wvw at any time
2 – this is a server that has a light casual wvw / pvp attendance – for casual players that like to do it all, but are not really heavy into wvw – they like doing puzzles, light wvw and just pretty much like to do it all – they play wvw but they don’t play hard – its more for just adventure. – you’ll see about 50 people in wvw at any time – chances are it will be a guild vs guild type atmosphere. no wvw ques
3 – this is a server that has moderate pvp – these are guys that like to pvp / wvw and play competitively but dont have the desire or the time to organize heavy guilds and are happy not being a server thats determined to be a tier 1 server – they play hard when they can in between work / family and school – this server doesn’t have 24/7 coverage – the night cappers if you will. light wvw ques at peak hours
4 – This is a server that focuses on organized guilds and work hard at being a top tier servers – they have heavy strategy – structured alliances and look for people from all timezones to have 24/7 coverage – they want to win. Long wvw ques
I wasn’t sure for the RPG aspect how to label these servers ie – farm country , or dictatorship , or superpower etc …but I think this kind of rating would give people a chance to select the right server for the way they want to play. I think I would enjoy a category 3 type server because when I play I like to play hard, but I do enjoy doing pve – and not having to be on everyday at a certain time following strict rules or taking it very serious. which is something that is naturally required to be a tier 1 server. It may also help the server bouncing issue as chances are only 3 or 4 servers will feel extreme about wvw. I think it would also be better for overall morale as opposed to labeling a server a loser / bottom tier that can’t pvp – which wouldn’t apply with such a labeling system. How can you say a server is bad at pvp when people would rather pve ?
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with the US elections up, I re-uploaded a video I made when Obama was first elected.
honestly, the hacking stuff rolls off my back because it’s been in mmo’s forever – what does irk me is the people who transfer to other servers to grief people ….that’s some psychological nonsense gamers can do without. It’s a game to have fun, we aren’t here to be someone’s psychologist because they need to feel relevant in life, thats a whole other level of flat out ignorance.
Overall though – all banter aside, this has been a fun match – and when it comes to posting on forums / flame wars and banter ….let’s just say I’ve had years of practice at it in unmoderated forums …don’t do it to yourself!! lol
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" It’s funny I still remember why I left Darkhaven 1 month ago,"
Oh Suzanna, Don’t you cry for me ? ? ?
we miss you so kitten much!!
I still couldn’t find any info on the self repairing arrow carts – I’m still looking though, thats a nifty trick!!
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love for all – the maggies are my friends, the darkies are my family <3
i have to admit, i’m feeling sad and hurt…after I saw your arrow cart repairing itself ( not an arrow cart build site mind you ) – the first thing I said to myself was "Self, you really have to read the wiki more!! " not once did I cry foul, and I just stood there amazed at how well you guys were running siege!!
Does darkhaven get that kind of love in return ?? noooooooo -sniffle-
if i said I gave you the benefit of the doubt, yet you continue to defend yourselves – where does that leave me ? pointing out that the bodies were gone ?
it’s all good. Like I said, and other posters have mentioned, the game has been acting buggy. The more you defend the more i question. it’s done.
we love you <3
we had someone watching your supply ..it was at 70 when we started working at it.
what may have happened is we got caught up in battle and you guys stocked up during that time ….but even then it doesn’t reconcile that most of your workers were dead because we were killing everything in sight.
You shouldn’t have to defend yourselves …nor should we.
If you see someone doing something wrong ….report them..don’t come here crying hack.
there is a huge difference between "
“Got to love cheesy Dorkhaven hacking tactics”
“some random guardian/warrior guy”
I repeat, Darkhaven core members are skilled pvp’rs and we tend to attract many people because of it.
When you see someone doing something dishonorable, please report him, we do not need this type of activity, our serious pvp’rs deserve that respect.
so there you have it …darkhaven’s skills are spectacular ..and maggies luck is amazing.
was an epic battle
neither have i …but I saw for myself the empty supply in their castle because we made it a point to keep their noobs building 1hp walls lol ….I simply gave them the benefit of the doubt – would think they would give the same to us than to paint our whole server with a big hack brush.
yeah and not once did i bring up how you guys managed to upgrade the castle without supplies. so lets not go there!
+1 – i couldn’t agree more!
@shug, thats what I do now …in fact I hardly use sieges because my mesmer does more damage faster lol – but I still like the siege …strangely enough because II was impressed with how effective it was from keeping us from stomping them lol it really didn’t bother me and just made the game more challenging.
yeah, please report these guys – we really don’t want them, they bring a lack of strategy to our server that’s noticeable …sometimes i dread winning because of the things it attracts. – in fact, i just had to leave wvw because it feels …for a lack of a better word ..messy and I can’t put my finger on it ….it’s not like we see it ourselves on the maps – but in overview you can see it and how scattered the map gets.
i notice that many core pvprs end up going rogue because they don’t like rolling with the new people that join our servers so we end up in several smaller groups – we feel it too.
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i like it , it helps when you are outmanned, and if we are going to try and talk historical accuracy – we will have to reconcile people being born from trees and talking cats first lol
@greyblue no, what i’m thinking of doesn’t matter if the thief is stealth or not. I’m not trying to be cryptic, but last time I posted one way to approach it…the post got deleted almost instantly lol so am trying to give hints without flat out saying it.
But i think I can say this much, aside from GW2 the game, how does one catch a thief ? think about it… so many people are thinking about how to catch a stealth character in gw2, they seem to be missing the obvious. I can only think of 2 character types that can do this ..but now I’m curious and going to review all the skills from other characters to see if Anet has a counter on each one ..or just specific ones.
what i’m getting from this discussion, and guessing what anet is thinking , is they don’t want cookie cutter builds… so far everything I’ve read is complaining that you can’t catch the thief with “your build” – the 2 solutions I have in mind have not at all been mentioned and are skills that are rarely used in wvw – I would tell you but I think anet wants me to keep it to myself.
if your build isn’t working, then it’s not an accident you can’t catch a thief with the skills you want to use..
To catch a thief you must _____________
i just thought of a second counter for it lol
and here’s a hint – “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein
after careful observation of both posts and in game, there are certain mechanics that I believe were intentional by Anet – I am also assuming that considering the rock paper scissors philosophy that Anet practices – that there are counters to everything that people simply have not discovered yet…. I believe I discovered one – but will honor the hint I caught from the forum and wont share my find …I’m sure there are more though. -laughs-
my suggestion is to continue to experiment and use combo’s and spells / strategies you have not tried yet.
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OMG, the maggies have the castle ???? yall better not leave it smelling like fish again!! took us forever to clean it up last time!!
at this point i think every server has their share of cheaters, but the maggies are cool people so not even going to stress it. They need all the help they can get lol :p
great to see our brothers from another server again! sup maggies! and /salutes DB
duno, I guess that would be anets call on what is possible – I’m thinking Major Leagues for the servers with a major pvp audience- and pee wee fights for the servers that have low wvw attendance – so am not so much thinking so much of how many servers …just more servers to have more of a chance for balanced wvw for everyone.
or even end of the month tier fights …..am thinking about tier 1 and the last tiers mostly to be honest …..chances are the top servers will pretty much stay t1 and weaker servers will stay at the bottom – so it may inspire more play for the lower tiers to have more variety – and the t1 servers from getting bored of each other lol- the middle tiers will probably always shift around so they’d have the most variety.
Just curious if it is at all possible in the future to have just 1 world wvw matches as opposed to na vs na and eu vs eu ?
It seems that many overseas players are transferring to na servers anyways and might simply be fun to have more variety and meet new people / learn new fighting styles from around the world. it’s not like opposing servers talk to each other in wvw chat anyways so there won’t be much of a language barrier on that level.
it’s fun for now as everyone is getting to know each other – but I’m thinking in the future it may get a little old to have for example tier 1 re-matches over and over and the idea of world competition could be exciting
it’s true cheating / hacking has in fact been around since the first mmo – the difference is now it’s gone mainstream and has become blatant. as if people don’t care if they get caught – it’s so obvious and in your face that it’s become a problem. It’s not like one or 2 people trying to get away with murder – it’s like whole guilds doing server transfers regularly wrecking the game for hundreds / thousands of honest players- people practically showing it off on youtube – people transferring to servers to say ‘you guys suck" and garbage like that – it’s one thing to try to avoid a TOS violation, it’s quite another to say Kitten the TOS. in the early days even cheaters had respect for the rules and tried to be discreet….and when they were caught – they were slammed….but now ..it’s like the cheaters are flat out challenging anets authority …and thats a problem.
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or just go evil and laugh like Mad King thorn!! hahaha!! sorry i couldn’t help it…i’d be having so much fun with it ;x
i was thinking about this …and started laughing – being an old school RP’r – you have the perfect opportunity to RP an evil server haha – in the old days we had guilds like ITB and KAAOS – they were fierce pvp’rs and people either hated them or feared them – our community was also tight knit ..and knew better than to take that out of character – but it was a riot and those guilds did not hesitate to show all their evil glory on the field and on the forum in RP character…. they wanted to be hated!! lol ( they did it so well in fact, they were loved )
I myself am Neutral alignment when it comes to RP – but that’s not because i want the right to be evil… it’s because I want the right to be a good character in game every so often. but in reality, I could really give a rats kitten if you like me or not when I’m in character … it should be very clear that when you see me and my blade in game …it would be wise of you to run. I WILL without hesitation laugh and dance on your corpse.
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yep. it’s still good to point out though so anet has a heads up before someone figures out a way to exploit it.
if that’s the case, criminals win because we have guns, jails, laws and need to close our doors at night. #flawedlogic
there are 7 billion people in the world, you can’t expect them to all like you – it’s a game, play hard, play fair, have fun and celebrate everyones right to free speech. Just don’t take it to heart and have fun. When you have fun anyways, it fixes most of the problems. You never want to be more popular than toilet paper.
“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”
Bill Cosby
not sure if this is relevant – probably not – but i found out that you can actually get trapped inside a wall if you stand in the right place when a wall is built – I learned this one from defending the castle in our last match, I was standing in the gap playing defense and someone built a wall right over me ( while we were trying to tell everyone not to waste supplies! lol ) – I finally had to tp back to the base to get out. It’s not a hack or a glitch and I didn’t stick around long enough to see if I could hit or get hit by anyone – but I did get stuck and couldn’t walk out but i was able to walk around. – I should have explored it more lol
I totally agree, went in for a while to test it – much better!!
oh and yeah, no infighting. This whole match has been bad karma from the start, happy it will be over tomorrow.
fights were epic though, am glad we’ve been outmanned, would have been boring otherwise.
so yeah… CD and Yaks are double teaming us ….can’t blame them for being scared …they don’t have 3 orb buff now …. yak’s is trying to hold 2nd and we took castle with outmanned buff