granted the game still needs work, but please speak for yourselves, not everyone feels the same. you must not be hanging with the right people if you aren’t having fun at all. the other night i must have spent almost a gold in repairs …I had a blast. – the next day all our property was gone, i gave the aragon speech from lord of the rings …and kept charging in and dying – it rubbed off on everyone and not only did we get our property back ….we almost took the whole map as well within a few hours ……so with all respect …Man up :p the game can be upgraded ….but the attitude some people have needs way more work than the game.
I was with DH since beta …except one time when beta deleted characters and I couldn’t get into DH because it was already full…. I left DH for a few weeks to HOD ….I was actually very sad I had to leave ..not because the server was bad, but because it was plagued with bots and it was killing wvw – I learned a lot in HOD while I was there, but it really wasn’t much fun, because they were so bent on winning – it felt more like hard work than a fun game…and I missed the friendly environment in DH. Now Im back, and am very happy that Anet did clear up the server a lot…I always thought DH had great pvp’rs in wvw ….but there were so many bots in wvw …there was a major lack of teamwork and man power. Now it seems to be much better …we may still be short a few hands….but the fighting spirit and friendliness make up for that in a big way. So proud of my home server ….and I even finally found a guild that i feel right at home with! I must have gone through at least 6 guilds before I found them!!
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Honestly, I believe in Anet. If I had a choice of doing betas for another year and the game being released…I’m so happy it’s released and Anet is working at helping give us what we want. I am super happy that I am not on the server that is into boycotting a company that works hard to give us a great game.
lol…..I’m not angry, I had a ton of fun last night …If anything I thank you all for the badges – I never got so many in one night before. I just don’t want to hear you guys complain you are short handed, you weren’t – all the complaining I’ve heard from you guys about night capping – just shows you don’t like a balanced fight.
well.. I now officially deny NS complaint about night capping, there were a ton of you on tonight …I’ve come to realize you guys just don’t like being evenly matched . – apparently your idea of a balanced fight is camping at our spawn area ….which we fixed with the few players we had on at the time.
I wouldn’t say zero opposition you guys do have a presence at night – just not as strong as your day. Trust me, I’ve spent a ton of money in repairs!! lol -shakes fist back with a smile-
agreed, I have not seen any exploiters on DH, what I have seen is people cooperating and putting up strategies, I don’t want to win because of exploiters …and if I see any on DH i will report. I’d rather lose with honor than win through disgrace.
am very happy to see Ebay hanging in there and putting up a fight – I’m in DH, but am cheering the fighting spirit of Ebay ..hang in there guys – we aren’t out to stomp anyone’s pride …just having fun and putting up a good fight
I’m iffy on the mesmer portals and the thief abilities to get into secured areas – simply because in real life is possible for someone to infiltrate an area – and to me what I appreciate most about wvw is being able to apply war strategies, so I’m not in a rush to call it an exploit …now about porting in a whole team of 50 …that doesn’t make sense to me – but to have 1 or 2 people sneak in and “attempt” to take over …it should be possible but nearly impossible …a feat that deserves recognition and respect – not an exploit that wouldn’t be possible in real life – an assassin sneaking in and taking out a guildlord should be possible….but taking out a whole location .. not easy – so maybe the game translation to this is taking out a guild lord …doesn’t take over the area …BUT ….if your team cracks down the door …the location is instantly yours.
didnt see this one on the list – forgive me if I missed it -
Siege Golem Rights – and something to prevent them from losing it to theft or in the event of a crash.
It hasn’t happened to me but I felt very bad for people that lost the insanely expensive golems to theives or crashes. I was simply helping someone build their golem, and I felt bad because I really was just helping but they jumped right in instantly and ran off. Understandable but not cool for either party when someone is just being helpful or the builder afraid of losing their investment.
Too bad we can’t team up european servers with us servers. granted it would be 6 servers per match but it would balance out the day night issue – having 1 eu and 1 us server share a base – it would be the que from heck though.
@Coolmoos and Worban my pleasure
@Worban I found this site may help you get a glimpse of a few armors
This world is lucky that many of the big historical wars were lead by men…..I’ve seen a few female commanders with devastating tactics and strategies – not going to point anyone in particular out because I’ve seen several and do not wish to exclude any. So a big shout out to the female commanders overall, I’ve yet to see a female commander that isn’t on point!! Ya’ll are dangerous!! O.o
on the free server transfers, i actually think it was brilliant to allow it for the first few months of gw2 – it gives players a chance to see why free transfers are not good, and further gives everyone a chance to get a feel for different servers and find a long term home without having to spend a fortune to bounce around ….I write this off as growing pains and think it was the best opening move – at least we don’ t have to deal with “why are server transfers so expensive” for the long hall…you know that would have been a complaint …at least now the players themselves can explain why and nip that complaint right in the bud!
I have to add to this that week long matches aren’t really that fun -
if you are losing, it’s a week of feeling there is no hope
if you are winning – its a week of feeling there is no competition – nothing left to cap.
if it’s a balanced fight – it’s a week of anxiety and redundancy because evenly matched fights are back and forth over and over – becomes more routine than adventure
1 day is too short – 1 week is too long
also – having the same opponents over and over in the same tier, makes it feel like a month long match. That feeling of ..Oh geez..them again ??? that in itself is boring.
it’s more exciting to have special play off matches – the superbowl of wvw
maybe 3Day matches and mix it up – give the underdogs a chance to learn from top players – it’s actually more fun to get a sudden upset from a low tier server – it may inspire that server to fight more – but to classify a server as low tier just kills the overall morale of a server and makes them decide to be all pve “we don’t wvw much in this server” ….. a low tier server might actually get excited and group up for this next fight against a top fighter.
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am very proud of Darkhaven right now, it’s not so much winning that matters ( although, its nice and we strive for it ) but I think we’ve faced so many hard challenges since gw2 started, we have people that just work harder and as a result, we’ve become much tighter in our game and as a team- but it’s not really about winning as much as just having fun facing up to the odds.
I had to laugh, we were all chatting about how NS was taking our spots and zerging us …but then there was a grub …and most of the server took a time out to kill it …then went on to claim our properties back …this is the server I want to be in. No one was upset…although we did joke about it “we just lost QL..” “yeah but we got the grub!!” hahaha!!
sorry my mesmer scared you -hugs-
no, it’s logic and politics, the NS server had a huge zerg and they were attacking us both and were outnumbering both servers combined. At one point NS took all of our property and were trying to turn the entire map green. It’s war, and we do what we have to, to survive.
We weren’t touching Ebay – they drew first blood by taking our supply camps and attacking sm after we got it ( with a small team might I add ) . The rest is history. We actually were discussing in game about helping you get 2nd place – but apparently the night shift didn’t read the forums.
i ran with both day and night crews this weekend, the only major difference is how we were organized. While we had more numbers at night, the real difference was people working together with a great strategy.
“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” – Alexander Graham Bell
at night , we simply focus more – there is something to be said about good teamwork.
also, my advice to E-bay – I noticed many of your players don’t have level 80 characters …I’m a level 80 character with a crafted weapon, respectfully I was taking down tons of you guys with little effort. and I was getting level 5-10 gear as drops from it. Not to mention you should have worked with us vs NS for a while since they had the bigger numbers. You guys do have a good strategy though, but your firepower with real level 80 characters could be stronger. Many DH players are also pve’rs with max characters / items.
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was hoping we’d leave this low key, Darkhaven is such a great server to be on and want it to stay that way. You guys are awesome and make the game so fun!!
I’m starting to wonder if the match ups should be based on wvw attendance and not wins. Further, I’m wondering if having a separate guild system for wvw is in order to keep everyone working together more efficiently. Most guilds I joined, while having hundreds of members, less than a handful were in wvw.
i have to disagree, because during the day DH is greatly outnumbered. To say nightcapping is our advantage is to say when the numbers are balanced we are hard to beat. Not going to argue that point though.
honestly, respects to all servers in this match – despite the inbalance of players – i’ve been having a ton of fun in wvw since I transferred back from HOD – we may not be top tier …but what does that have to do with having fun ? lots on talented players in that fight!! – ps – @ebay – ya’ll need to work together with DH to counter NS’s overpopulated servers. Then we can duke it out after! You don’t need us pouncing on you before then!! -snicker-
the only thing ta had was a blue dot and a zerg that followed it. once the commanders were gone so was the organization. if the rest of the guys grouped up and organized the same way…you would hardly notice any alliance is missing… the only thing they did was zerg -twirls finger-
again, Darkhaven was just short manned, right now we are attacking with a vengeance. E-bay seems to be taking a beating from NSP yet going after DH…so there is a bit of wild arm swinging instead of planned strategy. Especially since DH is also now going after e-bay as well. at one point, I jumped into the NSP borderlands ..and there were literally only 5-6 people there vs 30+ NSP, and we still capped.
Darkhaven is simply outnumbered right now. its usually the case for daytime fights. whether you go left or right …there are groups all over the place …plus a zerg in the center while they fight off other server. Totally imbalanced but DH is still pressing on!
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HOD was fun while it lasted, I studied a lot of the strategies they used to dominate pvp – went back to my original low tier server and sharing the knowledge. I saw instant results. -grin-
it especially kills morale when you are out manned by a server that has all 3 orbs and all they do is camp near the spawn area – you die over and over right in front of your door step wasting silver in repairs. At that point many people quit wvw ..not because it’s hard to make a comeback, but because it becomes unaffordable to fight a losing battle.
I think I’ve come up with a good solution for the OP Orb issue -
The Risen -
having all 3 Orbs summons level 84 risen – they will randomly kill your workers, steal your supplies, kill your teams in your properties and will only be seen by the server holding all 3 orbs – aka Haunts.
This will add depth to the game lore – as Zhaitan currently has nothing to do with wvw and he should. Owning all 3 orbs should be a burden and a threat to it’s holder – much like the person that holds the ring in Lord of the Rings.