Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild
I really wanted to suggest that the website has some more features. I know its not high on your agenda, or even close. But you must have a dedicated site DEV somewhere…
Anyway I was thinking that it looks as if your website account is basically like a shell of your game account, with like your display character instead of the faceless shadow after you login.
Maybe some more advanced signature options, avatar, better textile that actually work?, Guild incorporation with like your guild banner behind your comments or something.
I know I don’t need to suggest much because its clear you’re intending on doing it. Just when!
Oh and don’t forget about the IOS Guild app that would be amazing.
Hold on a second while I make this post really attention grabbing.
That’ll do.
Now if I may, if there is no cap on MF. Then what if I go over 100%? Which is totally possible.
Does that mean every drop becomes Rare/Exotic?
I think it’d be cool if they added some consumable dyes. That’d be a nice resource-drain, and a way you could spend your gold to actually look distinct.
Cuz with the current dye system, eventually everyone will be walking around in celestial and abyss.
What do you mean by eventually? Even I’m guilty of it.
Might I make a suggestion? Par a little pondering back into the good’ole days.
I really miss my Chaos gloves from Guildwars Original.
Would anyone else want a glowing dye that would make armour like “Chaos”?
If so please requote this post.
You guys may dislike me greatly for this, since you obviously enjoy a story.
But I’ve played on mute and skipping all the cutscenes.
The games been completed for a while now and honestly only found out that Trahearne is a self-righteous kitten from your post.
But the reason for my skipping and muting is because that storyline in new MMO’s tend to suck.
I’m waiting until they have everything just perfect before I put my surround sound speakers on, pull up the 3 screen HD displays and fall into the world of GW2.
Oh and I might also point out I’m gaming on performance atm. So everything is just several blurry shades of poop.
Can we even mention Arah story mode?
I’m sorry but the almighty Zhaitan, a being that (forgive me if I’m wrong) is responsible for throwing the GODS out of Tyria. Can be defeated by spamming the number 2 on your keyboard.
You don’t even have to aim. Just sit and mash your fist on 2.
And secondly. GW1 Factions ending was fricking amazing. It was jaw droppingly epic as you strolled through the cheering streets of an ENTIRE CITY.
All you get in Arah is like a dozen people that you don’t really know clapping and firing like some little sparkly fireworks. Which I might point out probably should have been used against Zhaitan.
I believe in a cutscene it says, “Tyria is in your debt” before you receive a lousy 20s and a crappy bit of ugly generic armour.
As for the exp. Everyone was lvl80 anyway. Oh Gee-Wiz 4 bars of a single lvl really satisfies the need.
If Tyria is in my bloody debt I expect a pot of gold and a fecking Tardis + Time Lord butler.
Anyway thats my view on it if anyone cares.
(edited by Rob.7624)
I agree it should be 1 guild max, multiple guilds are effecting community and loyalty. And guilds are far too cheap to create, new players just make their own and refuse to join others, get unhappy with the game because of lack of social interaction and quit after hitting lvl80.
Alliances will probably come in when Guildhalls do.
And by god Guildhalls better be awesome.
Not like the End game Arah fight. Which was pathetic.
Due to the guild being maxed out it may take a few days for us to invite you in (Since the guild size upgrade is currently bugged/broken).
We also have a website in the pipes which should be finished designing stage in the next few weeks. But come join us on our Teamspeak server
I have it only on the cursed shore when killing Risen Grubs.
I think its caused by a mob drop thats bugged.
I’d like to confirm that the guild register in The Grove is currently working. I’ve just tested it.
Please post where you are having your problem. So we can confirm if its just LA
has anyone else experienced inability to change the guild they’re representing? If so I’d like to add it to OPs list.
I’ve had that problem too since I tried it to see if it would reset my permissions in the guild. No suck luck. Added to OP
Ok about the disappeared queued items.
I have noticed that a few things have actually finished that had disappeared last night. So hopefully they’re still building even though we can’t see them.
But other peoples guild tags have just disappeared on my screen.
Hope this helps you guys.
No need to worry
Ok I know this is affecting multiple guilds atleast on my server Northern Shiverpeaks.
MOTD (Message of the day) cannot be updated or changed.
Upgrades that we’re currently queued are no longer queued with no influence refund.
Upgrades cannot be added or queued.
Guild bank is inaccessible due to (apparent loss of rights, even though I’m Guild Leader)
Guild drinks cannot be purchased.
Guild cannot be upgraded in size.
And Guild chat also bugs and stops working intermittently.
Cannot change guild representing.
First started after 25th september update.
NPC’s affect are guild registers but it seems to be more the whole system.
Please give this some priority.
Because without guilds this is simply, Wars2.
<3 Ballerina-net
(edited by Rob.7624)
Same problem. Its good to know it works in overflow. Sadly the server is too good to ACTUALLY get into overflow.
So good its actually bad in this case.
My guild is currently maxed out and I can’t upgrade its size. Its been like this since the 25th september update.
in Guilds
Posted by: Rob.7624
Hey man,
I’m Rob and Guild Leader of “The Masters” Guild.
We’re a social guild, not a corporate mastermind. We don’t spam invite and we don’t spam your chat. Its what enables us to hand pick our gamers and mould them into True Game Masters, the pinnacle of Guildwars achievements.
I personally hate large guilds that you as a player join in the hope that its the right one for you.
But no one speaks, they all grind farm, no one knows your name or even cares anything about you. You are merely a number in the Roster. Another tick in the box that is a corporate guild.
Well, we decided to change that.
We are the Elite of the Northern Shiverpeaks server.
And We Welcome You to Fight by Our Side, Come Sit and Chat, Eat our Food, Enjoy our Spoils of War.
Because it is you who we are interested in. It is you who we want to see rise through the ranks of the Chosen.
Break the Generic Mould with us, and then match them blow for blow on the Battlefield.
Through Unity Comes Strength.
Through Hardship Comes Wisdom.
Its Your Choice.
Due to the guild being maxed out it may take a few days for us to invite you in (Since the guild size upgrade is currently bugged/broken).
We also have a website in the pipes which should be finished designing stage in the next few weeks. But come join us on our Teamspeak server
Choose Well.
Might as well start one here now.
Hey folks,
I’m Rob and Guild Leader of “The Masters” Guild.
We’re a social guild, not a corporate mastermind. We don’t spam invite and we don’t spam your chat. Its what enables us to hand pick our gamers and mould them into True Game Masters, the pinnacle of Guildwars achievements.
I personally hate large guilds that you as a player join in the hope that its the right one for you.
But no one speaks, they all grind farm, no one knows your name or even cares anything about you. You are merely a number in the Roster. Another tick in the box that is a corporate guild.
Well, we decided to change that.
We are the Elite of the Northern Shiverpeaks server.
And We Welcome You to Fight by Our Side, Come Sit and Chat, Eat our Food, Enjoy our Spoils of War.
Because it is you who we are interested in. It is you who we want to see rise through the ranks of the Chosen.
Break the Generic Mould with us, and then match them blow for blow on the Battlefield.
Through Unity Comes Strength.
Through Hardship Comes Wisdom.
Its Your Choice.
Choose Well.
(edited by Rob.7624)
Interesting, thank you.
Maybe they should make that clearer in the future.
Answer +1
It could be an old message that they used before they had the ip confirmation. Obviously something hasn’t been refined yet.
I would just like to say that if anyone else is reading this and going through the same thing, trolling the hacker by constantly swapping worlds is highly satisfying and should be done while its still free. (To which it should always stay free)
I personally think Anets database has been compromised. They will without a doubt deny it but the sheer ton of hacks is not because of phising sites and reusing the same password. Its the lack of protocol.
Still <3 you though Anet, you lil ragamuffins you.
Well, I can surely say that that was indeed an INTERESTING experience.
While online and ingame I was logged out with the error message that someone using another client had logged into my account.
I’m a 7year Guildwars veteran and I’ve seen these things come up as just being random errors. But as I tried to log in again and load up my Character I quickly discovered that I’d changed position on the map by the “Divinity Reach” load screen.
So I quickly asked friends through skype to check if I was online and what I was doing. Apparently my character was at the bank and then to the trading post obviously emptying my account of anything of worth. Screenshot taken by my friend: (With a lovely gold seller spam bot in the corner I might point out)
I’m no fool and I attempted to ‘shunt’ the hacker off my account like you used to be able to do in GW1 and basically what he had done to me. To no avail, he was possibly using a modified client.
So in classic style my friend started to abuse him and I began transferring my account from one server to the next in an attempt to slow him down, or just generally irritate him.
Anyway as this had been going on I’d checked my emails, changed its password as well as my guildwars accounts. Which didn’t log him off I might point out.
Some of my emails had been deleted and the bin emptied but I found this lodged in my spam box.
A log-in attempt from the following location is currently awaiting your
City: Fuzhou
Region: 07
Country: CN
(It was right at the same time that I was hacked)
So I’ve submitted a ticket to Anet and am waiting on a reply. I only hope that you can be kind enough to check the logs and give me my items and gold back with a character roll or other. But if you can’t (Well you can) can you at least screw this guy with a blacklist or something.
My items will be replaced as I’m in GW2 for the long haul, but the look on that guys face when he can’t access another NCsoft server is what I call priceless.
Oh yes and I might add. That email is redundant and dedicated to Guildwars. The password is also very long and very complex and also dedicated. I may have used the same pass for my email and account but theres no way it was phised from another site or another stolen database. It was your database that they must have gotten it from. Please investigate it over other minor issues.
Not affiliated with ArenaNet or NCSOFT. No support is provided.
All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.