Showing Posts For Rob.7624:

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


I can’t speak for NSP but I imagine that they disagree with how DB is staying competitive score wise (hint: it’s not because of your us prime time people) so that might be why they choose to target you guys instead of trying to fight DH.

Lol. If you use a word like “disagree”, then you’re opening up a whole world of complaints about “double teaming”. By saying it like that, you represent yourself as someone who is unhappy with the fact that DB has a strong night presence and your server does not, and is taking it out on the NA players.

Like Greens said, this point that you bring up is worded as a dig at DB NA players. Yes, it is a fact that our NA prime time isn’t as strong as DH nor NSP’s (hint: this has been the case forever, and we all acknowledged it). However, saying that you “disagree” with how DB stays competitive is almost an insult to both NA players and Oceanic players at the same time. Is it DB’s fault that they have a good Oceanic population? Is it a “bad” thing that they do? I don’t think so. I think we’re lucky. I think that puts us in a pretty good place competitively in WvW. We’re lucky as NA players, as it’d definitely be more difficult to try and recruit Oceanic players than it is NA players.

I say it’s an insult because whether or not DB has enough NA players to compete with prime time numbers of this tier, it’s not like the NA players aren’t fighting. It’s not like we’re just laying down and letting the Oceanic players do all the point gathering. We’re fighting as best as we can, and if we didn’t, there would be absolutely no chance we would stay competitive in this tier at all.

Now if you want to say that DB is being targeted because that’s the best way to keep DB from running away with points, then I can’t argue with that. If a team lacking coverage at a certain time is up against a team with good coverage during that time, then it’s a good idea to try and minimize the impact of that discrepancy. However, I can’t agree with your opinion that DB having Oceanic coverage is somehow something to “disagree” with.

Don’t open up this jar again by raising opinions like that, please. We have enough people complaining about “double teaming” in this forum as it is.

I see what you’re saying. And I can raise my hands and say that, “Hey, I can see the score and see that NSP cannot win this week.” That was evident since Saturday morning"

So the question as a Commander stands with me now. Who do I want to see win?
The blue server that hits us toe to toe during prime time with some wins and loses on both sides. Or the giant Lolfest that is the red server who caps points when the majority of us are asleep but can’t seem to muster very many when the big battle kicks up… ..O0o0oH tough one.

But then again I’m probably one of the worst affected by the oceanics since few people are on to help me defend the gear which usually falls to the most unbelievably unskilled players that I have honestly ever seen due to their sheer numbers.
Its seriously like fighting Russia. Little advanced weaponry but eventually you’re just going to run out of ammo.

Although double teaming some people may cry out is unfair.
Well dude, a DH commander this morning decided he was going to go against all logic and attack our rear flank.
Now, we had mustered a 30man zerg at that point but it was up north fighting Dragon.
As soon as scout reports came in you’ve never seen a zerg move that quickly.
I tore the guys out of a land locked battle and threw them straight at DH. Not much out of defence since we can hold that stuff with about 5 people. But to give you guys a shake.
After that DH started attacking Dragon as well because.. Dragon were now pushing down the NSP side and ANZ was basically a free steal.

You should know where this is going now. We pushed the Dragon out of NSP and back into the land locked place at Voleka while DH still plodded up to Mendons and took it.

This may look as if a double team is used. But its really just why attack a difficult target when you could attack someone with split forces? It only takes one Commander with a more dislike for a certain server than the other and BINGO, double slam.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


just wanna share our ram in the air lol

What a minute..

If this is just there now.. You have the noobest Commander on in the world.

NSP were carving a path through DB and you start attacking our rear even though you are only 10k points behind DB with 1 day left?
Where do your tactics even come from random commander.
Your spoiling our vengeance fun run against DB to challenge our 30man zerg?
Seeeriooousss brrrrooooo?

You know what I’m going to do now don’t you.

You know its coming.

Since its not just some pug zerg trying to wipe us.

Its on fools.

(attached is an SS of your map this morning before we took it from DB and wiped all their gear).


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


This has always been our weakest hour. and yet we survived to regroup and regain a point total over everyone. as of right now we are fighting back on 2 BL’s and EB. this hasn’t happened for over 5 weeks. not since the huge exodus to SoS.

we will see how the night play’s our. last week DH came out strong tonight and was able to contain our night crew which is what lead to them winning.

If it wasn’t for NSP and DH trying to swap keeps we couldn’t have regained our ground in EB

thank you very much.

I’m on Nightcrew commanding atm in Eternal. Just watching all of DH fall to a huge DB zerg (with little oranges crosses as I suspect few DH are online)
In NSP we have a 15man going and held our our keep and Langors. But I doubt we can keep them.
There is no opposition for DB at this time, and the only reason we still have what we have is because I’m European with a lot of friends.

Screen shot attached. (Since writing this we have lost QL)

Your night seems to be going well from the looks of it.
As always.


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


On the matter of “double teaming” against DragonBrand.

I have to say the fabled words,
Are you serious bro,
Do you even lift?

I mean, you are the leading server in points. And you are surprised that DarkHaven want to attack you?

And secondly.
As a noob Comamnder, you might see DarkHaven and DragonBrand tied up in a fire fight and think, “hmm, maybe I should attack the undefended Darkhaven rear”.
But that is where you earn your noob rank. If Darkhaven attack up the left side OFC we are going up your right LOL’ing all the way.
As you try and push DH out we are wiping your towers. And when DH are dead you come at us and we pull you out of your lands.
DH respawns and start to reclaim all the land that they already wiped that is all wood. And we do the same.

Why you cry? Why us?

Its because as a little boy growing up on a farm in the cold, dark mountains of the Northern Shiverpeaks. My mother used to tell me tales of other lands and how they were locked in endless battle with one another. How the blood and sweat of my forefathers had fought to keep the Shiverpeaks Great.
I grew up on these stories and the dreams of one day rising from the low peasant ranks to the Glorious title of Commander. To abide by the High King Ocularis’s law and violently remove his enemies from this world.

And I did, through many hard long years of the Royal Guard, whacking in zombies heads and stealing their shoes. I could finally afford an appeal to my Great King for the right to Command.

But alas, after many wars and swift victories wrought from our hands, allies leaving us for the favour of our enemies, we stumbled upon the vile stench that was DragonBrand.

They were followers of the Dark One the people said as we watched their hordes come over the lush green hills of the Eternal Battleground, each one bearing the brand of the Dragon, the Dragon that has broken the world and burnt all happiness out of a hundred generations in the stories of old.
And the hills, ERMAHGERD, seriously dudes we had spent some time gardening that and you went a made it all muddy, bloody and creator riddled..

But when we gathered our forces to lead the counter strike on our lands they were nowhere to be seen!
We laugh and rejoiced in celebration of our enemies retreat, our gleaming Sapphire armour would not have to be repaired on this day we thought. On this day we will return to our farms and our families. Play with our children and warm our feet by the fire.
But how we were wrong..
They came when we were sleeping. The hordes of blood red. Dashed our defences and murdered our Lords in their own homes. While we slept they built monsters of war, and tore at our Garrisons. Little was left when we left our families to return to the fight. Little hope remained in the land.
But we swore. Every single one of us swore. That the days of the Blood red horde were numbered. Because we knew of others who had faced equal destruction in their lands. Lands that they had thought were a Haven. Lands that now sought revenge as we did.

So you ask me why foul pleb? You ask me why we choose to raise the sword to your kind….

…Because LOL like I said you don’t even lift brah.
c: Hope you enjoyed.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Midnight US time on a sunday.

Excuse me, 1 am for most of us (Os Guild lives on the east coast mainly.)

Not night capping. Good show.

Don’t listen to her,
Os is all night crew.
They ride on the shoulders of the irish champions.

Oh and, if you are in EB from 3am to 6am. Then you are facing me.
Prepare. Your. Bum-Holio

Are you the Os officer with the t3 cultural armor? I think Guardian? Human male who likes to to run in ahead of his zerg?

Human male Guardian who run in ahead of the zerg is me.
I’m no officer though.
Thats almost certainly Brox, he does the exact same though except its more LOOOL, as an entire zerg tries to take him down and he just refuses to die.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Midnight US time on a sunday.

Excuse me, 1 am for most of us (Os Guild lives on the east coast mainly.)

Not night capping. Good show.

Don’t listen to her,
Os is all night crew.
They ride on the shoulders of the irish champions.

Oh and, if you are in EB from 3am to 6am. Then you are facing me.
Prepare. Your. Bum-Holio

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

11/30 - DB / NSP / DH

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


This is going to turn into a DB and DH fight soon. NSP is being left behind.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

DH vs NSP vs DB (11/23)

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Thanks TFV for not being rude and letting me get my puzzle done. I was the little asura thief.

Good guy NSP.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

DH vs NSP vs DB (11/23)

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Oh just to post a little something that you might like.

You know Dragonbrands keep that they’ve held onto all week?

See attached.

Thank you, thank you.
Snatched out of DH’s and DB’s hands


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Commanders need fixing

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


After coming back to this again today.
I’ve decided to not give another sensible response and to just say simply.

Commanders need to be more OP kthxbai


Stuff needs to be sorted out in WvW.
I’m sorry to say that its getting pretty boring doing the exact same tricks to flip a keep.
In the end it all depends on zerg size (with the 5 man cap) no matter what the Commander does.
But anyway, thats the simple truth of it.
I’d also like to see weekly alternating maps but I don’t suppose they’ll appear until an expansion is released.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

The WvW holy commandments!

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


3) Thou Shall not attempt to sway the server into assaulting a location for personal gain, merely support the server in the hopes that the needed location becomes viable to attack.

I protest about this Commandment.
Plenty of people whisper me about getting places for map completion.
I’m only happy to clear the map for a bit of gold.

Lol Jokes. But seriously.

Someone start paying me for claiming maps.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Smallscale WvW Server

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Seriously guys, European players should try and transfer to an American server. I’m from Ireland and I love playing on the USA server because of the huge time shift.

NSP’s prime time is perfect for gaming in the evening while in Europe and during the mornings it has a strong Nightcrew.
Come join, bring your friends.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild


in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


If everyone who uses ALT F4 when attacked stopped playing gw2 right this second.
Darkhaven wouldn’t have any players left.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Smallscale WvW Server

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


The peaks is the place you wanna be.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Who would you have in a 15 man roaming group?

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


15 mesmers and BAM. Your litter zerg just became 45 cloneman warfare.

By the six, that thought hurts my head….

Just try and imagine trying to target a mesmer in that zerg. There would be so many clones that you could defo fool an enemy into running away.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Who would you have in a 15 man roaming group?

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


15 mesmers and BAM. Your litter zerg just became 45 cloneman warfare.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

DH vs NSP vs DB (11/23)

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Fresh in from Eternal in WvW. NSP hitting hard with Golem train

How did that go?

We knocked down inner and outer. Went to SM and took it and then went back to DH keep and got wiped in lords room.



Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Will Commanders be added to?

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Commanders currently have the boring basics that really are the bare minimum. I’d like to see more functions appearing with different things so we can grow.

After all, a carpenter is only as good as his tools…

…And what we are at the moment is literally a walking talking rally point.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Commanders need fixing

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


They should also be able to put markers on the map also linked to their specific color.


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

How free server xfers ruined WvW for some

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


The Northern Shiverpeaks over the last few weeks has lost half of its big WvW guilds to other servers. Are we rolling over and dying? HA! NO!
We need big WvW guilds to join us sure, but we still annihilate on the battlefield simply because we throw all our PvE noobs at them.
I’d despise big WvW guilds who leave their home server because they are losing, its honestly just sad. But thats not Anets fault, its the small minded guild leaders.

NSP even though losing literally hundreds of players is still rising through the ranks. That stands as a testimony to our strength as a server. Battered but not broken.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Commanders need fixing

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


I like the coloured chat idea, and while they are on the topic of chat. Please get our excessive message limiter extended. We shout our Commands as they happen and its v.dangerous if we are silenced.

Commanders need more stuff. 100G for a blue dot without any useful Commanding emotes sucks.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

DH vs NSP vs DB (11/23)

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Fresh in from Eternal in WvW. NSP hitting hard with Golem train


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Darkhaven Hacking... Wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Er yeh man. Other guys from NSP have noticed it as well and I’m talking about 20-30 people.

Just this morning I ran into one who was immune and then took 0 dmg without an invulnerable buff or anything.
It lasted for quiet some time, maybe a few minutes before the guy ran off.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

DH vs NSP vs DB (11/23)

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Man, redbriar was a hotbed this morning in DH BL

I was the only commander on at the time and musterd as many people as i could to help defend it against Dragonbrand.

We defended it successfully and then outa knowhere NSP comes knockin with 2 catas and some rams. we held it for another 30 or so mins then had to retreat. At about that time more people from another Borderlands came over to help.

Was epic fun. At around that time the massive 60 man DH zerg started and we started hopping BLs, eventually going to EBG and taking SM. Was a fun morning.

And they all followed me cause i promised them horsies and ponies… silly lil zerglings. ^.^ broodmother loves you all.

Yeh sorry about that c:

You know we held those towers and keeps because we threw Dragonbrand at DH. You can imagine the fun I had moving our zergs around to get them to attack each other.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

N. Shiverpeaks vs Darkhaven vs Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


The current score and map overlook.

[During the end of DB Primetime and the start of DH prime time]



Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

How to counter Mesmer Portal in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Nothing can stop the portal other than rupting the Mesmer.

Once the portal is down all you can do it AoE bodyslam anything that comes through.
I love my guardian for this.

Reaper of Grenth keeps them balled.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

N. Shiverpeaks vs Darkhaven vs Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Making this to be used for this weeks fight.
Dump your stuff guys, we want to know all the info.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Far Shiverpeaks v Piken v Kodash (23/11)

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Oh I sometimes I think I should transfer into my proper timezone.
I’m an EU gamer with allegiances to a USA server.
Northern Shiverpeaks is the Far Shiverpeaks’s Yankie cousin though. We <3 you.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Suggestion for commanders

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


What happens if I’m trying to rally up a zerg and I get killed as a defenceless Commander?
And secondly, I lead the charge. I’m not a stupid range or cowardly Commander who stands near the back afraid of getting a bit of muck on my shiny armour.
Its not a bloodlust, its just good business.

Oh and on the note of Commanders shouting over each other.
It simply doesn’t happen, PvE Commanders or “noobs with com” generally talkittentle and get ignored compared to the consistent WvW Commanders who everyone knows, loves and trusts.
And every half decent WvW Commander knows all the other Commanders so if you’ve got a problem it usually boils down to your guild.
I mean, if say [OBEY] guild Commander and guildies are leading a zerg then why in hell would I step in there, say as a [LOL] guild Commander, and order them about. No one does that.
And then inside my guild, the [Os] guild, we have a hierarchy anyway. Inwhich I’ll shadow the ranking Commander and reinforce his/her wishes.

Simple. Social. Understanding.

I’m not suggesting like a regular commander with just a flag and buffs
He could be like a juggernaut with lots of health and plenty of knockbacks like the guardian elite or a really loud shout that fears alot of people

As for switching from commander to non commander make the buffs attached the commander himself if he goes down or switchs out buffs go away

The cooldown on a fear skill that would mimic a normal attack skill would be lethal in WvW. And I’m a Guardian anyway, I passively heal my zerg and add might etc as I run about. I couldn’t see the benefits unless they are extreme. I can just picture people now constantly being scattered about by fear and running back and forth.. Snoooooore. Theres not fun in that.
Don’t get me wrong, its a good idea even though I’d dislike it personally. But anything Anet came up with would either ruin WvW because it would be too Overpowered or ruin the Commander rank, to which the Commanders would probably disappear and WvW would descend back into its less organised and boring state.

(Lol I keep adding things to this)

I get targeted anyway by enemies because they can see my Commander buff tag without a Giant “Hello come kill me because I’m important” banner above my head. Even with the same HP as a Champion you can’t last very long in battle against a Keep or Towers siege which would surely be raining down on me.

Oh and on different coloured Commander tags for Attack, defence etc.
As a Commander you switch from attack and defence so often that that would be really pointless.
I have supply teams running behind me as I attack a tower. Only a terrible Commander would be doing one thing at a time.
But I heard talk ages ago that Commander wasn’t finished and that we are supposed to have ‘unique’ emotes, like /Defend and /Attack
Not sure what they are supposed to do though, probably a map shout.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

Suggestion for commanders

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


What happens if I’m trying to rally up a zerg and I get killed as a defenceless Commander?
And secondly, I lead the charge. I’m not a stupid range or cowardly Commander who stands near the back afraid of getting a bit of muck on my shiny armour.
Its not a bloodlust, its just good business.

Oh and on the note of Commanders shouting over each other.
It simply doesn’t happen, PvE Commanders or “noobs with com” generally speakittentle and get ignored (because they are just there to be wannab’s) compared to the consistent WvW Commanders who everyone knows, loves and trusts.
And every half decent WvW Commander knows all the other Commanders so if you’ve got a problem it usually boils down to your guild.
I mean, if say [OBEY] guild Commander and guildies are leading a zerg then why in hell would I step in there, say as a [LOL] guild Commander, and order them about. No one does that.
And then inside my guild, the [Os] guild, we have a hierarchy anyway. Inwhich I’ll shadow the ranking Commander and reinforce his/her wishes.

Simple. Social. Understanding.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

Please fix the thief. This is unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


You can hate on the guy all you want, but hes just trying to emphasise a point that does need fixing.
And hey, so what if he flails about in WvW.
More kills for us.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

just some thought on wvw annoyances

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Golems, well yesterday for example I saw sos built 8 trebs, they chained portal them across jq map and took entire fully upgraded map in 10 minutes. 10 minutes for an entire side…… jeez…either you got to have some kind of golem limit or don’t allow them to use waypoints or portals, or actually both. 8 golems in a zerg are not defendable. You will lose everything in minutes.

My apologies for only quoting this part of your post. But this is the only part I felt like I could really cry foul on.
Last week we had an amusing incident with the Sorrows Furnace server.
We generally ignore them as they had basically given up on WvW as we’ve been paired with them for nearly 4 weeks straight and beaten them badly each week.

But one night they showed up with a 35man zerg. Pretty impressive you say? And they started chewing up the other side of the map as we ourselves were at Stalemate with the DragonBrand server over their keep.

Anyway, we noticed that our towers were being totally slammed and overrun in less that a few minutes each, and in the 3months playing WvW I’ve never witnessed this before. They dropped like flies to this SF swarm.

Why? Do I bring this up?
You were astounded at an 8 man Golem Team?
This was a 17 man Golem team with 5 Omega’s and 12 Alphas.

Well we thought this was hilarious so we ditched DB and stormed back to Brovast (Eternal Battleground). Because of the slow moving Golems we flattened them in a few minutes.
Oh yeh a few of the Omegas managed to port out but honestly Golems are just big lardballs. They are great if no one is defending, but even two players can kill an Alpha with ease.

What I’m trying to say here is, Golems no matter how many of them there are. Basically suck compared to real offensive speed.
You can slam dunk and tier 3 keep just as quickly with rams and its cheaper too.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Guild Perk: WvW Commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rob.7624


Right so, I’ve post the message below before on an exact same board 2 days ago.
Thanks for bringing up this topic again.

Ok I’m coming back to this conversation and I’m going to quickly reply on the topic of Commanders should be guild based.
That is a horrible and nasty idea.
There are Guild Commanders on NSP who have no clue how to properly Command (They gained the title by spamming invites and constantly asking people for donations).
But because they have a zerg of guildies to mindlessly follow them around they seem to think they are amazing. And even try and talk down other more regular Commanders such as myself.
Good Commanders do no require a guild with everyone inside a vent to conquer a map. Good Commanders can pull every last random from every last corner of the map into their zerg and co-ordinate them as if you’ve just written down step by step instructions.
Thats is what it means to be a decent Commander, to unite the server under one figurehead and lead them on.
Not to have some pure breed guild trash stomping around and pushing other players out of WvW, any half active guild can have 200k Influence faster than 100G. Easy fact.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

What is your favorite class to pick on?

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


As a Guardian, I enjoy hunting down Thieves. They think they’re real cool until they realize I can still hit them with Binding Chains while they’re stealthed.

You can’t imagine the amount of people who think they are bad kitten thieves and could solo me any day. This game needs 1vs1 because I want to see the look on their toons faces when you shock horror them with Chains, Knockdown and blade interrupt.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

What is your favorite class to pick on?

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


The simple answer is everyone. I am a non-bias killer and think they should all die with equal swiftness.

I’m a Gsword Guardian (oh yeh how original) and what basically happens when I attack a zerg is I essentially ‘bomb’ them.

Its my own build but for your skills builders out there its similar to the ‘Reaper’ build.

What happens is I used my elite, Reaper of grenth with causes Chill and poison with each strike to an enemy. Chill being my main reason for using it. Immobilise a player for even 5 seconds and that player will be annihilated.

But I use ‘Judges intervention’ (Atleast I think thats what its called) which is a teleport skill with a range of 1200. Which enables me to port directly into the centre of the zerg that is the most dense.
To maximise what I want to do I use ‘Binding Blade’ to pull all the target I can close to me, this balls up a huge amount of players onto my position while interrupting whatever they were doing.
I then proceed to use whirling wrath while forming a circular motion to ‘spread the butter’ so to speak. And throw all of the chill and poison all over the enemy zerg. Whiling wrath will also do a huge amount of damage by itself because of all my power.
I then roll about and use ‘Leap of Faith’ as well as ‘Retreat’ combined with my Aegis to block any impact that I am by now surely receiving and hopefully stay alive.

Doing I can help my 15man zerg take down a 30man zerg as I basically remove half of their players from the equation.

This is why I do not target players in a game that is designed to be balanced. Because I’m annoying enough to assist my team in taking them all down.

I don’t know why I told you all this.
But I’ve converted plenty of people to my Guardian ways.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

WvW - Commanders Badge should be a WvW reward

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Ok I’m coming back to this conversation and I’m going to quickly reply on the topic of Commanders should be guild based.

That is a horrible and nasty idea.
There are Commanders on NSP who have no clue how to properly Command. But because they have a zerg of guildies to mindlessly follow them around they seem to think they are amazing. And even try and talk down other more regular Commanders such as myself.
Good Commanders do no require a guild with everyone inside a vent to conquer a map. Good Commanders can pull every last random from every last corner of the map into their zerg and co-ordinate them as if you’ve just written down step by step instructions.
Thats is what it means to be a decent Commander, to unite the server under one figurehead and lead them on.

Not to have some pure breed guild trash stomping around and pushing other players out of WvW.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

WvW - Commanders Badge should be a WvW reward

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Well commander tags are useful in pve as well, like for the orr chain events, so I can see why it would cost gold. But I really think they need to have two different colored tags, blue for pve 100g, red for pvp 200badges. Still run into the trouble of people just doing the jump puzzle for the badges, but well at least they will still have to go through some pvping in order to earn it. Either way eventually people take notice of the good commanders anyways.

200 badges? I’ve got nearly 800. It would have to be like 1,000 badges. 4 stacks of them in the Mystic forge.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Thieves and capping points...again.

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


I agree with this, my 40man zerg has been held up by a random perma stealth sin while taking a camp.

You can’t honestly expect to but a nearly indestructible class in a PvP scenario and have people not demand its removal.
Stick some “stealth sickness” on it or remove its ability to cap the point altogether.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

WvW - Commanders Badge should be a WvW reward

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


I’m a Commander for the Northern Shiverpeaks server and I have to say I find this ridiculous.
Commanders are simply a form of co-ordination, you do not have to follow us if you don’t want to.
So we are wealthy? We are successful? What of it, you can make 10G on a good day in WvW.
I spend a disgusting amount of time in WvW and usually take it upon myself to carry enough siege to wipe the entire map as well as enough gold to reinforce it. Thats simply just economics and in fact its essential in winning WvW. If you don’t upgrade you will lose.

But yeh guys, I’m wasn’t always a good Commander. Everyone has to start somewhere. I’d WvW’ed a lot before buying Commander. Enough to say that I deserved it, but I was a PvE farmer and who wants one of those to lead them?

But leading a zerg is something you have to have down to a fine art if you want to do it tactically. Which is what separates a crap Commander and a good one. It takes a hell of a lot of practice to memorize the sequences as well as the places where its best to engage an enemy zerg so that your guys have the terrain advantage. But what a few people don’t actually know is that Commander training is a growing thing since more and more people are becoming one and I urge anyone who is close to Commander to get at least a few hours in with a veteran.

Attached is this weeks NSP current WvW status.
Our Commanders work united.
And our players know that.


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

Guild Banquet Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rob.7624


Guild Banquets will not spawn for me or other guild members with the correct powers.
I’d like to make you aware of this because our Halloween party is sucking! Haha

It is an old guild (first day of headstart) and the Banquet has been sitting complete for a while too.
Thats the only thing I can think that would affect it. I’ve tried relogging, trying in another area and unrepresenting my guild.

When I hit active nothing happens.

Is anyone else having this issue? It is in Lions Arch

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Arah Explore Dungeon Extremely overpowered

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rob.7624


He NEVER one shoted me or anyone in my group. If you read the description, he basicly used almost all his abilities on me so it’s “normal” for me to go down since I will be out of roll.
My first down was actually 2 hit of the circles, not 1 shot. Everything he does is avoidable, you just need to spec and play properly.
There is no way you’re getting one shot with 22k HP.

And how am I trolling you when I posted a video on how we did it?
It’s not overtuned, you just need to know his abilities and know when to roll / avoid red circles on the ground.

I was referring to posts like this,
“If he is instantly wiping out your team in phase two, you’re doing it wrong. Clearly amateurs.”

I’ve done Lupus a dozen times all unsuccessful with various teams. Although I do admit the majority of those teams consisted of melee units, but we were using ranged weapons on phase 2 due to crowd control.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Arah Explore Dungeon Extremely overpowered

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rob.7624


If he’s instantly downing a player with 22k hp, then he must’ve eaten a lot of grubs.

He was +2 Empowered.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Arah Explore Dungeon Extremely overpowered

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rob.7624


You are clearly doing something wrong, its either you actually don’t know the strat for the boss or you’re full glass cannon with 10k hp .
Here is a video of Giganticus Lupicus:

Even the people in this video are being instantly downed after one attack as well as complaining how the boss can hit you “mid-roll”.
I only watched a minute of this video and this information is apparent.
As for a glass cannon, my character is a 22k HP Guardian Tank with exotic sigiled armour. It still instantly downs me as well as being able to spam the rest of my team.
So if two of us go down at the same time (which is very likely due to aoe) then its basically a loss. Since the aoe will strike again in the same place.

I’m not here to troll or be trolled by you guys.
Nobody cares about how big and bad you are. I’ve spoken to several people who all agree with me that its too overpowered.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Arah Explore Dungeon Extremely overpowered

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rob.7624


I know theres been complaints about the dungeons being too easy. And this is true.
With the exception of the Arah dungeon.

Route 3 is the only route that I have successfully been able to reach the final boss. Gigantis Lupas.
And its a complete joke.

For the first phase you can take him easily with a simple little slap slap range.
But as soon as phase two kicks in he can instantly wipe out your team, with no chance for a res.
The Waypoint is also miles away from the boss. Its insanity.

We aren’t amateurs and we don’t “suck”.
With the best gear in the game and a team thats very familiar with this dungeon Gigantus continues to allude us even when we are using the correct strategy.

Please fix this “Gigantic” error. Its infuriating.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Am I the only one who wants Collector's Edition dances?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rob.7624


More animations are defo coming because things like /agree don’t register as not existing. But the game is just empty. Its a shell of what a finished game should be.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Theres something missing in Guildwars2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rob.7624


Hey guys,
Just really wanted to put down a few of my thoughts that should ultimately lead to suggestions.

I’m pretty sure we can all agree that GW2 isn’t perfect.
I personally think that its as if Anet has just gotten this fantastic engine and amazing graphics, and sort of wasted it.
The games pretty shallow, I honestly have no caring for the storyline whatsoever (especially the final boss). Its just like they slapped some story over the top of everything else.
I like this Dynamic event idea, but seriously most of them aren’t really dynamic. So undynamical in fact that there are plenty of bot farms and that speaks for itself.

I mean, today we (my guild) were being boring and running dungeon routes (to get the 5 only sets of actually decent armour in the game) when we came across a sub-boss in Arah. Yes thats right, not even a real boss. That specialised in and I quote “Extreme damage at long range”.
I mean seriously Anet what were you smoking when you thought of that one. This sub-boss can hit you with a spam skill at over 1200, (your max range) with 50k damage. Instantly killing anyone.
But moving past all that and back to the main point. Why isn’t there more content in the game? You’ve had years to do it. I’m an old GW1 player and I heard about GW2 a long long time ago. So you’d think once the player hit lvl80 it wouldn’t be a complete snorefest. Seriously a locked skills bar with only a handful of optional skills to choose from? I think you must be having a laugh. What on earth made you think anyone would be happy with that. Nearly all Melee players use exactly the same skills in combat. Theres only a few good sets of armour and weapons. Most people use magic find (which I honestly think doesn’t work yet) and most people are in a big alliance associated guild. You’ve essentially made all GW2 players clones of each other.
I’ve even gone and decided to build a large communal guild to keep me occupied. But because of that GENIUS idea in which you can join 5 guilds very few players have even the slightest emotional attachment to their guild. And even more just make their own 3 person guilds and never join another.
Its really uncool and brings nothing like the joy of GW1. Sometimes less is more guys.

So I suggest that you hire more staff to feed the game some lovely new code that’ll make it nice and fat. Because its like a malnourished skeleton at the moment.
Oh and please give us the option to kill Trahearn (or whatever his pompous face is called) at the end. Seriously no one knows who that guy even is.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

Vera is an Exotic Great Sword?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rob.7624


Whether or not it is unrelated, wasn’t really my point…Game creators and designers more often then not in big games will put in pop cultural references all over their games, GW2 included. So my point more or less is should this one be changed or not?

God has spoken.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Hard Mode would solve a lot of problems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rob.7624


Anet was laughed at for adding HM to GW1.
They won’t make that mistake twice I can guarantee it.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Bot solution - Glob of Dolyak Dung

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rob.7624


Bring back the Dhuum ban.

Bring back the Dhuum ban, like a sir.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

Vera is an Exotic Great Sword?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rob.7624


This post may seem unhelpful but it is actually quite the opposite as I believe I speak for the general population when I say,

Wtf is Firefly and why does it matter?
I’m pretty sure the Asuran gates look like Stargates. But you don’t see me demanding a name change, or to have Colonel Jack O’Neill storming through the introduction to them.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild