there is still condition meta and necro same op as before
maby teams in teamQ dont play it – cause the other team counters necro easy with a hammermonkey
but in soloQ nothing changed with necro – they still very op and for everyone the same as before
when anet bring a more op class the other op class still op – same goes for spiritranger and s/d thief
there are always 2 sides
when penalty for leaving than they go afk ingame or jsut troll around
first arenanet should remove the anoying/frustrating parts – than can talk bout. This alone would reduce Leavers alot.
Yes it sux when have to play 4v5 but sometimes i can understand this guyz and yesterday i was one too. My first match soloQ Skyhammer – bäh – than Spiritwatch – Bäh – Another 2x Skyhammer and again spiritwatch with 4 warriorz in enemyteam and staffele + thief in my team pointz was 350:50 or something and i was soo anoyed from this game so i turned it off and had some fun with friends.
first remove skyhammer and spiritwatch from soloQ and nerf finaly necro and warrior
than we can think bout the other things
(edited by Romek.4201)
dont sell them soon
price will go up
first with armor asc-patch and after this we will have someday jeweller craft to 500 AND we will have precursor scavage hunt
this means everyone and there dog can make a precursor and will go to make a legendary – so t6 mats will be very very rare
plz bring never perplexity runes in spvp
dont saw any good bunker engi for months now – its just gimmick and not rly viable
everyone can say this or this is OP but at the end its just thin air and useless whining
noone even consider to play it so yeah its for sure op^^ – bring a proof or something
(edited by Romek.4201)
only problem now i see is some classes/builds have to use special runes and there is no way they can use any others – this is something what you guyz should adress before add new ones
guardian HAVE to use Soldier runes – so give a guardian trait the soldier #6bonus and nerf/change soldier runes
Thief HAVE to use Lyssa (lyssa is op^^) – so give them somehow the #6 bonus (not all the buffs but aqtleast stability for 5 sec + some condiremove) and nerf lyssa
and other runes
dont just add new runes cause my guardian will never can use it before you change soldiers^^
mix pve and pvp daily
both rewards in one chest
and both dailys in a list where i need 5-7 to complete it
it should be done – wvw and pve is one too
i would it fix with
format whereeverskyhammerislocated:
oh i want a log for my matches too so i can see my last 100 (or more) matches what show me which map, won or lose, and playernames, and ranking i had before this match
can make this in statistics (where can see my matches won/lose and rank ….)
i want better combat log and MABY at end a full combatlog.txt for better analyze.
A nice inGame analyze would be cool too. Something like a map i can watch per 10 second turn or something and READ what everyone has done. Really cool it would be when this save matches and i can watch my last 10 matches or even more^^
and the combat info on right side from screen at top from minimap where i see which important spell hit enemy/teammate or kill enemy/teammate i wanna see in mid from my screen – top from hp bar
(edited by Romek.4201)
i dont see any problem with matchmaking – matchmaking is fine
most matches are very close this means matches are balanced and i dont had any 4v5 or whatever – only one and i was the leaver cause disconect
before matchmaking change i played only for champion title and was falling from rank 300 down to 80% or 70%
now with new matchmaking i win more games than i lose and back to 700 cause i dont face any stacked team anymore – much better
when you lose only than i guess your mmr is just to high for your skill or you are paired with new playerz all day
for this just make entry lvl 20 and @Justin plz dont do this forcing builds/classes thing for soloQ – soloQ is fine
PUSH because it going on ma nerves
look this
3x same message from 3 different accounts in 10 minutes?
you can see i reported them + blocked them
they spam same message all day – why this cant be filtered?
arenanet even care about this reports?
and ban stupid goldbuyers too – they are reason why this guyz do this
biggest problem with condis is they can be bursty
condis should be damage over time and not do the big damage when applicate
- skills should do powerdamage OR condidamage – never both
- perfect it would be when first ticks would be low to later high damage at end so it reward me when i remove it not with the first tick and it reward the necro when he apply the condis and stop with cool fearplay or the engi with knockbacks the target to remove it
sure cleaning spells for this should have animations so can be interrupted – but this should have everything ingame
but this change would make condis not so brainless
- inGame Leaderboard
- Skins and runes/sigils different slots so i can change skin whenever i want
- remove showing ranks at end from game
- templates
- hotjoinQ show how many people ingame and not spectators – noone care for spectators
dont understand the OP
Ascendent weapons are ALT friendly too – i can craft this with one crafter for all my alts and can get them faster than i get rings or amulets for them
could understand this when weapon or armor is souldbound but they are accountbound so no point here – thread is just QQ
ye and all this threads made by lordrosicky^^
a warrior defending warrior class in his current state have to be a rly bad warrior/player who fear he will never be on the rank again where he is now while smashing his face on keyboard
this is NOT about what you want and this is NOT about Skyhammer – this is about the process to create map, the work they have to do for a mapand Skyhammer is only a example (they could use every other map too)
so when you care bout than ask question for it – when not than ignore it
so some questions^^
1. how many people work on a map
2. how long for this?
3. how you decide the map is good to go public? when no bugs on map? when deisgner think they are happy how it looks? when your pvp testers sys wow this map is good? fun? – all of this?
4. on how many projects you work at same time? on how many maps^^
just no
than they can remove it and fix it for months wherever they want but not FORCE players to play on it a competive mode
this map is clearly broken and not to remove it from soloQ is just an insult
make a button on tournament npc to join a special Que where this Player join up to go as 5th in a 4v5 Match
let only rank 30+ and atleast 100 tournamentwins que for this
give this guy big reward for winning and NOTHING for losing so he will trie his best to help and not just troll – something like double or triple rank+ glory for winning
ignore mmr so help will be fast – the team already had to fight some time 4v5 so doesnt matter when now a higher guy comes in and carry and when mmr is very low than atleast it is no 5v5
(edited by Romek.4201)
and warrior too
lol is only better cause it has an surrender button^^
the point is how much gold you get just by selling all your blues and greens to npc/TP per hour?
1g? 2g? + the other loot you will use
how much gold you make with this methode per hour?
so for me sitting 5+ hours per day for this methode is not worth the effort when i can make the %MF faster with ecto salvage + selling the dust in minutes and have faster my max 300 to can sell the blues/greens again
thats 5 hours playtime per day – you get this gold per hour easy when champfarm or make dungeons in same time – dont know when its worth to sit for this down^^
its not always you lose ranking – other people play and win the game and they bypass you
20 bolt of wool
10 bolt of cotton
20 bolt of linen
50 bolt of silk
per day
when its same like the leather wood and metal refinement
what would be more banned when each team can ban 1 class before the match start?
warrior + necro or ele + thief?
lol they write this thread everywhere – wvw pve …. just copy/paste
you guyz should not think they read this here (maby Justin will)
go maby in the wvw thread or pve – there is a chance^^
it IS Inflation
we have to much gold ingame – we had inflation when ppl farmed CoF all day and now after all this farmevents and with this rly stupid championfarm its over the top
months ago 5g or 10g was something – now 50-100g is nothing and easy farmed and so everyone has enough money for gems
arenanet has to stop championfarm and bring more goldsinks
or just craft ectos and salvage and you have this mf faster and it dont need hours per day^^ and make the profit when start selling all greens again^^
(edited by Romek.4201)
necro not op in foefire mid cause enough room
spiritwatch would be so cool would they change orbposition with midpoint^^
and make the new mid point big and without water – big fast teamfights and the ssmart ppl can go for orb or sit on homepoint forever and make ownteam in mid outnumbered^^
how title says
make unlimited Gathering Toolz and Minis like you have done the Unlimited Finishers and i will buy them all
but for now its anoying to send the toolz from char to char so i just buy normal toolz or have my minis in my bank and cant use when i want/or send them always in bank when wanna store my materials
wvw would be already dead without rewards – thats why we have wxp chests now
ye i understand this but how this point system should work?
i mean whats wrong with engi defending homepoint and another engi make farpointassaulter?
and plz understand im not against this^^ i just throw in my arguments before its to late^^
but would this not force everyone to play one exact meta and you decide which one?
i know it could work when have to join as bunker closedefender or wtfsuperman but would take alot from “freedom” too
i saw in soloQ 2 mesmers on farpoint complete match making cool portal play in enemy base killing there boss on 200 pointz and fighting there team in there base->farpoint
or Ultima (not this deus guy – the real ultima from MiM^^) always invating farpoint and hold it from start till end
or full dps team just destroying enemyteam everywhere with fast rotating/roaming
i mean how can we say this is exact the meta we have to paly and this is how this game have to be played?
ye there was some proteams which decided to go with 1 guard in mid 1 close defender and ……
why i should not can say i go with another guy far and we ignore mid?
dont think this is good idea to force a meta …… how i said before overpopulated classes in soloQ should be fixed by balancing team and not a filter
and will you make this mapbased?
How you can decide who will go treb to filter corect class or build for him? saw bunkerguard do wonders there or portalmesmer.
how will this work in skyhammer?
or spirit? the guard is orbrunner and who will do the 2 points?
i dont think you can do for this filters^^
(edited by Romek.4201)
okok sry dont saw^^
but i will trie – im not in spvp anymore cause cant play tournaments with lag or DC so im just in town playing TP
/IP gives
in CMD /tracert gives:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Routenverfolgung zu [] über maximal 30 A
1 <1 ms 1 ms <1 ms deleted
2 39 ms 32 ms 23 ms deleted
3 34 ms 29 ms 43 ms deleted
4 29 ms 28 ms 26 ms deleted
5 50 ms 49 ms 46 ms
6 57 ms 42 ms 43 ms []
7 43 ms 44 ms 45 ms xe-4-1-0.XT2.FFT1.ALTER.NET []
8 41 ms 46 ms 50 ms ae1.GW8.FFT4.ALTER.NET []
9 59 ms 43 ms 40 ms
10 46 ms 43 ms 43 ms []
11 53 ms 48 ms 35 ms []
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Ablaufverfolgung beendet.
Zeitüberschreitung = Timeout in german^^
*deleted my IP´s^^
and you can transmute it to gossamer – cheaper than to buy gossamer
bolts too
you will need 50 bolt of silk per day to make the ascented cloth material
lost now 2 games cause big lagspikes and DC + yesterday 1 game too
my internet is fine – tested everything and everything works and nothing changed in last months
my last game in spiritwatch we was 2 people disconecting at same time and logged back in same time
dont know but there is something not working on your side
same problem – startet today
some random lagspikes
first i had this in the morning in wvw and now last 2 soloQ matches
it feels like someone is DDOSing me^^
never had any lag before and internet is fine – nothing changed to the months before
edit: oh my last match on spiritwatch we was 2 people with disconect at same time and came back same time
so this have something to do with the game or your servers
(edited by Romek.4201)
some Tip of the day when join a match in the first minute can help too
“one is enough to cap a point”
“leaving lost fights is not losing”
“dont make your team fight outnumbered”
“dont go svanir while your team is heading mid”
“dont fight your own team – be nice in chat”
“nice to be important but its more important to be nice”
something like this
when see often enough it can teach ppl^^
And a little round based boardgame can teach ppl the tactic and how to win and how to rotate^^
roundbased, 5 stones per side and 3 points to cap,
game would be
Round 1 – i can send my 5 stones to A B or C
i send 2 to A and 3 to B non to C
Round 2 – PC show me what enemy would do
he send 1 C and 4 B
- mid lost all my stones dead and respawn
Round 3 – i now from respawn
1 to A and 2 to C
Round 4 – PC have 1 C 4 mid
he send 3 from mid to A and let 1 B and 1 C
now pc fight outnumbered A and C and i win this round
something like this
(edited by Romek.4201)
cap 8 hours? you can stack them?
lol never tried
have full stack in bank and dont know how much on different chars – i never use them^^
dont wanna watch videos or twitch channels and MOST players dont care bout outgame resources
we need ingame tutorials
activities give atm glory and rank
than they are not TOP Players
when you join a match than you have your team – your team is not your enemy, what you have to fight with stupid chat or afk or bad playing or whatever
they are YOUR team and YOU have to do your best to win and when not than you just dont deserve to win and will go down in ranking
its a filter who is rly pro and who need to be carried to be top^^
edit: and being top 100 in the old leaderboard dont mean you are top player – NOW you can proof you are top or just a wannabe^^
(edited by Romek.4201)
report him for griefplay
no rightclickoption
go gamemenue->Suppourt
there you can write – make area spvp and block progress – and than write what happen – you even can send screenshot with this
they dont have this in NA so they dont know^^
(edited by Romek.4201)
a big problem for 4v5 and AFKs is acutal balance too
when i see 4 hammermonkeys in enemyteam and have thief + ele in my team i know we lose 100% – there is noway we can win this and i understand when ppl give up and go afk
first arenanet have to fix all the cheese and facerolling in this game and have to be faster with hotfixing/nerfing OP Builds – this months waittime for a fix kills most fun in this game
and when you see 3-4 per class in 1 team and this often than this is no matchmaking problem – it is fail balancing cause lowbobs always paly the cheesebuilds
overpopulated classes/builds are very often OP Classes/builds and have to be nerfed
this would fix alot from this 4v5 problems
oh – and @Grouch when do this afk fixes plz fix finaly autoheal or autoattacks dont stop
the timer and are afk too
atm its easy to go afk everywhere in the world – even wvw – just alt+rightclick on heal and done
edit: map can be a reason too for afk – SKYHAMMER
(edited by Romek.4201)
this notes are fake and made from the datamined chatcodes