When you dont wanna do the things needed to aquire an item than you dont need this item. Simple.
Crafting is not hard. And its cheap to lvl. There is no other reason to avoid crafting than to be lazy.
You have unlimited Room in TP. High Volume Items like t1-5 Cloth i buyd and listed on 30%+ again.
Noone has room to store 100.000s items
lol i would never wait a hour for a match – before i would delete the game^^
even waittimes now is hard borderline
Nope -speculators dont buy now, they alraedy did months ago. Now buy the casual speculators and People who think they are smart by prebuying overpriced materials for next week
yesterday i sold 150k jutescrap to 20 copper buyd for 10, 100k woolscrap for 80 coppper buyd for 45 , alot linen and cotton, some gossamer scrapss and 30 bolt of gossamer – tons other stuff
still have some for the patch – but speculators allready made their money back and go for the next^^
teamQ should never have higher priority in the state it is right now
before there have to be a team ladder and teamQ have to be join as team only
when not than teamQ is just farming randoms and should never be rewarded at all
or make it reward higher only when 5ppl team vs 5 ppl team
people dont even want this in hotjoin^^ – i played this week some hotjoins and always when skyhammer comes in rotation half the players are gone and joined other servers
nothing worth to celebrate
you can easy farm them in lowlvl events/eventchains
trie in Harathi the eventchain up to Ulgoth
there drop soooo many bags/items you can salvage -most stuff you asked for you can fidn there and FASTER than you would have to farm some nodes
not everything whats passive is bad cause its passive
dont jump the train cause the cool kids said so
in gw2 the classes are defined by passive traits. We would hav only 5 skills + 3 utility + heal and elite to say this is THE class without the passives.
seriously in gw2 the traits make the class and when you face a thief, mesmer, ele whatever than you see the complete build makeing the thing what is fighting you.
I agree OP passives which give you advantage over your enemy by doing nothing than jsut being there is bad design and have to be removed. But there are passives like remove a condi all 10 sec on guardians or thiefs heal in stealth – such things
this is defining the class – so plz stop this witchhunt on everything what is passiv cause this is just stupid
when you see a trait/spell which is op (and theirs a lot ingame) then discuss bout this trait/spell but not everything whats passiv
thx for your time
in cdi thread is the sugeestion to change glory booster to rank booster
lets hope^^
no – its just a roadmap^^
they can change the points and ranks how ever it is needed cause the post is only to show the idea to have streamlined ranks from 10k
not hard to make the start ranks shorter^^
to be more accurate and numbers from wiki
1 rabbit
5 Deer (46500)
12 Dolyak (121500)
27 Wolf (271500)
72 Tiger (721500)
147 Bear (1471500)
297 Shark (2971500)
747 Phoenix (7471500)
897 Dragon (8971500)
edit not to make new post^^
i like the idea from glory booster to rank booster – make this happen please
(edited by Romek.4201)
Dont remove rank and change it more like the wvw wxp-progress
how i would change it?
atm we need 9000000 rankpoints for dragon finisher
would look like: (per level 10k rankpoints)
100 Rabbit finisher
200 Deer
300 Dolyak
400 Wolf
500 Tiger
600 Bear
700 Shark
800 Phoenix
900 Dragon
would be exact same system we have right now but changed to wvw format.
so you can give in spvp per level a chest like you do in wvw and people would FEEL they do some progress
you could easily calculate from the rankpoints a player have the new ranks
(edited by Romek.4201)
and whats bout “LF 4 ppl to afk farming gold in teamQ” ?
noone will report than for afk^^
biggest + point they could make (atleast from me ) would be when they would stop to trie to counter clearly OP mechanics with other op mechanics.
How they did with overbuffing Necro and dont adress the Necro Problem but give warrior tools to counter this Opness. Worsed thing ever they did and there are some others too.
But the Problem is me the Comsumer is forced to have to play this for MONTHS and i dont wanna test this ideas from arenanet – i buyd the product and i wanna play the product
Mr. NevirSayDie
You are right – really. I know your are right – but the point which kitten me is I have to play the beta test for all this changes. And i dont wanna beta test all this things. They have Proffesionals for this. They get paid fot this and what ever.
I could agree with hey this 1-3 days or whatever is a test could you please help us?
But maaaan they ask there consumers not even to be a PAID beta tester. They dont even give the game to us they force us to be a kitten beta tester and they really think we should have fun in this MONTHS.
THIS is what really anoy me
they just do it for MONTHs
atleast it feels like
(edited by Romek.4201)
can you explain for a noob what your ladder is about?^^
im sure you have some thought behind this and so on
but whatever you say i cant make a picture
how works this ladder?
how we are placed there in matchups?
how works your filter you talking bout in this?
dear arenanet
we, the playerz play the game all day and we the playerz dont have the mood to wait months.
you released your product 1 year ago and its time you start to realise you released it^^
it is so anoying to play this game and fight all this obviously broken mechanics and your “let it settle down to find his meta” and " we shave a bit here and there" is not enough.
you should realize we play this game with this handicaps and to play your game is simply anoying and frustrating. and to know you know it is broken but you dont do anything about is even more frustrating.
something like the necrobuff and warrior NEED HOTFIXES (look i have big letters^^’) and there is no reason you let your players have to handle this and have to sit out YOUR mistakes. its simple anoying.
im sure good balancing need your “shaving”^^ but when you do mistakes you should have the balls to repair it. we are not lil rabiits you can throw all your ideas on we are the consumers and we buyd your product.
im no kitten betatester and im so kitten ed about all this hammermonkeys i have to see all day everwhere.
plz fix this
but how is it when glory is deleted?
for tomes?
can we buy tomes than for gold only?
best thread^^
insane whats going on here in pvp forum atm
when need sugesstions how to waste glory
- let us change it to karma
- let buy dungeon tokens with this so ppl can buy the armor skins they want
- sell this guardian,warrior,elementalist ……. itemchests for some glory so we can buy the items for our new lvl 80 chars we will have soon^^
not even blizzard would remove something ingame what players have earned – NEVER
overall its a first step
but: i really waited for this blogpost and most i waited for to see the new gamemodes they are working on and maby a preview on some cool new armorskins for pvp only
something like this
but anyway
its a first step^^
1.) PVP-Locker
Will there be a Revamp for this?
Cause i like the PVP-Locker but with the New Reward thing i think there is no reason anymore to have this for PVP-Only.
- Make it Crossworld and just store SKINS PVE/PVP
- Revamp Characterwindow and remove runes from items – Give Runes/Sigils Extra Slot so we can change Skins or items on the Fly or just change the Runes
like i did in this screen here with paint^^
this would be big improvement for complete game
to be fair – op wrote exact my thoughts after 2-3 games lol
than i log other char and make some tp-pvp and after 5 min its gone^^
i wrote it in this cdi thread but dont think anysone read all this posts cause its just suggestions from everyone not reading anything^^
so suggestion how everyone could be happy:
- remove ranks
- Add the finishers as reward to the titles like Ransacker, MArauder and so on
both sides happy – arenanet and palyerz^^
no, gold dont have to be higher than what you get in pve – what a greedy idea
gold in spvp we get cause ppl right now feel when they do spvp they miss out alot in this game what they need for there goals in this game
so ppl go farm gold, karma, items ,m aterials whatever isntead of pvp cause they cant get atleast some in pvp
per hour in pvp have to be same like per hour in pve or wvw – never higher
I dont think its a good idea to Remove this complete cause some people liked this as a long time goal. So how about this idea?: You Remove the Ranksystem but add this Rankrewards to the Title Archievements like Ransacker, Marauder and so on? – Players would lose nothing and you can remove the Ranks
Ladder Reward
Love this is coming. And i would like to see you make it like this Wvw Season Reward so everyone can work somehow on it but at the End you give a Special Reward for the Position Archieved.
so you make a big Meta Archievement Per Season where everyone can work on it and have to do everythign we have in spvp + whats coming New – think this would help to bring a lot new Players.
And at the end you give a extra Reward for postition being in Top1000 top 500 top 200 top 100 top 10 top 3 top 1 (extra for end of season and extra for the time the season lasted – so everyone who was spot 1 per season get a reward and noone go afk after he archieved this cause extra reward at end)
something like this
(edited by Romek.4201)
guess they never worked on it and write just now something^^
oh man its already dark, here in germany
edit: but yeah good post and so ^^
a dev – good morning arenanet
can we have the blogpost now we all waiting all day for it?^^
ye and you have to pay 500 gems for good match up 300 for random matchup and 150 for a “you are doomed 4v5”^^
oh yeah – rent a game mode – only 50 gems per game^^
dont think its because they care bout bad players. Its mor about they dont have the resources or the balls to split spvp complete from wvw and pve.
They cant just nerf a class now – the outcry would be loud in wvw or pve.
look on this wvw build from all this wannabe GvG guild they all use hammermonkeys and guardians + whatever. And everything bunkerish
they cant nerf this – ppl would die like flies in wvw when face the aoe from next zerg
they have to split it – because this balancing around 3 complete different gamemodes is stupid.
(edited by Romek.4201)
grouch afk – How i said, he trolls us with all this posts^^
edit: soon he will come online and say “i said december guyz – we still have a month time”
(edited by Romek.4201)
never saw this button so i dont know – but would like to have it^^
and i agree 100%. The crafting ui is a mess and they should redesin it somehow like they did with archievment ui with some categories for refinement compnents and items per levelrange
how the … get over it? wtf
its bigged gamebreaker in wvw – coverage(nightcapping)
and for german servers its hardest to get any people for this
this need looked at from arenanet and no, cause game is a year old, makes not bull… now some good looking sandwich
never had this
when you really have this problem @ OP than you should make a bug report
there is no competition with this
and sure we will deal with this – there is no point to fight or play a game where the bads get the reward at the end for going the path of least resistance
no – because its just faildesign
next season need a german only league
JS is nothing compared to VS – they fight 24h and dont farm pve all day cause there nightcappers will do the work for them
When you cant find the basics by yourself or even think about than you never will make the gold what other says you can make in TP
you will need a lot time every day to even learn how TP works and to find the lil secrets^^
look at this matchup – soooo pathetic
jadesea is a rly bad server – they fail on normal times all day and just PVD at night
seriously arenanet – how can you make this possible for so long time?^^
no german server will ever have a chance vs this nightcapping and for the longer time this will kill the german wvw population how you can see on most german servers since last year.
so anoying
and @jadesea guyz
dont be proud about
we all know you guyz fail hard in wvw and in this matchup what we have right now it is simple exploiting a broken game mechanic what you do
you dont deserve this win
im happy for the guyz who buyd this on Ebay^^
good move anet
not worth the invest – too much time to low price
but it suck when they write again in coming months or in 2 months will we do this and in 4 this and 2014 will come whatever.
i can understand this from a company point but it suck as player to know you have to play this now how it is for atleast 2 months until something will change – and gw2 history say after this 2 months nothing will change
so – we will see
or i could bet they write tomorow release date we will give out end december or january
something like this and january they write than they will bring it march
arenanet troll us now more than a year and i dont trust them anymore^^
(edited by Romek.4201)
lowranks you can do alot with condi necro or warrior – engi or guardian for skyhammer
higher ranks so from 800-100 i did good with bunker guardian (atleast your team will than have always a guardian in mid – but bad when another guardian join and dont wanna reroll^^)
“60% rating in solo queue.
94% in Team Queue.”
checked how many players even play now?
60% rating in soloQ before reset is now something like 20-30% maby
and teamQ is even worse – your 90%+ will be now something like 40-50%
i did not the math but do it by yourself when wanna know
than this has nothing to do with class availability – its is a problem for the balancing team
all this elo hell blabla in this forum atm remembers me of the Lol forums 1-2 years ago
half the threads there was like “heeeeeeeelp im in Elo hell”
make video bout your gamepaly or matches you talk about cause noone can judge by your worths what is wrong – all i see you lose a lot but you dont think you are this bad^^
oh and all you guyz should not forget 40% ranking now is the 80-90% ranking before
cause not alot players played it now since reset
top 1 is exact 100%
so when only 1999 players play than rank 1000 =50% somehow
so relax
(edited by Romek.4201)
german servers dont hate french servers – we always have fun when fight vizunah or the others
we only dont like jade cause ppl there trust in there nightcap force and so they dont even fight when sun is shining and now since some weeks they go the sfr way in forums
all other french servers are fine
anyway – have fun in your matchup and a good week
(edited by Romek.4201)