Showing Posts For Savan.8495:

Best build for Dungeon?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Ignore the previous two posters they are clearly idiots,

If you insist on speccing/gearing incorrectly then yes you will suck at dps, same with tank and support – its not the case that necros suck it’s that 66% of this community insist on just complaining until they can WTF OP dps. Unlike your standard warrior/guardian It requires players to think more carefully about their class…. clearly that’s beyond most the capabilities of members of this community

Instead of linking you the builds how about you use that handy in-built search function

Standard dungeon condition specs include

20/30/20/0/0, 30/30/10/0/0, 10/30/20/0/10 in fact just search my previous posts

Also in future don’t respond to question posts with negative opinion that doesn’t help anyone

(edited by Savan.8495)

conditionmancer for wvw still a joke

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


If you’re not reading the tutorials/spend all you’re time complaining you’re going to have a bad time

ive seen the tutorials and ive personally played necro for nearly 3 months, i know the class inside out, ive tried everything. In large zergs necros are pretty good support but when it comes to 1v1s with burst classes like thief, bleedmancer is a joke. you guys telling me to l2p clearly dont get my point, im NOT saying necro sucks overall, the power or hybrid builds are not bad however i am NOT willing to be forced to run those builds just to be viable… if i wanted some burst power build, why would i play necro when i can play warrior? bleed builds should be extremely viable, if you take a look at warriors with dual swords, they can stack up 18 stacks in seconds, but necro cant even dream of doing that… then theres all the cleansing and heals, completely eliminates all damage from a bleedmancer. im only complaining because i do not want to give up on a build which i think has a lot of potential, i dont want to switch to power build like all my guildies did… and like i said before, the bleed damage is good, but the problem is getting the bleed aoes to hit (casting time is sooooo kitten long, the enemy can literally walk out of the area before the aoe completes) and stacking bleed needs to be much faster like the warriors dual swords at the very very least

Wow I wrote that as a joke, but since you plan on taking things seriously here’s a couple of things wrong with your post

Congrats youve played a necro for 3 months (so has most of the community)

Yes Warriors/Rangers can stack bleeds fast but they don’t offer the same condition control we have (consume conditions, plague signet, dagger 4, epidemic to name a few)

Certain specs furfil roles better than others do, power builds are aimed at single target dps, condition builds are generally thought of as more aoe orientated and it is here where they excel

What is this cast time you mention? Marks? nope thats pretty quick – oh wait you’re talking about epidemic? yeh the cast time really long (2 secs? lol). Do you realise how short the cooldown is (traited), I would rather have the latter – ether way its devastating in an aoe situation – i.e. where we excel

Walking out of aoe before it hits? Try being an elementalist with dragon tooth

You can lock down a enemy in wells with slows/stuns

Getting 2 shotted by a thief – role a tank spec

The possibilities are truly endless

As a final note, since you know the class ‘inside n out’ you should try spending some time on other class forums, you will see the same complaints just from a different perspective

Every class is OP but mine….. yes it really is……

(edited by Savan.8495)

Idea for a Unique Skill

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Necromancer are already a valid option in PVE party/dungeon play – don’t listen to the complainers

Still I commend your creativity + 1

TBH (yes I know this will never happen) They should implement someonething like Unstable Affliction from wow’s warlock. For those which never played it, it’s basically a condition that if removed silences the target for 5 secs – could be replaced with stun/vulnerability whatever really – would encourage more tactical use of condition removal

Need help with making a necro Cond dmg build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Thats the beauty of golems they don’t hit back.

I provided you with theory…. you wern’t happy
I provided you with numbers…. you wern’t happy

At no point did I say it was your ‘build’ I merely implied you lifted it off of GW2 guru (insert any other reputabale source)

I also provided multiple builds in my original post, as you did. Hell, I even labelled it ‘consensus’ build implying that it was not the 100% confirmed best build. The only difference is I provided more information and didn’t spread misinformation

The fact is these threads actually encourage theorycrafting and testing, blindly following the ‘best’ necro in the world neither helps you or our class in general

See any of my previous posts for clarification

(edited by Savan.8495)

conditionmancer for wvw still a joke

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


If you’re not reading the tutorials/spend all you’re time complaining you’re going to have a bad time

Corruption Vs Agony

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Scepter of earth, Dagger of agony, Staff of corruption – assuming your build

Build corruption stacks during the first trash packs/non elite packs

If you are a PVE DPS spec I would advise making your 3rd utility worm/shade and running 30% pet dps in spite, pairing this with flesh

Need help with making a necro Cond dmg build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495



1) I am currently deciding on jewellery. The original jewellery setup I provided was pre-patch. It has the benefit of providing 50% crit, power and vitality (5% of which can be converted to condition dmg through focussing crystal).

Now if we swap to full rabid accessories we would lose some power (doesn’t contribute much to our cond damage) and vitality (pretty worthless). On this basis, I would lean towards full rabid accessories. However, there are a couple of things I am a little concerned about.

It has been previously suggested (though not formally proved) that condition damage can suffer from diminishing returns. At present with the gear setup I provided your bleeds will tick for 140+ (most people see this as the effective cap).

Therefore it may not be worth investing in further cond dmg. I personally will be investing in rabid accessories and then testing my findings – I will post here once I’ve done so

2) You could invest those 20 in blood however the only benefits from doing so is Ritual Mastery (which you would need to pair with focussed rituals (thereby losing master of corruption) and taking well of corruption instead of worm. I have a couple of issues with well builds for condition specs, namely the lack of power we have to buff them.

Secondly as a necro we have a very large hp full and our regen abilities are pretty underwhelming – see vitality versus toughness post.

However if you insist on speccing into blood and wells then I would be inclined to use Rampager gear and supplement undead runes for krait/afflicted (note the 100% duration cap excl lingering curses)


I directed you to a theory craft thread with all the formula I used, the might stacking build does more cond damage (emphasis on cond dmg not direct damage) and since the build is targeted at AOE dps (i.e. dmg through conditions) it makes sense to buff cond damage. I will say this just once, if you want to single target dps then spec power (then the trait you provided makes sense) if you want to spec aoe dps (spec conditions) then there are better setups.

“Mr X. who is the highest rated necromancer in the universe specs X….” -> Not even worth discussing this, he is clearly 100% correct that’s why he’s the best, stupid.

If you actually read my post I provided multiple variations on the original build. I have also posted in several posts that I’m not a heavy theory crafter – from experience the build I provided excels in aoe situations over 30/30/x/x/x, providing robust pet survivability and might duration – it may be paired with the rune setup I provided to further boost dps over undead setups

Still I am tired of these my build > better than yours arguments. The fact is we don’t have the necessary tools to effectively compare dps. However from my personal experience the build I provided outperforms 30/30/x/x/x in an aoe pve situation. Please refer to my original posts if you think I am being bias in my views. I initially maintained that 30/30/10/X/X was the highest dps spec (though at that time my trait setup was kitten)

(edited by Savan.8495)

Need help with making a necro Cond dmg build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


@Rising Duck
Thats an interesting point, though I am in two minds about it. While I accept might stacking may be an issue (wasn’t aware it had the same cap as bleeds) its really depends on your group. As someone who regularly pugs dungeons I can never gurantee the setup of my party – for that reason I generally aim to buff my own dps instead of relying on other players.

Assuming you brought a elementalist/warrior that was specced correctly you could probably maintain a consistent 25 stack in which case your dps would not be optimal, however it would more than exceed the equivalent undead/30/30/x/x/x setup

Whether this is true in practice probaly warrants more research

Need help with making a necro Cond dmg build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Also with regards to 3x afflicted 3xkrait you are probably aware that the duration cap is 100% (excluding lingering curses) – can’t find the source for this at present

Therefore in a normal condition setup
40% from food
20% hemo
10% OH of agony
20-30% traits

Theres no need to use krait/afflicted, in fact doing so (provided you use food) is a dps loss over undead/might duration stacking

Need help with making a necro Cond dmg build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Right here we go

For starters lets see what we gain from investing those 30 points into spite over 20 points
1) Siphoned power -> you do more DPS when less than 25%. Most competent players will keep their HP above 25% to ensure they don’t burden the rest of their team – so this trait adds pretty much zero value
2) Close to death is currently bugged, the damage increase does not apply to condition damage (our main source of DPS). In an AOE setting (yes that’s what condition necros are designed to do) most of your dps comes from your conditions thus this trait is also pretty useless. Please note with a power build this trait is actually useful i.e. a build that’s designed for single targets
3) 10% extra duration – provides 1 extra tick of damage… woohoo
4) 100 extra power – rather negligible since this adds nothing to condition damage
5) Spiteful marks – 10% damage on staff… wow that’s truly amazing

Now let’s move those 10 points somewhere else

10 extra points in death grants you
1) protection of the horde – extra toughness, 2 condition damage, yeh that’s pretty kitten
2) Flesh of the master – makes your pets pretty much immune to AOE DPS that would have otherwise 1 shotted them, they stay alive = you do more DPS. Flesh wurm is much better than spectral walk (strange you would use that utility in your build when aiming for damage)
3) Might duration, more might duration higher bleed ticks assuming you pair it with reapers might and BiP – most conditionmancers will
4) 100 extra toughness, equates to about 7 condition damage – yeh that’s pretty underwhelming
5) Death shiver, AOE vulnerability – more vulnerability more group DPS
6) Staff mastery – faster marks, more conditions more DPS

Now lets move those 10 points into soul reaping

1) Soul reaping – stack vulnerability on mobs when using life blast (which is used to stack might) – more vulnerability more group dps
2) Prowness – pretty meh
3) Hunger, longer DS, more survivability = more DPS

So far you could argue it either way regarding the best dps spec

Now let’s take the 20% might duration from death, combine it with 20% duration from food and add 60% from runes (hoelbrak/of fire/of strength). Now let’s pair that with sigil of battle/strength. We now have a spec that has an average might stack of 20+ with an uptime of 100% (far better than the equivalent undead rune setup)

See below for further details

From the look of things you’ve lifted the 30/30/x/x/x/ build straight off of GW2 guru (hell I did the exact same thing when I first posted on this forum) – the fact is the ‘best’ DPS spec is not always the most obvious

(edited by Savan.8495)

Need help with making a necro Cond dmg build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Its not broken or bugged because you think something shoud work another way. Yup I would like if it scaled with conditions also….. however that would be almost mesmer level strong and we cant have that, because deathshroud.

Wiki says otherwise

Bug.Does not increase damage conditions do.

Mesmer strength? Necros have a niche role and they fill it – want high single target dps roll a power build, want insane aoe dps roll condition/epidemic – the build I originally provided more than furfils that role

While you may have tested 30/30/x/x/x, you clearly didnt test it rigerously enough

Conditionmancer Dungeon Equipment.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495



Thats an interesting take on the rotation would you advise putting the full 30 points in death or 20 in spite and 20 in death to buff pet dmg and then taking wurm and flesh,

Also ooc whats your power gear spec setup

(edited by Savan.8495)

Need help with making a necro Cond dmg build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


copy paste them, this forum doesn’t like long URL’s

Need help with making a necro Cond dmg build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Sigils on the 1st build are strange, of earth/of strength MH are better options, also unsure about path of midnight as a soul reaping trait given the the low power on your build – I would move those 10 points into spite and grab reapers might so you can stack might/vuln of target

On the 2nd build close to death (spite) is currently bugged, it doesn’t apply to condition damage so don’t spec into it as condition. The rune set and sigil set also don’t fit the build – see previous posts

Hmm, I don’t see how getting 250 cond dmg (Sigil of Corruption) and 10% bleed duration increase (Agony) is strange, considering its a cond build.

I do see how Earth/Strength could be good, but since % crit rate is not terribly high, I always shied away from them. Might have to try that out.

As for the second build, that was from another recent post by someone else. Just wanted to point out different direction to go. Thanks for the heads up on Close to Death – I’m glad I’m not using it!

My bad should of explained better,

The choice of sigils on build 1 isn’t bad I just disagree on your placement of them, see my earlier build. I am also hesitant about sigil of undeath – I find it too situational. Of Earth/barbed precision can help a lot stacking bleeds. Apart from the extra 10 points in soul reaping I don’t disagree with the build – though I would be wary about investing in wells in Rabid gear. Rampager gear might be a different story

Need help with making a necro Cond dmg build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Well you have the ideal gear setup rune and all for conditions.

I think these are all top notch conditions builds.

All out damage that does respectable direct damage with all the crits and fair power you melt things fast. 30/30/10/0/0 I left some triats blank and just put the ones I felt are key. Use the utilities you like swap them on demand flesh golum is a great elite choice for all builds.;044Z;1kHVB0r3gJkJ0;9;4TT9;2B1-A1;6K-H4;2dZH9fgm92Vy

Then there is a tanky conditions build with pets. 20/30/20/0/0 you can go with more pets if you like drop greater marks for faster recharging pets or replace 50% more health with the faster recharge whatever works for you.;044Z;1kHVB0r3wI-K0;9;4JTJ;18-1-A19;5K-H4;2dZH9fgm92Vz

The full DS conditions build 0/30/10/0/30. Marks generate a fair amount of lifeforce you can go 0/30/10/10/20 and pick up the extra mark on a dodge.;044Z;1kHVB0r3gJ-K0;9;5T9-T;11-A1;49BK-H4;2dZH9fgm92VL

Those are the base three concepts – I would stick with the first two listed or something close to that or go simple 0/30/30/10/0.

There are also well based conditions builds but I think its meh… Some other strange yet effective conditions builds like staff spectral. 0/20/20/0/30 or 0/20/20/10/20 Its good if you partner up with a burst class because of the near instant 20 stacks of vuln on a target.;044Z;1kHFI094gJ-K0;9;5JJ-T;119-14;239BK-H4;2dZH9fgm92Vc

You have the gear play with any of the builds listed see what you like. If you have specific questions on a build lots of people here could give input.

p.s. the 30/30/10 build does work you crit alot and even with the +20% not counting conditions damage your damage is no joke with all the crits and the +300 power + base. Its a top build.

Unsure about the choice of sigils on those builds, the debate regarding cond duration vs damage is ongoing

I personally opt for undead runes over krait/afflicted because
a) meta pvp revolves around condition cleanse/removal – bleeds rarely tick that long
b) meta pve mobs die rather quickly so damage is generally preferred

That being said 3×3 is ok and outperforms 2×2×2 krait/centaur/afflicted

Also note close to death is currently bugged and does not apply to cond damage

Need help with making a necro Cond dmg build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


OP, I think that’d work fine.

Seems like you could go two directions. One is to something like mine (copy/paste links):;ToAqmMNJay2krJZTLCGLsLYGA
I use Cond/Tough/Prec armor & Runes of Undead. Could also use Knights armor instead.

Or…go in this direction, which adds more Power:;044Z-FKlHFF0m3JIkJ0;9;4TT9;036B16A1;6SNH6-JF0NV05NV051FM

A matter of playstyle, I think. Mine has much lower power, but I have alot of CD reducing traits, which I find very helpful.

Sigils on the 1st build are strange, of earth/of strength MH are better options, also unsure about path of midnight as a soul reaping trait given the the low power on your build – I would move those 10 points into spite and grab reapers might so you can stack might/vuln of target

On the 2nd build close to death (spite) is currently bugged, it doesn’t apply to condition damage so don’t spec into it as condition. The rune set and sigil set also don’t fit the build – see previous posts

Need help with making a necro Cond dmg build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Another one of these posts… here’s the (modified) response I gave the last 4*

Conditionmancer PvE dps spec

Consensus Build:
Variations: 10/30/20/10/0 (with dagger cool down/mark bleed), 20/30/10/0/10 (with soul reaping/unyielding blast), 0/30/30/10/0 (with focusing crystal), 10/30/30/0/0 (with might duration runes/sigils)

Gear: 5x Rabid – Dungeon: TA, Arah, HotW/Trading post: Khilbron’s/Karma: Orr karma vendor 42k

Accessories: 3 x Rampagers (rings & necklace), 2 x Carrion (earrings), 1 x Carrion (back with either rampagers/carrion gems)

Weapons: MH Rabid scepter, OH Rabid dagger, Rabid staff

1) Plague signet or Wurm (boss) or Shadow Fiend (trash) or Corrupt Boon or Spectral Walk/Spectral Armour (Lupicius)
2) BiP (use with dagger 4)
3) Epidemic (use on cooldown on aoe trash)

Elite: Flesh golem or Plague (situation dependent)

Runes: 6 x Undead

Sigil: MH of Earth, OH of agony/of corruption, Staff of corruption/of geomancy

Rotation: Scepter 2, dagger 5, BiP, dagger 4, Scepter 3, (epidemic), swap weapon, staff 2, staff 3, staff 4, (epidemic), enter DS, DS 1 × 3, DS 4, exit DS, staff 1 auto attack, staff 2, swap weapons – REPEAT

Additional notes: If you plan on stacking might through reapers might or the mobs die quickly I would pop epidemic early in the rotation, its all personal preference

Other viable builds focus on stacking might duration (sticky build post) through (strength/of the fire/hoelbrak) and sigil of battle/strength – or alternatively view my previous posts

You can supplement rabid gear with carrion gear until you farm the necessary tokens/karma. You can alternatively craft Rampagers gear though I would then adopt a more well-centric build – see Xyi’s post on Guru forums

Of geomancy on staff relies on you being close to your enemy and should be paired with blood 10 blast finisher for maximum effect

The choice of accessories was chosen to provide 50% crit while maximizing your offensive stats to supplement bleed stacking

I prefer to put corruption solely on staff though I would advise you keep it out on kills for the first couple of packs of trash so you can maintain the buff for the rest of the dungeon/wvw

Forgot to mention, you generally want to use consume conditions, well of blood is only really useful in story mode

ALSO there is a search function please use it, you can find this same build on the first 3 pages of this forum

(edited by Savan.8495)

Conditionmancer Dungeon Equipment.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Another solution you may like is +Might Duration, which is my current build (running as power, but the same principals apply to Cond Dmg). Use 2 Superior Runes of; HoelBrak, Strength, and Fire for +60% Might Duration. Chocolate Omnomberry Cream for another 20%, and any points into Death Magic for additional +boon duration. All in all you can extend Might duration to +110%. Add in Sigils of Strength and Battle for; On Weapon Swap get 3 stacks of might, and 30% chance on crit to gain might.

With the trait selection of Master of Corruption in the Curses line, you can lower Blood Is Power’s recharge to 24s, and have a permanent uptime of 10 stacks of might from that utility skill alone (depending on spec). All in all, I maintain on average 27-30 stacks of might on my power build, which comes out to +944 to +1050 power.

Because this works the same for Cond Dmg as it does for Power, the comparison of 6 Undead Runes would be ~270-285 Cond Dmg, add in an average 5 stacks of might uptime for Blood Is Power in a non-might stacking build for an additional +175 (which is generous) to be 445-460 depending on your Toughness, vs 944-1050 +Cond Dmg when you have your might rotation in full swing. You’ll have to factor in the loss of Sigil of Earth, as it adds additional bleeds on the non-might stacking build, but it will no where near compensate for upwards of +500 additional Cond Dmg.

The downside to a might stacking build is it requires a higher APM to play, and maintain your might stacks through constant weapon swaps, and enter DS for gain might on DS 1 casts. There is also a ramp up time as you build up your might stacks from other sources. All in all, it is an active playstyle that I have come to enjoy much more than other types of builds.

This is actually a very interesting spec, I believe it was previously suggested by Trafalgar in the sticky though I wanted to do a little bit more testing/research before I invested in a new rune/sigil set.

Figured I would plug in my own stats and compare

Assuming the standard conditionmancer spec with undead runes
Weapons: Rabid
Armour: Rabid
Accessories: 2xCarrion earrings, 1xRampager back (Rampager gem), 2xRampager rings
Sigils: of earth/of agony, of corruption
Runes: 6xundead
Food: 70 cond dmg

Toughness: 1518
Crit chance: 51% – helps stacking bleeds

Condition dmg from toughness: 1518 toughness * 0.05 = 75.09
Condition dmg from runes: 28+55+100=183
Condition dmg from food: 70

BiP stacks (average)=(10(stacks)14.5(duration))/24(cooldown) = 6.04
Condition dmg from BiP(average)= 6.041

Total condition dmg = 75.09+183+70+211.46= 539.55 = 540

Now assuming I swap to the stack’omancer spec

Weapons: same
Armour: same
Accessories: same
Sigils: of strength/of agony, of corruption
Runes: 2xof fire, 2xof strength, 2xof hoelbrak
Food: 20% might duration

I would need to maintain a minimum of 16 stacks at any time, to justify the loss from runes i.e. 16(stacks)*35(cond dmg)=560

The question is whether this is doable assuming the following rotation with a might up time of 110%:

Rotation: Scepter 2, dagger 5, BiP, dagger 4, dagger 3, epidemic, swap weapons, staff 2, staff 3, staff 4, enter Deathshroud, 3xdeathshoud 1, deathsroud 4, exit deathsroud, 1xstaff auto attack, staff 2, Swap weapons – REPEAT

I have missed out a couple of things including reapers might gains in the first spec and the dps loss from swapping to sigil of strength over of earth

Though I would imagine the stack’omancer spec comes out marginally on top

Edit: There is also a dps loss from pets assuming you move the 10 points from spite into death magic

(edited by Savan.8495)

Stack'omancer versus Condition'omancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


any update on this?

where are all the theorycrafters

Two different conditionmancer builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Some people have suggested stacking might duration through runes of fire, strength, hoelbrak and replacing sigil of corruption on staff with of the battle.

I have raised this question in previous posts – however there is still no community consensus on whather this gear setup is better for the build/rotation I provided

Forgot to mention, the first utility slot is subjective,

I personally avoid corrosive poisen cloud because of the weakness debuff (assuming the unlikely scenario that all my abilities are on cooldown that would allow me to transfer it off) – weakness will hamper your dps

Viable alternetaives are bone minions, corrupt boon, spectral skills and plague signet

(edited by Savan.8495)

Two different conditionmancer builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Firstly I would like to commend you on not making another Necros suck post… I see far to many of those lately

Ok now onto your builds

Build 1: This is an example of one of the many cookie cutter condition builds out there. Couple of things I dislike about it, firstly as you so rightly pointed out the close to death trait currently does not apply to conditionmancer. Secondly the passive benefits from the spite tree past 20 points are not ideal. 100 extra power is rather negligable. Generally I would put 20 points in spite no more no less, this provides an extra bleed tick over 10 points while grabbing the useful traits.

As a result many people adopt a 20/30/20/0/0 build – see one of my previous posts for reasons/gear etc.

Now onto your build 2:

The issue I have with putting so many points in soul reaping is that as a cookie cutter conditonmancer spec (assuming PVE/WvW) you would generally stack condition damage through Rabid gear supplemented with rune of undead, carrion/rampagers accessories

This gear does not have much power on it. Therefore from the perspective of the conditionmancer we are only interested in DS for stacking might to buff our conditions. I fail to see the benefit in putting more the 10-20 points in soul reaping unless of course you want to be capable of shroud stomping in wvw.

From my own experience vital presence is not needed to achieve effective might stacking.

The normal rotation for stacking might with a conditionmancer spec is

Rotation: Scepter 2, dagger 5, BiP, dagger 4, dagger 3, epidemic, swap weapons, staff 2, staff 3, staff 4, enter Deathshroud, 3xdeathshoud 1 (align mobs/players), deathsroud 4, exit deathsroud, 1xstaff auto attack, staff 2, Swap weapons – REPEAT

On this basis I would adopt the following spec:

This way you gain some benefits from spite (duration/ vulnerability stacking), benefits from curses (rapid epidemic, damage etc), benfits from death magic (might duration, powerful marks – can be supplemented with pet talents) and finally the ability to stack might through DS through soul reaping

Please note this is a pve/wvw spec -see one of my previous posts for gear etc

(edited by Savan.8495)

Need help for a DPS build for Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Another one of these posts… here’s the response I gave the last 3

Conditionmancer PvE dps spec

Consensus Build:
Variations: 10/30/20/10/0 (with blast finisher), 20/30/10/0/20 (with soul reaping/unyielding blast), 30/30/10/0/0 (with well of corruption) or 0/30/30/10/0 (with focussing crystal for maximum cond. dmg at the expense of other traits)

Gear: 5x Rabid – Dungeon: TA, Arah, HotW/Trading post: Khilbron’s/Karma: Orr karma vendor 42k

Accessories: 3 x Rampagers (rings & necklace), 2 x Carrion (earrings), 1 x Carrion (back with either rampagers/carrion gems)

Weapons: MH Rabid scepter, OH Rabid dagger, Rabid staff

1) Plague signet or Bone minions or Corrupt Boon or Spectral Walk/Spectral Armour (Lupicius)
2) BiP (use with dagger 4)
3) Epidemic (use on cooldown)

Elite: Flesh golem or Plague (situation dependant)

Runes: 6 x Undead

Sigil: MH of Earth, OH of agony/of corruption, Staff of corruption/of geomancy

Rotation: Scepter 2, dagger 5, BiP, dagger 4, (epidemic), swap weapon, staff 2, staff 3, staff 4, epidemic

Additional notes: If you consistenly pop epidemic early in the rotation you may want to enter DS to build might/stack vulnerability through reapers might/unyielding blast to fill the rotation- see build variations

Some people swap mark talents for pet talents though personally I find them to be a liability it most dungeons with aoe/random pulls etc

I have recently come across a build focussing on stacking might (sticky build post) through (strength/of the fire/hoelbrak) and sigil of battle – I am still testing it out but it seems the original build I provided comes out marginally on top (I am not a heavy theorycrafter)

You can supplement rabid gear with carrion gear until you farm the necessary tokens/karma. You can alternatively craft rampagers gear though I would then adopt a more well-centric build – see Xyi’s post on Guru forums

Of geomancy on staff relies on you being close to your enemy and should be paired with blood 10 blast finisher for maximum effect

Forgot to mention, you generally want to use consume conditions, well of blood is only really useful in story mode

Stack'omancer versus Condition'omancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Please note the following is from a PVE/WvW DPS perspective, while I acknowledge PVP is awesome etc, the purpose of this thread is to discuss the highest obtainable dps that can be used in a PVE setting and applied to WvW

Here’s the build I have been working on for a couple of days

Weapons: Rabid
Gear: Rabid
Accessories: 3xRampagers, 2xCarrion, 1xRampager back – provides 50% crit
Sigils: MH: of blood, OH: of corruption, Staff: of battle
Runes: 2xof strength, 2xof the fire, 2xof hoelbrak
Rotation: Scepter 2, dagger 5, BiP, dagger 4, dagger 3, epidemic, swap weapons, staff 2, staff 3, staff 4, enter Deathshroud, 3xdeathshoud 1, deathsroud 4, exit deathsroud, 1xstaff auto attack, staff 2, Swap weapons – REPEAT

This build was altered from Trafalgar’s original build. It provides a whopping 80% duration on might

Now as you can see that is a rather cumbersome rotation which makes testing it against the conventional 6xundead conditionmancer spec that much harder

Now I am interested in comparing it to the ‘consensus’ and I use that term lightly conditionmancer PVE spec:

Consensus Build:
Variations: 10/30/20/10/0 (with blast finisher), 20/30/10/0/20 (with soul reaping/unyielding blast), 30/30/10/0/0 (with well of corruption) or 0/30/30/10/0 (with focussing crystal for maximum cond. dmg at the expense of other traits)

Weapons: Rabid
Gear: Rabid
Accessories: 3 x Rampager 2 x Carrion, Rampager back (any gem) – provides 50% crit
Utilities: 1) Plague signet or Bone minions or Corrupt Boon or Spectral Walk/Spectral Armour (Lupicius) or Well of Corruption (Build dependant), 2) BiP 3) Epidemic Elite: Flesh golem or Plague (situation dependant)
Runes: 6 x Undead
Sigil: MH of Earth, OH of agony/of corruption, Staff of corruption/of geomancy
Rotation: Scepter 2, dagger 5, BiP, dagger 4, dagger 3, swap weapon, staff 2, staff 3, staff 4, epidemic – Repeat

I am looking for theorycrafters and or DPS maniacs to test this out, The question is whether the gain in might justifies the loss in cond damage from undead runes

(edited by Savan.8495)

Which trait is the worse?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Here’s the build I have been working on for a couple of days

Weapons: Rabid
Gear: Rabid
Accessories: 3xRampagers, 2xCarrion, 1xRampager back – provides 50% crit
Sigils: MH: of blood, OH: of corruption, Staff: of battle
Runes: 2xof strength, 2xof the fire, 2xof hoelbrak
Rotation: Scepter 2, dagger 5, BiP, dagger 4, dagger 3, epidemic, swap weapons, staff 2, staff 3, staff 4, enter Deathshroud, 3xdeathshoud 1, deathsroud 4, exit deathsroud, 1xstaff auto attack, staff 2, Swap weapons – REPEAT

This provides a whopping 80% duration on might

Now as you can see that is a rather cumbersome rotation which makes testing it against the conventional 6xundead conditionmancer spec that much harder

I would be interested in hearing from any theorycrafters out there, or someone who would be interesting in trying it out

(edited by Savan.8495)

Which trait is the worse?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Just a topic for fun since I’m at work.

Which trait do you think is the worse trait in our arsenal? (Bugged traits doesn’t count! :P)

Edit : I forgot, Reanimator is so bad, we will place it it the bugged section. So reanimator isn’t an option, or this poll would be useless.

I would say :

Signet Power -> Activating a signet gives you three stacks of might for 10 seconds.

Seriously, I don’t know if it’s the worse, but every time I come upon this trait, I wonder : Does anyone really use this?

Signet are on 60 sec CD minimum! we have one 90 and one 180 cd. With the 20% reduction, it’s about 48 sec minimum.

Our 2 low cd signet have useless activation, one is bugged and the other is a really weak life syphon. Not taking in account that you lose this passive for 60 sec.

But even with the CD and the weak activation, it could still be an option for some signet focused crazy necro.

But… 3 might for 10 sec? Really? 3 miiiiight?

Really, I love the might buff. But 3 might for this is so weak. It’s useless.

Does anyone use that trait?

I’m sure you can find a worse trait!

Found this bit the most interesting, while on paper this trait looks like kitten

There are some rather clever things you can do by combining runes of holebrak/of the fire/of strength with the 20% reduction trait, might on life blast, sigil of battle on staff and Blood is Power – 25 stacks of might? 12-18 up near constantly….. yes please.

Still fine tuning this but the results are actually rather promising

back on topic

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Right well since you don’t want to listen to any advice… think its time I abandon this post

One last correction: You can play 3 roles not 2…

People don’t use staff so they can fill 2 roles, they use staff because it is the best weapon offset for necro period.

Best of luck making your revolutionary build that will totally not have been discussed before

I will say this just one more time, check the sources I provided

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Furthermore your latest build has already been discussed over at GW2 Guru by a helpful necro named Xyi I believe the thread is called Dungeon build (in depth) or something along those lines – its a support aoe pve dps build

Typically you would run it with rampager gear

Again you can find all this out by using the search function/using multiple forums

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Now I have to be very careful here with my choice of words as I have already had one post removed for being too critical.

However, there are a couple of things I need to say

1) There are sufficient resources on this and others sites discussing viable builds – use them, its highly unlikely that your awesome build will be completely revolutionary
2) Experiment with your own build before blindly walking into these forums telling other people to critique your build – any individual with any necro experience can clearly see the original build you provided is very confused i.e. you don’t know what you want to do
3) I have provided you with a helpful post 2 times that outlines the consenus PvE/WvW builds
4) With regards to your last question what way is consume condition better from well of blood? You can answer this by a) running explorable mode dungeons or b) running WvW your call… the outcome should be very clear

No need to alter your build constantly, just do some research and find that build that achieves what your trying to do

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


That build is marginally better, suggest you look at the post I provided

On another note

Swap deathly invigoration for ritual mastery, id grab well of darkness instead of spectral walk

Consume conditions is better for heal

Again you need to decide what you want to do then look at existing builds, like the post I provided

What to u think of this build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Ok where to start…

If this is a PVE/WvW build it seems very confused

Without going into heavy critique mode the following utilities are suspect
1) Corrosive Poisen Cloud – there are better aoe/single target traits
2) Lich Form – you dont gain much from this if your investing into conditon damage opposed to power

The following traits are suspect
1) Focussed rituals – only well of suffering benefits, I would personally invest in two wells to justify this choice though that’s personal oppinion
2) Deathly Invigoration – very supporty trait, if your going support there are better trait setups, if your going dps there are better trait setups – you need to decide what you want to do
3) Path of Might and Master of Terror – are you support/dps, sustain dmg/burst/hybrid dmg/PVE PVP WvW – example if your running PVE sustain dps build then DS is only useful for stacking might/vulnerability to buff bleeds and for a ‘oh kitten’ moment

I would be wary about following youtube videos as they can become out of date quite quickly

Here are some possible builds you may want to try/rotations etc

Please note these are PVE/WvW builds – I assume thats what you were trying to create being that you mentioned rotations

PvE Builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


calling all theorycrafters ^^

Summon Jagged Horror whenever you kill a foe.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Search function, use it.

Recipe: scepter Eye of Rodgort

in Crafting

Posted by: Savan.8495


I tip my hat to you sir

PvE Builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Yeh I did a little research into it and while the buff stays on you in the long run I noticed the bleed in a normal rotation is about 101-140 in mysts… I am not sure whether this is actually any better than undead which varied between 117-135 from memory

Think we need more rigerous testing before we can conclude its better, by altering Trafalgars traits to include the 3 stacks of might from signets use and following the rotation I provided we might have a higher dps pve build

Tired of Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Likely the initial posts are spur of the moment frustration vents. And under that scenario finding a existing thread of the same topic gets overruled by emotions.

tu che

Worth Starting a Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Since Necro was first announced I loved the idea of it, It was the only class that I knew I wanted to be.

Now.. over the past couple of weeks I’ve been switching back and forth between professions. Elementalist, Engineer and Guardian, I’ve gotten them to 15-20 and end up feeling like it is a chore to play them. I’ve only just realized that I have totally forgot about Necromancer, so I do some research and see people posting that they are pigeon holed into one thing and that they are so buggy they aren’t worth playing at the moment.
I do not expect a class to be a powerhouse, I actually normally avoid those types.
I normally go for a Jack of all type of character.

Now.. over the past couple of weeks I’ve been switching back and forth between professions. Elementalist, Engineer and Guardian, I’ve gotten them to 15-20 and end up feeling like it is a chore to play them. I’ve only just realized that I have totally forgot about Necromancer, so I do some research and see people posting that they are pigeon holed into one thing and that they are so buggy they aren’t worth playing at the moment.
I do not expect a class to be a powerhouse, I actually normally avoid those types.
I normally go for a Jack of all type of character.My girlfriend runs Ranger and we mostly play PvE (although I love PvP).

My advice, create one level it up a couple of levels, take it into sPVP, mysts and experiment with utilities

90% of what you read on this forum is negative, we are presently a rather buggy class…. all stuff that will be ironed out in time

If bugs are an issue or they stress you out then yes roll another class

In my personal oppinion Necros are alot of fun, and excel in group situations namely WvW and PVE dungeons…. solo we can are reasonably effective bunkers, burst dps is pretty meh

PvE Builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


On a side note has anyone come to a conclusion regarding Trafalgars stack o mancer build in the sticky?

PvE Builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


3rd time I am posting this

There’s a search function and a sticky

Conditionmancer PvE/WvW dps spec

Consensus Build:
Variations: 10/30/20/10/0 (with blast finisher), 20/30/10/0/20 (with soul reaping/unyielding blast), 30/30/10/0/0 (with well of corruption) or 0/30/30/10/0 (with focussing crystal for maximum cond. dmg at the expense of other traits)

Gear: 5x Rabid – Dungeon: TA, Arah, HotW/Trading post: Khilbron’s/Karma: Orr karma vendor 42k

Accessories: 5 x Carrion (Chryolscola (sp)) or 3 x Carrion 2 x Rampagers (coral)

Weapons: MH Rabid scepter, OH Rabid dagger (e.g. Malfectyrm(sp)), Rabid staff

1) Plague signet or Bone minions or Corrupt Boon or Spectral Walk/Spectral Armour (Lupicius) or Well of Corruption (Build variation dependant)
2) BiP (use with dagger 4)
3) Epidemic (use on cooldown)

Elite: Flesh golem or Plague (situation dependant)

Runes: 6 x Undead

Sigil: MH of Earth, OH of agony/of corruption, Staff of corruption/of geomancy

Rotation: Scepter 2, dagger 5, BiP, dagger 4, (epidemic), swap weapon, staff 2, staff 3, staff 4, epidemic (If sppeced correctly – Enter DS, Life blast x 3 to stack might/vulnerability, Exit DS) – Repeat

Additional notes: If you consistenly pop epidemic early in the rotation you may want to enter DS to build might/stack vulnerability through reapers might/unyielding blast to fill the rotation- see build variations

Some people swap mark talents for pet talents though personally I find them to be a liability it most dungeons with aoe/random pulls etc

I have recently come across a build focussing on stacking might (sticky build post) through (strength/of the fire/hoelbrak) and sigil of battle – I am still testing it out but it seems the original build I provided comes out marginally on top (I am not a heavy theorycrafter)

You can supplement rabid gear with carrion gear until you farm the necessary tokens/karma. You can alternatively craft rampagers gear though I would then adopt a more well-centric build – see Xyi’s post on Guru forums

Finally for your mob tagging issue just swap Master of Corruption for Focussed Wells…, want to PvP swap mark talents for Reaper’s protection – congratulations you can now do everything without retraiting

Tired of Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


You missed condition ‘juggling’ control and marks (both unique features) ^^

I have no problem with you listing our issues, but can we keep it to one thread

Who knows it might even garner more attanetion from the Devs if they see a post with over 40 pages as opposed to 900 random posts with 1-2 pages which quickly gets swallowed up in the forum

I acknowledge the bugs our class has, and yes some classes appear better on paper… however as I have mentioned time and time again

It’s an MMO kitten changes…. deal with it

(edited by Savan.8495)

Tired of Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


I’m happy for the community to voice their oppinion, but how about keeping that oppinion to one thread (hell even ask for it to be a sticky) as opposed to a new one every day.

I’m quite sure you didn’t read my post before replying, but as someone who has plaayed a number of MMOs – balance will always be an issue whether it favours your class or not.

These posts aren’t constructive….. please dont start the whole entitlement argument. It’s solely your oppinion what the Devss duty is, as a consumer you are obliged to a working product (and yes we have bugs I accept that) but the class isn’t half as boken as some of these threads make it out to be.

I am enjoying the game regardless of the bugs, just a shame more people couldnt think like that ^^

(edited by Savan.8495)

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


I think not maxing out condition in a condition build is a mistake. If you are looking to discuss the merits of a hybrid build vs a condition build, that’s another story.

Sorry for the repost

Conditionmancer PvE/WvW dps spec

Consensus Build:
Variations: 10/30/20/10/0 (with blast finisher), 20/30/10/0/20 (with soul reaping/unyielding blast), 30/30/10/0/0 (with well of corruption) or 0/30/30/10/0 (with focussing crystal for maximum cond. dmg at the expense of other traits)

Gear: 5x Rabid – Dungeon: TA, Arah, HotW/Trading post: Khilbron’s/Karma: Orr karma vendor 42k

Accessories: 3 x Rampager 2 x Carrion, Rampager back (any gem) – provides 50% crit

Weapons: MH Rabid scepter, OH Rabid dagger (e.g. Malfectyrm(sp)), Rabid staff

1) Plague signet or Bone minions or Corrupt Boon or Spectral Walk/Spectral Armour (Lupicius) or Well of Corruption (Build variation dependant)
2) BiP (use with dagger 4)
3) Epidemic (use on cooldown)

Elite: Flesh golem or Plague (situation dependant)

Runes: 6 x Undead

Sigil: MH of Earth, OH of agony/of corruption, Staff of corruption/of geomancy

Rotation: Scepter 2, dagger 5, BiP, dagger 4, (epidemic), swap weapon, staff 2, staff 3, staff 4, epidemic (If sppeced correctly – Enter DS, Life blast x 3 to stack might/vulnerability, Exit DS) – Repeat

Additional notes: If you consistenly pop epidemic early in the rotation you may want to enter DS to build might/stack vulnerability through reapers might/unyielding blast to fill the rotation- see build variations

Some people swap mark talents for pet talents though personally I find them to be a liability it most dungeons with aoe/random pulls etc

I have recently come across a build focussing on stacking might (sticky build post) through (strength/of the fire/hoelbrak) and sigil of battle – I am still testing it out but it seems the original build I provided comes out marginally on top (I am not a heavy theorycrafter)

You can supplement rabid gear with carrion gear until you farm the necessary tokens/karma. You can alternatively craft rampagers gear though I would then adopt a more well-centric build – see Xyi’s post on Guru forums

Finally for your mob tagging issue just swap Master of Corruption for Focussed Wells…, want to PvP swap mark talents for Reaper’s protection – congratulations you can now do everything without retraiting

The issue is not with condition specs – its people not speccing/gearing correctly

(edited by Savan.8495)

Phrases you'll never hear in GW2:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savan.8495


“I am going to quit playing unless they buff necromancer”…… No wait i’ve seen that posted like 600 times already

I don’t think I get the game ^^

Tired of Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


…. Do we really need another one of these posts?

Just one day I would like to log into these forums and not see it cluttered with Necro sucks/Mesmer stole my DPS/Warrior has better surviveability posts

Fact is, this is an MMO – balance has always been an issue in every MMO at some point. One day you may log in and find your OP, next month you might log in and find you’re getting stomped by every class.

Thing is professions change, mechanics change, games change – pretty much everything changes – that’s the nature of MMOs – they are constantly changing and evolving

Instead of creating another one of these largely unproductive posts, surrounding yourself with other inane posts – why don’t you just take a break from the game/go play another class/PVE/craft etc

Your time would be far better identifying profession bugs and posting them in the sticky (ANET Devs actually look at those) – these posts add very little value and its highly unlikely that the Dev’s are going to turn around and buff your class simply because you said you would quit playing…..

No need to throw your rattle out the pram

[BUG] marks and bleeds don't hit or spread...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


My bad…

Here’s a better response

•(NB0081) General: Marks do not trigger on downed players, dragons, Stationary targetable targets (Turrets, Risin Fish head mobs, Downed players, Seige equipment, targetable equipment racks / supplies in many “Hearts”)

Also, test epidemic using either of the methods I provided

Is the target bleeding?


Add it to the bug sticky list

(edited by Savan.8495)

[BUG] marks and bleeds don't hit or spread...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Savan, i suspect by laying down he means downed state rather than simply bowled over by a knockdown effect.

Yes, I get that now :P

[BUG] marks and bleeds don't hit or spread...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


hu? now, it’s me who dont fallow u… what flesh golem are linked with Mark and epidemic… ? O_o

Let’s try again

Is the issue that the players are not getting hit by the bleed mark because they are:
1) in a ‘downed’ state
2) because they are laying down

If it’s the latter use my method if its the former

Go to Heart of the Mysts go back through the first portal and use a mark on the “downed” NPC – is it bleeding?


It’s not a bug

[BUG] marks and bleeds don't hit or spread...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


So the issue is not that AOE hits ONLY 5 targets but that bleed is only applied to people who ARE standing (i.e. not laying down) in the target area?


Simple way to test

1) Port to Mysts/random location/WvWvW
2) Summon Flesh Golem
3) Hit charge
4) Use Staff 2 on laying target
5) Is it bleeding?


Then it’s not a bug

(edited by Savan.8495)

[BUG] marks and bleeds don't hit or spread...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Not a [BUG], an intentional design

Are you a DEV from Anet?

I dont think so… please i prefer some experimentation in 3 W situation, not in PvE…

Corruption bleeds dont work on things… like doors, siege engine….etc
Same for marks.

Not a dev, just prefer people to label their posts correctly

AOE only hits 5 targets maximum, that is/was an intentional design choice by the ANET developers… don’t believe me try laying down a arrow cart/trebuchet

Better yet do your own research.

(edited by Savan.8495)

Toughness in Condition Builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495



Copy/Paste for the lazy people

The aggro table of a hostile NPC changes dynamically depending on a number of factors, in order of importance:

1) closest target to them
2) who is dealing damage
3) top damage dealers
4) who is using a shield
5) others (see Tanking tactics wiki)

(edited by Savan.8495)

[BUG] marks and bleeds don't hit or spread...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


Not a [BUG], an intentional design