Showing Posts For Savoy.6824:

Hologram Projector problems.

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Have any of you guys tried going to the less populated zones to get the projectors. Have you tried guesting on to a low population server. Have any of you tried to use any problem solving skills at all to get these nodes or did you all rush to Queensdale on Tarnished Coast and immediately QQ. Im not trying to be rude here but Im not sure any of you are doing anything other than running into an obstacle and immediately throwing your hands up and saying its bork, game sucks. Heres a list of zones that contain the hollowgrams:

Queensdale, Kessex Hills, Brisbane Wildlands, Caledon Forest, Metrica Province, Plains of Asford, Diessa Plateau, Wayfarer Foothills, Snowden Drifts and Gendarran Fields

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Settelers Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


YAY, thanks for the info. Im sure my server wont have all of the camps freed but hey thats what guesting is for.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Settelers Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Will we still be able to buy settelers armor after the last stand at southsun ends today?
I know the karka queen is staying in the game so will the merchants at the four settlements still be there too? I hope so as I dont think its even possible to get the armor on the trading post.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Here's what I don't get about the Con nerf.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Is there a source for this claim that confusion is getting a 50% nerf. The only thing I heard them say in the state of the game is that changes to the way it stacks were being implemented. “Will be changes to the confusion stacks in PvE and PvP”

Can someone provide a source?

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Level fast to 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Savoy.6824


If your smart though you’ll craft/do personal story from 45 to 60 cause bloodtide coast is boring. blazenridge steepes isnt much better though there is a dragon there. But to each his own.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Level fast to 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Savoy.6824


how to do it with events

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


I like having max gear, and I like having alts. I am one sad panda since the 11/15 patch. I like knowing when I lose at something its because the encounter is so hard its broken or that my skills at the game are bad and I need to get better. I dont like thinking, gee if I just had that Ascended earring maybe that flame bat wouldnt have kicked my butt.

Please stop the verticle progression. I want to go back out and explore the world again. See the kitten room, jump off of waterfalls, and kill folks in wvw. That is all.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

are globs of ecto going to tank?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Well lets see. I sold 50 Globs of ectoplasm 4 days before the patch at 38s for about 17 gold and now there are buy orders on the trading post for 31s31c. Id say there going down. But Im going to buy my ectos back tomorrow cause I doubt it will go lower than 30.

Remember John also has said that when people see they actually have a chance at making something they didnt before they go for it (im looking at you abysmal scepter) . So my money is on the fact that demand for ectos will fall but not by much.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

New hair/eye colors not included 26 feb

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Thats cool, thanks for providing us with patch notes before the update goes out. It is much appreciated.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Guild bounty hunt Mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


@BoriKitty and @Ruprect, what hes saying is when your bounty dies youll get credit and your mission ends… no matter who kills it. Youll know your done cause youll get the reward and your timer will stop. There will probably be other interface cues to tell you its over as well. The guild whos bounty is still alive will have to keep going.

Holy gees patch notes are out sorry gotta go read no more time for debate.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Guild bounty hunt Mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


@AnthonyOrdon thank you sir, that sounds cool. Can you guys imagine how cool this might be. The zones may be alive with events going off left and right tonight. Combine this with the living story stuff and the world may feel alive.

@BelowAverage, yep wasnt asking you. I did however get the dev answer I was looking for so as you can see it helps to post questions on the forum because the uninformed community is not the only entity on the boards. Whos the idiot now

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Guild bounty hunt Mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Yeh, I agree Toxyn, Anet has always been abysmal with patch info. All the info I have on these missions is gathered from interviews not actual anet blog posts. Im really hoping a dev will see this and comment. Sure, going forward I doubt youll run into a bunch of people kicking things off all at once but tonight could be dicey. Anecdotally, the night they introduced the jewlery boxes you could buy with karma, the price of lodestones took a nosedive. Why you ask? Because everyone was buying them and they contained lodestones. After a few days the lodestone prices went back up but it proves that people love to try things the night they are released.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Guild bounty hunt Mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


@Rennoko, I can answer a few of you questions.

If you are in an overflow and your guild is in a different overflow you can right click on the portrait of one of your party members (assuming your guild members are in your party) you can join in there overflow.

Now, what happens if the target is in the main and your all stuck in the overflow thats a good question and sounds like that could be a very poor design decision on anets part.

Finally, you can kick off the missions as many times as you want but you will only be rewarded once a week with the cool 50 silver and the rare items.

Thanks for the useful comment.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Guild bounty hunt Mission

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Hi all. So I know there are a lot of small guilds out there made up of people who are real life friends. I know I have one of those myself. But I have recently jumped ship to what I would call a mid sized guild. It has a little over 100 people in it and there are about 15 people on during the US prime time. This guild has over 800k influence. Fact is folks theres probably plenty of guilds out there in a situation similar to this and further the situation isnt as dire as that 30 page thread would have you believe.

I believe a problem we will actually see is that there will be so many people kicking off these cool new bounty missions at once to night that we may not know which bounty belongs to which guild. So my question is, does anyone know how we will tell a target bounty belongs to our guild and not some other guilds?

My understanding of the mission is that when you kick it off two npcs appear in some zone(s) and you have 15 minutes do go find what zone they are in and dispatch them. They look like normal champions and everyone in the zone is allowed to help kill them. I think its great that others are allowed to join in I just wonder how were going to figure out if they are the bounty we are hunting and not infact some other guilds bounty.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Guide to make the fastest money 4.2.2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Turtle Dragon is correct. What they have done however, is put all crafting nodes in random locations for all of the different shards. Except for the southsun node. Its always in the same spot. but what works better is guesting around trying to find two ori nodes in close proximity to each other. once you find them you will double your take. omnomberries sell for 3 silver as well so imagine if you can find a server where there are two ori nodes and an omnom node close together. Its pretty sweet until they push out a new build and then everything move around again. Happy hunting.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Ectos, how many do you get a week?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


@Kumu Honua, sounds like it really does get better the higher you go in fractals. How many yellows/oranges would you say you come away with from the lvl 30 run. If its around 10 that sounds like a really good use of ones time. If getting ectos is your goal anyway.

@Narkosys, how many hours would you say you play a week?

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Ectos, how many do you get a week?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


@Hasteo, Oh Im aware of the full cost for the glow. Im still debating if I want that. You know what really grinds my gears. I heard that you cant put in a resilient infusion (or any other infusion for that matter) and then upgrade it to the glowing version later. I heard that if you upgrade it later then you lose the infusion you had and then have to re-infuse it. Which means you cant have all the cool stats and work up to the cool look, you have to first get the cool look and then put in the cool stats. unless you like grinding out those karka shells and armored scales.

yeh, at my estimate of 36 ectos a week ill be going at it for 14 weeks before I get the glowy version. Thats over three months. If I end up going that route that will be my Legendary. I cant imagine working at something in a game for longer than that

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Ectos, how many do you get a week?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


True, cant wait till they let you get them with badges.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Ectos, how many do you get a week?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


@drwookie, Well the good news is, the things I want ectos for are for either cosmetic things or for playing in fractals (agony resistance) so unless you want to simply frighten people away with the blinding glow of you abysmal scepter (which I so hope happens someday) then you shouldnt need them too much. I like WvW as well and I can tell you that if I did not want to play PvE as well, I cant think of a reason I would need them. (Provided, I already had full exotic armor and jewlery)

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Ectos, how many do you get a week?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Well cool. I was hoping to hear that I was doing poorly and that I could double my take by doing X. I hear you guys on the salvage game. It can be rough and sometimes you get less ectos than you had rares. I too, have gotten a little lucky with the daylies and gotten a few black lion kits so Im still playing the salvage game at lest till my kits run out. I am of course, presuming I will get 3-4 yellow weapon or armor drops every run in the higher fractals, so if that does not in fact happen then there goes half my stash.

But I have found that saving up your crafting materials (T5 Materials) and then crafting a yellow from them is a decent way. I deffinitly have a surplus of mithril so all i need is the blood, or venom sac for the insignia and Im good to go.

Also, going the dungeon route is pretty guarenteed, because if you run it twice you will have 1 gold which buys you 2 and a half ectos, and then you can take your 120 tokens to the lions arch guy and buy 4 yellows with that (that cannont be sold) and play the salvage game.

But yeh the rest seems like luck. Hopefully you find some yellows or oranges while getting the aformentioned materials in cursed shore and hopefully you get some drops in fractals.

I havnt found a better way to spend my time thus far. I have about 5 to 6 hours a night and it takes 2 hours to run fractals twice and another hour and a half to run COF twice (depending on the group, sometimes just an hour) And then you know, if I havnt finished my daily its off to somewhere to complete that. And now theres more content to see with the living shore stuff (Which helps level my alt ever so slightly).

Off topic but I dont know how people run out of stuff to do in this game

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Ectos, how many do you get a week?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Im trying to get infused fractal back piece (250 ectos) and I wanted to know, on average, how many ectos other players got a week.

Im only level 6 in fractals so I know I have a ways to go and I hear that as you get higher the loot gets better, but at the moment I’m getting about 1 yellow per run. Im going to do a bit of forcasting here and presume that I will get 3-4 per run once I hit about level 15 fractals. So, lets breakdown a typical night of play for me:

Run fractals twice; get 6 yellows; = 5 ectos
Run COF twice; get a little over a gold to buy ectos with and spend the tokens on yellows to salvage some ectos = 6 ectos
Go smash around cursed shore to complete daily and do some gathering to craft a rare to salvage = 1 ecto

Total 12 ectos a day and I get to play like this 3 days a week so grand total = 36 ectos a week

Now, Im trying to make a conservative estimate. I know I may get a yellow while smashing around ore in my magic find gear and I may even pick up a couple yellows while running COF (not in magic find, I dont want to go down that road ). But assuming Im having run of poor luck, I think 12 a night is a pretty good estimate, once Im running fractals lvl 15.

Please let me know if Im bat kitten crazy. And most Importantly, let me know how many you get a week on average. Thanks

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

POLL: Would you like level cap to be raised?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


No. Never. Please no.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Daily Vet Kills - No Vet Counts?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Dude if this is todays Daily then it will be super easy to get in cursed shore. Dodges are cake to get there, vets are everywhere, you cant turn around without seeing an event. Heck yeh, a reason to return to cursed shore.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Ninja Mat Gathering??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Yeh, those are people who have alts that do nothing other than gather. If your going to have alts why not have them parked at a gathering node. No use having them sit around in Lions Arch collecting dust.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

DC in fractals. no way to get back in

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Did anyone here complaining play this game before fractals came out. If you did, did you forget there was plenty to do before they added that. Heres the thing. They added some stuff without fully testing it. News flash, every software company in the world, IN THE WORLD does this. Now you can play something that 90%, not 50, 90% finished that needs some polish if you want, nobodies forcing you to play this. Remember all that game that was there before fractals that i mentioned earlier. Go do that if the bugs are a “show stopper” to you.

Its great, you get a preview of something before its done. You people need a perception shift. Serisouly do you go out and buy the latest operating system the second it comes out. If you do you are seriously the biggest, most idiotic person in the world or your into sadomasochism. But hey whatever works for you. Dont be an early adopter of software if your one of those idiotic perfectionist. Software is never perfect day one of release. Words to live by. Welcome to the real world. Should have taken the “blue pill” if you wanted to stay in the matirx.

Me personally, thought it was great, I got a preview of whats to come. If I want to play it I can. Of course I run the chance of disconnecting (which i have, about as fun as jamming needles into my eyes) and lossing my progress. But now when they finish it, I wont be a total noob and can get through the stuff at a decent pace. I personally wont consider it finished till they get a looking for group feature along with it. But the end of january thing is a step in the right direction.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

VOTE! Do we need party finder? (Yes/No)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Savoy.6824


yes, like everyone else said

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Why are game companies secretive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Ok, theres some light at the end of the tunnel. Thank god Anet listens. The people commenting in this thread sure dont. In the video posted above by munkiman.3068 at the 14 min mark, Colin admits to this failing and says they are going to try do better. Hes responding to the question “what have you learned from the halloween event”. Thank you Colin. That is awesome. I hate to be such a pessimist but will have to withhold praise untill I see actual results but at least they know this is a weak area for them.

So to the original poster of this thread, there is your answer. You hit the nail dead on the head and the director aknowleges this failing and hopefully will do better in the future. And to the rest of you posting in this thread, please never go into marketing as you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Why are game companies secretive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Yeh, 5 min after the update is not near fast enough. The fact is they have to put in so much content for the people who can play the game from the morning to the wee hours of the night so that those players will be happy. Guess what that means for those of us who can only get on for only 2 hours of the entire god kitten thing. We have to pick, that right pick what things we want to complete. And its impossible to make an informed decision about what content you want to do when nothing is comunicated and all of it is a secrete up to the minute of the release.

Also I gurantee you there are way more people who fall into the limited play time category than the play all day category. So a company should be trying to satisfy the largest base. And its not like Im asking for a whole lot. Just what events and what rewards. Like I said keep your secretes about where the event is and how to complete just give a heads up about what events there will be and what rewards there will be for doing them. Is that really so hard?

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Why are game companies secretive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Id like to know what is going to be added. What Events will there be and what rewards (detailed on this, pics and all) will there be for completing them. They dont have to tell where the event will be or how to complete it (that way the can still have their precious secrets to build hype with). But I want to know what things I want to participate in so I can plan my limited gaming time as wisly as possible.

Again using the Halloween event as an example. If my GF hadnt wanted to do the scavenger hunt I would have spent all my time gathering candy corn, and getting crafting mats because I thought the scavenger hunt sounded dumb. But when I found out there was a cool book to get out of it, my outlook on the scavenger hunt rapidly changed. But did Anet tell anybody about it. Hell no. Thats a Big issue in my world. It wouldnt have injured their precious hype one single iota to disclose what rewards there would be for finishing the events.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Why are game companies secretive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


They say the are a transparent company, but in reality it is their biggest failing. They are horrible at communicating updates (ie all of the stealth nerfs), when things will be fixed (temple of balthazar events still bugged and have been for months and they havnt even aknowleged its a problem to my knowlege), and worst of all what will be in the content updates. Nobody knew what was going to happen in every act of the holloween event. I could list so many examples of bad communication on that one. Just for example, I rushed home from work early to get the last witch hat because I thought the event would end at noon pst. Turns out it didnt end then, it ended much much later. And then, after it was over you could just go up to a guy and get it anyway due to the hurricane that struck the east coast. If they would have communicated this I would still have a half day of vaction.

Please dont take this the wrong way, I loved the holloween event, but seriously there isnt a word in the english language to describe how bad this company sucks at communication. Super Fail!

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

We need Outward Scaling, not just Upward.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Savoy.6824


They need to implement this to make the combat more exciting.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Why is this thread 4 pages long without any moderator commentary? For some reason Anet has been avoiding commenting on this problem for months and you now have a thread that is 177 post long asking what server the temple is open on. Id give a detailed bug report but I think they already have one by now. So, yeh is anybody working on this?

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Temple of Balthazar and the New World Transfer every 7 days rule.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Yeh for some reason Anet has been avoiding commenting on this problem for months and you now have a thread that is 177 post long asking what server the temple is open on. Id give a detailed bug report but I think they already have one by now. So, yeh is anybody working on this?

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Question: Was there a hat?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Isnt the event still running. I could of sworn they said it would end at 19:00 GMT. Which I believe for people in Texas is 7pm. Unless im reading the website im looking at for time zone conversion wrong. Thats also when the dailys reset for us so that would make sense for it to end then. Let me know cause Im going to leave work early to go home and catch it if its still going, thx.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

What happens after Halloween is over?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Crafting components will only be available through the trading post.
Recipes will also be available there but the vendors will be gone.

Components in your inventory will of course stay in your inventory.
Scavenger hunt goes away, the games go away, the mad king dungeon goes away.

The new jumping puzzles stay except for the clock tower. trick or treat doors go away.

I probably missed some things, feel free to add on.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Act 2 = Failed Design - Inconsiderate for low level alts

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Honest question. Has anybody tried eating candy corn to get the speed boost that stacks so that they can speed their low lvl alts across the zone? I just thought of this and am wondering if it would be a viable strategy.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Heh, was just going to say no but there is a 15 min character requirment. No is the answer.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Uh wait what, the post was just edited. There was a recipe for epic chest. it was 9 mad king chests and something else. What was it. Please repost

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Halloween Act 1 Informational Aid (With ToT Locations)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Savoy.6824


See, this is perfect. This document is what ANet should of had posted on their website 5 days ago. Yes on the 19th of Oct. And they should have one going with atleast, AT LEAST this much info on act 2 TODAY. It should not have to be posted by a player 2 days after the event launched. They were so good in gw1. I know there is more content now but guess what, their making more money now. Hire more people. Get you kitten together.
Some of us cant play every day and need this info in advance so we can hit the ground running when the event starts. Thanks for all the content but without any documentation on it, half of it gets missed. Get something like this wonderful write up about act two out TODAY. End of story

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

We need Outward Scaling, not just Upward.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Totally agree with the original poster. Why are the Moderators not commenting on this. At penitant waypoint in the cursed shore zone, you have of enimies that just blindly charge into the aoe spam of the bots sitting there. Add some variety and the bots die and the real players have more fun. Its a win win. Lets get this going NOW. better yet, yesterday.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Let's Start the Karma DR Dialogue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savoy.6824


So all of the moderators are funneling people to this thread to discuss this issue yet non of them are joining in on the conversation. What gives. They obviously know about this thread. This is an issue that needs some commentary.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Savoy.6824


@alocay the videos were actually in sPvP but I was hoping it would translate somewhat. I can deffinitly say that every time I have leap (using the skill) into a hoard of enimies that I most deffinitly got owned, but I did make them crap their pants for a second and my friends who I was trying to protect got away (usually the reason, I go for the suicide drop in the first place) and I ocassionaly even manage to drop one.

So yea that doesnt work and probalby wouldnt be fair if it did, but yea when Im fighting those 2 or 3 squishies on the outer rim of the zerg hoard (I love going after the people who try to flank our hoard, even if Im by myself) I do ok with this build. Of course it depends on a lot, like the others guys skill and mine, and what gear they have/what class they are. And if my thief friend is in the area to help back me up. Its hard to say.

Anyway I think Im going to give @Feuer Liebt Mich horn idea a try. Could be fun. But yeh, when im not chasing down the people that love to flank, Im usually on my rifle shooting into the hoard.

As much as I would love to re-enact the scene from 300 where Leonidas bull dozes through 30 persians, Im sure that wouldnt be fair and balanced to other players if the warriro class had a build that could do that, so Im not looking for that. Just want to be more effective against those darn flankers.

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche

Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Savoy.6824


Any body having success playing a bleeding condition warrior? By success I mean having a good kill/death ration in wvw. I am only lvl 45 and do not have the most awesome gear yet but I am having fun with the spec. I love slashing something with my sword then being able to retreat and have it die while chasing me. So far I have had more success in PvE Then PvP though. And Ive seen videos of warriors that use duel axes and a great sword do better. I am aware that that is a glass cannon build and im ok with that. I was just hoping to find something different but comperable to that build so that I would not be like every other glass cannon.

I typically carry a main hand sword, off hand axe. And I carry a rifle as my alternate weapon. Ive put points into 15 points into Arms, 10 to Defense, and 10 to tactics. Tactics was so that I could run faster while carrying melee weapons.

If you are having success running a condition warrior, did you go with different trait lines; are you using two swords to get extra bleeding; did you really ramp up your gear with condition buffs instead of power and precision? These are the things im wondering?


And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once – Nietzsche