Showing Posts For Seteruss.4058:

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Assasin (human T3) coat,gloves and boots, stalwart headgear, noble shoulders.


Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Best Pet Names

in Ranger

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Tesla Wyvern
Screaming Moa

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

A+T/Sb viper cranger - dps problem

in Ranger

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Copy boons to pet?

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Progression to condi

in Ranger

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


but at the end you ll have to get a vipers armor cause of condi duration…

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Ranger GS.

in Ranger

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


I’ve just returned to the game and boosted a ranger to 80. Working towards unlocking the Druid specialization but I wanted to know how viable a ranger GS build is.

I’m honestly pretty casual, so I won’t be cutting edge here or anything.

If you mean the HoT boost that gets you to 80 and all basic wp unlocked, then elite is already unlocked. You just have to use only the bottom traitline for that..

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Renewed Focus - Let Us End It Early

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


I should have been clearer. I want to be able to end it early and reset my virtues immediately when I do so

Well…is charging virtues so cancel is just cancel.
Adding resistance will be nice for both pvp and pve.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

lf build for PvE and WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


keep all zerk gear and trinks and craft one more set marauders,armor only not weapons, and you ll have what you ask for
Additionally you can also put traveler runes for mobility.
My build. Working well so far..

Full mighty infusions on everything…

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Long range weapon missing

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Sc/torch-hammer or Sw/focus is a very good combination. You can also swap to longbow for some special fights. Lb dps is not good but you can complete the fight..

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Renewed Focus - Let Us End It Early

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Contemplation of Purity first and then pop it. Unless you’re full trapper, then it’s your fault for not having a cleanse on your utilities..

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Need help for PVE armor

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


My open pve build for general purpose.

Working really well so far with minimal dps loss + 25% moving speed…
Just convert it to exotic and will be the same, but ascended worth it as with a low cost you can make it nearly everything + you will have infusion slots so you can sacrifice those +4 mighty infusions with agony ones, and use it into fractals with great success..

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

(edited by Seteruss.4058)

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Gift of explo is a reward for 100% map so i prefer when consumed to give the exact same thing with no additional gifts.
Is the most fair i think and very easy to do it.
No need checking if you did it once or not cause you have the gift, and also you can do it as many times as you want until gifts run out.
hen you just have to do it normaly to take more gifts.
Siple as that.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


I’d be happy with that idea, even if it did everything but left the hearts to do. (to keep players going to different maps, so maps seem more full to new players etc). Or even if all it did was unlock the waypoints and un-fog the maps, I’d still be happy, as having fogged bits and not seeing all of the map is what bothers me most when I make an alt.

Don’t get me wrong, exploring in this game is fun, and I love the world and environments. But having to unlock all the waypoints and make all the maps and map areas visible again is what puts me off making a new alt or two. Partly the thought of running around just to unlock the maps again annoys me and would feel like a tedious thing to do after having done it twice already, and partly if you have limited time to game then it just makes having to unlock/unfog areas again just to enjoy an alt not viable.

I’d even be happy if it was a gem store item, as others have suggested in the past, which would be only purchasable if you’ve done map completion on at least 1 character first. Or I think another suggestion someone made in a previous thread was to have a cartographer vendor in each zone, where for x amount of gold you could pay for a map to unfog and unlock all WPs (or everything) in that zone. (again only available after at least 1 character on the account has completed that zone)

I totally agree with all.
Gift of Exploration currently only used for old legendaries thats why i mention it and also is the best proof that you already open tyria maps once.
At least unfog the map and open all wp is fine by me.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


I have 4 map completions and 8 characters. I ve made 2 legendaries only and not intended to make more. I have many gifts of explo that i can’t do anything with them(don’t want another legendary).
Probably if they make the wp at least account wide, will be happy, but now i think is unfair like that.
After all if they make the gift consumable, anyone can either pick to complete map with this or by atual exploration.
Also if you want to swap main character for good will be easier to have map complete.
Grinding is nice but there are some limits also.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

(edited by Seteruss.4058)

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Just so I understand the request – are you asking for an alt to be able to consume a gift of exploration and:
1) get all WPs, hearts, POIs, and associated fog of war from POIs/etc. unlocked, with no map completion rewards from any of the maps
2) get all WPs unlocked, w/ related fog of war, but still be able to finish hearts/POIs
3) other?

I’d be in support of #2, I’m not sure how I’d feel about #1 – not sure there’s benefit in having those automatically completed without reward (unless, I suppose, OCD completionists who can’t stand to not see 100% on any given map).

Get all vistas,wp,hearts etc but only that. Will receive a 100% map completion with no rewards after that(meaning gift of explo ofc otherwise will be an endless loop).
And that only for tyria cause HoT maps needed for elite specs.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

(edited by Seteruss.4058)

[Suggestion] Gift of Exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


A lot of discussion already but please…

Make gift of exploration consumable for an alt that has no map completion and will receive a map completion ONLY. No additional gifts or something else ofc.
Then if we need a gift of exploration we will have to roll an alt and make a normal map completion.
That way we will be able to choose if we want to go for a legendary or go for map completion.

HoT maps excluded cause classes need them for elite specs.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

(edited by Seteruss.4058)

Are guardians REALLY terrible and useless?

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Thanks a lot everyone, thats really great! I’m still at level 36 and already enjoy it very much, gonna keep playing, thanks again =D

You always have to play what makes you feel better.
Classes always get a hit from meta anyway, so don’t bother chasing the “so called meta” cause you will always be on the QQ side.
After all, the whole thing about guardian was just a false(IMO) statement, and was for "optimal " side,not “viable”.Guardians will always be viable.
So no worries about qq.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

(edited by Seteruss.4058)

We are back to trash tier boys!

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


I really don’t care for small hitboxes thing, cause everywere else we’re good.
I know in past we had some troubles with retal at fracts but no more , and if they add that condi thing in expac, build diversity will be absolutely fine .
I can’t change my main class nor i don’t want. I have already a rev a ranger an engi and a necro all full to asc and all have (except ranger) map completion and everything , but i ’ m stuck to guardian for good.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

(edited by Seteruss.4058)

We are back to trash tier boys!

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


dps is good.
Problem is…let’s say lfg…

^^This. Ignore LFG and find a guild that raids. Once you get to know your new guild and they get to know you it’s not a problem. Among friends 30k guards/rev’s etc are welcome, most important thing is just learn the mechanics.

Agree on that.
But many guilds may ask you to roll a condi build on some alts or something.
Not happening at mine but i know some situations..

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

We are back to trash tier boys!

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


we just need a dps buff and be less selfish and we will be ok

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Current Optimal DH in PvP

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


same build with the one that i m using currently but with bane signet instead of judge’s intervention and soaring devastation instead of piercing light.
A very good build.
Occasionally swaping longbow with sc/focus.
Also i have sigil of agility on longbow for that extra amount of quickness.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

We are back to trash tier boys!

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


dps is good.
Problem is…let’s say lfg…

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

We are back to trash tier boys!

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


isnt DPS, damage per second???… 30k per second… yeah right. :}

29.3k, to be precise. I think it’s fair to call that 30k :P

on small hitboxes.
On large we re at 34.6

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

(edited by Seteruss.4058)

Guardian is the new Revenant

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Generally speaking, guardian is still viable and is not the condi craze but the meta craze.
Can’t say anything else when benchmarks(and personal parsing) still have him at least on 30k+ dps.
Is just that the “so called meta” need something else from what we can give, or anet have a great plan to sell the new expac..
Also while i have a great respect for all class testers out there, one single sentence can throw a class to trash instantly.Especially when speaking for lfg..

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

(edited by Seteruss.4058)

[Suggestions] Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


give overcharge to toolbelt in same way as op said, just on toolbelt.
That goes overcharge→toolbelt skill.
Obviously will have to overcharge it if you want to use toolbelt but it may be more controlled, just saying.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Guardian is the new Revenant

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


And yet, guardian has double the number of builds as revenant on metabattle, and is more readily accepted into groups from what I’ve seen. I’m not saying we are doing great, but to say that we are worse off than revenant? That’s just crazy talk.

+1 on that..

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Chaos Armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Go and light up the darkness :P

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

We are back to trash tier boys!

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


As someone said earlier make us a true support spec with adequate dps like the druid or give us selfish high dps specs. As of right now there is no reason to bring a guardian to a raid or high lvl fractals with druids and mesmers in the meta.

well i know every game have buffs and nerfs over time and some classes are fotm based on buffs they take, but honestly, to keep you out of raiding or high lvl fractals is a little bit unacceptable to me and happens only in gw2.
I just never see that in any other game that i ve played, and i m not talking for the retaliation problem that guard had.
In general in gw2 if you re not in the “so called meta” you re forced to just roaming in pve maps or wvw just for fun cause even in some dungeons they dont want you at all….
I’m so dissapointed of this method, and anet have full responsibility for this, cause of failed class balance.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

How is Power Revenant for non-raid content?

in Revenant

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


It is an absolute fun class.
I just swap to mine from my guardian cause of boring playstyle of guard(matter of taste).
I m not caring for anyone that might tell me is not good, as long as i’m having fun with him.
Maybe i’ll turn the one one of 2 berserkers armor to vipers in mf to cover everything and that’s it….

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Need help with looking good.

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Asura cultural heavy armour is amazing, you don’t even have to try to look good.


Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Condi stat set and On Swap sigils

in Engineer

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Why not full viper’s? I have not done the math myself but I will eventually is it because you overstack the condition duration?

Exactly, going full viper will overstack the condi duration, and that missed condi duration is better spended in pushing more your condi damage, hence, the sinister stats in the shoulder and in one ring.

Almost same result if you put a sinister back and one ring in case someone have already craft full viper’s or have a sinister backpiece

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Engineer race choice...

in Engineer

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Asura ftw imo. Really love my tiny bomberman
Charrs are also good for engi but i don’t like them…humans and sylv are no go for me(personal opinion).

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Rifle engi vs thief

in Engineer

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Rilfle as a main weapon is not that good and is power based.
You need either pp and go condi or hammer and go scrapper.
If you go scrapper you can reveal them easily with sneak’s gyro toolbelt skill. You can take rifle if you want with scrapper also but hammer is unbeatable if you choose to be an actual scrapper. Also scrapper rune have reduced incoming damage if you re close to enemies

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Official Feedback Thread: Episode 3 -- A Crack in the Ice

in Living World

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


We are one hit for veteran svanir brute? Really?
I do like content to be hard but this is annoying sometimes.
I’m not one shot even from a legendary boss and i’m from a veteran?

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Function gyro+Runes of Mercy? Quick question

in Engineer

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


function gyro acts like you so probably yes…

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Disconnects and roll backs..

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Same here also.
Dc then roling me back sometimes to previous area.
Today i was in Bitterfrost and after dc in Malchors Leap.
Lost gathering and some gold from monsters

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

No update yet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Well…normally by this time was out.
Is delayed anyway..

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Switch skin from mistward to original crafted one with protectors helmet….


Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Torch 5 still useless?

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Over 4 yeas now, and this skill is still not worth to use anywhere?

Not even Blizzard is slower in buffing/changing undertuned talents/traits or skills!

Lets talk about something diffrent, how about spiritweapons?,

Rly, i think it´s a shame for anet. And it needs to be said, haters (fanboys) gonna hate.

Only in some situations were for fun you can aoe in line with feel my wrath lol….nothing else.
As for spirit weapons…put them back in the closet :P

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

[Discussion] Your Main Issues With The Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


The “incomplete feeling” about almost everything that need a fix.
Bugs in classes remains the same, no new legendary weapons(at least not as they said they will release), no legendary armor(except a preview of only heavy class to human race) and finaly the nerf cloud that hit almost all classes to death sometimes and only because facerolling is hard in pvp against skill players or class stacking.
Some more here and there that we all know them and ofc all of the above.

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

Auto attack hammer build

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


My general open pve/wvw/dungeons/world bosses build
I hardly died with this one while pulling out a lot of damage.
Notice i have infuse it all with +4 power infusions(laurel ventor 5 laurels each)

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

(edited by Seteruss.4058)

How much Dps loss is it? Traveler vs Scholar

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Honestly run strength and youll get better dps in any real situation. You take 1 hit in zerker and scholar is worthless. I know some metaboi will qq about this but that’s the way it is.

Much agree.
Strength runes are awesome.
Scholar is only for raids with a good healer to keep you above 90.
But the problem with guardian mobility remains tye same.
We really need a trait or utility to be able to use better runes

I wish so badly that they’d make it part of the passive on Signet of Courage. Put the class’ most desired trait on its most worthless elite. Win/win.

Nope, instead the shave half a second off its cast time. Big friggin whoop.

I really don’t care where thy will(if) put it.
All classes have a passive way to increase movement speed. Retread or stuff 3 is not an option for me.We deserve a passive way to achieve that .

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive? healing prohibited?

in PvP

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Yeah, its funny how upset people get. The amount of whispers I get after matches is really funny, the rant and block really makes me laugh, there seems to be quite a few small minded people who play PvP. All of them seem to be emotionally unstable. And take it to heart when you rip them, or when they call you a noob when they beat you in a 3vs1, and you lol them and remind them they needed help to neat you. PvP would be much better if the 2 sides could not whisper each other.

Agree with this. No need to be able to whisper on enemies.
From the other hand,ppl that rage so much just ruin te game and make it toxic.
We can’t faceroll everyone, and when that happens it is really boring.
I i was in his position i would rather regroup to focus on healer than spend time to whisper…

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

How much Dps loss is it? Traveler vs Scholar

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Honestly run strength and youll get better dps in any real situation. You take 1 hit in zerker and scholar is worthless. I know some metaboi will qq about this but that’s the way it is.

Much agree.
Strength runes are awesome.
Scholar is only for raids with a good healer to keep you above 90.
But the problem with guardian mobility remains tye same.
We really need a trait or utility to be able to use better runes

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

How much Dps loss is it? Traveler vs Scholar

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


if you’ re talking about actual numbers is about 3k i think if i;m not wrong.
If you re going for traveler runes be sure that your armor is for general pve.
If you’re talking about raids just forget them and go for scholar.

I’m assuming that 3k dps is taking into account a raid situation with maxxed buffs?

Tested on golem and as far as i remember is somewere there between 2.5-3.5
Also be sure to take bane signet for the 100 power(120 traited but not worth the trait).

bane sig @ 80 is 180 power, 214 traited ( If i remember correctly). It certainly is not 100 power ( @ 80..)


Is it luck or skill keeping you alive? healing prohibited?

in PvP

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


Healing is prohibited, so is bunkering – that’s why all meta builds are full berserker! (We are talking about PvE, right?)

Yea…i think we have to run naked and out of amulets..

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive? healing prohibited?

in PvP

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


the wish at the end of match.
I whisper back that one day we will all die but he/she block me :P


Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

(edited by Seteruss.4058) healing prohibited?

in PvP

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


As title says.
I decide to go full heal with my little asuran tempest and this came up in chat.
I really don’t care about hiding names or such so here we are.
After my team goes completely undead they start whispering me all that they can.
At the end i even take a wish to die for a single unranked match.
If it’s not fair then the amulet is in wrong place…
Ofc i already report this beahavior as i’m really far from a child that open a latptop and push buttons.
Those are things i’m really against of…

Waiting response from more experienced ppl


Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

(edited by Seteruss.4058)

I can't choose

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


been trying to just choose one because of my limited time I get to play. but it does seem my guild would have more use of me to play the Guardian and Imesmer thinking I can come up with a build I’d enjoy for pve content.
started looking and I like the way a shield looks and I’ve liked the sword skills but maybe for wvw I’d swap the sword for a mace and run with hammer or staff as my secondary.

All and i mean it , all weapons are viable for guardian so you’ve got to have them all in your inventory to swapping for every situation.
If you ’re under 80 without elite spec i suggest sc/torch-sw/focus or shield for general pve content.
If you have your elite spec then swap sc/torch for longbow for going higher than 900 range but in general sc/torch have better dps.
After 60 put traveler runes to see yourself a bright day when general roaming
Also i suggest you to avoid spamming the same thread to every single class forum just to take an advice from each main proffecion.
Better take this to general to get you correct answer. Asking for guardian in guardian class or mesmer in mesmer class you ll not taking any good results. Ppl will laways protect their choice..

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

(edited by Seteruss.4058)

How much Dps loss is it? Traveler vs Scholar

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


if you’ re talking about actual numbers is about 3k i think if i;m not wrong.
If you re going for traveler runes be sure that your armor is for general pve.
If you’re talking about raids just forget them and go for scholar.

I’m assuming that 3k dps is taking into account a raid situation with maxxed buffs?

Tested on golem and as far as i remember is somewere there between 2.5-3.5
Also be sure to take bane signet for the 100 power(120 traited but not worth the trait).

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

I can't choose

in Guardian

Posted by: Seteruss.4058


After swapping to engi then rev i can only say that i m back to guardian.
For some reason this class have all that l want. Good dps and awesome protection. I even protect a rev to commune to balthazar hp once without even fight inside fires and walk away both of us like a boss.
Whatever class i play i m sure my guardian will always be my main.
Currrnt build full marauder with travelers for general pve and fractals and full zerk with scholar for raids.
I also like mesmer a lot but i only play pvp with him as all those phantasm and confusions are too much fun in there.
If you feel you want some more why not play both

Is it luck or skill keeping you alive?

(edited by Seteruss.4058)