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in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


2) Necro relies on CC to mitigate damage rather than blocks.

this isn’t true.

Necromancer skills in PVP is poor

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


and we can still get Retaliation from Spiteful Spirit.

No we cant. Its broken.

Retalation was a good weapon of the necromancer before the trait system rework. We was able to obtain it for some seconds, granting us a way to punish the enemy while attacking us.

That was thematicly perfect because we lack of defences, then the enemy have to be puneshed when hit us.
It was not OP in the past and will not be now, it was only removed because there was better traits to chose to make the new trait system. But we lost a big chance to “dfend” us.

Obtain retalation back will be a really good new for us

The trait…the trait is broken. When they removed retaliation from axe #3 it was removed from the trait spiteful spirit even though the tool tip still says it grants the boon.

Currently all spiteful spirit does is corrupt 1 boon and does an air crippling hit. It no longer grants retaliation as of the latest balance patch.

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Necromancer skills in PVP is poor

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


and we can still get Retaliation from Spiteful Spirit.

No we cant. Its broken.

Dark Pact

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


I’ve dropped GS and started playing with dagger again and not using RS so when the expac hits I’m in a build that can transition fairly well because we all know it may be confidential themes but there will be useful traits and skills in there for power builds ( look at berserker ).

Overall it has its uses from what I can tell. Plus it means that in PvP game modes the next condition you remove will always be bleeding.

Power Reaper Raid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


I always get more damage above 50% by using nightfall and GD every 2 auto attack chains. GD is a straight DPS boost and NF>LS. Not a huge difference around 1k dps.

but after you switch to GS you have to wait like 7-8 seconds aftyer GD and Nightfall are used to go back to dagger AA. that means, that you loose dps while using GS AA which is the lamest thing i have ever seen.
same for going into shroud waiting for weapon swap off cd, even though shroud 2 is decent, shorud 4 isn’t viable for single target damage. not to mention shroud AA are not good too… even might stacking is bad cause in raid you’ll always have 25 stacks

After recent changes to aftee cast on GS auto chain it has the exact same coefficient per second as dagger auto. Roughtly 1.37. It’s just less forgiving if you have to interrupt yourself. Technically speaking shroud with dhuumfire is the strongest autoattsck we have but dropping blood for SR means you lose bloodbond and wellcooldown plus shrouding into auto has a lag that makes it not fluid and a dose loss.

With relation to shroud builds if anyone uses one shroud 2 is a DPS increase only when you don’t have quickness. Because it is a leap it isn’t affected by quickness and the auto becomes better.

Daggers benefit more from the life steal but he gets ~6 stacks of bleed. It’s still fairly even. Using GD and NF on cool down when camping GS results in higher dps mathematically and in practice when benchmarking. Again it’s not a huge difference but it’s higher but more room for error. Tested it for half hour this morning doing nothing but autoattcking then doing chains. It was boring.

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Power Reaper Raid Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


I always get more damage above 50% by using nightfall and GD every 2 auto attack chains. GD is a straight DPS boost and NF>LS. Not a huge difference around 1k dps.

expac balance

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Its surprising how many people dont know this.

I Need Some Power Reaper Help

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Run shouts

Wells are infinity better than shouts in PVE

Thoughts on the new condition meta

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


So you used a boon spamming build against a boon corruption build and expected to not have to pay any attention to your condition cleanse?

shouts remove condis from me. 2 at a time. i only used them after i had condis. and then when i had a bunch of boons they corrupted them. and after that i used convert to boon skill to get rid of all of them, but then they just reaplied all the condis anyway because thats what im complaining about. You kids need to stop trying to poke holes in legitimate complaints and defending kittene mechanics just because you think youre better than everybody who complains. Youre not.

You undermine your argument by referring to people who disagree as kids in an attempt to belittle/make yourself sound superior.

Secondly necromancers generally have a LOT of corruption and tend to destroy boon heavy classes easily. Necro have 4 traits, 5 weapon skills, and 2 utilities that turn boons into conditions. Two of which are pulsing fields. Two of these traits cause another 2~4 skills/utilities to corrupt boons. They also have 4 traits that cause conditions to cause other conditions but only 1 is damaging.

The rune of the solider removes conditions therefore will always remove the last condition applied to you. Pure of Voice converts conditions to boons and therefore is completely random like all conversions are. It means its fairly pot luck what you get. Not only that but the fact it generates boons is an issue since they again can be converted back into conditions. They also arent going to stop attacking you..its like saying someone should stop using direct damage skills after you heal or cast a mitigation skill. they need to, should, and will reapply the conditions because they are trying to kill you.

it doesnt matter what prof or what class you play. you will get slathered with condis despite even building 100% maximum condi cleanse/remove/transfer whatever because thats how guild wars 2 is.

This also applies to direct damage. In this statement the two and their respective methods of reductions are completely interchangeable.

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Thoughts on the new condition meta

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


its funny because it doesnt even matter if you run a gaurdian with MAXIMUM [insert damage type here] clear/mitigation.

if you fight a [insert class/build prevalent in mentioned damage type] you will still be completely slathered in [insert damage type] NO MATTER WHAT

doesnt matter what prof ur playing.

doesnt matter what build youre playing

you will be completely slathered in [insert damage type] no matter what.

its not fun whatsoever to play against

i only play gw2 for pve now.

pvp is not fun whatsoever.

It works for just about everything.

theres two damage types.

condi and direct damage.

building vitality/toughness and using boons like protection mitigates direct just fine.

building vitality and using condi cleanse hardly makes a difference to condis.

so no.

You can build fully against direct damage and still die to it. Can build fully against codi and still die to them.

Again it pretty much goes both ways.

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Thoughts on the new condition meta

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


its funny because it doesnt even matter if you run a gaurdian with MAXIMUM [insert damage type here] clear/mitigation.

if you fight a [insert class/build prevalent in mentioned damage type] you will still be completely slathered in [insert damage type] NO MATTER WHAT

doesnt matter what prof ur playing.

doesnt matter what build youre playing

you will be completely slathered in [insert damage type] no matter what.

its not fun whatsoever to play against

i only play gw2 for pve now.

pvp is not fun whatsoever.

It works for just about everything.

Stop Nerfing Warrior Sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


. Gravedigger (the highest base damage skill in the game)

This isnt true

A compilation of Necromancer ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


  • Signet is hard to keep track of.
  • Though the well trait change to duration is something I can get behind, see Writ of Persistence , the well itself is incredibly oppressive and OP. If you cant clear the condition or block you cant leave the well for the next 8~10s. You can have stab but that doesnt prevent the immobilise so you cant use dodge, you can clear the condition but that wont prevent you from being knocked down. Necromancer is also one of the classes with the highest amount of soft CC so walking out of the well would also be difficult. Also 1/4 cast-time is unrealistic. Even gravity well has a 1s cast time and this is arguably several time stronger. 50s recharge is also to low.
  • Well of darkness would become a technical invulnerability since all attacks miss as long as smokescales are stood in their cloud and unlike AI you cant bait them to leave. Idea is OP. It also loses any form of minor support you could provide to allies.
  • UB being random CC wouldnt be any good since the trait affects effect all shroud 1 skills and would be irritating to any melee shroud the devs cook up, it would be incredibly oppressive and also being on a 3s ICD is again OP.
  • SoS change would result in a jerky movement wouldnt feel smooth. Its also a next movement speed of +50% which would be better to change the trait to instead of it being janky. +50% though….may be far to fast.
  • Your soul comprehension belongs in curses not DM. A better change would be removed/transferred.

How would you redesign the necromancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082



Mechanic is not unique and is essentially the same as the ranger/mesmer class.

As a core class you need a completely unique idea so classes feel and play differently.
Shroud is currently unique, like every other core class mechanic.

Its also something very easy for them to expand upon.

The only thing that doesn’t really convince me about this idea is that it could feel too similar to the mesmer. Maybe the mesmer needs another rework, removing clones as a resource, and replacing them by something different?

Why would they change the mechanic of class A to class B’s mechanic to then rework class B’s. It makes no sense. Just change class A’ are unnecessarily doubling your workload.

Predictions for Sandshroud & Torch Mechanics

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


I’m guessing the sand theme probably has to do with the new leaked desert related maps.

Then how is Reaper tied to HoT ?!?! Chill and jungle, mhm but anyway, story driven skills sound cool. we had many such skills in gw1.

Well we did have dragon hunter as a name so why not sand as a theme.

Please Make Witch Doctor Happen

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Scourge is supposed to be a support spec.

“scourge” doesn’t seem like a name for support XD
we’re heading back to the desolation, home of the undead necro overlord Palawa Joko “Scourge of Vabbi” he doesn’t seem to supportive.

i think it’ll be a condi based spec, spreading plague and pestilence…a scourge!

Neither does firebrand but that’s apparently another support spec. Named aren’t all defining.

There is nothing stopping it from being a condi spec with support abilities in shroud or utilities. Support is also a very broad term.

Predictions for Sandshroud & Torch Mechanics

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


I would say things will stick to a trend we have seen in general:

  • Shroud 1: Generic attack. Either without a condi and a high power coeff or vica versa. If its no condi then it will be fast, if it is it will be medium or slow because dhuumfire.
  • Shroud 2: Movement skill with condi attached.
  • Shroud 3: Fear/ flip skill with fear.
  • Shroud 4: Multihit attack because transfusion.
  • Shroud 5: Some form of CC either soft or hard.
  • One of the above will grant LF.

Please Make Witch Doctor Happen

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082



1) Apparently that first leak was BS with the soul jar mechanic. Was someone trying to manipulate markets to get some sweet sales of sawgill mushrooms. Makes sense because it was over complicated.

2) Generally we have no idea how its going to work besides the torch and abilities producing torment and burning and it being support based. No need to be overly negative

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Torch skin discussion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Regular Fractal Torch

Very bright blue flame and its not small.

Please Make Witch Doctor Happen

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Last I heard it was dedicated condi spec. Still, some multi-tasking would be nice.

I heard Condi weapon but support shroud.

Also calling that shroud skill #4 will have a comparatively low cool down if it’s a support shroud because it would increase the access to transfusion greatly.

Would more Elite Specs save PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


In one of the leaks (so nothing exactly confirmed) I read that they are aiming for at least 25k/sec on every new elite spec which would be reasonable for pve… But Unless we get to play with 5k toughness, hell kitten no!

And even if that’s not true they will still make the new elite specs op so people buy the game (and nerf them as soon as they start soloing raid bosses….)

Think they were aiming for pretty much any class to have a few builds (not just new elite specs) that do that amount of DPS so nobody would be excluded from certain content due to not doing enough damage.

If everyone is meta, nobody is meta.

Besides 25k+ Dps benchmarks are a thing for most classes anyways.

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Please Make Witch Doctor Happen

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Scourge is supposed to be a support spec.

new elementalist specialization leaks

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Not to dissimilar to Rev. You pick the two elements you want and pick their traitlines or one of them and arcane.

My only question is will E1/E2 give the same dual skill as E2/E1.

I reckon they will just change the wording to be universal like they did with necro, changing traits to read shroud 1 through 4. Ex. Electric Discharge could read “Strike you foe with a bolt of lightning when you change your main attunement to air” or something. Same with glyphs. Sorts a lot of problems they can have inventing new things.

Like many have said I like the fact it changes how ele will work from use all 4 to pick two. Will feel like a proper elite spec instead of ele+1. Properly changing the way my character plays.

new elementalist specialization leaks

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Pretty much. I’m also excited for this new spec because it actually takes away something to give something, so it doesn’t make it a strict upgrade to the core profession.

I was thinking this exact same thing

The Necro Reconditioning

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


I had a really long reply written out but I’m just going to say you have thought up changes. Some are great but not all of your ideas are necessary, useful or fit. imo.

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

The Necro Reconditioning

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


I don’t think I removed any major boons that reaper would use with Blighter’s Boon, and especially with the changes to Siphoned Power and Beyond the Veil a Blighter Reaper should be even tankier (yes I know Death is rarely taken, but here’s another reason to!).

You changed reapers might. This trait grants 3 might every 2~2.3s when using the full auto chain. Be removing it you have essentially removed ~250+ HP/s from shroud. Your change to siphoned power would either be OP with no ICD because of how many nulti hit attacks necromancer has, ( no use even contemplating this idea; see fried golden dumpling ) or it would have to function exactly like chilling victory, at which point it becomes weaker in 1v1s. No to mention the function overlap with CV anyways. A BB using reaper with these changes would be weaker at sustaining.

For axe see my message above to Lahmia. There is another way it could be turned into hybrid weapon through the trait while leaving its power damage to where it is now instead of nerfing it.

There is literally no need to add damaging conditions to axe or focus. Causing unnecessary overlap and loss of identity to scepter focus. There would be no clearly defined ranged power weapon. Same with your changes to dagger, unessesaary addition of conditions. Also makes adding a melee condi weapon harder to do for a future elite spec.

This I can understand since it makes sense:

For Vital Persistence, my idea was to swap parts of it with Strength of Undeath. So we’d end up with VP as the 3rd baseline trait granting 50% less life force degen and +15% life force pool. Then SoU as a mid tier trait granting +10% damage (or +5% damage and condi damage to go along with your suggestion) and 20% recharge reduction on shroud skills.

Opening up spectral builds a little more.

But this:

Shroud skill 1 inflicts burning on your target. All other Shroud skills have a 33% chance to burn on critical hit.

Is clearly OP.

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Legendary Armor in PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


If Anet could make the time investment to earn legendary armor similar to raids then it wouldn’t be a problem.

Then you could make this very same argument that everything should be able to be acquired in any game mode if it takes a similar amount of time.

Revert Conditions for PvP Only

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Conditions damage over time. Cleanses should keep up with conditions! You won’t cleanse fast enough before you take damage anyways.

Physical damage mitigation should be able to completely keep up with being hit. I mean getting hit for a few hundred here and there is ok until you can heal it all.

I will never understand why being hit by 3 attacks and taking a near instant 15k damage is acceptable but getting hit by 3 attacks and taking 15k over the next 3~5s is kitten.

Also baffling that people still dont get that one of the reasons all damaging conditions were changed to stacking is so nobody inhibits you. Imagine not being able to do any power damage because someone else is attacking your target. They have even made certain changes to some builds that produced a lot of bystanders since people complained that they couldn’t damage their target due to other things eating up the 3~5 cap limit.

Half the reason/problem is the game never teaches you about conditions properly at any stage.

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Teaching you how to fight Reaper in WvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Was there ever a reason given for why deathly chill was changed from chill damage to a bleed stack?
Too powerful in PvP? Other sources of chill negating the trait
From what I can remember, the first chill reaper was good but not overpowered.

You answered your own question with the bold bit.

Its the same reason why burn and poison were changed since you couldnt do damage the same time as someone else and other people could completely inhibit you.

great sword tweaks

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


damage is independent on the weapon used: both ascendent dagger, GS and ex. dagger scored about the same;

Its in the trivia section right the way down the bottom.

Bleeds are out of control

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


That would be nice but the trait is weak in spvp 1 stack of bleed is nothing if it was 1 stack of poison or torment it would be viable in spvp and still be usable in other parts of the game.

On the wvw pve split i do not think its going to happen raids have made a anet that is hellbent on making pve only content.

I mean its far more likely they would split it than redo which condition it deals. If it is true that Anet cares only about pve then why would they care if it under performing in pvp? Keep in mind they had to change it from its original form because it was too powerful in pvp.

You still got to try even if anet dose not seem to want to help spvp or rvr. Bleeds are not that good of condi dmg they need to be buffed or given a lot more ways to be applied to ppl kind of how chilldeath works but its a bit over done for wvw. At the same time its too weak for spvp so by making it a different type of condi it becomes a fix for both game types.

Anet has already said they want it to be bleed since its purely damage they were looking for without any other beneficial effects. Poison , confusion and torment are out and burning does to much damage.

That the odd thing poison dose more base dmg then bleeds and and stacks better with condi dmg.

Its also reduces incoming healing by 33%. Again they wanted it to be damage only without any extra effects.

Bleeds are out of control

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


That would be nice but the trait is weak in spvp 1 stack of bleed is nothing if it was 1 stack of poison or torment it would be viable in spvp and still be usable in other parts of the game.

On the wvw pve split i do not think its going to happen raids have made a anet that is hellbent on making pve only content.

I mean its far more likely they would split it than redo which condition it deals. If it is true that Anet cares only about pve then why would they care if it under performing in pvp? Keep in mind they had to change it from its original form because it was too powerful in pvp.

You still got to try even if anet dose not seem to want to help spvp or rvr. Bleeds are not that good of condi dmg they need to be buffed or given a lot more ways to be applied to ppl kind of how chilldeath works but its a bit over done for wvw. At the same time its too weak for spvp so by making it a different type of condi it becomes a fix for both game types.

Anet has already said they want it to be bleed since its purely damage they were looking for without any other beneficial effects. Poison , confusion and torment are out and burning does to much damage.

great sword tweaks

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


As for the Greatsword, the AA is just slightly less powerful than the one of dagger (dagger AA is 5% more powerful than GS one), but…
1) GS attack hit up to 3 tragets;
2) Shroud skills are 5% more powerful with the GS (shroud use the weapon strength of the equipped weapon);

4) Life Force is generated from each target hit (dagger one is fixed, no matters how many targets you hit).

Few things

  • The GS auto attack as a whole chain is actually stronger than the dagger auto attack as a whole chain. Dagger is (0.9+0.7+1.2)/2.04 = 1.3725. GS weapon damage is 10% higher on average than daggers, at ascended level average weapon damage is 1100 vs 1000, meaning its auto attack is ((1+1.2+1.4)*1.1)/2.88=1.375. A clear example of dagger auto#3 vs GS auto #2. Both have coefficients of 1.2 but the GS is ~10% higher.
  • RS uses a 2h Mace for is damage calculation. Its skills will always do the same damage regardless of what base weapon you have equip because of this. DS on the other hand does use your weapons base damage for its calculations which is why staff makes it ~10% stronger.
  • GS auto generates less LF than dagger auto if you are only hitting 1 target. 2 or more it outclasses dagger greatly.

PvP is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Sadly, I suspect that much of the development resources at ANET have been focused on the expansion pack and the properly finishing off the LW3 that is leading up to it.


Stop moaning with hypothetical views that raids take up like majority% of the development time.

great sword tweaks

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082



Although weapon attack have no base damage.

Warrior healing signet pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Short side note: I feel like skull grinder emote isn’t timed correctly; it applies stun & condi before it actually lands making it very difficult to dodge. Has anyone else noticed this?


great sword tweaks

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Auto attack is fine as it is aside from the final attack. That needs to be 3/4s cast time since it is currently a dps loss to complete the chain. Bad design on Anet’s part.

Never understood the part in bold. Someone explain.

-reduce the cast time of death spiral to 1/2 sec: This would make the skill a defensive one since it generates life force and enough of it to enable shroud even if you have 0 lf.
-reduce the cast time of nightfall to 1/4 sec: Again this is a defensive skill so make it

I can agree with reducing the cast time but only to 3/4. The skill got a 66% damage increase and is the second strongest skill on the weapon. Has a coefficient of 1.98. If your target doesnt have max vulnerability it works out as 2.08.

Condition Redesign

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Never said the system right now is good. I said your ideas weren’t. Very different.

Is Vault bugged or are people DPS hacking?

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Just watched your video you linked. You aren’t using vault. You are using bound. Two totally different skills.

That 7k bound you got on the light golem would have been well over 10k if it was vault.

Condition Redesign

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


“As i’ve said before. This is directed towards PvP.”

The the links may be pve centric but they were still and issue in pvp. You couldnt take more than one condi class because you stepped on someone elses toes. If you refuse to see that then thats your issue. Again imagine not being able to do power damage because someone else is attacking your target and tell me how frustrating and un-intuative that would be? Please go ahead. Did you play the game when conditions stacked in duration? (June 23rd 2015)

“What the changes i suggested do is provide a more active way to play the game”

Your changes are convoluted and un-untiative. Its not more active or fun. Its needlessly changing things to be frustrating to some players, confusing to others and in general overly complicated.

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Deaths Charge vs. Point Blank Shot

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Probably some weird interaction between DCs block and this part of PBS

The damage and push count as separate strikes; single-attack block skills such as Counterblow will prevent the damage, but not the push.

Bounce Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082



Weakness is a condition that decreases the rate of endurance regeneration and turns half of all hits into glancing blows (that deal 50% less damage).

Is Vault bugged or are people DPS hacking?

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Nah, I just went in and tested this with 3 other thieves and a /m chat full of people’s input. Realistically “with a max DPS vault spec” you land 1.6 average hits on a light golem with no crit, about 3.4k crits on light, 4-5k when you amp up damage booster from traits and start hitting around 6-7k with might stacks and vulns. With perfect circumstances you can hit 8.5ks on lights with team support boons but never 10k legitly on even a light.

So for someone to hit a heavy target, with no bloodlust, no might stacks, first opening hit in a 1v1 on a node, no vuln on his opponent, for 8k to 10k vaults each hit, that is a DPS hack my friend. – Confirmed.

Go put vaultspam on your thief, try it out. Legitly it deals less than 1/4th the damage I have shown in that screen shot.

Doesnt matter if you are a “Heavy target” what matters is how much toughness you actually have stacked. Without any toughness heavy armour only 10~12% less damage that a light armour class. (1888 base for light, 2167 base for heavy )

Literally just made a theif, through the starting instance and into pvp lobby and on a normal vault built , went and used vault on the golems and was able to reach 8~9k on the heavy target golem, which has 2600 armour. Well over 9k on the medium golem which has 2200 armour, more than a “heavy” class without any toughness. Just under 11k on the light golem, has 2000 armour, more than the light class. If i had any sort of might or vulnerability on my target or gave the target a condition these would be higher but i literally just used vault.

The damage you suffered is entirely normal. Its not that vault has a high damage coeff but theives is one of the classes with most numerous damage mods in most of their trait trees.

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Condition Redesign

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082



I just dont think your understanding me and thats fine.

Your post and proposals just come across as convoluted and “I dont like conditions therefore they must be changed”, “I dont like dying to conditions”, “conditions are upper nonsense”.

One of the major problems with conditions is perception. There is nowhere in the game it teaches you about conditions and that they can be a threat. The amount of pve encounters where they are any threat can be counted on one hand so players never learn they can be downed quickly by any of these. They also end up with a mentality that you should be able to cleanse all conditions.

Secondly they suffer from people believing they should function the same in this game as a majority of other games. Conditions are designed not to be supplemental but as their own main damage source. But generally speaking from equivalent builds per unit of time you will take more power damage than condition damage.

Thirdly they suffer from a problem where is a skill they applies conditions is overtuned then conditions as a whole are to blame but if a power skill is overtuned then its just that skill that is the problem.

Fourth people tend to say " well their was a cap of 25 before so..blah blah." The reason there was a cap before was because of technical limitations they had. I cant find the original post but I can find dulfys summary of the AMA here and when they managed to overcome this issue and talked about the furstration of duration stacking conditions and the changes here

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Condition Redesign

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082



And that change is one of the reasons why its broken for PvP. Achieving high stacks of burn is to easy as it is, which is why burning over duration is better. Working as a team to keep the burn active is what should be what the focus.

Completely get rid of the condition damage aspect of it. Make it work for duration exclusively.

So people should work as a team to maintain one source of power damage? Why should a players capability be dependant on someone else if they built their character around one thing?

You cant remove the condition damage aspect of it since its the burst damage condition. comparatively speaking burn has shorter duration that any other condition in game. If you removed the scaling aspect then anyone would and will end up doing high damage with burn.

Nobody likes negative feedback but the idea is just bad and full of holes. If the Balance team wanted to reduce the effectiveness of burning they already have so many options.

Why should a damage over time condition be bursting anyone?

Does Teamwork really bug you that much? Its not like it requires much management as there are classes that proc burns with no problem, on top of other conditions I must add. Burns as with most conditions have long duration also. Not sure why you think they have some of the shortest, are you speccing for Expertise?

If burn is cleansed then they will have to reapply it, in which it starts to re rack up on damage afterwards starting from 200-400, and gradually increases over prolonged duration. Burn should just be flatout damage across the board with this change.

Does it bother you THAT much that condition in this game arent classical slow damage? You can have power or condi burst, sustain etc etc. There is no difference between what they cant do. You are only limiting yourself and the game if you think one has to conform to anything in particular. People need to stop being locked in the paradigm that damage over time means slow.

No teamwork doesnt bother me but why should a player be constrained in what they can do based on their team? Why should player A, who has specced for condi damage and burns be denied the full use of their build since someone else applies weaker burns on auto, on field etc etc.. Imagine not being able to land a back stab/killshow/eviserate/gravedigger/executioners scythe/ maul/true shot etc etc because someone is auto attacking..people would go nuts. Read my post carefully. I said and imply that by comparison burns as a group on average tend to have shorter durations than any other condition in the game ;bleeds have the longest overall as a group . Its a fact because its how they were designed.

If burn was flat damage then it would have WAY to many problems. Similar to might stacking builds of the past.

What are the many options of making burn damage better besides tuning the numbers on it?

  • Duration (trates, sigils, base )
  • Condi damage scaling
  • Base damage ( because unlike power with is total multiplicitive condis have a base )
  • Number of stacks per skill
  • Trait/skill counters ( looking at you stop drop and roll / hide in the shadows and the like )
  • Visibility of skills that apply burn ( seen what happened to pin down, point blank shot, air blast etc )
  • Cooldown of skills/traits that apply it


(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Condition Redesign

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082



And that change is one of the reasons why its broken for PvP. Achieving high stacks of burn is to easy as it is, which is why burning over duration is better. Working as a team to keep the burn active is what should be what the focus.

Completely get rid of the condition damage aspect of it. Make it work for duration exclusively.

So people should work as a team to maintain one source of power damage? Why should a players capability be dependant on someone else if they built their character around one thing?

You cant remove the condition damage aspect of it since its the burst damage condition. comparatively speaking burn has shorter duration that any other condition in game. If you removed the scaling aspect then anyone would and will end up doing high damage with burn.

Nobody likes negative feedback but the idea is just bad and full of holes. If the Balance team wanted to reduce the effectiveness of burning they already have so many options.

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Condition Redesign

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Burning – Damage will now be added up overtime instead of having a flat out burn burst of damage. Instead of stacking in damage, it will now just be stacking in duration. Evading cleanses burns.

Me/Someone else attempting to do damage to someone should never stop someone else/me doing damage to someone. Its one of the reasons the stack cap was changes from is tech limited calculation intensive issue as well as why most things now stack in duration.

Imagine if you started hitting 0’s on someone since someone else was hitting them first but took priority.

It wouldnt really be stopping anyone from doing damage. As it would continue to stack the duration of the condition per application. This will bring out more condition duration builds if they plan to focus on Burning or whatever else that plans to add damage overtime on effects.

Scenario 1:
Player A burns someone.
Player B burns someone.
Player C suffers 1 stack of burn first doing damage from player A then player B.
Player C removes the condition
Player B does NO damage.

Scenario 2 and 3:
Player A burns someone.
Player B burns someone.
Player B doesn’t do any damage until the burn from player A is done. Player B doesn’t know the effectiveness of their actions.
Player C is taking negligible burn damage from player A’s burn so decides not to do anything. Players B’s burn takes over and starts doing far more damage. Player C had no clear indication this was going to happen, was ill prepared and takes more damage than necessary.

Scenario 4:
Player A burns someone.
Player B burns someone.
Player C is now suffering from 30s of burning.
Player A and B continue to cover this. Player C cant do anything but suffer from burning since the LIFO condition cleanse system stops them from getting to it unless they use a full cleanse.

I could go on and on.

Like i said burn USED to function like this but they changed it to stack in intensity for a reason.

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Condition Redesign

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Burning – Damage will now be added up overtime instead of having a flat out burn burst of damage. Instead of stacking in damage, it will now just be stacking in duration. Evading cleanses burns.

Me/Someone else attempting to do damage to someone should never stop someone else/me doing damage to someone. Its one of the reasons the stack cap was changes from is tech limited calculation intensive issue as well as why most things now stack in duration.

Imagine if you started hitting 0’s on someone since someone else was hitting them first but took priority.

Suggestion: Dark Field Leap Finisher Change

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


“neither blind nor weakness makes much sense if it already lifesteals when struck. I’m of the mind if they would make the lifesteal strong enough, it doesn’t need much else in it.”

This is the original idea, LS on hit with leap or an aura that grants LS when struck.

Worst performing skill survey Q2CY17

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


A lot of the shouts suffer from pitifully short range (looking at you “Suffer”) . Considering the already meager benefits they reap (heh, punny), I would suggest either increasing their overall powerlevel or giving the range a buff.

Almost every shout in the game has a radius of 600 regardless of class.

Only exceptions are “On My Mark,” “Sic ’Em,” and “We Heal as One” (the last of which affects only the Ranger and their pet).

You missed “Rampage As One”