Showing Posts For Silvia.9130:

thanks, I mean it I REALLY do!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


What I would ask is…is stuff like hammer bugging out and disappearing from Cliffside fractals something working as intended? Because in all the time this bug has existed, I never read around any mention about it being worked on.
A silly bugged event which gives people who like to farm, the “thrill” to see those boxes from which they will get 99% trash, gets an answer about rework/fix almost immediately. Is it really that whatever farm more disturbing and annoying/toxic/whatsoever than losing the progress of 2 previous fractals, half way in the third, forcing you to start all over?
I never did that farm, I’m not into that kind of things, I run high lvl FotM and lately it happened 2/3 times that when Cliff is third Fractals, in a way or another, hammer disappers forever…and this to my eyes should be something to take priority.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Dev's Wasting Time & Effort?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Personally, I believe that Anet is working on something larger in the background, something great. Many of their lead game designers / artists have been absent from the living story updates, and are still working for the company. Something big is coming, I have to believe it – even though I am perfectly fine with the way the game is (have been playing since betas, headstart, etc)

I just hope they ain’t working on a totally different game tbh >.>

Well, what if it’s a better game?

You got a point :P

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Dev's Wasting Time & Effort?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Personally, I believe that Anet is working on something larger in the background, something great. Many of their lead game designers / artists have been absent from the living story updates, and are still working for the company. Something big is coming, I have to believe it – even though I am perfectly fine with the way the game is (have been playing since betas, headstart, etc)

I just hope they ain’t working on a totally different game tbh >.>

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Killed You The Most?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I would say, Cliffside Hammer, when it bugs-disappears forever -most of the time when Cliff happens to be the 3rd- and one desperately suicides over and over before realizing the only thing to do is rage quit and swear outloud.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

More robust disconnect protection?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


To my eyes, since it seems it’s not possible to remove the issue from the game, all they should do to make it less frustrating -mostly when it comes of events like Tequatl, for which you might have to wait for up to 1 hour to ensure yourself a spot in a good server- would be to first, ensure at least 5 minutes in which your spot in the server, after a DC, will be held so that a person who is spamming “join friend in Sparkfly Fen” won’t manage to steal the spot and the Dced player will have the time to relog, finding himself back in the RIGHT server where his spot is being held.
Second, if a person have partecipated in more than half of the event and got Dced half way or in the end, send some “refund chest” through mail, with some random items with same RNG and chances as if you opened the ground chest, only, in the end of the event, leaving aside the bonus chests.
These two little things alone would make it less frustrating for me, because I can not avoid to rage quit, if I had to wait 1 hour drowning in boredom in Sparkfly, to be DCed before getting the reward I waited for, and most of all, thinking that someone else will take my spot if I get DCed, someone who probably arrived in the last moment, thus surely deserved that spot less than me.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Feature pack Ele "balancing"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Better get prepared to go back to 4 warriors and 1 mes dungeon runs after this patch. and ele going back to being mediocre in spvp to the point where people curse you out if you dare to join a game as an ele. 1 step forward, 5 steps backwards. Just the usual from our brilliant balance team. I just find it hilarious that Necro of all classes is getting its survivability boosted. Really anet? Necro doesn’t need its survivabilty boosted, i have no problem surviving on mine. it just has terrible mobility. I’d rather have mobility than be even more tanky than it already is.

Give them another balance or two and we will go to 5 wars team…just wait that they nerf guardian’s damage to make different builds “more viable” and that they nerf mesmer a little more…next step to balance game is to give warrior a good “feedback of reflection 2000” skill and they will have finally achieved “warriorbalance of the game”.
And the boost to Necro’s survivability is the proof they have no idea what they are doing, with all the problem Necros have, they went to boost the only thing they had good already.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Feature pack Ele "balancing"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Comes natural to think he is in their balance team…all honor and glory though!


>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Toxic players when Tequatl is up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


They do not ask you to leave Sparkfly and not do your map completion until event is done. They ask you to relog, so that you will end up in a less populated map where the event is not being organized to allow people who want to help with Tequatl to join the organized server.
You will have less lag and issues in your map completion, they will have higher chances that the events succeeds smoothly. It is annoying but nothing so terrible as you make it sound

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Some suggestion for meleeing Lupi

in Elementalist

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I used neither of them, kept accurancy and force as sigils >.> Thanks a lot for tips, I shall fix my build and sigil right away!

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Some suggestion for meleeing Lupi

in Elementalist

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Hey guys!
Would like to hear some tips on how to efficiently melee Lupicus on Elementalist, for I am finding a little harder than expected…
Atm, I run a d/f fresh air build during the encounter, but my main real problems on the matter are: 1 endurance…without nourishments I truly feel crippled, mostly in p1. 2 Without a mesmer, rarely manage to survive more AoEs sessions…
Any suggestions on how to improve and finally make a good job ?
-I don’t deny I am pretty new as ele, every correction is welcome as long as polite ._. -

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

suggestion to bring back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I do like the idea to be honest, surely 1000 times better than seeing only a new, 0-inspiration-based new gem store useless item every week..

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Question[s] about multiple accounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


It is allowed and many people have multiple accounts already, some even use them to “solo” stuff in dungeons as far as I read XD
To get a second account you do have to buy the game again , yes, but you don’t have to download it again (Unless you want to place it on another computer ofc), you just use the new email and password to access the new account from your client and that’s it

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


My pugs normally fight the SQ near the gargoyle traps they don’t break in advance, bathing in their fires

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Be a Ranger, not an archer

in Ranger

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I always run Bear Bow, and just earlier today I was doing CoF with a PUG and halfway through one of the party sent me 20 gold merely because I was running Bear Bow.

Bear Bow earns you more money, confirmed.

Truth is, *and halfway through one sent a kick request and whole party argued because they all wanted to click the confirm button but only one managed to do so. :C

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Rangers Useless in Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


The solution to me should be this: this game claims that every profession can play every role as effectively. Lies. No matter how hard zerker meta dps a necro is, it will never, ever get close to war’s damage.
And true, the solution must not be “play another profession for dungeons and use the others for the rest of the game” the solution is B A L A N C E, the dark word from Black Speech that seems to terrify devs so much.
And to me balance means, at the very least,that 2 professions, in same exact armor stats, trinket, weapons, traits, everything, deal the same damage, contribuce as effectively in boosting team.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Jumping vs. Chocolate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


What you all smart eyed people apparently fail to realize is that he has not said jumping should be removed, no one likes jumping or whatever, he said he doesn’t like it, and both last events implied it, thus he is requiring a choice: if you like jumping, jump. If you don’t, be allowed to kill even 300 mobs to reach the top by secondary way. Is that so hard to accept?
Some are clumsy at this jumping trash and spending 2 hours to try reach a stupid goggle on top of that wreck is nothing more than a frustration, just like it can be to hunt useless coins or it was to hunt useless crystals.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

July 1st stealth dungeon changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


And a new bug :o, the boss stayed in the same spot and we could still afk him :p.

This is not new. It’s just that bads never fought him legit before and thus never discovered it.

Why people who used coral to “bug” it are bads, and those who bug it “legit” way are goods?

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

1 More Slot, What Should I Roll? Suggestions.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


A good Asura warrior called Pippin (Peregrin Took), or I will do it myself once again Q.Q

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Labyrinthine Cliffs v2.0

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I am so disappointed by this patch I feel sick. All the happiness towards those who love it and find it great, I am truly happy for you, I am disgusted instead.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Arah p4 solo thief

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


No, you didn’t.

Sparks dont run themselves.

You weren’t into p4 in the last 4-5 months

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

How to bring in 'housing', and make sense.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Why are people obsessed with housing???

In UO I had a house. I spent tons of time messing around with my house. It became a major timesink.

In LotRO I had a house. It was so lame that I never spent any time there.

I have played other games where there was housing and I have yet to see any game developer/publisher get it right.


How exactly did these games actually force you to work and spend time into your housing? If something is implemented it doesn’t mean you must do it just because it is there, I don’t go WvW because I hate it, I don’t come here to tell ANet to remove it from game because I find it boring and hateful.
If they add housings and you don’t like it, turn around and pretend it doesn’t exist. Even though nothing can take away the joy to spit poison on what other people like, right?

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

How to bring in 'housing', and make sense.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


This is how I see/think housing should be:
Everything should start from a task. According to your race, this task will take place in a specific map of Shiverpeaks, Ascalon, Kryta, Maguuma and it could consist in being sent to kill a Son of Svanir/Nightmare Court/Inquest/Flame Legion Leader with all his/her ads around. It should be a level 80 only task, only soloable in an instanced area. So that whole housing could turn into a possible end-game content, to give players at 80 something to do.
Once you defeat the enemies you are left with some ruined place and the terrain around it. There you will be given the chance to re-build the building, choosing among a few samples…but choosing/buying the house won’t give the house itself, it will give a sort of recipe. Let’s say xxx amount x wood, xxx amount y wood, xxx amount ore, (could as well add a stone ore for the matter), only once you gathered/bought all of the mats you will finally have your house, that will always be in the instanced place but that will now allow people in a party with you to come inside to roleplay/watch/whatever.
With it, it should definitely be added some more crafting abilities, let’s say one to create furnitures and one to create home-objects. The house can be featured, expanded, as the player pleases but everything will take an amount of materials not simple gold, like “buy wall 50s”, more like “to build wall: 250 elder wood planks”. Some daily event could as well be added to the instance home, where some enemy comes to try to kill you, where someone in difficulties comes to seek for help against someone/something and it could also be added a merchant, selling unique items that can only be bought there.
Something like this, in my thoughts, that could keep some interest in the players for at least some time, not something that everyone can get after 20 minutes from release and be done and bored with it within the next two hours..

I think that something like this would be pretty cool indeed, even more if the materials needed to build the house would have to be crafted from normal materials, into something account bound, like with ascended, with also some limited time gating, just to make the thing a little more realistic.
But I agree with everything you said, also the events in it would be pretty cool and give you a good reason to go there every day to check what’s going to happen +1

>>Lady Carlie Castle<


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I am already starting to see the “lfg…no mesmer” around, all over the dungeons, where I am wondering…is ANet trying to slowly get rid of every profession (PvE wise) outside war, ele, guard so that they don’t need to try anymore to balance the others to the Sacred 3?

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Blame the Guardian

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


But one thing I must say, dumb noobs love to blame guardians. More than once I had warriors in team dying at every half step coming up with sentences like “wtf guard HEAL IM ZERG, NOOOB!!!!!” A sad true story

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Blame the Guardian

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Party wipes
Warrior 1 : kick the guard
Warrior 2 : wait there’s a ranger, kick him first
kick ranger

Because Necros and Engis could never be in a team, they would be kicked waaay before starting the dungeon, as a measure to prevent wipes :P

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Not full Holy Trinity, but vary proffs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


The problem is not the lack of roles, as already stated, in organized team each member needs to have a specific role to be the most effective.
It is true, you can run whatever profession or build you like, in PvE, you will succeed. Not as effectively, not as fast, but you will succeed.
But unbalance between professions exist, because you can say here whatever you want, in game, in real you won’t even choose an Engi over an Ele, War, Thief etc. Not even if the engi is on meta build, perfectly geared and uber experienced, most of people would pick anything but it. Why? Lack of balance. I run engi, full zerker, full ruby orbs, full ascended trinkets, meta-dps build, not even with 25 stacks of might, fury, whatever empower it will crit as much as war or ele. No matter how zerker your necro is, it will not crit half as much as the warrior.
You won’t choose an engi over a guardian or a mesmer, engi can reflect too, with toolbelt skill of elixir U, because 1 the wall of reflection that will spawn with 50% chance on a mere rng base will last only 3 seconds (while Guardian’s lasts 10) 2 high chance to get only smoke screens out of it with no reflect, only block 3 huge slice of playerbase has no idea engi has this utility.
I absolutely accept the fact that to run dungeons I should use a meta-build that I might not like, I have about 99% more content where to use the build I like to “play the way I want” without slowing down, damaging nor wasting time for anyone. The thing I despise is that, on meta build, same armors, trinkets, weapons stats, same sigils and runes 1 profession will do heavily better than another.
Moving to PvP (average, no elite pro stuff) and obvious unfair unbalance. Necro’s DS. Traited it becomes like a whole secondary hp pool, and a good amount of invulnerability, since damage won’t affect real hp. On equal damage/resilience/players skill, the necro will very likely win on a 1v1. Necro can carry the orb in Spirit watch under DS without losing it.warrior, berserker’s stance+endure pain. I do not think I need to say much about this, invulnerability that while up, still gives warrior access to all of its skills. (Elixir S locks every skill while under its effect and guess what? You can’t carry the orb when under its effect.) warrior and thief have movement skills (1h sword skill 2, dagger skill 2) which gives a big advantage when carrying the orb, as well as gs skills 3 and 5 for warrior. With mesmer, when using scepter’s skill 2, the block skill, since when struck sliiiiiightly moves you to replace you with clone (like 3 cm -.-) it causes the orb to fall. Same if using f4 or trying to blink. Just very simple examples that to me prove how deeply unbalanced professions are.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

100% World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Just give an instanced version of the most ridiculous maps ever seen. 3 maps that are completely the same and are there in map completion only to make you swear. Remove every reward from completing the stupid map, give some silly XP and 1 transmutation charge as if it was a city and that’s it. Not everyone can be 24/7 (Mostly from 1am+) online to wait for those garrisons and such to be taken, is it so hard to understand? Or at least give a system of colors that swap every week with a different color and restarts each 3 weeks to make sure it doesn’t take you 3 months to finish map because you are to be 4 times green 19 times blue etc -.- /Rantingforeverabouttheworstdesignedpartofthegame.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Condition Removal Order?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Good question. I’ve been wondering about this for some time now.

My gut feel is:

  • If you’re really low on life, burning, poison and bleeding will be removed last.
  • If you’re trying to get away from a huge mob, then cripple and chilled will be removed last.

I’d like an official answer as well.

^ This. If you are being destroyed by torment, bleeding, burning, poisoning and have a cripple as well, the cripple will be gone and you will be left to happily deal with the “less” worrying ones, no worries!

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

You complain cause you dont see the pattern

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


This argument breaks apart on its own. Starting with this: during the time ANet had to finish their unfinished game, other games out there have been released, finished games that are appearing in a moment in which GW2 has nothing appealing to offer, for one more whole long month. (Assuming that LS2 will be considered appealing by most of players who despised part 1 so badly).
Take my case: played since Beta weekends, tryed everything this game as to offer, and played every content literally hundreds of times. I played for almost two whole years, logging in every day, never taking a break from the game. I played even too much if you want, I ranked up in PvP to the point I’ve become bored of it. I’ve ranked up in Wvw and became bored of it as well. Know maps by heart, every single event, nothing new for me out there to discover. Did jumping puzzles despite I hate them from the depth of my soul. What should keep me interested in the game right now? To know what wonderous items they will add on gem store next Tuesday? Aha.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Best Fractal lvl for Skins?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


And considering that in the mini chance to get a skin , you have to include the chance to get a speargun, or very likely your least favorite skin…I’d advise you a triple-dose of: (Felix Felicis, if you know what I mean)


>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Would you rather....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Both are insulting, mostly if the ring is not infused, and is yet another toughness-healing power thing.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Asuran Photobomb!

in Asura

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Lol adorable!

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

What are you all doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Sadly, I’m doing only dailies in GW2, playing WS as soon as my daily is done (10-15 mins when slow)

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

What class would you most like to see in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Balanced class, that will be accepted in dungeons, that will be able to 1v1 every other professions fairly and that other professions will be able to 1v1 as fairly, (between players as skilled.)

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Indeed, would’ve been wiser to move to another game as soon as the first slight flaw was shown rather than support it for this long, at least that’s what dev’s behaviour seems to tell.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I’ve been “loyal” to this game since headstart and never even wanted to try another game. At this point, I am left completely unwilling to play thus I simply log in to do daily in the fastest possible way and leave. It dreads me because I love this game, the lore and all, but I am tired, I lost faith in devs, I’m bored to death because I’ve truly played every single side of this game way too much. And I am yet to see their promises to be kept.
The only way they have to regain my trust and the trust of other players who left is not with good words and purposes but facts. Show me you are actually bringing something good to this game and not more meaningless nothing, then something might change. Truly, if LS2 is going to be alike LS1, I will say farewell to this game with the greatest disappointment ever.
Words from a mad-lover-fan-girl of this game who even pre-purchased it.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Dungeon host leaves = Kick, still?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


It will never be fixed.
And just to say, if the instance owner goes offline after some minutes the game will autokick him from party, screwing every effort anyway, neat no?

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Still waiting for end game content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Am I in the wrong game?

If you want gear treadmills and constant raids that replace everything before it every few months. Yes, you are indeed. This game does have endgame content but it’s quite a bit different than most other MMOs. PvP and WvW are basically it. If you are a pver exclusively then there is going to be little for you to do endgame wise other than the LS every few weeks, and that takes… a day or so to finish off.

How can WvW and PvP be end game if you can access them since level 1 in day one? -.- Plus, there is geargrind already, even though I don’t consider it an endgame, thus we lack endgame content. Or at least, to be more precise, new, interesting, challenging, different end game content, because I’m tired sick of the stuff I see there since August 2012. -.-

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

So this i dont know what to do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Go play Wildstar, it is new, fresh, has all of the things people have been asking in this forum since day 1 of BW1 without ever receive even an answer if they will ever be implemented and considering how they left us with 2 months of 0 content and how hard they keep advertising that game on their Facebook page, it’s what they want us to do, so join us there!

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

TA Arah trash running.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Whenever there is a skipping part (In TA and Arah the most, indeed.) Either I run ahead immediately to be the first or I wait until the others go ahead and lose the aggro. I don’t care to take that bit of time, if it means I won’t die and have to run back.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Goodbye casual AC PUG groups!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Pugged AC full runs every day since changed. (A p1 with 3 lowbies in team, under lvl 60) Wiped here and there (max twice the first time before realizing the changes) but always managed to kill Queen without many efforts. Sometimes it causes the fgs bursts to fail, can take a couple of minutes longer but still more than doable.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Precursor Talk

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


As long as people will seriously waste hundreds of €/$ to buy gold to buy precursors, you will never see a scavenger hunt, not even with looking glass. If massively, people stop, maybe we will get a CDI in 10 months were the things that were repeated on the matter for 2 years can be repeated once again.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

A question about GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


With the easiest dungeon runs, today itself, in about 4 hours I’ve gotten 30g, and made about 10 more golds by selling the materials and items gotten from these.
What is so harder in dungeons? That Spider Queen is more comfortable to be killed normal way, despite it can be still killed in the stack?
That breeder has to be killed manually in p2?
That you need to dodge here and there to kill troll in HotW p1?
For the rest, I’ve not seen much changes actually, unless it bugs you the fact that the WP in Arah p1 finally spawns in the right moment and doesn’t force you to return to starter wp every time in case you fail skipping part.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Dungeon nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


The ONE CHEST per character per day has been in effect for SEVERAL months now.

If by several you mean one and a bit, than yes.

Hmmmm, ok, seems like its been longer(more like 3-4 months).

He speaks of the “material” chests, the ones that spawns in the dungeon after each big boss is killed. Before you could run a dungeon even with the same character 2000 times in a row and get your lovely bunch of blues, soulbound runes and sigils, “awesome tonics” each time.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Is it really how sPvP is meant to work?

in PvP

Posted by: Silvia.9130


A few things bug me dreadfully about the whole dynamics in sPvP.
Lately I’ve been playing a lot of PvP, much more than I used to do in the past year, because I finally feel motivated and decently rewarded.
What I notice, every day, at every moment of the day, every match is: 1 team winning madly, 2-300 scores above the other that can barely get to 100 before the end. Why does this happen? Because, obviously, players want to win and it’s easy to notice which are the best players around, so, after a max 2 matches, it will always end up with a team filled with the most experienced and skilled players, the other filled with newbies and bad players who can’t, in any way stand a chance. Which turns into a following of “Player x leaves losing team after being destroyed by whole enemy’s team whenever trying to leave base-autobalance-player from winning team is sent there and even if he gets victory bonus anyway, he either leaves or forces autobalance to return to winning team”. I think most of people can confirm because by now it happened way too many times to say it was just a case. Join losing team you might say, and that would be good if people were there to play and not just to farm. If only one decent players finds himself alone against 5 good players it is just going to turn into frustration and I know it well.
Preventing people from seeing others’ rank in score board in the end of the match did not fix the problem, because it’s even too easy to realize who the best players are.
Second thing that bugs me badly: spectate->autobalance->spam click->join winning team.
No, it doesn’t bug me because I end up in the losing team and I don’t know I will get victory bonus anyway, it is more of a matter of principle. Victory should be achieved by those who deserve, but in this sistem most of the times, people who directly caused a team to lose, can simply move to the winning team and get a victory reward just like that, which I find disgusting.
To me the solution to this would be quite easy: do not allow people to choose team at the start, just like it was at the origins. If a person goes spectate, make it so that said person can rejoin only the team where he was put. (Ex. Is in blue team, goes spectate, then either rejoins blue or leaves because can’t join the other team.) I honestly think this would help to keep some balance and avoid to “traumatize” new players and players willing to learn sPvP, while in same time preventing undeserving people from stealing rewards.
Thanks for your time, I really hope ANet will work on this at some point because I find it terribly unfair.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Shameful PvP in gw2

in PvP

Posted by: Silvia.9130


What I find the most ridiculous and shameful about PvP is that any player, the worst of worst of every team ever existed, can easily swap to the winning team and get a victory bonus for basically sucking and playing unfair.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

why all the hate in the ranger forums?

in PvP

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I can play no other profession than ranger in PvP. It’s the only profession where I can “shine”, that amuses me, that allows me to (not easily) win a 1v1 with most of professions. When I deleted my ranger to make myself an ele for PvE, I was forced to buy a slot and make another ranger because in PvP there is nothing else than ranger for me.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

How Frequently Should WvW Maps Change?

in WvW

Posted by: Silvia.9130


To my annoyed-finish map-player, should change every day and each day one different color never repeating -.-

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

[suggestion] $15/month = no diminished returns...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


If you would pay that money each month why don’t you actually convert each month 15$ worth gems into gold and be done with it?

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Dragon Bash June

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Considering they said that the festival of 4 winds lasts untill the living story starts again Im going to say that it is very unlikely we get dragonbash in before that.

Hope they will at least add some kind of content to that because I was fed-up of both Labyrintine and Pavillion the 3rd day…and I have nothing left that could interest me to return there.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<