Showing Posts For Silvia.9130:

Risk and Reward?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I agree with you, Gem store should be complementary, not the main source of new skins. I too feel the need for more goals in game and not just grind for gem store random items, heck, I can’t even work on a legendary as I have already all the ones I want and they stopped bringing new ones up!
My frustration is real, I want to play the game, I really do, then I log in and I have nothing to do, because as all people, I don’t like all things and if the ones I like are not available, I have no options but to log out and find entertainment elsewhere.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Cultural skin problem

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I have a problem, some time ago I had an Asura mesmer on which I had two pieces of Ascended armor. On one of the pieces I used Cultural T3 skin…then I deleted that character, placing the Ascended armor in bank, not thinking about the cultural skin.
Now I have no Asura on light armor and need to use that piece of skin but it naturally won’t let me equip it on characters since they are of other races…
Is there a way to change skin to the armor without having to equip it?
(I don’t have HoM nor the achievement chest skins T.T) If not I guess I’ll be forced to change stats to reset its skin then again to have the right ones back…

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Bruh, wut?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Yes, it’s perfectly normal and just restricted to that specific Fractal (to be a male cjarr, that is), just like in the Thaumanova reactor fractal in which you are turned into an Asura.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Day/ Night

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I would like nights to be darker as well, in many areas half of the time I don’t even notice whether it’s night or day unless I’ve my Meteorlogicus equipped >.> And the increase of danger would add to the feeling ;D

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Asura Hairstyles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


To be honest, there is a terrible lack of curly styles across the board.

True…even though I started this as a plea for Asura, I would really love to see some really awesome curly hairstyle for each race, in my -probably foolish opinion- it’d be neat if when they add hairstyles it’d be: (since they always added 3 x gender x race) 1 curly, 1 straight, 1 tied just to match a wider range of people’s tastes!

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Minipet Hotkey

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I like the idea too tbh, wouldn’t be bad to have a hotkey together with the normal system to keep the whole thing more easily manageable!
((Didn’t even know that WvW thing! xD))

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

a possible solution to all these wings :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I thought u were going to talk about back pieces, I was gonna suggest other animals like a turtle shell back piece

Although it would be interesting to see a gliding turtle

Other animals backpieces for the win! Shell (not karka shells like :P or rather both!) backpacks too!

As for gliders, I’ll leave my “wild” hoverboards wish here, just in case!

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Asura Hairstyles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Just a humble plea from me:
Please next update for new haitstyles, give us at least one “bushy” curly untied hairstyle for female Asura, better if not with big accessories on it, (But would still be happy even then) I beg of you! Q.Q

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Asura Hairstyles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


this artist has some good ideas

Those hairstyles look awesome indeed, wish they made a massive haistyles update with tens per each race some day -

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Permanent Hairstyle Contract?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Though just as the hairstyle kits it also allows you to change facial hair and ears, the rest is still only makeover kits thing :/ But personally, if you are addicted with changing your looks and having your char’s hair matching the whole armor style, then it’s more than worth owning it! (I don’t regret it one bit)

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

"To Eir! She'll break the fang yet!" [Spoiler]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


She just faked her death to add prestige to her statues! XD

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Asura Hairstyles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Yes, I agree. I think that Female Asura’s need at least 2 long hairstyles to choose from. Not up-do’s.

Yes! And at least one of which should be some good looking curly hairstyle, like a longer and feminine version of the one in picture u.u


>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Item Change Request: Brewmaster's Backpack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I don’t like its look either and I would find your version much funnier to see around than the one in the picture (also since I find it even too similar to the other backpacks).

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

[SUGGESTION] New Content tag in Patch Notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I too missed it for a while, until I came across one ‘strange new event’ while levelling up a new character, so I can say I need this too!

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Please no more zones like Tangled Depths

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


To be honest, might be for my sight problems, but really don’t enjoy exploring TD, it’s the only map I didn’t finish yet of the new ones, I tried to find ways to some vistas and pois by myself but I realized I’ll never get them without vids showing me the path, that’s nothing I can enjoy. And it’s so annoying to follow a commander when he doesn’t tag WP due to the layers.
BUT I really like TD events and Chack Gerent is my fav meta event in game, that’s something!

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Making legendarys great again! TBC

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I like the idea and I find it logic, it’s pointless to set an move from stats x to y if the sigils for x are completely different from those of y.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Asura Hairstyles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Overall we can say we agree we would love more hairstyles without accessories (For all races) and more dye options for hair accessories

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

So hey, medium armor.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I would be just satisfied if they did with armor something similar as they do with outfits for female Asura and Charr. If the feminine version depends too much on breast or is “sexual(?)” something then keep the male version. But if the feminine version of the armor would do just fine, whyyyyy not let it be? Whyyyyy can’t my Asura have butterfly shoulders!? T.T

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Asura Hairstyles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I’d like to see more varieties without accessories.

UNLESS they let us dye them separately from the self style/total makeover kits using the colors we have unlocked. I don’t like being stuck to a color theme because I chose red for the accessory when I made the character and don’t want to buy a self style kit just to change the color of the hair accessory.

Absolutely. I am totally for both options to be honest, really prefer free and untied hairstyles overall and the lack of dye options for accessories adds to it even more. Even if one has a permanent kit or can afford to buy as many as they want, those ugly base dyes will always be like a punch in an eye if you are trying to follow a color theme for your character… ._.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Asura Hairstyles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


More hairstyles always welcome, especially for asura.

I would like a better crest for female asura also. More like the one male asura have.

Agreed, the one they have is a little “plain”, a bigger one with some accessories would be awesome! Or just with double colors on the hair!

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Add more colors to accessories in hair kits.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


That’d be great…Or also the dyes unlocked on the account, that would be an amazing add to the kits…

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Asura Hairstyles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Female Asura have already a few cute hairstyles; sometimes they are used on Asura with weird facial proportions. The males have 1.5 hairstyles, the other ones are bascially a variation of “bald”.

But we also need more Asura in general..

Didn’t say they haven’t cute hairstyles, just staid I’d like to see that specific hairstyle type! Also since most of the ones we got concern hair to be tied, in different ways, sure, but almost always tied! Male Asura have a couple of “free, wild” hair, including the curly one which looks beyond adorable! ^^

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Asura Hairstyles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Yes Please!
I would like to see this one<3

This one looks amazing too indeed! =)

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Quality of life please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I would love if it was possible to have them account bound…for example, I have a totally useless character I’ll never use again that is just there leeching a slot because it got both Armor and Weaponsmith to 500 and I just can’t afford to do all that all over again Q.Q

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


A couple of things I would love to see, maybe impossible, but oh well! ^^

>Hoverboards; (We have flying broom and carpet, so why not? )
>Cowboy/girl outfit;
>Cat/Bunny/Wolf etc, tail backpacks; (Not all of us are into bird-man/women only)
>Cat/Wolf ears; (If we can have bunny ears why not these too? :P )
>Moaaaar hairstyles mooooaar often, pretty please with a cherry on top?
>Famous bands T-Shirts? =)

And please, I beg of you, let us wear our headgear over the outfits…I want my monocle on my outfits Q.Q

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Asura Hairstyles.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Hey guys!
One things I would have loved to have for a long while, maybe (hopefully) I’m not the only one, is a specific hairstyle for my female Asura.
Some longer but rather thick and curly untied hairstyle, yes something like this (Since I’m not really great at explaining what I mean, with words):
(And nop, the “Mikey mouse”/“Ice cream top(?)” base hairstyle is not what I mean xD)

Certainly not identical to the picture, but a tiny bit alike? I think it would be absolutely cute on any female Asura, besides, it never hurts to have different styles for different tastes, right?

((Also, if you could consider next “toy-mount”-thingie (Flying broom, flying carpet) to be ‘hoverboards’, I would be the utmost grateful! ))

Well, that’s it, thanks for the attention, staying hopeful, crossing fingers! ^^


>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Will there EVER be....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I agree with all of you. (Including tails backpack, but not just for Asura please )
I can’t deny I was expecting at least a new set of faces and hair per each gender and race, coming with the expansion. Nothing felt really like a slap on the face. I still keep hoping for a big characters creation rework, one day…

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Hello everyone!
I am currently trying to craft the Moot but I am having some difficulties as it is a bit of a messy period…
If anyone could lean me a hand with the boxes of fun I need for the gift, I’d be forever grateful!
Even just 1 or two would be of great help…
I currently have just 1/5 :(

Edit: thank you amazing friend who sent me one! Hope I will be able to return some favor some day! :)
Edit 2: Thanks a lot to the other super kind soul who sent me another box! Thanks to this one I’m now done with it!
Thanks again to everyone who helped me!
#Done :)

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

(edited by Silvia.9130)

[EU] [ITA] Looking for ITALIAN guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Cerco gilda Italiana, possibilmente attiva, medio-grande e PVX. Personalmente preferisco PvE, Fractals e Dungeons; gioco WvW molto raramente quindi non cerco una gilda di un server specifico, qualsiasi gilda multiserver è ok.
Sono disponibile su TS ma non abitudinariamente, preferisco chat scritta dato che non ho sempre il microfono a disposizione.
Sono una player exp che può offire aiuto a nuovi player.
(Aggiungete link di forum/pagine FB etc, così da poter essere certa di essere la player che fa per voi prima di chiedere un invito).
Grazie ^^

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

SW scams to beware of

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I consider more “scamming” all of the alt+f4 and lies (LEGENDARY UP AT @links a wp that is in another map to which a potential distracted player might teleport to free a spot to the "scammer"’s friend in a full map) than that.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Hell fire skin put it in gem store please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


No, thank you.

This is the very unique reward that shows off how much effort you’ve put in the game as a whole (Pvp set is unique to pvp, so it not count). It is easily attainable for someone that play 2 hours/day. I play 30~50 min a day and I got 21k points myself.

Playing for over 2 years and half when dailies gave you like 25+ ap x day you know, all the living story and festivals achievements which don’t seem to be coming any time soon. So sure for a player who started to play lately it’ll be as easy as ever to get 30k+ ap at the current state (where if you got most of the explore/slayer/weapon achis you basically get barely 10 ap x day). 3000 days of dailies, about 8 years and most of the armor will be yours!

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Volunteer = Loser?

in PvP

Posted by: Silvia.9130


The volunteering didn’t change, it still give you the victory bonus I can confirm. What seems not to be happening anymore is to obtain the victory bonus when unwillingly being switched to the other team (which happens to me about 90% of the times whether I am the #1 scorer of my team, the laast one of in the middle), which makes me feel forced to volunteer whenever the “volunteer” button appears. Basically, either willingly choose to leave the winning team to let a “fair autobalance-forcer” from the losing team join the winning team (steal my spot) or be switched anyway but with a penalisation. Lovely.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Changes to Honor of the Waves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I was doing HotW p1 and p2 earlier today and, while waiting to form a party and get into the dungeon, I was notified that HotW had finished downloading and that I would then be allowed to enter. Does this mean that Anet has changed something about this content? Why else would I have received this notification?

The only time I have actually seen that message is when trying to enter fotm on a toon that is dead.

Same here.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

New Daily Rotation; Same Double Fractals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


They should remove the “daily fractal” (the one in which you can just run one fractal (not the full run)) and leave the “fractal scale x-x” one. The other day tried to run a FotM, specified in LFG " FULL RUN " yet everyone kept joining, running the one fractal, get the daily and leave.
Had to get a new team for EACH of the 4 fractals.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Please make more armor sets!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Totally agree…I’m fed-up of every armor, if they add new sets so slowly it takes 1 day for them to become the most common and “old” possible as you see them on everyone everywhere.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

[Suggestion] Mists Essence Refractor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I would love something like this…but only if not heavily RNG, because otherwise either they add it or not it’ll most likely be the same for me.. ._.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Female Asura Clothing Options

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I believe it shouldn’t cost them so much unthinkable effort to actually create a third option beside the male/female we have for Norn, Humans and Sylvari. A third option specifically for female Asura and Charr, to look feminine BUT appropriate for their bodies. All the crappy arguments of “these races don’t care for style” and whatever make no sense. If they don’t care, why in the world would they own outfits/need charges to change the looks of their armors? Why have such feminine hairstyles?
Lazy and lame excuse to justify this lack.
I myself agree perfectly that most of the armors would look ridiculous, hideous and inappropriate if just copy/pasted on shrunken version from female humans to female Asura, but I can’t stand that if I want my Asura to look feminine and not just like a male I have barely a couple max, of ugly options to content with -beside the outfits.-

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Prettiest Human Female Pic

in Community Creations

Posted by: Silvia.9130


One of my favorite of my collection ^^


>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Charr need a rework !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Don’t you dare take away running on all four from my Charries! Q_Q

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Question: Why a level 18 exsotic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Assuming you actually have alts on which using it, it is a cool item…if all of your characters are 80, that’s another matter…

>>Lady Carlie Castle<


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Wait, there is actually anyone who doesn’t enjoy being crippled? :O

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Opinions on fan focus skin?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I love that skin madly, but as others said, it’s a focus. If I’ll get to have a lot of gold without a better use, I shall consider buying it just to have it.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Portal not dropping if you did stress test ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


While I was in the first stress test but didn’t drop it, nor any of my friends who were in it :|

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

No hair with hats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Honestly, with all the tons of clipping issues ignored and never even taken into account in this game, I am never going to accept so lightly that our characters must be bald with hats and helms to prevent clipping issues. I’d rather wear a hat which clips with hair than a hat that turns my characters bald. What did I even pay for new hairstyles for if my characters are meant to be bald with like 80% of headgear? -.-

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

To those who got portal (beta key)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


My sister got one in less than an hour from a veteran event chest.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Can you remove chest farming in silverwastes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


1 Have almost to struggle to find a chest farm map, since there is like 2-3 over tens of normal event;
2 If it’s chest farm, you open your LFG and teleport to one of the 100000000000s advs “SW x%”;
3 If it’s chest farm, you are not meant to defend forts;
4 Who are you to call it an exploit? ANet never said it’s such, thus it’s not unless they will state otherwise;
5 Well, can’t see much logic in keep defending a fort alone in a chest farm map till reaching so much frustration to come ranting on the forums. Do a favor to yourself, think a little.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Every character can access both areas at any time, are you searching the right part of Brisban to find the portals?

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

need someone to play with

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Perhaps it was suggested to you already, but the best for you right now would probably be to join a friendly guild, with many members so that you’ll find someone to play with almost all the time and also find people willing to teach you dungeons, PvP, WvW. In my experience, that’s definitely the best way to start.
If you need to find a cool guild you can check the “looking for…” session of the forums, put your adv or just take a look at map chat, there are people advertising guilds almost all the time in Lion’s Arch and starter areas.
Also, to find people able to play with you you should specify if you play in EU or NA servers

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Exemplar Attire

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Just to be sure: this outfit is staying on store “forever” or it’s limited and will be removed next week?

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

50 Fractal Daily Chest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I know the feeling…then ran a level 20 and got a skin. Reward balanced to effort, you are doing it right (y)

>>Lady Carlie Castle<