Showing Posts For Silvia.9130:

Irritating ingame question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I answered him(?) once, out of curiosity, and he is looking for a girl from one spesific town in Sweden. Wich make me believe hes looking for one spesific girl.
I obviously dont know, but if he needs to search for one particular girl this way, I really wonder why.
I find it somewhat creepy.
And for the record, Im not a girl and not from Sweden.

On my server some guys were talking about this guy some days ago and some said that for the fun of it, some replied to him to be the girl from Sweden, and that he would get into very obscene and disturbing talkings…if that’s true, fun or serious, I’d suggest to report him, maybe a 3 days block of his account would teach him a couple of things.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Goldfarm after Featurepatch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Well, like Anet always likes to remind us about……

Get more Gold!

Don’t forget that you can exchange gems and gold at our currency exchange on the second tab of the Black Lion Trading Company! Currently, you can get 1 gold for about 15 gems and 50 gold for about 700 gems!

Gems for Gold

Don’t forget that you can exchange gems and gold at our currency exchange on the second tab of the Black Lion Trading Company! Currently, you can get 10 gold for about 145 gems and 50 gold for about 720 gems!

Which explains why it always gets harder and harder to make gold every update, cause they would rather us buy gold than actually earn it in game.

The rate of gold per gem seems to have gone up some since launch, which indicates more people are selling gold than are selling gems. Therefore, somebody’s earning gold in game. In fact, since it takes more gold to get gems than it did some time ago, it’s likely that more gold is being sold than gems.

Of course someone is earning gold, don’t forget of all of the people who use out of map exploits to sell dungeons, TP flippers, uber lucky people that get 3-4 precursors while others rot in hell in the wait of one, and if it will ever come it will be the most meaningless one (Speargun pre)…

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Where is the precursor hunt?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Too many gems being turned to gold for precursors to be available from a scavenger hunt.

^^^ And now that precursors prices reached stars, uuuh I’m sure expecting it to be implemented soon.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Ascended weapon and armor drop improve

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


They improved it in PvP and Wvw perhaps, since from each I got 2 armor boxes within 2 weeks.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Is there a point?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


As other mentioned already, the only point for non-berserker’s gears is WvW. Unless people would really buy a separate set for wandering the maps which would be a huge waste of money imo.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

GW2 Female Armour [Poll]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I don’t mind either of these, but I think there is need of more options, mostly for non-skimpy armors that too often are trenchcoats or look pretty ugly and not as well-designed as many skimpy ones.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Drop Rates Are Not Broken

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


What I find broken is that likely there will be someone who gets 3-4 of that, while others (Me for sure among them) that will never, ever have the furthest chance to see just one coming. And in my case I speak about precursors…played over 6k hours from Beta Weekend 2 and never gotten any, neither from dungeons (That I run daily) , nor world bosses, random drops or Mystic Forge.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

More eye color options?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I perfectly agree with you…I find it rather ridiculous that red eyecolor was not implemented since there are male human NPCs that have that. Why is it not there? Because it’s not realistic? Only pink and purple eyes are realistic right? And I think it’s also about time we get some cool green haircolor to be honest.. ._.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

[question] Where is the candy corn merchant?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I think he means the vendor that sold items like Mini Bloody Prince and such, which was left from last Halloween.
I myself don’t know, I can’t help , I’ m sorry :/

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Why does ArenaNet hate farming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Playing the game normal way I don’t manage to make more than 100gxmonth at the moment (I don’t flip LT, I run dungeons.) and the feeling that unless some luck (that won’t happen) will give me my precursor, I will never manage to have enough money to buy Dusk (because its price keeps going up and by the time I’ll have 1500 g (over 1 year) the price might be double) is pretty much killing my will to do much in this game.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

What's the point?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


In response:

1.) Hmm this seems like an obvious solution, but we all know that completing even the starter dungeons with fresh players is next to impossible. Even then, the recruiting process becomes tedious and players either ditch before a full party is created, or rage mid dungeon because the entire party is consistently dying.

2.) I kinda hinted this as an option in the OP. It’s completely feasible to do, but not everyone joins a guild capable of running these dungeons – so yea.

Your options stated are available, but they really don’t help new players. Just imagine if all level 30’s went into AC and tried to run all 4 paths with no prior knowledge. Yea, not fun at all.

Why is it next to impossible? We veterans who played since the start managed to make them, all new to the dungeons, why shouldn’t new players be able to do the same? This is the ridiculous mentality that is spreading nowadays, as if veterans were born with the knowledge and didn’t have to learn things through. -.-

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

No more perm hairstyle contracts :-(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I wonder when MMO developers will learn that having discontinued, tradable items for the first few holidays is a horrendous and economy breaking decision.

It depends…the more of those things around the less kits sold from gem store, I am sure all of you realize this.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Journey to 100% Map

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


How much %XPxkills do you have (account one?)

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Female Light Armor Leggings -- All skirts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


99% of players with a light armored male character seconds this, truly ._. I’m fed-up to use human T2 for every character -.-

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Levelling is so hard!? ;)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Definitely needs a nerf.

NO!!!! Must grind PvP hard before it could happen!!! O.O’

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

I'm so needy...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I wish Gandalf was here with us :’(

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Damage Meters and Inspect Commands

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I also want to be able to inspect where all of the achievement a person has came from, so that I can kick all of the 14k+ AP who got most of those by running dailies from headstart and never set a foot in most of the dungeon paths.
I would find this way smarter than any other rubbish meter and I am sure that 99.99% of the great elitists asking for xxxk+AP only and claiming these useless meters would want to shoot at me if such thing was added.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

A simple solution for Dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Is there really someone who skips Kholer despite there is a stack that makes him even easier than ever? o.o’

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Small things that bug you in (PUG) dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Those who don’t accept people under some xk achievements and that place BoD right after I place mine after linking it in chat;

Those who asks for zerkers only and are not zerkers themselves;

Those who asks for 80s only and have their friend/guildie on a low level char in team;

Those who join for Melee-Lupi and range him/have no idea how to dodge grubs and kicks;

Those who make Lupicus run all the room in phase 3 causing the bubble to be spawned;

Those who don’t listen to help make feedback the most effective to make Lupi skip-phase;

Eles who can’t make 0,1 might and think to be pro and gods of the game;

Rangers meleeing with longbow-Mesmers meleeing with gs-Necros meleeing with staff-and so on…

People who join a team pretending to be experienced and instead are first-timers. Now really… They don’t say it’s their first time because they fear a kick. Wouldn’t they get a kick anyway when at half-way to the end they screwed up badly for not knowing?

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

GW 2 became a grind fest?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I believe he means more along the lines of individually challenging

Again, haaaaave you met the Crown Pavilion? There are bosses there can you have to go head-to-head against. Just you and the boss. Doesn’t get more individual than that :P

Isn’t Pavillion open (for the challenges) only during the event? o.O

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Anyone else fed up?

in Engineer

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I have a level 80 ele,warrior,thief,mesmer and of course my engi. All of my characters are in full exotic zerker with the “meta” builds. I have the option of switching.. I just refuse to because I’m tired of only running 4 classes because others aren’t exactly educated. Also there are people that don’t understand why groups use warriors,mesmers,ele,thieves,guards…they just go with the flow and if those people say that engis suck then they will go along with it without even playing engi or understanding the class because it’s not easy mode hit 2 GG.

This is certainly true as well, but the heavy classes certainly tend to be a bit more noob-proof.

This is the main problem…it’s harder to find a bad warrior simply because it’s the easiest profession ever seen and it requires to be a truly dreadful player not to manage to play it well. And this gives life to the legend that warrior is the best profession, that the dream-perfect-team should be like 5 warriors…which is completely silly, if we consider that the best team is considered to be max 1 warrior-2 eles-1 ranger-1 guard or mes according to the place. Plus, another factor…a warrior with a bad build is often less noticeable than an engi with bad build, be it because the warrior “hides in the crowd” while they keep a closer eye on the “intruder” (engi)
But as it was mentioned already, true Engi has a lot of great skills, can provide a lot to a team…but, there is always another profession that can do it easier and better. From might spamming to support, we can’t hide that War/Ele/Guard do it more easily and better than Engis…which is to blame on the imbalace that exists among the professions and in every side of the game, not just dungeons.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

How Much More Casual?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Considering anyone can simply buy Dungeon Master title by simply paying (Way too often) a dude who used out of map exploits to reach the end boss skipping everything, this is truly the last thing I would be arguing about really… ._.

this is honestly not new to any game, and usually its easier to carry people in other MMOs. Any time an MMO has something you cant buy directly, some people will pay someone to get the drop. It doesnt really illustrate anything other than people who can will sell to people who cant. and people who cant will buy from people who can.

I know that, what I meant was that it annoys me more that the only one in-game armor set that back back back back to the beginning was the only one actual “prestige” set since it was the hardest to get, is now owned by any single random player…while these LS skins were uber easy to obtain…run around, jump here and there, there you go! So I really don’t care, everyone had them before, a few more people will have them now on, what will even change? But it kinda dreads me to see people who never set a foot into Arah running around all smug into their full sets, behaving as if they were pro…and same goes for the title, it’s not like the random titles one got from LSs, everyone got them, from the worst to the best player, but I personally “spit my blood” while running Arah 1-2-4 the first time, with no experienced player with me, with few guides and bad builds…now instead I see people who can’t even do a skill point in Plains of Ashford running around with that title they simply bought for a few golds… this is what is wrong of this game. People’s efforts are completely useless, they mean nothing. Why should I jump jumping puzzles when I can pay a mesmer to portal me on the end of it? Laziness wins in this game…which is bitter.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

all the loot nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


The exchange rate is based off the players, so its expensive because people aren’t buying gems and selling them for gold.

This also means, if someone buys their gems from gold ArenaNet is still making money, because those gems you bought with gold were originally sold from a player who bought gems with cash.

NEWSFLASH: If people buy gems and sell them, the exchange rate gets cheaper. At the same time, because of the 30% tax, inflation is reduced.

In regards to loot nerfs, they are more of a balancing. Up until the nerfs, there was no point of running a fractal. It was far better to run dungeons or a champ train. Now that those have been nerfed, the economy is much more equalized.

They have an economic expert working on this game, and it is clear he is doing a good job as now I feel like I’m rewarded pretty much the same in all game modes.

I’m no economic expert, but I have a good idea it might fit! Bring all rewards to 0, make all items accountbound and that can’t be sold on merchants. Make every material T1-6 accountbound as well and with no merchant revenue either. No kind of money drop from any mob. Remove tokens and badges of honor and sell them together with gems, problem fixed, everything balanced

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

How Much More Casual?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Considering anyone can simply buy Dungeon Master title by simply paying (Way too often) a dude who used out of map exploits to reach the end boss skipping everything, this is truly the last thing I would be arguing about really… ._.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

[Suggestion] Jumping puzzle dungeons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


“LF experienced MESMER only, reach the end to portal team or kick.” xD

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


As I mentioned in another post, I would actually like to see either a full armor set (For medium armor) reminding of Cowboys’ outfits, with the coolest hat ever, some short jacket on a shirt, something like that, an outfit instead of armor would be cool as well, even the hat alone seriously, I so want my engi to look like a cowgirl! :P Pwetty please ANet - -Makes a Puss-in-boots cute look-

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

How to Make Gold

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Sell everything (1s+) even the dumbest low level armor piece on the TP; Run dungeons since that 1
05-3,05g (+the 26s) are basically the only sure income I can see, free from RNG that hates me beyond belief; use the tokens to buy exotics to salvage with good salvage kits; sell the exotic insignias and ectoplasms coming out of them.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Clown outfit for Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I would so love to see some well-done Cowboy/girl outfit in gem store…or even better some medium armors that remind of cowboys’ outfit, really bored to death of all the pirate stuff tbh, no offense meant, just my opinion >.>

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Reporting for insults, does it do anything?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Yet a couple of days ago, I happened to run AC. Joined a team which claimed path 2-3, intending to run both paths, of course. Though, running path 2 I realized I didn’t like those people, one of them mainly, being extremely annoying, so I left the party after the path was done, having no intention to bear said person for 1 more path.
After a few moments I receive a whisper from said person, calling me a r**ard, (Said word without any kind of “censoring attemp”) who can’t read. I reported and blocked, and I noticed he was not temporary banned nor anything…
has it do do with the fact that what he said was not a verbal abuse?

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Finally, Every Legendary!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


How did you manage to grind that much money to get all of the precursors? Q.Q I can’t seem to ever be able to get my Dusk since as soon as I get closer the price flies up -.-

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Did you play GW1 or 2 more often

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Gw2…all the way, even if I have some “periods of low activity” when I get bored, i never stop playing, never took any break, still log in every day.
Way too often in Gw1 I would rage-quit quite harshly due to failing something right in the end (mainly personal story before getting proper heroes/builds/skills).

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

[Suggestion] An idea to battle whisper spam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I find this idea awesome as well, hope they add something like this because those gold sellers are getting annoying for good lately -.-

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Anet ignoring the cry's of rper's?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


You are not the only one annoyed by this really, me and all of the members of the guild I am in are as well, for it’s become horrid to meet up and do our events, with people ending up each one in a different overflow half the time, despite we are all members of the same guild -.-

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Most annoying foe!

in Warrior

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Warriors, rangers and most of all, those uber healer elementalists, with who it seems you are never going to finish a fight, you receive 0 damage from the ele and every bit of damage you deliver is healed right away -.- In such cases I simply head away stating “how boring!” for it truly is the most boring thing in game to try a 1v1 against that.

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Crafting a legendary

in Crafting

Posted by: Silvia.9130


First they need to make legendaries account bound on acquire, then we can talk about cutscenes and voiceovers.

Would be pointless to make them accountbound now, plus considering how many people brag around of all the hundreds of dollars they spent to buy their Legendaries, I am never seeing devs getting rid of a big source of income. Besides, if prices keep going like that, precursors will be more expensive than Legendaries so to speak -.-

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Getting rich off Trading Post games

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Instead I am tired seeing people getting like twice richer by exploting dungeons skipping them through out of maps then selling…

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

*Precursor Rage*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Rage is too little word to express the disappointment. I am literally DISGUSTED , because there is nothing legendary in that, most of people simply buy loads of gems to convert in gold to buy their precursors. And they are not just reaching the sky for how expensive they are currently (1000+g) but they are growing always more rare! Seriously, 6 Dusk’s all over the TP, 6?! -.-

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Max amount of Transmtation Charge?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


My sister has over 200 so I assume there is actually no limit really, there must be some other reason o.o

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

How to travel to destroyed Lion's Arch city?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


The only way now is to get to Gendarran through Asura gate and try some safe path to reach the portal…since Bloodtyde entrance can’t be possibly reached by a low level…sadly I think it’s either gate or gate

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Commander tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Bet he wants the 100g back tbh, Psy XD

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Is this fun-Ask yourself &post ´r love story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


0 Attempts, 0 kills, about 1 hour spent to learn how to face it, got an exotic worth 5.20g from a champ box in my PvP reward track after two matches, less than 30 mins! ^^

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Reflect on Giganticus Lupicus

in Mesmer

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Thank you very much guys, you’ve been extremely helpful!

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Reflect on Giganticus Lupicus

in Mesmer

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Hey guys
I am not too expert I must admit, but I was wondering a few things on how to obtain the highest reflection against Lupi P2 AoE…
First of, is actually still possible to make him skip phase after patch? I’ve tried different builds (6-6-0-0-2/6-4-0-0-4/2-4-0-6-2), always on full (exotic) zerker gear, ascended zerker weapons and full ascended zerker trinkets…pre-patch I used to manage to make him skip phase almost every time but now never..I find the damage from reflect always way too little…
What’s the curret best build to obtain the max reflect?
Is it true that in order to get the max reflect on Lupi’s AoE whole team must be under Feedback?
Do I have to actually use something more than simple Feedback to obtain an higher reflect damage (Trait focus to reflect and use curtain? Use TW together with Fb?)?
Any suggestion on this matter would be much appreciated since I really love to play Mesmer and I would like to improve and get better in every ways, most of all to be the most useful possible in Lupi fights!
Thank you in advance! ^^

>>Lady Carlie Castle<


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silvia.9130


You can use one client, just make sure you change the email adrees and the password each time you want to acces a different account.
And you may have to give yourself permission on the first login.

Oki, thanks a lot!

>>Lady Carlie Castle<


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Hi everyone!
I’ve been playing the game so far sharing an account with my sister. Now I finally got the chance (and grabbed it!!) to buy my own separate account, even though we have one only computer (for now) where to run the game. My question here is: to access the game with my account will I have to download the game again/get a separate client? Or I will just have to use my own e-mail and password on the existing client?
Be kind please >.<
Thank you in advance!

>>Lady Carlie Castle<