People reviving (downed/defeated) players should take additional damage with current traits that decrease damage while reviving be reworked to offset that damage.
Either ask if they need help or jump in when you see your teammate trying to retreat.
I assume there is still some large scale hallucination magic still emanating from the tower that makes the centaurs see krait as allies.
Modified ammunition might be a better choice now in PvE with other classes providing conditions (in place of incendiary)
Yea, that is definitely a problem.
The host could have waited a bit more and Anet should not have the dungeon close when the host leaves.
Wig is 2 copper in the trading post
Hm, completely clean out your mailbox and tell your daughter to mail you 11 times with 1 copper in each one. And don’t retrieve the copper until it is all finished. This should cover all your bases.
I think the storyline/living story mails don’t count.
So only player mails and black lion parcels.
“Certain event-related mail will count against the inbox limit, although it does not count for hints. "
Still not convinced about modified ammunition.
No, your hobo sacks are still waiting for you in game!
Welcome back.
Unfortunately no, but you could try to send in a ticket to the support team.
I think gloves from the same set as the shoulder pads would be a good match.
I like the left one except for the gloves
Personally I use this set up with WASD movement
Weapon Skills: 1-5
Heal: 6
Utilities: Z-X-C
Elite: V
Might be limited by the engine since most professions are capped up to 4 mechanic skills (F1-F4)
Is this every time or just a couple cases?
There is a bug where it looks like your character is running forward, but is actually backpedaling in terms of speed.
You won’t see legendary armor any time soon, you will see Ascended Armor in 2013 for sure though, yes.
Quote from 2 months ago, interpreting this as there will be legendary armor eventually.
You can strafe attacks.
A good example of this is with ranged projectiles.
Strafe in one direction then make a sudden break to the opposite direction to make it miss.
Alternatively with melee attacks, if there is a large windup attack, you can turn around (because you run faster going forward than pedaling backwards) and dash backwards a bit to avoid the attack.
Yes, SD can crit. I wouldn’t recommend using the trait “Scope” since you will want to be up close while using the rifle skills.
With a rifle SD build, you should focus on berserkers or assassins gear to maximize that damage rather than try to bring your condition damage up to par.
For sigils, try out sigil of fire or air for some good burst damage.
For runes, you can go ruby(POWER/precision/critdmg) or opal(PRECISION/power/critdmg) orbs or Scholar runes(10% damage while above 90% hp)
looks like its from the storyline
Honestly I think it’s a good thing. Gives people a couple more seconds to tag in a hit for credit, huge downed HP pool and largely helpless down skills can let players coordinate tagging in big champion events.
Hm, have you gotten cragstead?
can’t see really well, but top right area of snowden drifts looks unexplored?
I would just double check corners of the map and area where the road cut off.
Don’t fret too much about race and background. It’s mainly for storyline and aesthetics.
With the theme you are seeking, seems like a human noble guardian fits best.
You should be able to place it in the bank (which is account shared) and transfer it that way.
Talk to a banker.
Downed is a horrible system in WvW and PvP. Simply put there are only a few things that would make it more “bearable” but I can’t think of anything that would make it actually fun.
The best solution for WvW/PvP imo would be to make healing a downed person interruptible by damage. You shouldn’t be able to run into enemy aoes and just bring your friend up. I’ve lost so many outnumbered fights not because the enemies were better players but because they just ran and rezed eachother every time they went down which happens faster than a finisher. Even if you save all your KBs for when someone goes down chances are 1 person in their group has 1 saved up to use on you whilst trying to finish. Extremely frustrating for people who prefer solo/small group play.
Agreed, resuscitating someone else should follow the same rules as bandage self.
Maybe not the cooldown, but at least stops when taking active damage.
I believe you can do Lunatic Inquisition for that daily during the Halloween event.
Otherwise you can go to Lion’s Arch and talk to one of the NPCs with two flags over their heads.
“Activities that are part of the daily rotation can be started by speaking with one of two NPCs in Lion’s Arch, marked with the [Activity Flag]
icon. One is located at Grand Piazza and the other near the Yomm’s Mercantile. Depending on the activity, the NPCs will be marked as the Master of Activities or Citizen. "
Rifled Barrels + Rifle Mod
(only a display error, engineers aren’t allowed to have fun bugs)
It would be neat, but I don’t think they can do it for the main hand skills since you might not be using two pistols at once.
probably this, but I don’t play thief
I suppose they are stealthing with
Has anyone used the mortar recently? The skills seem to not lock up as much and overall feels smoother.
Still could use some work though.
PvP unidentified dyes are account-bound, but once you open them they will be available for sale to the TP and can be used in PvE as well.
No one is going to force you to be a support guardian in WvW, feel free to stick to smashing stuff if you like it.
Necromancer – Trickster Demon
Get one volunteer to activate the electric panels and have everyone else make a mad-dash for the previous panels during the ~2 second down time when floors reset
The platform is the one of the warnings, it usually always pops up before the floor charges.
Just the standard exotic loot bag that drops from aetherblade champions
Could always just jump onto a raised panel whenever it comes up.
I recommend doing it once for the achievements at least.
2 gold and 60 tokens as a reward at the end + a couple deluxe boxes from champions.
When I ran the achievement, I found that the Lionguard were more than capable of taking care of themselves.
We killed the Veteran officer -> followed Caithe -> EMP’d ships -> finished off the remaining Aetherblades
Now you should have ~5 minutes left to run after the chests
Once you blow up all the ships, emp nade stash is closed
Probably trying to extend the daily/living story reward out to lower level players.
Since Tunnels or Trees was Ascalonian/TA
A pitfall trap would be entertaining
Put a big pinata in the center
Rank doesn’t really tell you anything since its not account bound.
What if your top commander decided to run on his newly made warrior?
Does that make him a nooby commander?
New skill 2, engineer now channels for 1 second strapping a belt of explosives and elixirs onto themselves. After a 1 second delay, activate blowout + some healing effect.
(Skill is available 1 second after being downed)
Skill 3, engineer detonates rocket boots, blasting off backwards for 600 range while burning enemies with exhaust.
(Skill is available 4 seconds after being downed)
If you have the gold, you can buy one of the backpack packages which come with a clean backstrap item that has no stats or level requirement to transfer the skin.
Of course I’m just speculating since I haven’t personally done this before.
Advantage of trenchcoats : You can be pant-less and no one will suspect a thing
Just fuse them up with artificer and wait for them to up the cap