Showing Posts For Soilder.3607:

We need Empathic Bond moved to BM.

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


I gotta be honest, with druid out I don’t mind EB where it is. I think condi removal is in an outstanding place and we have quite a lot of options. Especially with the new shouts and soldier/trooper runes.

A lot has changed since the days of EB being our only condi cleanse on the entire class!

Druid + WS is a great combo to tackle conditions with. If you tack on NM for Evasive Purity you’re incredibly resilient.

But core ranger is still neglected when it comes to condition removal. The best you can really do is run all survival skills and grab evasive purity. It isn’t nothing, but it certainly isn’t a lot, especially if you come face to face with a dedicated condition spec.

EB needs to go. Skills and traits that harm the pet are bad and I’d prefer it if we didn’t have any of them. And if it is to be replaced I would hope it’s replacement is slotted into a different traitline than WS.

Stormbluff Isle

Crashing during install

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Soilder.3607


There is a little button that says ‘Show Details’ on the Crash Report window; you click that, then copy and paste the information here.

Or, you should be able to find the crash logs in a folder within your GW2 folder.

I think this is it.


Stormbluff Isle

Ranger changes preview

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Those shout changes are really cool and long overdue. I’m happy they’re finally here, however.

Stormbluff Isle

Crashing during install

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Soilder.3607


If you post the details of the Crash Log here, someone may be able to offer assistance.

Good luck.

Can you tell me how to do that?

Stormbluff Isle

Crashing during install

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Soilder.3607


I keep getting a “serious error” crash during the installation of the game. I’ve sent three error logs to A-net. I have no idea what’s causing it. Are there any devs that can read my log and get back to me? Thanks.

Stormbluff Isle

Druid Bugs [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Ancestral Grace only has a 180 radius, though it’s tooltip is listed as 240. This can be tested by standing in a Healing Spring that has been triggered and then comparing its radius to that of Ancestral Grace.

Stormbluff Isle

Sublime Conversion

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


I think this skill is fairly good at the moment. Its five seconds of projectile negation on a twenty five second cool down, and a water field, which makes for excellent synergy with Ancestral Grace. It is also the kitten when it comes to stomping revenants.

But at the same time I feel like its just a little too niche at the moment, since not all classes use projectile attacks that often. So, what if this skill granted a small bonus to allies passing through the field, like protection for a few seconds, and then gave enemies a condition as well, like weakness. For one, I think that would fit the name of the skill of excellently. Secondly, it would give it some better utility when up against a foe not using projectiles.

Stormbluff Isle

Vine Surge

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


This skill is too hard to land on a moving target unless you’re in melee range. The cast time needs to be reduced, preferably to 1/4s, and the travel speed of the roots should be increased along with the duration of the immobilize.

Aside from that, the skill isn’t too bad, but it’s reliability is the problem.

Stormbluff Isle

You Nerfed Lingering Light Too Hard

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


I’ll agree that the trait was much too strong in its base form. This stemmed from the fact that the trait could affect up to five allies near the druid instead of just the druid himself, allowing for a huge amount of blinds against enemies.

However, the healing per second should not have been nerfed nearly as hard. 3 second cool down to 12 is a very big decrease in HPS, especially since the base healing of the trait wasn’t adjusted. I’m not asking for you to increase the base heal four fold to compensate, but at least enough to make it less than pitful.

Stormbluff Isle

Please Swap Smokescale F2 Back

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


I was literally having a blast with his f2. On demand stealth through leap finishers was awesome. Please revert that change.

And please don’t make us have to wait a month for you to revert it. Do it tomorrow.

Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Soilder.3607)

Boost greatsword base damage, please.

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Because it has an evade in it. It is insanely defensive, GS is a defensive weapon on all but 1 skill.

I disagree. I view it as a utility weapon with a multitude of functions, including burst damage. Think of it like the guardian hammer. They’re both varied, but not entirely defensive.

To be honest, I think a fair change to help out the DPS of greatsword would be to reduce the cast time of the third skill in the autoattack chain to 1/2s. Not only that, but it would put an end to the abuse of that skill being chained in succession, allowing for ridiculous evasion uptimes.

Other than that, the damage on the auto should probably be left where it is, considering the evade. I do however think hilt bash needs an update. It’s too easy to miss or have your opponent strafe away.

Stormbluff Isle

Immobilize in Mid Air Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Hi, if you are immobilized in the middle of a jump or leap skill, often times the game bugs and will consider you airborn until the duration of the immobilize ends.

This often leads to scenarios where I am immobilized mid fight and cannot activate any skills for extended periods of times. When this happens in PvP, it is very frustration and I am unable to do anything as my character stays still and dies.

Stormbluff Isle

Stalker's Strike

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Yea, when they buffed the OH range I was disappointed that this skill didn’t receive a buff. Hopefully it was just the second time they overlooked it and will fix it in the near future.

Stormbluff Isle

Ranger Greatsword Block

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


No, this is the intended point of the skill. If anything attacks you in melee range, you knock back with heavy damage. If you’re blocking ranged attacks with the skill, and another opponent decides to hit you in melee range to cancel your block, that’s fair game and smart play.

A straight 3s block on a 12 second cool down would be too strong, especially if it was coupled with QuickDraw. The only time really when a foe attacking from ranged can cancel your block would be if a mesmer casted phantasmal berserker or warden on you or if a ranger’s pet or necro’s minions caught up to you.

Also, if you see someone attack you then immediately dodge, don’t be angry and ask for the casting time on counterattack to be reduced. Your opponent played smart, he saw you had the block up, new what attacking would do, and dodged in response. Too often I see people get angry when players dodge their counterattack, when that is simply smart play.

Risk v.s. Reward
I respect your opinion Solider especially in the case of counter-play, however I believe you are missing my point. What I am suggesting is a “non-system assisted skill” and for arenanet to offer the risk vs. reward of using counter attack to the discretion of the player(which would require more skill might I add). It is not healthy for the game to have cross-profession discrimination in terms of the games fundamental gameplay mechanics.

I know it is extremely possible for developers to implement this skill. Such an example would be the Revenant’s underwater spear skill which changes functionality depending on the range in which the skill is used “Rapid assault” and “Spear of Anguish”. This way Rangers do not have to lose access to either “Counterattack” or “Crippling Throw” but once again have to decide(Risk v.s. Reward) of using the appropriate skill depending on the situation. This would invariably solidify the Ranger’s greatsword as a utility based weapon which it is currently used for as opposed to the dps set up of sword/axe.

With the exception of Guardian the previous blocks I mentioned in my earlier post do not discriminate between range and melee damage. I think the saying “a block is a block is a block” is very fitting here. So yes beyond the balance of the skill duration I still hold fast to my first statement. I believe this a change that needs to happens whether to the joy or chagrin of other players.

Well, I see what you’re saying, but I don’t think it’s a necessary change. The skill, in my opinion, works fine as is. It’s a strong ranged block on a short cooldown, with the added functionality of throwing the greatsword for ranged damage or knocking back a melee opponent with heavy damage.

The greatsword already performs exceptionally well as a utility weapon and I disagree with you saying that this is a needed change to solidify the weapons status as such. It already has a strong evade on the auto attack, which can be chained three times to potentially earn three and a half seconds of evasion per auto attack chain (doing this is a bit complicated, but very strong). There’s of course maul which offers strong burst damage, but nothing extreme unless traited. It has another evasive gap closer/creator, the block/melee cc as we previously mentioned, and then a short duration stun/daze, which in my opinion is the only skill needing improvement.

I also disagree with you comparing skills across professions. Each profession has a different playstyle and different mechanic, making it so skills across classes will never be copies of eachother and will always have differences suitable to each classes playstyle. Of course, there are always some exceptions, such as rapid fire and volley, even though they have respective differences, but for the most part this holds true.

If you’re suggested change did come to fruition, the playstyle would stay the same, which is fine as your suggestion was not made to change the playstyle but rather improve it, and the weapon would still remain excellent as utility. However, the cooldown of the Counterattack would definitely need to be bumped to compensate for a full block. In the end, the efficiency of the GS would remain the same imo.

Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Soilder.3607)

Ranger Greatsword Block

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


No, this is the intended point of the skill. If anything attacks you in melee range, you knock back with heavy damage. If you’re blocking ranged attacks with the skill, and another opponent decides to hit you in melee range to cancel your block, that’s fair game and smart play.

A straight 3s block on a 12 second cool down would be too strong, especially if it was coupled with QuickDraw. The only time really when a foe attacking from ranged can cancel your block would be if a mesmer casted phantasmal berserker or warden on you or if a ranger’s pet or necro’s minions caught up to you.

Also, if you see someone attack you then immediately dodge, don’t be angry and ask for the casting time on counterattack to be reduced. Your opponent played smart, he saw you had the block up, new what attacking would do, and dodged in response. Too often I see people get angry when players dodge their counterattack, when that is simply smart play.

That is not the point. The point is, its a huge tell and good players know it, so they bait out the counterattack and burst you while you are stuck in the animation. They don’t even need to dodge. No defensive skill should put you in that situation.

The amount of time you are left vulnerable is 1/4th of a second, the approximate casting time of counterattack. No build in the game can unleash a full burst attack in that time span. The only one that arguably can would be a fresh air ele, which, considering the immense keyboard input required and the skill needed to identify and react to the rangers block in a way which prevents him from being knockedback or from having to dodge (because remember, if a player dodges your counterattack, by the time their dodge has ended, you are no longer rooted, and therefore a player dodging your counterattack also cannot burst you), would be a well earned burst.

The counterattack being baited out, as I said before, is good play. If I see a character using the skill, then I will auto attack and waste a dodge. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s counterplay.

If you are having trouble with players reading your counter attack, try to use it more reactively. As in, don’t use it when approaching a character you are about to attack. Use it in the middle of an engagement when you know an auto attack or different skill is bound to hit, that way they don’t have much time to see you in the blocking stance.

Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Soilder.3607)

Immobilize mid air bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Arenanet, for years this bug has been gamebreaking in pvp. When you are immobilized in mid air or during a leap skill, you cannot DO ANYTHING until the immobilize wears off. IT IS ESSENTIALLY AN UNBREAKABLE STUN. I get this kitten on me for four seconds and I just sit back, take my hands off my keyboard, and watch my character die.

You have to address this. It’s been years and I’ve submitted multiple bug reports and so have other players. I have to deal with it every day. Every single day I pvp this bug happens at least once, and most of the times I die because there is nothing I can do. It’s frustrating.

Stormbluff Isle

Ranger Greatsword Block

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


No, this is the intended point of the skill. If anything attacks you in melee range, you knock back with heavy damage. If you’re blocking ranged attacks with the skill, and another opponent decides to hit you in melee range to cancel your block, that’s fair game and smart play.

A straight 3s block on a 12 second cool down would be too strong, especially if it was coupled with QuickDraw. The only time really when a foe attacking from ranged can cancel your block would be if a mesmer casted phantasmal berserker or warden on you or if a ranger’s pet or necro’s minions caught up to you.

Also, if you see someone attack you then immediately dodge, don’t be angry and ask for the casting time on counterattack to be reduced. Your opponent played smart, he saw you had the block up, new what attacking would do, and dodged in response. Too often I see people get angry when players dodge their counterattack, when that is simply smart play.

Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Soilder.3607)

Ranger com! Roy conf. changes to WHAO b4 BW3

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


You are going say with a straight face that THREE stacks of might is fair? Seriously?

It’s every boon in the game. Every boon in the game. Sure, some have lower durations that others, and rightfully so since not all boons are of the same strength. But still, every single boon in the game, on a 20 or 16s cooldown.

The ranger lot is the worst community in the game. You guys complain, for three years on that the class sucks, cannot even recognize when our class receives something blatantly overpowered, and then complain when it is fairly nerfed and is STILL much better than it was pre-patch.

Does our class have problems, and was it treated unfairly at times? Sure, but several steps in the right direction have been made over the last year. But as I said, this is the worst community in the game. Whining, complaining, total bias for one class. It’s a game, grow up.

Stormbluff Isle

Ranger com! Roy conf. changes to WHAO b4 BW3

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


This nerf was not intended for PvP, but rather PvE, where permanent quickness is not intended for any class to have. The fact that this skill was released without any sort of modifier to incoming boons (as in, boons are shared with static durations) was an oversight, and a very stupid one I might add.

In PvE content I easily maintained perma quickness on myself and my pet and had an incredibly easy time solo stacking myself and my pet to 25 stacks of might, using only clarion bond, warhorn #5, zephyr’s speed, juvenile jungle stalker f2, and then WHaO. It took me literally two seconds to stack to 25 might, all the while retaining permanent quickness. That is broken, and there’s no denying it.

Regardless of the flaws the ranger class, this skill in itself was much too powerful and should not have been released at the state it was in. Do not complain about the incoming nerf. It is deserved and a right balance change. Also, understand that, even with static durations, being able to gain all boons from your pet is still strong and has good synergy.

It is a fair change.

No. Fair would’ve been just removing quickness from the boons that could be copied. Instead they brought a nuke to a knife fight and made the skill worthless again.

No. Fair is the current change. The skill can still transfer every boon in the game for these listed durations. That is a strong skill. There is no question, no debate about it.

Gaining permanent quickness was broken, even if the class behind it wasn’t enough to support the boon in a PvP scenario. In a PvE scenario, as your tag says you speak from, it is totally broken and there is no argument.

Be happy that the change is a net buff. It’s still a strong skill.

Stormbluff Isle

Ranger com! Roy conf. changes to WHAO b4 BW3

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


This nerf was not intended for PvP, but rather PvE, where permanent quickness is not intended for any class to have. The fact that this skill was released without any sort of modifier to incoming boons (as in, boons are shared with static durations) was an oversight, and a very stupid one I might add.

In PvE content I easily maintained perma quickness on myself and my pet and had an incredibly easy time solo stacking myself and my pet to 25 stacks of might, using only clarion bond, warhorn #5, zephyr’s speed, juvenile jungle stalker f2, and then WHaO. It took me literally two seconds to stack to 25 might, all the while retaining permanent quickness. That is broken, and there’s no denying it.

Regardless of the flaws the ranger class, this skill in itself was much too powerful and should not have been released at the state it was in. Do not complain about the incoming nerf. It is deserved and a right balance change. Also, understand that, even with static durations, being able to gain all boons from your pet is still strong and has good synergy.

It is a fair change.

Stormbluff Isle

Describe the Druid in 3 Words

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


New Bunker Meta

Stormbluff Isle

Druid Reveal Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Druid spec looks awesome and I thank the devs for making it. Most of the negative feedback is uncalled for and biased so don’t let it work you guys up.

My only complaint is that glyphs might be a little weak for their effects at the moment, except for the elite.

Stormbluff Isle

Druid Healer Confirmed - Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Nature is directly influenced by the positions and alignments of celestial bodies, sorry to rain on your qq parade, but it does make sense. The celestial bodies give us things like the solstices and seasons, sunlight/moonlight, tides, etc. A lot of those things are represented with the Druid. The Druid has plenty of skills that are plant influenced and they are all nature oriented.

This ^ very true, some people need to read on Druid history and realize that they had rituals concerning the moon, the sun, the harvest, etc etc

Some other people need to read Tyrian history and realize that this is a discussion about game lore, not Earth lore.

Well if that were truly the case game lore states that rangers can only wield bows and pets are optional, as per guild wars 1.

The game designers can change lore as they please. It is theirs, they make it. If they want it so that the druid is nature and celestial oriented, then it is. I don’t see anything wrong with that either. It fits thematically and, most importantly, what did the ranger lack most before HoT? Team support, group control. What are we getting with HoT? Team support and group control.

There is no right to argue. Everything the ranger needed most, it is getting. The only part that falls short is pets, but the use of them as a mechanic in the first place is flawed and it seems that a-net is stepping away from them in general and giving more power and utility back to the ranger. Which is, to be honest, the best case scenario we could’ve asked for.

Enough whining and enough cynicism. You’re upset because you want to be upset. Remember, this is a game, nothing more.

Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Soilder.3607)

Balance Changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


OH MY GOD HEAL AS ONE. I’m drooling, that’s an amazing change. SYNERGY SYNERGY SYNERGY.

remember that little minor in NM that copies boons to your pet but only for a few seconds, even less depending on buff type?

im thinking this will work the same way. otherwise we will be copying 10sec of prot (and possibly stealth?) every other time we use guard.

so its cool, but not amazing.

Yes it will obviously have to function that way. Anyone can see that if it didn’t then the potential for abuse would be huge.

But even just transfers of three or four seconds is awesome. The skill has a cooldown of 16s when traited. The synergy is there, and its excellent.

Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Soilder.3607)

Balance Changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


I think we’re missing the Taunt change in here. Didn’t they say it is now undodgeable and unblockable?

i don’t think he said that correctly. I understood that it was bugged, and therefore went through dodges and blocks. this is now getting fixed, so it’s going to be a huge nerf. not because of the dodge part, but because a couple of professions can actually spam blocks. taunt wont be hitting much once the change goes live.

From what I heard, he said that it was not working as intended that Taunt was going through dodges and blocks, therefore it is now no longer able to do so.


Ah. I use zephyr’s speed, but that is a horrible change then. Makes the skill kinda useless against a lot of the professions.

Taunt was going through dodges and weapon skill evasion was too much, plain and simple. However, I do believe it should’ve remained unblockable. The number of skills which block and the amount of aegis application in PvP is huge.

Stormbluff Isle

Balance Changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


OH MY GOD HEAL AS ONE. I’m drooling, that’s an amazing change. SYNERGY SYNERGY SYNERGY.

Stormbluff Isle

Druid Healer Confirmed - Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Guys, don’t forget that elite specs are supposed to be new takes on the existing professions; new paths that open up that they previously couldn’t take, not straight up upgrades (ie "more of the same, just a little better). What did Ranger lack? Group support. What does Druid give us? Group support.


And it gave us what looks like arguably the highest HPS for allies in the game.

Stormbluff Isle

Druid BM's everywhere

in PvP

Posted by: Soilder.3607


It offers no utility, mobility, boons, conditions, damage migration or damage. It’s just raw healing. Which, works so great with ranger other specs and weapons like OH WAIT

So it offers no mobility, yet has a 1200 range movement skill, AOE superspeed (trait) or 33% movespeed trait, with -33% duration on movement impairing condies, okay…

Oh sorry, it offers SOME mobility. Mobility to run away from foes, something the ranger CLEARLY needs?

Get smart.

Ranger has excellent mobility. It’s one of the few classes that can easily maintain perma swiftness through either shouts, RaO, warhorn, call of the wild trait, skirmishing trait line, bird pets, etc…

Not to mention the two leaps skills which offer solid in combat mobility with such low cooldowns, along with quickening zephyr which offers superspeed as an excellent method of engaging or disengaging.

Disengage is fine due high stability uptime if running skills such as Sotw and or RaO. There’s also lightning reflexes and the stealth from longbow to assist you should you be running it.

Stormbluff Isle

Druid Healer Confirmed - Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Excellent job on druid is all I can say.

Also, that staff mobility skill looks kittening epic.

Stormbluff Isle

By the far worst class in pvp warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Soilder.3607


I thought the general consensus was that Ranger is the worst class in PvP.

Which is ironic and a little scary. One of the top 1v1 classes and falls short in team fighting. Ranger’s scare me. If they ever get around to fixing their crappy broken pets and a few other adjustments, I think rangers could QUICKLY swing the other way.

To add, Ranger can be built to counter any spec in a 1v1 scenario, even specs like cele ele and condition mesmer, if you know the class well enough.

Edit: Cele ele killer , and condi mes killer incase anyone was wondering. Of course, you have to be very good with the class and know certain tricks such as pet bursting and weapon stowing if you want to win.

Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Soilder.3607)

Describe the Scrapper in 3 Words.

in Engineer

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Why Bother Stunning


Jesus Christ Stability

Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Soilder.3607)

MDG Suggestion

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Have the trait grant +300 ferocity while under 50% (20% crit damage essentially) while pulsing 3 seconds of fury every 5 seconds (for synergy with remorseless).

You damage the ranger, he gets deadlier. That’s what the trait should efficiently do.

Stormbluff Isle

Insinctive Reaction

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Can we please change this trait to scale off of our vitality, as it was before the specialization patch? The healing power scaling is not useful at all.

Stormbluff Isle

Ranger Needs to Become "High" HP Prof

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


rangers are fine and have access to some of the best HPS in the game. if anything, warriors base health should be brought down a bit.

This right here is very true. Our traited heal skills have some of the best HPS values in the game, without even requiring any healing power.

Stormbluff Isle

so no druid next week?

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


You guys are the biggest bunch of drama queens on the planet.

thats my man! he describes the ranger forum in one sentence

Yep. Don’t even know why I browse this subforum still.

Druids getting revealed at twitchcon. The length of the reveal will not be any different if it were revealed on any other format. Enough with this neglected class behavior.

Stormbluff Isle

The problem with Taunt

in PvP

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Make it like gw1 where you had to have comfort animal equipped to have a pet active.

Lol, that’s actually pretty funny.

Then put in preparations as the actual class mechanic, like they should have done from the start.

I’m amazed at how fast you replied to that. Was literally within 10 seconds of me posting.

I would be all for the removal of the pet. AI can never balanced in PvP simply because they don’t have the players intelligence. They will always be either too strong for the skill required or too weak.

Stormbluff Isle

The problem with Taunt

in PvP

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Make it like gw1 where you had to have comfort animal equipped to have a pet active.

Lol, that’s actually pretty funny.

Stormbluff Isle

Most underused pet and why?

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Devourers for me. Have never once tried to seriously use them because they’re just bad.

In regards to moa’s, the black and pink one can be surprisingly good with taunt. Taunts their enemy right into a 2s daze. It can also hit up to five targets provided they’re in range of the shriek.

The introduction of taunt is probably one of the best things to happen to the ranger class. It allows a lot of f2’s that would previously never land to be reliable. Still, we shouldn’t have to waste a grandmaster to have our class mechanic function as it already should.

Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Soilder.3607)

Your Pets Target Is Too Far

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Soilder.3607


A common bug that keeps happening to me is that when I call in my pet and then immediately press f2, he will use his f2 but not on my target causing the attacks to miss, with the text Your Pets Target Is Too Far displaying on screen. This will happen even if my target is within melee range of my pet.

Stormbluff Isle

Discussion: "Most Dangerous Game" GM Trait

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Yea, another GM trait that needs polish. Please address this A-net. The intention was good, but staying under 50% is never a good thing.

Stormbluff Isle

Revenant steal

in PvP

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Ha, that’s actually funny. A-net totally forgot about this one.

Can’t imagine what should be given for stealing from a revenant though. Probably something that grants resistance, imo.

Stormbluff Isle

Only 1 BWE to test the Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


I do think it’s funny that they said they wouldn’t release the expansion until it was ready and polished, but now they’ve already picked an official release date before even having revealed the Ranger and Engineer elite specialisations and before Warrior, Thief and Revenant elite specs even had a beta weekend.

Because they don’t care. The least looked after with the least played, ship the rest working no one cares about the other two.

It’s all PR rubbish as usual, say as many buzzwords as you can get the hype flowing, let people buy the game before you’ve done anything and away you go!

Ironically, Ranger is the most played class in the game IIRC.

The statistic was actually second most created profession. That graph was released two years ago for the first anniversary of the launch of GW2. It didn’t track actively the number of players on a profession at any given time, but rather, the number of characters created with that class.

So in that aspect, the ranger ranked second. The most popular classes would, in my opinion, be Guardian, Warrior, and Elementalist, not necessarily in that order. But those are the classes I tend to see the most, especially in PvE.

Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Soilder.3607)

Not Enough Health?

in PvP

Posted by: Soilder.3607


That’s actually pretty funny lol. If that type of bug ever happened to me I wouldn’t even be able to be frustrated.

Stormbluff Isle

Anet the condi meta in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Soilder.3607


What’s also really annoying is most classes playing condi (especially with trapper rune) have no need for secondary stats like power so they can go full vit/tough/condi. Op dmg, op survival.

Can you post your damage break down you did to determine that it does more damage then a power build with equal vitality and a toughness?

Full Dires gear will always be better than Full Soldier’s gear due to the fact that power scaling is meant to take into account three stats. Condition damage relies only upon one.

In a duelling scenario, any class running dires will always 100% of the time beat a spec running soldiers. Why? Because conditions deal armor ignoring damage and power doesn’t.

So how would a zerg of dire do against a zerg of pvt? Dueling and zerging are apples and oranges. My zerker Mesmer destroys a condition Mesmer without -40% food perhaps you would like to explain that?

There is also the myth that condition builds only need one stat. Precision and condition duration are needed to really make a condi build shine.

You have the choice to either experiment/adapt to the builds that give you trouble or keep parroting the same arguments that have been proven wrong over and over. I will give you an example. I used to have problems with power stun lock builds. Instead of coming to the forums to call foul I spent the time/gold to build my own and play with it so I could learn the counter play. I currently have problems fighting static discharge engineers. I’m saving up the gold right now to re-equip my engineer to play static discharge myself to learn how it works and what it’s weaknesses are.

Hey bud, I said Full Dire’s fighting Full Soldiers will always win. I did not say that condition in general will always beat power and made no mention of zerker gear. Also, condition damage IS the only stat needed to make a condition damage build work. Precision and duration boosts are not necessities in the aspect of PvP. Duration boosts are usually ran in anticipation of an enemy having a countering duration minus food.

Zerg vs Zerg is a different scenario, and due to spammable AoE condition removal, soldiers would probably be the better choice. But my main point was that, in the instance of two people fighting each other, Dire gear will always remain superior to Soldiers.

Stormbluff Isle

Anet the condi meta in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Soilder.3607


What’s also really annoying is most classes playing condi (especially with trapper rune) have no need for secondary stats like power so they can go full vit/tough/condi. Op dmg, op survival.

Can you post your damage break down you did to determine that it does more damage then a power build with equal vitality and a toughness?

Full Dires gear will always be better than Full Soldier’s gear due to the fact that power scaling is meant to take into account three stats. Condition damage relies only upon one.

In a duelling scenario, any class running dires will always 100% of the time beat a spec running soldiers. Why? Because conditions deal armor ignoring damage and power doesn’t.

Stormbluff Isle

Druid: Saving the best till last... right?

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Pretty sure ours will involve something stupid like rooting ourselves in place for 5 second channels to make plants grow.

Lol. That actually made me laugh.

Stormbluff Isle

Ranger Greatsword gap close

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Swoop has the distinct advantage of being the longest range leap skill in the game. Reason being, if you use the skill at the right time while facing off a ledge, your character will continue to run foward through mid-air and will then activate the leap portion of the skill while in air. And if you cancel the skill right as it ends, right before your character would strike an opponent, you will keep momentum and move about an extra 100 distance foward. All in all you can net a leap of around 900 distance through the air.

Stormbluff Isle

Sword Auto and GS Auto

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Pre-patch, I always noticed that the first two skills of these weapons respective auto-attacks did nearly the exact same damage. The difference was only a few numerical values away in the tooltip. Now, however, the first two attacks of the sword auto do significantly more damage in the tooltip than that of the GS auto.

My question is, was the sword auto buffed or was the greatsword auto nerfed? Is their anyone who has screenshots of the auto-attacks and their tooltip numbers before patch and after patch while having the same power stat?

Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Soilder.3607)

W-knowledge, beastly warden, pro ward > all?

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


If I’m being honest, Beastly Warden should probably be on a much higher CD than it is. It’s extremely OP in the current state.

No no no no no.

In a duelling scenario with glass pets, it could be considered overpowered due to its low cooldown and ability to guarantee a pet f2 will hit, but other than that absolutely not, and for one reason only. We are the only class in the game which can lose access to its class mechanic.

Taunt revolves around the pet. Pets are unreliable. You can make taunt more effective by, say, swapping in a pet within melee range of an enemy and immediately pressing f2. This will guarantee taunt to hit if your opponent if he hasn’t dodged. But that type of play is on you and shows your skill instead of good A.I behavior. Pets can still die; pet swap recharge still goes on a 48 or 60 second cooldown. When that happens, you lose access to a grandmaster skill for the entire duration. For this reason, taunt should be strong.

Now, bugs about taunt going through dodges are invulnerability’s are still something that needs to be addressed should they still be present.

Stormbluff Isle

Mid Air Immoblize Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Soilder.3607


If you’re immobilized in mid air while jumping or using a leap skill, the game will consider you to be falling until the duration of the immobilize is complete. You cannot use any skills at all.

This is pretty gamebreaking in PvP, and I’m surprised it hasn’t been fixed already. There have been plenty of times where I’ve been hit with a three or four second immobilize while using a leap skill and I’m left with what’s essentially an unbreakable four second stun.

Stormbluff Isle