-Ralph Waldo Emerson
(edited by Specterryu Quipter.8412)
Wow really, seriously the engineer has the worst down state out of all the professions. Arena net needs to buff engineers downstate or add new skills. I die almost every time i am about to do the number 3 skill “The Big Bomb”. A number one skill should be throw little nades that cripple for 1 second or something like that. number 3 skill should blind enemies. If you have any good ideas let me know. we need to push this to arena net so they can see this. “What A Joke Of a Down State”
I’m going to say this, and probably get flamed at but w/e. Necro has the worst down state due to their lack of health when downed. Period. End of Story.
Engineer has 2 skills to help them survive, while I would want them to lower the cooldown on 3, it would be too OP. Other classes only have access to one ‘survival’ ability when they go down, and then they have to wait for their next survival ability to be usable, just like we have to. For the most part it’s fairly balanced. That being said, there is a class that has a downstate that is simply too powerful, Ele I am looking at you, and need to have their downstate skills reworked. Personally I do not think any class should be able to move as soon as they go down and there should be a period of time that they have to wait for that ability to be usable, similar to the warrior’s vengeance. Before you say anything, Thief and Mesmer down states are fine, Teleporting/Invis is different from getting up and physically running away, move along now.
Look at me I’m getting off track, I am going to assume you’re either new to the game or just trolling the Engineer forums. I’ll apologize for the devs, “We’re sorry that we did not let the Engineer summon Chuck Norris when downed.” Look at the other professions’ down state, before you claim we have the weakest downed state.
TL;DR, We’re fine.
(edited by Specterryu Quipter.8412)
Turrects actually don’t have AI currently—they shoot at the nearest thing within range, no exceptions, even if there is no LoS or if there is a major obstruction (like a wall or building) in the way. They will always shoot targetable environment or WvW gates if they are closer than an actual enemy. (Yes, even net turret shoots gates…heheh).
Hope that info helps somehow. I don’t want to sound too pessimistic—I love playing my engineer and I think engineers are in a pretty good place overall—but unfortunately this is not a matter of fixing turret AI. It’s a matter of introducing it for the first time.
That does actually help, though, yea. Though I do wish Dragons fit into the category of being a “nearest thing”. They just ignore those entirely.
Honestly, just an “attack my target” hotkey would be perfect to fix the issue.
The thumper turret used to hit the dragons, as for everything else… +1 to NevirSayDie.6235
I like the idea, but with the amount of work that would go into something like this. This is something you would see in an expansion not a biweekly/monthly patch. It would make our class a lot more interesting though.
I use Rampagers or Rabid gear, those are just my preferences with HGH builds. As for runes I use 4 runes of nightmare, and 2 runes of fire, but any rune that gives 20% might would be fine for the other two; Strength/Hoelbrak/Fire/Etc. If you have trouble staying alive, I found that using 4 runes of earth instead of nightmare helps quite a bit. You could also throw all caution to the wind and use two runes of strength, 2 runes of hoelbrak, and two runes of fire. It all boils down to your play style.
The fixed it! Along with other bugs, however they did not mention all.
Here it is (scroll down)https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/news/Game-Update-Notes-May-14-2013
I’m at work and unable to check, but have they actually fixed it or “fixed” it? As a secondary question, has the turret AI issue been fixed (or acknowledged as an issue)? The turrets wouldn’t do anything in certain boss fights, mainly world events such as Maw.
The tool kit really screws with a thief, you can block his burst than prybar him in the face (or vice versa). Don’t bother using magnet though, they will go into stealth before you can channel it.
Overall I’d say I’m confused on this class. When we find something that gives us some structure we lose it. This class when compared to the others is the class that requires the most effort to play well while offering an average reward.
**EDIT: Just wanted to add in here. The best question to ask is Why is it that you don’t see many engineers. That’s a great place to start. If you think that being the least played class is cool and we’re least played for a good reason that’s silly.
We have a higher skill floor than every other class in the game. we are not a class that you can simply pick up and play. You will have to play this class for hundreds of hours to be average at it, but once you play the Engineer enough, you’ll realize that we are actually in a fair spot. Sure Warriors can punch out numbers like nobody has every seen, in PvE, but when it comes to PvP, they are arguably the worst class. We aren’t the best at anything, and we are’t the worse at anything.
To answer the second part. This is opinion based, but from what I have seen. Most people will get their Engineer to around 50, and go back to another toon, or roll another character. Most people do not see end game with the Engineer, because they feel the class is weak. Anet is probably looking at the percentage of classes created, and assuming that everything is all fine and dandy. Until they look at the amount of time played per class, they will continue to be ignorant. What is it people say? Ignorance is bliss, and Anet is full of ignorance. Well… minus the second bit.
(edited by Specterryu Quipter.8412)
The engineer “changes” over the past few patches end up making a lot of engineers spend money/time on re-gearing. The same frustration you had on your mesmer. It will certainly happen again. ANet said in the last State of the Game they’re going to nerf grenades again. So if you’re leveling one up. Don’t get too attached to the ’Nades.
Can you link this for us?
another thing; the recent confusion nerf more or less completely got rid of the usefulness of pry bar altogether.
Aside from the fact that it hits like a truck hauling another truck.
The auto attack on the bomb kit almost hits for as much, sadly.
One must start to wonder just who is doing the testing the “fixes” of the known broken pieces of this game (and as said before, proven broken – not rumored to be broken).
No one. The Devs play the game, I know they do, because we faced a few on NSP in WvW. But I am sure they don’t play that many engineers, for one, because the ones that have posted in this forum were not well informed about our profession, and even if they were knee-deep in dev/engineers, they don’t play with turrets.
This is why thieves get hot-patched in less than a day, because the dev/thieves probably freaked out and prioritized it.
Can you imagine if a Mesmer Clone ability got broken?
I think a majority of Engineers should freak out over something like this. Even though we don’t generally use turrets, the turrets and traits associated with them are equivalent to almost a third of our class. To have a third of our class almost unplayable is unacceptable, and is something you should only tolerate if we were in a beta; which we’re not.
What if an update were to break the traits associated with our kits? Or HGH? I hope you understand what I am trying to say here.
Engineer is considered viable in all modes. Unlike Warriors, who are considered useless in PvP, Thieves and Rangers are considered dead weight in dungeons. Engies are pretty much the most variable class in the game, being able to be useful in a multitude of situations.
This. A lot of comments I keep seeing, want us to be like the Warrior. While the Warrior is the king of dps in PvE, they take a huge tax for this in PvP. I’d rather be decent all around than good in only one area.
Like I said earlier, the Engineer still brings more to a party than most Warriors do. Most Warriors are still stuck in this “I canz dps” mentality.
Here are two problems I see with the engineer class as a whole:
1) Flamethrower is the worst kit, yet almost unanimously the first kit that new engineers gravitate towards.
2) If you want to be helpful with damage, you have no choice but to take grenades. Period.
While I agree that the flamethrower is no longer viable, I think you are forgetting about our Bomb kit. Which, if traited, can heal your group and do a significant amount of dps in PvE, WvW, and sPvP. Oh, did I mention the combo fields?
A month ago I was running with a Tool/Elixir Kit build, I don’t remember ever seeing it stun somebody.
They wont shoot alot of the “world bosses” either, they just stand there doing nothing, bosses such as Shadow Behemoth and Fire Elemental they just sit there.
I have noticed this actually. Well on the bright side, this isn’t the first time a third of our abilities didn’t work…
I’ll keep this brief, this isn’t the class for you. Take a look at the Warrior or Guardian if you want something that will not be nerfed to oblivion.
Sounds like instead of trying to balance it they just remove it altogether.
Stand back, Anet devs at work.
clearly states in the patch notes that airblast extends burning for 2 seconds.
you cannot count on tooltips in this game, you have to read the patch notes consecutively.
It doesn’t take much to simply update a tooltip, just saying.
Dream scenario:
- knock the opponent down AND not knock yourself down!
This would be awesome, I don’t think the devs will give us another knockdown though. We have a lot of CCs already. I’m fine with the EG animation suggestion.
As much as i would like to see Fort Engineer put 3000 bombs in one location and detonate it all for one thief. I don’t think this would work they way you intend it to.
Just tested this, now confirmed to be FUBAR.
So im coming back to the game and decided on engineer to play. Played it early on at release and loved it. So I spent some time looking around builds and guides and i decided on this build will someone let me know how good it is.
Only saw two things that probably should be changed.
1.) Back pack regenerator is pointless, it heals for almost nothing. I’d recommend you invest those 10 points into Power Wrench.
2.) You will benefit more by having power and condition damage, since you have both the Grenade and Tool kit. I would recommend carrion or rampagers.
A link with the changes I would recommend:
Carrion: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fcAQJAqelIqiYnvSyF1LJyIFdmoBqQeJqQ+95BblWQIA-ToAgyCuI+S9l7LzXyisFNqYSA
Rampagers: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fcAQJAqelIqiYnvSyF1LJyIFdmoBqQeJqQ+95BblWQIA-ToAg1CqI+S9l7LzXyisFNqYSA
(edited by Specterryu Quipter.8412)
Can’t. Stop. Laughing. That Picture.
I wonder why they changed the Mine Kit to Throw Mine in the first place?
The Engineer is not a class you can pick up and play. Our skill floor is much higher than any profession (Ele’s have nothing on us), you could play a thousand hours and still be learning things about the class. If you manage to stick with the class long enough, like I have, you’ll learn that we punch out a lot of dps; maybe not as much as a warrior, but enough. Our Grenade and Bomb kit’s are a thing to be reckoned with, as well as our HGH builds. We are, as of this post, the best support class in the game. Able to bring more to the table than, the Warrior’s “I canz dps” mentality.
I think I’d be fine with it launching you forward than knocking you back. As an escape option, that probably makes more sense.
Engineers use Acid Bomb as an escape option, and it launches you backwards.
-Necros can wield dual daggers for a permanent speed boost…
We have speedy kits (which works for every kit, not just the medkit) and gives/has the potential to give us infinite swiftness. We get a boon, which grants a 33% speed boost, vs the necro’s permanent 25% speed boost.You forgot “Power Shoes” in Invention
That only applies when you’re in combat though.
They could just triple the range that RB knocks you back, oh and fix the bugs attached to RB. But since something as simple as this seems to be beyond Anet’s abilities, just make Rb Ride the Lightning with some Engineer flair. Maybe make it Ride the Gear, where you throw a gear and surf it for 1200 range. I don’t know what I am even saying, back to the jagermeister.
Hmmm, how about:
“Prepare yourself, nerf is coming.”
-Game of Thrones
Nice. Power Shoes are my next choice if I happen to be using Mortar rather than Supply Crate. Do you use that in WvW? I mean to get full PVT gear and always get distracted by something else
I do use this in WvW. I prefer to have balanced stats instead of going all in to a particular stat, it works quite well and I have no complaints about this build.
This is exactly what I have been running for the last month:
Nice thread! Nice to see actual numbers.
which of the sd skills don’t shoot straight ?
Answer: Elixirs.
You have more options than just SD, you can use an HGH build as well. Use it while it’s still here.
Unfortunately that’s about it when it comes to having your rifle out the majority of the time.
(edited by Specterryu Quipter.8412)
Didn’t know the mortar could do that, probably because I never use mortar. Thanks for the info!
Turrets have been conceptually broken since day 1. Let’s look at the only other build that focuses on summoning NPC’s, the necro minion master:
-Much greater variety of minion traits to choose from.
-Flesh golem has much shorter downtime than supply crate.
-Minions are mobile. For sPvP this matter less since you can bunker nodes, but in WvW it’s a huge drawback that can’t be fixed with a small buff or two.
-Necros have 2 weapon sets, which makes up for the lack of utility from filling up your skill slots with minions.
-Necros can wield dual daggers for a permanent speed boost in WvW. Turret engineers have to sacrifice the healing turret for healing kit, or go around at normal speed which is unacceptable.The only advantage that turrets have is that healing and flame turrets can generate water and smoke combo fields respectively, but the ele and bomb kit do these better. So yeah turrets basically suck, bugged traits or not.
Lets strengthen your argument, starting from the top:
Let’s look at the only other build that focuses on summoning…
I think you forgot the Guardian (Spirit Weapons) Ranger (Spirits), Ele (Elementals), Mesmer (Phantasms/Clones), Thief (Thieves) .
Minions are mobile…
All classes minions are mobile (ok ok, both have the potential to be mobile) and suffer from equally long cool downs (Mesmer being the exemption). Except the Engineer, we are the only class that has minions that do not have the potential to move.
As a side note, the Engineer has a wider variety of minions, compared every other class.
-Necros can wield dual daggers for a permanent speed boost…
We have speedy kits (which works for every kit, not just the medkit) and gives/has the potential to give us infinite swiftness. We get a boon, which grants a 33% speed boost, vs the necro’s permanent 25% speed boost.
(edited by Specterryu Quipter.8412)
I prefer being tanky vs glass cannonish, so I stay around 2000 toughness. Don’t let this deter you though, the toughness you have will depend on what build you are running. For example, most HGH builds are going to hover around 1000-1100 toughness.
You forgot to mention that hip fire looks absolutely ridiculous on the legendary rifle.
If they had more shotguns or a legendary shotgun, I the majority of people wouldn’t mind the current hip shot animation.
Viable build diversity shrinks every patch, currently at an all time low.
I would have to agree. Viable builds {In WvW} Consist of a version of HGH or a version of SD, and they seem to be aiming at HGH for now atleast.
We are the best support class atm, don’t expect to be even close to top dps without using the grenade kit.
If you’re in wvw, it’s more beneficial to be in a havoc group or defending towers than it is for you to be with the zerg. Leave it to all the big dumb warriors in the zergs, to “spin their sword for great justice”, you’re an engineer. Thus you’re better than that.
(edited by Specterryu Quipter.8412)
Keeping the turret alive:
Initial burst: 5040 + 1.0 * healing
Permanent regen: 130 + 0.125 * healing
Cleansing Burst on cooldown: 2520 + 0.5 * healingIgnoring the placement heal, it works out to 298 + 0.158 * healing power per second; as the placement heal can’t be replicated if we’re keeping the turret down permanently, it’s hard to say the value for this calculation.
Instantly detonating and using the toolbelt skill on cooldown as well:
Burst heal:
Placement: 2520 + heal * 0.5
Cleansing Burst: 2520 + heal * 0.5
Blast finisher: 1320 + heal * 0.2
Regen: around 11 seconds without boon duration, so total 1430 + heal * 1.375Total healing: 7490 + heal * 2.575
Per second: 374.5 + heal * 0.129
Potentially, it could be worth while to keep the HT alive for a couple of seconds. If you’re in an organized group, you can have them use their blast finishers as you overcharge the HT. Sadly, as soon as this is done, it’s better to detonate the turret before the water field goes away; otherwise the wind will tip the HT over. Let me mention that nobody is saying to protect the HT, as the devs claimed would happen. But this last patch boosted our support builds exponentially.
I wonder how this will get nerfed?
May patch:
-Grenade kit damage reduced by 50% ~ love, Karl <3
I’ll never understand these threads that want the Engineer to be just like another profession. Play that profession instead?
Every profession, wants to have something from another profession.
I don’t understand why so many people bash threads similar to this. I thought this thread was interesting, while some of my views are different, it doesn’t matter, this is the OP’s opinion. You can tell this because we do not see numbers justifying this ranking system. An opinion is defined as: A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. Why does it matter if the OP’s opinions differ from yours? If you aren’t going to offer constructive criticism why bother commenting on this thread?
(edited by Specterryu Quipter.8412)
PvP, we’re one of the best classes.
PvE, we are so lackluster that it’s hilarious.
As a side note, every trait that Anet “fixes” breaks two others; it’s quite interesting to watch. Makes me wonder when they are just going to torch the class all together.
I think we need someone to make another bug compilation. All these bugs are coming out of the wood work.
If this doesn’t deserve a hotfix, nothing does.
Nerf is coming.
(edited by Specterryu Quipter.8412)
Ride the lightning changes are coming.
Who cares, NOTHING will change if they comment here or not. If you want to know how clueless they are when it comes to our class, watch the streams. End. Of. Story.
Smaller guilds get screwed when it comes to Guild Bounties, please move the timer from 15min to 30min.
Best video and thread of the day by far.
Erectin a dispenser and Grenade Spam Sam were my personal favorites.
Static Discharge is not, by any means, deserving to be nerfed. It requires skill, it lacks durability, and it is basically comparable in every way to a warrior’s kill-shot, at a more limited range.
How? Kill Shot is a high damage shot that takes a long time to charge up. Static discharge has no animation and is used automatically with our toolbelt skills, and it bounces from target to target. I would argue it takes way more skill to pull of a Kill Shot.
Not trying to troll, just inserting my two cents. Kill shot can take a while to charge up, but if you spec into crack shot that kill shot is going to pierce everything in its path. If timed right this could be devastating for a zerg on the receiving end. Not to mention the range on kill shot is 1500. Warriors do not have to sacrifice much to be deadly with kill shot, while we take yet another tax on damage for versitility.
With static discharge, the range is 900, it does not pierce, and doesn’t deal nearly as much damage as kill shot. More than likely if you’re running SD you have to sacrifice one to two utility slots for either rifle turret and/or tool kit. If you run into more than one person, SD has the potential to hit both/three of them if they are close enough together, but if they are too far apart, SD only hits once.
Maybe I’m missing something, but from what I am seeing, and have experienced, the amount of work an Engineer has to go through for SD to bounce between his victim is quite painful. Unless you run into a ranger, you’re going to be at a huge disadvantage. While the warrior can just use kill shot and destroy everything in front and behind his target.
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