^why not?
Thats why i was saying if you have a large success rate in interrupts it is therefore redundant. And why wont menders purity work if i run CS? I mean without mantra GM yes it is only 2 charges but 2 charges is still 4 conditions on a 10 sec cd.
So when does warlock overtake?
I agree with pyro, spent so much time debating if hs was worth it. Damage scaling is funky. But i gotta add if you trait it, its one more dmg source for you.
Was hs funky way before they boosted the dmg.?
Yes MoA is for lockdown but for a long CD it isn’t that much viable, also it can be dodged. MI is on a 90 sec cd. Adds Survivability, stealth can be used on a lot of things including charging mantras.
Just a question:
For going 30 into DOM
Harmonious Mantras or CS?
People Tell me that CS and CI are redundant.
Yes it will be, but only if you have 90-100% interrupt rates.
I like the stun proc because it is a safe bet if youre not hitting all your interrupts.
I wanted to tweak Nettle’s Build.
so is the 5k range consistent?
Very interesting. How do you handle the no vigor? and low prec?
Can you post the link to the build? I will feedback on it later as soon as i get home.
Exactly, I think this is what we have been missing. Plus the channeling of mantras which becomes somewhat a liability if Mantra of Distraction runs out. I sometimes feel that I waste some of my interrupts. I for myself just do not target for the daze, I might as well proc it off plus the interrupt.
Btw. Care for another project?
@Lord Jim
Another good point. I was wanting that to happen for the longest time. AoE mantras would make the channeling much worth it. Just make them AoE by default.
Another thing I suggest is that just remove the channels from mantras and make them stances or better just put them on a cd that automatically recharges the mantra charges once the cd is over.
This is one of the major problems I encounter on a lockdown centered build.
Some of our skills forces you to slot them because of a specific build.Two of the Ultility slots will almost if not always go to:
Mantra of Distraction
Cleanse (Null Field, Disenchant, Mantra Cleanse)
Only 1 slot left for survivability options.
If MoD was added something else instead of a daze it would be worth it.
On Some of the duels i played, once your interrupts are on cd and the opponent is still alive, I feel like a sitting duck.
As Compared to PU, (Just the skill slots)
It would have alot of survivability because of the amount of stealth it has (Again, even without the buffs from the trait)
The interrupts on cd is the “void” that i feel.
Just a question to all you lockdown mesmers. Is it just me or do we have something missing from the lockdown aspect in terms of traits skills or weapon skills.?
I admit that i miss the gw1 mes. But i just could not shrug off that feeling that Im missing something when playing lockdown builds. That feeling of having 1 more skill or trait that would synergize the whole concept of lockdown better.
I wish they bring the old mes back. Even just some of it.
Yes. /15 chars
I still think we need more AoE lockdown capabilities in terms of traits or weapon skills. The potential of 1v1 lockdown is still miles away vs. a group.
Btw, we should play pvp again using your lockdown mes and my necro. I think it boosts the effectiveness of the lockdown with the mes is with someone else.
Thats our build. so its supposed to be StickerHappy and Skcamow’s build.
Glad to see you using that trait spread Chaos.
This is one of those games that the dev community is horrible.
Devs should hire or find someone on their team that will represent each class on GW2.
This would help them brainstorm if one dev would be representing each class all the nerfs and buffs would be somehow justified.
As long as that certain dev would devote a lot of time to a certain class so that they would be knowledgeable of that said class.
In my opinion I would somehow live with the nerfs if that dev knows where is he coming from compared to the nerfs and buffs coming from people who main 1 and the same class.
Just put a tree for shatter for phantasm for lockdown and so forth.
Some of our traits are all over the place. Then rework some GM traits and Minors. and rework some phants too. (iwarden bug, image, etc.)
Phantasm Tree would include the empowering illu and phantasmal strength, etc.
Shatter tree would contain shattered conditions and shattered concentration, etc.
I think this would promote more solid builds and not solely putting trait points that are left onto some trees.
Posted this on Profession balance too.
Just my 2 finny
Also rework scepter aa.
Wishul thinking:
Each phant should be unique:
Sowrdsman does hard dmg but no additional effect
Berserker has cripple
Duelist is long range but only useful with Sharper Images or Combo confusion, no unique effect
Image has confusion and retal
Warden absorbs projectiles
Warlock does more dmg for more conditions
Swordsman and Duelist can do more. Just my 2 finny.
Honestly They should just rework all trait trees.
Just put a tree for shatter for phantasm for lockdown and so forth.
Some of our traits are all over the place. Then rework some GM traits and Minors. and rework some phants too. (iwarden bug, image, etc.)
Phantasm Tree would include the empowering illu and phantasmal strength, etc.
Shatter tree would contain shattered conditions and shattered concentration, etc.
I think this would promote more solid builds and not solely putting trait points that are left onto some trees.
Name: Elegant Ascendant
Server: Storm Bluff Isle
Mantra of Distraction = Make it Aoe by default, not so op, you’ll still have to channel it after a while and will be still on 2 charges.
Furious Interruption = Make It Affect Phantasms too.
Confusing Combatants = Change it, too lackluster for A GM precision minor trait, change it to have something like “Critical hits have a chance to…” Make Past effect a major trait, same as every condition kill clone traits.
Wastrel’s Punishment = again too lackluster for a GM minor trait, change it to something like interrupt effects + the 5% effect. Sigil of Impact gives 10% damage to stunned foes. 5% more than a GM minor trait.
Chaotic Interruption = Change cripple, immo+cripple = sense / or give cripple an additional second in duration so it still procs after the immo. Or Maybe change it to poison.
If i may infer, on the build that i posted, what rune sets would you recommend? I agree with you that guardian runes do good on a PU build. On the other hand, i do not run it, i am usually the in your face lockdown mesmer but not like a literal stun/interrupt mesmer. Most of the time i only use the lockdown factor to make a fight more difficult.
I tried FI earlier, suprisingly it was reallybgood with CI. Although i felt the trait itself could use some buffs.
I tried balthazar too, although it added dps rather than cc with grenth, having 1 more condition to cleanse acts as a cleanse waster on top of the bleeds from Si chill from grenth acts the same way but i just preferred burning since you get chills on swap too for every 10 secs.
Ps: i think chill on heal on grenth runes deal damage too. At about 1.5k. I have no idea how it scales. It’s called frost burst on the combat log.
Not the sigils, I meant the armor runes, those weren’t grenth on the warrior fight right?
On the chill part, I meant that chill could be more effective if you can kill them quickly too, because they won’t have any chance to make decisions on top of being frustrated with chill.
I’m not saying that long fights are not viable, it is twice as frustrating for them with the chill, I’m just not a big fan of long fights. That’s just me.
I’m thinking of getting FI too, but reducing 10 points in dom = 10% condi duration. Balthazar runes are also on that get list. hell 6 secs of burning every 10 secs add more pressure. I know you use to run them before so that inspired me try them out.
So after all that brainstorming, would you think that interrupt/lockdown builds suit pow or condition builds better?
Also, how’s your experience with FI in the past?
On the warrior fight what runes were you using? I figured on a PU build the fight takes too long for chill to be really on there. Just my 2 cents.
I seriously do not understand how people misunderstood the OP. Seriously. People acting defensive is funny.
Chaos is right. The OP is only saying that he feels more excitement fighting non PU builds. Never did I see that he was in any way bashing PU.
I share the same feeling as Chaos Said when Fighting PU. :gahhh, another PU again.
PvP it’s okay they are not that much of a threat compared to shatter mesmers.
We should’ve had like a loser’s bracket haha. jkjk.
It was a fun contest, we should do it again.
Off tropic: What does the flute do? I’m curious.
For real? Dude I still can’t believe it. If this was the case alhtough it is a bit more tricky to land, IMO it would be good to pair it off with Mental torment.
Can someone confirm this for me? Also, that 4k or 5k is that per HS?
Ohh. sorry for the off topic question. I am filipino too that’s why. haha.
There was a recent thread that says that they have seen Halting Strike do 4k-5k damage. I am still dumbfounded on how it could reach that range. If that was the case why do very few people use it?
Can you confirm this for me? If HS indeed viable i would retrait my build.
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
Very nice fight.
A few Questions:
1:) how do you cast your phantasm when he goes on stealth? it needs have a traget right?
2.) I noticed someone talking in tagalog (Filipino language) in the guild chat. You filipino?
It looks pretty good. How’s your experience with it?
DO you ever get bothered on how the rune procs some secs after you heal?
I wandered around the forums and Saw that this Deimos guy is always defending the warriors imabalances in a biased way. I could tell that if one big nerf hits the warrior he’ll quit.
nah. i am a casual player.
i am unlike those hardcore serious competitive so called top ranked sPvP players who every now and then threaten to quit the game when certain demands are not met blah blah blah etc.
if warrior is neutered so badly, i would just play sPvP with another profession, maybe mesmer since i have some experience with playing mesmer in sPvP in the past.
as for PvE, well, PvE is so easy, playing a neutered warrior would still be okay. if not, i have other professions to play as well.
it is certainly not the end of the world for me.
casual players will always be prevail!
hip hip hurrah!
I personally like the 70 pages of post history just from him. lol
ah, i’m glad that you find those amusing.
my objective as a forum clown is achieved!
too much negativity going on in these forums.
(lots of complains everywhere!)people need to laugh more often to negate some of these negativity.
Neutered so badly? haha, dude i guess you haven’t really experienced what neutered means. Compared to mesmers, nerfs (or whatever you call it) to warriors are child’s play.
I’m just curious, if you’re a casual player, why do you act so defensively on these posts?
If you’re casual, you usually don’t care whatever happens right?
I wandered around the forums and Saw that this Deimos guy is always defending the warriors imabalances in a biased way. I could tell that if one big nerf hits the warrior he’ll quit.
I curious to know how you get 4k damage from Halting Strike?
4k with zerker gear + foodbuff only?
I never reached that damage, mine was almost 3k the max, 2.8k to be exact and that was against a full glass thief, also with the vuln stacks and full zerker gear. So far your damage was the highest I’ve seen.
^How’s your experience with mirror? Does it also have that delay before it pops out the frost burst?
Do you think the build would be better off as condition based build?
You win some, you lose some. Just enjoy the game bec of the fun. Dude i dueled some of the people in OMFG, i have a 5% chance win rate and Im not even mad. Just spend your time being creative and being unique. Play unusual builds or approaches.
Ah I See. Btw, how does the your sword phant hit for 6k or 5.8k on the Mind Crush vid? This was the question i was going to ask you OL haha. I find it really amazing. I used your Mind Crush the other day but I’ve never see my phant do that much.
Hydro/Doom is the best for a CC build IMO.
A vid would be nice. If I may ask why do you use ether feast aside from the greater heal?
Using runes of grenth with EF dealys the chill a effect by a certain duration before it pops out. Mantra Heal only delays it on the charge. But using the chill + mantra heals when its charged has no delay, making Chill+blink more fluid.
Thank you Chaos. And congratulations on the win! Ive got to say, are you going to revise the build because Chaos Storm/CS will get fixed on Jan 21?
Nice point, but would you play it on a Condition build or pow build? it think the runes suit nicely with PU too.
Doom is good sigil too. I am waiting for the update to pair doom and hydromancy, whatya think?
I had a fairly good time using it in a power build, Blink+chill is a good way to surpise enemies,.
Maybe they might even revamp the grenth runes this coming update. who knows. Also is GS a better choice than staff?
^hmm, but you still ran the build with ether feast right? how was your experience with it?
I use mantra mastery for the 8 second mantra heal. I use it on the chill on the grenth runes. I can proc it up to 3 times. 1 on the initial mantra charge, and 2 on the heal. I tried it for the chill control effect.
I also use 2 hyrdromancy on weapon swaps.
for the traits, I use precise wrack bec I shatter after the ileap combo, shattered concentration for the boon removal.
Mantra Mastery for reduced cd on heal and daze.
I also took DE, and illusionary defense for the added survivablity.
Bountiful and CI for the interrupt procs.
Other things are the same for the phantasmic interruption build.
Cleanse Mantra
Third Utility is sometimes i use SoD for the stun on duels.
But other times it could be blink or decoy.
Soo.. thats it.
Any suggestions?
Do you think i should get menders purity to free up another util slot on the mantra cleanse?
I don’t know if its a good build or not, but sometimes i do make goodbuilds, but the thing is, I can’t utilize them to their potential because I’m not a good player.
PS: Pyro your inbox is full
Ohh okay. They have an advantage over other classes by a bit in a chill scenario.
How does chill affect thieves?
does it only affect their heal and utilities?
^Oh i see., i tried the mantra heal trait and i can say it was pretty good, i lose some points on dom tho.