If that’s design then I still stick by my comment that it’s a pretty bad way to run a dungeon. You don’t kill players as soon as they enter a dungeon any more than a waiter spills a drink over a customer as soon as they enter a restaurant. It’s just rubbish.
“from a pve perspective, if you go p/d, you are 100% useless”
In PvE you can change your weapons around between fights and pistol/dagger can be used as the best kiting set for small groups of enemies. There are often other ways to get that done though and the short bow usually offers much more utility.
A fix for the automatics deaths when you re-enter fractals would be good too. That’s just a bad way to run an MMO.
Fantasy worlds often have enemies who are evil because they want to be evil. In the real world there are many evil acts perpetrated for a ‘greater good’ and even if the cause is good it cannot justify the acts. In GW2 the Asclonians believe the greater good is the defense of their nation and they will mercilessly kill everyone they see. However there is no nation to defend so they are just merciless evil killers.
Use blind more in PvE. Smokescreens. Blind nullifies a lot of damage from trash and veterans and you don’t need to be dodging all the time. That still leaves the champions but you don’t want to be in front of champions anyway.
Agree with many of the previous posters. A problem with GW2 dungeons is that they are easy for experienced players but too hard for beginners. Removing the repair facility just makes that problem worse for no apparent benefit.
Also losing auto-attacks on dodge. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was lost at other times as well now.
There’s an argument that the thief is using a utility to escape the fight, but you’re using your utility to ‘win’ the fight in your eyes. Would you have ‘won’ the fight without using your utility slots?
Is it true that there are only so many bomb carriers, so as long as you don’t kill them they cannot pick up a second bomb?
It’s actually surprising how much players can do without any chatter. They will go into a dungeon, execute a known PUG strategy of disabling traps, kill weak enemies, trigger a boss, use defenses fields, share boons, execute combo finishers, revive quickly, and use interrupts. Sure, players could talk about all but would it help much? If you look at the Spider Queen in AC, the first boss in explorable dungeons, there’s a lot going on but players deal with the traps and stuff so quickly that the group tactics are just assumed to be done. CoE and Arah were/are some of the hardest dungeons but even there we can now see shared PUG strategies replacing group tactics for quite quick runs.
If you want bosses with gimmicks, so that you need to do this special things as a team to get things done, well they are already there and they do just get done.
(edited by Stooperdale.3560)
+1. Fix the lousy bugs that can waste hours of play time instead of annoying players with pointless changes.
People invest two things into an MMO, time and money. Time spent in game is often poorly rewarded. Players are not asking for a gear treadmill and accept that they have to make their own goals. However those goals can sometimes seem impossible to achieve whether it’s a cosmetic, a mini, or anything else. Dailies eat a lot of time and are a treadmill. Extra money spent on the game in the shop is often poorly rewarded. Again players can set their own goals but purchasing chests is an extremely random way to achieve anything.
So ultimately, whatever players are investing in the game they are beginning to feel it is not worth it. Like every other game, GW2 needs more content for players to invest time for fun.
Get some bezerker armour and then add more vitality and power with jewelry and orbs. Orbs are pretty cheap and you can change stuff around until you know what suits your play style.
If you’ve got the right group for it you just all just gather in close and do big bezerker aoe and mash Kohler and his adds. When you’re close you can spot the animation much more easily for dodging the pull. You can apply group buffs and cures more easily. The adds can be controlled since they’re all together and won’t live long. You lose all the problems with line of sight and movement.
On the cliffside fractal my group destroyed the two seals for the arms but the event for them did not finish. Their seals were no longer visible, the health bars were zero, they made the sound when they were destroyed, but the event had not finished.
Seeing nothing else to do we all died to reset it. The hammer was now missing. So we all died again to reset it again. This time the hammer was present, the seals were present, and there were chanters by the left seal but not the right seal for no reason we could see. We could then redo the event, break the seals, and continue.
It would be nice if these bugs were prioritized and removed so that players don’t face the prospect of losing so much of their time (maybe hours) due to fractal bugs.
To be honest, I’m more annoyed with a change they made to the swamp fractal. I used to use some shadowsteps in and out of the spiders but those seem to be messed up now and I have to, shock horror, run around a bit more. It’s not a problem, it’s just petty. Shadow stepping past a trap, isn’t that what thieves are supposed to do? It’s just really annoying that someone felt the need to ‘fix’ this while nobody feels the need to fix genuine annoying fractal bugs that make players feel like throwing their PCs out of the window. If you’re reading this Anet, yes players do feel like deleting the game from the hard drive when the same old murderous bugs again and again after each and every patch. Look after your customers please. We do pay your wages.
Who’s Canach? What’s he doing? How? Why? I don’t know. There’s no story in game here.
The change would be fine if there were no bugs. An instant 1200m movement skill is still good. I’d rather the skill failed entirely over 1200m range rather than do some buggy rubbish at any distance.
And btw, don’t feed the troll.
Again, this post is about entitlement. Everyone feels entitled to a legendary weapon and if you log on often enough you should have one. Unfortunately this sort of entitlement makes legendary weapons effectively worthless and not at all legendary.
Whatever these attacks are doing it should be clear what they are doing. The aoe fields and attack graphics are there as a guide for players so they can actively defend (dodge). The guides should not mislead or be incomplete, erroneous, or false.
A lot of the guild missions can be made easier by just using more people. If you’re using 5 people then you might need online aids. If you’re using 20 people you might not.
The story modes are generally more forgiving than the explorable dungeons. Your fellow players might be more forgiving too in story modes, so you might want to go through them first before going into the explorable dungeons.
The invisibility will only make PvE opponents reset if they are outside their roaming area. The shadowstep is short but it can take you out of a red damage circle or put you behind a pillar that might block some aoe. You’ve just got to make use of the small advantages these skills give you.
If we assume that fractals 30+ are difficult PvE content, harder than dungeons, then a good thief can perform better in difficult content than a capable player from other classes. So balance isn’t completely out of line. If you are looking for speed runs or the most difficult possible content then gaps in class capability will always get picked out.
A lot of PUGs do fail AC still. I’m guessing that a lot of groups don’t do Kohler and a lot of groups use positioning quirks on the some of the final bosses (not as the designers intended).
Against normal mobs and veterans you need to remember that blind is really strong. Shadowsteps (and returns) are very effective as well and probably underused even by many good thieves This still means you have to be quite selective in where and how you are fighting, probably more so than other classes.
And as soon as you try to use the block against a group of mobs they all hit through you during the block response and take you down, even with signet of malice. So yes the spear is a broken weapon as it is too good in single combat and not good enough for group fighting.
“Hrm… sounds like more people wanted to run solo than to run with a group. This post seems inadvertently supports the idea of scalable dungeons.”
Nope not all. I suspected you wouldn’t believe the history even though I had no reason for misrepresenting it. Players who happily ran group content would run the story content solo/duo just because everyone else was running it solo/duo and it became a catch-22 situation.
Perhaps the boon reliant professions needs to use a variety of skills rather than just rely on boons. It’s a variation on learn to play, a bit like firing arrows into missile defense.
The dungeons do scale, they scale by level and that’s enough. PUGs shouldn’t complain when you watch the story clips in a story mode dungeon. You just found some bad people there.
I can remember in another MMO a solo option was put into the equivalent of story dungeons and it effectively meant no groups ran those dungeons. Anyone who spent more than 10 minutes looking for group just gave up and it did solo, meaning the next person would see no groups forming and would do it solo, and so on. You could argue that the same thing wouldn’t happen in guild wars but actually it would.
If you think this is bad, you should have seen ranger forums a few months ago. The developers put up a post asking what should be done about a new pet design and it got flamed by players demanding fixes for the class instead of cosmetic changes to pets.
Yeah thieves can dodge. Shadowstep is great and I love using it. I get along ok in dungeons (dungeon master and level 38 fractal yesterday). However it’s shortsighted to think that other classes don’t have good stuff they can do as well. Blocks can certainly be better than evades. Vigour and endurance regeneration are actually little/no better for thieves than other classes. There’s invulnerability, aegis, protection, stabilty, and so on. A lot of that scales better against champions than thief skills that are excellent against trash and in PvP.
Wow that burning pitch is really misleading if it has the same icon as regular fire.
Make it a champion karka and the thief gets rolled over. This is the heart of the problem. Boons based classes get full benefits when fighting champions. Thieves get effectively no defense by putting conditions on champion mobs (except cripple). This makes thieves a dodge based class and we only get the same endurance bar as other classes.
Thieves can and should survive against groups of trash mobs.
Before it was mentioned in the last patch notes, I’d never really noticed a dodge being queued until after I’d recovered from a stunned or knock down. Since the last patch when it was meant to have been fixed, I’ve had that problem happen to me many times. So to my eye, it’s worse than before and definitely worth reporting as a bug.
(edited by Stooperdale.3560)
Think of a channeled skill this way. All the damage is assigned as a hit when the first shot is fired. It is just delayed and that’s to your advantage. An interrupt will prevent any later damage and a dodge can evade some hits, aegis will prevent one hit. A movement skill or stealth will not prevent the hits since they were assigned when the channel started.
Channeled skills would be really bad if players could always move away from them or stealth to cancel them. The damage from channeled skills is balanced for how they work right now. They are still usually weaker than a skill that gives all the damage instantly.
Fix the display so that we get a choice of options for talk, revive, pick up/use. It’s a shockingly poor interface at moment that restricts us to doing just one of the available things we could do. Players shouldn’t have to move around until they can do what they need to do in a fast paced reaction game.
There was some interesting stuff going on with Orr and the subversion of the priests and temples. The dragon at claw island was good. The main problem with Zaitan was really Zaitan himself. We didn’t see him at all until the story mission and we all know what a let down that was. The eye and mouth and Zaitan seemed fine as villains but perhaps as Zaitan’s intermediaries they came into the story at times when Zaitan himself could have been introduced.
“From what I can tell, the vast majority of patched-in content since launch has been up for only a limited time and then removed from the game. Apparently this is called the “Living Story”, because it adds ‘life’ to the world, but all it’s done for me is bring death to my interest in the game.”
You’re really looking at the cup half empty rather than the cup half full. If you log on and there is something to do that’s fun then it’s ok. If you’re not logged on it doesn’t matter if there are fun things going on or not. You don’t stop listening to the radio if they played good records when you’re not listening, do you?
Melts away in the mouth.
MUST MUST? They probably won’t do anything in a hurry. The spear and harpoon weapon skills are situationally too strong or situationally too weak. They are broken but workable, just like the rest of underwater combat.
As soon as players learn some tactics for these guys (without exploits) they will not be a major obstacle. They could be farmed again.
This would make the stealth line powerless in any aoe field that apply hits (like caltrops). It would restrict the designers hands too much if all world content had to be designed with the thief breaking implications of a damage field from any mob/trap/dungeon/event.
Compared to some other classes, it isn’t a big deal that thieves are able to get up to 10 might in a fight in perfect conditions with specific weapons and traits. It’s not as if thieves are overloaded with boons is it?
I think there’s a wider problem with the strength of boons vs debuffs (conditions) and how they scale in various content. Protection still works whether you’re fighting 1 boss mob or 10 trash. Not only are many mobs resistant to debuffs but it might be difficult to apply debuffs to every enemy.
(edited by Stooperdale.3560)
Pistol/Pistol is a single target dps weapon with low utility, poor defense, and low dps. You can tinker with the utility and defense but it still needs higher single target dps.
If the elder dragons sent their minions to fight each other then they would probably gain very little. What would they do with land corrupted by another dragon? There is also a possibility that they collectively dislike but tolerate/respect their ‘siblings’. Aggression by any one of them may lose the tolerance of all the remaining dragons.
The new zone is underdeveloped since it will be developed later. It’s already looking a lot better with latest updates.
I don’t particularly like the reef drakes. Taking on one or maybe two, fine. Learn the animations and dodge/interrupt. If a bunch of them come along while you’re doing a basic event, like an escort quest, they become exceptionally dangerous for a bunch of basic mobs. Blanket cc or chained cc isn’t fun from trash waves. I’d rather see the ‘retreat’ ability in fewer of these drakes and only one or two of these ‘retreat’ drakes come in any wave of mobs.