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Salvaging dungeons for FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


How to do it:

  • Convert all dungeon tokens into Fractal tokens. This will help make the wallet cleaner, I won’t have to see 20 different currency. Make all dungeon rewards cost fractal tokens and/or put it as drops in the respective fractal instance. This will give more varied loot.

what should i do with a million of fractal tokens?^^

apart from that nice idea, but i guess it does not fit into the “story”, even if they did it with molten and aether…

open questions about "new" fotm

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


  1. No, it will not be coming back.
  2. We don’t know how exactly yet, but my understanding is that it will be rescaled to some new higher-than-70 threshold at 100 and the gradient will change for the rest of the levels. We do know it will not scale linearly with what we have now (ie. It will not take 100 AR to get to L70, etc).
  3. Yes, condition damage will be very meta at certain higher levels, especially factoring some new instabilities.
  4. Pristine Fractal Relics become the exclusive reward dungeon currency for Fractals. You will be able to purchase Fractal weapons and more using these relics. There will still be some RNG, but it’s my understanding that with this change you can actually make progress towards tangible rewards that you’d actually want.
  5. Mastery points are acquired by experience, and not running Fractals. You can earn these mastery points anywhere in the game and then apply them to the Fractal Mastery track to boost your efficacy there.

thank you trying to answer, but i’m looking for answers not “speculations”/“what we know now”. also you missunderstood some of the questions.

open questions about "new" fotm

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


HOT release is getting close, but there are still a lot of open questions ppl like to know about.
Here i’d like to collect all about fractal rework and hope a dev would like to answer:

- access to Level
Will the old restriction (or an adapted version) to be able to only join a fractal matching you max level come back?
I realy hope for this so it may help to solve some pug problems.

- agony
With 50 extra level, how does agony resistance work?
Will we need to grind gold to craft +20 infusions? Will armors need to be upgraded for extra infusion slots? Can +x infusions drop?

-scaling post 50
Will there be a point condition damage is required to beat a fractal in an appropriate time?
You said other stats, so toughtness too, will scale with level. So there would be a point conditions deal more dmg than direct damage. Direct damage seems to get more or less balanced with specializations, but condition-wise there are huge differences betrween the classes. Will Lvl 100 be 5 engineer?!?

Will running fractals be on a level with dungeons?
Dungeons got fixed reward of a few gold. Fotm so far is pure rng AND daily restricted. Will it be “worth” it compared to dungeons to do fractals?

Will we need to repeat “lower” level fractals to reach a mastery level to be able to move on to higher levels?

competitive condi build

in Thief

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


with raids and maybe also changet fractals there will be a need to go for condition damage.
As a thief this means tons of bleed with bit torment and poison. Compared to other classes, which got acces to burn, which is just to strong compared with bleed, thief condi dps is jsut somewhere burrowed in the ground.
Is there any trait option i missed?
Will there be a balance-change to get condi dps to at least not too far behind burn-classes? It shouldnt be the best due to thiefs got good direct dps, but at least somewhere balanced 1-2k behind max dps.

Else thief participation might struggle when it comes to end game content.

That Raid and Zerker....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


20 million health over an 8 minute fight is just a little over 4000 DPS per player in a 10 man raid. Properly buffed full bore Revanants and Engineers can deal in the neighborhood of 20,000 DPS each. Your tank shouldn’t have any problem getting over that threshold.

If you’re not able to beat the raid timer it’s because you’re dying too much or otherwise have too much downtime. If you’re actually sticking to the boss and doing damage you should have no problem meeting that threshold, regardless of build.

true, but apart from the point its doable I think timers are at least no “good design”. Even in case they add a story related event when timer ends. But then the raid should be over at all. If ppl manage to beat a boss, there’s always enough reward by beating it faster. A timer dont make content more challenging. It just cripples the learning process due to instead trying out stuff ont-the-fly you need to wipe if it fails and run again loosing you focus.

[BWE3] Revenant Feedback Thread

in Revenant

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


from dungeon/(raid)/ fotm pov:

sword projectile so often does not deal dmg
pull feels a bit random sometimes
overall energy and cd is too restricting (found myself either use energy for utility OR weapon skills)
the shiro-gap closer (skill feels to slow with the dash-to-port animation and also makes it unneccessary tricky to use in some situations.
movement without enemy infront needs some leaps to speed up active movement…
ventari tablet feels to slow to set up to use it when its needed and not waste time preparing it when not used…
cooldowns often seem to high (“street” “reflect”,.“pull”…)

shared empowerment and facet synergizes realy bad all faced are synchronisized at a 3 sec period so it only proves one additional might insetad of 2-3

(edited by SuinegTsol.1729)

Raids Temporarily Off-line

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


is just a bit strange they didnt found this bug before… It’s nothing realy hidden if player get into it after 1min of playtime…

Challenging Combat vs. Particle Effects

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


This has been an enormous issue since the game’s release, especially since the entire essence of the ‘dynamic, action-packed combat’ is to watch your opponent and respond to their telegraphed attacks. Over the years I’ve just gotten used to it, but that doesn’t change the fact that it can be nearly impossible to see what the monster(s) you’re fighting are doing.

Personally I think implementing overhead castbars would be a viable solution, but ArenaNet has, multiple times, stated that they refuse to implement those since it goes against the ‘you have to watch out for the attacks you can’t see =))))’ philosophy.

Castbars rly are taking to much focus from the battlefield, so to react on what you see should be the way to go. But you need to be able to see. (no effect blizard and clear animations (also at wvw/pvp))

Raid Feedback

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


we got dropped out after getting the boss to the 4th phase with ~2min left

new commander:
its realy nice, but still missing possibility to set targets for each subsquad.
also bit buggy…

every enemy got his weak spot. once figured out its kind of easy with a bit of practice.
splitting and giving some squad member specific roles is nice and the needed communication is fun. but so far i do not see why a “experienced” pug cant manage this once all know where to go when.
apart from this you get some constant dps which dont kill you, but at least lets you use your heal skill. BORING WTF CRAP. come on you can do better!!!

the whole raid so far i didnt realy felt to be challenged on my own. its just coordination and when this fail for what ever reason you die. thats fun when starting over, but the challenge is more to find out what to do and get a team which can execute. It dont feel to push you to your class limits yet.

hope we can get in tomorrow to get this guy down finall!!!

29/9 Patch : What is the new Staff meta ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


Most people I’ve seen have been replacing Ice Bow with Signet of Fire.

wtf they used before??? I always (or almost) took it. Bow i replaced with arcane wave. Exept we got a mesmer, then i spent a LH.
This defuff was needed for more viable partycompositions, but leaving ele with camping fire on staff is a bit…

The promise of challenging content

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


So a 50% added time to kill old tom is trivial to you?

Now add that to a group that take 2 mins to kill old tom thats 3 mins and that group will feel the pain.

I always said that full zerker make content trivial bosses dont have time to do kitten.

i guess even with nomad’s rare armor its hard to need 2min with icebow-use for him^^
but even when it takes 10min, with that kind of gear even on 50 they wont get some close to death experiences.

for the other side, I did it yesterday with a realy realy realy bad “meta” party. Our 2 ele just didnt use bows and we nuked him down close to the same time as you’d need with old bows.

Meta with the Icebow Nerf?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


Meta can change to 3 eles, since thief is not useful for IB burst anymore. And who on earth will want engi in party with its clunky damage rotation? Seriously expecting average player to be able do it properly, nah.

Why does everyone think Engi rotation is so hard?
Go try it yourself, once you get what to prioritize and get used to cooldowns its kitten easy.
That takes you 1-4 days.
Also Meta is based around organized groups, pug meta is another story.
So if Engi is best DPS instead of 2nd Ele then that will be meta.

compared with others (thief 1-5-1-5-1-…-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3) its not hard, but a lot more piano style. and some random player seems like still using mouse activation mode;-p

So as long as it’s not a significant dps boots (20+%) you wont see engi “meta”

meta currently is more about doing stuff fast with pug groups, or why else ppl still use guards instead of mesmer?

cm patch but dungeons dead

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


ok, i knew this bug, but it was usually affecting “faster” runs, where you run in to early…

are there other hidden patches? lupi? mossman? ….?

i dont get this move. anet said dungeons are dead and just stay as “old” content, so why now they start patching them? and why this “soft” bug???

Mesmer changes september 29th

in Mesmer

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


from dungoneers pov:

mantras still “not useable” more a accidental side effect…

portal…first i read about i thought nice, but this little sign i need to hoover my mouse to…erm, ok, i prefer good old clock!
rly, its a joke! what a mesmer want is a little counter like skill recharge, where you can see one view whats going on, not take vision off battle and mouse on kitten icon!

sword is great, but i guess it’s still to low compared to other classes

vail finally!!!

pu…sad,just sad
rip option to “replace” a thief or do realy fancy portal action at dungeons which made us enjoy this class so much

PU Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


from a dungeon perspective its rly sad.
finally we were able to do all stealth parts without a thief. Sometimes some communication was needed, but it was always more or less barely possible.
now this is gone…

only good news i heared is dungeons gonna die anyway…

10-Man buffing is "limiting"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


it’s just bad design.

like in a bad joke… “hey lets do some new, fancy stuff”- “ok, lets do sth never been there”- “whats about a 10 player content” – “great let’s do it” – “anything against” – “dunno, maybe we’ll find out later, when we test it”

that’s a bit like including a boss where you need a classical tank and heal, oh, wait his game don’t supports tank and heal…

it’s nice to play with 9 frieds -at least i hope so- but when it’s promised hard contend you should be allowed to build your team composition for the challenges you face, not for basic mechanics you need to take with you…

500 Cooking = Consets?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


if they just add a “+-10% vs all” potion, which is priced around a silver a lot of ppl would be happy

early access?!?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


Will there be a early access for pre-order or day-one players?
I don’t know if its technically possible, but it would be great!

Patch Today: Key Farming Impacted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


honestly i dont get why they do this…
at release you could get that one key within 10 to 20 min.
then some time ago they got this crappy story level cap, which I never understood. Why should you unlock the main story of a game… and it’s even more boring to play due to you just get down to pve-wise do hearts and other mapping stuff. I thought it was to hit that key farmers…
But now after so much time they again adress it??? This makes absolutely no kitten sense!!! when they dont want ppl to farm keys just move the key reward to lvl 40.
This just again hits low lvl players more than those farmers…(can you even call someone a farmer who spent so much time on relativ low reward?!?))

And – goldsellers pls stop reading!- now the game is f2p, why not make 50 accounts and log trough them if you realy want chests?
This just may increase the payback time a bit. But i even heard about ppl doing this only for daily login rewards….

"innovative energy system"- anet surrender?!?

in Revenant

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


following the patches, you are highly disappointing me.

On first reveal revenant pointed out to bring the combat system you introduced with the thief-class on the next level.
Skills are all energy based. A whole class just working around it’s energy. Not only weapon skills, even utility. All just based on ow you manage your moves, not on nasty cooldowns!
All a player ever wants to have!
Play like you want, only limited by your power!

Sounds too good to be true, but you got half way done with thief, so why not!?!

But with every reveal and patch, it looks like you just gave up. Building an expansion ist a lot of stuff to do and improoving a fast, modern battle system even more. But that should not be a reason to stop developing great thinks!

Please keep going the great work, which made us enjoy gw and gw2 so far.

You can do better than just 5min fixes by adding some crippling cooldown here and there!

Mordrem Invasion Update: 11 September 12:30 PM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


my feedback so far:

- big invasions, where you know 30min before where it will break out next and noone cares preparing?!?
- you can not fail defending?
-they just suddenly stop after 30 min?
- “heros” dont mind defending- just run a sight-seeing tour around map hitting a enemy from time to time?
- mordrem just open some tunnels to spawn on different locations and dont notice this strategy dont work (very smart…)?

from a player’s pov
- rewards for running circles are ok, thats what i think sw chestruns should be like for low risk low reward^^
- rewards for a big invasion event are just a joke
- tagging > participating is a joke
- RED event markers are biggest joke ever!!!!!!!!! (with new aoe circles i thought you finally understood, there are ppl who got problems to detect tiny red things in a more or less green environment…(same with DEFAULT!!! red comm tag btw….))
– this realy broke me when trying to paticipate and after a event is finished i need some minutes watching map+minimap+other player movement(if not to far away) to find next event spot, which i then just barely reach….NO FUN!!!!

come on, you can do it better!

Mesmers need to be toned down... a lot

in Mesmer

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


dont forget about insane travel trough portals, unlimited party quickness, extreme contition dps and perma evades. And no casttime condi-remove and stability, unlimited stunbreaks, no cd dmg skill (mantras) with free toughtness boost
AND they can turn you into a moa!

And all withoud kitten casttimes or cooldowns!

Good, that the next l2p-patch could fix it all!

(edited by SuinegTsol.1729)

BWE2 review on Rev so far

in Revenant

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


i “prestack” speed/fury+facet of nature, for running parts, and switch to might+nature when i reach 1min. at fight i stack might+nature+fury if needed, use unwielming assault for extra might, having ~40 energy left with no reg to use, which so far is ok, i can even mix in additional facets. next is swap to shiro, activate one with nature to be able to use impossible odds. the next 8 sec i can only wait for legend cd and then start using facets again for 10 sec. here got bout 40 energy to spend like before. Then going back to shiro use odds.
facets can be switched defensive or offensive mode(protection or might+fury)
odds can be switched for~ one utility and 2 weapon skills
i use shiro impossible odds, and maybe one sword/staff attack.

other legend combos more or less follow the same pattern. utilities are to good to not use, but then you cant realy use your weopons or other war round…

so in case you face a new or hard enemy, where you wanna have some evade/dodge rdy, you need to lack your utility, which just feels strange and wrong.

its not about spamming, its about being able to use what makes sense, but it dont make sense to not use all you possible support because maybe the enemy does a hard hitting attack the next second and you need do drop 50% of your support/dps to be prepared…

BWE2 review on Rev so far

in Revenant

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


after spending some time testing new and “old” stuff at pve and some fractals i’d say revenant looks finally on a got spot, but still need some changes.

dps seems competiteve now whitout deeper researches, maybe someone got some math to proove.

glint is maybe a bit too “must have”, also the might buff is too low as a party support.
for yourself its ok due you got other might acces, but as support its still to way behind ps-wars. I’d like to see it give 2 stacks of might with unchanged length.
finally the elite facet is too expensive. when you want to use your weapon active, you cant realy use more than this facet before next legend swap. I’d say reduce it to 3sec, so with facet of nature you end up at +-0 energy. (other classes can provide 100%protection too, so i dont see why to make it that expensive, maybe if it provides quickness or alcatry^^).

max number facets /other exclusions
dunno if its a bug, but even if you want to spent all you energy for a short all boon-buff, you cant.
Also facet of nature disables skills like impossible odds. Yes, 50% more quickness is maybe a bit to nice to have, but stopping one of you best support skills for 10 sec burst/what ever you want else, is a bit to hard. Also odds will cont more energy, due to facet costs…
min change i’d like to see here would be, that casting odds, would auto-cast fon’,s active to stop it… this extra delay just feels crippling…

tablet at pve is ok, but when going to fractals, where position and movement are important as well as projectile-protection, it is just to slow and for that too expensive…
first when setting up tablet it should have ground targeting. waiting 3 sec to set it up and move(additional energy cost) untill you can use it is jsut to slow.
The movement together with shield is to expensive. It just destroys projectiles, it dont reflect, so it should have some more uptime. Also it’s way to slow, i noticed at grawl fractal, where you need to reposition due to op firestorms^^. Either make it have a larger range or fast and “free” movement.

There is still a kind of imbalance in there. You can use your utility, or weapon skills most of the time(even with legend switch on cd).
Maybe auto-attacks should restore some energy and weapon skills costs should be lowered in a way, that you can spent you 50 energy on utility and with one aa chain you got enough energy to use one or two other weapon skill or one more utility / .5sec longer consuming skills.
Or just seperate them, so you got attack and support energy.

Disappointment with Verdant Brink zone

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


I hate hearts. after playing all first time, they just get annoying. They remove the feeling of a “living world” with dynamic events, by needing to do same,most boring 0-8-15 kill x enemy / collect x item/ use item y xtimes -stuff. Its just one-time content with some story aspect maybe, but this can and should be told better.

On the other hand, the big dynamic events, like on dt/sw, or new map by time loose lots of dynamics. Its just more or less fixed timer (^= pre-event) that triggers it in a fixed order. My understanding of a living world and dynamic events is, that it is…dynamic. So assume all events can be matched into 3 levels:
1) basic, low reward, single event
2) group, good reward, 1-3 short event chain
3) meta, high reward, “3” event chain
Each single event needs 2-5 min to finish.
Then the map-event design should be like follow:
one map got 3 meta, 10group, 20 basic events(multiple for same location possible).
After a random time window between 2 and 10 min a new event starts, which is randomly selected from the event list.
On top of this, there could be some big events, like old invasion, where a ton of events pop up at the same time and when you manage to beat all you get a boss event.

So you may be forced to react to the world and not other way round.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


I actually disagree, my way around this is OOC, run nature/fury/swiftness.

This will stack up a ton of fury and swiftness (talking 1m+ if you not fighting for awhile), and then when you enter combat you can just use the actives of fury/swiftness and use the might stacking and still gain energy for weapon skills(or even run regen if you want) … then just use fury/swiftness if for some reason you get low

Using fury facet onlyy ooc means you probably won’t have fury when you swap to the other legend (not really a great idea to stay on glint) unless you doubletap nature.

I prefer to stay in regen + swiftness ooc and then start with dragonbreath and fury+might in combat, with healing ready when needed and no energy debuff, then I swap to Shiro 5-6 seconds later to get another 6 seconds of fury and eventually doubletap nature. This way I can easily have daggers + quickness + fury + 20 might all by myself. Bursting all the way.
Once Shiro’s energy is over I swap back to Glint and everything is (almost) recharged.

Of course, activate facets second effect before swapping.

thats the reason, why boons should get some lowered cost or longer duration.
to get those nice dps,or some extra defence/heal, you need to swap legends almost on cd, which means all you boons got max 50% upkeep.
it’s nice, when you rly want the support to need to choose between offensive (might,fury) and defensive(protection/regen), while not changing legends.
dont know how to exactly reach this, but i’d guess this 100%time off OR def, or ~75% both, should it be.
also might seems a bit to low compared to other classes. a war/ele stacks within few sec full stack and keeps it, rev needs some time and you should not switch legend for it…

Daredevil Feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


to 1) it’s ment for a “tank”-spec, or what thiefes would understand as tanking, for that its ok, i’d say.
2) there is a dodge tutorial ;-p
againts normal enemy worth evading , you got way to much stuff to migrate dmg. The evade on the staff itself, which compared to db is finally a working evade, gives you enough evades, even without using dodges…
and i still did not trait acrobatics^^
3) yes, conditions are hard hitting, so better evade or take some cleanse

i agree with you that staff feels somehow slow and misses stealth access. with skill 5 as main dmg skill, which you need to aoe-cast it feels more crippled…

Delayed Daredevil Dodges

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


on me dodges seems working, but with the jump it feels like havin a aftercast, when you “fall” down on the ground. feels a bit crippled.

and you are not forced to select a dodge-trait, you can still leave then free, when you dont like ;-p

Legendary Armor and Runes??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


if you think they are expensive, try out:
on playing lazy you get your armor within 40h, when you rly want it within 24h, sad but true.
It just rly get messy, when half of you inventory is full of armors and weapons, so never loose hope!
It’s like vs. all Potions. Some day they’ll come! (mb with new fractals?!?)

Legendary Armor and Runes??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


thats the first mind when i read about it!

I’d even say its not a raid-only problem.
When ppl cant buy multiple sets, they just switch to lower level gear, which dont cost that much. Actually i got about 5 armor-sets for each armor class(light-mid-heavy). Some of cause for different stats, but some just for different runes.
It realy should not be, that ppl “need” to take so many gear with a armor, where you can change stats. This makes it from a usefull feature just back to a skin. And pretending the way to get will rly be legendary, ppl should be rewarded by this feature and not just by a new skin.

My suggestion would be
a) let the player select and change a stat and rune.

of cause this may shake the economy a bit, but maybe a worth reward for doing legendary stuff?!?


like a, but you need to “unlock” runes to a armor(-piece), by applying them once to the armor(piece)

to be consequent, weapons should have the same with sigils.

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


you can sell bag slots?!?!?!?!?

like others i got full inventory at all my current characters, du to i play since pre-launch, i liked to get some bags for my new revenant…
It’s again very disappointing, that anet again seems to only care about new, or “from-time-to-time-players”.
If you rly could sell them, why not make the discount ones account bound, or limit it to 6/account, so you can at lest get 2 new characters from hot equipped…

I think you misunderstood something here. You can’t sell them to other players once you buy them. They are account bound. You can buy six bags to save for your revenant(s) any time you like, but only one of those would have been discounted yesterday (the sale now having moved on, you no longer can get a discount bag slot).

This was actually a more useful sale for veterans than new players. Vets tend to have established and geared alts and more stuff to put in bags, so any that hadn’t yet maxed bag slots could add in more slots at half price for each, by using the inventory bag slot padlock tabs instead of the gem store consumable.

Hopefully today’s sales make more sense to you and if you want Belinda’s GS you will manage to procure it before it is replaced by a new sale tomorrow.

those veterans you mention are what i called “time-to-time-player”.
A “veteran” whos playing for a long time now, usually got all those bags for all his chars, so them just got one bag “for free”.
But nvm, its gone anyway, just sth to mb keep in mind for later…

Hopefully gear inspect and dps meter with HOT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


You don’t need tool to see if someone is bad or not.

Apart from that, if we pretend, that it’s realy as hard as they promise and we all wanted it to be, first tries would be with known ppl using a kind of voice-communication.

Thinking long term, there will be a time, when you can pug it (just remember first days of tequatl^^). On this point, some information about you pug-mates of cause would be helpfull, from preventing ppl to kick unexperienced player joining over and over again. Here gear and build don’t matter at all. Having the right one dont mean you know how to handle it.
The easy way would be to apply a title to those who beat it once and a few times (lets say 10).
So when you like to just do it later, just take a look at ppl who got the title for proof they beat it.
If you want to just find out how things work just open/join a party, who dont ask for this title.
So all would be happy.

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


you can sell bag slots?!?!?!?!?

like others i got full inventory at all my current characters, du to i play since pre-launch, i liked to get some bags for my new revenant…
It’s again very disappointing, that anet again seems to only care about new, or “from-time-to-time-players”.
If you rly could sell them, why not make the discount ones account bound, or limit it to 6/account, so you can at lest get 2 new characters from hot equipped…

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


why only ONE bag slot???

Royal Guard Outfit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


it’s rly nice, thank you for that!

(edited by SuinegTsol.1729)

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


what they told us so far sounds interesting and the ideas behind are the right ones, but i rly cant imagine raids will get different from max dps/speed playstyle, so after ppl finished it a few time they start improoving, and then take up teams with like mesmer(portal/reflect/condi/stabi/stealth?), guard(reflect/condi/stabi),war(might), rest ele(icebows!!!)…
but i hope i’m wrong, so with right gear you can take every class at this level of gaming…

also its sad, that you cant start raiding at release…

Sinister/Verata for Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


solo <- yes
dungeons/fotm <- no way (exept “fun-runs”)

"Daredevil" name feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


don’t know why, but this name reminds me on a vacuum…
And strangely the staff somwhow fits into this picture…

My Trick to beating Mai Trin when pugging.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


Or one could learn to solo the encounter so when everyone else drops dead you can still easily finish alone and look cool while doing it.

Whatever floats your boat I guess.

i’d say thats, what he did.
tbh its not a effective way to drop a lot of your dmg, and killing her with same strat, but dps gear would work also, but its ok, as long as many ppl cant handle her i prefer 15min hit and run over 2min in-fail-repeats^^
I still cant confirm this “most toughness”… usuall she targets furthest player with port and then switches frequently…

Gold made in the Silverwastes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


fastest run i got so far was 12min(incl all fort+bandit champ) so if ppl realy want to do it fast, you can calculate 15min/round including some preparations/breach+vw/little breaks.
Each run are about 35 chests on average, so 140 bags/h are possible (if ppl use thier shovels/you got some nice portals and a bit of preclear for events). Taking Beldin numbers, you end up with 20g/h.

However, “casual” runs, where ppl dont use shovels fast, let 5ppl do events, while waiting at mid upscaling event and dont set/use portals, you get like 30min/run, which are your noted 10g/h.

This includes opening/storing/salvaging/selling stuff you found on the fly, so you may need to add 5min a week, where you sell all materials, you collected.

New Player Question: Mesmer in Group Content

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


as main dungeon mesmer i’d say, at the moment what you want to play, all classes are ok, as long you dont want to “do things fast” and(please!) dont joint parties who want, it’s fine.
if you wanna push the limits a bit, you realy get yourself in a position where you place as many portals as possible, pre-running a lot of stuff and supporting qour team up to a point they barely survive by giving you the max of possible free utility skills for speeding up running paths.
Therefor if you want to do this kind of play, you need a guild. Running with pugs, you always need to take max support skills, due to you just dont know them and (sad but true) a lot of them “can’t play”. Also they wont use your portals anyway^^. This may get rly frustriting.
For fights, your dps is just too low apart from reflects, so noone rly notices if you leave fight for preparing some of the cool stuff ;-p

To answer your question about stealth:
Yes, it is possible and sometimes usefull to go for that skills, but your stealth need more timing and sticky movement than thief’s stealth, which can be stacked to infinity with some blast stops. (e.g. your vail stealth dont stack, so if someone run ahead he gets it 1 sec to early and is revealed for the next part…) Anyway, all current stealth “skips” are doable with mesmer.

If you like to take more fights, but support your team, guard would be the class you should take a closer look at, if you want to do some awsome, gready, risky stuff, go for mesmer ;-)

Hardcore mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729



ok, I wont run with pugs anymore, at least with this hardmode char.

The Problem is: high skilled player on current content dont die.
Or at least ehen they die they know why at how to get around it if they do now want to.

So It’s like giving good player better loot, which would be great concept!

Chronomancer scepter or sword

in Mesmer

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


i almost always prefer sword, due to screpter is killing one of your phantasms!
(could we get another new weapon, which is main hand and range???)

Is condi Mesmer viable for dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


when you just set this daydream portals you can run without gear, so condi rly is bad there^^

I guess to give the right answer you need to seperate dungeon-playstyles:

a) “normal meta speedrun”
trash dies like flies so noone notice you deal like no dmg to them, but this way you may dont get loot from, noome cares
bosses die 90% within 5 to 10 seconds, so honestly you deal like no dmg within this time, so
your useless for your team

b) casual “i play what i want and dont care bout mechanics or teamplay”
you may get some loot from trash here
bosses may take serval minutes, so your dps would be close to “regular” dps(but dont forget your rampup time!!!, your always behind)(also reflects aren’t that good anymore)
depending on you skill and playstyle you may benefit from some additional defence stats.
Thats your place to be!

c) solo
i’d say here, when you dont do hight projectile content, condi even may be superior, due to you deal dmg while kiting moments and usually got more clone spam at your build, so phantasms may survive longer

d) “portal run”
maybe condi even better when u wanna get boss boxes, due to you deal more dmg at hitting enemy one time before running, but when u do it for speed is dont cares^^
not doable at all dungeons and with all teams^^

Challenging Group announcement at PAX Prime!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


hope it will be realy challenging, so ppl, who wanna do it need to know how to play their class and communicate, so it wont ent like fractals, where you get pugs on 50 thats neither know mechanics nor know how to play their class (dont even talk bout communication).

also i hope it will realy be “group” content, so 5ppl. noticed it’s realy hard to even get 5 decent player together if you wont set up fixed times.
on the other hand a size of 9 would be great when you could (or need to) take one of every class.

And hopefully they make it worth to repeat more than once!

will there be a beta where we can test it pre release? I remember they opened ac at a beta for a dungeon impression.

How exactly to stealth entire group for long?

in Thief

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


if your party helops you just use pistol 5 to set smoke field and let them blast into.
if you wanna do it on your own, just combine bow blast, pistol field, smokescreen and sr, mb black powder. If you want you will never be seen anymore untill you attack something.

"Sword doesn't do enough damage" - Untrue

in Revenant

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


ye, anet, please SEPERATE PvP from PvE. This is just another proove^^.

so let me show you the PvE side:
on PvE due to you want things to fast, you use fastest gear/build/class.
This means you use what gives you most damage.
Currently this is berzerker gear with dps weapons and traits.

I tested out Revenant on few dungeons and looked at combat log to proove the impressions.
Revenant dps is about 6k (rampager condi 5k^^) with jalis and shiro.
It offers max vulnerability for team, which is nice, but nothing to take it for as support (using tablet reduces dps even more).

When i take my thief, which is one of the good dps classes you take, my dps just using aa on dagger is anout the same. But i still can use utility skills and other weapon skills, that skyrocket my dps to double.

So when you got the choice between a revenant and a normal dmg class you never take revenant for doing a dungeon. Same you can see now with necro. Noone like to take them.
The only reason to pick a class with low dps is when it got great support, like a mesmer.
But even a mesmer deal more dps, and when you can reflect a enemy and prevent a ele from being knocked down casting icebow, it’s still worth to keep it.

So when you see those “cries” on revenant dps, its just the fear from ppl, to get a new class, which they will never be able to use on what they like to play.

Does anyone enjoy Sceptre 1?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


at dungeons it sucks, due to you sometimes like to use a range weapon, but dont wanna loose your dps phantasms (sword off/pistol), so… it sucks^^

Stronghold feedback

in PvP

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


i’ve played a lot solo queue and few times as team, usually as mesmer.

its realy strong at defending the first gate, but when the enemy got trough its almost useless, which should be other way round. The deeper enemy get, the harder it should be to continue. Also it become a bit messy when you stand close to it your movement is restricted due to the star form of the “feet”.

For some classes kind of onehit, for direct damage bit harder, for me as mesmer i mostly found myself running to treb to kill them, mb this can be balanced to be able to 3sec kill them with all max dmg burst classes.
On Gates rly strong, maybe a bit to strong.

yeah, ok, erm,no.
I’d say its useless, they dont die that fast but still fast, they deal like no dmg to doors, to kill guards your faster doing yourself, so never rly tried…
Maybe they could get some kind of buff to nearby npc to be harder to kill (protection+regeneration), so they would be usefull to sent with doorbreakers to be able to defend them. Or they give a boost to npc that (from player) applied protection and heal is increased.

veni vidi vici.
To easy to kill for some classes and only usefull if noone from enemy team cares bout killing them.
Maybe they should get a buff when a player from their team is close so they are harder to kill.

some seem useless (nika) but over all i’m ok with them

npc at all
to easy to kill. maybe a buff like mentioned above would make it more interesting. But then db’s sould deal less dmg to doors due to you can bring them to doors more often.

i dont like it like it is. it forces teamfigths at mid when a wave failed but this game isnt up for teamfights. also the channeling is a joke for some classes.
Id would be more interesting if npc spawn frequently and you get some kind of buff/debuff to them with supply for a minute, so it may get more like flag running at gvg. Then of yause the run direction also should be turned around (get supply from your keep and give it to a dealer or sth at mid of map/somewhere random on map?!?)

should be like at conquest. the new system just let some classed braindead faceroll channel dont borther any (war/guard/…)

with right classes to easy. 2 ppl lockdown a whole attack by killing npc. Then they wit for their cd’s to come back and next npc to finally arrive and repeat. Lordroom defence with defensive classes and heal can be very easy. Only heros can be hard, but if u get you whole team back they still “onehit”

if enemy wants to defend and is up with right classes to nuke npc you got no chance.

this makes up a lot of matches to go over the full distance. and one lucky punch wins the game (can happen 2nd min when u break first gate and then just focus defending).

So all in all i still like the idea behind, but now it feels to static, to easy to destroy dynamics, which makes it boring, due to you end up with most “first activation on most hero-channelings win”

Weapon Swap for Rev in 1 word:

in Revenant

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


it’s like with thief one slot you use for combat and one if party fails hard or you to lazy to switch for running parts^^