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raidgroup setup with new elite specs-changes?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


2 chronos, 2 druids and 6 scourges? I mean I could see 5 scourge fractal runs being thing for permanent barrier and perpetual condition—->boon conversion, maybe it would work for raids as well?

i’d call this a cheese build, which wont get some kind of meta, sth like old 5guard fotm when it was broken^^.
but talking about funny stuff: 10 deadeyes would realy be a thing. they can get full might and quickness and dont realy suffer from missing alacrity. just one go full mistrel gear for tanking and others kneel around spam their bullets^^ (maybe need to add one druid for healing tank and spirits tough…)

raidgroup setup with new elite specs-changes?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


It’s still early, but from what I saw, the big issue will continue to be alacrity + quickness.

Outside of that, Gotl alongside healing and strong ccs keeps at least one spot reserved for the druid.

I still contend that moving to a 10 player boon cap (at least in raids) would help alleviate some of this.

that realy seems to be the main problem. They tried to remove “tank-dmg-heal” with gw2 and gave us “chrono-dps-druid” 10man boon cap would at least provide some more freedom since you only need one of the must-take-boons/classes.
But honestly I would like a more “role-related” buff system. So when you go for a heal build e.g. in grandmaster trait you get a dmg buff for your party no matter what class your playing, on dps some party might (~8-10 stacks would be enough) and as tank you provide dmg reduction for all around. So everyone would be free to “play what class he wants” regradless the role he need to fit.

Also i’d like to see a remove of aoe alacricity and quickness. Just keep it as a personal buff but nothing you can, want and need to keep up 24/7. (this may need a boss hp drop or overall dmg buff like when they startet to move it down from 100 to 50%…)

raidgroup setup with new elite specs-changes?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


what do you think, will we see something new, or will all (at least pugs) stay at a mirror ps-druid-chrono-2xdps?

Sadly I assume, apart from the dps slots, the first 3 slots are set. new guard might provide some quickness, but still lacks the utility and “evadeness” a chrono can provide. I’d realy like to see a “might spamming” deadeye, but it seems to static and biggest point: dont got banner. Same with druid- some classes may get some new healing options, but still dont got spotter+spirits+gotl+….
So no changes here, but maybe we’ll get a return of rev as supporter, depending on how good the dps increase from his new legend pays out.

So from a mesmer pov: rip mirrage, wb old boring rotation all day long…(remember those old dungeon days with portals and mantra and blink and build-/skillchanges every 2min…)

Mirage Demo Weekend Feedback

in Mesmer

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


sword ambush creates a clone…
since now swort is and i guess in future it still will be the direct dps weapon of choice, which considering latest patch changes means, you wan to have phantasms (from offhand sword) and keep them alive to get max dmg boosts
but now you cut down you dmg a lot every time you dodge due to replacing one max stack phantasmn with one clone…

working as intended?

New Raid-Composition with higher DPS

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


a tank chrono is quite the same as your regular quickness-chrono, mb one trinket more, but still kind of non existend dps (but tbh with saved cd’s he can solo the 100cm splitting part^^)
so the question left is did you found the secret dps build that prooves condi dmg can be greather than direct dmg…

How about a race between DnT with regular build and your team? Maybe anet would sponsor a betaspot for the upcoming raidwing for the winner!?!

New Raid-Composition with higher DPS

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


pretending this build is a try to make a “only ranger/condi” composition its great, but the main problem with this is the reasons why you use a ps for might and a druid for heal. You could easily reprace both of them wit one wh-ele or mace-ventari revenant. Both provide more than needed heal while maintaining 25 might + fury and if u want protection.
But you do not take them because you do not take a ps for might nor a druid for heals. You take a boths for dmg buffs aka banner / gotl / spirits /… Just because even if u pretend they deal 0 dmg with 3 supporters providing 40% mor dmg for others you still do more dmg than with 5 full dps builds:
(0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 1) * 1,4 * 1,4 *1,4 = 5,488 > 5 = (1+1+1+1+1) * 1 (strictly simplifyed!!!)

that been said back to your suggestion:
-if u got a chrono let him tank^^ he wont lose any dps or utility doing so
- in my opinion you invest too much into might, why why dont you abuse your firefilds a bit more like all ranger takeing a salamander drake for blast finisher, or let one use warhorn aswell, so you could use dmg/heal runes?
- on more experienced squads the druid could go condi aswell (use others fire fields-mb 2 druids 2 ranger)

having a not too stuipid tank you won’t ever get problems with boss movement and if u wanna check out your dps, do a run on KC and find out

Raid without TS?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


There are groups who raid without ts. However those are exp groups. I´ve never seen training groups or something alike without ts.

If you are exp I probably wouldn’t kick you because you can’t use ts. You provided a valid reason to not join. However, since you only know VG i wouldn’t take you with my group. Simply because I would have to write down every mechanic, every mistake so you can improve. That’s something im not willing to put my effort and time into.

There might be groups who will take you. I´d ask in the guild recruitment section and maybe reddit.

Been searching for a while and your answer is just telling me that, if you can’t use TS, you are excluded :/

Totally wrong. You are excluded because you exclude yourself.
There are hundreds of visual or written guides (e.g. dulfy…) where you can get an idea of the boss and its mechanics. If you understood, whats going on just join a “training” squad or creat one yourself.
Even on new wings (let’s pretend we’ll get some one day….) voice com is nice to have for coordinate ideas, but thats just a timesaver.
There are even some guilds looking for ts-free raids.

And even on a “high level” youd dont need ts. Especially there everyone should know what to do so why talk about what happens.

Tome of Knowledge farming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


ask anet to make them sellable and i’ll give you some stacks ;-)

Raids, ANET!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


I’d be ok with slow raid developement if I’d have to do sth when I wanna play.

Early days running dungeons in a way you do it if you do it frequently you are busy for about 8 hours a day.

Nowdays monday is raid day. thats ok, pugging it you find a lot of decent ppl to run with and it takes some time. In case you had realy bad luck or low time you can still do some raiding on tuesday. After this there is no reward and the pugs you find are getting worse, so you dont wanna play. All being left is FOTM dailys +100cm. Thats usually done within 1hour.

Making tiers in Raids like fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


just consider a lot of ppl doing T4 daylies without being able to play on a decent level (don’t know positioning / skills / traits / slow on using hotkeys / areal awareness /…) but on fotm it doesnt matter, because there is no mechanic at all. Just take a healer and 4 sustaining classes (drid+4nec) and you can just ignore the whole game spamming your keys 1 to 0 and in most cases if someone gets to die its still possible to solo a boss.

on a raid with “levels” ppl will end up doing highest possible lvl due to there must be most reward (elso noone would do it more than once). But here you get screwed up if two or (a bit depending on class) even one person dont know how to move his character (leaving split fields at kc too early,dont go to lightnig at vg ,…)

that been said, i’d still like the idea of old gw “hardmode”. raidwise this could be the actual version and before you can enter it, you (everyone in party!!!!) need to finish it “normal mode” first. in this case normal mode should someway teach the mechanics. Of course, this is not rly needed at all, but as a player doing a lot with pugs, this should be a great way to make shure the ppl your running with at least know the basics. For example on slot:
- poisioned area knocks you back unless slubling
- one random player gets a slubling mark and text displayed “eat mushroom” with big arrow on it and after eating a big line where he need to eat mushrooms to
- one random player gets fixation and message and signs to move the boss around
- one random player gets poision and….

ok, honestly writing all this, i’d feel myself bad needing to do such a “raid”-version first. its like a robot arm comes out your computer and pressing keys for you.

maybe just add some features on training area to play specific boss phases with instant respawn anytime and a lever to disable boss damage (dealt and/or given), so ppl who wanna learn can do it in a “save” environment.

Taimi's Game

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


finished it on my thief without using any orbs.
the key using a squishy class ist to position yourself in a way, that the boss aoe’s dont spread over the whole map and kill it quite fast. as soon as he’s down just take your time! aoes disappear after a while, so just make shure you manage your space a bit and you should not have any trouble. its just another l2p ;-p

Social Awkwardness - Can this be removed?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


just adapt your “stack” to a wider stack: druid middle and the others around him so noone gets agony (which limits druids heal if needed)

did a run yesterday, but didnt see this visual effect. its limited to some settings or another red/green invisible stuff? <- redid todays t4 and finally found it^^ its a bit confusing you can only see it when you attack…

(edited by SuinegTsol.1729)

Extedn all the buffs to 10 people

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


its just a historical issue. the core game was designed to never have more than 5 ppl in your group. They got this down from 8 at gw (1), where you needed to look for specific roles named 2 monks 1 sa (tank), which were hard to find sometimes. The idea behind this was to be undependend on what class someone plays, you can always pick him.
We all know, this didn’t last long, since some classes deal more dmg than others or grant you more buffs than others, which you do not want not to take (chrono quickness). Raids got later in the game, which was build on this 5person cap, so it stays to keep bugs low, which may be ok.

The real issue is, that you still need specific classes to do specific roles. You could use an ele + thief to continuously stack might, or 2 rev, but why wasting two spots, when you just need one? You could use a ele as heal, but why waste his dmg potential to spam heals while loosing all the dmg buffs a ranger provides without any cost? You could run 5 guards for might fury and quickness, but why wasting spots for a class that deals lower dmg?

So to solve the problem, you dont need to cap everything on 10 ppl. You need to make more than one class be able to compareable support the team. By now, this only works with ele and thief as damage dealers. Other classes just provide to unique buffs noone else could fill.

10 Chrono raid, possible according to Karl?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


dont matter how many chronos you take, as long they got those epic 10 sec cd utilities they still be too op for casual gameplay!

AA Damage Preliminary Calculations

in Thief

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


did yet someone test the dps from staff compared to dd raid-wise? Current values may lead to dd backstabbing still better than staff…

Standing on the Pole in Mossman

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


after years of nun-bugging stuff i gave up on it. Its just a joke this fractal never ever got fixed from the start of fotm. First a Tree, then water, then another water, then a pole… I’m shure if they remove this 5 min later someone detect a new spot. And fractals are kitten boring anyway once you did the race to max lvl serval times.
Currentliy i just solo wisps or close my eyes when others wanna do it and so often fail for no reason (maybe handle it like cof3 and reduce it to only one orb to be run…), so im happy to just more braindead finish this stuff, get reward and go out.

Fotm if just way to noobfriendly and thats the way they assume everyone to be able to get a daily reward.

Shared Inventory Slot Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


I like those slots but got two concerns about it.
first, its gread for utility gadgets like salvage stuff, but useless in case of armor and stuff like that. using ascended armor as accound bound would be great to be able to use those slots to share it within your characters without the need of banking all day long. This meens you need at least 6 slots + a few for food + some for weapons, so sth like a 20 slot shared bag. (but pls not for 20kgems!)
second, the slots appear on the top of your inventory. here i’d wish some more customisation. Perfect would be to place each slot where you want it but at least placement like with regular bags would be nice.

Alacrity from 66% to 33%.

in Mesmer

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


its a kittening joke!
mesmer got highest cooldowns, which are kind of balanced around having 100% alacrity.
partywise its ok, but for me as the player behind the mesmer its just a punch in the face. In fact by this, ALL SKILLS got their cooldown increased by ~33%.
All timings are gone again, you again need to wait way more time to change skills and adapt your build! Why are you destroying what makes playing fun on an post casual level?

why you hate your high level non-pvp-mesmer that much? I already feared sth like this would happen, but this is still rediculous. Its like you never ever played this class.
At least let the mesmer himself keep the “old” effectiveness!

Raid Wing 2 release/hints?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


Ok, we know anet dont talk to us before release(which should be in feburary, don’t it?), but maybe some hints on whats different from the current wing?
Will there be complete new mechanics? Or will it be less dependent on your teammates to lower frustration level for those, who know the mechanics? Will rewards be reviewed?(daily????!!!!!!!) Will we get a kind of lfg this year for raids? Will they get harder? Will we see a “hardmode”? Can we “adopt a dev” for raids?


in Mesmer

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


gw2 dont have tanks like at other games!

take your regular party-dps build and add a few toughtness trinkets (usually one should be enought, apart from some pugs, who want you to run total nonesense amount of it)

If you feel failing, maybe add a defensive trait or skill, but thats not needed.

Raids and tanking

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


“tanks” in gw2 are only normal player, who swap out a minimum of dmg for some toughtness to fore the boss to follow them. this is needed at the first two bosses du to then need to be moved at certain areas to solve the mechanically given promlems they offer.
It is just a “gift from devs”, to help players dealing with participants, who are unable to “follow commands” (“now ALL move to point x” in this case).

In the same manner “healer” are just a way to carry bad player-skills, or allow greedy playstyles. With full dmg gear, every class got enought heal to deal with the dot’s and little mistakes.

So the raid is possible to do without a “tank” or “healer”.

I hope it will stay like this.
Otherwise you are even more dependent on having two player with good playstyle and skilllevel. By now it still sucks if ppl fail at basic stuff like dont getting ported at VG. If you need two, who must not fail this the whole fight, the rest of fun would be gone.

Eternal title... meaningless

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


killed all bosses serval times and still dont have it…
But yes, this should not be the “ultimate” title for raids, due to it got nothing to do with your play. After you reached the point you dont die, it’s just a kitten joke. I bet I’ll kill them 50 more time and still dont get it because one funny pro is still to stupid not to do what ever he does to die.

I’d prefer sth like “finished the raid x(3/10) times”.

Raids NOT Color blind Friendly...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


honestly, i dont have any problems.
its like traffic lights, red is where red is and green where green is.
ok, i can’t “see” the color but i “know” it, so who cares.

[RAID] Suggestion to make raids approachable

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


after spending some time at raids, not only beating them some times, but also with pug’s i knew after a few seconds we wont be able to get even close, just to get some practice, I’m realy disillusionated.
At first I was looking foreward for “hard” content, you can’t beat wit the 0-8-15 dungeon casual. Now I got to say it realy got messy. Timers are just a problem when you start to learn, when u identifyed the mechanics and run regular max dps gear/build for this mechanic, there will alway be one or two minutes left. The problem is your team. The given mechanics tbh are kitten easy “when this happens 1/2/3/4 ppl move to this spot”. Of cause this might need some practise. But once you reached the point you know you are doing good 99% of time, and days after this you still dont get the kill its frustrating.
I tried to find a guild doing this, but often ppl just do one run kill them and then stop and if you cant join that day… or you know theoretically all can do it but one or two ppl dont focus and all fails.

By now I’m about to give up on it, because I know I could do it at least within 2 tries, but unlike dungeons, this dont help due to you cant carry a team, even when only one, ok, two ppl lack skill/focus.

Tank builds for raids

in Revenant

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


when you dont like berzerk gears raids might be the wrong place for you, due to by now, you need a decent amount of damage, to deal with the timers and apart from conditions berserk is the gear to go for damage.
That been said, if you wanna “tank” you need 2 things:
1) more toughtness than others
2) somethink to avoid/migrate damage
For point one just switch out one or two trinkets with toughtness.
To reduce your damage taken, just use dodges and a block/evade skill. I’d prefer using double swords and staff with regular damage build. when you run out of dodges or want to stand still, just use the block from sword. When your on “stun-mode” just use staff evades. Additionally, you got 100% Protection uptime from glint and endurance refill+dodge at shiros.
In case you mess up, you got a 100% heal at glint with some smaller heals at shiro/staff.
When you get ported at first boss, just use shiro to get back asap.

Thats all you need. Only change is the extra toughtness trinket and standing infont exept behind the bosses.

(Of cause, you can take jalis and/or ventari for braindead afk tanking with full def gear, but thats boring and when your team cant carry your missing damage you might better let someone else “tank” and just do damage)

Fractal encryptions worth now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729



i got some key left so i opened 2 stacks.
Results are ~50 silver per “chest”.

considering the boxes cost ~19 silver and if I got it right a key long term costs 30 silver, you would get out of it +/- 0.

someone got more luck than me?

Raid consumables sold by vendor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


I’d love when they would just remove all food from raids.
Then they add some “buff” you can select at start, wich gives you
1) 20% boon duration
2) 20% condition duration
3) 5% extra dmg
4) 5% less dmg taken

this would focus the raid on what it’s supposed to be (how good can you play, not how much are you supposed to pay for to ignore minor mistakes)

by now, some guilds/parties even dont take you if you do not take max food/utility

Rune of Leadership price

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


40-50 ores a run considered not a ton of luck? I usually walk out of a run with less than 20 ores. I only get 1 per pod almost always.

It would take me about 7 cleared maps per rune to get these runes. So I gave up on getting them for my mesmer which was the original intent.

40-50 a map not lucky.. man.. You’d be thinking you were outright cursed if you were getting under 20 a map I guess.

after dragon down there are one new area per lane opened, which contains like 30/40 pods at all, so considured you’re that lucky gou you could find like 500 ore’s within a map^^ but random….

Rune of Leadership price

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729



I’m doing ds events for some time now to get this rune. By now I’m at about 150 crystalline ores.
Aint 600 ores a very very very little bit to much for sth like a runeset? If it’s a recipe ok, but for runes…
Apart from “farming” the hot-story, where you get 40 in the end, the only way by now is to open pods at dragons stand map. Apart from ~6, they only spawn after map event is completed. This means you need to wait up to one hour to get on a map doing events/ got enought time to start new map, then need about one to 1.5 hours to hopefully finish (seen so many fails last days) it. Now you got a 15min race to find and open all pods. Without a ton of luck this leads to 40 to 50 ores.
So all in all you need to do 15 times the story with different characters, or do 13 times success on ds meta event (without dc!!!). For ds thats best case two days without break dc or fail doing this event. Just for runes…
If they just were buyable, but….

Name 3 things good and bad about Raids.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


- “hard” content or at least harder than others^^

- need some kind of (at leas low level) coordination

- event-driven – you dont feel like skipping form boss to boss(like dungeons)

- 10 ppl are rly too hard to get for a decent amount of time, also buffs should be full squad (more skill less random more different classes able to take)

- timer -for me just bad design. if ppl can not kill fast they need to better know the mechanics, if they dont, they just need to kill fast

- rewards- daily rewards are ok weekly ones are stupid. This also leads to situations, where some ppl of your guild dont wanna do a boss due to they did it before and just wanna join for next boss, so you need a random or skip bosses. Of course, this aint good teamplay skills within guild, but it happens too often nowdays…


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


where you get those 10g from?
blog post says 2g weekly…

For those who did GW2 Raid beta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


first, you just faced one boss and 3 “tutorial” enemy. the boss had a timer on him, i guess it was sth about 10 min.

1) due to…reasons…i could just join it twice for a bit over a hour with different teams, but you should be able to find out and execute within one hour with your team for this guy, once you know the mechanic this should not take more than 15 min.

2) for first time I’d say its ok, but considering pugging for me it was too easy…it was just 90% mechanics.

3) so far I’d say you when you just want to beat it, play what class you want (!= HOW you like), make shure to take some condi and direct dmg and buff remove.

voice communication makes thinks easy, but don’t believe if you use it you got free win. when ppl dont listen its same like when ppl dont read chat. if all care successing, chatting is an option, only non-communication may get hard…

history returns ->fotm one lvl farm

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


I think it is molten boss lvl 40

kind of^^
but I’m not shure if bloomy would be slower even on a bit higher scale… Let’s see if the “bonus”-event stays like it’s now.

If they lower the right now horrible low rewards I guess there wont be any point left doing fractals once you hit 100. Daylies are…ok but thats “work” for 1h worst case and pugging, so nothing compared to old dungeons.
I’d love to see some kind of “daylies for one-out-of-three” with at least not that bad scaled rewards, like dungeons. By now they should have enough data on how long ppl spent there at “fast” teams…

history returns ->fotm one lvl farm

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


I thought anet learned from their previous mistakes, but here we go:

ppl start farming one specific fractal and lvl for gold, like cof p1 early days. Its easy 10++g/h and i’m glad there is at least one way to make some gold of it, but farming same lvl over and over again is rly boring. Even cof1 farm was more interesting due to you dont fight only one enemy all day long.
So like at dungeons, I hope we’ll see the great “each lvl daily” with decent reward chest soon!

Game Update Notes - November 4, 2014 Revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


I’m just glad that fixed hammers at least…oh wait…THEY DIDN’T

Maguuma Masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


where you get that xp from?
I did lead some ds events for start to end and only get about 500k full buffed (+15 food/utility,birthday,xp,kill streak,infusion,banner)

of you just hang around killing somewhere?

Dragon's Stand event timer

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


I found myself multiple times at maps, which got a timer of 20 to 70min left and still on start events.
At least for now there is no way to fill up map with ppl and do all events within this reduced start time.
So in worst case multiple maps are dead for an hour and if ppl dont join in time they stay for another 2 hours.

I like this map’s event, but empty maps with gamedestroying timers aint fun.

[Feedback/Discussion] Fractals of the Mists

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


i did all fractals from lvl 1 to 100, which i finished today. 100% pugging. last one i found a guild group doing it with me.
I never felt callenged exept from not fallin asleep at 30+min braidead boss fights. last mai trin was at least a bit of nice suprise at the end, but nothing challenging or at least sth you need to think about.

Overall the hardest point was to find a group. often ppl just left after one fractal(5-10min), no matter what’s lfg text. Also it was impossible to find a decent setup on any level. I tried a few times to get sth against projectiles, sth for might, sth for high dps, but ppl jsut don’t care and by time i stopped due to i was able to carry enough to get stuff done at a not too bad time, even with total non-sense compositions. From about Lvl 70 onwards i was just happy if party get full.

I was lucky to have bought 2.5 +12 infusions before this “!%&/§@!”§-“fix” of merchant, so I just needed to spent ~500g to get the rest needed to reach 150 ar.
But this still is hillarious. To be able to progress to max lvl it should be enough to do every level. If you wanna do a shortcut, pay for it, but dont need to pay for sth to progress.

This gets more an issue when it comes to rewards. First I heared anet wants fractals become the new dungeons, I looked forward to get those ~1g per fractal with scaling depending on lvl and “difficulty”.
With a good team you could do dungeons within 5 to 10 minutes, so this would be jsut fine. Now what I got for lvl 100 was…I guess a few copper, encryptions, which i need to pay for to open, some +1 infusions and normal trash. Okaaaaaaaaaay…and this for 1.5h…not included the fee i had to pay to get it done in this time(tonics,food), or cost to be able to do it (150ar)…
It would just be great if completing a fractal would be worth half the gold you could to at sw-chest-twister in the same time! It’s ok if its daily for each lvl, so ppl don’t farm swamp all day long. Why you forgot all you learned from dungeons? In the end they just got a good, but not braindead farmable rewardsystem.

Also, why do you get like NO EXPERIENCE for it? I found myself doing boring cof farm to get FRACTAL masteries up to move on…

And there are still NO NEW FRACTALS, while the old ones are still BUGGED like hell…
The only new think are instablilties. and those are like the worst I’d ever imagine! They all are created to DESTROY TEAMPLAY. You can’t stack up enemy properly. You can’t buff your party with boons. You can’t dodge. You cant crit. All those are used to be able to do thinks fast, which needs some solid composition and use of skills. With this instabilities “good teams” are in the end not way better than “bad groups of solo players”.
This hurts even more when bosses get unbelievable abount of toughness and vitality.
Last point makes higher level fractals total unplayable in sense of time spent/reward and skill/fun. Ok, when you need 30+ min to kill a boss you theoreticalls should know its mechanics. If you do so, you just chat with friends or read a magazine meanwhile you cut trough this kitten hell amount of life.
But even worst: If you do not, just dont care. with a litle bit of party support just facetank every boss. You shouldnt dodge? no problem there is no need to!
Dont get me wrong on this: auto-attacks from enemy should just do little dmg. But big attacks, with “long” animations should and must be dodgeable! No need to be onehit, but running full berserk gear you should at least not be able to fail your dodge twice in a row. On the other hand vision is still a big issue. I read sth about lowered effects to better detect bosses and their animation. ok, bosses are somewhere marked with a particle cloud at screen and animations are the random cloud formations before you get dmg.

For now, I’d still do some daily swamp+molten+required runs and hope for raids to be worth it at least to run daily .

vengefull hammers impossible to use

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


the revenant jalis utility skill vengefull hammers is impossible to use due to it frequently disables themself without any reason infight.
especially noticed this by doing hight lvl fotm. It seems totaly random, but in most cases hammers dont last longer than one or 2 seconds.

would be nice if this could finally be fixed before you keep on balancing.

What's the current state of fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


got to 76 so far only pugging and step by step.
till now it’s close to impossible to find a valid party setup, but tbh till now i never failed a fractal, so till now i’d say they are more easy than before.
defensive stats still are not required. running full zerk facerolling all, so they would just slow it down even more.
Also you can buy toics, that offer +/- 25% dmg/defence, so i dont think ther will be any need to not run full dmg.
Depending on your class conditions may be viable for higher levels, but direct damage still ok.

Fractal mastery merchant unavailable

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


still stuck at lvl 82… LET ME MOVE ON!!!

Revert 28/10 patch, and balance properly.

in Revenant

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


just STOP ADDING COOLDOWNS ON SKILLS... thats the most easy and worst way to "balance" except from i dont know why this needs to be

on phase traversal:
in case of movement it just works if you got an enemy in front of you and it still costs afkn hell of dmg
in combat- you “waste” so much possible dmg using this, and its kind of easy to interrupt. also the mechanic of the dash-into-leap can hurt a lot if used in the wrong position….

250 HP For Elites [Feedback][Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


I wanted to play revenant with hot, but without hearld it just sucks, so i “farmed” those hero points about 24h to finally play the class like i want and in a way i think its competitve for group content.
400 Points for a class, that “don’t work” without them is rly tough, so i understand the step to make it easy to access.

But you should at least reward those, who did it the hard way. (title/mini/…)

Agony infusion merchant ( normal or bug ?)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


don’t get why this should be a bug.
It’s the only way exept farming tons of gold, which you shure cant do with fractals, to get the ar needed to play lvl 100, so there should be sth else…

story and masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


currently I’m stuck at the story part, where you need to get a “t4” mastery, but I guess I’ve done enough to give some feedback about what’s been so far:

the story overall seems to be influenced by a CoD storyteller. And the “commander” reminds a bit on big boss, but thats a american game, so…ok^^

looking on gameplay it got some nice mechanical parts, where you get out of pressing 1 1 111 111 11111111111111 1 w 1…
a handicap is still the point of non-scip-able scenes/dialogs, which realy gets messy after a fail/dc/replay/… ,when you just wanna get on
good point is, thats the eventcounter so far have gone!!!

but a very big negative point in the requirement of masteries. it continues, what levelrestrictions did with the core-story. you just break it out of game. there is just no link anymore between the story and the world.
Example given: thee is a point you need to reach a special place and in the story you get told you need to learn a specific ability to get there. Ok, what you do is just play on the map untill you got that stuff. Problem: after 30sec running straight forward(if you can tell it like this here^^), you reach the point where you-in the story- cant get….W T F
Apart from that, it totally destroys any flow. When you managed to think in, you just get thrown out need to do sth else…

glint under water

in Revenant

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


I’m not shure if it’s working as indended, but on glinth…when I move below the surface.. i am not allowed to take a heal, or utility skill…
Is glint that op, or this just a bug?
And yes, I tested before unlocking all and after spending my 400 kitten grinded hero points on this, same -not existing- result….


other ways for hero points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


at wvw you get for a wxp-lvl-up 2-3 items you can exchange into sth that unlocks hp in open world.
the merchant is at start of borderlands.

doing eotm i got like one hp every 8min wit 150% buff. I guess when you only farm the old hp your faster, but at least you see a bit of “gameplay” behind grinding^^

Still no HoT-FoTM reveals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


ok, i guess today was the last chance to tell us sth about the new epic fotm system. Tomorrow , a few hours before start i’s pointless anyway.

At least now i understood what they ment by “fractals will replace dungeons as our scaleable 5-man content”:
they just dont care about fractals anymore, just give them some reward and say “gl hf shut down player!”

very disappointing

Still no HoT-FoTM reveals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


they used new squad-ui for fractals aswell and now they noticed it didn’t work like it should, so release is moved first quarter 2016!

(anet, your community still hates your communication, and when you start moving this to already ready to release content it sucks even more!!!)

Economy Questions Repost

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729



Maybe do this with fractals and raids too. When there is no reason to enjoy and run it over and over again, noone cares about having unmatching ppl in their party.
And maybe you even solved the bug-/exploit-issue. If noone cares about doing it in an efficient way, or more than once, they just could stay hidden for ever!

But please, stop trolling us! At least give us someone to talk with, who gives answers, not talking political rubbish.