Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
Most players don’t know how the thief works and refuses to learn how the thief works. You fight the thief the same way with anybody else – crowd controls and start spamming where you immobilized him. Thieves are quite predictable. If you need to actually “see” him to kill him, then I plenty of Batman films to point out to you where that’s not how you want to fight a thief.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
Hey, TG. Are you the TG that was hanging out in FA BL tonight? Drgn enjoyed fighting you.
Yes we were. We had fun fighting you guys. We were about to leave for other borderlands before we took your tower because all you guys seemed to do was stay in the tower when you had us outnumbered (except when we had the GvG fights with [Drgn]).
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
Collision detection on a WvW scale would grind the servers to a halt. I’d rather not see that happen.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
There are two reasons I enter WvW:
1. Jumping puzzles to get badges for legendaries. I destroy the siege weapon plans.
2. Map completion.
Lol. And herein lies the problem. You and the people like you, take the fun out of it all by trying to get virtual items with virtual titles with virtual money with real life time that amounts to absolutely nothing in the end. Those who WvW enjoy the competition, the battles, and the challenge and so tend to PvE just to get gear for WvW. I can guarantee that if there was a viable way to get the necessary stats for gear just from WvW, PvE would be an empty place.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
2/10 – decent effort but wasn’t that funny.
I thought it was funny, although it does highlight the hilarity of this thread. The issue people are complaining about is not being able to see the thief in WvW due to culling. Yet, we still get threads like these by people who don’t know what culling is or that the thief, when culling is removed, is incredibly fragile (as is the case in sPvP). Yet, all people talk about is nerf, nerf, nerf with no idea as to why, after 6 months, ANet hasn’t nerfed Backstab, CnD, Mug, or Stealth (beyond the revealed debuff).
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
Enginier in knight gear, every piece of armor and trinkets gives toughness. Tougness traits maxed. “Steal” hits for 7k -there goes half of my healt bar in one shot. I did not know im plaing an FPS where it takes 2 shots to kill you. Waiting for balance or other mmo.
Looks balance to me.
Thief’s dagger is the only melee weapon that does not cleave therefore it must deal the most damage. All other melee weapon sets cleave up to 3 target.
Yea ^thats dagger attack. So what it doesnt cleave? You want to “Steal” to be aoe? You shodowstep and steal ability from 3 opponents? With no activation time, no cast time, no time to dodge he just took 1/2 of my hp bar while im wearing most defensive gear i can. But ok its balanced. I’m not going to be prey for another Ezio-assain-wannab who just faceroll on keybord and wins, no skilzz involved.
It’s balanced in sPvP and that’s all that matters. Players have no problem handling thieves in sPvP, especially the thieves that rely heavily on CnD. The issue is culling in WvW and that’s it. Want a nerf? Not going to happen because of WvW.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
1) If a thief bursts you, you either A) Didn’t see it coming or Have poor reaction time. Either way, the thief did its job.
2) If a thief is constantly stealthing, you A) Don’t have CC or You’re blind. Either way, the thief isn’t doing any real damage (and if it is, that’s a problem with your build or playstyle).
3) If the thief is spamming heartseeker, then A) you have little to no health left or The thief sucks.
Fortunately, they don’t balance thieves based on WvW as much as they do in sPvP. Once culling is fixed, I’m sure I won’t be able to CnD my way to an enemy siege line and just drop caltrops while doing no physical damage to anyone else.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
My enemies render faster than before. Sure, they might suddenly disappear at times, but at least I know they’re there and it doesn’t take long for me to see them all again. ANet re-prioritized their rendering and threw in placeholder models for low-end users so that they can still see positions without requiring full texture info before rendering. ANet’s heading in the right direction. We’ll see how they continue to tackle the culling issue.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
What? Thief not good for a zerg? Please! A single thief can cause havoc on a siege line. Stack for condition, place caltrops, sneak your way to the line, drop your caltrops, CnD the siege, and watch 10 people carelessly hack the air while you’re causing cripple & bleeds and preventing them from helping out the main zerg offensive. Need to escape? Drop shadow refuge a safe distance away where the enemy isn’t looking, blinding powder, or Dagger Storm your way out. Sure, not a lot of kills, but if your definitely helping out your zerg and when your zerg finally gets to you, you’ll be surrounded by loot bags.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
Sorry to hear that you got ganked, OP, but that’s what the JP is going to end up having. I do JP runs when there are the fewest number of players online and I still end up facing players who see my red tag and immediately come after me, even after I run by them with the clear intention of avoiding a fight. When I did my run today, I ran into 4, pvp happy Maguumans and despite the delay, I was still able to complete all 4 JPs in 30 minutes.
Here’s a tip, use a thief to do the JPs. It’s the easiest class to use to get away, sneak by players, or just be a nuisance with. Also, try the /wave or /cheer. Don’t do the /bow as that’s a duel invitation to many.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
Wait, is this the reason why I get random Party Invites from enemy players in WvW? So they can see where I’m at? And here I thought they just wanted to know what my name was…
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
So it seems the easiest way to get exotics for WvW is either crafting or buying them, problem is you don’t really get many mats and no gold for doing WvW. I generally use Berserker’s and Knight’s so trying to save up badges for invaders gear is out. I ended up with enough stuff to craft one exotic by the time I hit 80 and the rest I’m using rares b/c it’s what I could afford. How to most people that just do WvW go about getting exotics?
I’ve never run a dungeon in GW2 and don’t plan to so don’t tell me to go do that.
Just wondering if I’m missing something, or what advice people have on getting them without grinding dungeons?
Most people run the dungeons, but you can buy your exotics on the market (if you can scrounge up enough gold) with the stats you want. You also can go to Orr and spend your Karma on the exotics there, but that depends entirely on whether or not your server has the merchants available.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
The conditions for the breakout event must change to include the following:
1) Does the breakout server have over 50% of the total accrued points?
2) Does the breakout server have the outmanned buff of the current bl?
3) When was the last time the breakout event was started (be allowed to start ever 30-45m after failure)?
4) Set a timer on the breakout event. If the event is not achieved in that time, reset the Commander to prevent Defenders from keeping the Commander alive and preventing another breakout event.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
[TG] has nothing but respect for [BT]. We were assigned EBG on reset night so we didn’t get a chance to see you guys out there. Keep doing what you guys do. I know you’re not fond of sieges, but its always a blast to see you guys work.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
You misunderstand and clearly aren’t worth arguing with. You don’t know [TG], you haven’t fought with us, played alongside us, or coordinated with us. Ask [BT] of FA how many times they’ve run into us, despite the fact that we’d get rolled over. Heck, we have a wipe compilation video in this thread.
No, the truth is – we weren’t afraid to call certain commanders (and Guilds) on CD idiots in team chat. Yeah, not the best kind of diplomacy, but we kept doing our thing and we generally do it well, if not better than some of CD’s guilds. Yeah, we made people unhappy due to some player trolling, but they need to learn to lighten up. They didn’t like us, we didn’t like them, so we decided to move onto greener pastures. Will we be happy in DB? We don’t know, but we certainly know that so long as you have that wanna-be King in CD, we wouldn’t have an enjoyable WvW experience. That’s why we left.
Lets clear up some facts, your post expressly stated that you wished to stay in this tier, and you decided to move.
You have since changed your tune to say that you didn’t mesh on CD. That’s ok, people can change their opinions.I specifically called you out on the ‘we want to stay in this tier’ statement because you COULD HAVE been in this tier had you decided to stay and fight. DB would’ve gone down, instead, last night you were attacking CD while FA was rolling the other side.
Maybe I’m missing something in my statement? Please do explain captain Kirk.
I didn’t contradict a single statement made by my Guild Leader. Keep grasping at straws while you can.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
No, the truth is – we weren’t afraid to call certain commanders (and Guilds) on CD idiots in team chat. Yeah, not the best kind of diplomacy, but we kept doing our thing and we generally do it well, if not better than some of CD’s guilds. Yeah, we made people unhappy due to some player trolling, but they need to learn to lighten up. They didn’t like us, we didn’t like them, so we decided to move onto greener pastures. Will we be happy in DB? We don’t know, but we certainly know that so long as you have that wanna-be King in CD, we wouldn’t have an enjoyable WvW experience. That’s why we left.
Everytime someone asks me what wvw is like on Dragonbrand, I always tell them that it’s usually with high morale and no one calling out or trolling Commanders for decisions they don’t agree with.
Are you gonna make a liar out of me?
I would like to think I’m the more reasonable thinking of [TG] so the answer is…maybe. :-p We’ll try to be on our best behavior but just remember not all of [TG] are hotheads. ;-) Best way to deal with us – taking our suggestions seriously, but take the insults lightly.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
You are not on my server nor did i discuss with you why we left CD, and no it wasn’t about losing, Terror[TG] knows about losing and for you to say that we left because we lost ONE match is wrong of you.
Its honestly REALLY sad the amount of drama created in this tier, in the forums and on the server, we love this tier and only aim at staying in it, we do not want to rise in the ranks and we do not want to drop.
Irony: you WOULD have stayed in this tier if you didn’t bail.
But it’s ok, CD is better off without guilds that are too skittish to face challenges when the going gets tough.
You misunderstand and clearly aren’t worth arguing with. You don’t know [TG], you haven’t fought with us, played alongside us, or coordinated with us. Ask [BT] of FA how many times they’ve run into us, despite the fact that we’d get rolled over. Heck, we have a wipe compilation video in this thread.
No, the truth is – we weren’t afraid to call certain commanders (and Guilds) on CD idiots in team chat. Yeah, not the best kind of diplomacy, but we kept doing our thing and we generally do it well, if not better than some of CD’s guilds. Yeah, we made people unhappy due to some player trolling, but they need to learn to lighten up. They didn’t like us, we didn’t like them, so we decided to move onto greener pastures. Will we be happy in DB? We don’t know, but we certainly know that so long as you have that wanna-be King in CD, we wouldn’t have an enjoyable WvW experience. That’s why we left.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
[BT], always a pleasure to see you guys work. After the more active [TG] members transferred to DB, we went into DB BL and started to just casually play about in Water/Lake area. Most amusing part was when you guys flanked and cut off the retreat of the DB players near the tower. [TG] saw it coming, but all you needed were a couple guys on that bridge to block us and that’s all it took for those too close to the tower to escape. We certainly hope to run into you guys when we’re at our prime. :-)
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
@TG – Terror Gaming
Had some awesome fights against you last night. However, the theory we (BT – Black Talons) had 10 more than you is false. If anything, the numbers were closer to even. We only had 15 giuldies with about 6 others following us.
I provide this video as evidence. Form your own conclusions.
I don’t want to start anything, but I said it looked like you had us outnumbered. We didn’t call you a zerg, we didn’t call your tactics lame or anything. [TG] understands better than anyone else that sometimes the sizes of zergs are different than what it appears. Still, good video.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
To [BT] last night (around 7-10PM US EST) in CDBL:
I wanted to say that you guys were pretty kitten hurtful out there. I’m not sure how many guys you had in your zerg (it looked like you outnumbered us by 10 or so people), but I know that we in [TG] were certainly outclassed by how tight you guys ran and the skills you all used to quickly take down players. I don’t speak for my guild, but I was certainly impressed and I know that some of our guys were taking notes.
Also, to the Dragonbrand players that dueled with me at the Redwater Camp, thanks for indulging my SB/SB Thief. I know I wasn’t going to be a challenge for your Bursty builds, but I’d figured I’d give it a shot anyhow. Thanks for the duels and I hope to see you guys out there more often. :-)
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
(edited by Suralin.3947)
Just wanted to put out there that there were great fights in the borderlands last night. I believe RET visited each BL and each time, found great opposition. Certainly, found huge crowds of CD just about everywhere. Although our numbers were not nearly as great, I think we put up a good fight. Fun times.
Special shoutout to [TG]. Was some good fights. You guys sure know how to stay tight together
[TG] certainly appreciates that. I’m going to divulge some info – that was the first night we actually tried something like that and we ended up learning a lot in the process. I don’t know what your numbers were, but we had an epic time fighting you guys. Hope to see you guys in our BL more often.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
That group made too many mistakes to not deserve to die. I didn’t see any AoE, or Crown Control. And one guy was backing up, not running, but backing up. You never do that. This just looks like inexperienced PvPers. I’m a P/D Condition thief and I manage better against glass cannon builds like this.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
I noticed that a lot of Necro rely on conditions and a vit/healing thief will always get the better of a Necro in this case. SoM, Healing and Condition removal on stealth, and Might on Dodge/Stealth will wear down the Necro. I’m a P/D condition thief myself and I haven’t had too much trouble with necros.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
FireRunner – 10s cooldown? Alright! Give us a 10s buff on stealth. Let’s balance it out.
Columba – Perma stealth exploits? You mean the one where we have to keep using CnD or chain our skills without attack or we have a 4s revealed debuff? Perma stealth takes a lot of dodging on our part. I prefer running to a zerg myself and just dropping caltrops with CnD.
Aveneo – Which makes any thief useless since glass cannons will just use stealth to get that backstab on the first run and all other thieves will die rather quickly because of our already low vit and toughness.
How about some real balancing suggestions rather than nefts, eh? Has anyone tried to play a thief without stealth at all? I’d love to see how you managed that in PvP.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
1) Okay, but increase our conditions by 100% to compensate. We Condition Thieves would love to bleed you folks out faster.
2) I wouldn’t mind this. Make us faster, give us more might, increase stealth time, let us heal faster, caltrops on dodge == real caltrops and not one-hit wonders, poisons do more damage…
Have you ever fought a condition thief before? They eat glass cannons for breakfast.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
Hello I just started playing Guild Wars 2 a couple weeks ago and I decided to roll a thief since I used to play a rogue in world of warcraft. I love the thiefs abilities and play style but I hear more and more people telling me that thiefs are becoming to weak due to nerfs and are becoming inferior to other professions. I am currently level 30 and want to know should I continue with my thief? or would it just be a waste of my time when I could level a more powerful profession? Any advice or opinions on the matter would be appreciated.
The only thieves that seem to be complaining about the thief “nerfs” are the ones that run the uber glass cannon builds (mainly the D/D thieves). Condition thieves, imo, are worse than the glass cannons.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
Slowing them down is not enough. You need to immobilize. If they’re using refuge, you’ll need to find a way to knock them out of that bubble as once they get knocked out, they’ll be hit with the stealth debuff. I don’t play a Necro so I’m not sure what skills (if any) you have. You can also try and pretend you’re running away to lure them.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
It’s certainly not a concept. Condition build thieves are incredibly deadly. D/D or P/D gives you great survivability, even more so when you’re running SoM. Heck, I was soloing a siege line with caltrops, SoM, and CnD to help my main force make a push. And I can tie up considerable resources from the enemy because I can constantly stealth, heal, and deal damage at the same time.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
As a thief, we do need to prevent the ability to stop capping while stealth or have a minimum number of players to do it. In sPvP, thieves cannot stop a cap in stealth. So I wonder if ANet prefers this tactic in WvW.
Either way, as a thief, if I can hold up 30+ players on a supply camp, then I’m going to keep doing it. It might sound stupid on those 30+ players side, but if I can keep 30+ players away from a tower or keep nearby so the rest of my server can regroup or prepare, then I will do the stealth capping. It makes no sense for me NOT to do it while I can. Yeah, it’s dirty, but the thieves that do this do not exploit the culling bug to do so. They have a healing skill that stealths, a refuge, blinding powder, cloak & dagger, and traits.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
If you went with a condition thief, you should be able to do what you want. You won’t be as effective as a guardian when it comes to healing, but when it comes to reviving dead members or sneaking your party through dungeons, the thief is unsurpassed because of Shadow Refuge. We also have scorpion wire to do pulls, and some traits do give boons to your teammates based on certain actions.
If you want to roll a support thief, consider going P/P or P/D so that you can also apply Vulnerabilities. But in terms of a lot of healing, that’s just not going to happen.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
I’m not a fan of P/D build. I don’t like the length it takes to kill someone.
When I WvW I like to kill quickly and keep moving. The long you stay fighting the more people will add on you. No matter what build you are, you can’t kill anything while there is a zerg there.
Well the P&D weapons usage is, for me, mostly made to kite around, and of course there is a huge lack of burst damage.
Also his build without any boost of the precission / power stat dont help at all.
Since he was only able to kill player who wasnt lvl 80 or under geared player ( yep GW2 is a gear game after all )But thats the GW2 problem, lack of real build viability, and worse since they linked stat and traits and those over-stated gear have a too important place in the game.
Anyway, the build is fun, the video is really nice.
But the viability look way too much limited since you cant really kill anyone you want Or it take age( and thats too bad since the P&D “combo” is pretty nice )
Also. About most Sin “build” who are only resumed with auto-attack + one or rarely 2 skill its because of the initiative management, and not so handy way to get it back. ( like you could have mana back in GW1 ) So its at start very restrictive
P/D Condition thieves stack up might. There are traits that allow us to stack up during stealth and during dodge. It’s very easy to get more than 10 stacks of might, accounting for over 100d bleeds.
And the notion that it might take “ages” to kill someone is silly. Yes, it takes longer, but you’re far less likely to die, too. Sure, a burst thief can go in, deal his damage and then move away when things aren’t going well, but a condition thief like P/D can circle and circle and circle all day long, tie up enemies, and still bleed them out. I also find P/D/DD condition thieves more capable of handling burst thieves who attempt BS. Once the burst thief misses, he most likely won’t be able to get away from a condition thief who’s dropped caltrops. And because of their low vit and are less likely to have the remove conditions in stealth, they will bleed out sooner.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
Well, the strafing works with any ranged. I wasn’t saying that it works only in P/D. :p In P/D I have the added benefit of stacking bleeds with my auto. Death blossom does evade, which is a good skill as I used it a lot as a D/D condition thief, but for the initiative and amount of bleeds it stacks, I would rather do C&D/Sneak Attack with P/D, which does more damage and stacks more bleeds.
Of course, I didnĀ“t meant that it works only with P/D ;-)
I prefer the Deathly blossom because of the bleeding duration advantage (15secs with +50% extra bleeding duration), you can stack 25 bleeding stack easier than with P/D, also the extra evading is great when combined with dodge caltrops, utility caltrops and steal with vigor boon on it, works wonders when stacking bleeds
I would like to see your build, sir. :-p
The death blossom uses up initiative rather quickly. You can get a maximum of 3 off before you have to wait until you can get more initiative. It’s definitely great for multiple targets, but not so much for consistent damage, imo. I guess in PvE it’s fine except when you’re up against a Champion. I find that P/D C&D/Sneak attack offers greater survivability in comparison to a D/D thief and condition build. Besides, more stacks means they bleed out faster, but if they have a lot of health, you may want to trade burst bleeding for consistent bleeding.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
No mention of sneak attack? Zero initiative and does as much damage as unload just need to stealth first.
Yeah, I forgot about Sneak Attack. It is almost as powerful as unload but it cannot be compared to the power of Backstab, which doesn’t use initiative as well.
The sneak attack works best if you can stealth constantly, which is why it is used often by P/D thieves. In a P/P setup, you’re only stealth is from utility skills and traits, which all have longer cooldowns.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
What do you mean Flame Legion gear? Is that just the rune on the armor?
Click on the medium Shaman armor and you’ll see there’s a set with Power/Vit/Condition stats.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
When it comes to Young Karka, you shouldn’t have any trouble evading their initial ranged attack. Just keep your distance and strafe left and right, no need for using up your endurance. Once that’s set, do your magic. As a P/D cond thief, I have no problems with the Karka or any of the mobs in Orr. Just make sure you have a stun breaker or way to break the mob LOS.
That is also an option
But the deathly blossom skill evades should do the trick while damaging and stacking bleeding, so less time spent = more profit
As a P/D thief the strafing is better option I suppose.
Well, the strafing works with any ranged. I wasn’t saying that it works only in P/D. :p In P/D I have the added benefit of stacking bleeds with my auto. Death blossom does evade, which is a good skill as I used it a lot as a D/D condition thief, but for the initiative and amount of bleeds it stacks, I would rather do C&D/Sneak Attack with P/D, which does more damage and stacks more bleeds.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
Love the video!
New Thief here. Couple questions:
1) How did your dodge energy keep refilling so fast? (other than the ability you have in the #7 slot of course) It really seemed faster than normal.
2) Were you just hitting Cloak and Dagger to stealth every few seconds?
1) There is a trait that gives you back some endurance for a dodge, allowing you 3 dodges in rapid succession and, if he also has it traited, to give the Vigor boon to increase endurance regeneration rate.
2) He was using C&D to stealth, yes. He did this to break LOS, knock out the conditions, heal, and enable his sneak-attack, which does 5 rapid shots and adds more bleeds. There is a stealth debuff when you attack after C&D, which is why you will tend to dodge or blind your opponents so you can C&D again.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
When it comes to Young Karka, you shouldn’t have any trouble evading their initial ranged attack. Just keep your distance and strafe left and right, no need for using up your endurance. Once that’s set, do your magic. As a P/D cond thief, I have no problems with the Karka or any of the mobs in Orr. Just make sure you have a stun breaker or way to break the mob LOS.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
Those Anvil Rock guys in the beginning made me facepalm. Their inability to take down this thief was truly horrendous. Still, I applaud the fella for utilizing everything in his build.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
I run a condition build, so my focus is on Power/Vit/Condition. Pretty much any and all Carrion Gear & Flame Legion gear
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
In all WvW/FvF/RvR games, population balance is hinged on casuals, always has been. When you are losing, casuals are off doing whatever, when you are winning casuals are out in droves. Add in a new PvE event or an all <color X> map and the shift will move harder in those respective directions.
This is pretty much what happened, imo. The turnout just wasn’t high enough at the reset because of the PvE. Frankly, the notion that “Oh, well NSP has the same event, no excuse” wasn’t the excuse. The excuse is that our population, which is different from all the other server populations, decided to PvE rather than WvW. Congrats to NSP for getting a large turnout (truly) on the reset. However, because of the huge blowout on the weekend, the casual players aren’t going to even bother and its even harder to organize since (as I’ve been told) we’re the “unofficial” Latin server. That’s just how it is. You’ll find the WvW guilds doing what they can to keep bettering themselves, but when it comes to server competition, it’s just not going to be there for this week. It’s why Terror will be leaving for more competitive play; it gets boring flipping supply camps.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
It seems weaker PVP because you can’t kill fast enough and you don’t afford to drag a battle forever. A burst build is better in PVP
I would disagree with this, just because a thief that can drag out a fight in sPvP is a thief that can prevent the enemy from capping. There have been countless times where I would head to my opponent’s initial cap point and have them try and kill me while the rest of my team will head to the middle and first nodes. Just because you can’t kill them fast in PvP means you’re weaker. You just have to play it more like a team. If one guy can hold up half the enemy team, that’s 7v4 somewhere else on the map.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
Contrary to belief, Condition thieves do fairly well in PvE, especially against bosses. I run a P/D thief in both sPvP & WvW/PvE. It isn’t hard to continuously stack bleeds, dodging and dropping caltrops, and if you’re good, you can take out burst thieves just as well (as you’re capable of dealing damage when they’re stealthed while remaining stealthed yourself).
It’s also more fun and requires more attention from you, imo.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
It is worth it. When I create my characters, I go to WvW to level, especially during resets when there are huge zergs running about. The loot will suck, and your damage won’t be great (don’t expect to win any large battles), but you’ll be in a zerg and you’ll be relatively safe. Don’t do any heroics or risk taking or soloing and you should be fine.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
Trying going for a P/D condition build. You’ve got range and the sneak attack deals 5 rapid shots + bleed.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
“He even effortlessly avoided all dmg the other 3 or 4 pple that showed up to try to take him down as well.”
If it was effortless, that would be amazing. I wonder if he had the SB to get away.
Anyways, a thief that doesn’t stealth is going to die rather quickly. It just sounds like you were a victim of the culling issue. Don’t think that thieves are invincible with stealth. Many of us tend to avoid Warriors & Guardians due to their knockbacks & knockdowns. Necros and Mesmers also give us a tough time. Engineers and Eles are little easier to deal with, imo.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
P/D thief condition build 0/0/30/20/20, skills would be Hide In Shadows, Caltrops, Refuge (and whatever else you want). You want to be able to throw down caltrops, dodge a lot, heal while stealth, and stacking up might every time you dodge and every second you are in stealth. Gearwise, you’ll want Power/Vit/Condition and Condition Duration. Very easy to get up to 20 Bleeds stacked over 100dmg each.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
Ruin P/D in PvE? It didn’t feel that way for my Condition thief.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
You’re pretty much running the same thing I am. I’m a P/D Condition thief and one of the things that I need to do is stack bleeds as often as I can. My advice for you, regardless of WvW,PvE,PvP is to get rid of Roll for Initiative and Blinding Power for Caltrops & Shadow Refuge. I rarely use all of my Initiative as I stealth as often as I can to get the Might stacks and to constantly use Sneak Attack (which lays even more bleeds).
Take a look at this:
There’s also a video around of a P/D thief using this build in sPvP. So forgo toughness when getting your gear. You want Power/Vit/Condition. The key to this build is stacking might from dodging/stealth and increasing bleeds via caltrops/sneak attack. You can easily stack up 20 bleeds with over 100dmg each.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
I wasn’t bothered at all. I’m a P/D CB thief and I do a heck of a lot of damage bleeding players. I had the opportunity to duel another thief with a D/D BS build. I won, but that was because I can lay caltrops and still hit him while he was stealthed. Being able to deal bleeding damage, stealth, deal more bleeding damage, stealth, deal more bleeding damage, is quite effective. I don’t even have all of my exotic gear and when I get Might stacked from dodging (and laying more caltrops), I can do upwards of 111 bleed dmg. It makes me wonder why do people even bother with the cannon thief when P/D CB thief is much more fun, even when I lose.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War