There could always have 2 versions of Orr. One for pre Zhaitan and another for post. Each with there own different events.
Yes it would split the player base a little, but only in that area.
With the option to “time-travel” to help newcomers if we want to.
(like maybe an Asura npc)
Since it was supposed to be in grand master critical strike, adding the bouncing properties to no quarter would be the logical thing to do, effectively putting back the whole aspect of original ricochet but spread out into two traits.
BUT, trickery is where this trait should belong. It’s where it was to begin with, and making bullets bounce is really some kind of trick shot.
idealy adding the bouncing to the current master trait trickster, and making the 1050 range baseline imo
It would leave people more leeway to go for condi pistol, or burst pistol
(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)
I just read the caption with the reply of the devs concerning the absence of ricochet.
Man, did it felt like a spit in the face.
It really does feel like they won’t dignify this thread with their presence.
Reminder anet, there are other mmos coming out soon, if you don’t respect the players, you’re gonna get burned.
Ricochet DID NOT break the game !
ok now let’s not let this thread die :p
(I kinda ran out of things to add tho)
Anet remove Ricochet because combined this trait with traits in new Rifle traits line
So we just have to wait for HoT then,right? Unacceptable! I don’t want to pay money to have something that i already had! And what about all those people running d/p and p/p builds,hm? If Ricochet comes back with the rifle,it certainly does not help them.
And it’s not even certain that we will get rifle. In fact, some data-mined artwork was found that suggests that we’re getting a staff, which means Ricochet might be gone for good.
Exactly. I absolutely refuse to play this game if that is the case,and i believe many other people will as well.
^ this.
I’m still sticking with the game for daily login bonus, and checking if there’s any feedback concerning this. But if it looks like ricochet is gone for good, I’ll be too.
And I’ll save my money for something other than HoT
If we indeed get a monk spec, I’m kinda curious about the backstory of that spec. lol
Do we like all get caught by the police, and then reflect on our bad action and decide to join the temple in a quest for redemption or what ? xD
I can only hope that if we all complain loud enough Anet will listen and return riccochet, or at least give us a worthy compensation for it.
Actually that’s the reason I always try to find something to say in that topic.
Even though I might have already said, at least twice, everything I had in mind in that subject lol.
The city is ok but…
I still prefer the old version of it. With the pirate theme. It felt more… alive.
The new city feels a bit washed out.
Also it’s huge. Huge, but with almost no npc to fill in the empty space.
And since it’s huge, the player population feels scarce. It’s almost as if no one is logged in anymore.
Right now it looks kind of like a deserted town.
Old Lion Arch had a warmer atmosphere with buildings close to each other and put in a peculiar way. People gathered in a smaller area and the whole town felt more populated.
I think if you want to make huge building hinting to a big population, you should put the according amount of npcs to make it right.
I liked the interaction between the lady merchant near the north entrance yelling at children skritts after they stole something from her.
We should see more stuff like that across the city. A bit like Divinity’s reach (which is now my favorite town hands down since old LA is gone).
(Btw, Anet should try to implement small quests for towns which involves interacting with citizens to earn like favor points but for those cities… to get goodies. Sometimes I look at all the potential divinity’s reach has with all its suburbs… it would make some nice solo addition, to have an alternative between epic giant battles)
(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)
You tested wrong.
Tooltip always said 1 per hit.source : my own build which i ran for a year and which is now gutted but not for those reasons.
I think you don’t quite get it.
He said, before, you get heal once for each stack of venom.
You use two venoms, you get two heals, etc…
Now his problem is, with two venoms, sometimes he gets the equivalent of just one heal.
If that’s true, well kitten it sucks. Venom healing was a cool way to remain alive when playing support.
Also pistol increased range should be baseline, otherwise there’s litterally zero reason to choose it over shortbow. (then again, i wouldn’t mind just having ricochet trait back as it was with the bounce on critical AND the range)
It’s not in the trait tooltip, but I think Ankle Shots is actually increasing pistol range to 1050 (showing up in the pistol skill tooltips too). Would need to test to be sure; at work now.
It’s true, but having to use this trait and its traitline JUST to have a longer range which is the only advantage of pistol over other weapon set right now is wrong.
Right now pistol has no aoe, so why using p/p instead of shortbow ? The answer should be : the range.
Either you choose the range, or the aoe when it comes to baseline. That’s how the decision should be made.
THEN should come the traits.
And we should have our ricochet back.
Then again, range baseline is my own view of things (as a hardcore pistol user). Haven’t seen the situation with the eyes of a shortbow user.
I don’t care if it’s trait or not, but if range should be a trait it should go with ricochet as it was meant to be.
Also there are people considering rerolling because ricochet is gone.
Has nothing to do with OPness or nerfness, they just removed a type of gameplay.
I’d like to add that this problem ISN’T just about p/p builds.
It also concern d/p and p/d builds (never really sword so can’t talk for them).
Weirdly enough, I used to be heavily reliant on shadow shot traited with ricochet to port bounce between foes in a mob pack.
Why ? Mostly because it was FUN. Secondly, because it was another way to attack multiple foes at the same time.
It’s really confusing to use at first but feels very rewarding when you get used to being ported randomly and finally manage to always situate yourself right after a port.
I wouldn’t like it if anet just simply adds ricochet property to number 3 p/p. It needs to be back as a trait.
Also pistol increased range should be baseline, otherwise there’s litterally zero reason to choose it over shortbow. (then again, i wouldn’t mind just having ricochet trait back as it was with the bounce on critical AND the range)
(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)
I think for the first time I’m thinking about switching main.
Having nerfs here and there has never stopped me from playing my thief, but simply erasing the core mechanism of my gameplay breaks the class to me.
Anet has basically erased pistols from thieves and well, in this game in particular, it’s not a stretch to say that the class choice is heavily influenced by the weapons.
Welp, looking at my alts roster, I guess it’s time for me to learn how to mesmer
Hummm… what happened now ?
I’m quite sure yesterday my pistol range was longer than it is now. It’s back to 900 baseline with no means to raise it.
Seriously ?!!!! What’s next, having all of our bullets bouncing back to our heads ?!
^^^ Yup!
The advantage here is that you don’t have to throw away your stolen skill to Steal, making it more flexible. Really enjoying it so far.
Ah I see. Will you eventually have to use it, or can you i.e stack multiple ones?
Everytime you steal the new one replaces the old one
Yeah, the excuses they gave are ridiculous. “Too much RNG” isn’t even accurate, I felt it was very consistent over long term use. Especially given that Unload fires so many rounds, the randomness of the ricochet evens out over time. And that’s hardly a reason to remove it entirely. It hurt nothing in PVP, and was fun as hell in PVE.
I’m not exaggerating for emphasis in any way when I say Ricochet was the only thing that made me look forward to logging in and running around the game in recent days. The fact that they can so callously remove it with such baffling, nonsensical reasons given is just completely mystifying to me.
Anet please put it back, it’s not even a trait that broke the game like AT ALL. It was just FUN to have. I don’t recall anyone raging against that trait in particular when talking about thieves.
So please just
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631
The expansion being expensive is a whole different topic to it including the core game.
If you want to pay less, then I guess wait a year or so until the price drops.Get the kitten out kittening fanboy scum. ArenaNet are lying and overpricing their game, don’t you see it.
I totally agree with your thread.
But really there’s no need to be rude to other people. You’ll just look silly and lose credibility.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631
Maybe if you gave me season 1 for free , brought back sab and gave me 4 extra character slots then maybe.
This reminds me of gw1 collectors edition which i got for 15 euros and had all the games, and the people that bought all the expansions normally .
Basically that’s what should have happened if they followed with the logic of “free core game”.
The “free core game” comes with 5 slots. And new players get the possibility to use one of those slots for revenant while getting the full experience of both games.
Veterant players get zero additional slot and pay the same price, so by just buying the expansion, they can’t enjoy revenant, and virtually throw away the equivalent of 5 slots (the “free new core gw2 account”) by tying their HoT copy to their account.
And that’s without getting into the comparison of core/HoT content
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631
I share the same opinion as the OP.
(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631
How self-entitled must one be to believe they deserve more than what they’re paying for?
How blind must one be to pay more than the real value of a product, while others get to have a 50$ discount.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631
I think the backlash of the pricing is self-explanatory.
If anet did it right, there might still have been some complaints but not the threads burst in the forums happening now.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631
It doesn’t matter what ANet meant. The players are speaking, and they have time to change it.
They WON’T remove the core game free with expansion. As bad as you think this backlash may be, that would even be worse. It would be removal of a feature, which is probably the one of the worst things you can do in a game. And it’s up for prepurchase, so there’s already money involved.
They’ve made their decision with this. The best they can do is to compensate existing players, no moving backwards.
They already “moved backwards” by making the core game free and basically saying “kitten you” to those who bought the core game recently because they thought it was required.
Also, if they correct their pricing/content balance, they can still offer gems to those who already bought their own copy
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631
To clarify: $50 is the price of the expansion. We included the core game as a free bonus to make it easier for new players to get into it.
In this case you favour new players only and ignore old members. In my opinion if new players receive free core game, old players should get other type of bonus, example X number of gems.
We don’t even get one extra slot…
WTF !!!
The only joy I had with my thief was bounce/porting between foes with shadow-shot traited with ricochet !!!
That’s just plain stupid ! It’s not like pistol builds broke the game.
(also it’s obvious with my post I’m against it being just tied up to unload. BUT if it’s baseline to ALL number 3 attack involving pistols I’m in. So I can still shadow shot bounce between ennemies. But then again, some won’t like bouncing randomly when weilding d/p so, no I’m against that idea of tying ricochet to one skill)
(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)
heart quests in guild wars 2 heart of thorns?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631
Heart of Thorns will be, ironically, heartless.
slow claps
I personally like it
- * farts *
Chris Pratt
Ventari more like…
Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631
The main reason it’s unlikely to happen is our unique number 3 property. Unlike other professions, our number 3 is a dual weapon skill. Which means, if we get an offhand weapon they’ll have to create a number 3 skill for every 1 handed combinations available.
So we’ll get a two handed weapon, because it’s easier for them to make.
No, its not a problem. Just look at Ele. It wont happen cause dagger/sword would be silly.
Ele’s number 3 isn’t a combination. It’s only a thief feature. When you unequip off hand with thief, number 3 changes, if you unequip off hand with ele, number 3 doesn’t change.
It’s this property :
(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)
Thief specialization: Fencer (sword off-hand)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631
The main reason it’s unlikely to happen is our unique number 3 property. Unlike other professions, our number 3 is a dual weapon skill. Which means, if we get an offhand weapon they’ll have to create a number 3 skill for every 1 handed combinations available.
So we’ll get a two handed weapon, because it’s easier for them to make.
Racial Skills: Their place in the future
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631
I would like them to get specific slots (like F6 +), so they really become additional content based on your race instead of being completely overwritten by other utilities.
But anet seems to be so busy trying to balance every single skill and trait and stat, over and over again, I don’t think they want to handle even more balancing with race skills.
It seems they intend to make race almost purely cosmetic.
I wouldn’t be against them focusing more on the lore than balancing though (with small side quests, side stories, racial features, description for legendaries… ).
Then again, that’s the opinion of a player who mainly focuses on pvE (with occasional WvW) and I understand everyone has their own way of enjoying the game.
(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)
I just wish guild halls are instances with the same principle as the silverwaste map.
The forts have destructible contents, and we work to protect them.
It would be so cool if guildhalls were subject to occasional monster invasions at random times so that guild members would have to stop (or not they are free) whatever they are doing to protect their HQ.
It would bring new dynamic content that would reinforce the sense of community within the guilds
Everything I’ve seen with voxels turns destructible objects into immersion-destroying minecraft blocks.
No thanks
That’s the kind of thing people used to say when games went from 2D to 3D. Give it some time and in the future it will be a must have.
But anyway, as someone said, I don’t think it’s possible in this game.
I really just use P/P causally. I feel it doesn’t really need those traits to be effective. Stealth-Move Away-Unload-Cripple-Bleed-Escape. They are dead.
When you use stealth as a mechanism invigorating precision isn’t even a problem for you. Obviously that build decision doesn’t concern you.
Also it’s a mistake to use unload if you’re stealthed. Number 1 deals a good amount of damage while adding a stack of bleed and uses zero initiative. So the scenario you described wasn’t really p/p material
Some use pistols as a CC AND a healing tool while not relying on stealth.
But with the trait rework, it kinda feels like it’s not worth sacrificing a whole traitline to just have one of the two aspects, making the pistols look bad in comparison to other weapons.
number 3 as healing + cc ability, was the only thing that could barely make p/p compete with shortbows.
(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)
Longbow will be out because Guards got them. Anet won’t use the same weapon twice.
So staff and LB out. Wasn’t against either
Nothing anywhere said they cant/wont use the same weapon for different classes elite spec.
They have enough weapons to not make one redundant, so yeah, there’s little to no chance we’ll get two specializations with the same new weapon.
At the very bottom is a video
Just watched the video, they didn’t really justify the choice of putting ricochet and invigorating precision in the same section aside from “we feel like it makes sense”.
My thought is, they aren’t really aware of the type of builds pistol users really rely on.
If they did some research about that, I would’ve expected them to at least adress the IP+ricochet type of build and justify how they can still be viable even with one of the two traits removed.
I guess it’s normal, they have to deal with all of the classes, they wouldn’t see the end if they had to neatpick on every single build for every classes.
But I think, for that reason, we have to make them aware that having to choose between invigorating precision and ricochet is a real bad decision.
I got trolled like right now, when I saw the core specializations of thieves and realized my pistols are going to become obsolete for my play style… and I just finished crafting my quip not long ago.
Thieves are getting 2 handed warhorn.
I’ve been waiting like forever for that feature. NICE !!!!
Chance to buy specializations individually?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631
The problem with that suggestion is that the specializations are tightly linked to the expansion.
You unlock specialization skills by exploring HoT. In the long run each specialization will be associated to different regions of the world.
Asking for the possibility of getting specialization through gem store (without HoT), would be like asking to be able to buy 100% map completion through gem store.
But then, if you’re talking about pvp content, I think people will automatically be able to change to their respective specialization since people are supposed to be given the same tools to fight.
tl;dr :
Not happening in PvE and WvWvW.
Pvp might include specializations by default.
(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)
Give us player housing first, and THEN suggest the furnature. Thankyou
Guild Halls are their answer to that. Personal housing is never going to be a thing, I don’t think, and frankly I don’t think it should be.
The personal home instance is already there though.
May as well see it through with complete housing.
Speculation on elementalists new weapon
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Tabootrinket.2631
chopping pistol
They confirmed it 4 years ago.… I mean, DragonCommando™
Wrong class. :P
grandmaster power trait : full commando.
Unequip your pants to triple your damage.
Just check out the difference between ascended medium leggings for male and female.
It explains everything by itself
(ps : I have no female human but the skin is the same)
(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)
There’s already an arena in Charr city which is like completely desert.
That place is ideal
For example :
– ennemies that are invulnerable unless the first attack is a surprise attack (which requires stealthy classes).-ennemies that only get temporarly vulnerable after getting blocked.
- ennemies that take damage only when burnt, or chilled, or stunnned, etc…
- ennemies that take damage only by Aoes.
-ennemies that take damage only by Aoe heals
-ennemies that take damage only when feared
- energy walls that blocks and hurt you unless you apply reflect Aoe on it
- poisonous areas that can be cleansed only while healing aoe is applied on it.
Just out of interest, I decided to see which classes could do what.
1: Thief, Engineer, Ranger, Mesmer. Any Norn
2: Mesmer, Ranger, Elementalist, Warrior, Guardian
3: This one I can’t kitten without a specific condition
4: Every Class
5: Every Class, though if it’s the only way to do any damage, thieves, necromancers, ranger would have a lot of time in which they’re waiting for the cooldown on their one AoE heal to come back up.
6: Every Class
Oh cool, have fun filling all of your trait lines to grandmaster all at once and using all of your utilities at once too. Also let’s stack all the existing runes on the armor set.
(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)
I’m not sure why you guys want hard content in open world, that’s asking for a nightmare of logistic. A bunch of casual will stumble onto open world hard content, wipe the group because the boss will scale and then the casual players will spend the rest of their gaming evening receiving salty insults, death threats or whatever other nonsense angry competitive gamers can do.
WoW has hard content but they put it in raid instances so guilds can deal with people not pulling their weight. But with world events, the hardworking guilds have no control over who gets to do an encounter so this is just going to ruin the community and promote elitism.
I think it’s about time Arenanet kills the “zerk-only” meta and introduces raids to their game so people who want really hard content can get it without ruining the community because an open world event was ruined by a bunch of newbies.
Ironically, your mindset is the mindset of elitists.
You just want to seclude hard contents to instances so newbies won’t screw it up. As those instances grow older, they will become less and less accessible to those said newbies.
But look at what happened to Tequatl. People used to screw it up over and over. But they learnt how to do it. And those who know how to do it teach the way to the new ones. And those ones have the opportunity to learn the mechanism and then contribute and teach to other new ones.
But if Tequatl was an instanced event, it would turn into some kind of Arah dungeon where you have just small opportunities to get to learn. Newbies would get the pressure of veteran elitists who’ll just tell them to watch video guides before coming etc etc.
I’m personally looking forward an underwater expansion with the sea dragon.
People may disagree with me, but that’s just because currently, there’s not much mechanism to play with underwater and it just messes with the above land builds.
If they do an underwater expansion, it is sure to be revamped with specializations that will make people finally enjoy underwater combat.
I’m sure people would love underwater contents if those have dedicated trait lines (which doesn’t interfere with land trait lines) with well-thought properties for each class.
And I’m sure at some point underwater expansion will be the most pertinent move, because it would really bring fresh air to a gameplay we’ll all get to know by heart.
Seriously, there’s a lot of potential in underwater contents. C’mon ! 3D fights !
(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)
Guild wars 2 has one of the most beautiful landscapes I’ve seen in the mmo genre.
And especially the towns, they are all so well crafted.
I find it sad that once you’ve 100% completed them, there’s basically no point to explore them anymore.
What I suggest is having a small independent team to create small quests triggered by talking to citizens or interacting to objects.
Something like investigations, dismantling small groups of bandits in remote parts of the streets, finding lost objects, etc.
they would reward you with currency like karma, but specific for each city to buy… something.
Those quests don’t even need to have voiced characters in it, just texts.
The idea is to give some life in those cities that are visually stunning, but kinda feel dead as they are right now.
(what I have in mind is small individual events like the book in Godslost swamp summoning a demon, or the statue somewhere in the snowy mountains where you have to kneel to trigger a fight, but more extended. Those don’t even need to feature fights, but deliver a bit of backstory for the cities).
The rewards don’t even need to be something great (well those are small tasks compared to the living story).
But I think it would be refreshing to go back to small scale tasks once in a while in between epic wars against dragons and stuff.
(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)