Showing Posts For Teratus.2859:

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Not Sure If I’ve added mine before.. but here’s my Necro

Head- Flame Legion Mask
Sholders- Flame Legion Epaulets
Chest- Soul of Koda
Gloves- Flame Legion Wraps
Legs- Inquest Breeches
Feet- Flame Legion Shoes
Back- Static Tempered Spinal Blades
Extra- Thoughtless Potion (Devil horns)
Dye- Abyss
Weapon skins- Occam’s Wand + Occam’s Razor/Zojja’s Reaver + Gaze


Triple trouble massive fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I’ve never managed to beat this boss
tried adn tried but never managed to get on a organized server for it.. unfortunately thats put me off completely

DR... can we have a clear explanation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I’ve had my fare share of issues with Droprates as well

for example I spend several hours farming tree nodes for Firefox clusters a few days back and after compining about it in map chat the day later I find 2 of them in the first and second node I find in Drytop and then another 2 in the same node the day later..

I also spent days running around collecting Buried chests for utter garbage rewards 20+ keys wasted and then yesterday again after compaining in map about droprate I opened 11 chests in one sandstorm and got 2 exotic nomads recipies 3 rare weapons and 2 Exotic Adventurers scarfs..

from recent experience it seems that complaining about droprate in map makes me lucky lol

but seriously though I’ve had a lot of bad luck with droprates in the past
it took me almost a years worth of playing to find my first random exotic drop while wearing magic find armor for almost the whole year

it seems I have on and off days randomly.. sometimes I find many rares and some exotics in a short time and then most days the only rares I can find are guaranteed drops..

Droprate in this game seems very very random

Request: Bring back Tribal Armor skin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I’ve been playing about with the Wardrobe lately and I came accross a Armor skin I’ve never seen before

It’s called Tribal Armor and it is a old Pvp Wolf chest exclusive reward from what I’ve read that can no longer be obtained in the game

I’ve never been much into pvp which is why i’ve never heard of this skin before
but this armor skin looks really cool and since it’s no longer obtainable in the game im making this thread as a last ditch effort to obtain the skin

I don’t really care how you bring the skin back whether it be a reward, a karma skin or even a gem store purchase
I just want this skin
if you could put this back into the game as a obtainable skin I would be very grateful ^^ even if I have to buy it with gems

I really hope someone takes this request into consideration and makes this happen ^^
It would be really nice to have this skin ^^

Open World Portions of story are bad

in Living World

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I’d like for Open world content to be like the Dry top stuff

that worked really well
as far as story related developments go.. I would much prefer it instanced
we are supposed to be the Hero after all..
as far as personal lore goes we are the only player character in the game..
it does break that illusion having open world content like that and it’s even worse when people simply use the new content to farm loot bags >.<

Mordremoth's play on her grief?

in Living World

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Pale Tree and Mordremoth are linked somehow

Sylvari were originally noted to be immune to Dragon corruption and yet we seen Scarlet driven insane and corrupted by Mordremoth

My best guess would be that the Pale tree is related to Mordremoth much like Glint was to Kralkatorrick

a being freed from the Dragons control
Mordremoth has reached as far as Iron Marches so I would not be surprised if he was able to attack all of the Major cities at the same time if he wanted too

I have no idea how the story is going to play out though but I have a good feeling that The Grove is going to get utterly destroyed in a future update
which will be cool but will also suck since it’s such a wonderful place

Foxfire Cluster drop rate

in Living World

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Thats What I was thinking about doing
run some dungeons and buy them lol
im in no rush though I have everything I need besides the FoxFire drops
I put my bid on the TP and im just gonna wait until they are worth nothing and buy them when my bid becomes the highest lol

Drop rate of Unidentified Dye

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I miss getting dye drops too

was fun opening one up and seeing if I get a new dye ^^

Most played/fun class at the moment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Dunno what you will enjoy but personally I am loving the Regen Warrior, Hybrid Necro and BowZerker Ranger
but im also getting into Guardian Tank aswell lately which im enjoying quite a lot
Knockback Engineer is quite enjoyable too but doesn’t work that well against some enemies (immune to knockback naturally)

Kicked from Fractals for playing what I enjoy

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Teratus.2859


My First character was a Ranger and Im running a full Zerker full bow build
I kite and keep myself out of danger while maintaining my DPS

I don’t play fractals or dungeons with him though mainly because I hate playing with arrogant douchbags who insist on map breakouts and stacking around corners because they lack the skill to actually play the game properly

im more than happy to take noobs into dungeons and get them experienced and yet the slightest mistake by one member and he’s kicked…

I hate these people and I hate playing with them.. they ruin dungeons for everyone who doesn’t consider themselves a hardcore dungeon runner..

I know my builds work I’ve taken down enough champion group event bosses completely solo to know they work

and im sick of seeing newer players kicked out of dungeon groups because some zerker warrior ahole gets downed and blames the groups dps instead of admitting that he can’t dodge for crap and his build has zero survivability

the noob aint holding the group back its the idiot calling himself a pro and getting killed all the time

Sohothin? [Spoiler discussion]

in Living World

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I’d like to see Rurik return
even if if is just through Sohothin (like Rurik binds his spirit to the sword to make it more powerful or something)

although we still don’t know whats going on with Magder either
Last thing we know is that Eir was gonna take it to a blacksmith to get it repaired
considering whats going on it would be odd if Magder didn’t show up in the story

Micromanaging Scruffy was terrible.

in Living World

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I don’t like Scruffy
I hope he gets a blue screen of death and dies lol
I didn’t have this problem though
just set him to follow and slaughtered everything myself with my Hybrid Necro
was a cake walk

Foxfire Cluster drop rate

in Living World

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Ran around several maps the other day harvisting T5 wood nodes for absolutely nothing

hours of playtime completely wasted

im not even going to bother farming these things
they clearly have a pathetically low drop rate for some people and drop stupidly common for others

Open World Portions of story are bad

in Living World

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Eir* im sure you can handle that Sons of Svanir Camp alone.. it will really make your case stronger..

after open world content

Eir* I knew you could hand this all alone

Me thinking* how the hell did she not notice the other 150 people here 5 minutes ago farming the champions :S

Zephyrites Tiers - Not enough players

in Living World

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Recipies sure.. i’ve opened tons of chests and havent even found a kitten fossil yet XD

typical really
one new weapon set I love and I have no hope in hell of ever getting one.. good troll Anet thanks alot

Crown Shard disappointment

in Living World

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I have to agree with OP

I enjoyed this story segment but the buggy world events blocking progress and the really dull crown piece collecting were pretty big disappointments..

I do like ths story direction this is going though but I would prefer it to remain instanced for the most part
I do not like getting excited for new content only to get screwed by a progress blocking bug.. and that crown piece gathering was nothing more than a waste of money traveling from Wp to Wp with nothing even making the cown a challenge to obtain

hell how did our pc even know where they all were?
Rytlock didn’t give us his piece to find them
he just said.. oh we need this broken crown go find it… it only took me years to find this one piece but im sure you will magically know where the rest are…. sorry but that was really kitten and disappointing

Living Story: Less Dialogue Please

in Living World

Posted by: Teratus.2859


No, no, no. More dialogue is better. I play the Living World episodes for the story, not for the achievements. The achievements are fun little things to do after I complete the story, but they are far from being the main reason I play each episode. That, and I also happen to like weapon and armor skins, so those sorts of rewards tend to draw me in as well. And I love titles, give us more titles, ArenaNet!

More titles yes

Just look at thirst slayer.. the hell man why aint there no title for that
they expect us to pay all that cash and karma for all those drinks, wear out several mice through thousands of double clicks only to say yay I just wasted a solid months worth of cash and karma and my right hand is crippled and all i got was a couple of Achievement points and nothing to show for it..

come on.. even Gw1 had a drinking title and that required a hell of a lot less work than gw2’s did to max out

Living Story: Less Dialogue Please

in Living World

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I’m one of those who could care less about story or dialogue…

The fact that Season 2 has been a TON of unskippable talking drives me nuts.

I only want to play the game… I only do the Living Story for 2 reasons.
1) get the green message off from the top right corner of my screen
2) get the easy AP and rewards.

The only thing I agree with you on is the skipping

you should have the option to skip the movie clips specially on the second playthrough

but cutting down story dialogue? hell no we need more of that
if you are not interested in the story or lore then that’s your problem although personally I don’t even know why you bother play RPG’s if that’s the case but each to their own

We need more story though but we also need the option to skip the cutscenes
then everybody is happy

Rytlock Ritual End Fight

in Living World

Posted by: Teratus.2859


The encounter was a bit aggravating. Trying to take care of a mender ghost while being feared for like 5 seconds, no joke. I managed to do it without dying once, but it was only thanks to using a short bow(thief) so some of the surrounding ghosts were nearly dead and I could rally off them.

I hate Fear
it’s such a player screwing condition..
it’s only real use is in Pvp against other players
in pve it’s almost compeltely useless since many enemies are completely immune to the stupid condition and they are the ones that you need it the most for champions etc

and im not talking defiant here im talking about complete immunity to it..
talk about a useless condition

Yet another time gated back pack.

in Living World

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I have no problem with new back items etc

I do have a problem with stupid things like making them require a item that rarely drops from Tier 6 tree nodes and then spending hours running around maps not being able to find any since the megaserver completely screwed up the node map website thus being forced to rely on stupid tier 5 tree nodes which I can find everywhere and then after running around 6 maps wasting hours of my time only to not get a single kitten drop… and it gets even better

and then it gets better
when I finally do get these 40 odd rare drops I can only make 1 item per day from them meaning I gotta wait around a week to finish the kitten things hell with this backpiece
there is no way in hell im spending hours running around harvisting tree nodes accross several maps every day for nothing while constantly seeing people in the map chat showing off that they just found 7 on one god kitten map

I swear my account must be bloody cursed or something because despite all my magic find my drop rate on anything higher than greens is complete and utter crap and has been since the game launched

Spectral flames?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I don’t know the hell is going on with these things
the only time I know of that they spawn is during the instanced story segment in barradins tomb

but I’ve encountered them accross multiple characters randomly through out Iron Marches
they don’t roam anywhere they literally spawn right next to you randomly and tbh I believe this is actually some sort of bug
I’ve been watching other players in the same area as me running around without any trouble then a couple of players seemingly being harassed by these things

I got downed 3 times just trying to use a merchant because of these stupid things
this has to be some sort of bug or something or perhaps a developer at ANet decided to play a practical joke on us..

either way this is very annoying so hopefully it will be gone soon
although I must admit I bet it makes the Shatterer encounter hilarious since everyone still stacks on the rock lol AOE knockback galore

Lvl 30 Dungeon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Hi, I am very new to this game. My experience here so far has been awesome. The game itself is very interesting, but I must say I kind of disappointed about not being able to do my first dungeon after reaching the required level for it. Every group I try to join via the LFG option I get kick because I am not level 80. I mean come on its a level 30 dungeon. I’ve been leveling up alone, and finally taught “yes its time to do a dungeon as a group and can’t”.

Sorry if this offends anyone, and please don’t criticize my grammar.

This is not new and it does put people off playing dungeon content
I went though it myself

if you aint level 80 and full zerkers most parties will just boot you out

it is very annoying and it really ruins this game

that being said there are people out there myself included who do not care about level or gear
If I see you looking for a party group I’ll be more than willing to join you providing you are on a EU server since I can’t play with American ones

[Vote] Best to worst downed skill profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I’d say Pet heal is the best and worst

it can really save you specially underwater in Pvp lol taken on 4 people at once thanks to that

but the problem is the Pet AI in gw2 is glitchy so half the time the skill doesn’t even work for me

call pet it runs to me and stands there.. no healing… death

this happens to me all the time..

also necro fear since a large number of high level enemies are immune to CC skills making this one completely useless in many scenarios

Increase Difficulty for Low lvl Areas by 10x

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Why not try running weaker gear..

honestly maxed out Zerker gear and you think lvl 1-15 zones are too easy… really?

make a new character and then get reaquinted with low level zones and maybe you will see how much of a silly idea this is

better yet make a new character after the feature patch update in which you wont get your traits until you hit level 30
then come back and say if the game is still too easy..

Zerkers gear is way OP anyway it’s hardy fair to make everyone else suffer because Zerkers is OP..

hell I went to WvW for the first time in over a year with my Zerker Ranger yesterday
one Barrage was enough to earn me a crapload of loot from dpsing a enemy zerg..
I was getting multiple kills every single second

Granted I could get utterly destroyed within a second myself but staying back and playing a dps role was stupidly OP and the loot proved it

if you want more challenge in low level areas then play on a lower level toon or play with a different setup
no need to make the zones harder because Zerkers gear is stupidly over powered


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Dwarf would be awesome, but I would prefer tengu first… Honestly love avian races.

Same here
they use the same frame as Charr too so it would not take too long to make them most probably

plus we need more beast races

Lets play a game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


/Rank.. one of the fun things I enjoy about pvp

Lets play a game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Necromancer… they just rock

Is hard Mode in Guild Wars 2 possible?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Im with Aidan here Hardmode in Gw2 is just not possible with PvE
at least not in the traditional way it was in Gw1

The only way Hardmode could work is if instead of buffing everything you the player instead gets a handicap
say 50% of all your stats taken away in return for 600% Magic find or something
this could work to some extent BUT in PvE this would be far too easy to abuse simply by organising a zerg of non HM players to help you farm..

I just cant see this happening tbh
there is just no way they can make a Hardmode work effectively without easy ways to abuse it

the only thing that even resembles Hardmode in Gw2 is fractals
why not give that a try on high levels

Condi dmg is 65%-76% less DPS vs bosses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I’ve always thought that if removing the stack cap was out of the question then why not just have conditions based on damage

say for example if Im in a event of 30 people and I am the only condition spec then since my conditions are doing the most damage my stacks would be more dominant over others

what really gimps the conditions spec is how a fully condition based Necro can be completely nullified by a power spec warrior with a sword

My super powerful Bleed stacks get completely replaced by other players who have no condition damage at all.. how is that fair

I won’t complain if Anet want a cap on stacks but at least make it so that condition spec characters are not being screwed over by other players

a stack of bleed that deals 300 dps should not be getting replaced by one that does 25 dps
that is the problem with condition specs in Pve and why most of us who play them run Hybrid builds or just prefer to solo champion level mobs

Damage Priority is greatly needed for condition builds
the more damage your conditions do then the better chance you have of being in the stack
meanwhile other characters with low Condi stat will not be replacing our superior damage with their weak bleeds etc


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


They still exist but they are all underground with exception to Ogden who remains on the surfice to keep everyone informed of what’s going on

But no they wont ever become playable as a race unless the Lore permits it which right now is unlikely

No new race in feature patch :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I wouldn’t expect a new Race anytime soon

the main candidates for playable races are Tengu, Kodan and Largos

if any of these races are to become playable it will be tied into the Lore and Story of Gw2
maybe the personal Story or more likely the Living world story

now that Mordemoth is awakening its not to far a assumption to say that a new Race isnt majorly far off but not soon either

If I had to guess I’d say the Tengu will be the first race to become playable
after all they did join us against Zhaitan.. somewhat despite their neutral stance in the world
Izu Steelshrike joined us as a weaponsmith in the personal story and he said and I quote
(the death of an Elder Dragon may spark renewed tengu interest into joining the other races in their fight against the dragons.)

This hints that Tengu are considering getting involved as the do recognise the Elder Dragons as a very severe threat to all races whether they are allied or not

What some may not know though is that the Dominion of Winds is actually having a little destroyer problem
which is probbaly the initial reason for the Tengu seeking out relationships with other races
there is also a deal between Soar Goldbeak and the Asura to build a Asura gate at the Hanto Trading Post although the Asura have not done so yet
presumably it is a precaution to a future prediction by Soar
my guess is that he predicts a massive attack on the Dominion of Winds by Destroyers or perhaps something else and that he knows when this happens the Tengu will not be able to win alone
but they are far to arrogant and nationalistic to ask for help
this portal may supply the Dominion with an army of players that will repel the attack and thus prove to the Tengu that they can trust us and that we are invaluable allies
not to mention that uniting with the other races is neccessary

at this point Tengu have the perfect oppertunity to become a playable race

still this is all speculation based off what we know about the game lore
but I would not rule the Tengu out because despite their looks they use the same framework as the Charr but with different annimations

it is very possible they will be the first race considered if a new race is to be added in the future

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Boss events are going to be put on stable timers between instances meaning it’ll all happen at once whether people want it or not.

Thanks Nexxius

Fused Gauntlet Ticket & The Wardrobe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Sweet I’ve still got this skin to
along with countless gemstore skins etc that I’ve bought and never used
nice to know they will be doubled up ^^

How about the Southsun skins?

I have both the Aqua breather and Sholder pad skins from the southson cove content ages back
its the same skin for all armor variations and I have one of each for all 3 armor tiers
does this mean just by equiping the light sholder skin and aqua breather I have access to the same skin on all of my toons regardless of armor tier or will I still have to equip all 3 of them on different tiers to unlock them?

im hoping the first one so I can sell the 2 extra skins for each item

Remove WvW from map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


For people who keep trying to find a distinction between PvE & PvP maps… can i remind you that the PvE maps/home world get benefits from the WvW score in a match up. If you folks can do without those bonuses then we are talking about a whole different animal vs world completion.

but honestly I never even notice those benefits while im playing in PvE

It would not bother me personally at all if they were removed from PvE and kept as exclusive WvW benefits

Remove WvW from map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


WvW has maps, right? It is also part of the Guild Wars 2 world. So if you want your World Completion, you must do all WvW maps too.

It does but Dungeons and PvP areas have Poi’s and Waypoints too so should they not also count?

this much has been said by several people in the thread as well

the problem is that WvW is a very competitive area full of elitist players who are really into the content
when hundreds of us PvE guys are running around trying to explore the map we are just wasting player slots on the map thus annoying ourselves when we get mobbed to death multiple times while also annoying the WvW players who are trying to gather people to take a well defended area

we are only there for map completion and are negatively effecting our servers WvW team

Remove WvW from map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


The difference here is that us PvE players are not harassing the WvW players for being in PvE.

PvE players don’t want to be in WvW
WvW players don’t want PvE players in WvW

The only cooperation I got to finish my 100% Explorer was when I said:

“Help me get the last 3 POIs and 2 VP and I’ll leave so you all get another WvW player. Until then I’m sitting here wasting a slot.”

I got a zerg escort to what I had left, I gave them all my siege prints and they told me to GTFO and stay out.

And I have 9 more characters to do this with.

Hahaha Im going to try that one XD

I know that feeling of GTFO and stay out though
had that on multiple occasions when I got caught exploring the map instead of mindlessly following a zerg around a series of outpost

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Ok I have one question and it would be greatly apreaciated if someone could PM me the answer since this is a highly active thread and i’ll probably miss a reply

but as someone who uses GW2stuff to monitor Boss events how are the timers going to work for the Megaserver maps?

how will we know which bosses are up on which map?
or will all bosses be timed to appear at the same time on the megaserver on every version of a duplicate map?

Sorry if this has been asked multiple times now but this thread is over 700 posts long and it’s my first time checking it

Remove WvW from map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Teratus: my advice was to take a few people at non-peak times. As I mentioned in my post, me and my 2 kids completed one whole BL map in about 30 mins on an early Sunday morning. There was just no one around. We weren’t taking anyone’s spot. One person called us cowards for running from a small skirmish, but whatever. We were having fun, and not there to fight. I do plenty of that in peak times with my guild

That’s cool but everytime I have looked at the WvW maps there are always ques
my Server is highly WvW active so rarely there isnt a que for the Borderlands maps and I have not noticed EB without a Que since… well.. ever there is always at elast 50 people quing for it at all times of the day
there is also the case of people who simply do not have access to WvW at certain points of the day
currently I can play anytime of the day although that will be gone starting next Monday since I am starting a course that will only permit me to play afternoons and weekends for the next year at least
so playing in peak times will be my only option..

this is one of the problems the Megaserver will hopefully fix though but still it is a problem that does effect a lot of people
the easier solution is to simply make WvW not count for that 100% marker

Stat Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I would actually like to see Healing power become more useful among certain proffesions

there are hardly any builds that really make good use of this stat and that is a shame

I know Anet is trying to avoid the Holy Trinity gameplay and I do like that but overall personal Healing is pretty much… stale if I may use that word

I main a Necromancer whom even with No points in Healing power is able to survive combat perfectly well with Consume Conditions and some toughness

granted this isnt a bad thing as toughness does make me quite tanky but my healing skill is powerful enough to keep me alive with no points spent in the stat at all..

that brings to question then that there is no point in even having a healing power stat…

I have read the notes though and I am definitely excited for the new traits etc
but I would like to see a bit more love for Healing power in the future

there are some AoE healing builds out there that are just sweet but they are limited to Guardian, Necromancer and Elementalist (at least those are the only ones I know about) but even those builds get criticized because they serve little purpose in the actual game.. and you can just as easily complete harder content like dungeons simply by having a team of Zerkers and stacking behind a pillar…

I believe this is one drawback to the lack of Holy Trinity

the only thing I can really think of is if somehow a damage effect could be added to Healing skills that gets increased by the healing power stat

that way Builds that focus on playing a supporting healing role would be able to increase their overall damage and serve more of a use in group based content
the biggest problem with playing a healing role is the damage you do overall is tiny

this would allow you to play a support role without having to completely sacrifice all of your damage output
granted you would still be doing significantly less damage than a Power built character but at least you will be able to provide a small bit of damage support while still being mainly a healing support role

at the very least it will encourage more people to play with healing power which is at the moment almost entirely neglected by the community

It would be nice considering Power and Condition damage are the only real stand alone stats that give you increased damage output

Critical damage is nice but it requires a combination of Precision to make it useful

I think getting a little extra damage from Healing Power would be a fun little change and it would not be too game breaking considering the Healing skills are the only skills that really utalize it and there really isnt many of them

just an idea anyway

Remove WvW from map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


To be fair also, doing the entire PvE map over and over must be just as boring as doing the same maps over and over in WvW. You do the same hearts, the same vistas, run into the same NPCs, come across the same events. Talk about boring. At least WvW can change up and be different ACTION.

I recommend trying to find a few others that need the same thing and as a group, go roaming off PEAK hours. You’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish. My kids and I did a whole WvW map on an early Sunday morning. It was dead. That being said, you may have to be more patient now that Season 2 has begun. It’s pretty intense on my server (silver league) right now; then again, we’re up against the top 2 in our league. By reset tomorrow it will probably be better.

Actually my server is utterly dominating the competition at the moment
im on Seafarers Rest which is a quite an active WvW server
We are currently beating Riverside by 260k to 190k and I feel sorry for those servers if there are people currently doing the same thing as me and trying to complete the maps

like you said going in groups is an easy way to complete the map but doing so means you first need to get a big enough group in the map (not easy with ques) and then once you’ve managed that you and your group are taking away multiple places on the map that could be filled with players who want to be there to help the server

it stems back to my point of map completion in WvW not benefiting anyone and if you keep dying you are only helping the enemy server that killed you..

Granted though Pve Is boring once you have completed the map once I agree with that completely
its why im always looking forward to new PvE content
and yes WvW does bring action no denying that but at the same time I could relate WvW to the Champion farms
running around the same areas capturing the same series of outposts..
that is just as boring to me as running around the same Champion events in Frostgorge or Queensdale..

add to that that WvW is a PvP area and personally I do not like PvP gameplay.. on any game for that matter
I like Co-Op multiplayer not PvP multiplayer
also add to that that dedicated Pvp areas are not added to World completion and that only supports my opinion that WvW should not be counted for Map completion either
specially since PvP maps contain unique areas while WvW contains 3 maps that are near perfect clones of one another..

in all fairness I would have less of a problem with this is PvP Pois and Waypoints were added to Map completion as well

If WvW must count for world completion then I agree with those who say that PvP should also count but since it does not I stand by my opinion that WvW which is also PvP content should also not count towards World completion either
that being said I agree that both of those opinions are totally justified even though I obviously support one of them more than the other

New Race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Yeah this is a topic that comes up a lot in the forums

Im also on board for Tengu to be playable
heck I’ve wanted to play as one since Guildwars 1

I’ve heard multiple times that in the original builds of Gw2 Tengu were originally planned as a race but eventually they were replaced with the Sylvari

they have a home instance located in the Sea of Sorrows called the Dominion of Winds which is connected to Lions arch and Caledon Forest (which would act as thier lvl 1 zone most probably)

the problem is from a Lore perspective the Tengu are fiercely Nationalistic and they do not trust the other races of Tyria at all
but they do trade with us while at the same time study us
it is known that they also have ancient information about the Elder Dragons but this Information is not known to the rest of the world so it is very likely that the Living story will focus on the Tengu at some point

this all falls into place that if they are to become a playable race it will be tied in with the Living story in the future
it is possible that the Dominion of Winds will become a playable area eventually and the Tengu will become involved with the battle against the Elder Dragons at some point
the whole point of the Gw2 Story is the coming together of all the Races to fight a common enemy (The Elder Dragons)
this includes all the advanced Races of Tyria along with the minor Races like Quaggen, Skrit, Hylek etc
The Tengu are a advanced race as are the Kodan who will also possibly have a part to play in the future of Gw2 (Jormag chaptor most likely) and maybe the Stone Dwarfs too when the Primordus chaptor comes along

Granted this is all entirely speculation on my part and this does not promise any more playable races

although I am all for Adding Tengu, Kodan and even Stone Dwarf as playable races when their respective Story arcs become the focus of the current storyline if they do it that way

but honestly though nobody knows what Anet are doing so all we can do is speculate and come up with our own theories etc about what is possibly going to happen in the future of this game
then again that’s part of the fun huh ^^
and we were right about Mordemoth to some degree hehe

Can you nerf stacking on Shatterer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


thats sounds so unfair, why they should change the stacking at shatterer just to make one achievement obainable for a few people?

is not a bug or anything, the problem is that people think everything is automatic just to follow the zerg, you should do it before zerging every boss became popular, try doing more boss events by yourself or just with a party ,

try shatterer in a hour with less people around, even if you have to do it by yourself crystals will spawn at the sentinels attaking shatterer if you keep them alive, they can also spawn at npc near mortars, now i dont remember if you have to succeed the event after destroying the crystals…..

The stacking in the safe spot is not a bug but it does need to be removed

its one of the reasons the Shatterer is such a laughable boss

the safe spot is a byproduct of poor boss design.. not to offend Anet there but Shatterer is badly designed because of this ability to stand next to him without being at risk of even taking a single hit..
as a Champion of Kral he poses no threat to the players because of this exploit
Both Claw and Teq have mechanics in play that prevent you from doing this as do many of the other world bosses for that matter

Shatterer has been long overdue for some tweeking tbh
I know a lot of people wont agree with me but I know alot of people do agree with me

but standing next to Shatterer the way people do is exploiting the mess up in the bosses design
Anet however have not fixed this probbaly because its simply a minor issue that requires too much attention that they simply don’t have the time for right now

it took a whole living world update to give Teq a upgrade and they barely changed much of his physical annimation etc

upgrading shatter I would think is a much bigger task but it is not a priority so they haven’t got around to it yet

Remove WvW from map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


You know, just a suggestion. If you’re going for map completion over 10 toons, you should take each one and gather each vista and point of interest each time you change colors. Finish it while you’re doing map completion, not at the end.

I’m sure you were red plenty of times before that stretch of not being red. If you took one of those opportunities, you would not be having any issues.

I could do that but most of my toons are not even level 80 yet so they would just get destroyed in WvW
not to mention the sheer boredom of running the same 4 maps over and over with 8 different toons specially when 3 of them are identical O.o

but to be fair you do make a good point that would save me time in the long run so I’ll gladly accept that advice

Remove WvW from map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Enough to ‘buy’ them, but you need the achieve the rank before the NPC will actually sell them to you. So yes you’d have the currency required without playing WvW, but not the ability to spend it.

That must be a new addition because my current WvW Rank is 6 but I already have the Gift of Mastery which requires the Gift of Battle to create

The Wiki says you need at least Rank 14 which I have not hit
and I know I am only Rank 6 since I hit it last night.. but I have had this gift for about 6-7 Months.. so it must have been added recently or I must have hit the required Rank in the past and never even noticed then Ranks were reset or something.. I dunno I don’t pay attention to the WvW news
either way I have the gift I even logged in and checked while typing this

If I remember correctly I got it after I aquired the Spear Precursor since I already had the required Items on hand and I wanted to get rid of some Obby shards since I had around 1000 of them at the time and needed the bank space

Remove WvW from map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Bob, I was responding to the people assuming it was about Legendary weapons, and answering by stating that getting a Legendary should include WvW.

As I pointed out IF it was for a Legendary then it wouldn’t be an issue anyway.

As that’s the case, it’s only an issue for people who don’t want a Legendary, therefore, assuming the OP wants a Legendary is irrelevant, because if that was the case he’d also be complaining about the Gift of Battle.

True although the Gift of Battle isn’t a issue for me considering how many badges I got from all the achievement chests I have unlocked.. 11, 114 points so far so that’s 21 chests I think…
well more than enough Badges for Gift If I want it

but yeah this thread would be invalid if my focus was for a legendary since you are correct about needing the badges

all im after is the World completion not the items for a legend

So about those giants...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I try not to get myself too hyped up either. Nothing is guaranteed, not even that I’ll wake up tomorrow, so I just take things as they come. I still keep adding my voice to the cantha thread, so that they know we’re still waiting. I won’t give up hope until they tell us absolutely ‘no,’ but I’m not going to let that deter my enjoyment either. If that makes sense?

Cantha was one of my favorite places too. Shing Jea and Echovald Forest were beautiful places with equally beautiful music.

Yeah I understand

I too will keep my voice into Canthan threads for the same reason
Shing Jea was my favorite place thanks to all the waterfalls
im a sucker for waterfalls XD I could lay next to one and relax for hours ^^
I just love the noise they make (its also why Magnus Falls being a possible area being added to Gw2 is a happy bit of news for me)

I did like the Echovald Forest too because of the Gothy theme and atmosphere ^^
if my lore is corerct too I belive the Jade sea has turned back to normal too so I will be eager to explore that if Cantha becomes available again ^^
I love Underwater content in Gw2 I just wish there was more of it
Kessex Hills lake was one of my favorite places before they destroyed it… bloody Krait grr lol

Remove WvW from map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


The only reason For you want a Map completion, is the Gift of Exploration (Used for legendarys).

If you Want a legendary, you pretty much need to play every aspect of the game. Is not something to anyone. Is something to someone that has put effor on it.

And for last, if you want to craft a legendary, you neeed rank 20 in wxw and 500 badges of honor to buy gift of battle. So, you’ll end up needing to do wxw anyway.

I don’t see a problem here.

Honestly I just want the golden star and the counter on my character page to say 100% completion when I look at the toon
that’s it

I don’t like leaving things half finished
I have 10 characters and I plan to complete the map 100% with all of them
the gifts are of little use to me I’ll just put them in the bank with the rest of them
I have a precursor spear but only because I like the skin
I have no intention of making it into a Legendary unless I stock up the items I need through normal play
im not going to farm it because I don’t care enough to want the Legendary skin
I have thousands of Badges of Honor thanks to all my unlocked achievement chests and the little time I have spent in WvW following a zerg hoping they go to a Poi or vista I needed
not to mention the additional ones i got from the WvW Jp which I’ve done a decent bit of in the past since its a long and fun one when you are not being ambushed in the dark room by annoying thieves..

So about those giants...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859



You should know by now that this means nothing. There were ‘no plans’ for a wardrobe either. Only that it wasn’t off the table and it was something they might want to do.

Cantha has been stated as not being off the table. Additionally at one point, I believe it was Chris W that said we just had to ‘wait and see.’ When asked still, all they say is its ‘not off the table.’

So, yeah, not going to discount something just because there are ‘no plans’ (that they are willing to disclose).

yeah I get what you are saying

im just the kind of person who doesn’t like disappointment :P
so I try not to get my hopes up about things I really really want

Cantha was by far my favorite place in Gw1
I don’t want to expect it because it would really bother me if it never comes back and I expected it to

plus if it does come back in some big announcment then im all the more justified in being ecstatic about it

Can you nerf stacking on Shatterer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


It’s not a bug
sometimes the crystals do form but the dps in the area is just so high you probably wont notice them spawn since they die so fast

I’ve got a thread on Shatterer needing a rework as well with the main focus being the broken stacking safe spot that completely ruins this boss fight

Remove WvW from map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


My main has been stuck at 99% world completion for a month now because I need two vistas in the red borderland (both in the keep just south of the red spawn). Over the past weeks we’ve been green three times, and now we’re blue.


That was the same problem I had with my Main last year
it took me 5 months to get the colour i needed to finish Eternal Battlegrounds
funny enough my server was stuck with green for most of that

we were green first for two rounds then we were blue then green again then after 5 months we were Red which was what I needed…