Showing Posts For Teratus.2859:

More Auric/Exalted gear plz

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I can’t get enough.. These Auric Weapons are magnificent.. the Exalted Glider is marvelous

for the love of Grenth please add Auric Armor sets or outfit(must use Auric cause Exalted already exists) with a Auric arrow Quiver skin and general back item too ^^

I love Gw2 but I do get quite tired of finding armor and weapons that go together..

what I really want to see is more sets of armor/weapons/outfits/backitems and quivers (which are hugely neglected by the devs)
there are plenty of nice weapon sets in the game but many of them just don’t look good with most armor combinations..

we need more sets.. like the Order gear for example ^^

Remove Charged Quartz Crystal gating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I’ll summersize your entire post:

- give us stuff for free

Does that about hit the nail on the head?

I’m not going to even go into gold gathering or gaining. If you can’t be bothered to play silverwastes, gather materials, play halloween (or other events), do boss events, etc. : in short, play the game. No wonder you are having gold issues. As is one can easily farm 100 gold in 2-4 hours without trading post flipping or other fancy stuff. Just sell your loot on the trading post, done.

No that does not hit the nail on the head.. far closer to you missed the nail and shattered a kneecap tbh..

I am actually curious how you got give us free stuff from that long and detailed post

removing the time gate would do nothing other than speed up the process of crafting an old item that many people already have..
there is no reason why older items like this should still be time gated..
you still have to put in the work and it would more than likely encourage people to buy from the TP.. essentially giving these items more value as people are more likely going to buy them when they are soo close to finishing their desired item..

Time gates exist purely to prevent people completing new content too quickly and getting bored and having nothing to do.. that’s why Anet add them to the game
but after several months.. to years later those time gates are completely pointless and do nothing but turn people off those Items..

Why bother going after Mawdry now when you could be going after the Fractal backpack or the legendary backpack or any other ascended class backpack

see my point yet?

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


You’re welcome ^^

Im very curious as to if the Egg will be a good or bad Dragon… there is no way to tell atm

can you imagine if its bad?
the power of 2 Elder Dragons currently linger in the Egg..
what if it hatches with the power of 3… 4… 5 Dragons..

It would be thee most powerful being in Tyria..
and if it turns out to be bad.. well we are quite doomed lol
and even if we could kill it.. the power of all those Dragons released back into the world at once.. I dread to think of the damage that could do..

but lets be honest.. I am super excited to find out

Tangled Depths is a nightmare for me

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I agree. The map is awful. The events should have something saying if is below or up. Because is really stressful I’m trying to reach the events and every time I find them they are finished because I lose to much time trying to find them.

The events actually do have a arrow marker showing if you are above them or below them..

the main problem is that if you don’t know how to get to the event.. then you can’t participate lol

I’ve seen quite a few coms asking for more people only to be met with quite a bit of map chat spam of people who have no idea how to get to the event lol
I do see the humor in it but it does wear thin pretty quickly when you just can’t find your way to where you want to go

Elite Specializations and Build Templates

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


It’s probably more to do with how GW2 was at initial launch. You had to pay to respec, it wasn’t until about 2 year in to the games life that they scraped it. That’s one of the reasons I have so many warriors, I originally had one for each roll, DPS, support, CC and full on tank, now I don’t really need this many warriors, but I keep them as they are geared for there job, and it’s easier to just get them DPS gear.

I would love a template system like in GW1. It was amazing, and people could share builds with ease. The only down side to this, is that it takes away part of learning your class, but then we already have websites for people who want premade builds.

I understand.. I am also for this feature in Gw2.. It was something I loved about the original
Im just not sure if its possible in Gw2.. not without some heavy work anyway
I also have multiple toons for different builds.. so I’d also loose out a little on templates but it’s still something I really want too

HOT: What have we learned so far? Spoilers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


1. Scarlet was Mordremoths first awoken champion..
waking the Dragon and freeing the Sylvari would be her way of saving her species..
The Dragons destroy everything.. all life..
Scarlet naturally thought the best way to save her own would be to release them to the Dragon..
It’s likely that Scarlet didn’t even know she was being enslaved..
listen to Faolins Dialogue.. and other fallen Sylvari..
they consider the Dragons embrace freedom.. it warps their minds like that
or it could be possible that Scarlet wasn’t Scarlet at all.. and was directly being controlled by Mordremoth himself.. also a possibility

3. Glint was originally going to become a Elder Dragon..
with the death of Kralkatorrick Glint would have taken his place.. essentially becoming an allied Elder Dragon.. that was originally the plan that.. well didn’t happen as we all know
Upon Zhaitans death we learned that an Elder dragon releases massive levels of magic back into the world.. which then goes to feed another Dragon making it even more powerful..
in this case.. Mordremoth who absorbed Zhaitans power.. this is why Mordremoth is considered soo much more powerful than Zhaitan as well
Glint’s Egg it our counter to this..
our way to kill the Elder Dragons without making the others stronger
this is very obvious to us as the player.. even though our characters have not yet worked this out
the end goal will be the same as the original though.. we will create a new Dragon through Glints egg that will contain the power of all the fallen Elder Dragons..
whether that Dragon is good or bad is totally up in the air right now

4. Mordremoth isn’t a Dragon.. not in the traditional sense by design anyway..
there were many hints of this such as him saying I am this world in the trailer
or in the living world someone mentions the vines being part of Mordremoth etc
a lot of people bring up the Maw we see in cutscenes to prove he has a physical Dragon form.. but its far more likely that Maw is the Mouth of Mordremoth we fight in the Dragons Stand meta event..

If you really want to get an idea of what Mordremoth looks like in some form of context then think of the Pokemon Tangela

sarcastic jokes aside which I know people will want to make :p
like mordyboots lol

Tangela and Mordremoth both share a design concept in that they are seen as a swarming mass of vines with a sentient something inside.. a brain or for better use of the word.. Heart.. (Heart of Thorns ring a bell)
he isn’t a Dragon like design.. like Teq or Shatterer.. which is how most people would perceive a Dragon..

In truth the term Dragon spans a massive number of shapes, forms, sizes etc
its one of the reasons why Dragons are such a popular concept for fantasy

(edited by Teratus.2859)

Elite Specializations and Build Templates

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


People have been requesting this for a long time now

its quite high on the demand list tbh
I am not sure why Anet has not brought this feature back… although I would suspect it’s simply down to difficulty/time and possibly incompatibility with the game engine

Issue with Exalted Weapon Core recipes

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I thought it strange warhorn would display weaponsmith and artificer but thanks to the power of crafting knowledge… I bought the recipe for huntsman since that’s what the warhorn classes under..

don’t get me wrong I completely understand what the point of this post is and I agree with it..

Im just actually surprised to see people didn’t take that precaution..

Sad with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I am having little trouble with general enemies.. even on my Zerker Ranger

Map completion on some maps is a darn nightmare and I really hate the layout for Tangled depths.. which has me completely lost.. I can’t even function properly on that blasted map..

but general mobs.. champs etc.. nope.. no problem at all..
I am soloing most of the Hero Point challenges.. even on Zerker toons

and my godlike Minion Master is shrugging off hits from even some of the legendary bosses lol
even I was expecting a decent portion of enemies to pose a threat to her.. but alas.. nope

at this rate I’ll be one of the first people to effortlessly beat raids in full exotic gear if HoT mobs are any indication of the difficulty I can expect

The end wasn't the end. (SPOILERS)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


There is a suspicion going around that Heart of Thorns is only half the content we were promised.. and a large chunk of it was cut out and reserved for Living World Season 3

Im not saying it’s true or not.. just something I heard and thought was worth sharing

The Bifrost III : a Freakin Crystal !

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Have you guys tried destroying the crystals he spawns to regenerate?
do they count?

Sad with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Sorry OP.. but Heart of Thorns was always marketed as challenging new content..
go back and watch any presentation, trailer etc and you will see challenging new content mentioned.

This is what the core playerbase wanted/demanded and that is what we got

Tangled Depths is a nightmare for me

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Im probably gonna get flack for this but… I absolutely despise this map..

is it the events?
the mobs?
the bugs?
am I just a frog hater?

none of the above..

It’s the layout…
I have probably thee worst sense of direction possible.. which makes navigating this map a nightmare for me..
I can’t find my way around it.. and if not for the personal story (and Tp to a friend) I’d probably never have found my way to Dragons Stand..

I find myself constantly running in circles trying to find my way to Hero Points or PoI’s
and lets not forget events I am trying to get to that one minute I am above them the next I am below.. then above again.. then below again..
its beyond stressful and its soo darn irritating…
I literally get headaches trying to navigate this map..

please for the love of Grenth.. don’t make any more maze like maps like this..
at least not without some kind of marker system to help people find their way around..
for those of us with no sense of direction this map is a cruel torture

Remove Charged Quartz Crystal gating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I don’t see an issue here. If you want to circumvent the timegate on Mawdrey, pay the rush fine by buying the stuff of the TP.

One of the things a lot of players enjoy is the continuity. Speeding up or dummbing down content just because it’s not new is exactly what WoW has been doing for years. Let’s take a look at where that game is right now.

Yes but you assume players have the gold to do that..

most people really don’t.. and with soo few people people crafting these items the items needed to make them tend to stay at a set price on the TP.. and due to the limited availability of some of them.. they are pretty darn expensive

many players don’t play dungeons or fractals or know of any good ways to farm gold
put yourself in their situation..

you want Mawdry.. but you can’t farm the geodes you need for the items because Drytop is practically a dead map and it takes forever to get enough for a clay pot.. of which you need several.. so you take to the Trading post only to see that they are around 8g each
so you think wow.. that’s a big chunk of my money.. do I really want to spend it on one item?
so you take to the Wiki and find out you need 3 of these.. which puts you up over 20g..
then you find that you also need to dump another 30+ gold on piquant plant food another 10+ gold on meaty plant food
not to mention the 144 Firefox you will also need which would take a long time to farm leaving the TP the likely option again

in short you are there thinking.. well its taken me months to save up this 50-60g.. and its still nowhere near enough for Mawdry…
you know what.. I think I’ll not bother..

and that’s what a lot of people likely do in this situation
now if the time gates were removed from the plant foods etc.. people would be far more likely to actually go after this item..
since they could do it in a hour or so instead of having to wait at minium 3 weeks

Can I destroy the Nuhoch Warbler now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


haha yeah that amused me as well.. I kept my warbler thinking it would be useful for something..

doesn’t bother me though.. got tons of inventory space ^^

Remove Charged Quartz Crystal gating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I actually agree with this..

time gated items really only are introduced to stop people gaining a particular item quickly..

when new content is introduced this is understandable.. but after several months a lot of people already have the item.. so there really isn’t any reason to keep the time gate..

in fact I would say a lot of people are put off crafting Mawdry these days because of the time gate needed for it..

I think the time gate.. needs a time gate to be honest and after a certain period of time the time gates should be removed

this encourages more players to craft these gated older items if anything

I'm afraid of delecting my character !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I’ve bought several character slots.. I don’t see the problem with buying them with gold or cash

or if you don’t own HoT then just buy that and get a character slot free..

There is nothing wrong with the Character Birthday

Got 100% map completion on VB, no reward [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Completed Verdant around a week ago now.. still waiting for my map completion reward..

Strange Spider Silk Insulation Item

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Yeah that’s something I thought about after posting this too..

I’ve decided to hold onto it for now just in case

Strange Spider Silk Insulation Item

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


So I found this in Kessex hills as loot from a Veteran Spider..

It is a exotic trophy of some kind.. its account bound and it has no item icon

does anyone know if it serves any purpose besides being some extra silver in the pocket?
im not sure if its an old item that’s not supposed to drop, or a new item that shouldn’t be dropping yet.. or if its simply a texture bug with the icon..

any info would be appreciated
I don’t often find exotic items specially trophies so this one has gotten me really curious


Maps and Masteries feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I like the new maps.. the size of them anyway.. but sometimes they are a frustrating pain to traverse tbh..

I am also kind of annoyed that missions are locked behind that tier 4 Mastery..
I had no plans to grind the Itzel track this early into the expansion..
in fact I wanted to max out my gliding first..
but now im forced to grind my first Tier exalted to progress to my next missions and then after that I got 5 more missions before I have to grind another Mastery up 3 freaking levels..
sorry but that’s taking the kitten a lot tbh

I get why Anet has done this but at the same time this has almost completely removed our freedom to level up the masteries we want right away..

Everyone is going to have to grind the same few masteries as everyone else is right away if they want to play through the new story content.. which for most people is a big deal..
and those who don’t realize this are going to be stuck grinding for days possibly longer when they get stuck behind this mastery restriction.. meanwhile everyone else is ruining the story for them in the chat..

inaccurate Easter Egg? (possible Spoiler)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Teratus.2859


So I found the remains of a golem from GW1
one of the NPC’s mentions it has _.O.X engraved into it suggesting this is our old buddy M.O.X
however.. the design of the wreckage is identical to the Unstable Golem from Oola’s Lab Dungeon.. not M.O.X who looks completely different..
So im curious as to if this is M.O.X and the devs simply messed up and give him the wrong design.. or if this is the same Unstable golem we destroyed back in Gw1 who now we know actually had a _.O.X designation as well although we didn’t know until now


3rd Birthday Gift [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I created my first character the day Gw2 became available after having a collectors edition pre ordered

I was in the 3 day early access when this character was created.. he has not been deleted ever
and yet my account only shows 1,094 total days on reccord

the 3 early access days have been taken off my total playtime for some reason..
has this happened to anyone else? kind of ****ed about it since I gotta wait 3 more days for stuff I should already have

Annoying gold sellers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I report and block everyone who contacts me about buy and selling gold

and its always the same website they advertise too

honestly I don’t know why companies like Anet etc don’t just file legal action against these websites and have the people running them arrested.. they are obviously breaking the law and essentially commiting theft..

its all well and good to up security but its not going to stop them.. just slow them down..
better to just cut the head of the snake as they say and have these scumbags face legal action

MM Attack my target

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I’ve heard that fixing AI with the next patch bull before..

3 years and AI still isnt working properly..

only a week ago I spend an entire pvp game with my minions aimlessly standing around doing nothing..

This is the kind of crap that makes the MM a less viable playstyle for people..
its a great way to play but only when the game works.. and when it doesnt.. the Necro looses a massive chunk of his DPS, Healing, CC and survivability..

Nobody should be subject to such a massive screw you by poor system AI.. its utterly unfair and after 3 years this should be a huge priority imo

If Anet don’t or can’t fix the AI then at least give us a similar F command skill so we can force the AI to attack when it bugs out and stops working

"Minion Madness" PvP Build (Video)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teratus.2859


You already lost a lot of credibility when you start with “Minion Master has always required little skill” which is just flat out false and shows you haven’t played the build much, or at the very least not well.

And yeah, the build shown is pretty awful. MM doesn’t run blood fiend, nor would you ever run SoU, and there are some other questionable choices. Don’t mean to crap on your hard work, but yeah.

Try a 1v3 scenario keeping yourself alive and keeping your minions alive
while holding a point long enough to recieve support from your team..
then tell me there is no skill involved with playing a MM

and plenty of MM’s Run Blood Fiend.. specially if they commit to running a MM build and are willing to sacrifice the easy quick heals for something more risky with a better payoff

Please Post 7/28 Bug Reports HERE [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Teratus.2859


So Watched Scarlets recap video and its removed my access to all my Living world season 2 chaptors.. saying I need to buy them now..

also my collections are gone >.<

Tired of one combo burst

in PvP

Posted by: Teratus.2859


that has a lot to do with your personal choices though, depends what I play when stuff like this happens I range their kitten from spawn or stealth past, etc. if you play something liek a war you could just pop your stances and nike through without breaking a sweat, many things many professions can do about this.

The lack of thought on the part of the people that let themselves be camped is most often their own fault, though there are exceptions.

So I should be punished because I don’t play a warrior or a thief? because I don’t have access to null dmg skills and stealth?

and its also my fault that 2 other players both with access to Stealth which has NO!!! counter in PvP deliberately choose to specifically bully me and stop me from participating in the game by camping my spawn point

please do tell me how that was my fault.. and the fact that even when I did down one of them they would simply stealth and tp away somewhere and revive in a matter of seconds.. which would guarantee that it would be impossible for me to actually kill either of them.. putting me in a constant no win scenario situation with no way out..

sorry but no.. using tactics like stealth rezing/finishers etc is just cheap..
but deliberately spawn camping someone specifically so they can’t even play the kitten game is no different than bullying

A toast to 3 years of broken golem AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Why do minions work differently than ranger’s pets ? These pets never bug!

Oh they do.. quite a lot tbh lol

but they run on different AI and the Ranger has control skills for them too
something the Necromancer really needs imo

Am I the only one who

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Minions seem to easy to counter and they dont work half they time.
Pop some aoes in pvp and the minions are gone, along with their abilities / buffs they provided you. That or use the environment around you to keep them from getting you (only works with ranged builds obviously though)

The idea of minionmancer is alright but i think their actual effectiveness in pvp is weak. Maybe if they had infinite hp and their lifetime was put on a timer instead i’d actually care for them.

That can work yes but if you are fighting a MM that knows what he’s doing then thats another scenario entirely

We currently have 6 Minion skills right..
Blood Fiend, Ranged attack stays out of combat range and heals the Necro
A good MM is going to want to keep this one alive and out of combat range

Bone Minions.. disposible suicide bombers
they can be killed easy enough but their main focus is going to be get near you and self destruct.. crippling your ability to heal

Bone Fiend.. Ranged attack which can be imobalized at will to cause imobalize to enemies..
A good MM is going to also keep this one out of Melee combat and use it to control your movement

Shadow fiend.. Melee attacker that can teleport to you and blind you.. not the most effective but still reletively useful.. and if you are playing against a good MM who knows when to use this minion then he could very well screw you out of one of your big hitting attacks

Flesh Wurm.. Ranged stationary attacker that gives the Necromancer access to Teleport and a stun breaker along with a quick exit should the Necro need to run.. far more useful than people think it is

Flesh Golem.. powerful Melee attacker which can be buffed to be increadably tanky for a minion.. has a large charge Knockdown interupt that can be used as a quick escape from AOE or to interupt a foe or to split minions apart to protect them from AOE

a good Minion Master will be familiar with all of these skills and their practical uses..
not to mention his own abilities to manipulate his opponants movement and interupt them..

yea you can whipe out a party of Minions with a blast of AOE.. but a experienced Necromancer is going to expect this and will attempt to counter it or defend against it

and another thing regarding minions too.. they don’t exactly have long cooldowns either..
and with death shrowd its not entirely difficult for a Necromancer to take advantage of that mechanic as a way to buy some time for his minions to recharge.

fighting a Minion Master and fighting a seasoned Minion Master are two completely different thing lol

Is anyone still seriously playing Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Ah, the old “people who disagree with me should L2P” argument. Sloppy thinking.

The fact that necros can be fun and situationally powerful does not alter the fact that the class has serious design flaws.

All classes have their strengths and weaknesses hence the point of even having different classes in a mmo

learning to play a class is the most basic of things you need to learn how to do

you can’t just slap zerker stats on everything and start hitting things and totaling up the dps then define a whole class by that..

No.. Necros don’t do as much raw DPS as say a Warrior with HB.. and they are not ment to.. if they did then what would even be the point of them even being different classes with different playstyles and traits..

Necros have issues.. sure every class does but people who say they have no point, purpose or use in the game are severely ignorant

and most of the time regardless of build the Necro will be the last one standing because of death shrowd

Necro is the only class that can epidemic conditions
Necro is the only class that can counter Bleed out
Necro is the only class that can Pull downed players out of AOE to revive them
Necro is the only class that can give party wide Life Siphon
Necros have a lot of access to control skills such as fear, cripple, chill, imobalize, poison.. they even have teleport and easier access to stun breakers now
Necros slow condi stacking has been countered through new reworked corruption mechanics
Necros have access to plenty of condition manipulation such as purging the party of conditions and corrupting enemy boons into conditions
and if im not mistaken Necros also have the most access to Condition transfer as well
and I know for a fact that Necros can also now self buff and sustain 25 stacks of might..

So yeah.. when people rip on Necros as a useless class.. I beg to differ and frankly all of the arguments I see are more often than not based on peoples lacking knowledge or skill playing the class..
some people just want the Necro to be something else.. something similar to thier playstyle they like to play with their warriors and their thieves etc..
doesnt work that way and the Necro is its own thing with its own strengths and I for one love it for what it is and how it works

The Horrible, Awful, Tragic Death of My Build

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


If the build he is running is your standard Meta Zerk warrior then yeah it probably is enough since loosing 1% of you DPS is enough to make these kind of people flip their..

the point being is people are too focused on dps dps dps so loosing any dps no matter how little is going to drive them mad and complain

Reasons the Necromancer is bottom-tier.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Corruption is the counter for the weak stack speed Necros have

if you played Gw1 at all you should remember that a core Necro mechanic is self sacrifice
Corruption skills finally mimic this defnining trait

if you are playing a condition focused Necro then you should be focusing on Corruption skills for self infecting and condition transfer..

and no you don’t need to sacrifice a utility for it at all
Dagger 4 and Staff 4 are both condition transer attacks, one slow but the other is a spike and hard to see coming
and there are traits that also give you additional condition transfer and if you do sacrifice a utility you have yet more condi transfer with plague signet..
and when all else fails then consume conditions and get on with the battle..

Necromancer has absurd amounts of condition manipulation.. more so than any other class imo which at most can clense
playing a condi necro means playing a pressure playstyle.. thats the point of conditions in the first place that means survivability is key..
the harder you are to put down the more pressure will be on the enemy

(edited by Teratus.2859)

Is anyone still seriously playing Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I have two Necromancers running different builds

One I play purely in PvE because i just enjoy the build and playstyle
and the other I run in PvE, PvP and WvW with the exact same build and its a kitten monster

So yeah I still run necro and yea its still one of my favorite classes
and imo the reason people don’t like Necro is because they simply can’t play one lol

A toast to 3 years of broken golem AI

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Huzzah to the Flesh Golem.. doesnt have a brain and the AI accurately mimics that fact

Seriosuly though the AI is a problem for Minions
although personally the easy fix for that would be to give Necromancers a F2 skill that mimics the Ranger F1 skill so you could simply command Minions to attack when the AI does a hurp de durp which it tends to do more often than not

Am I the only one who

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teratus.2859


My only gripe is with the AI that occasionally bugs out and the minions don’t attack.. (mostly common with the Flesh Golem)

and no the tactic for minions isnt stand back and watch them kill everything..
if you do that then your not even playing the game..

its possible to make a very powerful Minion build which can (if you master it) turn you into a near indomitable force in PvE and a real pain in the * in most PvP games

Where did you get your PreCurser?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


bought mine on the TP when it was around 20g because back then nobody give a crap about the Spear or Trident legends

Tired of one combo burst

in PvP

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I got screwed by a thief and mesmer combo yesterday in stronghold

they spawn campped me to stop me helping my team since we were slaughtering them all together..

I dunno what everyone else was running but they came after me specifically..
every time I downed one or close to it they would spam me with clones and stealth.. heal up within a few seconds then ambush me again before I had time to get away..

it was such an infuriatingly cheap tactic that really does show just how Op and cheap both stealth and illusions are in Pvp.. and have always been..
both mes and thief are annoying classes to put down 1v1 most of the time but combine the two of them with a tactic like this and you have the perfect skill less cheap playstyle that just ruins the PvP experience

Copy right for GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


This again?

I remember seeing something like this about a year and half ago on the forums..
pretty sure it was the same image too but the name of the game was different

The Horrible, Awful, Tragic Death of My Build

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I agree it is easier to use interface-wise however I do not agree with all the “people that aren’t performing better now than before are idiots” undertone to your post.

While some changes might help your build (which you never said what it was…?), that doesn’t mean the class as a whole wasn’t nerfed due to poor design choice. How can you really defend the trait that has 7% healing power converted to power? It’s a trait that shouldn’t even be an option outside of PERHAPS the eventual druid traitline.

Inclusions like this and exclusions for talents that were required to pull acceptable dps prior show a lack of unified vision from the devs that changed ranger.

SURE, you might have found one niche spec that works for you but does that justify the nerfs that have made both LB and SB weak on a class that was a bit niche at playing them?

People don’t want to be pinned into playing one play style. We were making do with a variety of builds before but the changes are funneling us all to have to pick similar traits and contend with being homogeneously subpar.

P.S. The fact you can solo TA spider path means nothing when other classes are also able to do it, probably in half the time :P Hit anything long enough and it dies.

First of all I never called those people stupid..
If anything I called them lazy since they are unwilling to learn the new system and make their own builds

No I didn’t say what my build was intentially.. in all honesty I have personal issues with sharing my builds openly online..
I don’t agree with doing it because I do not want to unintenially end up causing more of this elitism meta bull which I personally find extremely toxic to the community..

im in no way saying thats what will happen if I did share them but i am not willing to take that risk <—(no idea why it thinks that is profanity)
I keep my builds to myself and share them only with friends..
but tbh here the new system is soo simple in its design that it takes minimum effort to work out how to make such effective builds like I did..
3 traitlines with 3 trait options.. its mostly just common sense to put builds together now.. and you no longer have to worry about wasted stats restricting your performance

I do use a couple of those 7% conversion traits myself.. and yeah they are specifically a little restrictive if you are not running the specified stats for it..
but in that case all you need to do is pick another trait instead
overall I don’t think the system is restrictive.. you can still run any class and any build with any stats you like..
the effectiveness depends on your own ability to run the build you make and how well the traits work together with the skills you’ve chosen
some traits are defined for specific builds.. thats the whole point of the traits..
if someone is running a Corruption Condi Necromancer and is traited for Minions.. speced with Zerker stats and then thats just… well stupid in that case.. the whole build would just be a bad joke.. and no class can spec for multiple build play.. thats not how the game works nor has ever worked

What Nerfs are you referring to with Longbow and Shortbow? cause last I checked Longbow got merged with the Eagle eye trait for perminant 1,500 range.. and its also traitable for faster arrows that pierce which massively improves dps
one of my Ranger builds is entirely designed around the Longbow Weapon and its one of my favorite and most powerful builds

the shortbow is a condition specified weapon mostly so unless you are runing a condi Ranger its pointless having one

People don’t want to be pinned into playing one play style thats funny because thats exactly what the Meta has been doing ever since Gw2 developed one
forcing people to play the same Zerker Warrior etc garbage with the same stacking tactics and flat out kicking people who play any different builds or even specific classes in general.. have you not even seen the discrimination Necros have been getting for practically 3 years?..

this new system changes that because it makes all classes viable and capable with different build capabilities..
soo what if someone can solo run a dungeon faster than me with a different class or build..
the point is that now I can do it myself and with the build I want to play.. that is all that matters

(edited by Teratus.2859)

Cruel RNG precursors in Beta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I am not sure that is actually possible though. From a system point of view the items are most likely identical.

I think the Devs can check drop rates from mobs and drop rates from the forge differently..

I can’t say for certain though

Cruel RNG precursors in Beta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I see I was unaware of the unlimited Exos being compatible with the forge

in that case restrict the precursors to random drops only

The Horrible, Awful, Tragic Death of My Build

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


The old trait system was severely limiting with those stat points..

even with the loss of those points all my builds got more powerful because of trait synergy and the fact I can have 3 lines now instead of 2

I fail to see why everyone is soo annoyed by these changes.. and frankly all it seems to come down to is that they just can’t seem to make their own builds and rely on other people to make them and post them online

I don’t see these complaints as valid at all
since the update I’ve created 6 new builds for my lvl 80’s most of them upgrades to their old builds and 2 of them entirely new.. and all 6 of them are far more powerful than anything I was running before with more dmg, more survivability and more party support

I’ve tested these builds against multiple bosses including dungeon bosses and entire dungeon solo runs and they all work better than i expected them too

My full Zerk Ranger soloed TA’s spider path with little effort not long ago
and the other day I soloed AC story mode in around 20-25 minutes with a necro wearing nothing but lvl 80 Rare gear.. with a totally untested and experimental build..

Frankly all these complaits about the new system just come accross as people who suck at making their own builds or are just too lazy to do it..

as someone who’s played with the system a lot since GW2’s beta I can say for a fact that this new system is ten times better and far easier to learn and use

(edited by Teratus.2859)

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Revenants don’t bother me.. beaten a few of them in pvp so far

if anything my biggest issue is with thieves right now..

apparently there is some kind of bug they can exploit which can put you in a state of perma stun..

im running an extremely tanky Necro build atm and 3 times now in 2 different games by 2 different thieves I’ve been ambushed by a thief and perminantly stunlocked.. unable to move or fight back when they are behind me..

I dunno if this is a legit build that is just stupidly OP or if its a bug but its easily one of the most infuriating and cheapest tactics I’ve ever come accross in this game

all I can do is stand there until my skills become available again and I can attack (unless he’s behind) but I do not regain my ability to move at all.. even though it takes a good 15-25 seconds for them to kill me (depending on death shrowd)

Nothing in this game should be able to have that level of movement imparement.. so im pretty confident this is just some bug that people are exploiting

Cruel RNG precursors in Beta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Soo its no secret that the RNG in GW2 is the biggest jerk troll on the internet these days

but I’ve been seeing posts from people who have gotten Precursor drops while playing the beta including one from a friend of mine

im not playing the beta myself but I for one think these people should be allowed to keep their precursor drops when the beta ends

you can even account bound to avoid selling.. I don’t really care nor do I think others will

most of us have never had a precursor drop.. I personally havent and I’ve been playing since Gw2’s first open Beta

some people are getting their first precursor drops ever while playing this beta and the fact that they are going to loose them after the Beta ends is just cruel

so this is my call for Anet to allow people to keep any precursors they get while playing the beta.. even if they are account bound..

I can’t imagine how these people feel right now getting their first ever precursor only to be slapped in the face and have it taken from them when the Beta ends..
that’s just.. Zommoros level cruelty there..

Specializations... Killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I agree with OP. For me new trait system is butchery to diversity and it’s actually not even building anymore but loading predefined skill/trait sets. You know, templates.

Soo where is this butchery to diversity?

I’ve not seen it..

I said I had 5 level 80’s.. all more powerful.. yes I do but I have 11 characters in all.. and every single one of them has benefitted from this change some more drastically than others..

I see your point about templates and I understand the point you are making
but those templates are very diverse imo with multiple functions

I can take Spite on one Necro and Spite on another and get entirely different results..
in fact I can do this on 27 Necromancers just in one trait line..
and there are 5 or them to choose from giving 135 different possible build combinations.. that does not feel restrictive or anti diverse to me at all..
and with specializations incoming thats another 27 trait combinations being added..

if my math is wrong feel free to correct it.. im not ashamed of admitting my mathematical disability.. im pretty sure its accurate though

I’ve never been a wizard with build construction though.. but this new system was a breeze to work out for me..
Its as easy as picking out the traits that suit the desired playstyle you are going for and imo im spoilt for choice

Tequatl Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Everyone besides newbies should be familir with this content by now but thats not the case anymore..
every single kitten map is full of afkers who still haven’t learned that AFKing in GW2 gives NO rewards.. and yet they still do it every god kitten day..
people are still completely ignoraing Fingers and Hypnos mobs and focusing entirely on Champs that don’t even drop loot..

I can not strees enough how much I am sick and tired of explaining what to do only to have people just run around and do whatever they want then cry about how it always fails..

This HP upgrade was a very bad idea.. the Crit spot is utterly broken as well on EVERY!! boss that has one.. since it can only be hit by AoE and Melee.. so Range weapons are utterly useless on them massivly decreasing the possibly DPS that can be done.. and on top of that most bosses have AOE protecting that crit spot which makes Meleing them practically impossible.. or borderline suicide runs..

As far as Teq goes its more or less a guarantee that if you have 20ish people on the map that don’t know what they are doing or decide they will run around and just hit stuff or go AFK and let everyone else do the work its a guaranteed Failure..

Im not going to bother with Teq anymore personally since its far too much work for more often than not.. utter garbage rewards..
better off runing a dungeon path instead.. hell its faster and more rewarding and you don’t have to put up with people wasting your time and screwing your map over

Everything you have listed are PLAYER-side problems.

How is it my problem that people go AFK and hog the map space?
How is it my problem that Crit spots are broken and impossible to hit with Ranged weapons and almost suicidal to hit with Melee?
How is it my problem that some people don’t want to pull their weight and contribute like everyone else causing the map to fail more often than not?

Why should the majority of people at the event be punished for the inaction of such a small minority?

Sorry but while some are player-side problems like you said.. this upgrade to Teq is going to do a lot more harm than good.. and its going to turn a lot of people off the content.. that means far more map failures in the long run

I also think doubling the HP because of Conditions is foolish.. despite the new Condi cap there is still no guarantee that people are going to be running Condi specs..
100% HP increase is just too much for some bosses..

Teq, Triple Trouble, and Dungeons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Teq specifically became a big AFK fest. You had 75% of the people doing the work, and 25% of the people standing around or running around auto attacking. Now there needs to be a bit more participation and suddenly its the end of the world.

YES!! and the worst thing about that is this..

Buffing his HP is getting rid of NONE!! of those people.. in fact its only screwing over that 75% of people who actually do the work..

those 25% of people afk would not get loot anyway upon event completion so they were just wasting map space and time..
but now they will be wasting map space and time AND almost guaranteing that the event will fail..

I stand by my original Idea.. when a Boss goes active if you havent moved or started attacking within 30 seconds you should be kicked from the server without warning

Anet needs to get tougher on these waste of space afkers because they are killing World boss content.. specially the stronger content like Teq and TT..

Bosses that require people to pull thier weight should not be soo easily screwed up by people who are there with no intention of doing anything.. or just trolling the map population for whatever douchbaggery reason they are doing it for

Specializations... Killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I have 5 lvl 80’s.. every single one of them got more powerful and more capable thanks to the new system with only minor tweaks to their builds..

I have seen nothing bad about these changes at all
in fact all I’ve seen is people complaining that their standard Meta builds are different and that they can’t be bothered nor want to change them..

Frankly this new system brings soo much more build diversity than the old one ever did and that is one of the best things about it

no more trait restrictions because of worthless stats.. and more diverse builds overall with people no longer needing to feel like that have to play the Meta way to get anywhere
they can play exactly how they want now more than ever

Downscaling is broken. Please address this.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I think you don’t understand what is broken. It has nothing to do with the content being too hard now, everything is faceroll in this game anyway, downscaled or not. Read this post and then tell me it’s not broken.

Ok so Your stats are lower.. I get it

what I don’t get however is why this is such a big deal..

a lvl 20 in a 20 zone has a stat buff compared to a 80.. but the 80 has access to 3 traitlines not to mention a ton more skills that the 20 will not..

My 80 warrior is still more powerful than any level 20 Warriors in a 20 zone because he’s practically invincible in low level areas (any many higher level for that matter too) thanks to his build
and even with the reduction to power he still rips through mobs in any low level zone

Like you said if the content is still soo easy even with the downscale then honestly there is nothing to complain about at all and this is a completley pointless issue..

Now If your level 80 was getting destroyed by Moa Brids then I’d agree with you that there is a problem lol