Showing Posts For Teratus.2859:

[Suggestion] World Boss Tokens & Frac Tokens

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I think Geodes and Bandit Crests definitely need a Wallet slot.. specially since you need soo many for soo many things and saving them up is a pain in the butt

as for boss tokens.. not really sure thats worth while..
I’ll be the first to admit I rarely get anything worthwhile from bosses but I can’t see a token currency for them.. I just don’t think we need that
what would be better is that if Anet took account bound off more items and made them tradeable on the TP

there are far.. and I mean FAR!! too many account bound skins and drops in Gw2 that have no reason to be account bound.. we could do with a lot less of this

WvW no longer required for world completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Just because people whine wvw is difficult to complete they remove it, this is a stupid decision.

So because people “whine” that it should stay, it should stay? I would rather have people playing WvW because they WANT to rather than feeling like they have to any day.

Well that is your opinion, mine is that they cheated every other player that has completed wvw and made it easier just because off some crybabies, a lot off people cry and anet removes wvw how pathetic.

Im not cheated.. I’ve done it multiple times and im glad this is happening
being forced into WvW which has nothing to do with the world was just a bad idea in the first place..
and what are you cheated out of?
are you honestly that bothered about running a extra few maps because you had to… that’s just dumb..

honestly you’re acting like they are removing the entire WvW gamemode from the game lol

the only people who genuinely have reason to feel cheated is those who missed living world season 1 because they didn’t know about Gw2 back then and currently can’t play that content

AFKers The Plague

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Going AFK is rewarding.. right.. in a game that rewards participation.. how does that work?

going AFK does not reward you.. at all
if you are not participating in an event or a kill then you will not be rewarded for it
and you certainly wont be getting loot since you are AFK and unable to pick it up

there is no reward for going AFK at any time..
frankly people who come into a map and go AFK are just wasting other peoples time and taking up map space..

in SW this is a minor problem.. but in boss events.. this is a pain
why even bother coming to Teq to just go AFK for the whole battle..
these people are just wasting map slots and peoples time.. upscaling events for the lols..
it’s pathetic that people have absolutely nothing better to do with their time than this

Carapace Coat RNG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Magic find wouldn’t affect the boss chest (the one you get the coat from).

how disappointing

guess it makes sense then that Claw of Jormag has rarely every dropped anything higher quality than masterwork in over 2 years despite reasonably high Magic find on my part lol

WouldGW2 be more successful with HolyTrinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I don’t think we need a Holy Trinity but we do need some improvements to some other player Roles..

Healing power for example has been attacked constantly over the years..
some people want to play a healer support role in Gw2.. why not let them make one that’s actually more viable and worth while to play..

[Suggestion] Wings as a glider replacer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Just a thought but how about when HoT launches.. those who are using the Black wings back piece instead of getting the glider annimation pop up you simply spread your wings and fly.. well glide with them?

it’s just a minor cosmetic thing but It would be really cool if this could happen

I don’t have the wings myself.. waiting for them to come back but this I would love to have when I get them

Verbal abuse because of good drop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Block and report as people have said..

im not against swearing in MMO’s.. there is a profanity filter after all and frankly if you have the option to turn it off then frankly people have no right to complain when people use swear words lol

but abusing other players in such a manner is not acceptable so blocking them and reporting them is the way to go about it

and as for the whole 10% of drops go to me thing..
I’ve been playing this game since beta and Gw1 since it’s debut year and I have never.. EVER.. heard about this bullcrap player rule being used in the game

my guess is the douchbag was trying to scam your girlfriend out of her item..

the fact is.. she got rewarded with that drop.. it was given to her by the RNG of the game
it’s her item to do with what she wants.. and he has no right to demand you hand it over as compensation for playing the game and joining a event

neither of you have done anything wrong here so don’t worry about it
and I hope your girlfriend enjoys her cool amulet cause Dhuum knows I want one ^^

WvW no longer required for world completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Done map completion on multiple characters and this news pleases me greatly

I went from disliking WvW content to flat out hating it because of the map completion..

WvW has nothing to do with the PvE game.. they are two entirely different game modes catered to two completely different types of gameplay
Map completion has nothing to do with WvW in the same way that WvW has nothing to do with the personal story so it should never have counted in the first place

suffice to say this news is going to make a lot of people happy
as people have said.. people who don’t like PvP game modes are no longer being forced to complete 4 PvP based maps.. 3 of which are identical clones.. talk about severe boredum
and WvW players will no longer have to deal with people taking up space on the map and complaining in the chat that they don’t even want to be there

WvW can focus entirely on WvW now and the only people playing there will be people who want to be there

as far as I am concerned this is a win win for both PvE players and WvW players and the majority of the community will agree on that

Carapace Coat RNG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I got 3 coats in about 13-15 runs..

whats your Magicfind at?

getting the lumi armor was a pain but if anything its a handful of achievements that made it soo hard..

all the silverwastes stuff was just farming

What happens to WvW map rewards?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Im with mstanton

will probably still get rewards… I doubt they will change at all

just the world completion requirement will be gone

Zhaitan's fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Im completely in support of this..

I think after HoT is released some focus should be on fixing the older game content..

personal story is a complete Mess..
I want to see story order fixed and cut content put back in.. I also want to see the old dialogue system removed and replaced with the new speech system from HoT which is far better

Living world season 1 unavailable.. I really want this back in chaptor format like season 2 is..

Arah Story.. good lord this is easily one of the most boring parts of the game…
im sorry to be soo blunt but this content is actually painful to play though its that bad..
Arah Story needs a serious overhall im afraid

and personally I would love that Anet do all this before we start living world season 3 and before any more future expansion or whatever are created..
im more than happy to wait for content i’ve never seen or know about
what im not happy with is having to playthrough content on new characters that is broken or just messy.. or playing through older content and missing an entire year because season 1 is missing..

I was there so I know what happened but newer players.. oh god are they going to be majorly lost when the expansion comes out…

I know Anet want to focus on the new but that does not mean the old content should be disgarded or ignored for soo long..
so please prioratize that after HoT and before any more content gets added after that

[Suggestion] Golden Pig Pet for Rangers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Still waiting for my pet Karka.

Umm.. we already have that..

it’s the most valuable Minipet in the game
worth like 1800g on the TP lol

I’ve got one.. see pic


[Suggestion] A counter to Stacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


OK, let me rephrase: why do you want to “counter a meta?” Why is it necessary? It isn’t a problem so it doesn’t require “countering.”

I’m glad you liked the skill spiteful spirit in gw1. So did I. What’s it got to do with this game or what good game design looks like?

Same reason Slow is being added to the game

new mechanics that currently don’t exist in Gw2 that can provide new fun and challenging content
that’s all im suggesting
the stacking meta in dungeons is little more than an example of how the mechanic would work
I’ve also given WvW and PvE examples in other posts too

[Suggestion] A counter to Stacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


And you think that I don’t do that? I never stack at SE path 3, if I have to solo the boss while 4 ppl are screaming and doing nothing in the corner, i’ll do it.

But in the end I don’t want to make corner stacking no longer viable. I don’t want to make stuff unviable. I want ppl to have the choice when they run. I want everything viable, just some stuff more efficient than other. Corner stacking isn’t a good strategy most of the time, but I want to use it when it’s good.

Like I said, i don’t really care about that condition if they put it in game or not. But if it’s strong enough to make corner stacking not viable, it will also make normal fighting a pain. Even when we don’t stack in a corner, we are all close together. We need to stay around 300 range from each other to share boons and melee stuff. I don’t want a mechanic to punish ppl that play close together.

it’s not about making it unviable though.. its a counter to put more pressure on groups that play close together..
being forced apart is not a bad thing and it will increase the challenge of certain content if players are forced apart..
like you said.. boon sharing requiring close proximity etc..
personally I think its fun to challenge this

it seems though that you’ve assumed such a condition like this would be spammable..
that’s definitely not what im aiming at..
if anything I’d make it a bit less or as common as Torment.. at most..
the biggest threat of the condition would be if someone gets hit with it and its not debuffed before they are hit with a epidemic attack
as I’ve said its a pressure mechanic to keep players on their toes while playing

please make Rifle a more viable weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


This is an issue of skin vs identity…

Warrior and Engineer Rifle skills are pretty clear on what weapon they are

Warrior Rifle is simply a Rifle
Engineer Rifle is actually a Shotgun (hence the hip shooting and blunderbuss)

the problem is that the Rifle is one weapon and has no sub group.. this makes skins for the Rifle kind of a pain since both classes are technically split between two different weapons entirely and its pointless to add in a clone Rifle weapon just for one profession..

suffice to say its just up to the player to choose suitable skins for the proffesions..
having predator on a engineer using shotgun skills is just as stupid looking as having a standard blunderbuss skin on a Warrior Rifle

I would not be opposed to weapon sub groups though if Anet were willing to take the time for them

Bow (long and Short)
Rifle (Rifle and Shotgun)
Sword (Sword and Greatsword)

I can’t see them ever taking time to do something like this though
but personally I think they should definitely have more focus on Rifle skins that are designed around both Rifle and Shotgun styles to complement each Rifle style

option to toggle off wings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


That is your problem. Why should other people care? If the wings really compliment their looks for them, that is all that should matter.

Exactly.. although tbh I’ve not seen many good wing armor combos myself

I’ve been building my Necro around a devil theme since I hit lvl 80 so im very much looking forward to getting my wings when they return

frankly though people can dress how they like
doesn’t matter if they look good or silly.. its their choice

Please fix ranger's pet AI and F2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I play pve with Ranger mostly.. got 2 of them and Im not getting these problems at all

my pet occasionally auto attacks when I don’t want him to but F2 skills generally work fine
I’d advise using F3 before F2 if you want to use a pet buff on yourself and pay attention to where your pet is and what its doing before popping F2 skills

on a second note
are you using any Pet skills in your Utility slots?
I use Sic Em and occasionally when I press F2 and then pop Sic Em it sometimes cancels the F2 and causes the pet to charge

Calling for a lagfree WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Lag is caused by 3 things usually

1. Your Pc can’t handle whats going on
2. Your internet speed is too slow
3. The games Servers are acting up

suffice to say most lag.. like 85-95% of it is because of your computer or your internet speed…

in that case it has nothing to do with Anet nor could they fix it if they wanted to
best advice is to invest in a better Pc or a better internet connection depending on which one is causing the most trouble

[Suggestion] A counter to Stacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


You’re introducing a bad solution to a non-existent problem. Please explain why this is necessary.

“because pugs still do it even if its dumb!”

OK, well pugs also stack “heavies only” parties even though thats dumb too. Maybe you should introduce a bad mechanic that punishes teams for bringing multiple of the same profession?

I never said that

and this isn’t a solution its a counter to a meta based on a mechanic I loved from the first game which I want to see return..

im pretty sure i’ve made this clear by now.. or are people just skipping through my posts?

high AP but don't know game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


This topic annoys me greatly

achievement points mean nothing.. they are nothing but a representation of how much game content you have played
they do not represent player skill nor do they represent how much content you know..

a friend of mine with only 2.5k AP knows 8 dungeon paths and is familiar with the rest of them
me with almost 16k AP know 1 dungeon path and am familiar with about 7 more….
and when it comes to Pvp and WvW I know hardly anything since
I haven’t pvped in over a year and the only time I go to WvW is for map completion and tournament acheivements for weapon skins cause my server always wins gold reward

your achievement points mean nothing and it certainly doesn’t show someones capability as a player
these elitist players demanding some bull standard and judging people based on their equipment, builds and Ap etc are just fools

im glad these people are a minority in Gw2 because I’ve played with many people during my time in the game and it never gets old when someone surprises you out of nowhere
and the hilarity that follows when some self proclaimed expert player gets his party killed and a couple of low AP soo called noobs end up 2 maning or soloing a boss while he keeps crying out die so we can reset is just a brilliant pleasure to witness

as the old saying goes
don’t judge a book by its cover

[Suggestion] A counter to Stacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Well they could add that condition if they want, wouldn’t change much for me. I would still stack only when it’s needed and I’m sure i’ll still get into party that stack in the corner at SE path 3 like idiots.

if they added this mechanic to SE path 3 and stacking was no longer viable then you wouldn’t have this problem..

besides if people are doing things wrong then why don’t you teach them when and were they should not stack on the run?

this is entirely the point of having a anti stacking condition.. to encourage different tactics and discourage stacking when its less effective

all im doing is promoting a old and fun mechanic from Gw1
there are tons of things from gw1 I’d love to see in Gw2
im enjoying the valid opinions of people such as yourself and I’ll admit im not every good at making my points clear most of the time

I don’t know if you are a gw1 player or not but if you are not then you should watch this

Spiteful spirit is the skill causing all the 35 yellow dmg markers
one enemy hexed.. no problem.. 2 hexed.. pressure.. 3 hexed.. problem..

the more people effected the more aoe damage..
there are even times when the player pulls enemies closer together to deal more dmg
doesn’t this mechanic look fun to you at all?
I’d love to see what Anet could do with this concept in Gw2
specially with the combat system we have

[Suggestion] A counter to Stacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


If that’s truly your goal go do something more difficult than CoF1 and AC. Last I checked Fractal 50 had no issues with corner stack faceroll.

This easily stackable spammable “meta” offers some dungeon “endgame” (lol) content for the people who otherwise go to loot pinatas world bosses stacking and spamming 1. If you want to solve the problem perhaps start from open world.

This condition would work really well in the open world as well

specially in content like The Shatterer for example where people just stack on the rocks and spam

and even against certain bosses/enemies that summon mobs for example

there are plenty of uses for this mechanic in Gw2

[Suggestion] A counter to Stacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Ya but corner stacking is a bad idea already. Only players that don’t ask themselves any question are doing it more than a couple of times in a full dungeon run. So why do you want to introduce new mechanics to specifically counter a bad strategy? It’s like saying that you want new mechanics to counter healer because some ppl are still using that even if it’s already bad in the game.

It is sometimes but its still common and a lot of people do it
specially elitist players who will kick you for not stacking with them

the point is mostly about reviving a popular and enjoyable mechanic from the first game
Spiteful Spirit would have plenty of use in Gw2 as a condition
its not like it needs to be stupidly overpowered.. its mearly a pressure condition to force enemies into changing tactics
if your party can’t condi clense which is already a thing in speedrun groups anyway then better not to stack and instead keep some distance from one another or for infected players to stop attacking until its duration ends

essentially all Spiteful Spirit was.. is confusion with a AoE effect with lower dmg output
the closest thing to this we have in Gw2 is using epidemic on someone with confusion..

personally I think this condition mechanic would be fun in Gw2 and would give players a fun new toy to play with in PvP/WvW as well as adding a new mechanic to be cautious of in group content

[Suggestion] A counter to Stacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I don’t get this. If people don’t like stacking then create your own LFG stating that you don’t want stacking. Don’t force everyone else to play how you think that they should.

Im not forcing anyone.. im suggesting a new mechanic for the game that I would love to see return
this has far more use than just stacking in dungeons

WvW and PvP will get use from such a condition as large Zergs in WvW could get crippled by some of their own members and in Pvp you can force people to distance themselves from one another or use the condition to put more preasure on multiple people at capture points

then in Pve it can be used to clear large groups of enemies

A counter to stacking was just implying one scenario that can be used against the players
the condition itself has many uses both for and against the players much as it did in Gw1

[Suggestion] A counter to Stacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


it would also make condition removal somewhat more of a thing in dungeons

I lol’d.

Making 2+ years old content more annoying than it is now is not ok.

implying that it’s annoying?

how is it annoying when many players will agree that currently a lot of the games content is not challenging at all..

It’s harder to find a party for most dungeons than it is to complete the dungeon..

if you dislike challenging content then you are not going to enjoy the expansion which has a lot of focus on new mechanics and more challenging content

[Suggestion] A counter to Stacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


It wouldn’t do a thing to remove the stacking meta.

The only way to remove the stacking meta is for ANet to research why 5 players don’t stack in PvP with their full zerker gear.

This isn’t about removing the stacking meta…

it’s about challenging it and introducing new mechanics into the game that would counter it

I’ve already mentioned this

option to toggle off wings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Can I get my own private server so I don’t have to talk, play or look at other players?

cause this game is supposed to be about my story and my character apparently so why should I have to share the world with other people?

;) seriously though.. loving this thread its hilarious lol

[Suggestion] Golden Pig Pet for Rangers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Oh man I could list like half a million pets I’d love to see in Gw2 xD

although the top of my list is still Penguin..
we need penguins in Gw2 soo bad lol
even if they are just underwater pets

[Suggestion] A counter to Stacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Make it a special property (not a new condition) of the occasional new boss and I’m game with it, sounds like an interesting mechanic.

It won’t solve the stacking “problem”, but I’m not sure how taking the risk of stacking (thus being clustered when aoes and cleaves hit) in order to share buffs is actually a problem… If buffs have a range, then a good team will stay in range to get the buff imo, or am I seeing this completely wrong?

This was never ment to solve the stacking problem..
it’s a way to counter it and force stacking groups into changing their tactics a bit with condition removal
stacking currently takes little to no effort at all
put zerker stats on and stand in a corner.. thats about it
having a condition to turn this playstyle against the player would be a fun way to counter this and encourage more group support like condition removal

it wont stop stacking but it would make it more risky and also make players more aware of different ways to tackle content

when all the games content can be beaten by people stacking in one spot and spamming 1+2 it takes a lot of fun out of the game..
I want to challenge this meta and make it more difficult to maintain and I think a condition that turns such a tactic against a party would be a good way of doing that

[Suggestion] A counter to Stacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


It would be per attack or per hit.. so skills like rapid fire and hundred blades would suffer most for it much like they do against enemies with retaliation

the point of this is mostly to bring new mechanics in the game which can lead to more challenging and enjoyable content and from a personal desire to revive what was once such a great mechanic of the original game

as for your points..
1. making condition removal more useful with this should only be more satisfying for speed running groups so no it probably wont change their runs and that’s fine
but for more inexperienced players who want to learn condi removal.. this would make for more challenging content which is the whole point

2. Yes it does but not just Rangers.. the quickness buffed hundred blade spamming Zerker warriors will also suffer greatly and since they are the stacking meta mostly as are the quickness buffed rangers.. this conditition is doing its job by turning these playstyles against them..
again this is the whole point of a anti stacking condition

3. a good counter for the condition which is what it is supposed to encourage

4. elitism is already a problem in this game.. from people demanding specific stats to a minimum achievement point number which is just moronic and has nothing to do with a players skill or capability then anything that makes it more difficult for these people to find groups the better..
players are always more likely to join a welcoming group ready to teach them than they are to join a group that tells them they are wrong and they suck because they don’t use what they want them to
if they can’t speed run the content with the meta then they will likely avoid it thus less elitist LFG in the long run

anyhow this is just a suggestion and I welcome peoples opinions and ideas on how we could implement a mechanic like this into the game

Want to use a shield. Warrior or Guardian?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Engineer Shield/Pistol is a popular one

im using a Shield on both my Guardian and Warrior
I find this works best on more tanky builds since the Shield is a defensive weapon mostly

This is my Warrior build;4NKkN0Z4NL-60;9;4J-JT-38;214-26B;1S;07_;1nDvgnDvgc-FW0-gYO0;1vV0X5Y8ZG4L51sVGs0V;9;9;9;9;9;9;0V3k3M

its tanky and focuses more on surviving but it is more than capable of dealing good damage as well
it has decent might buff on it and if you can manage to unleash a barrage of attacks on a blocking enemy then more power to you.. literally :P
one of my favorite things though is that when im blocking with shield or spear underwater.. all projectile attacks will deflect back at the user ^^ much fun if you can nail a big attack with that
specially if you manage to deflect a shadowstep attack or ranged pull which will shadow step you to the enemy instead or pull them to you which is fun

but yeah basically its a tank that hits pretty hard
and I can use this build effectively absolutely anywhere

the only 1 weakness of this build is conditions..
a high stack of bleeds will wreck me pretty easy but I do still have a shake it off condi removal in the traits so its not totally defenseless but you can’t control it and it has a 30 second cooldown but its still really useful and is very useful


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I’ve bought a lot of gem store stuff days before they go on sale so I understand how annoying it can be

suffice to say though it’s just bad luck im afraid..

A post about the Toughness stat.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Does anyone even get a sense of class role when deciding on stat setups?

depsite the any class any role design of the game I still get a sense of roleplaying when it comes to what stats im choosing and what class im playing

I have 2 warriors at lvl 80 with full Exotic gear
one is a Zerker and the other is a Regen Tank in Soldiers

without question my Regen Tank Soldier is extremely more useful than my Zerker.. in a lot more circumstances..

My Zerker can get by ok against most mobs in Pve which is my preferred game mode but against tough enemies like elites, champs or silver rings.. My zerker warrior will get dominated badly..
spending most of my time dodging or avoiding combat waiting for heal cooldowns etc.. it defies the point of Raw dps..

I still beleive Gw2 has a class role of melee, rouge, range and I believe that stats do complement these roles specifically

Zerker and condition stats are mostly for Ranged based roles.. high dps while being out of danger
Necromancer/Ranger/Ele/Engineer mostly

Soldier and Knights are for Melee based roles.. considering Melee is the role of tanks
Warrior/Guardian mostly

and the precision stats are for the rouges.. the high crit get in and dps stab in the back while the enemy is distracted kinda guys

I’ve played with a lot of stat combos on different toons but I find this works best for me
Zerker on Melee just doesn’t work for me.. the Dps is fine.. not arguing that.. but without any survivability I just don’t find it that useful.. specially in group content where most people just stack up to counter the survivability flaw in the build

New Mini Pet You'd Enjoy!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I’d love to have Mini’s of Claw of Jormag and The Shatterer
Mini Zhaitan would be awesome as well

[Suggestion] A counter to Stacking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Doing some thinking and it just hit me

Spiteful Spirit condition/debuff

In Guildwars 1 Spiteful Spirit was a very popular Necromancer Elite skill that once cast on a enemy would deal damage to the enemy and all near by enemies every time the cursed enemy attacked or used a skill

In Gw2 however.. this once powerful and popular elite skill has been reduced to a embarassingly useless trait that grants a couple seconds of retaliation when entering Death Shrowd..

I propose that we rename this trait and instead add a new Condition to the game called Spiteful Spirit
the condition would work exactly the same way as it did in Gw1.. dealing damage to the victim every time he uses a skill or attacks.. much like confusion does
but where the condition differs is that his attacks also damage his allies if they are close to him

if one player gets hit with SS and doesn’t remove it then it wouldn’t exactly cripple a party in a dungeon..
but if all 5 party members are cursed with it then there will be serious party damage if they are all stacked together like most people like to do

Personally I feel that this would be a great way to discourage this stacking meta in dungeon content and force people to use different tactics when taking on different content
it would also make condition removal somewhat more of a thing in dungeons as well
much like stun breakers have become more popular

Suggestion for Vinewrath Event (afk'rs)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I don’t understand AFKers

they show up for a event usually boss or group

go Afk and then leave the map without reward after the event is completed..

my only guess as to why they even bother coming is simply to upscale the event and make things harder for other players

Gw2 does not reward leeching so these people are just wasting everyones time and taking up map space.. and they get nothing out of it..

I don’t know how Anet can fix this issue but its definitely something I wish they would look into

Solutions to silk prices.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


What about adding Nodes for it?

there is a node we can buy for our home instance which is great but its random..

why not add just a handful of tanning racks around outposts in the world that would give level appropriate mats like Jute, cloth and silk

This would not dramatically increase availability but it should be enough to encourage more frequency to lower populated maps and outposts which could also lure more people to specific events as well and encourage people to open contested WP’s and areas more often etc

No longer solo friendly?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


You need to pick your battles friend

there are still plenty of Champs in the game that can be soloed.. even group event champs..

I love a good solo battle and im always trying to take on champs alone
sometimes multiple ones at the same time when and if I can find them

there are however a few exceptions which are either stupidly hard or near impossible to solo
you just need to pick your fights

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


If there is truly someone whose life is so busy that they cannot spare five minutes to indulge in their hobbies any given day, then, well…

I get that real life is important, but few excuses short of “no computer” or “no internet” are adequate to explain why any person absolutely had literally zero spare time in a 24-hour period.


A second-semester college senior working on his thesis

I was actually online both days
Teusday morning before they were available and Wednesday evening after they had been removed

thanks to RL circumstances I was not able to log in when they were available because I was not even at home during that time
this was a very small and easy timeframe to miss and a lot of RL circumstances could have gotten in the way for a lot of people
saying if you can’t spare 5 minutes to log in is a poor argument specially since I did log in both days during the time when I actually had that option

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


1. The wings, though very nice to look at by themselves, are imo scaled somewhat too large to adequately match any race (though weirdly enough, Charr look the best imo).
2. New skin hype trends. Most people with the skin look as though they just hopped on the hype train, to ride until the next fad hits. It’s like the blade pack all over again. We’ll have to wait until this fad dies out before we start really seeing people who have coordinated a character look specifically to compliment the wings.

Actually I’ve had a devil themed Necromancer for a long time now
once I have the wings its unlikely that I will be changing my Necros appearance again.. unless something more demonic looking comes into the game

my Gw1 Necro was devil themed as well using a Raiment of the Lich and the Demonic Horns

I’ve been working on trying to recreate this in Gw2 since its launch and these Wings were the last thing I needed to complete it
so considering I’ve been waiting for such a skin to come into the game since the game launched I think I can be forgiven for being just a bit angry that I missed out because of a dumb 24 hour availability cap.
that 24 hour availability cap that I wasn’t even aware of either btw considering the only notifications I got about the Wings being available now were from the Gw2 facebook group.. and I got these notifications a whole day after they were posted thanks to the crappy newsfeed..

so despite being someone who logs in every day and uses social media every day I still missed this..
and as many have said as well.. there have been transaction issues as well as Gem Store crashes that have made them miss out on this item as well

there are just too many things that prove why a 24 hour availability is a bad idea
it should be at least 48 hours.. and I can gurantee that had it been 48 hours they would have sold a lot more and had a lot less complaints about it

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


now imagine how people feel about the 1 time only exclusive items that are yet to come back, despite leaving the game over 2 years ago. Like yellow and green SAB skins. Be happy that at least 1 day you’ll still be able to get them.

There is a big difference between people who missed items because they stopped playing years ago and people who missed out on items within a 24 hour period

specially when they make an effort to log in on a daily basis

SAB skins were available for a long time in comparison and are still available on the Trading post so it’s hardly the same

and the main point of this thread is how player unfriendly and unfair the 24 hour availability is
the items returning in future is irrelevant

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


I think it would have been much better if the coming of these sales had been announced a couple of days beforehand instead of at the same time.

It would have

or even a in game mail notification letting you know whats new in the gem store

small things…

and there are still people who even caught the sale but were unable to buy because of issues with transactions etc

there are plenty of reasons to be annoyed by the flaws in a 24 hour availability of gem store items
whether they come back or not in future is irrelevant..

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Don’t forget to check the Gem Store daily, as there are more limited-time sneak-peek items being offered this week.

Good luck! =)

I don’t care about the rest

the Wings were the only item I wanted

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


If you couldn’t see it on the gem store the whole time it was available despite looking for it multiple times during that period then maybe you need to contact support since it showed up for everyone else.

Try doing a client repair. Maybe you have corrupted files.


it was most likely down to me being online before they were available yesterday and then logging in today after they had been removed..

had I been able to log in a few hours ago I would have just caught them but thanks to RL circumstances I wasn’t hence why I feel cheated by the 24 hour availability and from the forum posts I’ve read im not alone here either..

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


They said it was a sneak peak and they will be back.

yeah probably when the expansion comes out several months from now…

whether or not they come back isn’t the point

the point is that 24 hour availability is very unfriendly to the Gw2 community and its going to annoy and discourage a lot of people from wanting to use the gem store or even play the game if they miss out..

for those of us who have missed it.. were going to have to deal with people who didn’t running around and in a sense just unintentionally rubbing it in our faces..

for me personally I logged out moments after I found out they were gone and right now.. im soo annoyed I don’t even want to play the game for a while.. which is only going to make me miss out on more.. like my daily Achievement points and log in rewards..
so now I feel like I have to play the game when currently im so annoyed that want nothing to do with it

Empryeal Fragments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Dungeons, Silverwastes Farming and Edge of The Mists train.. easy to get tons of them doing these things daily

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Missed the Wings.. yeah most won’t care and I don’t blame them

but I was very looking forward to buying this skin

I checked the gem store multiple times yesterday using the search bar as well and the wings were not available
I come online today and check the store and I find they are already gone…

this has severely annoyed me and I am very angry right now
I don’t care that they maybe coming back in future
I’ll probably have to wait weeks possibly months for a skin that due to having a existence outside of a video game I missed….

I’ll bet a lot of people missed this skin as well for RL reasons

24 hour availability is a stupid idea and personally I feel cheated..
as a long time supporter of Gw1/Gw2 and the Gem Store in which I have put a lot of money into I am very angry and disappointed by this..

why anyone at Anet thought this was a good idea I’ll never know.. you guys have for the most part been great when it comes to gem store deals and item availability

…I’ll probably get a lot of negative comments for this mini rant but I don’t really care..
Im annoyed and expressing it openly so that hopefully this sort of stupid thing doesn’t happen again
so if anyone else was unfortunate enough to miss out on any gem store skins that they really wanted due to RL circumstances then feel free to voice your own complaints below

Steam Ogre

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


The biggest problem I see with this event is that there is often a group of people reviving fallen comrades after the FE boss and by the time everyone is up and the loot is gained someone has already opened and spawned the Ogre boss

this sometimes leads to people running for the portal and having the wall respawn before they even get there..

this has happened to me a couple of times thanks to impatient players

as for the Op.. I have absolutely no problem with this at all
if you want to run the ogre before instead of waiting around bored out of your mind then more power to you
if people miss the map chat post about it then that’s their problem

there are no rules when it comes to stuff like this
if the Ogre was supposed to be done after FE then it wouldn’t be spawnable before it..

nobody has the right to act like douchbags and send hate mail and abuse over 1 champion event..

for crying out loud.. its one champion.. grow up

Getting to Know Your Fellow Posters Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


Im a kitten… that’s all you need to know hahaha

Zerker not going to be meta for Revenant?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


After all it seems there are no new dungeons in HoT, and so there will also be
no zerker meta for the new content since the meta only exists for speedrun
dungeons … but not for something like Vinewrath speedruns .. you simply
can’t speedkill those mobs in 10 seconds no matter how pro you are.

And so mostly its more important not to die than make 20% more damage
but only for 50% or less of the fight.

Pretty sure new dungeons will be coming.. at the very least the battle with Mordremoth will probably take place in a Dungeon instance..