Never noticed that :O You guys are making me search an engi with it ^^ Thanks alot!
Hmm thanks I should probably do that!
Hello fellow Tyrian explorers,
Since a while i have been running engineer and since it became my favorite class I want to spend my T6 materials and all the other stuff I collected a legendary weapon. However I am really doubting about the Predator and The Flameseeker Prophecies. I do not like quip because I dont want to look like a party boy, but just really badbutt.
I really would like to do the shield, however I really miss the effects on it. Do not take me wrong, but there is only a simple glow around the shield and the page turns when you use a shield skill.
Things I miss on The Flameseeker Prophecies:
- Footsteps: Every weapon has them. Just some simple blue glowing footsteps would be cool i’dd think.
- Create an effect with a skill: Like Megnetic shield has instead a dark ball around you a blue shining ball, with electrify shield you can actually throw Flameseeker. And so on for warrior and guardian.
Lastly I have a bit of a question for the Anet team: Are you working on Flameseeker maybe or will there be in the short future? This would make my decision alot easier
Share your opion with me and others!:D
I was thinking about maybe some personalising screen option, however personalising a frostfang to add flames (or whatever) wouldnt be really much “Frostfang” ^^
Hello fellow tyrian hero’s,
On this topic I would like to discuss our opinions about legendaries: The good the bad and the ugly.
By discussing this I hope to hear more solutions to common problems or other things about the legendaries. One thing that is stuck in my head is the next thing:
Legendaries do no fit all styles.
With this I mean that i like to play a very dark styl-ish necro, but when i want to get a legendary staff, i will get rainbows.
When I want a legendary pistol on my engineer i want to see something cool and really tough. Instead of that I will get a pistol shooting confetti….
There are many more examples of this. Do not get me wrong that I hate these weapons because they can have good syncs with your style. However this is my idea about the legendaries: Making opposite sides about them would be a very nice solution in my opinion (just like Sunrise already has Twilight).
How do you feel about this? I am really wondering if I am the only one feeling like this. If you also feel like this, do you think this might be a good solution and why do you like it or not?
Thanks! Greetings Fvux!
I have now experienced the same problem twice. I think this is important to be fixed because is event is hardly to be finished without the golems which stun them.
Last time i saw this was around 21:18 GMT (January 1st). Server: Far Shiverpeaks.
Hello everybody,
I am very disturbed about some client crashes. They seem to be occur pretty random, and at crowded events like Tequatl. When this happens for example at Tequatl, my screen will freeze for about 10 seconds and then it goes to character selection screen. It gives some sort of error message that the client didn’t work and i can click my character again. BUT I WILL SPAWN IN OVERFLOW AND I MESSED UP MY TIME AT TEQUATL. Any ideas how to stop this?
Sounds awesome to me, but i dont really know if its reliable. There are many awesome species in Tyria: Kodan, Largos, Tengu and more.
Next to that Kodan have to fit in the storyline of the pact etc. This will cost a hell lot of time. But still: Like.
Hi there!
Since the release i have been in love with the corrupted weaponary (the jormag weapons). However i am stuck with this: There is no fitting armour with it. Last time I see much flame tinted armour appearing (just like the flametouched armour with 26th november release). Is it possible to focus on creating some very brand new stuff? (Personally) Corrupted armour, or branded armour. Maybe even some water armour by te deep sea dragon?
Greeting V.
I have experienced too see myself too when stealthed. I wether dont know if enemies can see me. Haven’t experienced this. I dont know what is really happening, i might go test it some more this afternoon.
Mesmer WvW build. Heavy conditions, controlling enemies and high surviveability.
In this build you use your staff to stay defensive, applying conditions and buffing yourself. When your enemy runs low health you can switch to scepter, deal more confusion and applying torment so if they run they get hit by torment alot, and confusion brings them more down when they are using skills.
In this build you should always heal when you are under 15k health. The healing skill reflects projectiles so teleporting away with Phase Retreat might be a good idea.
Good Luck!
Mine is called Fvux (saying Vugs). Complex combination of letters but sounds kitten to me xD
Flame Turret does get 33% more range from Rifled Turret Barrels, to my knowledge. If it doesn’t, it’s because they’ve bloody kittened it all up again because they can’t do anything to Turrets without breaking three other things and arrrrgh
Thanks for the reply Anymras. When i read your post I inmeadiatly went to te mists to investigate it again. This is what I have found out.
There is a range increase. The flame turret worked for me for about 500 range. The rrifle turret worked at about 1100. This means that there is a range improvement, but not 33%. (approx 10%)
Greetings, V
Hmm i do not totally aggree. The flame turret allow a nice blinding field, which makes it survive longer and make it able to stealth yourself while turrets do damage. Perfect isn’kitten
The healing toolbelt skill is perfect. When I am running low health and already used the turret, I can pop my water field from the toolbelt skill and create some distance with my rocket boots. Those in combination create a nice healing.
The ground targeting on Rocket Turret toolbelt skill allows you to shoot another target and make it balance with surprise shot.
I am doubting about the Rifle Turret. It applies vulnerability at the moment, but doesn’t really stack high. I might like some weakness with that.
Thumper should also be given some benefits to allies.
Net Turret is only single target. This is for me (I mostly do PvE) hard.
I also made some turret ideas several hours ago and posted that. You might take a look at it.
I like it that many people think turrets could use some changes, and not every1 thinks about major changes, but adjustin the turrets: Lovely.
Keep going, V
“No melee”. As stated in posts above we have the toolkit which allows melee. I would also advice trying out the bomb kit. To use it you must be in very close range and it feel (for me) almost like melee.
Greetings V
Thanks for your reply!
The reason why i chose for an ice field (chill) is that it would be an area effect, and at this moment it is only single target. That’s where my struggle is. But I understand the very powerful immobilize it has at this moment.
About the mortar: Yes indeed! I like the concept of the mortar, but its just to bad it doesnt work properly ;P
Would you please like to post what you think about this. I might make some designs then ;D
My name is The V and i play engineer myself. Like many other i have struggle with using turrets in all situations (PvE, PvP and WvW). I made up some idea the way turrets can be changed.
To be starting off, i am starting with some of the traits. The current traits are fine to me (except that they dont work all properly). The only one havin my doubts is “Deployable Turrets” which make turrets ground targeting. In my perspective turrets should already untraited be ground targeted, just like they are dropped from the air.
The Turrets itself.
Rocket Turret: Made for doing raw damage. In my perspective is this turret already very well. The only adjustment has to be done to attack your target, not aggressive targets near the turret.
Flame Turret: Also a very reliable turret. Made for nice condition damage. However it would be much more useful if it would get 33% more ranged as the trait “Rifle Turret Barrels” asumes.
Net Turret: Change to Freezing Turret. Shoots an icy area (Ice field) under you target chilling them for 3 seconds. Foes that enter the field after te initial chill, will be chilled for 1 second (Ice field duration: 4 seconds, chills every second). Overcharge attack (Converting Breeze):
Let out a cold breeze converting Immobilized, Crippled and Chilled into boons (Radius: 400)
Details: Attack interval: 8 seconds. Converting Breeze recharge time: 20 seconds.
Rifle Turret: Make the normal attack Pierce. Automatc Fire: Apllies same vulnerability, but also weakens for 2 seconds every shot.
Thumper Turret: Same effects as it already does. Thump applies Reataliatation to allies in the radius.
Healing Turret: Already perfect.
Mortar: Applied doubled power and toughness to the user. Also does not negate critical hits anymore. #5 skill is changed into Mortar Defence: Vent out pressure around the Mortar, Launching nearby foes and creating a smoke field that blocks projectiles. (Radius: 300, Smoke field duration: 4 seconds.)
If you think something is Overpowered, or you do not aggree with something, please give argues. I might change it if i aggree
Have a nice day, The V!
(edited by The V.8759)
I have tested the flame turret at exactly 450 range and of course it could reach the target. When i stepped just a very bit back and used Flame Turret again it couldnt reach the enemy, while it should with RTB. 450×1,33 is almost 600 range.
i hoped it was just a mistake in tooltip, but its bugged
Some short suggestions and questions:
Mesmer: Wouldn’t be removing 2 conditions on heal too overpowered? This becaus of Power break and makes me feel like Power Cleanse is getting a bit useless.
I also would suggest to make it possible to take Restorative Mantra’s, Harmonious Mantra’s and Empowering Mantra’s in one build. Or would this be too strong?
Engineer: I like your change to Autotool Installation, but it might be an idea to let the turrets make use of healing power on this trait. (just for a bit more healing)
Next to that i would like t ask a question about the engineer turrets. I feel like the trait Rifle Barreled Turrets is still broken, since it doesn’t improve range. If it would it would make turrets alot more useable in the game (mostly pve) because Flame Turret can hitfrom a longer range in a cone and thumper can have more radius then (so good against multi targets).
Thank you for keep trying to improve and listening to the opinion of us!
Greetings, V
(edited by The V.8759)
I dont think it should be water. I use my elixer gun for my condition and boon build. The Super Elixir in combination with the acid Elixir creates a retaliatation area. Reataliatation is fairly a strong boon i think. We already have 2 waterfields with our healing turret, so it is fine like this for me…
If the retal from blast finisher was better I’d agree, but a measely 3 seconds isn’t much for a single blast finisher IMO.
If we had better ways to proc the cleanse with 100% projectile finishers, or if blast finisher on light field was an aoe cleanse instead I’d be good with it.
I am not complaining mates ;D I am just wondering how you guys are handeling the randomness of the skill, because they have other purposes. Next to that I just did a suggestion. Thats all. I AM GIVING EXILIR X A CHANCE. gosh…
My topic, is like alot of other topics about the use of the engineer elite skills. In this topic mainly focussing on the Elixir X.
Good side:
- The brute deals very very heavy damage.
- In some situations the tornado can be very useful.
- Can be extended with the trait.
- RANDOM: The tornado is used mosly in crowd controll, and the brute in heavy DPS. When its random u have a 50% chance with ending up with something you do not need at that moment.
- Turning into a tornado is very magicly-like. Engineers are NO scholars, so why is that tornado there?
In my opinion the Elixir X should be totally chanced. I like the idea of an elixir elite.
Engineers already have 2 support elites: Supply Package and Mortar (which is also very underpowered).
Updating the Elixir X to or an offesive or a defensive would be a nice solution. I think this could be done like this:
-Defensive: Drinking Elixir X Reduces incoming damage by 40%, and reflects half of that reduced damage for 20(?) seconds.
-Offensive: Drinking Elixir X gives you 10% chance to apply torment on weapon skill use for 8s. This effect stays for 25 seconds(?).
When Elixir X would be upgraded to one of these (or something in this direction), u would be sure to use it!
What do you think?
Lovely greetings, The V.
I dont think it should be water. I use my elixer gun for my condition and boon build. The Super Elixir in combination with the acid Elixir creates a retaliatation area. Reataliatation is fairly a strong boon i think. We already have 2 waterfields with our healing turret, so it is fine like this for me…