I honestly understand why they took away the elixir infused bombs: It was passive healing. It would just make me soooo happy if they would do the following:
- Get rid of the cooldown on Medical Dispersion Fields
- Let Medical Dispersion Fields also apply to yourself
- Soothing Detonation works on yourself too
And dont’t forget…its 16 hits! With a nice critical hit chance & a sigil of strength….Combine that with Fortifying bonds & Companions might…kitten bro! Thats an easy 15 stacks of might for your pet!
Most hated is power ranger pew pew , not because it’s good or anything. Just annoying.
I can definetly aggree with this. They are not that hard to beat, but pewpew rangers just make my blood boil when they are standing on an edge rapid firing you while you are fighting someone else. I mean…Come over here bro! I’ll show you something xD
Seems really cool imo! Altho I can only imagine the horror of constantly hearing a trumpet while fighting >.<
Please note this thread is for fun and there is no QQ intended!
Hey guys!
Ive been wondering. A long time turret engi felt like the most hated spec. And dont forget LB ranger! Saw a lot of QQ on that too. Now I wonder: Which spec do you hate most in PvP? Doesnt have to be most OP spec, but also annoying and stuff.
Personally I hate fighting burn guards. Could be my own bad since i have low vitality but no QQ from me
(edited by The V.8759)
Solved, now It suddenly does work >.>
Hey guys!
I have just bought a 2nd screen. By this means I was planning to run gw2 on one and be able to use the other one for other things. However I cant move my mouse while playing to the other screen. I read windowed fullscreen could help but it doesn’t, neither does windowed itself. Any way to solve this?
Greetings, Fvux
I have found out that if I use my maximum resolution this does not occur. However I do like to record in a lower resolution to get the best aspect ratio. So still a problem.
I have a major issue that whenever I alt+tab out of gw2 and I try to open it again, I hear the gw2 sounds a short time in the screen and it minimizes itself again. I have to restart thge client and stay in it. How can this be solved?
Greetings, Fvux.
Please note it is NOT which field was there first. Its which one you entered first. Could be an important detail for fields that partially overlap
Bunker BM builds tend to work much better with condi builds. also, if replacing dagger with torch, you can blast for more might(6 for pet if u’r both in range) and ofc do tons of damage. Jungle stalker is easy pick, insta 10 might for himself so much less time to build up the might.
I was thinking somthing in the line of –
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQRBHhx+1IhK0yilsg/KQ1ihEhqT3d9E+AI2nZP1X9WPjfOZ2D-TJRGwAAeCAJOJAg2foZZAACondi builds limit you more in my opinion since pets do not apply high anmounts of damage. There is much more synergy in power builds between pet and ranger. This leaves more space open for tweaking it for more defense.
Next to that, why do you use signet of renewal? Your pet takes a few stacks of burning and you have a dead pet.Hi I do not agree with your statment, bunker BM builds are better with condi due to damage distribution(pets physical, you condi) adn stats restrictions(only condi damage). Ranger with axe/dagger and kight amulet does no damage. Ranger with rabid and torch does tons of damae. You cliamed pets do tons of damage on your orignal post and now you claim that pets “do not apply high anmounts of damage”? 8k from tail swipe +10k burn is alot of damage.
SoR passive is the only thing that cures condis from your pet(well also HS), only the active kills them. Use the active only when you must and have F4 out of CD(all your bar are condi removals). Also, the drake is in the build to tank group fights and other condi builds.
Okay cool, guess thats an option then too:) I guess I just like the flavour of power builds then. And next to that I think we cant compare those builds. Altho they are both focussed on BM, the playstyle is very different. Cant compare apples with pears huh?:)
Bunker BM builds tend to work much better with condi builds. also, if replacing dagger with torch, you can blast for more might(6 for pet if u’r both in range) and ofc do tons of damage. Jungle stalker is easy pick, insta 10 might for himself so much less time to build up the might.
I was thinking somthing in the line of –
Condi builds limit you more in my opinion since pets do not apply high anmounts of damage. There is much more synergy in power builds between pet and ranger. This leaves more space open for tweaking it for more defense.
Next to that, why do you use signet of renewal? Your pet takes a few stacks of burning and you have a dead pet.
Tried it. Not bad, but loses to builds that can kite it easy.
Play it smart against kiters Try not using your dagger #4 for the evade, but for the poison. Stick to snow owl if (It wont anyway since kiters damage is low) for chill somore attacks hit. Keep in their face with you sword AA. The only thing that might be missing against them is CC, but whatever you can kick their backpieces without it. The fight will just be longer
I see some problems with your build, that i also tested a few months ago. The last patch did not change them.
1. Pet ai is really bad. Experienced players are able to prevent hits from our pet by simple moving around. Your build has no immobilze to counter that.
To score a hit when i need it, i have to swap my pet in the moment im standing right to my opponent. But then you loose the mightstacks on the pet.2. You need dodgeskills on every weaponset. What will you do, if the opponent starts his burst right in the moment you have changed to axe/warhorn. Otherwise you need to maintain pressure while in fights. While in sword/ dagger you cannot buff your pet or deal damage yourself. For this reason condi-builds mix offensive and defensive weapons everytime together. For example axe/dagger and sword/torch. If we use your set up i would recommend axe/dagger and sword/horn. It will make a difference even when i think, that this build will only work in low tier matches.
But dont stop testing builds. We need more build-diversity.And if you want to test your build, you can write me a ingame message. Ranger against ranger. ^^
1. Pet AI is indeed horrible. That is the reason why I went for birds. They have proven to be the most effective since their attack is 300 range! Next to that the cripple from Sword AA and Wintersbite chill are very effective in order for pets have their attacks hit. No need for immobilize now
2. When I swap to Axe/Warhorn I make sure I have at least one dodge ready. Next to that I make sure I am at range of my enemy and Lightning reflexes can also be a savior if an enemy manages to burst me.
PS, okay cool, you will soon see a whisper from me (Evil Laugh)
looks good in theory. ill have to try it out.
It is not just a theory, it works…very well. It is a very fun and strong way of playing the ranger
Q:Why don’t you use other amulets like berserkers or celestial?
A: In order to buff your pet you need precision. You also need to survive ofcourse you also need toughness. The precision from celestial is not enough and the other stats do not offer enough for this build. I felt this one suited perfect after hours of testing.
Q: Why don’t you use wolves for example or Jungle stalker?
A: Altho both these pets have amazing features it just is not suitable enough for the build. Wolf does have nice CC but is inreliable in hitting it’s enemy since it stands still then does it attack. Any enemy that moves will practicly walk away from the attack. Same goes for feline pets. Birds have 300 range on their AA making them incredibly reliable.
Q: Why don’t you use Skirmishing using spotter for extra precision and dangerous game for more might?
A: In this build you are already having pet at 25 might constantly if you play it well. Next to that you would have to sacrifise alot of defensive options like condi removal on survival skills, the fury for your pet and you and the reduced incoming damage.
Q: Why not take resounding timbre for more boons and shout reduction?
A: To take this trait you would have to give up on companion’s might which is a core part of this build and making it so much stronger. Next to that you already have very high swiftness uptime and regeneration uptime due to warhorn.
Q: Why dont you take empathic bond so you can clear up space the condition removal is taking in right now?
A: NO! NONONO! This build is all about your pet and I definetly do not want it dead. Conditions are my problems and I don’t want to make it his problem
(edited by The V.8759)
Hey guys!
I have always been trying to actually create a build that totally is about our class mechanic instead of a build that is about our weapons and our pet serves as a nice passive bonus. After the trait overhaul and the recent pet stat buffs this build got very strong. I have tested it alot, tweaked it alot and feel like I hit the sweet spot. So here we go.
To start here is the build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQRBHhxG1JlKQrgYJLgLLAXLYIRo60NEOhPAi9Z2T9Vv1L4RC-TJRGABA8EAAa/BmLDg2JBAA
This build is all about buffing our pets. Therefore I chose for axe/warhorn and sword/dagger.
Before we start talking about how to buff pets, I would like to explain fortifying bond. This trait lets you copy every boon you get to your pet, but creates its own duration. It is affected by boon duration. This means that of I receive 1 might for 5 seconds, my pet gets it for 15 seconds.
What to use these weapons for?
Axe autoattack is a very good start giving you and thus your pet might every time the axe hits. This means this attack is very effective against multiple targets. Then we have spitblade. Now at first glance it doesnt seem good, but up close or hits 5 times. This is a potential of 5 crits and because of companions might trait. Another one can be added because of sigil of strength.
Wintersbite is great because of chill ofcourse. Also it can be used tactically to weaken an enemy burst. It allows you to have, in conjunction with other traits, have 100% weakness up time. Then hunters call. Many see this as a bad skill, I see it as kitten. It has a potential of critting 16(!) Times in a small timeframe buffing your pet hugely! Then we have call of the wild which is very important to give your pet 2 might, but even better: fury.
Now sword dagger is your sustained/defensive weapon set. With the autoattack you can keep up a very strong sustain damage up and it offers alot of evade aswell as poison.
At first I inmediatly tought of rune of strength. However please note that none of the rune effects apply to your pets, so your pet does not get increased might duration. I went for rune of the trooper for more defensive stats but more important to get condition removal on every skill. This gives my pet more surviveability too since shouts also remove a condition from him. Against Burn Guards this can be vital.
Sigil of strength is a must. It can give your pet about 15 stacks of might by itself! Next to that it depends on what you like. You can use sigil of generocity for more condition removal. Already feel like you have enough? Take sigil of battle for example. Or maybe sigil of Ice can be good so your pet will even hit more reliably.
Several tips:
- If you want to unsleash a burst on your enemy use sic em in combination with zephyrs speed to get the maximum ammount of damage out of your pet.
- Use the f2 skills just after a regular attack your pet did to do 2 attacks in a very short time.
- Keep your focus on buffing and managing your pet, not on how much damage your are doing.
If you have enough condi removal you can swap sigil of generosity for sigil of battle for even more might uptime
I hope you guys give this build a nice chance. It is really cool to see your pet deal 8k damage in a second while you are laughing. It constantly will have 25 might if you play it well.
Any questions? Go ahead:)
Greetings, Fvux!
PS: Before starting to ask questions read 2 posts down where I pre-answered some
(edited by The V.8759)
Yeah, your graphic setup gets the 1680×1050 from your monitor, it is the max it can reach.
My previous GPU was also a HD 7900 series (HD 7950 to be specific) and I played @1920x1080.So, to you solve the youtube problem, you need to record and setup the game to be @1280×720 , that way it will get the 16:9 aspect ratio used by youtube.
It will look a bit distorted in your screen while you play, but on youtube it will be perfect.
Thank you for your answer! I expected if I would run it in 1280×720 it would just as distorted on youtube as ingame. Since that is not the case: Problem solved! Thanks alot!
greetings, Fvux
My screen is SyncMaster 206BW from Samsung. My GPU is the AMD Radeon HD7900 Series. My screen is indeed 1680×1050. (60HZ).
You are using a quite uncommon aspect ratio
The most common ones are 1280×720 and 1920×1080 , both have a 16:9 ratio, yours is 16:10 ratio, so to compensate youtube fill with those black bars.
The 1920×1080 does not show up as an option in my graphic screen. Does it detect what kind of monitor I am using and get that as max settings? How do I get this width?
Is there anyone you know from that channel? You can ingame message him and ask for permission maybe. next to that I wouldnt know
Hey guys!
So I have been producing a couple of video’s for my channel, but I noticed there are black bars on the side of the screen, which are in my opinion kind of annoying. Looking at other gw2 video’s they seem not to have this problem. I run the game in max graphics with 1680×1050 and I record with Fraps.
Any1 knows how I can solve this?
Thanks! Greetings, Fvux
I would love to see condition in combo with healing power for example and something else.
Or how about precision toughness ferocity…awhhh Idd love that
I actually like the trait. I run a beastmaster build where I get the damage reduction because the regen is up, but more important: my pet has higher fury uptime increasing its damage fairly well.
About hunters call, yes of would be nice to see something added to it aswell, but I am fine with its current state. It hits 16 times. Meaning for me that of procs about 8 crits. Due to companions might trait that gives my pet some nice stacks of might hitting even harder.
First of all, you aren’t exploiting anything so I wouldn’t know why you would get punishment for this.
Back on topic I think it has been disabled for a long time now (About 1.5yrs?). I remember WoodenPotatoes mentioning it in one of his video’s a loooooong time ago. Still kinda curious what their idea behind this room was
Hey guys!
So I went experimenting with a full beastmaster build in PvP. It felt great however my success was blocked by one major thing: Melee pets, mainly felines, cannot move when they are executing there attack. This causes every attack they do on their enemy, who can even be walking backwards, to not hit at all. I am kinda of tired of this and it feels like I am being incentivized to play less with the class mechanic.
I understand that fixing some AI can be really hard, but this doesn’t even have to do with that. Therefore I really suggest these animals get attack they can use while moving. At least their autoattack.
If any1 else has a solution, idea or anything else he/she would like to comment, please tell me. Right now I am kinda moving away from the class and it could just prevent that.
Thanks, Fvux.
I think Dhuum would indeed be very appropiate and it would offer the revs a torch.
Uhmmm aren’t you forgetting Torch? Could also be an option altho unlikely since I estimate the chances high that rev elite spec gets it.
I would like to point out that the blast effect procs before the the initial evasive powder keg hit. Therefore stealthing in mid fight in PvP or WvW can be countered by eating the bomb: If the bomb hits your enemy it will instantly reveal you. Therefore I think that there will be no “Stealth Abuse” in terms of PvP and WvW when this trait would not have an IC.
Next to that in a PvE term: Yes, no cooldown would make might stacking significantly easier. However something that should be taken in concideration is that the idea of the devs itself was to make engineer the person in a party that can deliver a huge ammounts of blasts. Next to that you do need to be in combat so it cannot be abused pre-fight. While in combat you still need dodges. So you have to choose: Eat those hits and have more might, or dodge the hit and hope to be lucky and blast a random fire field.
Edit: Removing the IC would also help the engineer in terms of support/healer. These kind of builds were heavily damaged after the trait changes and are currently very underwhelming. This would give you more access to water field blasts and proccing soothing detonation.
(edited by The V.8759)
Hey guys!
I haven’t seen specific feedback from you guys about Thermobaric Detonation. So I was wondering what do you think about this trait?
In my opinion it feels lackluster. It is really hindered by it’s 10 seconds cooldown in my opinion. Even without a cooldown it wouldn’t be too strong I think since it only procs in cooldown and if you manage to blast in a fire 2 times in a row by dodging, you will have the huge downside that you do not have any endurance left.
Something I tought about is making this trait a minor one. Maybe they could move the turret pushback part of explosive powder to the experimental turrets trait. (I don’t even understand what it is currently doing in explosives minor trait…) Then they could place it inside explosive powder and a more proficient grandmaster trait.
They need to make all grenade skills have legendary effect not just barrage
Some good news for you! Heat-seeker rocket trait is affected by the predator making it a glowing tracing projectile!
People talking about solutions when there is no solution needed since there isn’t any problem. Ground target belongs to the grenade. Just bind it to mouse 3 or whatever for easy clicking. It gives the kit some almost unique flavour.
Hey guys!
So I have been testing Gadgeteer for a while now and first of all to explain, gadgeteer overcharges your gadgets but it does not explain what the overcharge actually does. So here is the list with my toughts about it:
- AED.: Increases the AED time to 8 seconds.
This seems not too bad for me. It gives you a bigger chance to get the full healing potential of the skill. However on the downside, it still is kind of a annoying skill, mainly because it has too long cast time in my opinion. - Utility Goggles: Adds 3 stacks of might for a duration of 12 seconds. The Reactive Lenses trait also does this giving 5 stacks, but does not actually remove the overcharged buff.
3 Stacks of might does not seem like a big gamechanger for me. I would rather see a buff in duration than might. However (I do not know if this is a bug or intented) it is nice that the Reactive Lenses trait does not remove overcharged. - Peronal Battering Ram: Increases the launch range to 600.
It is a nice buff, but not very major in my opinion. Maybe if it also increases the hit range this will be better (To like 200?). - Slick Shoes: Increases puddle radius to 90.
Against a big number of targets, like in WvW, this can be a very important thing making it hit more targets. However again a duration increase in either knockdown time or slick shoes time could be better. - Throw Mine: Improves explosion radius to 300 and proxitity radius to 180.
This seems like a very nice buff to me. However in many situations still very cluncky since enemies who are standing inside it have to run out of it and back in it in order to detonate. - Rocket Boots: Increases range to 1200.(!!!)
This the only buff I really really like. It doubles the range making it an even better gap closer or gap maker!
What do you guys think about the overcharged buff? Any changes you like to see?:)
Greetings! Fvux.
Edit: For some reason Reactive Lenses give 5 stacks and normal utility goggles does 3
(edited by The V.8759)
Swiggity Swooty I’m coming for that sack of booty
Sorry had to do that.
Next to that I wouldnt have an idea
The values aren’t that bad actually in my opinion. I am having more trouble with the trow skills tbh. Med Kit had to be the ultimate group healing kit, and throwing these things is single target and really hard to hit the right person when in a group.
I would prefer to soo some pylon’s as they suggested, pulsing out their effect. If this would be too overpowered you could make it like:
Throw Bandages:
Throw out a bandage to create support AoE effects
- Radius: 300(?)
- Pulses: 3
- First Pulse: Remove a damaging condition
- Second Pulse: Heal in the area
- Last Pulse: Grant regeneration
This would be the same idea for the other throw skills.
next to that a change to Health Insurance would be nice since it is way too passive in my opinion. I think we could make it something like “Health Insurance: Med Kit skills pulse more often”. You could let the Throw skills do their pulse rotations twice (Not sure about OP-ness) and Med Blaster pulses twice more while having the same channeling time.
Badly enough it did get removed indeed. There is no similar trait.
My suggestions:
If you want to bunker you now have to rely on blasting water fields much more. Therefore take healing turret and mortar, since they both supply your water fields.
In order to get heals out of these fields you need blasts ofcourse. I would suggest you take bomb kit, elixir gun (Skill 5 is good too) and the last spot is open for anything, thumper, elixir C etc.
If you struggle with condi damage take sigil of purity and rune of lyssa or water. (Lyssa is 5 condi clear on demand with mortar kit). Do not take generocity since you have too low crit chance for that, but take sigil of water or whatever.
Also do not forget that CC can be your best friend in bunker builds. Interrupting enemies, blasting them away gives you time to get back up again. therefore use you big ol bomb wise for example.
As for traits I’dd startwith using soothing detonation. This heals you even more.
For tools I’dd say take reactive lenses since you dont need TK and kinetic charge.
Take invigorating speed above protection injection.
(edited by The V.8759)
Noticed 1 even more annoying thing about this trait: I dodge and want to heal. evades, presses healing turret, detonates it (TOOLBELT). Wait…kitten ….now my whole kinetic thing is wasted… AND NOTHING RECHARGES INSTA
Please at least remove this from detonate turret skills devs ^^
I’m fine about the term that you have to get struck for charging it. The benefit from the trait just don’t worth it. My suggestion would be to change the effect of overcharging for each skill. A.E.D. could do aoe damage pulsing while it is in use, so as longer as you take time to trigger it (not in last moment, but still getting lethal damage) as more is the damage benefit. The damage should be bigger as retalation (maybe like 1k per tick), which was the effect of gadgeteer for A.E.D. in the past. It would be balanced in a nice way too, it creates more damage against melee professions to set them under pressure, but it also warns them to stop attacking because of A.E.D., ranged fighters instead wouldn`t get effected by the damage, but wouldn’t get warned this way too.
PBR could get an aoe spell, launching up to 5 enemies in front of you. Rocket Boots could travel a larger line and sets it on fire, creating a fire combo field (like some of the elementalist spells).Gadgeteer should be a trait which changes the whole feeling of using a gadget.
Your suggestion is great in my opinion is is much more fun than just boons. I will add it to the suggestion section.
“Build static charges when struck. At maximum charge level, your next gadget skill is overcharged and recharges faster.
Miscellaneous effect.png Charges: 5
Miscellaneous effect.png Recharge Reduced: 25%"
To clarify at first, overcharging your gadget skill means that it gives an extra boon, just like old gadgeteer: Fury for PBR, Might for utility goggles etc.
Gadgeteer seems even weaker as before for me. You used to be able to get speedy gadgets to get an all round 20% CD reduction on your gadget skills. (Do note that in comparison all gadget skills got lower CD). In the current situation you have to be hit 5 times in a row in order to get your gadget reduction and the extra boon.
Next to that it seems a bit weird that you have to be struck in order to get this effect. Engineer is in my opinion not about being struck, but about using smart moves against your opponent. This seems a bit more something for a guard or warrior maybe.
I found myself using kinetic energy while I was running a gadget build since it offers so much more.
1) Remove the “Being struck” component and replace it by a more potent system not requiring being hit. With this trait you gain the gadgeteer boons already, but doubled when overcharged.
2) The Be struck mechanic stays, but giving greater reward when they are overcharged: It changes the whole gadget skill. For example: Utility goggles could give a 40% crit buff, PBR could launch 5 targets (And maybe further), Rocket boots also creates a fiery field trail, Mine leaves behind a pulsing lava field after exploded.
(edited by The V.8759)
Why does this count as 1 blast finisher? There are 3 turrets being blown up, so why isnt it a triple blast finisher?
Or it’s could be some sort of surveying equipment.
I just tought about this indeed, since they are all over LA i found out a second ago
(The turrets are described as consortium theodilites)
(edited by The V.8759)
On top of the prison at fort mariner stand these 2 guys and a golem firing at a turret that is in the distance. The thing they are firing are some kind of electric balls. the turret seems to reflect them back or something.
Also the dialog makes me very curious.
What do you think this could be? Some kind of testing on a defence mechanism?
Ok, this may be a stupid question as I’ve not played an engi in ages but what’s the point of dropping a turret only to instantly destroy it? Isn’t their passive damage far greater?
Also… that rifle looks amazing. Too bad it such a pain to craft.
There are multiple reasons to blow up your turrets:
spike damage (blow up damage+SD)
Blasts for field
Opening toolbelt skills for spike damage and stun break
Set your turrets on recharge again. Ofcourse if you let them stay there and they are lucky enough to survive, you can cast a second overcharge. But it wont work inmediatly then so you cant use the knockdown on demand for example. When you blow it up, let go cooldown and use it again it will inmediatly execute its overcharge.
On a side note: I created a new build! A hybrid build without involving grenades and offering high CC
Check it out! https://youtu.be/v_YEVs2c8F4
Hey Laceration.4290,
As Arantheal.7396 said above APT is mostly a matter of personal preference and I felt transmute indeed saved my beautiful backpiece (you know what I’m pointing at) many times.
As for Deployable turrets, it indeed messes up my healing turret combo quite alot.
Scope is ofcourse sometimes usefull and sometimes not, but it felt like the best option. Since I do not have swiftness on demand and can’t chase enemies easily because of that, the crit chance helps me kill them while running.
Nice. Good work
Hey guys!
After some experimenting and testing in PvP, and with the help of some of you I created a turret build that doesnt use the turrets as passives but at active skills. The surprising things is: It works amazing! Check it out, let me know what you think
Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fdAQFAUlUUpmq1WxyKseRSeBN6rUzqAy8FAxFwvA-TJBFwACeAAt2foaZAAXAAA
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBjQym_aHxQ&feature=youtu.be
looks like somebody didn’t watch the HOT trailers.
It probably is a suggestion/fiction for a 2nd gen specialisation.
Please note these are not skills that need buffs or nerfs, but rather a list of fixes
Here is a list of Quality of Life changes, from small polishes to tooltip corrections:
1. Elixir U no longer interrupts skills and becomes actually instant as the tooltip states.
2. When traited HgH, your elixir toolbelt skills will show you receive 1 stack of might instead of 2.
3. The bunker down mine now can explode when it is placed under an enemy that is not moving (Most important for PvE). If needed add 2 second delay on making that possible.
4. Rumble no longer goes on a 1/2s cooldown when you are stunned or dazed, but instead you can actually use it as a stun breaker. (The cooldown bug is kinda randomly)
5. Rocket boots no longer rolls you backwards when used (Altho it happening less frequently than before).
6. Napalm, Flamethrower skill 4, should get a higher hitbox for easier combo fields.
7. Fortified turrets: When cast time is complete create the reflective bubble instantly instead of waiting another 1/2s.
Do you have more things to add? Or have any special toughts about this? Post them and I will add them to the list.