When you see a warrior with under 20k or barely 20k HP he’s usually built to bring the hurt…most classes dont even have that much hp…
I for one definitely dont want to duel this guy , think i want to be bled to death on my engie? , heck no…lol
I would really like to see Arena Net take some ideas from this class and use them with the engineer.
I hope not..
Why? It would be fitting for the engineer and would offer more options for weapons instead of just rifle, pistol/pistol, or pistol/shield
To each his own , and mine is NO , this GW2 not DDO ty.
Or simply quite GW2 , you forgot to mention that one
QQ in the forums 4x a day in different threads and different subforums (I recomend WvW, sPvP, your class forum, ranger class forum. But you can take it all the way to the suggestions or game discussions forums) untill they nerf the class or implement wvw traps to make it unable to use its mechanics for 30secs or more…
Ok, serious now…
Really depends on the ranger spec.
Check weapons and pets…
You need to know what pet hes using and what they do.
Ranger bunkers go heavy on healing. So poison is important.
If hes using shortbow, dont turn your back to him.
If he got no signets, he’s probably a trapper, get ready to avoid the area where he throws little bags.I appreciate the advice, the signets cue is smart, noted!
Also,about poison, coming to think of it, on top of poison on auto attack, mu thief build has access to choking gas, a pulsing poison field.
I also have dagger storm, now if I combo these two together…
That’s whole 8 seconds of projectile reflection + poisonous daggers bouncing bleedig and crippling both the ranger and the pets and they bounce off of targets!
That for sure will give me a way to pressure the ranger enough and cripple his healing!
I’m gonna try that on the next bunker ranger i see.
Thanks, anything else to add?
You didnt think of that before? :|
Yeah its a bug ive been noticing for a few days now where when i go down and rally etc , he would use half of my initiative to roll backwards without being commanded..and this happened a high % of the time lol
This isn’t a duel, this is a video of one warrior running around with no purpose as you slay him/her, and another trying to duel you but failing miserably by running in random directions and looking like an idiot. Your build isn’t even all that good; you probably would have lost had you gone against a single more experienced warrior.
Not impressed.
I actually don’t lose to many warriors, i’m in no form trolling, harassing, or making fun of either warrior. I actually think my build is pretty outstanding. I try not run cookie cutter back stab or stealth based builds. and it works great with a team!
When did they introduce Beginner Spvp Bots? Nice job though.
You’d be surprised how much hurt you can dish out standing at that 1200 range and spamming #1 , even scarier is when a well played Rifle engie gets in close for the burst.
…or watch your Engineer getting blown to bits on his way over to the target…espically in PvP.
What part of “well played” didnt you understand? Let me guess you dont run zerker stats because it melts? snickers
i love how others melt before me when i run zerker :>
No safety net needed? I like it!
Its Anarchy i tell ya!
Quite refreshing to see somone running something other than BM Regen , no safety net needed i see
It’s almost as if you guys haven’t seen wild bill’s videos. He is (was) the king of all things P/D. His build is king I suggest you all check it out if you haven’t yet.
side note: P/D was way better before the caltrops nerf and was better before everyone knew how to counter it. Although I still play it as my main build in wvw and s pvp, It’s just too much dam fun.
ya i know him. i subscribed to his youtube channel. we actually dueled before best of 5 we ended up 3-0 in favor of me. check my channel for videos
You’re not going to mention the part where you used a cheese build and Bill’s was outdated before you go about boasting? Wouldn’t expect you to lol :|
When i see a ranger as ele i would RTL away.
Are you guys kidding me here? It’s a freaking ranger! No matter what gimmick bunker build they’re running, it’s still a freaking ranger and therefore a free kill.
Thats not true, youre best chance is full zerker and you need to be imba even then.
You obviously haven’t the slightest clue of what you’re talking about.
It is not hard to create a d/d ele build that has a hard hitting burst while maintaining the sustain and tankiness of a classic bunker. After that, it all boils down to your individual skill, which seems to be lacking if you’re going to just sit there and say, “Nope, the ranger bunker is too difficult. Better just RTL away.”
This is another classic case of L2P.
Everyone just stay calm!
So.. the boonway build, that everyone points to, was nerfed, hard, and they still felt the need to hand out boon hate to thieves….
So.. the boonway build, that everyone points to, was nerfed, hard, and they still felt the need to hand out boon hate to thieves….…and you people still play this class?
So.. the boonway build, that everyone points to, was nerfed, hard, and they still felt the need to hand out boon hate to thieves….…and you people still play this class?
Most people play Alturistic Healing, not this Boonway build.
The nerf to SY! was only in sPvP, and it was months ago.
I play Guardian because I enjoy it, I’m not some bandwagon jumper that freaks out at every change to the game like the sky is falling. I don’t need someone coming along questioning why I play a class because thieves got a buff.
Armor: Giver’s 6%
Runes: Two Superior Monk and two Superior Water then two Major Water or two Major Monk 40%
Amulet: of Winter 1%
Ring (x2): of Winter 2%
Accessory (x2): of Winter 2%
Snowflake Jewels (x5): 5%
Back item
Subtotal 86%
Temporary Effects
Chocolate Omnomberry Cream 20%
Banner of Tactics 10%
Subtotal from temporary effects 30%
Grand total 116%1
Since you said “duel” I would agree with you. Only because duels have nothing to do with WvW. Since they are more for testing your self and having fun the trap would be kinda kitten to use.
Out side of duels, you’d be crazy to think I’m not going to use it. Its a amazing tool to use while scouting camps. Having it set off to the side and kite thieves to it as needed while defending is insanely useful.
Another note is everyone one has the power to use this trap. If you choose not to use a tool that is given to you, your naive. If I were to get jumped by a thief, on any of my toons, the first thing I would try to do is drop that trap.
As for respect, there is very little in this forum. Most everyone is hyper negative and do nothing but complain. The thief is my main class and no matter what nerfs we get, I’ll be out there giving more people something to complain about.
Finally somone who doesnt pout about every single thing…
You’d be surprised how much hurt you can dish out standing at that 1200 range and spamming #1 , even scarier is when a well played Rifle engie gets in close for the burst.
…or watch your Engineer getting blown to bits on his way over to the target…espically in PvP.
What part of “well played” didnt you understand? Let me guess you dont run zerker stats because it melts? snickers
Well, looks like armor scale prices went down. I should have kept my kitten mouth shut. kitten.
They were going down quite quicky before YOU even posted this , with 420 MF i avg 20-30 an hr , 2 crates , and 7 rares.
No food it was sPvP, the guy was using nade, bombs, bar, crate.
Well if thats his setup he didnt even bring a stunbreaker , but far as how to beat him you’re going to have to CC him , if you cant then dont chase him around unless you have some SERIOUS burst because before you know it you’ll have a bar of conditions like you just shouted “Kill Yourself!”.
Practice versus engies , simply practice.
You’d be surprised how much hurt you can dish out standing at that 1200 range and spamming #1 , even scarier is when a well played Rifle engie gets in close for the burst.
At the time of this post, each Armored Scale is worth around 30s. Within 1 hour, all the loot I earned totalled more than 10g (the average of CoF), and earned me 5 RNG boxes (4 of which I opened.)
Do engineers finally have a purpose? I would think so! :P
edit: 12g in the one hour, specifically. ! Tell the CoF farmers to go Skritt themselves, cuz’ only us Engineers and our nades perfected SCUBA-fishing Barricuda!
First off i recommend taking that G out of Farmgineer , and last but not least if thats the only way you know how to play the Engineer then its not the Profession for you
really the onnonlygeneral bama. care to duel? me and my stealth trap vs you and your thief?
I do believe he mains an engineer, some thief you are for not analyzing your enemies first
Dat awareness
Alright! Time to spend my 150 badges + 5250 karma! 10 thieves sure are worth it!
Exactly , they (inadequate thieves) are over exaggerating.
You can drop residual and add venomous strength. Drop 1 signet and add devourer. Gives 19 might instead of 20. The immob will work against stability classes.
I’m trying to figure out how to get improvisation in there. If a stolen skill counts as a bundle that’s an additional 10% damage. Sometimes it replenishes your signets which is pretty sweet.
The 3 Signets are a bundle , and so is the stolen skill.
Doesnt look like your set up dishes out enough damage , so killing you is like childs play. The little dmg you do do they will just muscle through it or stealth and regen it back since u pretty much a sitting duck with your stats all over the place like that. I’d recommend dropping the mediocre healing power and boosting that condition dmg with some food to balance yourself out.
Hello guys , I was wondering whats the best way to mass produce 80 rares to mystic forge them , is it best to just try for Dust or Dawn or simply try to MF my precursor of choice (The Hunter)?
I recall somone mentioning like certains parts you farm and certain parts you simply buy , any advice is appreciated
Thank you for your help Levi , but i mean the ones that actually transform you , your skill set and ALLOWS battle of foes , these are the ones im searching for.
I know i should be doing other things than looking for these , but anyone know where you can find transformation potions similiar to the ones that turn you into an NPC or Monster for a certain amount of time but you also have skills that you can use even in combat?…im searching the web but cant find any database on such thing.