Showing Posts For Thelgar.7214:

Why are people strongly against raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Most of the people who post here seem to hate social interaction. Raids would be a horror for them.

It isn’t social interaction that most people here dislike, it is social exclusion.

Don’t have this gear, get out.
Don’t have this class, get out.
Don’t have this build, get out.
Don’t have this level, get out.
Miss a dodge because the battle has been going on forever because you’re the only one doing good damage, get out.
You’re the only one not doing good damage, get out.
You haven’t watched the dungeon/event on YouTube beforehand to see the most efficient way to do every bit, get out.

In the end, everything where structured grouping is required in this game devolves to this. If you don’t hit an event or dungeon early, as in the first few hours, it gets progressively harder to find a group that you can play through it with. And when you do, you get one or two people that ragequit when it becomes evident it isn’t going to be a speedrun becasue it is the first time for one or more of the group.

Eliminating Zergs and imbalances.

in WvW

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Does it seem that a lot of the ideas here manage to both punish people in guilds with a lot of people and punish people who like to have the ability to join a large group as they can or want without being forced to join a guild at the same time?

Exactly who benefits from changing WvWvW? If I were in a large guild, I’d hate having to not be able to do things together or being penalized for doing things together. As a player that likes to be able to join large groups as I can or want, I’d hate having to join teams or guilds just to be able to play in smaller groups or having to play solo to get decent rewards.

If you like playing in small groups or soloing things, there are plenty of places on the maps where there aren’t zergs at any given time, just keep moving and avoid the zergs.

If the five of you can’t hold the tower against fifty, well, enjoy your Alamo achievement. Which actually would be a nice line achievements – gain credit towards them when you hold an X or Y or Z vs. superior numbers for a period of time before failing…

Our reactions to farming nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


If something isn’t working in play as intended, but players like it more the way it is than as intended, why not consider it a bonus feature rather than a bug? It seems a lot of game designers, both computer and pen-and-paper, make changes rather than accept that they have fortuitously found something the players enjoy, and the result is always a game the players enjoy less…

I am wearing pansy red booties

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


My ranger’s boots are still red after the patch. She isn’t pleased…


I am wearing pansy red booties

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Further Nerfs to Cursed Shore Events?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Plenty of people that farm penet/shelt are farming southsun whiule they can. The Blood drop is the rarest to get in penet/shelt IME and it drops all the time in southsun. Have to balance out your 250 T6 mats…

Expectations on mini Reef Rider

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I think at some point, if the price stays low, someone will buy them up and re-list them at a higher price, and they’ll just sit there.

Please, help with Canach: too hard for me

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I did it right after the patch. I just wedged my ranger between a flower and a wall away from any mines so she wouldn’t get tossed anywhere and spammed attacks until she hit 75% health, then healed. I repeated that for about 30 or 40 minutes. I never messed with switching the mines or anything. Even though it said I was doing 0 damage, his health bar went down over time (albeit really slowly). I should have read up on the tactics and saved myself some time. I just thought it was a really tedious event…

More Armors please!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


In before they add new armors via BLK Chests , since people buy these in drove.

I can’t help but think that this tapers off. I bought keys for the BLCs to get a fused ticket, but even getting one, I can’t help but feel I overspent. I’d feel worse if I didn’t get one, so I can’t see taking the risk again.

Why does Canach have the molten guantlets?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I was wondering that too.

Expectations on mini Reef Rider

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I picked one up just for myself and was pleasantly surprised at the five-ish price tag. The colors match my Mesmer, or at least come closer than anything else I’ve seen.

Gigantic White Kitten

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Please don’t change it. I like the big, big-headed kitten. Sell a separate, little, little-headed kitten for people that want it. If you’re up for changing stuff, please take a look at the sickle animation, which is actually broken.

My Priory Boots Turned Red on the Bottom

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Tried changing colors, restarting, changing boots, changing zones…

Other boots show the correct color, but the Priory Boots are red.


Keys on Sale but Nothing in the Chests?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Does it seem odd that the keys are on sale when there are no special items in the chests?

Gamble that something will be added to the chests that you would like enough to buy keys to gamble for the something you want? RRNG?

What's your main character's theme song?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


With the changes to Shelter…

Dyes - how much will you pay for a dye?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I paid 30 for a deep glacial sky dye when the price dipped about 14 gold before the event tended.

I picked up all the colors I wanted. Pyre was the first one I wanted, and I got it pretty cheap. Seeing it at 79 is painful.

It seems that in addition to (or maybe because of) the definition and contrast of the F&F dyes, that there is a wider disparity between how the colors look on armor. For example, on Draconic Armor, Flame looks a beautiful red, but on Temple Karma Armor, Flame looks like a sickly pale pink. Molten looks better on the Draconic Armor as well – the best gold armor I’ve seen, as does the Deep Glacial Sky which gets a blue and black Batman kind of look to it. So if you’re changing armors, you could suddenly have a (79 gold) wasted dye…

Black Bear Cub Mini

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Most boring mini ever? Or does he do something and I’m just not putting him in a position to do it. So far he just stands there shaking his head and then nodding…

And he looks like a black pig…


(edited by Thelgar.7214)

RNG - Please stop Anet.

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I’m done with the RNG boxes. I mean really, I can buy entire games for what it costs on average to pull a ticket.

To Players farming crates for 2+ hours

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I got one box from the first thing I killed in Southsun for the event, and didn’t get another through all the rest of the time I spent there. No ticket of course.

if you could add any weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


We already have chainsaws.

I’d like to see a rapier model for the sword category.

They could do the same thing with greataxe as they did with the greatsaw, just make a model for greatsword (similar to Droknar’s Forgehammer for the mace).

I would like a spear/polearm category so they could add models based on the spear, halberd, pike, bill, bardiche, etc.


Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Asura Female Guardian


Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Norn Female Guardian


F&F gauntlets are awesome

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I’m also of the opinion that the gauntlets are pretty awesome. They look great even with armors that aren’t necessarily a match, like Draconic Armor or Armageddon Armor.

Why exp'd MMO players have multiple toons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I like playing all 16 of my alts. Most of my characters aren’t optimized. The things that have bothered me most are the adding of feet to the air elementals, including the mini and having my Runes of Vampirism on my Ranger nerfed at the same time they mangled the Penet/Shelt events so I’m getting near one-shotted by things that I can’t see due to culling and can’t figure out where to run because enemies are popping in like foliage in Crysis at release. It would be three, but I’ve decided to grudgingly accept the still slightly too low volume of my Greatsaw and Chain Swords and move on.

Too much supply. Not enough demand.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Why should the prices on these go up? To screw over players that are low-leveled and drain them of all their funds so they don’t have money to buy end-game gear when they hit 80?

Legendary Weapons need to Be More Legendary

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I disagree with both higher stats and a unique skill. The legendary thing is designed to give you something cool for all your time, not something more powerful. Grind2Win is as distasteful to me as Pay2Win.

But, I’d be in favor of better effects (like sound effects for all) and unique skill animations or even coloring (so my fire breath and aura with Rodgort on my guardian use flames the same color as Rodgort’s flames instead of blue).

Un-break my Superior Runes of Vampirism

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thelgar.7214



If there isn’t a compelling balance issue for why the mist form from the runes had to be nerfed to uselessness, and judging from the price (and thus desirability) of the runes in relation to others prior to the nerf, there wasn’t, could you fix the mist form on the runes so that I can use my 6-slot heal again?

It took forever to get these working right, so breaking them is particularly uncool.

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Asura Mesmer

Student Circlet
Student Mantle
Named Coat
Student Gloves
Named Leggings
Named Boots

Colors: Hydrangea, Hot Pink, Lipstick


(edited by Thelgar.7214)

Toggle weapons in character selection screen

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


It would be really nice to be able to toggle showing weapons in the character selection screen (also, backpacks).

Questions for players that hate grinding.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I don’t mind doing things I enjoy for extended periods of time, as long as the reward is commensurate with the time spent.

I enjoy Penet/Shelt/Jofast and Plinx runs. I hate having so much downtime in-between sometimes, especially when Plinx bugs. Before they fixed the drop-rate and drop-qualification issues, even though I enjoyed them, the rewards were too bad to not be frustrated by the lack of progress for time.

I enjoyed the dungeon from F&F, but having to wait for the whole group to wipe to respawn makes it too frustrating to grind (and I wasn’t always the first one down, at times I was the last guy running around trying to shave that last sliver off a boss before getting teleported on and dying). If you always have this great group of guildies, then that may not be an issue, but for those of us that are Independents, that is a real problem.

Which brings us to requiring mass dungeon tokens to finish a legendary, that is going to be an unpleasant grind, which I’m not going to enjoy. Same with WvWvW.

What is a great looking heavy armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I think there are a lot of different ways to go, depending on what you want out of your heavy armor…


Fused Gauntlets, Alt Unfriendly Decisions

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Not always a chick, I’ve had a male human and male asura so far.

Disappointed that F&F ends w/ a dungeon

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


OK, I managed to find a group (much easier than for any other dungeon I’ve tried) and finish the dungeon (my first group dungeon).

Gauntlets are nice. Hard to pick between which character to put them on.

Dungeon was hard, but I was with a good group that made it easier the time I finished.

Also, my Ranger was easier to use than my Warrior in it. Same thing was true of the first Toymaker dungeon (which I soloed).

I don’t see what would be hard about scaling this. But I’m not a developer, so what do I know… I’d still be interested in hearing what makes it difficult to scale just out of curiosity.

Disappointed that F&F ends w/ a dungeon

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t a situation where you can’t get the final reward without playing the dungeon after dong all the other stuff and there isn’t a LFG tool and they haven’t disabled the “let’s throw the guy who isn’t in our guild out of the group at the last minute” button for the content.

Which Fused Weapon Skin?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


OK, I have one fused weapon skin. I won’t be gambling for any more.

I narrowed my options to:

Greatsword – Awesome, but ubiquitous. And, there are a lot of nice greatswords to pick from.

Long Bow – Best-looking long bow available IMO, but I don’t use a long bow regularly on any of my characters, so it is at best an occasionally used switch weapon.

Anyone have any nice screenshots to push me one way or the other?

Molten Alliance Pick [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I bought one. Don’t know which alt I’ll throw it on though. My ranger isn’t fire themed or anything and I farm mostly with her. It would look cool on my Warrior, but he isn’t fire themed either. Maybe I’ll put it on my guardian, who is fire themed, but hardly ever farms. Or, more likely, it will sit in my inventory until I stick on someone just to clear the space…

Molten Alliance Mining Pick

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I’d prefer if the axe and sickle were linked to other events with animations relating to those events rather than two more that relate to flame and frost. Or at least have the axe be related to the frost part.

new volume sliders

in Audio

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


They’ve said they were looking at splitting volume sliders for weapon sounds, but it would be a lot of work. It would be nice if we could split off a bunch of things like ambient conversation/ambient noise, our weapon sounds/other people’s weapon sounds, our attack sounds/other people’s attack sounds.

Well, not really nice, I’d rather they spend time making more cool gear with great visuals and sounds. But I hate having to worry that stuff I like is going to be ruined because somebody else doesn’t like it and complains.

Shield Skins Cool, But limited use?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I use a shield on my guardian and engineer. The Aegis makes having a nice-looking shield kind of useless though. It only really looks good on a Glyphic shield.

No warning about ascended rings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I appreciate the OP posting this, or I’d have made the same mistake.

Your Mini and You In Cute Poses!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Is it real or is it Minirex?


Lets figure out some drop rates!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


44 Chests 1 Skin. With running the open world chests and my other baubles, I have been able to buy 2 skins with baubles.

Unique Weapon sounds

in Audio

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Greatsaw and Chainsword
Pop Gun

Sadly, none of the techie rifle or pistol skins have a techy sound.

The "small" but wonderfull little things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thelgar.7214




Delete character farming

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I don’t quite understand. You first argued that people shouldn’t be allowed to delete, then you say that people who try hard should be rewarded, thereby agreeing with me… right after disagreeing with me… then you agree with me again, but in a disagreeing tone.

Since I don’t quite understand that, I’ll just respond to the first part, where you’re blatantly disagreeing with me.

Players ARE able to get what they want.

If you want a Staff for your Elementalist. You can EASILY get it.

Now, if you want a Staff for your Elementalist, a Shield for your Engineer, 2 Swords for your Warrior, a Greatsword for your Guardian, a Scepter for your Mesmer, a Shortbow for your Thief and a Longbow for your Ranger, you had better be ready to WORK for it. Add on to that the fact that people always want their goodies now as opposed to later…


It is you that don’t understand. I never argued against people deleting.

I never agreed with you. You advocated changing the way things work now. I argued against changing anything. The current system is fine the way it is. Players can work as hard as they want in the way that they want to get what they want.

You want to increase the difficulty and time required to get the skins. There is no need for that. The current difficulty makes them accessible enough that players with alts can get them for their characters by putting in the twice the time for 2, three times the time for 3, etc. And the base amount of time is set at a point where that amount of time and effort is reasonably achievable for many players, not just the hardcore.

Delete character farming

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Adding in more characters that YOU want to outfit is YOUR choice. Arenanet is not responsible for spoonfeeding any choice that you make with their game. The weapon skins are easily accessible and my method was a simple fix to dissuade players from delete-farming, but there will always be hardcore players and it’s always nice to have an open mind to them instead of closing off 100%.

So you’re saying screw the people with alts in favor of the hardcore players? That has already been done with ascended gear and legendaries and fractals and everything else that is so expensive or time consuming that you couldn’t possibly outfit and level all your alts without giving up your job and/or school.

There should be something for the rest of us in the game that is nice too.

You’re basically saying: “People can make Legendaries, but I want one for all my characters. Why should I work harder to get more..?”

Instead of: “People can make Legendaries, but I want one for all my characters. Now I’ll work harder to get more.”

If you want more, you want more.

People deleting characters or running all their alts through the game are working harder for more. You want to take the ability for them to work harder away.

Lastly, I don’t know if many of the people in this/these threads (this isn’t aimed at you specifically, it’s aimed at everyone) realize that delete-farmers reduce the price of the weapon skins. The greatsword used to be 40g. It’s now about half that price, as are all the other skins. Why..? Because people are farming it and getting the tradeable versions which then increase the supply without affecting the demand. preDpreH

Yes. Lowering the prices on the weapon skins on the Trading Post was a wonderful benefit to more people farming the skins. The prices were artificially inflated by people bracketing the price point with high buy orders and sell orders and the influx of more skins made them take a loss, which is a good thing. Gating off content from other players with wealth gained by TP flipping should have consequences.

Delete character farming

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


Who cares?

I have 15 alts. I run Zone 1 on each of them daily, if I feel like it and time permits. So far I have one found skin and one bauble-purchased skin. I’ll have one more bauble-purchased skin today.

If someone has dedicated that much time to deleting and re-creating alts, then running again and again, I don’t see a problem with it.

The nice thing about SAB is that it actually is accessible to everyone who wants to play it, the way they want to play it, for as long or as little as they want to play it. It has a chance to get nice things, and a guarantee of getting nice things.

There are plenty of things to be elitist about and angst over who has something you do or who didn’t earn it the way you think they should have. Please don’t bring it into this.

Abyss Dye

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


One. My very first dye drop. My last good dye finds were when the drop rates skyrocketed. I got 10 dyes in a couple hours and got a black, white, celestial, midnight fire and midnight ice out of those. Since then, nothing worth much. But since the prices on unid dyes spiked, I have sold most of what I found.

Jumping the Shark

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I thought this was about that skill point thing where the shark would come up and stick on the rocks…

Multiple character farming Intended?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I like the way it is now. It is kind of cool to get to use all my characters in a row toward a goal like this. I’m having fun and I’m getting cool stuff for my characters. There is no reason to ruin it by pandering to the “I don’t just want to have, I want you not to have” crowd. There is more than enough stuff that can scratch that itch in the game already. Having something like this for the rest of us is great.