Thanks for your responses all. For the record, I’m more interested in PvP than PvE. There are many builds good and bad that work decently enough for PvE; PvP is where you really get to test your wits and skill.
The idea of a control build sounds pretty neat. I usually play a healing+condition dmg D/D or D/F build on my ele, which I find pretty fun, though I’m incredibly tanky, which can cause things to be a bit boring at times.
I’m going to start leveling up my thief, thanks all. On a side note, if anyone has any recommended builds/guides for leveling up a thief, I’d be interested in hearing about that.
Hiya thieves! Elementalist here, though I’m getting a bit tired of the profession and am interested in trying out a thief.
I’m interested in what kind of builds thieves are able to pull off. I know they have some great burst specs, but I don’t know much more than that. I’ve played thief before in numerous MMO’s, and I find that they are often the “easy to play, difficult to master” class. Being able to out-smart and out-skill your enemy is often vital, and it’s one thing I love about thieves.
I’m not sure how true all this is in GW2, but I’m interested in hearing more about GW2’s thieves and about what they are (and are not) capable of doing. Thanks.
Kyouhei, this falls under the Third Party Program Policy:
Read that and decide for yourself. They won’t vet specific applications.
FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: TimeBomb.3427
I play on a 24" monitor – 1920 × 1080, and I noticed very little change while ingame, though the little bit I noticed wasn’t bad. That is not to say the change isn’t very much so there, but I just don’t really notice it while naturally playing/viewing the game.
I’m much more interested in seeing improvements to the horizontal FoV.
Our most noticeable buff was to our downed state.
For a healing oriented build, I usually emphasize healing, toughness, and condition damage.
Healing Power + Toughness + Signet of Restoration makes you really difficult to take down.
Condition damage will give you adequate DPS via conditions.
Hello. I’d like to suggest that all posts made by community coordinators are removed from the dev tracker. For anyone who doesn’t know, community coordinators are the forum staff members that appear to be playing the forum moderator role; their usernames are prefixed with "CC ".
My reasoning behind this proposal is as follows:
1) Judging by the posts made by community coordinators, they are in no way related to the development of Guild Wars 2. Thus there posts do little more than clutter up the dev tracker.
And 2) It is moderately, for the lack of a better word, depressing, to see the posts made by community coordinators – let alone singled out in this dev tracker. As far as I see it, allowing users to see a list of posts made by community coordinators is not beneficial, does no good, and, just to be even further redundant, serves no purpose.
Thank you.
@Aridia (Ugh, forum’s not letting me quote again): That’s not what people here are using. We’re using SweetFX – which provides SMAA and lots of effects; SMAA is widely considered better than FXAA.
Did a new version just come out? I got a GUI and it doesn’t have as many options as you guys have mentioned. Been fooling around with it manually and the colour is more vibrant though.
Where did you download it from? I still see v1.3 as the latest, which didn’t have a GUI but he was working on adding one.
saurus, you must be applying it wrong. Re-read the readme and attempt to reapply it. If you’re still having issues, we’ll need you to provide more details.
And I think I may be getting addicted to screwing around with this; here’s my current preferred iteration of settings:
It’s sliightly darker compared to the default game, but colors pop more and.. well, it looks quite a bit higher quality.
Do note that HDR doesn’t seem to respond well with very bright colors/light. I’ve done my best to make this as much of a non-issue as possible, but if you notice that things are overly bright, I’d recommend disabling the game’s bloom, which most of you may have enabled without knowing it.
GW2’s “Post-Processing” graphics setting contains numerous improvements, though the most noticeable is bloom. If you find that bright colors/lights are being problematic, or if you just don’t like the glow you notice sometimes around your character(even with this graphics injector disabled), then disable post processing.
Modified my previous settings, this is my best yet IMO:
I changed the sharpening algorithm a bit; it looks better now than it did before IMO. The sharpening compliments the game without overdoing it.
I am no longer using bloom, and am instead using a tone map. This also helps make these graphic settings further compliment the game’s graphics without completely changing them.
Thanks Donwey. I imagine that it’s the forced ambient occlusion that’s contributing the most to the graphics quality in your game. Sadly, ATI cards can’t force ambient occlusion – just NVidia. Poor me :X.
Anywho, I’ve taken Donwey’s DPX settings, modified them a bit and incorporated them into my previous settings. It looks a bit nicer now; it’s a tad brighter and the colors pop more.
Settings file:
Also, I’d recommend you use SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA rather than SMAA_PRESET_CUSTOM; this variable is set in injector.ini, and it affects only SMAA settings; your other custom settings will still be used.
(edited by TimeBomb.3427)
ok i found what cause the game on crashing after the FXAAA injector… it was Xfire.. i guess its 64bit and cause some complications.. i disabled it and the injector worked just fine… although i cant get the quality of the OP pics..
Yeah, I’ve used numerous different settings and also can’t get the quality OP showed in their pics; I’d be interested in seeing his custom settings.txt file. I’m quite content with what I got in my above post though.
Hi all.
After updating from SweetFX 1.1.1 to 1.3, I worked diligently to redo my settings from scratch – this time using HDR. HDR has its issues – it often makes bright things far too bright; this is most noticeable in the character select screen with HDR enabled. It also can very easily make everything far too dark. I worked diligently to make the game handle SweetFX’s HDR setting as well as SMAA, LumaSharpen, and Bloom. Bloom and HDR together may sound crazy, but the bloom helps compliment the HDR-induced darkness. Do note that I also lowered the default sharpening in LumaSharpen as some of the armor was beginning to show too much ugly outlines.
I’ve modified them now to where I’m quite satisfied. I feel it compliments the game while still improving on the graphics quite nicely.
Here are some screenshots of my changes; it’s vertically split 50/50, so the left hand side is the normal game w/o SweetFX or FXAA, and the right hand side is w/ my custom SweetFX settings:
And here’s my custom SweetFX settings file:
You can replace the content of the pastebin w/ SweetFX_settings.txt, or, if you know how to use SweetFX’s presets, you can use this as a custom preset.
I happened to be unlucky enough to stock up on black lion chests when they were at the highest price they’ve ever been at, 30-33c. I picked up only 1250, which isn’t that much gold (although it was 3/4 of mine at the time, though a few gold isn’t difficult to get), and am still hoping that the prices rise to at least 30-35c before the event is over. I’ll just cross my fingers that a patch comes out mid-event to raise the rate of items from the chests, and then I’ll cross my toes that most people open most of their black lion chests and need to buy more, lol.
Can anyone who has posted actual times provide a link to a source?
The best I have seen is the twitter / facebook “late afternoon pst” & “after midnight gmt”.
Exactly. With those two pieces of data, we can assume it’ll be between 5PM and 9PM PDT. 5PM is midnight GMT, and I most people won’t consider 9:30PM to be the afternoon.
Expect it to start somewhere between 5PM to 9PM PDT.
Dynamic events should not provide totally different experiences depending on how many people are participating in them. I think this is a poor and unnecessary idea.
Mob AI overall should be improved and made more difficult – not just with high-population dynamic events. Fighting groups of high level boring, mindless “tank and spank” mobs is just that – boring and mindless. I remember back in BWE1 (and I think BWE2) – the difficulty of the game was harder than it is now. They toned it down far too much in BWE3, and I’m pretty sure they toned it up a little bit from BWE3 come release.
When mobs were harder (this meant, amongst other things, higher stats and more damage output), you had to be more alert and strategic. You had to dodge or be defensive at the right time, or else. It was awesome! I was really, really disappointed by BWE3, as were oh so many people that were complaining on the forums. They increased the difficulty a bit since then, but I’d still very much so prefer to see it closer to what it was in BWE1, especially in regards to dynamic events.
There are some dynamic events that scale far better than others. There are also a lot that, after a certain point, scale pretty poorly. We need to be challenged more, especially when mobs are insta-dying.
Spawning more mobs is a good idea. As is increasing level(and thus increasing stats) of them. Dynamic events usually do a pretty good job of spawning mobs based on participants of that dynamic event. More often than not, the problem is that oh so many dynamic events do not scale the mob’s level well enough.
Mobs are too easy. Mobs die really fast. No one has to do anything but sit with the zerg and press “1” so the game spams autoattack. This is all too often quite true for many dynamic events.
I think this can be drastically remedied by looking over all dynamic events one-by-one and rescaling them, especially in regards to increasing their level.
(edited by TimeBomb.3427)
I find that they often patch in the evening, if not 1-2 hours into the next day post-patch. i.e. They say there will be a patch on the 20th, but they implement the patch at 1 or 2am on the 21st. That’s happened once or twice, though they often get it in the late evening, 8-11ish. I’m hoping it’s the early morning on the day of the patch rather than evening.
Hehe, happy birthday.
And I’d also be interested in knowing if it’s worth staying up to play when the patch is released X hours after midnight on the 22nd, or if it’s going to be released mid/late day and we shouldn’t bother pulling an all nighter.
It’s all visuals Domaik. carson is correct, even in regards to projectiles and whirlwind attacks.
It’s quite arguably disruption. It could potentially be classified as harassment or/and spam, but I doubt it would be. I’d be interested in knowing whether officially is or isn’t against the rules, i.e. reportable, though.
I really suggest to be carefull using these things..Do you want to end up losing your account over the RMB ? You got no official response,thats mean its Not allright to use it,otherwise they would have said so,so the possibility of this being seen as an exploit,hack,is pretty big,and when they do detect it,dont be surprised to see you get banned though.
There was an official response, and it specifically said they weren’t vetting any specific third party applications, but would not ban unless the third party applications were found to be… bad. The regulations for “bad” are very vaguely outlined in the third party policy thread stickied in the account issues thread.
is it illegal??
Questionable. No one has been suspended from using it. ArenaNet is aware of it but refuses to say yes/no to any specific third party application. Third party policy is here:
The best way for a player to assess whether a specific third-party program could have any impact on another player or a PvP opponent is to ask:
• “Does this program allow someone to play faster, better, longer, or more accurately than someone who doesn’t use it?”
• “Does this program allow someone to ‘play’ when he/she is not at the computer?”
• “Does this program allow the user to gain undeserved rewards?”
In the end: Use at your own risk.
I’ve personally coded my own simple RMB toggle that is togglable via double right click or/and a specific hotkey. I find the UI be a lot easier to use than Combat Mode’s. It’s just as if you were holding down right click, but via a toggle, as I wish it was initially implemented. Simple yet effective.
I’ma be cleaning up the C# source more and releasing it + the source later in the month, assuming I have enough time. Keep an eye on Reddit.
Expect new content in 2 days.
This is the wrong forum, but the brief answer is MONEY.
I know Youtube sometimes may prefer networks because they are often have more viewers, span across numerous games, and are often more professional than a random gaming vlogger, but I have never and, as far as I am aware, there is not anything in writing that -requires- a youtube partner to be part of a network.
If you consistantly have a lot of viewers and are interested in becoming a youtube partner, i.e. making money, then they won’t shove you away because you aren’t in a network. Though, I do know that Youtube isn’t a fan of monetizing gaming videos; they much prefer vloggers.
That being said, you need a license to monetize on games. Based on what I’ve officially heard in the past, ArenaNet has given them out to very few peoples – one of the persons being TotalBiscuit. They did say that they would further explore allowing more people to monetize on GW2 videos, but that won’t be for some time. This was in a post made by a staff member on these forums.
(edited by TimeBomb.3427)
I’m getting this very often as well, and it’s annoying.
If I make a reply to a thread, I can’t go back using the back button – it just drops me on the same page I’m already on. Often I get this symptom not just by replying, but sometimes even after I go from one page to another, I can’t go back!
Another even more disruptive bug: I just went into a thread, hit the back button to go back to the list of threads in that section, then hit the forward button to go back to the thread that I was just at. The top list of pages were doubled – one list of pages under another. And there were no posts in that thread! I hit the back button again and I land on the main forum page that lists all the categories. …What in the world is going on?
ArenaNet is notorious for not wanting to release information about anything that is not completely set in stone, and I find that understandable and don’t have an issue with it, even if it can sometimes be a little frustrating.
I also find it quite reasonable as to why they don’t want to release details about algorithms/concepts behind certain systems, such as DR, and perhaps even magic find(although nothing was asked about that from what I saw).
From a certain perspective, it would be unintelligent of them to release the details behind certain systems. There is valid reasoning behind keeping certain details hidden.
To everyone saying that they werent giving much information, maybe its because they were not developers aka designers..they were PROGRAMMERS!! Its like asking a technician about an engineering order..he has no idea, he just performs the task and makes the machine work..he doesnt design the machine.
They were doing the best they could, they even said that they could not answer most of these questions because they are not designers and a different team entirely handles most of the questions that people were asking.
Nitpicking on terminology here – programmers are developers. It’s also not uncommon for designers to be referred to as developers as well, as they are indeed further developing the product.
(edited by TimeBomb.3427)
The authenticator is working without bugs, which is great.
I’d love to see the following two features implemented, as they’d make the authenticator more pleasant for me to use:
1) Remember Me option for the authenticator – for the forums and the game. Even if it’s just for 7 days or 30 days, it’d be great to have this, as having to enter it every single time I log ingame or into the forums from the same exact computer and IP I always use is tedious and arguably unnecessary.
2) After successfully logging in via the game launcher, it asks me for the authentication code. I have to click the actual authentication code field before I can start entering it, despite the fact that I just successfully logged in. I’d love it if, after logging in, it would automatically focus my cursor on the authentication code input field, rather than me having to click it.
Thanks a lot, and great job!
Custom Arenas – interesting. Though the word “rent” makes me sick to my stomach. I’m envisioning having to pay gems or a large amount of gold to “rent” a room for you and your friends for 24 hours. Obviously we’ll find out more in the near future, as Jonathan mentioned, but… I have a bad feeling about it. I was expecting the ability to do this for free, as is often offered by many other PvP-centric games. I’ve never seen this concept of renting before, and it has made a bad initial impression on me. It also sounds like this will be the closest thing to dueling we may ever get :/.
We’ll find out, I suppose. But it leaves a bad feeling in my stomach.
“I can’t officially tell you when the next build is, but let’s just say that you don’t have to wait very long from this point.”
(Argh, not letting me quote Cameron Dunn.)
To anyone unaware, ever since September 18th, they’ve been having a patch once a week every Tuesday. September 18th, 25th, October 2nd(the thread in the announcements implies this was an October 1st patch but, if I remember correctly, the patch notes as well as the patch itself weren’t released until October 2nd), and thus… October 9th, this coming Tuesday.
I’m also quite certain I’ve specifically heard 10/9 date (in reference to the upcoming patch, of course) thrown around at least a couple times by staff members already.
The more you know.
Stack less condition. Stack more power. Problem solved.
Nope. Condition damage is quite powerful and is a very viable way to build your character outside of underwater combat.
I think the devs should have put as much effort into designing the staff skills as they did designing the trident skills. I actually feel much more comfortable underwater with trident than I do on land with staff, as far as damage goes. If you’re having trouble stacking bleeds, I dunno what to tell you. Run a Sigil of Earth, and is there a trait to cause bleed on crits? I know there is for burning but not sure. Also, use your Rock Anchor to drag an opponent down, then get close and spam your earth 1 and 2 and you’ll stack bleeds fairly quickly. I can’t remember off the top of my head how many fire skills apply burning, so you’re on your own there.
Earth isn’t the issue. The only burning skill is Fire #5, which is on a long cooldown. We need at least one other ability that deals burning and isn’t on a lengthy CD.
I roll between all four attunements quite elegantly while on land, but underwater, it’s either earth or my DPS becomes extraordinarily negligible.
Agree. When I play my ranger or guardian though, I kinda like getting wet.
Same with my engineer. I didn’t know how awesome underwater combat could be until I went from my elementalist to my engineer!
I definitely did not expect the viability of my underwater weapon to change how much I enjoyed underwater combat as much as it did.
Well said. The inconsistencies in difficulty can definitely be.. off-putting.
I find that, at least compared to some other profesisons I’ve played, our underwater weapon is very underwhelming. Especially for condition damage builds.
A good underwater weapon can make or break your personal underwater combat experience. I have a horrible time playing on my Elementalist, but going underwater is fun and welcoming on my Engineer, who, even aside from their underwater grenade kit, has great underwater abilities.
Our underwater weapon has poor synergy, especially across attunements. It doesn’t have enough defensive/retreat abilities. It is even more horrible for condition damage builds, as the only moderately viable DPS is spamming Earth #1 and #2.
In my opinion, we really need some of the underwhelming abilities removed and replaced with abilities that help remedy the aforementioned issues.
I’m a focus enthusiast. I created a Dagger/Focus build during a stress test right before the game launched, and have been using it ever since. The more I use the focus, the more I love it.
But it has its issues. The biggest one being that the damage output is all but nil.
This makes some sense on paper – after all, it’s a defensive weapon – but it is just too much of an issue to make it viable in most scenarios.
Below is a list of all focus abilities and my proposed changes to them. My changes revolve around fixing up some meh abilities on focus as well as providing a bit more combo finishers/fields to make the focus a bit more synergetic with both itself and the scepter/dagger, as well as improving the damage output a little bit in a way that also supports your allies – focus is a support weapon, after all.
Fire #4 – Flamewall
This is a simple but useful fire combo field.
Proposal: No major changes necessary, though a slightly larger combo field would be very nice.
Fire #5 – Fire Shield
Fire Shield is an aura with a 3 second duration that, when activated, will burn foes (…that touch the fire shield?).
Proposal: Either make this a blast finisher or make it a (small) fire combo field; preferably the former. Duration should be increased to 4-5 seconds and burning should be increased to 2-3s (per second standing in fire shield).
Water #4 – Freezing Gust
Ranged minimal DPS and 3s chilling.
Proposal: Damage should be raised a little bit. Either CD should be lowered to 15-20s or chilling should be increased to 5-6s.
Water #5 – Comet
Appears above enemy similar to Dragon’s Tooth, but drops on enemy much faster than Dragon’s Tooth. Drop area is a 120 feet radius. If enemy is hit on drop, deals moderate damage and dazes for 2s.
Proposal: No change.
Air #4 – Swirling Winds
Creates a PBAoE (400 radius) around you that destroys(not reflects) all projectiles.
Proposal: Also make it a lightning combo field.
Air #5 – Gale
2 second knockdown w/ 50s cooldown.
Proposal: Lower CD to 40-45s.
Earth #4 – Magnetic Wave
Moderate damage, PBAoE, 3s projectile reflection, and cures up to three conditions. Did I mention it’s a blast finisher?
Proposal: No change. This and earth #5 are easily the two best abilities in the weapon. This ability has a lot of excellent effects in one. I’d argue too many. Remove the condition curing effect and put it on another ability in focus.
Earth #5 – Obsidian Flesh
4 second invulnerability w/ 50s cooldown. Can move and use abilities while invulnerable.
Proposal: No change. This ability is, in my opinion, the largest reason why focus is worth using. Once the rest of the focus is improved to a reasonable level, this ability may be slightly overpowered. Lowering the time of invulnerability to 2-3 seconds and/or increasing CD to 60s would help balance this ability out.
(edited by TimeBomb.3427)
I never liked The calculator was poorly coded which led to the very slow load times; slower than any other GW2 Calculator I’ve ever used. The UI was so-so.
Anyhow, I have always used The loading speed is satisfactory and the UI is clean and simple. The problem is that it doesn’t appear to be getting a lot of attention form the developer, which is too bad.
Guildhead is an alright calculator, but it still needs some work. I’ve grown quite fond of Curse’s’s skill calculator, though the UI for picking your equipment is overly complex and thus it takes a frustratingly long period of time to do so compared to other calculators.
I recall that had a nice skill calculator, but that site has been “under construction” for a while; it appears to be abandoned.
Is anyone aware of any other skill calculators?
Right now I think with a bit of polish and bug fixes, guildhead could become the top here. With a bit more TLC, could continue to be useful. But the best option appears to be; I just really wish they would improve their equipment UI.
The algorithms for the ratings are described in the linked Glicko 2 document, are they not?
This isn’t right. Trading and the possibility of mail scamming has been discussed on these forums before, and a staff member outright said that scamming via mail as discussed in the OP is against the rules and, paraphrasing a little bit here, will be handled – to the victim’s benefit – by support.
(Though, doing a couple quick search of the forums, I don’t see an official staff post on this anymore, which makes me wonder if the post was removed. It’s also possible I am using the wrong search terms.)
In fact, there’s an ingame option to report for scamming; of course contacting support via a ticket will, I imagine, get you a quicker response and solution.
I can’t understand German so I don’t know exactly what support said to you, but based on your description, something’s messed up.
I’d love to see an official staff response on this.
Mmm, 720p or 1080p pl0x. And, I only watched the start of your video… but the screen occasionally changed colors… like it was tinted. Somethin’s not right there.
Excellent thread; thanks a lot! I even learned a few new things, heh.
I’ve taken the liberty to put nearly all these tips in the GW2 wiki. I’ve even put a few of my own in there. I also categorized them all, and merged a few here and there. I plan to go through and improve the English of all these tips in the near future.
Take a look:
(edited by TimeBomb.3427)
And kitten stop grinding…
There is an event in Orr where you have to spend about 30 minutes in a stationary kill fest. All you do is stand around the NPC killing wave after wave of mobs until you get credit and the NPC thanks you.
10 minutes into it, DR has already hit. Sorry to burst your bubble but the game was designed to be played exactly the way you don’t want us to play it.
Something definitely sounds wrong here; design flaw much? :/ I hope they are working on addressing this. I know they’ve been doing a bit with dungeon DR but one of the biggest complaints I’ve been noticing popping up all over the place is the DR system.
It’s a bit messed up IMO, since it doesn’t even seem to be hurting the gold spammers all that much.
Anyways, /ontopic:
I’ve stayed interested by playing less (which is good, I was playing way too much during the first week), as well as taking in the scenery and the lore, and treating the game more like an actual RPG with MMO aspects rather than a generic run-of-the-mill carrot-chasing MMORPG. The latter helps a ton.
(edited by TimeBomb.3427)
Hello everybody.
Back in September 9th, I started a survey asking people a bit about their characters and how satisfied they are with them in PvE, sPvP, and WvW.
There were hundreds of survey takers in just the first week, and I have finally put together a lot of data based on what I collected from the survey. This survey was shown to viewers of GuildWars2Guru and the GW2 Reddit.
Here’s some of the data I got:
Total Characters Surveyed (From September 9th through September 15th): 2387
Total Warriors: 441
Total Elementalists: 328
Total Guardians: 320
Total Thiefs: 317
Total Rangers: 286
Total Engineers: 255
Total Mesmers: 221
Total Necromancers: 219
Satisfaction is a 1 to 10 scale, with 1 being not satisfied at all.
Average Warrior Satisfaction: 7.4648
Average Elementalist Satisfaction: 6.6816
Average Guardian Satisfaction: 7.6064
Average Thief Satisfaction: 7.6628
Average Ranger Satisfaction: 7.5489
Average Engineer Satisfaction: 7.3056
Average Mesmer Satisfaction: 7.6706
Average Necromancer Satisfaction: 6.6294Warriors whom participate in PvE: 433
Average satisfaction of Warriors whom participate in PvE: 8.1921Warriors level 1-10 whom participate in PvE: 24
Average satisfaction of Warriors level 1-10 whom participate in PvE: 8.0000
A lot more data can be viewed at:
And here’s some data I didn’t add to the above pastebin data:
Profession with the highest average satisfaction: Mesmers with 7.6706 / 10
Profession with the highest average PvE satisfaction: Guardians with 8.2658 / 10
Profession with the highest average sPvP satisfaction: Mesmers with 8.5048 / 10
Profession with the highest average WvW satisfaction: Rangers with 7.2807 / 10
For those who are curious…
You can take the survey here:
You can find the unorganized results from the survey here:
(edited by TimeBomb.3427)
They really, really should make badges in WvW go directly to your inventory or some sort of gold-like currency system rather than dropping a loot bag. It was a problem that was, if I remember correctly, talked about briefly during the beta weekend events, but nothing was done about it.
I’ve never known why they made commanders show up as such outside of WvW. They should only be commanders and thus only show up on the map if they are actually in WvW.
I’m not going to outright disagree with your post, but I think it’s not thought out enough and I also think that the class is fine as is.
The attunement “dancing” is a class mechanic. Period. Although I’ve known people that have made 2-attunement builds work for them, 4-attunement builds are more viable in most scenarios.
I am a D/F elementalist. I chose to become an elementalist early on in the beta weekend events. I chose D/F and created a build for it that I haven’t changed since prior to early access. I’m intimate with all 20 of my weapon abilities. When I participate in combat on my elementalist, I use all 20 of my abilities. I do dance between them. I play them almost like a piano, but I sure as hell just don’t bash 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, F2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. I use them when it is situationally valid to do so.
It’s only harder than other classes because you have to remember 20 abilities rather than 10, and the abilities arguably synergize better than most 2-weapon combinations that other professions use. Once you get the hang of all that, it becomes just as second-nature as any other profession.
Now, if the devs WERE to change the profession to make it more 2-attunement build friendly, you’d have to think of the repercussions it’d have on a 4-attunement build. There’s a lot of details that would need to be thought out, and I imagine the profession would be a lot harder to balance if it were balanced around 2-attunement AND 4-attunement builds than just 4-attunement builds.
I got this while doing the (WARNING: Slight story spoiler ahead!) level 55 charr quest where I had to go from the sylvari area into “my future”. I was killing several mobs in “future Orr” and had this pop up several times. How annoying…
Calm down, it’s pre-Queenslands – the place you’re at briefly when you first create your character. You leave it after you beat the tutorial boss, which is different between races.