Showing Posts For Underdark.3726:

Seeds of truth.

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


Purple hair sylvari might be PC.
As for to catch a thief become a thief they probably talking about Caithe stealing the egg so she could catch somebody else…

Caithe's Secret?

in Lore

Posted by: Underdark.3726


Is it possible that there is where the Asura made experiments on Malomedies? Maybe Caithe made some deal with the Asuras and that is why they didn’t seek revenge for the experiments which eventually lead Cadeyrn to found the Nightmare Court.

from the new trailer it seems I was right. :o
at least about the experiments


in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


To be perfectly honest, I think Caithe was craving an omelet.

cooking 500 confirmed.

Caithe's Secret?

in Lore

Posted by: Underdark.3726


Complex": in Metrica Province (that square structure in the center is rather unique and is continuously used as a prison in both PS and open world), but seem to be confronting a non-Inquest asura and golem (no Inquest uses that model for the asura, and the golem is not the standard black/red); so it’s possible to be pre-Inquest-occupation (if such ever was).

Is it possible that there is where the Asura made experiments on Malomedies? Maybe Caithe made some deal with the Asuras and that is why they didn’t seek revenge for the experiments which eventually lead Cadeyrn to found the Nightmare Court.

Living Story open questions

in Lore

Posted by: Underdark.3726


Maybe he’s following the egg like he was following the artifacts in E2?
And then maybe Caithe is taking the egg to the Nightmare Court so Mordy can destroy them (lol)

Why the Misleading Rytlock Teaser?

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


what was misleading about that teaser? Did it had any date on it or anything that made you think Rytlock would be on the last patch?

Labyrinth is an armor repair grind

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


Edit: I’m not even sure at this point what this thread is about.

Still about the labyrinth.

the “only” thing you pay is the silver and some copper for the waypoint

Except if that waypoint happens to be in the same town you are in, because then it is for free. See, this is what I mean. It feels like almost everything in the game has some sort of exception. It’s full of inconsistent design.

is it about the labyrinth or is it not? decide.

Living Story open questions

in Lore

Posted by: Underdark.3726


Sylvari don’t look at love like the other races. They don’t distinguish male and female when comes to loving, afaik. So there’s no need to keep that a secret.

Labyrinth ruined zone

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


I think it’s a bit more nuanced than that. People do content because it’s fun and rewarding. But rewards become more important as people do the same content over and over, since good rewards can make some repetition tolerable or even fun.

Anyway, it seems like maps are already dying once the labyrinth pops up. Kind of sad.

so if every time you open the chest you and everybody else who opens it get the “good” reward it would be more fun? Or would just the “good” reward become a “bad” reward?

Labyrinth is an armor repair grind

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


the “only” thing you pay is the silver and some copper for the waypoint


in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


@dsslive: well that was very badly written, imo.


in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


can somebody explain me this conversation:
PC: Maybe you should help me and Rox find the Aspect Masters.
Caithe: Three humans who are used to flying around on ships are going to leave a trail a mile wide.
PC: What if the ships leave without you?
Caithe: Then I won’t be going with them. Is that a problem?
PC: Not for me.

I really have no idea what are they talking about.

[Spoiler] One idiot ball to go, please!

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


That was not Caithe. My 2 cents.

Living Story S2E5: Echoes of the Past

in Lore

Posted by: Underdark.3726


The Ghosts of Fort Salma
In all honesty, I didn’t like this instance.

  • Why were the ghosts mistaking players and Campbell as Mordrem? The only other ghosts that mistake living beings for something else would be Foefire ghosts, and this is an explicitly stated UNIQUE aspect of the Foefire – alongside their returning irregardless and personality changes. The closest we get are a small handful of ghosts who vehemently deny being a ghost due to hysteria – but they still view living beings as living beings (until the hysteria brought by stating they’re a ghost is brought to a new high, like Watchman Pramas ). So this makes no sense to me. It feels like they felt like the instance – which itself feels like a side-quest and not relevant to the plot – needed combat and so slapped this situation in. Could have at least made Belinda a fight…

Since one of Mordremoth’s sphere of influence is mind can that be why they attacked us?

New Narrative Director at ANet

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


you practically copied my dialogue so or: a) you didn’t read what I wrote or b) you irony is flawed.

Why is SW suddenly dead ? O _ O

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


I’ve been there last night and was full. We did the events, we did the breach we looted the chests and everybody was happy.

New Narrative Director at ANet

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


Is THAT what you want?

If you have read my posts then you know the answer.

New Narrative Director at ANet

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


I’ve missed that part of the conversation with Rox i guess, thanks for it.
As for the Pale Tree and Trahearne it was odd that a firstborn ask me how is the Mother doing.
And yes I would say it’s more than a single line Hope they will continue this way.

New Narrative Director at ANet

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


We could get an mail from someone on how the search is going on, if there is actually a search. We have a bond with Rytlock, he thinks of us highly so someone could have send us a note on that. There are blood legions charr in camp Resolve who could have some ambient conversation in the instance.
“Did you heard anything new about our tribune?”
“The last thing I heard was that they were doing some research in the old Ascalon catacombs about the foefire, but they didn’t find anything useful.”
That for me would have been enough.
But, my initial post was not only about Rytlock, he was only an example.
How many time has passed since the attack on the grove? Do we have any information on the health of the Pale Tree? Was the dream damaged? Are the new born sylvari “damaged good”?
They can always find and/or create an opportunity for giving us hints. Just one line of conversation for me should be enough (if done properly )

Tangled Paths

in Lore

Posted by: Underdark.3726


That is not Rytlock in the video, right?

New Narrative Director at ANet

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


Rox doesn’t have any interest to talk about Rytlock? Oh, my (supposed) brother fell in a hole. Hope he sends a postcard.
the PC (especially if is charr blood legion) have no interest in speaking of him?
As far as i see we tend to “forget” part of stories “until the right time comes”.

New Narrative Director at ANet

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


My only criticism is that I never feel like the episodes are connected. Not one episode started where the first one ended. For example: last episode ended with the Pale Tree badly injured and in this episode there is barely any info on that. We don’t know if she is doing better, or is she still in the state we left her. When Rytlock jumped in the hole, the next episode started with some treachery in DR with no mention about Rytlock. Tho hole episode nobody said anything about him. A member of Destiny’s edge, a tribune of the Blood legion goes missing and nobody talks about it?
Connect more the episodes, don’t just throw new questions and mysteries with no further hints, speculations, even gossip (what’s happening to Minister Estelle?).

New Narrative Director at ANet

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


Well he learned it from the conversation with Durmond. And those are just notes, it’s not a book. Wiki says he was an aspiring writer, so he thought what Durmand said to him was interesting and write it down so he could use it for a book he wanted to write. He probably had lots of notes about lots of stuff.

New Narrative Director at ANet

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


Another example, would be Nick’s book about the Bloodstone – how could Nick know this stuff? I mean, the Priory had to learn it from somewhere, sure, and it’s plausible Nicholas Sandford could know the Seer’s ties to the Bloodstone and the truth of Abaddon’s gift of magic, but the chances of that are so unlikely even given his travels and ties to Durmand.

The description says “Notes taken by a young Nicholas in discussion with his friend Durmond”.

[Spoilers][Speculations] The voice ...

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726



It was Scarlet. Confirmed that she’s not dead and will be an integral part of all future Living Stories.


you disappointed me here… it was not Evon? :p

[Spoilers][Speculations] The voice ...

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


It was very distorted I couldn’t even understand what did the voice said. But, it was probably from someone we know, because Ogden was surprised when we didn’t know who it was that gave the egg to the Master.

Of Antikytheria, Six Gods, and Elder Dragons

in Lore

Posted by: Underdark.3726


The Tyria in the center of the diagram is the world or the continent? Cos what I don’t understand is that if we are talking about the world why are all 6 dragons so close to each other? We can now see the map of the world and is quite big, so why are they all around the continent of Tyria? If we talking about the continent only what does that mean? That the rest of the world does not have magic or that there are other 6 dragons circling around other continents? Or is there some other thing that I’m missing?

Name the mystery dragon....

in Lore

Posted by: Underdark.3726


wow… nobody said Scarlet. The forum is doomed.

The rebuilding of Lion's Arch

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


My personal first order of business would be to rally the troops (boy those workers are slow!) to repair this icon. It just makes me so sad.

typical politician! Your citizens are still falling in the holes on the bridges but she wants to repair a statue of a lion! puah! we need new elections!

The King and Queen's Horrorween 2014

in In-game Events

Posted by: Underdark.3726


357 is not take I hope

Please Stop Destroying Everything

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


Just a question here because I am curious. The idea of the Living World is that there is a storyline that you take part in, that you are involved in events that shape Tyria in permanent ways—how would you all convey the sense of progression and change without also making changes to the landscape? I see a couple of comments regarding creating things, not simply destroying. Do you all have any other ideas?

i just now saw this topic and I didn’t read all of it so sorry if already somedy wrote what i’m about. And sorry for my bad english.
It’s been a while since LA was destroyed and not a single bridge was repaired. The devs stated the the ingame time is the same as real time so something should have been made already. A bridge, a house, anything. It won’t be logical that one tuesday we magically find a completely rebuild LA. That’s not living world.
Also, some of the refugees from LA maybe decided not to go back but stay in Gandarran fields or the other maps and now we have a new settlement in Lornar’s Pass, or a new house in Cornucopians Fields.
This little things are, IMO, what makes a great game and the living story truly living.

Living Story open questions

in Lore

Posted by: Underdark.3726


One general obvservation I’d like to make about Jaken’s post is that it almost exclusively covers the narrow view of characters and plots introduced by the Living Story. Guild Wars (and Guild Wars 2) have a lot of plot points that were set up and never resolved.

the title of the topic is Living Story open question

Living Story open questions

in Lore

Posted by: Underdark.3726


1) Are we 100% sure that the voice(s) Scarlet heard in her head was Mordremoth? If he was asleep at the time how did he communicate? Why did she had to mess with the lay lines to wake him up? What did she actually do to the lay line? Interrupt it? Why would Mordy wanted to interrupt his feeding and after that he starts to mess up (feeding again?) with the waypoints?

2) Where did Master of Peace went?

3) Where is Mai Trin and what was the important thing she had to do?

Pale Tree Vision *Spoilers*

in Lore

Posted by: Underdark.3726


Also I JUST noticed that at the very beginning the trees are set up in a way where you can see a female Sylvari face. lol

nice catch – extracted it from the HD version listed here

and I believe in the end we can see Mordremoth. Just seconds before the image below there is a flash and the camera comes out from his eye.


Replay chapter confusion did I miss something

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


you can replay all the instances. The “fighting” ones you can play all the time, the rest you must replay in order.

The Eternal Alchemoose [Spoilers]

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


I’m waiting for Nicolas Cage :o

The writing is embarrassing (spoilers)

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


Then there is Braham with his kitten leg. He’s a GUARDIAN for God’s sake…He can’t heal himself?? Either way, I am sick of hearing about it…Never seen a Norn act like such a wimp.

he never did such a thing. whenever rox talks about his leg he says he is alright. so you need to read and listen more carefully.
who ever said you need to care about Belinda? or any NPC?

If you destroy 90% of all the waypoints...

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


I believe that this was all Ellen Kiel’s plan from last year. She gave you discounted WP costs to get you hooked, and now she’ll take them away. What we need now is for Evon Gnashblade to sell us a portable WP generator in the Gem Store so we can get past Kiel’s evil plans.

i hope Evon is giving you discounts :P

Entanglement Articles (7/15/14)

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


7th shot, with the toothy flower thingy looks like the Kessex Hills.

yes. is just outside Salma, on the road that goes to Queensdale.

If you destroy 90% of all the waypoints...

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


and bring back reparation fees! :o ghgh

I can't believe Malchor is Grenth's father

in Lore

Posted by: Underdark.3726


ever tried to have sex blindfolded?

Shady Asurans and dry quaggans.

in Lore

Posted by: Underdark.3726


they said they are going even more west into the maguuma to explore it.

What is that Vine doing to the WP!

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


Are we sure the vines are Mordys doing? In the first instance of the episode the Jantzen says when we ask him where the vines came from:
“As far as I know, the land west of here has been cut off—more or less—for a long time. Criminals seem to have a few secret routes to get in and out, but who knows what goes on over there?”
Was the land cut off by the vines? If yes and if the vines are Mordys corruption are they also some sort of his defense? Or are the vines something else that we don’t know yet?

The Assassin

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


i too remember something about a ritual performed by the master but don’t recall who said it.

ps. nice to see Konig still writes ^^

What is that Vine doing to the WP!

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


i was stuck in the Salma Waypoint tonight. That happened only to me or is “normal”?

What is that Vine doing to the WP!

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


did anybody checked WvW?

Season 2 and Trahearne

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


I’m not even sure i killed Zhaitan… there were 5 of us on that ship and 3 cannons from which shoot at him. Was I on one of those? Or was I cleaning the trash from the deck? I wonder if I stole my friends credit…

How did the people of Prosperity...

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


…crossed the quicksand before the Zepharites crashed and brought their crystals?

Entanglement teaser analysis!

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


It does make me wonder though if we’ll be locked out of Dry Top for some time then… similar to what happened during the Defense of Lion’s Arch where you could only go in at certain times and for a limited time. I’m thinking we may get locked out permanently for following two weeks while we change course and head to Timberline (my favorite zone in the game no less!) and investigate why the Pact is being attacked there.

Gotta love speculation but also gotta be careful, it’s easy to get hyped.

We can’t get locked out permanently only because we couldn’t go and to world events around the world, and that’s something ANet wouldn’t do. And there is always a way out from a map: pvp.

If chapter 2 does not deliver.....

in Living World

Posted by: Underdark.3726


praying ANet “does not deliver”