You are assuming this game has a future beyond 2015.
People like you are the reason this game is dying
True, people like him, who get bored from the massive amount of grind and the lies of the devs, starts complaining here and then slowly leaves the game… If the game is dying means there’s an awful lot of people like him.
Hey everyone,
There is one thing I wanted to do, and that is to make this topic. It does not have any real purpose except to make my wish come true.
The thing is, (maybe it is just my impression) whenever I come here and browse throughout the forums or even in game, there are a lot of people who are not pleased or are disappointed with Guild Wars 2 in some way.
I’m not saying they dont have a reason to be, it’s just that I wanted from some reason to say “thank you ArenaNet for such wonderfull game!”I enjoy playing guild wars 2, and I’m happy to be part of such masterpiece, I’ve bought it one month after official release and haven’t regretted it ever since. In my opinion it is awesome and has offered me much, much fun in this year, so once again – thank you ArenaNet!
Did it once with my main, after almost 4 months and because basically a friend “forced” me to do it… Most boring storyline ever…. No wait, Living Story’s even worse.
Like any bad series.. just cancel it. Cancel it now, before the the writer comes up with extraterrestrial birth or radioactive spider bites to explain Scarletpowerz.
It is damage control time. Tyrian Lore has suffered enough.
This post won the internet.
I’ve seen is that boss where you need to navigate through whirlwinds to him and interrupt through his ‘Interrupt Armor’ before he charges up a party wipe attack: the dev comment was ‘if we let you CC him all the time, he won;t be able to do anything through the fight’, and the first thing that popped into my mind was ‘oh boy, there’s Defiance rearing its ugly head again’.
And that’s true, in fact you can’t just stun or CC a boss every time you want or can, but you must coordinate with your party to land the CC togheter within the little time frame to get him stunned, and it’s not all “evading red circles” because there are mobs that literally disarm you, and you have to dodge and run to pick up back your weapon, just for one example.
Plus, end game raid mechanics will have a weekly rotation that will change the encounters and their mechanics, sure after few weeks everyone will know the tactics, but at least it’s something new.
Not gonna comment the rest because it’s mostly a matter of personal opinions, although i agree with you about TSW, that game deserved way more success than it obtained.
You’re gonna have to convince them to rehire whomever they had create the armor for all of GW1.
Before that, they absolutely need to fire and erase from the face of earth the dude who made GW2 armors..
Its not really the same. It is more comprehensive
Actually it’s true, everyone and their Quaggans’ gone jellymad because of the cultural t3 rip off and nobody noticed that the other 2 also are rip offs… But maybe ANet hopes that all the noise about the cultural and defenders who don’t know how to defend them in that, will make that go unnoticed…
And then I look at all of Wildstar’s gameplay videos, and the only impression I get is that its WoW in space, down to the horrid art design. The first question I then ask myself is, what makes this better than WoW? If I wanted to play a WoW-clone, I’d go for the original, with 10 years or however it is now more content, and a company which can buy up small countries financing it, as opposed to play a copy of WoW made by a developer I’ve never heard of.
A developer who’s mostly composed by people that actually made WoW 10 years ago.
And about the differences? Dinamic action combat, for real this time, non the zerker autoattack faceroll you’re used here in GW2, a combat where crowd control matters and every important fight has it’s own mechanic.
And the sci-fi theme, not everyone is ONLY into Tolkien like fantasy or pseudo-asian fantasy (you know, like here in GW2 when you have high fantasy mixed with quaggan backpacks and fake wings).
And horrid game design? What about an engine who in beta is way more optimized than GW2 one year later? Then again, the cartoonish style can be liked or not, but it’s not horrid just because you like more the manga-big boobed character of GW2… Along with clipping armors (wich are also ugly in 90% of cases, but that’s my opinion)
Guess you haven’t played any of the other betas. The grass isn’t always greener. You think this forum is dark, you should see the stuff being said about ESO.
Guess neither did you.
From Wildstar beta i can definitely tell you, yes, the grass is greener, way greener.
Guilds like TTS have so many members, they have to spread out over many guilds, because 500 can’t hold them.
I’m (was) from Gunnar’s Hold and there’s that guild who claimed to have more than 900 members spread on two guilds… Then i joined them to see that there were only 25/30 active members at any given time.
Anyway, game’s far from dying, but that doesn’t mean it’s all good and awesome as the devs used to let us know couple months ago (speaking of wich, weren’t they going to announce another major milestone in selling back in august?).
People’s not happy (as usual, not gonna say how many because i don’t want the thread being derailed like all the time), people’s leaving and that’s happening now that GW2 is still basically flying solo.
When other big names comes out, GW2’s situation will likely turns FUBAR.
Regardless, adding enemies with endlessly increasing damage output and health isn’t really a very interesting way to add difficulty.
Seriously? Because it seems to me that this is exactly what you did with the revamped champions in open world…
1 – Once you bought the game, you can play every time you want, means you can always come back in a far far future and see if the game got better.
2- I don’t know… Asuras are kinda fun?
3- The world is small but really nice to see.
4- Some armor and weapon skins are decent.
5- The devs… Everytime they post something, it reminds me why i left the game.
So what if Arena finally admit the mistake of Ascended Gears and decides to reverse their decision and remove the gears entirely? Would people be happy or would people be upset at this point?
I personally would be happy if they got rid of them, even though I have all ascended stuff already. Just compensate by giving us gold for each ascended piece.
It would be a first step in the right direction.
Then they should finally come clean and admit the insane amount of screw ups they did since release, and finally begins to give ous some actual new content instead of keep recycling the old ones.
Then GW2 would be almost out from beta.
They stop, but always return.
Yeah! You’re absolutely right!
No wait, you are not.
But keep dreaming.
Right, as compared to most other MMOs, like say WoW, where all human warriors have the exact same stories, or better, no story at all. That’s true of probably 99% of MMOs. Characters have no personal story. This is a step forward from that.
Correct me if i’m wrong, but i’ve player WoW since beta and for years after release, and i don’t remember one time when Blizzard tried to sell any “personal story” as strong point for their game.
Nor did a big lot of other MMO’s publishers.
ANet did. They talked about their awesome personal story that would actually impact the in game experience and blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda, with videos, interview and any other hype tool they had.
So i don’t see how comparing GW2 to WoW or any other MMO (expecially the ones not focused on story) could help you prove any point.
And not, GW2 is a step forward on nothing, maybe try The Secret World a little to see how a story driven MMO should work.
But yeah, the person story, as with any portion of a game, has budgetary constraints. SWTOR was the most expensive MMO ever made, and they put most of their money into cinematics and voice acting, and we all know where that went.
Yes, we all know where that went… Still there.
The game is still alive and kickin’, people keep plays it, and Bioware keep releasing actual updates with actual contents.
Just because a game turns F2P doesn’t mean it failed.
Yeah, ANet’s always been awesome in overhyping their product with cool and shiny trailers…
Simple question, simple answer:
Why do people play content they don’t enjoy?
They do this to get to content they do enjoy.
The funniest thing about this is that ANet made statements over statements telling they won’t make us do stuff we don’t enjoy, in order to get that minimum amount of awesome before starting all over again…
Anyway, back in topic, i may play content i don’t really enjoy in order achieve something in game, but when i have to do that every 2 weeks because the average quality of the new “content” is crappy to say the least (in my opinion obviously… Don’t jump on my throat please), then there’s a problem… That’s why i basically quit with the release of ascendant weapons.
Because by playing casually (really casually, like 1 or 2 hours per day, and not every day, not the “from dawn till dusk with pauses for eat and sleep” kind of casually), one year after the release i basically did every content in game more than once, and redoing and regrind the same old content in order to get the new shiny… Well, let’s say i leave this to the “most dedicated players”…
Nothing happened.
Maybe next year… My guess it’s that you’ll know something more about that when Wildstar and Elder Scrolls Online will be released, and the crap will hit the fan for real.
What rewards would you like to see from rewards? Would they be different when you’re leveling up than when you’re level 80? What would motivate you to want to go around the world playing as many different events as possible, rather than the same 4-5 over and over again?
Some of the fun challenges we are currently solving, but it’s great to hear peoples thoughts on this subject as well.
You know, since the game was initially sold to be all about cosmetic reward and character customization… And so far we only have seen a couple of new armor sets and they are only on the gem store…
I’d like to see specific skins for armors and weapons bound to different regions of the world.
Like, doing events in frostgorge sounds to get glacial or nordic themed skins.
Since i’ve been good, i’d ask Santa to bring me back the Guild Wars 2 i bought before the Lost Shore fiasco…
2: Chris to write the rules of engagement (-: Just laying out what we can and can’t talk about.
Why i got the feeling that this will end in a boatload of “we are working on it”, “we want to do that” and “nothing is off the table”?
I want to echo the people who have recently been requesting in-game polls. Since currently there has been no real acknowledgement or response to player dissatisfaction with the pace of Living Story releases, I have chosen to simply not log in at all to avoid being counted as a “satisfied customer” in your concurrency metrics.
An in-game poll where I would have the chance to have my opinions actually be counted would be something worth logging in for.
I think this is an idea worth discussion for sure. But i have a question:
Would in game polls affect the immersion for the player?
No more than a Charr warrior with plushie quaggan backpack.
I think you’re wrong about the usage being justified. Because you don’t really know how many people like something.
Assuming that people come to the forums to complain, you’re naturally going to see more complaints on the forum. It’s not an accurate indication of the entire player base…only a very vocal percentage of the playerbase.
Saying people are mad and that gives them the right to act badly is wrong anyway.
The same goes with you saying the exact opposite based only by what you see on your T1 server where “Overflow has overflows”.
He said “people”, not “all the people”, “most people”, “the vast majority of people”.
This thread will be ignored by ANet.
Every thread wich is not “we love you so much, the game is so perfect i fell in love and left my girlfriend for it” will be ignored by ANet.
(in fact I know they have, I talked to a dev in game recently and unless he was lying, they have numbers).
I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who said that…
You can bet if Anet learned anything from the Manifesto…its to not have one out there and to say as little as possible because this is what happens.
Actually, if there’s something they should’ve learned from the massive clusterkitten they got themselves into, is to try and sell what you’re actually developing, not what you would do in an utopistic world.
The point is that advertising some guy’s talking on youtube for half an hour that could be summed up in 5 lines of forum text is not “feedback”, but attention whoring.
I’m sure if it was hald an hour of “i love everything ANet does and if someone complains deserve to die”, would be good “feedback”, right?
^ This is the point a lot here seem to miss. Likely because they are falling back to what they know from other games and just focusing on the numbers.
Stats really are secondary to skill in this game though. If you play well, dodge when you need to, remove conditions when you need to then lvl appropriate rares should do you just fine for pretty much all content in this game.
Nobody is missing that.
What people points out is the fact that EVERY single MMO that add a new tier of gear, do it with content made for that new tier, may it be a new dungeon, raid, map, whatever.
ANet made a new tier of gear and asked the player to go regrind the same old content in order to get more power for doing what?
Meh. Why try to fix problems when you could just add more and more and more and more to the game to try and keep the Content Locusts satisfied?
Add more and more and more and more bugged stuff…
Threads like this always reminds me…
What would you rate the guild wars 2 community?
I think it isnt the best… You get people ranting if you’re inexperienced at something, kick you out of group after helping them in fractals and maw, and theres just alot of ‘jurks’ around. Whats your opinion
The same as any other MMO community… GW2 turned into your average gear grind MMO, so it caters the same kind of players.
In these threads, a lot of people talk about Ascended gear being created for fractals. Is this even true, or was that just an excuse to start introducing the gear treadmill? I’m thinking it’s the latter.
Definitely the latter.
If it was introduced for Fractals only, it should only have the infusion slot, not buffed stats.Ive been saying that since day one.
But Arenanets other reason they gave us was “to bridge the time gap between exotic and legendary”.
A bridge that only ANets see.
No wait, the Holy Crusaders of the White Knight’s Order must see it too.
Everything in every game gets easier to get over time. Right now you have to grind your butt off to get a legendary.
As the game gets more and more content and closer to it’s goal of having enough to do, then those limits loosen up. They did it in Guild Wars 2, they do it in every MMO.
It’s like the titles in Guild Wars 1. It’s much easier to get Legendary Defender of Ascalon today than it was at release.
Time goes on, things get easier. You don’t have to believe me, you’ll see soon enough.
I already have my legendary, but anyway, i will probably not, because i already half left the game, like a lot of people seems to be doing lately (even if you think they are not).
And that’s the point, GW2 lack the content to keep the people (most? some? a lot? a couple?) engaged for that amount of time, and the last updates just made things worse, because if i have to grind for gear, i think there are games that makes it better (like Rift), and if i have to follow the zerg, well, i find more fun and challenging to go back raiding, at least you have to use the brain and not only spam 1.
In these threads, a lot of people talk about Ascended gear being created for fractals. Is this even true, or was that just an excuse to start introducing the gear treadmill? I’m thinking it’s the latter.
Definitely the latter.
If it was introduced for Fractals only, it should only have the infusion slot, not buffed stats.
Extra bonus info: The highest chance of having a rare chance ascended weapon for you is on Tequatl’s daily bonus chest if you defeat him: game on.
If it’s like getting a precursor or even a simple exotic out of the chest, well… You know people’s gonna go back to the champs zerg trains in a matter of days, don’t you?
This started in another thread, where someone said to me that Guild Wars 2 has a gear treadmill, specifically stating that they’d never seen a definition of gear treadmill that said gear progression has to be ongoing.
Obviously, to me, the whole concept of a treadmill is moving and moving and moving and getting nowhere. There’s always another tier of gear.
Now Guild Wars 2, at least with legendary weapons, means that if you get one, it’s always going to be on par with the highest stats in the game. That is to say, I have a legendary rifle. So when the ascended gear comes out, my rifle will move up to that level. It’s a cap on gear.
And if there is a cap on gear, can you call what’s going on here a treadmill? I don’t think so.
What we have here is a gear escalator. Yes, there is vertical progression…to a point. But after you get to that point, it stops. You get off. And once you’re there, you don’t have to worry about gearing up.
In fact, legendary weapons allow you to change stats out of combat, so that a legendary weapon is in fact all weapons of that type. You only need one.
So the real question is, if legendary armor gets released…is it going to be the same. Guaranteed best stats and the ability to change to different stat sets?
Because if it is, that’s gonna be amazing.
You forget the tiny fact that in order to get a legendary weapon you have to:
Either luck a precursor out from the Mystic Toilet or loot (and i think everyone and their dogs knows how “easy” it is) or grind a truckload of gold and buy that from a TP Fighter.
And then, you have to grind your butt off if you want to get the legendary before you get too old to hold a mouse.
Now that’s for ONE weapon… Think about it for SIX pieces of armor + other six trinkets…
Like this isn’t already Grind Wars 2…
Do you know what we call a baseless claim with no evidence to back it up? It’s called fiction.
There’s no evidence the game is dying. And by none, I mean zero. Zilch. Nada.
You can say anything you want and so can I.
Evidence, however, doesn’t support you.
Neither does you.
You keep telling us that you see plenty of people every time of the day, you got 120 active members in your guild ecc.
But you are on Tarnished Coast, the most populated server where people goes to guest.
I’m from Gunnar’s Hold, EU server with (last time i checked) high population, and i can tell you that from my point of view, the game is losing lots of players on daily basis.
Who’s right? Who’s wrong?
Spring 2014 Elder Scrolls Online, Wildstar and likely Everquest Next will roll out.
Around that time you’ll have your expansion because the servers population is gonna drop. Hard.
Between one monthly carnival and one temporary minigame, they’ll add exotic aquabreathers… Eventually… Maybe…
I guess nobody ever noticed that Age of Conan had an instanced personal story way before GW2 and SWtOR were ever even mentioned…
Excess of RNG.
No skill involved in almost any part of the game, and no reward for skill, but just luck and grind.
Horrible storytelling.
Minigames! I mean really? Are they turning GW2 into Facebook for the amount of minigames.
Not enough content.
Boring combat.
Ultramegaboring events, bosses, dungeons.
Although for casual playing every now and then it’s still a nice game… I hope the new Living Stories will keep me entertained until Wildstar comes out.
The art style is fantastic,the events are breathless. Im stumped and wordless to describe this game.
Lemme guess… You bought the game yesterday?
how about some gameplay addition, beside the living story……
You got minigames! MINIGAMES!
If you turn your commander tag on, you’ll feel like playing games on facebook!
This comes from someone that plays mainly Guardian and Necromancer, the two slowest professions I believe.
Guardian slow? Wut?
Staff + retreat + save yourself = Usain Bolt.
As much as I support your idea, you’re basically asking for 5 legendary weapon sets…
Because adding some variety in a game that really lacks of it, could be a reeeeeaaaally bad idea, isn’t it?
For those of you talking about south sun being pointless: it’s essential to the Bubbles story. The Sclerite are essentially the Bubbles Dragon’s minions (apparently it creates tentacled minions), and the end reward for the SoS is a sclerite Karka shell, which has tentacles moving on a non-living shell structure. It may be small, but it all plays into the big picture and we’ll eventually say, “Oohhhh okay, that’s why they did this seemingly pointless living world update.”
Eventually may be too late if people get bored by pointless living world updates before things gets really tasty.
Living World we have come to love and cherish
Self delusion level: ANet.
Anyway, the fact that they start recycling minigames from the past events, right after the announcement of the every 2 weeks updates doesn’t sound much promising…
For GW2’s birthday we’ll get a special gift box with 0,00005% to get something useful.
Also, who actually runs an engineer in serious PvE play without a kit?
I don’t, but there’s some serious rifle builds out there.
If there’s one good thing to say, it’s that engies are maybe the only class with more than 2 viable builds.
And what about the reward? A guildie says that is a junk piece of Cleric shoulderpad with recycled skin, soulbound and non salvageable…
Good Job ANet, another awesome fail.