You are annoying.
I’m done with you.
Rangers… underdog… Pvp…
30 Wilderness Survival, Settler’s Amulet, undead runes and pick whatever other combination of points you think makes sense. You’re welcome
You are not helping at all.
I use Soldier’s Amulet and Runes of the Fighter. I created my own build and did not copy any template you can see off some websites. I can beat any class 1v1. I dont need you to give me some advice on how to play my class/build.
This is my 1st post and I just got laughed at.
At least I tried to get my point across. I just hope Anet would care about rangers more. We are always the underdog in this game. Not effective in WvW and dungeons and now plans to wipe us out in PvP too. This is very sad.
There is nothing funny of what’s gonna happen to the rangers if the spirits did not get any enhancement this coming patch.
Please stop taking this thread as a joke.
I need Anet to at least consider my suggestion. I like playing on my ranger and I can just feel a huge nerf coming our way.
120CD might make it too strong but what if they keep spirit of nature on a 180cd but make it invulnerable to all damage for those 60s that is up ? allow it to at least survive those kitten staff condi eles spamming AoE on tourneys
yeah, this is a good suggestion. they can make the spirits invulnerable when they are up or at least just the res spirit because it is the most important.
They got plans to buff our pets for condition removal. We really don’t need that. A stealthy thief is not that hard to deal with so Sic Em doesn’t need an upgrade. What we really need is huge buff with our spirits. They gotta be tougher and more effective.
I’m sure rangers are gonna be underpowered this coming patch if the game mods will not buff our spirits.
I am dead serious. Spirits need to get buffed. They die like flies and a ranger becomes extremely vulnerable without them. Also, game mods need to add more chance of dealing conditions with the other spirits. 35% is not a good number.
A spirit ranger sacrifices a lot of his precision traits which makes him poor in damage. Anet needs to take a look at this issue.
Rangers need to be able to maximize the use of this spirit. Spirits are often being kited. They need to have larger pools of HP and shorter CD. PVP is all about team contribution and we can’t contribute that much if our spirits die fast and cannot be summoned when we need them.
We will be more effective if they make this elite’s CD down to 120 sec. 180 sec is just too much.
(edited by Valentin.2073)
this is confusing… are u guys talking about WvW?
i thought this is the pvp forums.
choose the ranger for so many reasons:
1. It is tough. No class can burst damage on you.
2. It can deal great damage and conditions too.
3. It has great mobility. Shorbows and swords give you free dodges.
4. You can help your team a lot if you see them downed in a zerg. Just use the res spirit and you can res up to 3 team mates at the same time.
5. It is not that hard to learn and can be really rewarding once you mastered it.
(edited by Valentin.2073)
You have a good point. A stun warrior can be a real nuissance, getting close to them is just a DEATHTRAP. They should let our pets defend points while we wait for our teammates to deal with the pesky warrior.
I support this. Rangers are the best in pvp. No other class can beat us.
A spirit ranger is balanced.
For sure, if you suck playing on your own class, you will serve as a hapless prey to a spirit ranger. Practice more and you will see that a spirit ranger isn’t that tough at all.
I agree that this build is tough to beat but it’s definitely not OP.
Talking sense into spirit rangers is just like talking to a rock. There’s a reason they’re playing spirit rangers.
The reason I run a spirit build is to bring support to my team, thus achieving victory. If I wish to bring down more people, I’d run a power build because it can be tanky too with the Signet of Stone and a lot more evasive with the Signet of the Hunt.
A spirit ranger has a lot of toughness and can get a huge hp with the right trinkets but without our spirits our damage is lower than mediocre. If you want to control a spirit ranger, you need to kite our spirits. They suffer a lot from an ele’s aoe.
You guys are just crying because you cant beat a spirit ranger due to lack of knowledge.
The spirit ranger build is by far the easiest build to play at an effective level in top ranked matches. Please enlighten me on how it is skillful in anyway. Are you actively reacting to all the passive things going on?
I hate playing versus spirit rangers, every team fight we spend way too much energy on dealing with it. It has decided so many games where we down half of the other team only for the ranger to use his 1 sec cast time res. 1 sec!!!
Everyone in this thread is just scared that their only effective tpvp build is gonna get nerfed and rangers will be out of the meta. I for one wish they’d totally remake the ranger so that their passive builds weren’t the strongest and give the class a higher skill ceiling. Right now you just need to turn up.
Just take a spirit ranger with your team to even out the fight. Your complaints have no substance. A spirit ranger alone cannot decide the victory of the match, teamwork does.
It is like playing a match with no guardian nor a decent warrior bunker on your team. All classes have their own roles in a tpvp match.
(edited by Valentin.2073)
if you think spamming 11111 will make you a good spirit ranger, you are hugely mistaken. it takes a lot of dodging and strategy too. ^^,
you have to run this build to understand it. it’s not that easy.
you can even kill more people with the power build with 2 signets and qz than a spirit build. the power build ranger is the one that spams 11111…
All the other classes benefit from a spirit ranger’s buffs. Being a spirit ranger is not just about killing people, it’s about bringing support for the team. It is completely balanced with other classes.
There are even other classes that take harder to beat 1v1 like necros, warriors and mes. Please stop begging for us to get nerfed. Completely unfair.