Showing Posts For Veron.8645:


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Veron.8645


There was a thread made about this about a month back shortly after Mavericks came out.

One guy said he figured out how to fix it and provided some of his launcher files (this post). I’m personally not a fan of downloading stranger’s files, and he never told us exactly what he did, so use at your own risk.

Nobody else really knows how to fix this. The Anet person who reads this forum said she notified relevant people about this bug, but there aren’t really any devs who still actively work on the Mac client anymore.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

[PvX] Veteran players LF active JQ guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veron.8645


Hey there,

I’m from the guild Vintage Gaming [VG] on Jade Quarry. We’re a medium-sized PvX guild, with a focus on PvE. By medium-sized, I mean we have ~200 total members with some 30-50 people online during NA waking hours each day. We’re a pretty diverse guild, with players all over the spectrum from very casual to NA Top 1000 achievement point seekers.

Most of our members tend to focus on PvE. We regularly have groups forming to do dungeons, Fractals of all levels, world bosses, Living Story content, etc. While we don’t have anything organized for WvW or sPvP, a lot of people in the guild like to do those on their own. Generally if we have a bunch of members in WvW in the same time, they’ll group up and run together.

We have a 50% rep policy, though the vast majority of our members rep us 100% of the time. A couple of people who WvW a lot might have a WvW guild on the side.

We use Mumble for voice communications. It’s very active and you’ll find plenty of members there every afternoon and evening, whether coordinating groups or just chatting while they do their own thing.

If you’re interested in guild missions, we do those twice a week on Saturday and Wednesday evenings. We also have fun goofy guild events every few weeks, like Zombie Hide and Seek.

I’ll follow-up with you in-game when I get online in a few hours, but feel free to contact me as well. You’re welcome to give our guild a try, and no hard feelings if you decide we’re not a good fit.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

(edited by Veron.8645)

changes to existing infusions?

in Fractured

Posted by: Veron.8645


That was most unhelpful :/ Take a closer look at the screenshot I provided. The “offensive” infusion slot is clearly on the top – as opposed to the diagram that you showed me, additionally, the mighty infusion in said offensive infusion slot is adding 7 power and 6 agony resist. They normally add 5 power and 5 agony resist.

So I was the one who made the infographic, and the order of the two slots in my picture isn’t indicative of how it will be eventually. I obviously didn’t have a real screenshot of the new ring (since it’s not out yet) and I just pasted a box over the old screenshot.

That said, you bring up a really interesting point about the screenshot you from the livestream, which I hadn’t noticed before. As you point out, his “Mighty Infusion”, which clearly should go into the offensive slot, is 7 power/6 AR, which shouldn’t exist since we only have 5/5’s. That definitely goes against what they said before about existing infusions not changing, so we’ll see tomorrow if it’s just a dev server thing they’re testing or if they really are changing how some of those offensive infusions work.

To me that reads that each full run will give you 4, +1 AR infusions. And not limited to 1/day.

Huh, I guess you’re right. I just misread. Thanks for pointing that out.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Will this work for PvE solo and dungeon?

in Ranger

Posted by: Veron.8645


Sword rangers are actually preferred for dungeons. Sword is the highest DPS weapon on ranger.

I took a quick look at both builds and they both look generally fine. The staples of effective dungeon ranger builds these days are Mainhand Sword, Spotter, and Frost Spirit, which you have all of. Dungeons and PvE in general are pretty easy, so you can really do whatever makes you happy as long as your build isn’t too awful.

If you want a comparison, here is the optimal DPS ranger meta:

Essentially, any deviation from that will be suboptimal damage, but again, given that PvE isn’t particularly difficult, moderate deviations will be okay. If you were planning to do speed runs though, you’d have to run the meta.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Sudden AR change: 250 Ectos gone?

in Fractured

Posted by: Veron.8645


So I was just about to make the flashy ascended back piece the Fractal Capacitor. Thats another 250 ecto on top of the Beta Fractal Capacitor. Would this be a bad idea until we get patched?

It wouldn’t be a bad idea. In fact it would be a good idea since you might lose what you put in the infinite AR slot if you decide to upgrade post-patch.

I would wait a few days for the devs to respond to all of the questions people have.

Right now though, it sounds like you do want to upgrade pre-patch in order to get the free +5 AR new infusion.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Question about new and old infusions

in Fractured

Posted by: Veron.8645


so then infusion drops are worth less cause one you can buy from venders +5AR is enough. but we already get 55 AR which is enough to get to 50 which they mentioned is the maxed designed up to for now.

The new infusion slot and the new infusions let you consolidate your AR. So you can increase your AR in the new slot higher than +5, and then you can go get, say, a WvW infusion, and put that in your old offensive/defensive slots.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Sudden AR change: 250 Ectos gone?

in Fractured

Posted by: Veron.8645


Those slots have a lot more potential than just +5 now.

Hi Anthony,

Can you clarify whether you only get the second slot by infusing your backpiece? (and whether the infusion mystic forge recipe is the same?)


Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Sudden AR change: 250 Ectos gone?

in Fractured

Posted by: Veron.8645


It’s worded poorly but general understanding that is going on is…

If you have an infused backpiece it will have 2 infusion slots. One of those infusion slots will have a +5 infusion, the other will be whatever was in the backpiece originally. If you have a normal non-infused backpiece it will have 1 infusion slot.

If this is the case, then I guess the 250 ectos aren’t wasted if this is the only way to get the second infusion slot. Looking more closely at the article, you may be correct. I would definitely appreciate some dev clarification on this.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Sudden AR change: 250 Ectos gone?

in Fractured

Posted by: Veron.8645


While many of the changes to Fractals sound great, this was the most alarming for me:

Agony Resist Infusions:

To assist you in your ventures into the mists, a new agony resist infusion slot has been added to all infused rings and backpacks.

  • All current infused rings and backpacks will start with a +5 agony resist infusion (this replaces the +5 agony resist that was previously on the item itself).
  • Players will be able to find +1 agony resist infusions commonly in the fractals after level 10.
  • Artificers of at least 100 skill will be able to combine two infusions of the same level with a Thermocatalytic Reagent to make an infusion of the next level. For example, you could take two +2 infusions, combine them with a Thermocatalytic Reagent, and create a +3 infusion.

So it sounds like those of us who paid 250 ectos (~75 gold at today’s prices) to infuse our backpieces are getting a +5 agony resist infusion out of it. Based on my understanding of how it’s made, all you need is 16 of the new +1 agony resist infusions, which we can apparently “find … commonly”.

I also know an argument can be made that people who have spent these 250 ectos for an infused backpiece got use out of it before this change happened. But this change was communicated a week before it goes into effect. I made infused my backpiece last week, and I have only done one run of fractals since then. I’m sure there are many people who infused their backpieces recently because they wanted to prepare for the big fractals patch.

I understand that game changes happen, and people inevitably lose money. But I think it’s also understandable that I am extremely frustrated how suddenly this happened and how large a sum of money this change invalidates. I’m sure I speak for a lot of other players who have infused their ascended backpieces.

EDIT: GoldenTruth points out that I may have interpreted the article incorrectly. It may be the case that you still have to spend the 250 ectos to get that new second infusion slot. If that is case and will be the only way to get that second slot, then I guess my issue is resolved. I would appreciate if any devs could clarify the change.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

(edited by Veron.8645)

LF guild dungeon/fract/pve (JQ) NA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veron.8645


Hi there,

I’m from the guild Vintage Gaming [VG] on Jade Quarry. I’ll address some of your points, and you can decide if you want to give us a try or not.

looking for an active guild to do fracts, dungeon etc… with.

We’re a very active PvX guild, with an emphasis on PvE. Our guildies form groups to do fractals, dungeons, world boss chains, new Living World content, etc. on a daily basis. We’re not really speed-runners, but most of our dungeon frequenters are very experienced and are probably qualified for speed runs. We mostly play to have fun though, and are willing to anyone along, whether they’re new or experienced.

I perfer a guild that uses voice communications and some structure and cooperation while doing these events.

We have a Mumble server, and most of our core players will be on there while playing. Most of our members will usually get on to communicate for trickier dungeons or fractals, or to even just chat while doing things.

A guild that is somewhat tight knit around 50ish members because when you just play with random guildies everyday and not the same guildies every other day it gets stale and still feels like a PUG.

Our guild has a total of ~180 members, but during daytime/evening hours each day we usually have somewhere from 25-45 people online. Our core group members are definitely online every day and are very tight knit. I run dungeons and fractals frequently with the same dozen or so people who also like dungeons on a regular basis. You’ll also see that guild chat is very active with conversations and joking around. People will also be chatting in mumble.

Perfer a guild that is 18+ in age.

Most people in our guild are in our 20s, and we do have a fair number of older folks as well.

We’re a very inclusive guild with a wide spectrum of players, from total newbies to 10k+ achievement hunters. (Think we have 6 people in the NA top 1000 achievement points ladder right now.) We do guild missions twice a week, and we have goofy guild events like zombie hide and seek every few weeks. You are encouraged to participate in guild activities but we don’t force you to do anything you’re not comfortable with.

Anyways, I hope that gives you a good idea of what our guild is like. If you think you want to give us a try, let me know and I’ll send you an invite. No hard feelings if you decide that we’re not a good fit.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

(edited by Veron.8645)

AHHH, no ui, character control, or movement!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Veron.8645


Something similar happens to me sometimes upon logging in, or when zoning into a high population area like Lion’s Arch. What’s going on is that the UI, character model, camera just have loaded yet, and I have to wait a few minutes.

This has gotten worse for me progressively over the last few weeks. Maybe you are just noticing it for the first time.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Looking for guild on JQ.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veron.8645


Hi Brother Dulfite,

I’m from the guild Vintage Gaming [VG] on Jade Quarry. We’re a guild with a wide spectrum of players from casual to highly active and experienced. Many of our members are friendly and chatty – you’ll find that guild chat is very active most of the day with people discussing the game, discussing other topics, or just joking around. If you are interested in forming friendships, most of our most active players are usually chat on our guild’s voice communications (Mumble) server while we play.

A little more about us: we’re a medium-sized PvX guild, with a focus on PvE. (By medium-sized, I mean we have ~180 total members with at least 25-40 on during most of the NA day.) Our members regularly form groups to do dungeons, fractals, world bosses, new Living World content, etc. If you are not experienced with any of these things but want to learn, our more experienced members are happy to teach. We don’t do anything organized for sPvP or WvW, but a lot of members like to do these things individually and will group up if they happen to be in together. We also do goofy guild events a few times a month, like zombie hide and seek.

If you are interested in guild missions, we run those twice a week – Saturday and Wednesday evenings.

You’re welcome to give us a try. If you decide that we’re not a good fit, no hard feelings. I’ll send you a mail in-game to follow up, but feel free to contact me as well if you have any questions.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

TgUpdate 1.11 everytime i open the launcher

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Veron.8645


I was resourceful and located with much difficulty, I was able to obtain the latest patches and manually apply them.

I have shared the files to assist with this somewhat common anomaly with the tgupdater.

Can you tell us what you did to manually fix the relevant files on your end? Some of us might want to try to replicate this instead of downloading other people’s files.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

[JQ] LF Casual PvE/Social guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veron.8645


Hi Knightsaber,

I’m with Vintage Gaming [VG] on Jade Quarry. We’re a medium-sized guild (by that I mean we have ~170 total members, with usually at least 25-40 members on throughout the times you mentioned). Hopefully that size sounds like what you’re looking for!

We’re a PvX guild, with a focus primarily on PvE. Our members frequently put together dungeon groups, fractals, meet up at world bosses, new living story content, etc. We don’t do anything organized for WvW or sPvP, but a lot of people like to do that individually and people will group up if they’re in WvW together. If you’re interested in guild missions, we run those twice a week — Saturday evenings and Wednesday evenings.

Some of the things I’m looking for in a guild would be things like activity, friendliness, non-hardcore-ness, and just being generally fun people to hang out with.

Sounds like us. We’re a very friendly group. We have a mix of casual players (people who play a few times a week) through very experienced, active players (the kind with 10k+ achievement points). Everyone is very relaxed though and we all play the game for fun. Goofy conversations in guild chat are very frequent, and we also regularly do fun guild activities like zombie hide and seek every two or three weeks.

We use Mumble for voice chat. It’s great that you enjoy chatting while playing – a lot of our core members are on Mumble all the time during weekday evenings and on weekends.

Feel free to contact me in-game. You’re welcome to try us out — no hard feelings if you decide we’re not a good fit. I’ll follow up with you with a mail soon.


Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Missing Patch Notes: Teq Window Shortened?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Veron.8645


You might want to ask the help off one off the event trackers. For them it is easy to build a database, to gather the information needed for a few days.

A guildie of mine mentioned her observations about this to me last night, and I got in contact with the dev for He already automatically records data for this sort of thing. Based on what he’s sent me so far, the evidence does seem to suggest that Teq is now consistently spawning at the very end of what was previously the window. I’ll be back with more evidence once I hear back from him again.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Who deserves priority in WvW queues

in WvW

Posted by: Veron.8645


Evidence to support his claim

First of he doesn’t show THAT it works, but only explains how it works.

Second point is that it is clearly a bug (if it works) and no feature of the queue.

In addition to that its probably not even group related but rather the fact that the first of the queue from that zone moved to a different place, thus moving the new guys that joined the zone and queued, up to the top of the queue. Since they are in a group and teamspeak/mumble they can coordinate and time the relogging and queuing, which makes it seem group related.

It works. Plenty of people have seen it work firsthand.

It’s also not just a zone-related thing. This gets queues popping for people in the party all at once, within a minute or two a lot of the time, when queuing randomly in the same zone or a anywhere else can take up to hours even if done at the same time.

It’s certainly a bug and not a feature. Queues are incredibly broken right now and this is the one consistent thing people have been able to figure out.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Greatsword Rework

in Ranger

Posted by: Veron.8645


I appreciate the intentions of the OP, but I have to strongly disagree. Greatsword is one of only two melee options we have, the other one being mainhand sword. I, for one, hate mainhand sword, but I still want to play a high(ish) DPS melee power build. Greatsword is my only option, and I don’t want that taken away from me. (Especially since I made a Sunrise.)

That said, the changes are interesting, and it would be cool if rangers got a weapon set with good support skills. I just don’t want it to be on greatsword.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Pet targeting work-around

in Ranger

Posted by: Veron.8645


Thus, the Ranger is required to be in combat first for the pet to stick to the desired target when using Guard instead of Avoid Combat. This grants passive target selection for when the pet defeats the desired foe.

This doesn’t sound as good to me as OP’s workaround, which lets him pet target and then engage his enemy afterwards. For me at least, I would find it easier to do all the F1ing and target switching before you get aggro rather than after.

Still, it’s great that you figured this out. Someone else may like this way better.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Does anyone NOT have crashing issues?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Veron.8645


I play on an early 2011 15" MBP (2.2 GHz Core i7, 4 GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6750M ) with all my settings at the lowest possible. with the exception of the culling settings — “low” instead of “lowest”. I rarely ever get crashes — maybe once every few weeks.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Not targeting prompt/symbol

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Veron.8645


Sounds like a case of the fast-cast ground targeting options mysteriously being changed.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

New player looking for a guild on Jade Quarry

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veron.8645


Hi there Mishipuffs,

I’m from the guild Vintage Gaming [VG] on Jade Quarry. We’re an active medium-sized PvX guild, with a primary focus on PvE. You’re welcome to give us a try.

As a new player, I think it helps to have a friend to discover the game with. Best if it’s someone who is also new, since people who have done it all before will want to rush through things, intentionally or not. If you don’t have a real life friend to learn the game with, try to meet somebody else in-game. (Maybe other new players will see this post and contact you!)

I don’t think anybody in our guild is quite as new as you, so I’m afraid they won’t be able to do what I said above. That’s probably going to be the case for any guild you join, unless you happen to join at the same time as someone else who also just started the game. That said, we’re a group of very friendly and helpful people, so we can definitely help you out with things and answer any questions. If you have or make any friends who are also newbies, they are welcome to give us a try as well.

I highly recommend the official wiki for anything that you want to learn more about or get confused about. There is a wealth of information that you can read simply by looking it up. You can access it in-game (it will open your browser) by typing “/wiki [thing you want to search]” in chat, or by going to the website directly:

It’s awesome you decided to pick up Guild Wars 2. Have fun getting into the game! I will send you a mail in-game to follow up — feel free to contact me as well. Character name is Veron Oakguard.


Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

[JQ] 80 Mesmer LFG!! Everything included.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veron.8645


Hi Ckajlooc,

It sounds like my guild, Vintage Gaming [VG] on Jade Quarry might be a good fit for you. We’re a medium-sized PvX guild, with most members being primarily PvE players. (Medium-sized meaning ~170 total members and ~40 members on during typical North America primetime hours.)

1. No cray-cray in the hay-hay people wishing me to devote my entire life to playing with the guild (Even though I do spend a decent amount of time on GW2).

We’re a very active guild, but we don’t force anybody to do anything. You are free to participate in guild activities to whatever level you’re comfortable.

2. WvW. I love it, but am also awful at it. My inspiration was Osicat and his builds. I am trying REALLY hard to get better. I was told to do PvP to help with my 1v1 and 1v2 skills (Which I hate too but am persistent).

While we don’t do anything organized on the WvW or PvP front, many of our members do enjoy doing WvW and PvP. Especially with the seasons going on, you’ll see a lot of people in EB or in the borderlands. Guildies will typically group up and run together if they find themselves in at the same time. Our more experienced members will also be happy to give you tips if you want any.

3. Fractals. I need it primarily because I am craving ascended accessories and weapons ( Some moola too).

Our guildies group up to do dungeons and fractals on a daily basis. We have a lot of players who do higher level fractals (20s and 30s) and also a bunch of people who recently decided they want to do more fractals to increase their personal levels (I think currently in the 10s). If you’re new to fractals, our more experienced players will be happy to show you the ropes.

4. Fairly active. I know I said no devoting my life, but I want to have at least a few other people on.

Very active! We have a lot of players online every day, doing all sorts of things. We also have guild missions twice a week (Saturday evening primary, Wednesday evening makeups). You’ll want to participate in those if you’re looking for ascended trinkets (you trade guild commendations for them). We also have regular fun goofy events like zombie hide and seek. Again, nothing is mandatory, so you’re free to participate however much you want.

5. Friendliness. I like talking. A lot. And I seem to ramble significantly more in this game. I prefer nice people who like to chat too.

Chatting about all sorts of things happen in guild chat all the time. We’re very friendly people.

6. PvE. I like getting the achievements too because I only have those 2,000 points compared to some (I don’t know if I just have a life or if I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing).

We do plenty of PvE! Dungeons, fractals, world bosses, new Living World content, etc. If getting achievements interests you, we have plenty of people who are into that. (To brag a little: Five people in the top 1000 in NA, including yours truly, and fifteen people with over 10,000 AP.)

If you want a fun, active community, [VG] sounds like it would be for you. I find a good way to get to know people is to get on the guild’s voice chat program. Our guild uses Mumble, which is a free and open source software.

I’ll follow-up in a bit with a mail in-game. Feel free to contact me as well.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Returning Player LF Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veron.8645


I might be open to transferring servers if it’s still free to do so and if a certain guild seems like a good fit.

Just to save you some trouble figuring out this later: it is not free to transfer servers anymore.

It costs 1000 or 1800 gems for transfers between NA servers depending on the population status of the one you are transferring to. (I don’t believe any servers in NA are “Medium” that would cost 800 gems.)

The only way to transfer for free is if you had no characters. This means you’d have to delete all of your characters before transferring.


Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Tequatl Jumping Achievement pls help

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Veron.8645


It’s possible you’re standing too far back? There’s a certain distance away where the waves stop knocking you down, but I think you still see it animated and moving past that distance.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Keybinding Ranger - "Attack my target" issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Veron.8645


I’ve had my F1 (“Attack my target”) bound to my Z key for the last few months, and it seemed to work fine when I checked it today.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Elite mobs in open world now

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Veron.8645


Why are people suddenly talking about this now they have always been in certain parts of the open world since the beginning of the game Example this guy has always been a silver/elite he just used to have the title veteran over his head.

I think it’s because the patch notes make it sound like a new thing. Poor communication.

Silver mobs have always been around, and very common. Their names used to either not say anything special or say “Veteran”. This was confusing because the bronze mobs are also called “Veteran”. Essentially all they did was add the word “Elite” to the name of every silver mob.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Gasmask thread appreciation.

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Veron.8645


I can’t say this with complete certainty, but apparently you can buy Toxic Seed Chests from glory vendors in spvp for 750 glory a pop. Can only buy 5 a day, and those drop the gasmask, along with the other filter masks skins. The skins aren’t restricted to spvp either, as the filter a guildie got was pve usable as well.

Hope this helps, good luck.

Wait, so we have to do PvP to get them? Or can said chest be bought from the chick npc (haven’t given her the 50 yet to see what she sells)?

I can confirm that I got one of the other filter mask skins from a Toxic Seed Box from the glory vendor last night. It is PvE usable. This suggests the gas mask might be obtainable this way as well.

I don’t think Marjory sells these skins or the boxes at the moment. You can see what she sells from the screenshot in Dulfy’s guide:

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Toxic Krait Historian - awful experience

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Veron.8645


As a tip, you can add this achievement to your tracker. I made sure the total count went up by 2 or 4 after I completed each zone. I think this will help you figure out as you are doing them which one you might have missed (or is broken if that turns out to be the case).

This doesn’t really excuse the poor system, but I find that it is a helpful workaround.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Why PvE(LW) events on WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Veron.8645


Why did you put LW events on WvW? i though they said they wouldnt change anything besides Fixses and Bug fixes on WvW.

I bet it’s because they read complaints that LW content do not have a lasting significant impact on the world, or something like that.

Problem: LW content doesn’t feel impactful.
Lightbulb: let’s make WvW players have to deal events that spawn annoying mobs and mess with your camera if you have post-processing enabled.

Yeah, I dunno, but this is my best guess. I definitely agree that this goes against their statement that they wouldn’t make any changes, and I also think this is kind of a bad move overall.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Same server color all season 1?

in WvW

Posted by: Veron.8645


ANet can you comment on this?

Well, I’m pretty certain they did this on purpose. I don’t really feel like much explanation is necessary on their part. The colors aren’t random – their geographic positions in EB give them strategic advantages. For example, you can treb SM from red keep but not from blue or green.

Before they started lightly randomizing match-ups, the highest ranked server in a given matchup would always be green, followed by blue, then red.

JQ is always green because we was the top-ranked server prior to the start of the season.

If you need to get exploration in EB, just try to do it in a week where we are fighting two T2 servers. We’re much more likely to cap towers in their areas.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

WvW Queues: F-I-F-O vs. Preferential

in WvW

Posted by: Veron.8645


Please elaborate, and provide quotes or links if you’re saying what I believe you are saying. It’s my experience that it’s first-in-first-out, I’d like to see if you can demonstrate that it’s not.

Here is a dev statement on this topic:

Devon Carver

Queues will be fixed as part of the new map. They will continue to operate as they have since launch until then. The queue does not function as a typical queue and we are fixing it. It will just take some time. It has been a lower priority than the other things we have done and we’ve only now been able to devote the appropriate resources to it.

While they will not admit what exactly is wrong with it, overwhelming anecdotal evidence tells us that it is not first-in, first-out. You regularly hear stories like:

  • Two people queue at the same time. One gets in after 10 minutes, the other gets in after an hour.
  • One person queues. Another person queues after. Second person gets in after 10 minutes. First person continues to wait two hours without getting in.

This kind of thing is not at all uncommon and happens to me pretty much on a daily basis. Here’s another example: two nights ago, I queued for an hour. Then I logged out, logged back in, requeued, and got in after 3 minutes. A friend was queued that entire time and and didn’t get the queue to pop for another hour after I got in.

I think this thread about FIFO vs. Rank Preference is really jumping the gun, considering the queue doesn’t follow any kind of socially acceptable logic. If the bugged queue bothers you, you can support a thread I made last week. I hope to generate more awareness so we can convince Anet that they need to implement intermediate fixes more quickly.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Same server color all season 1?

in WvW

Posted by: Veron.8645


You guys can check for yourselves. The full schedule has all of the color assignments.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Rangers and Ascended Weapons

in Ranger

Posted by: Veron.8645


Totally agree this needs to be addressed.

I feel like the reason this hasn’t already been addressed is that doing math and tweaking numbers isn’t fun for the balance devs. Being the guy who fixed ascended weapons numbers isn’t as sexy the guy who came up with “a pet ‘catching your scent’ might be a cool way to insinuate some anti-stealth into the game.”

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Antitoxin Spray

in WvW

Posted by: Veron.8645


According to patch notes, they did add some changes to some classes.

All of the changes are just tooltip fixes, only text. There were no balance changes.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Advice for people LFGing.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veron.8645


I wish the mods would just pin a thread titled “Please indicate server in title, e.g. [Jade Quarry] or [JQ]”. Obviously a lot of people who post in the subforum don’t see/read this thread.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Quickening Zephyr does not break stun

in Ranger

Posted by: Veron.8645


Signet of Renewal, Empathic Bond, Brown Bear’s “roarrr-translatedShake it Off!roar.
No, we don’t have any skill/utility/trait which would remove movement imparing effects only. We just have to use hard-removal on big cd/pray to trigger EB in the right moment/spam F2 till fluffy gets the idea.

Don’t forget Healing Spring!

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Discussion : Fixes for WvW queues

in WvW

Posted by: Veron.8645


Whats a queue? I’m on NSP I don’t know of those….

That is not a helpful comment in any way. If you don’t have anything constructive to say, please don’t comment. And you should not blame us, because many of us have been on these servers since launch and this is certainly not our fault.

The fact of the matter is, because of server transfers and bandwagoning and whatever other reasons, a large portion of the population is stuck on a couple of servers. This issue affects a lot of people – possibly the majority of players who want to WvW since apparently all of you other servers don’t even have any “queues”.

It’s crazy that a system that affects so many people hasn’t operated on a first in, first out basis for over a year, and won’t be fixed for several more months. It would be really nice if the developers could find some easier intermediate fixes, like post a work-around to ensure you don’t break your queue status. Last night, I spent 2 hours waiting to get into EB. Then I logged out, logged back in, requeued, and got in after 3 minutes. My guildies who were queued the whole time still didn’t get in.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

(edited by Veron.8645)

Looking for a good guild in Jade Quarry

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veron.8645


Hi Flanar,

Don’t know if you’re still looking, but Vintage Gaming [VG] sounds like it might be up your alley. We’re a medium-sized PvX guild in JQ, with a mostly PvE focus. We have something like ~170 members with typically ~40-50 members online during North America primetime.

Our members regularly group up throughout the day everyday to run dungeons, fractals, world boss events, new living story content, etc. We don’t have any organized WvW thing going, but many of our members enjoy WvW and will group up when they’re in together. We also offer guild missions twice a week – Saturday evenings and makeups on Wednesday evenings. We also have a Mumble server for voice communications.

Nothing is mandatory – you are welcome to participate in whatever you feel comfortable doing. We would certainly appreciate it if you helped out in guild missions/makeup guild missions, but don’t feel pressured to participate in our activities.

If it matters to you, our rep policy is 50% minimum.

Feel free to contact me in-game if you have any questions. Good luck finding a guild.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Discussion : Fixes for WvW queues

in WvW

Posted by: Veron.8645


no i did. i just don’t care since i dont have a que. most people didn’t stack their server with recruitment efforts don’t have a que thats why most don’t care. you created your own problem so people tend to not have sympathy.

I understand if you don’t WvW much or don’t have to deal with this problem as acutely because you are not on a higher population server. But I don’t like how you are laying the blame on me and people like me, in order to trivialize a problem that impacts a very significant portion of the playerbase.

I did not recruit anybody to stack my server. I have been on Jade Quarry since launch. I am not a hardcore WvW player. I am a very active general PvX player who enjoys WvW in addition to other parts of the game. Under normal circumstances, I’ll play a few hours of WvW every week or two. Because of the introduction of the season, I would like to play more WvW to participate in the highlighted content and support my community. This is the entire purpose of the season. I have done absolutely nothing wrong, and I am certainly not going to pay gems to leave the community I’ve been with for over a year so I can experience a core in-game event that Anet is emphasizing for everyone.

I do not mind the fact that people transfer to my server because my server is awesome. I do not mind having to wait a long time because a lot of people want to WvW. That is how a lot of things in life is – if you show up at a sandwich shop and there are a lot of people, you just wait in line. What I do have a problem with is that there is no line, there is a mysterious arbitrary system that chooses who gets to go next that the devs admit does not function like a line. There is no reason one person has to queue for 2 hours when someone who queues after them waits only 10 minutes. If Anet is not physically able to fix this soon, they should publicize this in-game and give directions for players to work around any bugs with their individual queue statuses.

On a separate note, I would like to thank whichever moderator changed the title of this thread. The old title was not really conveying what I am trying to do, and a lot of people were getting caught up on that.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Discussion : Fixes for WvW queues

in WvW

Posted by: Veron.8645


I’m not really upset at all. I guess I just don’t take computer games that seriously. I had a six hour queue on reset night last week, I was disappointed sure, but I wasn’t angry or upset.

So you’re okay with waiting six hours when other people only had to wait 10 minutes? And that all of this got decided completely arbitrarily?

There’s not taking games that seriously, and then there’s blatant unfairness due to a bugged system. If that really doesn’t bother you, then I guess we just simply disagree.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Discussion : Fixes for WvW queues

in WvW

Posted by: Veron.8645


In case anyone is interested, the first time this was officially acknowledged was EIGHT MONTHS ago, by Mike Ferguson in a website interview.

It’s crazy to me that it’s been broken for over a year, and the only option that is being considered is an all or nothing straight-up fix that sounds like it’s hard to implement. I wish the devs would consider some smaller options that are short of fixing it but would still help players out. Even something as simple as changing the text to say:

“Eternal Battlegrounds is full. Would you like to wait to get in? If you do not get notified within half an hour, please cancel your waiting status and try again.”

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Veron.8645


1: Fair queue system
2: Lag
3: Alt-friendly rewards/progression

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Discussion : Fixes for WvW queues

in WvW

Posted by: Veron.8645


…(continued from above)…

Our time as players is valuable to us. We are taking time out of other things we can be doing to play this game. Even waiting for WvW queues is taking time from other things we can be doing in the game – I can’t switch characters and I don’t want to commit to something like a dungeon in case my queue pops. If I have to wait my turn for something, I want it to be a fair system. I don’t want to be told it works like a “queue” when it doesn’t. It is incredibly upsetting to me that this basic fact has been falsely given to me for more than a year, and that they are going to continue to do so for many more months.

I think that, at a minimum, if the developers are not able to straight-up fix the system promptly, the text needs to be changed so that the concept of a queue is not implied.

As for what else to do, I really would like there to be an intermediate solution that can be done more quickly that is not a straight up fix. Of course, I have no idea how the system is designed and programmed, so I am certainly willing to believe there is no reasonable, substantive intermediate solution.

However, from anecdotal evidence, it seems like if you queue for WvW and you don’t get in right away, you will be waiting for at least several hours or not get in at all (i.e. you got “bugged”). However, for other people who are queuing, or if you cancel and requeue, you might get in after 10 or 20 minutes. One anecdote from two days ago: a friend of mine queues for EB and gets in after 20 minutes. I queue immediately after him and wait 45 minutes with nothing. A second friend queues at the same time as me, and restarts his computer after waiting for a while, requeues, and gets in after 10 minutes of waiting. For the next two hours, I log out and requeue every 20 to 30 minutes. During this time, a third friend queues and gets in after 10 minutes of waiting. After over two and a half hours of trying to get into EB, I finally get the notification 20 minutes after logging out and requeuing.

If it really is the case that you can get a “bugged” queue, I would like the system to automatically cancel and requeue people who have been waiting for more than a certain amount of time (say 20 minutes). I have no idea how much effort this would take to implement or how much of an impact it would have on server resources, so maybe this is not feasible. It could also be the case that there are no “bugged” queues and it is really just random, so there would be no reason for anybody to cancel and requeue. In any case, it would be nice to get some kind of dev comment on this to know if we are wasting our time or not with potentially bugged queues and should be canceling and requeuing.

EDIT: I would like to add that it would be great if we could get a dev to comment with more details about how the system works and what would be a reasonable workaround that players can use to make sure everyone can get an equal chance at a prompt queue pop.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

(edited by Veron.8645)

Discussion : Fixes for WvW queues

in WvW

Posted by: Veron.8645


TL;DR: WvW queues are bugged so they do not work like queues are supposed to work (i.e. first in, first out). This is an unfair system for resolving who gets in, especially since everyone thinks we are waiting in a “queue” because the game tells us so. At a minimum, the developers should change the text so we know that this is not how the system works, since it is a false statement.

This has been broken since launch and will not be fixed for several months. I don’t feel like this issue has received enough attention. I hope that by bringing more attention to this, we can get something done about it sooner, even if it’s an intermediate fix.

I feel like people are not upset enough about the bugged WvW queues.

I understand that this is mainly an issue on high population servers. I understand that I can transfer to a lower population server to not deal with it, and I have understood that the devs have been telling us so. However, I have been on Jade Quarry since the game launched, and I am not going to pay for gems to move from a community I love because people keep joining my server. I do not have a problem with waiting in line for my turn, even if it’s a long wait. I have a problem with the fact that I am waiting for a seemingly random and arbitrarily system to decide when I get to go, when other people might have to wait significantly less time or significantly more time, for no apparent reason. While these are my own feelings, I believe that I am also speaking for a significant portion of the playerbase.

In case you missed it, Devon Carver recently confirmed that WvW queues have been broken since launch, and that they are not going to fix it until months from now when they release the new Edge of the Mists map.

Queues will be fixed as part of the new map. They will continue to operate as they have since launch until then. The queue does not function as a typical queue and we are fixing it. It will just take some time. It has been a lower priority than the other things we have done and we’ve only now been able to devote the appropriate resources to it.

The problem is not that queues are long, the problem is that they do not work like queues should work. Calling such a thing a “queue” is wrong at best, lying at worst.

If you are not familiar with the word “queue”, here is a dictionary definition:

a line of people who are waiting for something

The reason why queues or queue-like systems work is because everyone understands how they work and agree that they are fair. The simplest queue follows a simple and sacred social norm that has been used by human civilization since civilization existed: first come, first served. This is a basic concept to deal with situations where you can’t serve everyone at once. Everyone is treated equally, and you get priority based on how long you have been waiting.

Think about this: if you have been waiting for a long time for something, wouldn’t you be upset if someone “cuts in line”? (as we Americans put it.) Let’s say you’ve waited for an hour to get on the rollercoaster at the amusement park, and somebody jumps in front of you and only has to wait five minutes. I would consider that incredibly unfair, as I hope would most people.

Of course, there are certainly situations in real life where you can jump into the middle or beginning of a queue that is somehow socially acceptable – e.g. “flash passes” at Six Flags, airline premier members who can use the faster security line, elderly people in wheelchairs bypassing lines at tourist attractions. In each of these cases, there is some reason (possibly debatable if a good reason) why these people get to skip the long line, whether they are paying extra money for it or because we don’t want to subject elderly people to long waits because of their weaker health.

This is not the case for WvW queues. Arguments can be made for why or why not people with higher WvW rank might deserve to get in first, or why or why not recent transfers should get lower priority, etc. But that is not what is going on here. With no further explanation is being offered for how the queue actually works beyond that it “does not function as a typical queue”, there is no clear, transparent preferential logic that we can debate the merits of. As far as we are concerned, the queue is random.

By calling the system a “queue”, we are being falsely advertised to. There is an understanding of what a “queue” is, and this is not it. There is an unspoken social contract between us, the players, and them, the developers: we play this game in a way respectful of them and each other, and they will treat us with respect. I think this is clearly a case where the developers are not holding up their end of this contract.

…(continued in next post)…

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

(edited by Veron.8645)

Is there any place for Rampager's gear?

in Ranger

Posted by: Veron.8645


So instead of berzerker’s gear, im looking at rampager’s gear. How nice if i could hit hard, crit high, and still do solid bleeds. Oh I use shortbow in dungeons (longbows wun cut it as i dont really stand that far out) and greatswords (For AOE situations, another reason to go rampagers)…

Rampager’s gear is fine if you decide you want to focus on good bleeds for shortbow. I fail to see how using greatsword is a reason to go rampager’s. There are no damaging conditions on greatsword.

You won’t crit very hard in rampager’s gear. You’ll crit often, but not very hard. You need +crit damage to crit hard.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Is there any place for Rampager's gear?

in Ranger

Posted by: Veron.8645


I only really use mine set anymore when I do the underwater fractal, when I use my harpoon gun.

If you’re happy playing direct damage berserker, I don’t really see any good reason to switch to a condi build.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Condition skills for GS and LB

in Ranger

Posted by: Veron.8645


Look at our Axe MH. Mostly used for conditions, yet weak Power AA. No real idea.

^ I think this nails the reason why we should not have condition skills on GS and LB.

GS used to put out bleeds on Maul. It was totally useless because it was a small number of bleeds with no other good source of conditions. It also detracted from GS as a power weapon because the damage on Maul was compromised by having some of its damage as bleeds.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

Lord Helmos Presents: RANGER 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Veron.8645


I like pretty much everything, other than the collars. I don’t want to have to invest in even more gear, which I expect will be expensive. I especially don’t want to feel like I need to get a legendary collar.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Veron.8645


I can do all parts of the game just fine, sure there were really rough parts to being a Ranger, but I feel that currently the ranger is quit good. Everyone that complains must be doing something terribly wrong with the class.

Most things in this game really aren’t that hard. We can do most things in the game despite most ranger builds being underpowered compared to other classes.

PVE Rangers are beasts, try something new instead of your old Shortbow/Greatsword/Longbow Spam builds ^^. Sword+Horn/Axe is just crazy. The amount of damage is awesome and in addition it offers so many dodges.

I agree with you that mainhand sword is a beast, but I don’t find this acceptable at all. Everything else is garbage DPS compared to mainhand sword. There is no build diversity here whatsoever. I don’t like to use sword. Why do I have to take such a significant DPS hit for it?

WvW for small roaming…
Spvp good over all duel class…

I agree here that rangers are still pretty good in these situations. However, I find this is the case despite the fact that our pet mechanics are very wonky. Specifically, I find the pet F2 skill very hard to depend on in active situations. If the pet is in the middle of trying to do its own thing, the F2 skill will either misfire or take several seconds to actually activate. I still do fine on my ranger in these situations, but it’s frustrating that our core class mechanic is so unreliable. Other classes don’t have to deal with this kind of stuff.

As for nobody playing rangers, when my Guild does guild missions we joke about our Ranger only group :P

Plenty of people play ranger. That doesn’t mean that the class doesn’t need significant improvement. Most players don’t play on the level where you would notice a significant problem. Even players who do play on a level that you would notice a problem can get by, because most things in the game are easy/flexible enough that you can get away with it. That doesn’t mean it’s okay to leave rangers underpowered.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]

hide in plain site bugg ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Veron.8645


I don’t see how you can call Maul change a buff when they change it from 6 to 8 seconds cooldown.

33% Longer cooldown between atacks for a 7% damage increase (9% with 2 more stack of invul).


I think you misread the patch notes. They did not change the cooldown – they increased the duration of the vulnerability. So the change is, in fact, purely a buff.

Maul: Damage for this skill has been increased by 7%. Vulnerability has been increased from 3 stacks to 5 stacks, and the duration has been increased from 6 seconds to 8 seconds.

Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]