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Veteran pvper's problems in GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


Agree with a lot of the points. Even with two weapon sets as a warrior the gameplay feels extremely shallow and lacking in depth. While timing and positioning play a huge rule in things, the actual variety in the gameplay from one moment to the next is pretty small.

There’s a lot of potential here….but they need to do a lot to ramp up the gameplay variety between weapons, make some abilities better, and get rid of the noob stomper builds that do nothing but help create the misconception that certain profession/builds are OP because they are OP in hot join.

(edited by Vlaid.5790)

Point system is broke

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


I don’t agree that the point system needs to be removed completely. I look a back brace on someone with bad posture. If they wear it long enough, they will begin to stand straighter on their own as their spine is trained into that position from prolonged use.

And so it is with the point system, a great training tool for getting people to PVP “correctly”. I just think we need to modify how it works. First of all remove points for kills completely UNLESS it is done within some invisible radius near a node (not just inside the capturable area) to not remove incentive for fighting, but to fight where it /matters/. Points for fighting should be seperated into two categories also 1) Dealing damage, and 2) Killing blows. I think it’s ridiculous how much focus is put on who pressed F first on a downed player.

I’m unsure if making more people cap a node faster is the right call. It will encourage a zerg mentality to capture nodes and will somewhat nullify the use of tanker builds to stall assaults on a node while reinforcements come or go to take another node in a node tradeoff.

Also, I think you should get points for staying at a node that you control. It seems in hot join PVP nobody defends anything, it’s just not worth it not only because you get nothing for it, but because the roaming zerg pile of killing blows will get you more points AND more action.

sPvP Level 16 and always assigned to weak teams now

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


Yeah, I never hit the “play now” button anymore. I look for servers only missing one player, and not on Capricorn. Using that criteria I rarely end up in games that are getting farmed. You’ll find the servers with farmed up teams and lopsided point totals/skill levels are missing several players as more than 1 or 2 will leave to find a more even match usually.

And I agree that kills and fighting with the zerg awards you far too much. If anything, just straight getting kills should be nearly meaningless if it is on a node, or within some radius of a node. If I manage to get 4 people to chase me into the farthest location from our nodes before they finally down me, their reward for doing so should be almost nothing….because frankly, that’s a stupid thing to reward in the first place.

The PVP in this game will die if...

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


The PVP won’t survive if they only listen to the top 0.05% that have completely mastered avery aspect of PVP either. You have to strike a good balance so that inexperienced/unskilled players can enjoy pvp and stand some small chance as well as the e-sport champions.

You need to keep those “bad” players interested and wanting to continue playing so that they enjoy the PVP enough to want to get better, improve and maybe one day join those 0.05% of players to master the game.

The PVP in this game will die if...

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


WvWvW is softcore PVP, it’s not supposed to be a giant showcase of skill. That’s pretty much the entire point of it, to allow people a place to PVP and have a larger scale of PVP where numbers and positioning of forces matters more than personal skill. Ie, crowd management and leadership is a much bigger factor in who wins.

Foefire & Bug Abuse/Shady Stuff

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


Pretty sure thieves can teleport up onto the walls to avoid having to break them down, so you would only get an alert of your lord being under attack.

The PVP in this game will die if...

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


The only thing I want to know is why sPvP is 8v8 when the game, classes and maps are balanced for 5v5 (tPvP).

Until that is answered, and the class bugs are sorted out, I don’t want ANet to make any balancing changes.

It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? It dillutes the effect of one or two really skilled players, and dillutes the effect of a few really bad players so people can blend into the zerg and feel like they are contributing to the battle (Example: Rifle warriors hanging on ledges sniping on people and refusing to drop down to knockback/rez when needed and so on).

The larger the battle, the less important individual skill is to the overall victory. That’s probably best for hot join PVP. Unfortunately it has the side effect of giving people who play hot join more than tPVP a completely different experience of balance, which is what’s creating a bit of a disconnect between the competent players and the less skilled players. I’ll say straight up I haven’t done a lot of tPVP yet but I can tell that is the source of a lot of the difference in opinion about what is OP and what is not.

Everything in sPVP feels like it was designed to annoy you.

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


Bump, I’d like to hear some more opinions if other people feel the same way about some of these things just being plain annoying to play against, not necessarily OP or unfair, but just annoying to play against (hence, not fun).


in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


If it’s a lopsided match early on, I’ll leave. Sometimes I’ll leave just tokitten off some herpykittenzerg that chased me all over the map to kill me, or a mesmer/thief/hundred blades fellow (if it’s not looking like i’m going to get much glory anyway, the satisfaction is worth more than the glory).

The fact is in a match you’re losing badly, you won’t be getting a lot of kills or anything worth any glory, and you won’t get the win bonus. So why stay? They need to fix the incentives to make people want to try more IMO. There’s just no reason to slog it out in a lopsided losing match.

The added bonus of leaving a lopsided match? I get to make some of the people on the winning team get autobalanced onto the losing team and enjoy some of their own medicine.

Please Remove of Fix the Death Breakdown

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


I’d just like an option to toggle it off in the options menu somewhere. I really don’t care what hit me or for how hard usually. Or a more sensible place to put it. Like a “death log” you can check on at the end of a match or something.

Over 50% of all players I see in sPvP are thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


There’s really no easy way to say this….

People flock to playing Mesmer and Thieves in 8v8 because they are easy, and you don’t need much skill to kill people or to get away without dieing. So everyone plays them in 8v8 because of that fact. This is still while I say we should limit the number of any single class in a single game. I’ve played a warrior since release, tried various builds (hate hundred blades offensive builds) and I am glad the warrior fad is “somewhat” over. I hated being one of a sea of warriors in a game. I would have rather just waited (heck maybe the fact that you have to wait a minute or two might make some people not play FOTM).

I also love oblitering the faces of random thief/mesmer#149025802578 in 8v8. It only sucks when that random actually knows how to use a couple of their abilities….because they are just too easy to survive/get away/harass with (at a bare minimum of effectiveness without needing a lot of skill or practice).

Tournaments ideas: what could improve the quality of tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


I agree with no swapping of characters builds or weapons and so forth once you queue up. Should be forced to roll with what you got, not tailor your team to the map/enemy team.

Um... auto-balance? What the pancakes?

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


I’m ok with autobalancing so long as you still get a glory bonus for being swapped to offset possibly losing the win bonus as a result.

The Skill Cap of Guild Wars 2 PVP and the Implications

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


Finally, some positive thinking on the sPvP forum.

Next steps: Ban all QQers who haven’t played 100+ tPvP matches. Ban all players who have only learned one profession. Ban all players who get their builds entirely from the interwebs. Problem solved.

Thumbs up for poster.

Why would you compliment the OP on “finally some positive thinking on the sPVP forum” then immediately follow it with the same negative, “pro” vitriol that the pvp forums usually attracts?

Follow the example you seem to respect so much. I have immense respect for Taugrim and his attitude towards PVP gaming.

Spvp 8v8 is a glorified farm.

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


This is what happens when it takes so little work to have a character fully kitted out for PVP. People will just play whatever class is easiest to farm glory on and faceroll people with.

I’m more than slightly tired of the mountains of thieves and mesmers. Maybe there needs to be a hardcap on the numbers of each class allowed in each game. If you play the FOTM, it might result in a harder time getting in a game.

Everything in sPVP feels like it was designed to annoy you.

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


I’m not doubting that the game is very skill sensitive, I’ll give it that. But a lot of it is just getting countered by builds you’re weak against. I don’t mind losing to someone better, but a lot of the stuff in sPVP just /annoys/ me. It’s not that it’s overpowered (some of it is) but the mechanics of a lot of the things you are dealing with are just flat out annoying. I can’t really explain it any better than that.

On the subject of CC’s, it’s not even always getting CC’ed and then getting blown up inside that CC. It’s just getting knocked out of the fight continuously by knockbacks, knockdowns, moa, stun, ect. There’s probably way too many roots available (net turret, arghhhh).

Everything in sPVP feels like it was designed to annoy you.

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


Thief burst+mobility+elusiveness
Warrior knockdown+burst
Mesmers general power and Moa
Guardians that take a minute to kill with 4~ people wailing on them
Sometimes I feel like this game has the most CC of any game I’ve ever played. Seriously needs some kind of diminishing returns or much stronger/more frequent CC breakers/immunity utilities.
Autobalancing onto the losing team
A lot of abilities plain functioning in really poor ways (for example: rifle butt having a tiny hit box that doesn’t work a lot of the time with even a fraction of lag while they are moving).
Only having one gametype for PVP
Downed state delays and the way only the person who mashed F up in melee gets the kill credit.
The way you can just hop in the water at near death to delay death for a ridiculous amount of time because there’s no finisher under water and people keep regenerating health very quickly when they are at the surface of the water (I’ve abused this mechanic countless times but it feels cheap).

I could go on, but you get the idea. There just seems to be an endless stream of things that almost seem purposely designed to annoy. I hope they do something to make PVP a more ENJOYABLE experience. Right now it just feels like a battle of who can annoy each other more with more annoying mechanics.

I want to enjoy PVP so badly, I love PVP in most games….but the PVP in this game has so many annoying mechanics that need to be adressed before PVP can be really enjoyable. (at least for me).

"I'll take my chances."

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


I think I would mind the autobalancing a lot less if you got some kind of glory bonus for being switched to the losing team.

Or even better yet, if there was an additional glory bonus for people who switch to a losing team, and then turn it into a win.

It just feels like a giant, random kitten when you get autobalanced onto the losing team after playing for almost the entire match on the winning team. All your effort you put into /winning/ is now an effort to work /against/ winning.

Think about that for a second. At any moment of a match, any and all effort you put into winning could be turned into having effectively worked against yourself all match. That is really depressing.

One hit?

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


No doubt the auto-balancing is annoying. I would almost rather just suffer the loss and know I’m stuck with my team and make the best of it. It’s really frustrating when you work for a win and as the time draws close you can get auto-balanced onto the losing team.

I think you should get some compensation glory for being auto-balanced onto the losing team if you were on the winning team, IMO anyway…

Please disable character switching between tournaments.

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


Well to me the whole point of the way the tournaments make you play different maps is to make sure no one team makeup is superior on all of them.

What’s the point if you can just switch between maps? Then eventually people will just swap to the default team makeup for each map that is best for that particular map (given enough time for people to determine what the best team makeup is for each map).

Will there be new SPVP MAPS like capture the flag?

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


I was saying this in a similar thread earlier…..but if you look at the way PVP flows and the mechanics involved….it seems Anet balanced GW2 very specifically for point capture PVP. I think TDM or CTF or most of the normal go-to match types would play very poorly given the way GW2 is setup.

Please disable character switching between tournaments.

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


Even if this isn’t happening in a more metagame of switching builds to counter your opponents team yet… is definitely something that might start happening more as PVP gets more competitive. I would rather it not be possible and Anet just fix the matchmaking to ensure you don’t end up with a really poorly stacked team of 3+ of the same profession.

I play a necro, but I traid a warrior for one play session...

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


Condition builds are at a bit of a disadvantage because a lot of builds counter them. There’s not really much that counters just raw damage (except bunker guardians, but they counter all damage!).

Mesmers & thieves too powerful?

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


I wouldn’t mind thieves so much if they didn’t have so many delay/elusive abilities ontop of the burst/mobility. They need to lose something.

Moa is just plain stupid, whoever designed it should be ashamed.

And bunker guardians are redonkulous. I’ve seen 3-4 players just wail on one like a raid boss for near a minute or more and /maybe/ kill them after all that.

Fully Exotic Geared 80 Warrior - WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


Greatsword isn’t OP. It’s just one of the weapons that isn’t useless.

Why is there no variation in sPvP format?

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


Yes….I would like to see different game types. Unfortunately the pvp is not balanced very well to accomodate different gametypes. It seems like the mechanics and professions were designed (PVP) for this one specific gametype. Can you imagine trying to play CTF with the way some classes work atm? It would be kind of silly.

Get Rid of "Downed" all together in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


If they removed all the escapes/delays while downed it would be a lot more balanced IMO, at least for PVP. Some professions just get too many outs, and then more outs while downed to delay even longer just gets a tad too silly.