“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
Because you said so? Because I’d go as far as saying that population on my servers has slightly increased over the past 3 months. Please, let’s keep this constructive shall we?
Exactly, you are welcome
They stack. Keep in mind that you can only apply 1 rune per piece of equipment.
That is a good question FryChikN, and one I cannot honestly answer because I’m big on WvW/PvP. The games has a lot of content as a whole ( I played 1000h+ and still have to get 100% map completion), but if you start taking out chunks because you don’t enjoy them you’ll soon hit a wall of “not enough to do”. That’s not to say you should force yourself, mind you. What did you enjoy doing before you left? Do you have a guild?
Fortunately enough the “Living Story” (monthly updates that will now be released every 2 weeks) keeps the game fresh and while some of the content released has been lacking, it looks like they are ramping up the production rate.
Warriors have the reputation of being the worst SPvP class, but even with that in mind, I think it’s not balance what’s holding you back. Have you researched any decent build, or experimented with traits and gear by yourself? Starter builds, as far as I know, are pretty bad. Also join 5 vs 5 matches, as that’s the number of players the map is designed for. 8 vs 8 are too zergy.
If I recall correctly they acknowledged the issue and stated there were plans about revamping it… haven’t heard about that for the longest time.
Anyways, Borderlands final boss fight was worse because it failed even on a graphics/scenery level.
If you expect a gear treadmill then leave for good, Arenanet is not interested in those kind of tricks. I know it may seem weird but you have to realize that not all MMOs are supposed to be about getting better gear all day erryday. In GW1, you didn’t have to get new gear or level up past level 20 for the entire life of the game (5+ years, with 4 expansions).
Say your very tall friend meets a very tall guy, chances are his height would exceed hers. Would she get mad too? :P
So let me get this straight, you basically banned GvG and support the interruption of it? Smooth move Vizunah. And let me ask you a question… say the next matchup is SFR – VZ – X, one guild from SFR sets up a GvG against a guild from X…we can expect people from gc to intentionally disrupt it?
Edit: but the gc is an alliance and a big part of Vizunah right? I’m not really informed about it. What guilds aren’t part of gc apart from yours?
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
Yay I earned myself a pretty red icon on my head!
Good job, check my minimap and my position in the other screen though. They are two different situations, and the 1 vs 4 + Moa in my screen still depicts the truth. See how you were in the tunnel in these screens, while you were near the sentry in mine? Also the sentry is red in your screens, greens in mine. My point still stands and the clear 1 vs 4-5 happened.
Not that I am blaming you for the 1 vs 4, it’s WvW it’s not supposed to be fair fights I just thought that the moa was way overkill.
That being said yeah, the video would be nice
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
Excited for facing for the first time Piken
No Braham is in Cragstead infact, he even received a letter from his mother. Rox I haven’t bothered checking in a while, but should be having troubles entering Rytlock’s warband.
Don’t need the video, I’ve already posted a pretty good screenshot. You can see me in Moa form, at least 4 enemies and zero green dots in…3500+ range around me? At least you did a great job at bursting me down so I’ll give you that you wanted to quickly secure a kill
I’d also love for you to explain me why you feel the need to cut out the minimap in a screen that should contain some kinda of proof
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
I don’t understand. Dark Souls is quoted as a good example of difficulty is actually pretty punishing when it comes to check points. I also believe that the JP is short enough not to warrant a checkpoint.
The only place in the ENTIRE GAME where we can have REAL gank PvP because all the QQers and carebears forced it out of this game…..and you want to change this too???? Go away and run dungeons.
The pinnacle of PvP is killing people in loading screens and spawn camping.
Never killed anyone in a loading screen, or been killed in a loading screen. Always been able to get past spawn campers too, even if it took a try or two. People like you seem to like to QQ rather than L2P..it’s sad.
Yeah, I wish the GW franchise didn’t sell out to the casuals and kept open world PvP as in GW1 (sarcasm, btw)
There’s a grand total of 1 armor in game that currently has particles, CoF. Less than that would be 0 and while I wouldn’t mind too much, having more options is always a good thing. The 2 new sets seem to have particles, but at the same time the recently released steampunk armor has none. I think we can suit both tastes
TESO smells of flop to me but go ahead and buy it on day1, I’m sure it’ll work out very well like all the other MMOs
Can we make the fight against Zhaitan decent first?
Supported. Achievements for completing new content? Great, especially if they come in different degrees of difficulty. Press F 250 times…boring.
EB queues start from 6-7 p.m. so doing GvGs in the JP is not an option. Also I don’t understand all the rage around GvGs, especially when a matchup is already decided. Why would anyone be angry at players that once in a while set up a GvG? Also worth noting that most of the GvGing guilds are a big part of our community and when not setting up matches, they are taking keeps
Also MoS wants to fight, so they decided to blow moa on me in a 1 vs 4-5 because MoS likes fights.
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
If you intend to play dungeons or PvP of any sort I suggest you start learning how to dodge right away. If you don’t, I don’t know what to say to you :P
So played a bit tonight, met 7 Vizunah players, all level 80 beside 1. 2 different couples died in a 1 vs 2, while the other three (from the same guild) did an awesome gank (ooops, stepped out of shadow refugee!) on me and ended face in the ground. One of them had a legendary, wow the prestige!! Of course this is only my experience, I’m not in any way shape or form suggesting that all Vizunah players are this bad!
Shoutout to Genfu from JS, if that was his name, one of the best warriors I’ve had the pleasure to duel with. Great fights dude, you made me mash my keyboard like crazy!
I’d force the dev team to implement the sandwichmancer profession, and then spend the rest of the money making it really imbalanced so I can win the $$$ back in PvP tournaments.
Too bad there’s no tournaments with money prizes!!! Shame on you Colin! Or is that a sort of announcement?
Again, Flissy. More trait points are one common benefit* of increasing the levelcap but it’s one of many things (new maps, new mechanics, new skills) that can be easily obtained without having to increase it. Who says we can’t earn additional trait points once we reach level 80 just like we do with skill points?
No expansion will make it a dead game within half a year or less. No amount of living story can give you the effect what a new expansion does.
Can I have your crystal ball please?
Why, because as far as I can tell, instead of getting content all in one big blob (expansion), it’s evolving and coming to us in stages. Is that so difficult to envision? o.o
Well, I think the issue is that the content on offer isn’t actually comparable to what you’d get in a true MMORPG expansion. Even if you took 2 years worth of the kind of content we’ve been getting and offered it all at once, it still wouldn’t be on the same level as a WoW expansion.
For example, in WoW’s latest expansion you got:
- 16 new raid bosses at launch, with 3 difficulty levels.
- 9 new 5-man dungeons with 3 difficulty levels.
- 7 new scenarios (like a normal mode dungeon, but for 1-3 people).
- About 1400 new quests in an entirely new continent.
- About 900 new achievements.
- 2 new PvP maps, 1 new arena map.
- The usual mass of armor skins, weapon skins, mounts etc.
- Pet battle system.
- A new class.
- A new playable race.
- Increased level cap.Then you have the content patches throughout the expansion’s life cycle on top of that.
As much as I’m impressed (and surprised) by the frequency of updates in GW2, to say it’s the equivalent of an expansion being spread out over time is just plain inaccurate.
Unrelated question.
What did Blizzard release during the 6 months you were charged a subscription fee before releasing the expansion that you had to pay for? Also 2 pvp maps and 1 arena sure looks impressive :p
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
Get someone to portal you up there? Also it’s not the hardest JP in the game, Clocktower was harder (and you couldn’t use portal) and so were parts of the SAB or maybe Skipping Stones. And stop throwing hyperboles AoE, you might hurt someone.
You know very well Truebanana what we are worth in terms of gameplay since we played together as allies and we crossed as rivals.
I may not know as well as truebanana but your 2 guys (elementalist & mesmer) on JS border should probably stick to zergs, they are kinda horrible as roamers.
Everything should be braindead easy and be doable by the worst player on the first try with zero effort. If it isn’t, complain ’till they change it.
Interrupting a GvG because “we want to fight” is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever heard of, especially coming from MoS.
I’m happy that you are able to enjoy a game that seems to be going the opposite way of what you would want, but let’s not make this a personal wishlist shall we :P
I just wanted to discuss the intrinsic benefits of increasing the levelcap, not of what usually goes together with increasing levelcaps. I’d love new maps, and new maps are usually released when the levelcap increases, but it doesn’t have to be the same here unless we can think of valid reasons that benefit players. So far the only one that seems reasonable to me is the pacing one, as I don’t see how purposefully slowing us down is a benefit.
Now since it’s quite late here I’ll be off, but thanks for the nice exchange.
Sure, but we can get extra trait points without having to increase the level cap too. Just like current skill points work, but starting from lv 80 and to a maximum cap of X extra traits
Also, I read your previous posts on page 1 and to me it seems your idea of new personal story missions doesn’t hold ground. The new challenging personal story missions could be lv 80 and nothing would change. The only benefit that seems reasonable to me is the one about pacing, but I’ll have to think it through before further commenting.
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
But content is content, and stories are stories. No matter what level they are, if they take x hours to experience, it will always take that amount wheter they are level 80 or 90. Are you suggesting that purposefully slowing the speed at which we can experience content is a good thing for the player?
New builds and new traits are completely unrelated to the level cap (see last patch) so they’re definitely not a plus of raising the level cap. Same goes with gear progression, it can be introduced without raising the level cap. So again, what does raising the levelcap bring of meaningful to a game?
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
A better question would be, what are the benefits of increasing the level cap?
Who knew, apparently precursor are easy as kitten to get.
Secret society of rare items salesmen, I tell ya.
People saying that they don’t like 2 hours of content every 2 weeks should think about how much time they would have to wait receiving no content at all while devs are busy stockpiling it for an expansion.
Mystery solved, Eidola for president.
Yes, and I think this is due to our awesome level scaling system which lets you enjoy the content of a level 70/60 map as if you were lv 70/60
Well they could ( and should, imo ) make the quickness be castable while moving. As for the autoattack, it applies burning and staff only has 600 range. It’s abilities are definitely not awesome but it’s not as bad as many people depict it :P
Main hand shield, make it happen Anet!!!!
The thing is, Living Story and permanent content aren’t necessarily going the opposite direction. Month after month of “press f” achievements will get boring, I’ll give you that, but we don’t know yet what are their specific plans for the near future.
I’d wait for the mid-july blog post before opening these threads, but I believe that the Living Story could be an awesome mean to introduce and give context to bigger, more “meaningful” patches.
As an example, the next patch screams Tengu to me and who knows, it may be the start of a story that leads us to the Dominion of Winds and one day, maybe, add Tengu as a playable race?
The only thing that I really didn’t like about Living Story is that it seems they don’t mean to tell an overarcing, big story but rather do separated stories. That sucks imho
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
Make them develop Super Adventure Box standalone game.
Kk I need to stop mentioning SAB
Knowing that I’ve probably killed him (and he may have killed me) without knowing is so frustrating!
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
There’s no entire servers of italian players, at least that I know of. There’s however, entire servers of french or german players, languages that aren’t spoken only in a single country.
As much as I would like an italian translation, I don’t think it’s gonna happen for the simple reason that it would cost them more than it would earn them. Good luck anyways.
Kingface I wanna know how you look like in-game
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
This is filled with prestige to the brim
Best 50 euros spent ever, that’s for sure.
Good idea, Danikat. Timed JPs with 3-4 different paths that open up as you play them. This way you’ll never know where to jump after the next turn and you’ll be required to react on the fly
Take notes mr. Foreman!
Lack of SAB and 8-bit music.
The pads aren’t glitchy or buggy, they are just more sensible to high latency. Although nothing has beaten Clocktower in terms of fun (imo), Wintersday JP was way too easy and I like the new one much more. Also taking the portal is your choice and there’s nothing Arenanet can do about that without screwing loads of players :P
To each his own?
Precursor for achievement points… lol ruins the prestige. People just want easy legendaries. These posts are getting tiring.
Prestige of what, flipping the TP and farming CoF p1, or lucking out at the mystic forge? Nothx, Precursors at a certain (high) achievement point treshold is a good way to reward long-time players that refuse to grind their face off (read: me).
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