Showing Posts For XarOneZeroNine.2374:

CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I really don’t like the idea of the living story being brought into fractals. It’s too random.

If / when I want to replay the awesomeness of the marionette (espacially the 5 man version a few posters are describing) I don’t want to rely on random chance. If / when I want to replay living story elements I want to replay them right then and there, not hope I get a lucky roll for it.

I was dissappointed that the molten facillity & aetherblade dungones came back this way. They could have been made permanent through some sort of interface in the home instance or something and replayed in all their glory on demand.

5 man marionette instance battles – good!
replayable living story in fractals only, based on random level roll – bad.

New Mesmer Question About Phantasms & Clones

in Mesmer

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Hello there mesmers. As stated in the topic title I am new to the mesmer class.

My main question is about what happens to phantasms / clones when your target is killed.

  • Why don’t illusions stay until you are out of combat? (ex. pull 3 mobs, 1st one dies, all 3 phantasms go poof)
  • Is there a balance reason to make them go away when the original target is no more?
  • Will swapping targets stave off impending illusionary doom?
  • Anything important but not readily known about phantasms & clones I should know? (General tips & tricks so to speak)

[Guardian] List of useless traits and skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


In regards to Searing Flames. Does it still go on cooldown whenever you apply burning regardless of wheter or not a boon is stripped?

Haven’t tested it in a long while. If it would only proc the cooldown when a boon was actually stripped this might see some more play.

Just a quick 2 cents…

In answer to query above.

This one is more of a bug fix, but will help out nonetheless:
Searing Flames: This trait now activates only if the target has a boon on them.

LFG merge bug

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


It has been 100 days since Ben Newell’s response that he would ‘look into it’ refering to the party merge bug.

No other updates or acknowledement of the issue has occured since.

If it is not addressed in the ‘Huge’ feature patch after the end of the current living story arc I would never expect it to be.

Any plans to expand combo fields

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


They need to find a way to explain them better.

I simply lost count of how many times I’ve explained the combo system to someone or even in mapchat.

There are so many players that just spam their skills and have no idea what fields / finishers even means when it is on a tool tip. Some sort of in game tutorial or a heart quest in each starter zone. Just something to get the information out there.

Fan theory: Rox and Rytlock

in Lore

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I bet they’re bro and sister

^^ It is totally going to be this.

Very luke & leia.

Except I’m guessing that they won’t share both parents .

On another note I’ll bet that Rox does something to impress Rytlock enough that he offers her a place in his warband only for her to turn in down saying something like ‘Turns out I had my own warband all along’ while looking at Braham, Jory, Kasmeer, Taimi and most likey Canach. Very much like the wizard of oz and tin mans heart or the scarecrows brain. Or that someone has to look out for the aformentioned characters. Rytlock will understand and say that it is a standing offer.

[theory] Locations of other pale trees

in Lore

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Hmm. Why didn’t the italic formatting work on my last post? I tried editing it and using underscores, but that didn’t work either. I don’t get it.

After playing with your post it appears that the blank line in between paragraphs is breaking the italics. So the solution would be to either remove the blank line or to use the opening and closing italics brackets on each paragraph.

Purposeful severing of ties to GW1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Spoiler alert!

Seriously. This is a warning, do not open the spoiler tag unless you want spoilers.

Spoilers the like of which will spoil things for the future in regards to LA.

Lions Arch will be (at least for the forseeable future) destroyed. It will indeed be the end of LA as we know it.

What will remain in it’s place will be a ‘ruins of lions arch’ full on zone, including monsters, scouts etc. The monsters will be a mix of leftover twisted watchworks and mordremoths minions running amok.

The recommended level for the ‘new’ zone will be 80+ (just like cursed shore) and its difficulty will be set above that of Southsun Cove.

Map completion (Ponits of interest & vistas will remain the same in number but may be altered to reflect the desolation. i.e. <poi1> may become <runied poi1> or some such and the vistas will look over the destruction.) will still be doable.

CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374



Nike, you missed my point.

I don’t want them to handle hot button issues in the CDI threads at all.
However if the only thread on a dev can be found in is here, then here is where you have to ask.

And yes damage control is how you handle the problems we are discussing but your damage control should not be timed with a calendar. (there is still no response to the watchwork thread or the debacle that was the fractured! update)

When a response is needed quickly you post where the readers spend the most time. If all of the player facing communication is taking place here, here is where people are going to voice all kinds of concerns creating a cacaphony of back and forth between players that will ultimately get deleted making said raiser of concerns even more upset that hot button issues are being ignored.

Of course all of this could be avoided if the plan was to actually be more ‘black and white’ with the playebase and not just a brainstorming session among a select few.

I am glad you are enjoying the CDI but I do hope you can understand why others are questioning the time spent on it while certain other threads that are certainly more active and affecting the game right this very second languish with no interaction a mere click away…

QoL in Guild Wars 2: Alts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


What about the other way around? The only way to get past 2 legendarys at the moment is to create an alt to get the gifts of exploration again.

If you focus on only one character a somewhat long term reasonable goal would be to have every weapon that you are able to wield be a legendary. However without alts this is impossible (short of buying them of the TP… which just isn’t very legendary…).

I’d like to see some sort of system where I could buy more gifts of exploration with currencies gained on my main (Example 250,000 karma + 100g + 50 Laurels or some such combination. Numbers can change) from a Master Cartographer that wanders Tyria who will only offer to sell the gift of exploration to you after you have world completion.

I would like some things to be made more convienent for alts, like dyes or being able to pass down some gear as I gain ascended pieces or having a PvE locker for skins or having the one time only reward skins from the living story move to reusable skins like the hellfire / radiant ones.

I just think we need to keep in mind those that focus mainly on one character as well.

CDI- Process Evolution 2

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


The CDI rules pretty clearly say it’s not a venue to talk about current affairs. ((shrug))

And this is the concern that certain posters are trying to have addressed.

If current ‘hot button’ issues are not allowed to be mentioned in the CDI threads and the response to the dozens of other threads popping up about the aforementioned ‘hot button’ is a deafening wall of silence it creates the perception that Anet is going to do whatever they want regardless of the feedback gathered. Chris has stated many times that there are no guarantees about anything talked about in the CDI’s. Devon even came across as quite adamant about that in the world vs. world thread.

This all comes together to create a veil of uncertainty that makes certain posters feel the cliquey~ness of the CDI threads.

Perception is reality. Anet claims they want to be more ‘black and white’ with the playerbase but every time an issue (opportunity) crops up they default back to the ignore it and it will go away behavior. (The flamekissed armor situation is a good example of handling feedback, the only problem with it was the initial response should have come much sooner.)

You really don’t need a thread to help you communicate better. You communicate better just by communicating. It really is that simple.

Unstable Portal?

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Just scroll down a bit to the Live on the Edge section.

Forced into even more WvW that I despise

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Dont see the problem since you can atm make 6 rank 5 toon pretty quickly. Now after WvW ranks combine then it will be a problem for the lazy.

Also the amount of gold you waste depending on your luck equals that the amount of a legendary so you can just buy it probably for alot more cheaper than making it.

Can you point out where the devs have said they are going to add all the ranks together, and not just use the highest rank like they did for fractals?

You might want to read it again. They aren’t adding ranks together. They are adding the points together. Thus, you would be better off just using your main level 80 with good gear and masteries to get rank points easier. Yw

With all of this in mind, the system is receiving the following changes:
All earned World XP on an account will be put into a single pool.
The sum of those points will determine the world rank and World Ability Points available to each character on the account.
World Ability Points can be allocated differently on each character; you are not creating a single, account-based, version of your characters.

> All earned World XP on an account will be put into a single pool.

I highlighted it for you. No need to thank me.

Highlight it all you want, you are still misunderstanding how it will work.

The first 3 world ranks only require 1000 wxp, rank 4 requires 2000 and each rank after requires 5000.

Now lets take the premise of 5 rank 5 characters. The total wxp would be 10,000 wxp per character for a total of 50,000 wxp. 50,000 wxp (The single pool the blog referred too) does not equal rank 25 (5 characters x 5 world ranks). 3000 to get rank 3, 5000 total to get rank 4 and 5000 more gets you rank 5 for a total of 10000 wxp. 50000 – 10000 = 40000. 40000 / 5000 = 8. Your new total rank will be 13.

Here’s a link to Devon explaining it

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

Change Champion spawn timers in Queensdale

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I think a better suggestion would be to fix the forum search function.

There have been dozens of threads debating the QueensDale champ train. I can’t really imagine there is more that needs to be said but just in case I’ll quote myself instead of copy/paste:

If gold is your goal, there are much better ways to aquire it, but the Queensdale train is good way to earn karma and xp at the same time which is a really big reason people run it.

I kinda like the champ trains.

Not sure about anyone else but our guild puts up banners, people thank us, some have even joined our guild. I’ve met new guildies, dungeon mates, theorycrafters and more running the trains.

The best thing about the queensdale train is you don’t have to be 70+ to run it like the FGS one.

Since there are a bunch of people around it allows me to try trait / weapon / utility combos I wouldn’t think of trying out fresh in fractals or dungeons. I try different rotations, I experiment with the combo system, different builds, and different stat spreads.

The train is only as boring as you let it be.

If you run into one of the rare jackwagons that is rude, report them then block and move on.

Bring an end to Queensdale champ farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


If gold is your goal, there are much better ways to aquire it, but the Queensdale train is good way to earn karma and xp at the same time which is a really big reason people run it.

I kinda like the champ trains.

Not sure about anyone else but our guild puts up banners, people thank us, some have even joined our guild. I’ve met new guildies, dungeon mates, theorycrafters and more running the trains.

The best thing about the queensdale train is you don’t have to be 70+ to run it like the FGS one.

Since there are a bunch of people around it allows me to try trait / weapon / utility combos I wouldn’t think of trying out fresh in fractals or dungeons. I try different rotations, I experiment with the combo system, different builds, and different stat spreads.

The train is only as boring as you let it be.

If you run into one of the rare jackwagons that is rude, report them then block and move on.

Dangerous precedent: Watchwork Pick

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374



Are sprockects an issue right now? Not at all.

But what happends 6~8 months from now when there are no more watchwork minions to get sprockets from and Anet adds value to the sprockets by making them necessary in ludicrous proportions (think 10’s of thousands like the candy corn) for some of the new legendarys? Or they become needed in legendary armor? Or even if you need them to craft a re-skinned greatsaw or something.

Then the only way to get those items will be to have done the origins of madness meta, which won’t be available for everyone, or buy this item.

While it won’t give a statistical advantage over another player it will create opportunity for those that buy it to increase their wealth and have access to skins / items that other simply can’t get. In a cosmetic heavy game, this is kinda of a big deal.

Another lesbian relationship?

in Lore

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


How many Logan running away jokes are there?

One…. The rest are all true stories.

[Guardian] List of useless traits and skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


In regards to Searing Flames. Does it still go on cooldown whenever you apply burning regardless of wheter or not a boon is stripped?

Haven’t tested it in a long while. If it would only proc the cooldown when a boon was actually stripped this might see some more play.

Just a quick 2 cents…

racial capitals

in Suggestions

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


My idea for the racial capitals (I posted this in one of the collaboritve development threads and it seemed to be largely ignored )

Lions Arch has portals to every city, portals to WvW, easy travel from the heart of the mists, the mystic forge, all the dungeon vendors and fractals of the mists. Oh and Moa racing. It is chock full and needs no more stuff to make peolpe travel there.

The Grove. Use the pale tree and the dream to ‘see / participate’ in the living story steps or replay personal story parts (perhaps even choosing differently, though this wouldn’t affect your actual PS, just let you see more parts without creating another character of the same race). The pale tree actually does something similar to this for you and Trahearne in a story step. Doing it this way lets people select what they want to do. Want to do the Molten Facility? Don’t hope for a random fractal, put it here selectable in the Grove. Same thing for Aetherblade retreat. This would allow the living world / story to continue at whatever pace it wants without rushing and herding players from map to map. Players would be able to step in and out of the story without fear of missing anything.

The Black Citadel is the perfect place to host warband vs. warband… Er…. Guild Vs. Guild rather, on a neutral field so to speak. Guilds could post on an in game ‘bulletin board’ for challenges or schedule matches or even recruit.

Hoelbrak should be where all of the ‘pvp’ activities portals are located. Like southun survival, crab toss, sanctum sprint, keg brawl and maybe even add on a special rotation of the limited time activities like reapers rumble, dragon ball or snowball mayhem.

Rata Sum needs to have the Super Adventure Box become permanent. There could still be a ‘living’ focus brought to it once or twice a year when new levels are added or tribuilation mode is altered or new skins are cycled in and out. Also the polymock arena is there so if and when that is implemented that make two strong reasons to visit Rata Sum.

Divinties Reach. This is where we leverage the Queen’s Gauntlet combined with the heart quest in plains of ashford, Help Paenula train the troops by fighting in the pit and capturing creatures. Players would be able to go to DR speak to a ‘Big Game Hunter’ of sorts and choose first by location, then by type etc a specific PvE mob to fight solo or in a group. These could be bounty targets, wandering champs, dungeon bosses etc. All unlockable by doing specific things. For example if you wanted to choose the cave troll from queensdale you would have to have queensdale map completion or have killed a certain number or type of trolls. To unlock Kholer from ascalonian catacombs you would have to have completed AC story mode first etc.

All of this could be fleshed out and have details added but I think it’s enough to get the point across.

What happen to Fractals Leaderboard?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Simply put. This.

My advice, just scrap the idea. Hope that everyone eventually forgets about it like the level reset. Trying to create a competitive leaderboard for something that is by its nature a highly RNG experience makes little sense.

And this.

Idea – make Fractal Profiles instead.
Could use data like highest level reached, most cleared level, slowest/average/fastest completion (per level or fractal), completion per profession, highest AR, most and least played fractal, fractals achievements etc.. In the future it could be expanded with PvE and PvP aspects and would make a whole Account Profile.


in Fractured

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Maybe they did gather the feedback about how the leaderboard was just a silly idea and decided not to go through with it.

Or maybe after gathering the data they realized a leaderboard with >90% of the games population at < fractal level 10 just wouldn’t display well.

Or maybe the leader board will be in the feature release in march of 2014.

Or maybe they forgot to provide us a link to the leader board and its been working this whole time unseen by all.

Or they forgot about it.

Or they just don’t care.

Take your pick out of the above reasons. Only they know the what / where / why of it and they aren’t talking to the fractalites.

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


This may be just my perception but for me, a huge blow was dealt to the entire CDI process with this patch.

Threads were opened about the balance changes, pages of feedback was given, no changes were made to what was actually released and no explantion was given as to why none of the feedback was considered (specifically the one in the guardian forum).

It’s a shame really. The guardian thread about the balance changes is overflowing with well thought out constructive ideas. A dev even responded and asked for feedback regarding a specific trait. Feedback was not acknowledged and no changes were made to said trait.

Just a shame…

Guard Patch Notes

in Guardian

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


There were a lot of good ideas / sugestions in that discussion thread. To bad they were, for all points and purposes, ignored (as far as we can tell anyway).

Are any of the issues brought up in that thread even considered issues by Anet?

It would be nice to know if anything from that thread is being considered for future patches or even at all really. While guardians may not have such glaring problems as some of the other classes there are still things that need fixing / adjusting / tweaking and the aforementioned thread was full of constructive, well thought out solutions / answers. It would be a shame if that all went to waste.

Living World: The Year in Review

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Hmmm… Would have been nice to have included at least a hint of what will be in the features release.

Features is such a broad spectrum term that means different things to different types of players.

New features, quality of life tweaks for current features, new quality of life tweaks / fixes. All of those phrases could be applied to several aspects of the game from the Trading Post to crafting to guild missions to guild controls to living story replays to dungeons to world bosses or dymanic events, build templates etcs. Too broad a term to get excited yet.

I think this would be an excellent opportunity to do something truly collaborative and let the players begin giving feedback on some the features before its too late to change them.

All in all a quick focused blog post about the goings on around here.

Kill the Queensdale champion train.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


If gold is your goal, there are much better ways to aquire it, but the Queensdale train is great for karma and xp, which is a really big reason people run it.

I kinda like the champ trains.

Not sure about anyone else but our guild puts up banners, people thank us, some have even joined our guild. I’ve met new guildies, dungeon mates, theorycrafters and more running the trains.

The best thing about the queensdale train is you don’t have to be 70+ to run it like the FGS one.

Since there are a bunch of people around it allows me to try trait / weapon / utility combos I wouldn’t think of trying out fresh in fractals or dungeons. I try different rotations, I experiment with the combo system, different builds, and different stat spreads.

The train is only as boring as you let it be.

If you run into one of the rare jackwagons that is rude, report them then block and move on.

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

Ascended Armor - Account/Soulbound?

in Living World

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


It will probably be same as weapons, so account bound but still very alt-unfriendly.

How would it be Alt-unfriendly?

I just crafted an Ascended Shortbow for my alt the other day. Nothing unfriendly about it.

The weapons are considered alt unfriendly due to the time gating of the materials. If you want multiple characters to have weapons you have to wait multiple days due to the cooldown on the materials needed.

Combine this with the fact that most players use more than just one weapon per character and you are looking at several weeks to get all of the weapons that you use regularly on all of your characters.

Summary of Fractal Issues and Bugs

in Fractured

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


It really is a huge disapointment to me and my (admittedly very small) guild that the update that was supposed to reinvigorate fractals actually made them worse…

I think the main concern is that if these issues aren’t addressed soon, they never will be. Once the next release is out everyone will be focused on that leaving the fractal bugs / issues / problems to sit and fester…

Collaborative Development: Commander System

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Thanks for all the responses : )

I’ve always felt the commander system had a lot of room to grow mainly it does a good job of giving people something to follow but that’s about it.


I know there are a lot of suggestions about a whole commander system with points, ranks, ect.. and I think that could be neat but one of our big goals is deep systems and as few of them as possible, as having a lot of small shallow systems all over the game can make it hard to maintain and keep up to date. Some examples are we could just roll the whole commander system into the Guild System and make new ranks and abilities part of guild upgrades. Another way to simplify this would be turn commander into WvW abilities and have a few lines that focus on commanding/following. (Granted this approch does make things more messy for PvE commanders). Just a few examples of how to design in a more simplistic way by folding this into another system, and some of the discussions and debates we have internally every time we go to improve/update a system.

With regards to the above, have you considered doing both?

By ‘doing both’ I mean splitting the commander tag / system into 2 separate systems. One for when you are in a borderland and one for general PvE.

Perhaps the PvE commander tag could be tied to the guild system or laurels + <x> or something, while the WvW commander tag could be tied to badges of honor + <x>.

Maybe slightly reducing the cost of each since you would need to purchase both tags to retain the current functionality. Each system could then be tailored to its content.

As to the question of short term or rebuild from scratch. My vote would be for rebuilding. At the end of this discussion decide what exactly is going into the system, how to best implement it and then make it happen. If possible keeping the players somewhat informed about the process in some way, like a ‘dev diary’ so to speak would be great.

Bug: Toxic Gardener

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Thank you everyone for your reports, we are working on getting a fix in for the Tower of Nightmares daily achievements.

Can you take a look at daily fractal runner as well please?

There are already a couple of threads reporting it not wokring at all as well.

Forums - What do these things mean?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


The swoopy arrow means that you have replied in that thread.

Here is a snippet from the forum update notes about the +1 system.

…there are two levels of popularity, categorized “popular” and “very popular”.Currently these are indicated by a thumbs-up icon that appears next to the +1 button. If a post is very popular, the thumbs-up earns a star that appears within said icon.
Our future plans include updating these indicators to something more visually striking. Until then, this is how you will know if a post has achieved popular status.

There are also two levels in which posts are gauged for popularity, on a per-thread basis and forum-wide. Forum-wide popularity takes into account +1s from within a set time period across the forum. Per-thread popularity takes into account all +1s in a thread. Visually, a forum-wide popular post will have a red underline beneath the thumbs-up icon.

The original post can be found at

Please. Please stop asking for dragons....

in Living World

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Actaully all of those DO NOT TOUCH towers Scarlet put everywhere are there for her to contorl the magic flowing / moving around Tyria.

Being able to control the magic flow means that she will be able to ‘starve’ whichever dragon(s) she chooses. The elder dragons will be ‘corupted’ by Scarlet. Reduced from primal forces of nature all the way down to doing the biding of a Sylvari.

As a player you will be torn between killing Scarlet, ending the slavery of the dragons and endangering the world with the threat of angry uncontrolable elder dragons or bowing before the almighty sylvari known as Scarlet Briar. There will be no way to ‘retain’ control of the magic once Scarlet is gone.

Daily for Fractured

in Fractured

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Pretty sure Daily Fractal Runner is bugged.

In the past any individual fractal would give full credit for Daily Fractal Runner. After the patch, including the hotfix, it is impossible to receive credit for this.

Did the new story mode fractal. Then did a full set of 4 fractals ending on Mai Trynn. No credit received for Daily Fractal Runner, which should also count towards the Fractured Meta.

Daily Fractal Runner not updating

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


No credit on Daily Fractal Runner for me either.

In the past any individual fractal would give full credit for Daily Fractal Runner. After the patch, including the hotfix, it is impossible to receive credit for this.

Did the new story mode fractal. Then did a full set of 4 fractals ending on Mai Trynn. No credit received for Daily Fractal Runner, which should also count towards the Fractured Meta.

Who is behind Thaumanova?

in Fractured

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


There needs to be a god kitten petition for Anet to completly remove Scarlet from the game, and keep her locked away and forgotten.

This would actually be a very good use of retcon.

Is the Injection Meter actually Player Input?

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I think it would be a fairly logical conclusion…

Server populations vary drastically. I highly doubt that Anet would have a scaling progress bar based on population (high pop server requires X injections, low pop requires Y injections for example). I would put my money that they would make it fixed across all servers. Even if they did scale it, it still wouldn’t explain how they would all be identical, if they in fact were, which we don’t know anyway.

Using that as an underlying assumption, it would be fair to say that if you checked all server progresses (high, low, middle) and all progress bars were identical, that the bar is not player driven but rather time driven. I don’t know how that doesn’t make sense. It is a completely reasonable conclusion.

Whether or not it is true is yet to be proven, but make sense it does.

Why would they overcomplicate something so simple as to every player on any server contributes to the same bar?

Having only one bar also explains why even in different overflows the bar is the same, which also matches the bar on my server.

There is one bar. It is Global. It is likely based on player injections as it moves a variable amount each day. Which would be a ridiculous workaround only necessitated from a lie in the patch notes.

Occam’s Razor. It would actually be harder for them to fake this than to just make it one global bar…

Why there should be a dps meter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I can’t believe this thread made it this far…

A DPS meter for PvE? Seriously?

If you’re using the meter to cull the weak from your pug dungeons you should have joined a dungeon guild or speed clear guild by now. There are quite a few of them. But then again, maybe there is a reason certain people are not in one of those guilds already?

There are plenty of fights that are ‘DPS checks’ in this game. Solo them and time yourself.

A meter for PvE in this game is actually quite laughable. Everywhere it would matter is scripted. The players that are truly elite already know they are. They don’t need a meter.

No meter will ever show how much damage that was avoided by a well timed block, perfect dodge timing, blind spam, might stacked, weakness applied, vulnerablity stacked, the double effect of damage avoided and caused by reflects etc.

All a meter in this game would accomplish is who is the weak pug in a stack & burst situation. Honestly I can already tell who the weak link is in most dungeons / fractals by the time the party gets to the first big fight be it large groups of trash or a mini boss.

"Fractal Reward Ingot..."

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Reward updates:

You will be able to receive a special daily chest for finishing a boss fractal once per day. This chest will contain a number of items based on your current fractal level:

Empyreal Fragments
Fractal Relics
A Pristine Fractal Relic

This boss chest will also have a chance at containing a number of other rare rewards. As your fractal level increases, so do the odds of obtaining these items:

Fractal Weapon Skins (starting at level 10)
Ascended Rings (starting at level 10)
Ascended Weapons (starting at level 10)
Infused Ascended Rings (starting at level 20)

Starting at level 40, this chest will have a small chance to contain an Endless Fractal Tonic. Using this item will transform you into a random creature found in the fractals. It is account bound, so it can be used on any of your characters.

Completing a fractal will yield a repeatable chest that contains the following (this chest can be obtained any number of times per day):

Fractal Relics
Agony resist infusions
Character equipment (blue quality or higher)

Above level 30, this repeatable chest also has a chance to contain a brand new rune or sigil:

The Rune of Resistance grants bonus toughness, a reduction in condition duration, and aegis upon using a signet
The Sigil of Momentum grants a stacking toughness buff every time you kill an enemy

As you delve into old and new fractals alike, we’re hoping these changes will keep you feeling challenged and better rewarded than ever before.

I could of sworn that fragments and relics are different to ingots but I might be wrong I am not saying the rewards are so much better than those you listed but you get defiantly more than just a ingot lol

The original post was in regards to the reward for completing the Fractured meta achievement. Not what drops in fractals…

And yes, with the information we have so far from the live stream, the meta achievement reward is one dragonite / bloodstone / empyreal brick.

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I would humbly suggest that the top 3 topics from the original vote thread are discussed, or in the case as of now, the 2nd and 3rd topics are to be discussed. Upon completion of those threads is when another vote for topics should happen.

This way we spend more time discussing and less time voting.

What color dye is on the Peacemaker Officers?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Is the Injection Meter actually Player Input?

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Seeing the progress on each server would answer this question. Someone do some guesting and take photos! If they are all identical then it is not player-based. If they vary then we can assume it is tied to player completion.

This makes no sense at all.

I’m not saying that the meter is or isn’t player driven, but to say that if each server isn’t different then it’s a timer is ridiculous.

Due to the nature of how the overflow system works the meter is global, as in all servers (including the overflow servers), combined. To think that Anet could coordinate a global Trading Post but not a simple single variable meter is nonsense.

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


My perception of the last thread was that the ‘tough’ questions were completely ignored while posters that praised or suggested something that Anet already though of were given ‘shout outs’.

Now, you can say that isn’t true and every post was read and considered, but it certainly doesn’t feel that way.

Just because some posters are not as eloquent or able to write their thoughts out in a more respectable format doesn’t mean they should be ignored. If you have time to research someones posting history to see if they have a tendancy to post negatively, you have time to respond to the criticism.

Again this is just my perception, but as they say “perception is reality”. If you have angry posters posting about a topic, instead of ingoring it because its not actionable, maybe, just maybe consider reviewing ‘why’ they are posting in the first place.

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

Some Q's about Fractured!

in Living World

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


It will take 2 + 5’s to make a + 6 and two + 6’s to make + 7 and so on.

You won’t lose any Agony Resistance in this update.

It goes very, very high.

You only need Artificer skill level 100 to go as high as you can imagine.

For now, 50 is still the maximum level.

More levels will be made available in the future.

Ascended armor is not in the game right now, but if it was, it would drop in the Fractals.

These should answer some of your questions or at least point people i nthe right direction.

For all the Scarlet haters and Joker lovers

in Living World

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Hit the nail straight on the head there Shriketalon. +1

Despite promise, still no carrion ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


They are almost certainly waiting for when they bump up jeweler to 500 to introduce the remaining stat combos as craftable items. I suspect that will come before the end of the year as per their promise in the last blog.

IF this was / is true, why don’t they just tell us? It would go along way towards building good will as well as being transparent or ‘black and white’. They have a giant thread about better communication. Well here is a chance to commincate something that the playerbase has been asking about for over a year and it seems like all of the questions disappear into the void.

I’d just like to know if the missing sets will ever be introduced and if we will ever be able to mix & match our stats with the ‘gem’ bonus, for example beserker of the knight stats or valkryie of the soldier or whatever like we can with exotics.

All in all ascended gear has been handled poorly from the very start. From it’s announcement to its introduction to its aquirement to where we are now. Its hard to say that not one step from beginning to now hasn’t been handled without stumbling.

No Field No Finisher?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Every weapon, for every class, should have either a field, a finisher or both depending on the circumtances (does it makes sense, is the weapon 1h or 2h etc)

I disagree. Combo fields and finishers add a layer of complexity in making your build, and shouldn’t be handed to every build freely. A player has to decide how they want to get combos or if they’re even going to use combos, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each choice.

Good point here. But by not having combo fields availalbe it automatically makes certain weapon choices inferior. Something needs to be done. Perhaps tweaking the weapons without access to fields / finishers in some other way (increase cleave / aoe / range / damage / conditions / etc)? It’s all part of balancing the weapons. Weapons that use the combo system shouldn’t be the default choice. There should be some sort of trade off.

Plus… the sheer amount of combos going off if everybody was laying fields and finishers would be ridiculous, and make thoughtful use of combos obsolete. They would just be thoughtlessly spammed for just being off cooldown, and connect anyways. Not to mention classes that do rely on and utilize combos as core of their utility, like elementalists, would get more overshadowed by classes that rely on them less, such as necromancers and guardians.

Everything is thoughtlessly spammed as it stands now. If the combos had a greater effect it would make sense to use them at specific times instead of spamming them. However that may be a bit too much to ask for in an open world zerg fest or pug.

If you want combos, make the appropriate build decisions to gain access to them.

On the point about making combo tutorials… that I definitely agree on. Or just make it part of the daily regularly so people will try to figure it out to complete that.

These two go hand in hand. If more people understood the combo system and what could be gained or utilized more people might actively choose weapons / utilities to lay down fields and actually have the ability to finish in them.

I would still like something in the area of making overlapping fields easier to discern which field will be used.

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

Scaling of chamber bosses - not working

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


This is a very well thought out example of how the chambers are working in game.

The first time I did anything in the tower I was in a pug. Every time we got the spider boss people would immediately leave the instance and I never knew why. Then I ran in a full guild group and releazied almost immediately that something was wrong. Every chamber was over the top.

After the first few chambers we quickly decided that running up the tower would be done in full groups while for the chambers we would split into parties of 2. We found that 2 players per instance was the sweet spot.

Not sure if this is the intended functionality, but that is how it is currently working in game.

No Field No Finisher?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Every weapon, for every class, should have either a field, a finisher or both depending on the circumtances (does it makes sense, is the weapon 1h or 2h etc)

Get the weapons all set, then work on revamping the combo’s alltogether.
Some combo’s should be more powerful than they are.
The fields need to be better distinguished from one another especially when overlapping. – Example, the field that my attack will use should be ‘on top’ and completely distinguishable from the ones that are in the same place but won’t be triggered.
There needs to be some sort of tutorial quest on what they are and how to use them. I run into far too many people that have no idea what effects can be generated off of a combo or even how to trigger them.

All in all the combo system needs some tweaks.

Nightmare Court/Krait/who else?

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I would think it would be Molten Alliance and Aetherblades.

I doubt that the twisted watchworks count.

New fractals in 2 weeks.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374



Back in July Colin mentioned it on one of the live streams that the MF and AR would likely return as fractals.

Hope springs eternal.

Keep in mind he also said in the same live stream the the winner of the cutthroat politics election would have a large impact on all of tyria…

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

New fractals in 2 weeks.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


When they explained what we were voting for. I believe it was casually mentioned on the forums by devs multiple times that it would be developed later in the year and released along with molten facility and aetherblade retreat. Was months back so ill be kitten ed if i can find the actual posts though.

The search feature on this forum is useless.

So I dug through all of Colin Johanson and Chris Whiteside posts and other than Colin agreeing that adding the molten facility to fractals would be a good idea I didn’t see anything else regarding adding more than just the reactor.

Not going to bother digging through other dev posts, because it is a giant pain to have to do manually…

Oh well, hopefully I’ll be pleasantly surprised.