Showing Posts For XarOneZeroNine.2374:

New fractals in 2 weeks.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


They said they would add all 3 at the same time.

Where / when did they say this?

I’ve seen players suggest this over and over, but have never seen anyone from Anet confirm that at all.

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

New fractals in 2 weeks.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374



Am I the only one who thinks it will only be just 1 more fractal for the rotation?
The thaumanova reactor fractal being the one and that it will just be a regular fractal to bring the total to 10 plus Jade Maw?

I really, really don’t see them adding molten facility, aetherblade retreat and thaumanova reactor at the same time. I also don’t see them messing with the 4th fractal for even levels.

Meh… maybe I’m wrong, but we’ll just have to wait and see.

When will we receive normal PvP awards again?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Hmmm, it’s the 12th now and I still receive Trick or Treat bags. Have I done something wrong?

Once the patch hits sometime today the trick or treat bags will be gone and you’ll get double reward bags instead.

If the forum search worked even a little bit I’d dig up the quote for you, but if you look its in the sPvP subforum somewhere.

[Suggestion] Timer in achievement panel

in Living World

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


The problem is that LS achievements are available until one update is released and since update time is not fixed they can’t make a proper timer.

They don’t need to count down to the second.

All they need to do is have a timer that counts down to either the last daily reset time before the patch day or to the 12:00am on patch day morning. After this timer reaches zero, change the color in the timer to red so that it is understood that it is update day and any time you have left is ‘bonus’ time to complete.

The issue keeps cropping up because the dates are only ever mentioned buried in forum threads when a dev or community person posts them. Never anywhere official. The only date they ever put in the patch notes are for very limited things, like mad king says or the bonfire at the end of flame & frost.

While not my preferred solution, just putting the dates on the release page and in the patch notes would go a long way.

Timer on living story achievement page

in Suggestions

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


This is 2013. Games no longer operate in a vacuum. Most players rely on guides and builds which are outside of the game. There’s even the /wiki command that brings you to the game’s wiki.

One could look at this the other way as well. It’s 2013. Why do I have to hunt and search and use external sources to play a game?

Things today, do more, not less. For example you are posting to an internet forum from your phone, not just making calls. Your phone does more. Nearly everything does more nowadays. Cars have navigation, auto parking, auto braking, internet hotspots just to name some new features. There are refrigerators that dispense hot & cold water and even store recipes. Its 2013. If things I use every day are doing more why accept less from a video game?

I still don’t get the benefit that procrastinators are getting. How is it a disadvantage for anyone else if the timers are shown? If the procrastinators are getting a benefit it must be advantageous to procrastinate. Even if there is a benefit to procrastinators, no one else should be granted the convience of an in game date / timer for the content in the game?

I also don’t understand where you are coming from with the whole ‘right to voice thier opinion’ spiel. I never said that you have no right to an opinion, I merely said that I don’t understand why you would argue against something that affects you in no way whatsoever if spite wasn’t the motivator.

The thing is they don’t always put the dates in the patch notes. Actually they usually only put dates for very specific things like the mad king says and the comunal bonfire thinghy they did at the end of flame and frost. Some things last 2 weeks, some things 4 weeks and the way they provide the dates is virtually non existent.

I am not really sure how ‘hey can we get an in game timer for the in game content please’ turned into playtime vs procratinators vs right to speak on a forum.

I just don’t see any down side to providing in game information relevant to the game I’m currently logged into.

Timer on living story achievement page

in Suggestions

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


The argument about real life events is irrelevant to the timer argument. You’d still miss the content whether there was a timer or not. If you have the feeling you may miss content then do everything when it’s released as a precaution.

The argument was against your ‘timers only benefit procastinators’ comment. That is flat out untrue. If for whatever reason I am unable to log in immediately following the patch, I shouldn’t have to spam mapchat, scour the forums, search reddit or hope google turns up a dev interview with the dates just to see how much time I have left for certain content to be playable.

Whether it impairs my gameplay or not, doesn’t matter.

This matters as well. If something in no way affects you, but would help others, you are arguing from a position of spite. Just because you are able to log in early and complete the achievements quickly means that no one should have a timer? This comes off as an ‘I can finish thats all that matters’ type of attitude.

In a previous thread, I stated that having the date range in the UI would be a good compromise between a timer and nothing at all.

The date would help.

Even if the date or timer just counted down to the midnight before the patch (12:00 am patch day morning ) and then any time left to complete them is considered bonus time, it would solve a lot of this.

The main idea is there are several threads every single update about what is available for how long. Sometimes things are available for 2 weeks sometimes 4 weeks. The information needs to be available for the players to see in game. Not just on a timeline in the Anet offices somewhere.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Well we at least agree that loot isn’t very interesting in this game. The interesting loot is far too rare and buying it on the trading post is not very exciting imho. I’d make droprates higher but souldbound on find.

FFXI actually did this pretty well. The rare drop was not bound at all, but the exact same item, only account bound, had roughly a 3 times higher drop rate. Best of both worlds in my opinion. Allows players to farm that lucky drop and profit, while allowing those that just want the item to get it without using the TP.

I also agree that the temporary nature of the collectibles isn’t very fun. Imho they could add these collectibles permanently to the loottable of specific enemies. Then decrease the droprate after the LS-chapter. This way you could get these cool LS-items even after the event (and not by buying black lion chests for a random chance of tickets). What do you think?

Firstly, I abhor the gating of skins behind black lion RNG.

Secondly, even if they added them permanently to the drop tables, they are still adding more ‘currencies’ while Karma sits mostly unused except by those that are going for a legendary. Even thats been diminished since you can get obsidian shards for fractal relics or laurels now. Karma is also an established currency that functions roughly the same way in the standard open world as it would in the LS. It adds consistency across the board.

Lastly, I guess my main point is that they cleaned up and made all of the various currencies more user friendly with the addition of the wallet while they are slowly putting themselve back into the exact same position with all of the collectable currency they keep adding.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Karma would be exceptionally useful to replace all of the collectable currencies. You help with the event? You gain karma. Use karma to buy the living story stuff. Need a special item for a crafting recipe? Buy it from a LS vendor appropriate to the content, Majory for example in ToN.

This gives added value to Karma, adds more karma sinks to the game and stops adding more items that are effectively currency.

“Hey, awesome, you killed Gormash, the Slayer. What did you get?!”
“Hey, I got this awesome 2hander called Spalta, which he used to kill every single Centaur in the Slavash-war. It’s said that sometimes, you’ll hear the poor souls of the massacre hunt the wielder”

This is not what we are currently getting. Its more like
“Hey, awesome, you killed Gormash, the Slayer. What did you get?!”
“Hey, I got this ummm… I dont know what I got… I depostied collecables.. have to go to my bank and check”
“Hey, I got this <TotallyEventSpecificCollectable> that if I gather enough of I can exchange them at a vendor for something”

Unique skins are still a reward option. Like what they added to the champion bags. But adding a collectable for every single LS update. Is that what you want to continue?

By this time next year, if the pattern continues, they will have added 8 more collectables.

Oh and I forgot baubles and bauble bubbles plus I’m sure I forgot some more too.

Karma is the currency used at heart vendors. It would be a really good fit here I believe.

Timer on living story achievement page

in Suggestions

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I disagree with having a LS achievement timer. As long as they include the date range in the patch notes then there shouldn’t be a problem. The timer would only benefit the procrastinators who, for whatever reason, choose to wait until the last possible minute to do achievements.

So you disagree with having a tool in game that already exists applied to content in the game.

Yes the dates should be in that patch notes.

And no it’s not just “procrastinators who, for whatever reason, choose to wait until the last possible minute to do achievements”. There are several actual life related reasons to why one doesn’t log in the second the patch is up and zerg the achievements.

Putting a timer on the LS story achievement page in no way whatsoever impairs or impedes your gameplay.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374



We have a wallet because all of the various currencies became unweildy.

Yet with every living story update a new ‘currency’ is added. Not currency in the traditional sense but a collectable as currency.

Watchwork sprokets, ugly wool things, kite fortunes, various snowflakes, Zhaitaffy, pristine toxic spores etc. All of these need to be collected in large quantities and used at a vendor.

Any item subtracted from your inventory in exchange for an item from a vendor is a currency. No matter whether it goes into our collectable tab or the wallet, it is still a currency. It’s currency. No matter where we store it. Items spent at a vendor are currency.

I know there is a new item to exhcange every time so that people can’t just buy everything with what they have stored up but enough already.

Karma would be exceptionally useful to replace all of the collectable currencies. You help with the event? You gain karma. Use karma to buy the living story stuff. Need a special item for a crafting recipe? Buy it from a LS vendor appropriate to the content, Majory for example in ToN.

This gives added value to Karma, adds more karma sinks to the game and stops adding more items that are effectively currency.

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

[Suggestion] Timer in achievement panel

in Living World

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


100% agree.

Pixelpumpkins has a the exact same suggestion in the suggestion forums:

It would be nice to be able to track the comings and goings of temporary content.

When does this end?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


This is why we need a timer on the living story pages, just like the timer that is on the monthly and daily achievemtent panels.

I would suggest that you add your voice to PixelPumpkins timer suggestion:

How Long Will the Achievements Be Available

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Aaaaaannnnnndddd here we are again.

I would suggest that you add your voice to PixelPumpkins timer suggestion:

Also you could try in this thread about in an game event calendar:

Someone, somewhere knows exactly when all of this is going to end / stop being available. Is it that hard to let us know too?

LFG tool : Group Merging

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Thank you Ben.

Timer on living story achievement page

in Suggestions

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Right now in game is the perfect example for why this is needed.

The next update is 5 days away and people are constantly asking when and what will go away on tuesday. If the achievement page had a timer one could make the leap that if the achievement was still available to earn then the content must still be there to play.

Simple quality of life fix, one of the so very many we need.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I’ll flesh this out if I have time or if more people would like more in depth details but I’ll try to get across my point.

The living story steps need a way to be replayed that fits into the world / lore. I also think that this replayablility should apply to the personal story and even parts of holiday events.

I think a good way to do this would be to utilize the main cities in certain ways.

Lions Arch has portals to every city, portals to WvW, easy travel from the heart of the mists, the mystic forge, all the dungeon vendors and fractals of the mists. Oh and Moa racing. It is chock full and needs no more stuff to make peolpe travel there.

In the Grove. Use the pale tree and the dream to ‘see / participate’ in the living story steps or replay personal story parts (perhaps even choosing differently, though this wouldn’t affect your actual PS, just let you see more parts without creating another character of the same race). The pale tree actually does something similar to this for you and Trahearne in a story step. Doing it this way lets people select what they want to do. Want to do the Molten Facility? Don’t hope for a random fractal, put it here selectable in the Grove. Same thing for Aetherblade retreat. This would allow the living world / story to continue at whatever pace it wants without rushing and herding players from map to map. Players would be able to step in and out of the story without fear of missing anything.

The Black Citadel is the perfect place to host warband vs. warband… Er…. Guild Vs. Guild rather, on a neutral field so to speak. Guilds could post on an in game ‘bulletin board’ for challenges or schedule matches or even recruit.

Hoelbrak should be where all of the ‘pvp’ activities portals are located. Like southun survival, crab toss, sanctum sprint, keg brawl and maybe even add on a special rotation of the limited time activities like reapers rumble, dragon ball or snowball mayhem.

Rata Sum needs to have the Super Adventure Box become permanent. There could still be a ‘living’ focus brought to it once or twice a year when new levels are added or tribuilation mode is altered or new skins are cycled in and out. Also the polymock arena is there so if and when that is implemented that make two strong reasons to visit Rata Sum.

That leaves Divinties Reach. This is where we leverage the Queen’s Gauntlet combined with the heart quest in plains of ashford, Help Paenula train the troops by fighting in the pit and capturing creatures. Players would be able to go to DR speak to a ‘Big Game Hunter’ of sorts and choose first by location, then by type etc a specific PvE mob to fight solo or in a group. These could be bounty targets, wandering champs, dungeon bosses etc. All unlockable by doing specific things. For example if you wanted to choose the cave troll from queensdale you would have to have queensdale map completion or have killed a certain number or type of trolls. To unlock Kholer from ascalonian catacombs you would have to have completed AC story mode first etc.

This would help to spread out the population from LA and allow people to replay the living story steps in a non immersion breaking way.

give us a in game event calendar...

in Living World

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Yes they should offer a way to see the dates.

You may add your support to Pixelpumpkins suggestion thread here:

We really shouldn’t have to keep asking. They cleary know the dates / times. Just show them to us already….

Guardian December Patch Preview

in Guardian

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


The change to sword damage from 5% to 10%. I’ve seen a lot of talk that maybe it is not really needed. The fact was this was a lackluster trait and this is a lackluster change to it. I would love to do the right thing here and have a change that MH sword wants rather than just 5% more damage.



You could probably keep the 5% -> 10% change that was planned if something else was added to the trait. For example apply a condition on a crit. Mainly Torment because it punishes moving, i.e. running away or Chill to keep enemies close. My personal preference is Torment though.

Sword in general needs a better cleave.

The 3rd attack from sword #1 should not be reflectable.

Sword #2 needs to become a leap finisher.

I would also like to see sword #3 allow movement at the same rate as greatsword #2. (Allthough I’m not sure this is even possible as there is not a single moveable projectile reflect / absorb / destroy in the game.) If moving while using this is a no go, it should be a full block that triggers other ‘on block’ traits.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I’m a bit confused…

Regarding the cadence of the living world / story releases.

First a lot of people commented on how it feels to fast
Then Chris said:

Regarding Cadence of release: This is not something we plan to change in terms of timing and I wanted to make that clear from the outset.

To me, that quote says, “we’re not going to slow down, or in any other way alter the 2 week release schedule. Stop posting about it.”

But then Chris says:

1: I said we plan to move forward as we have been. I later said (and as with everything we do) we will continue to appraise quality of the releases as we continue to improve our deployment with the platform and that if through internal and external discussion we felt that the quality was not meeting the expected level then we would reappraise and evolve.

I’ve been following this thread, and all dev posts aactually. pretty closely and I could find no mention in between the 2 posts quoted about "quality of the releases as we continue to improve our deployment ". Did they happen internally or did I miss them?
It’s totally fine either way, just if they were internal it wasn’t clear.

Then Chris goes on to say:

At no point did i say it is non negotiable . I said that currently we have no intention of changing the plan, however if we feel that we cannot reach the quality bar we and the player’s expect under the current cadence then we will evolve to ensure we are giving player’s the best possible experience. We have a lot of areas we can improve in to meet this goal and I personally would like to see us continue to work in improving in these areas.

While quality of release during the two week schedule is a concern, it is not the only one, or even the main one. There are several issues with the 2 week release patern that were brought up in this thread from missing out, to recyled content (find 24 widgets in 10 zones and hit ‘f’), to the content being to temporary etc. Quality I guess could be an over arching term here, but I feel that the term quality often means ‘no bugs / exploits’.

So what does all this mean? That slowing down is ‘on the table’? Or does it mean that an alternate solution is in the works and 2 weeks will continue?

In the original Collaborative Development thread Chris mentions being ‘black and white’. Please do so here.

Thank you.

P.S. – I feel that being able to replay the LS parts, in a fashion similar to the personal story, would greatly reduce the amount of ‘burn out’ that comes with 2 week releases and would help to satify the ‘make more permanent content’ faction as well.

P.P.S – I have a suggestion for replaying the living story steps and giving the non lions arch citys a reason to become more populated. I’ll post it a bit later once I have some time.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Regarding Cadence of release: This is not something we plan to change in terms of timing and I wanted to make that clear from the outset.

This tells me everything I need to know about just how ‘collaborative’ ongoing development is going to be.

I guess I am not included in the target audience of this game any longer.
I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what my breaking point will be.
Which story will I miss and never be able to see again.
Which reward will I think fits my character perfectly that I will never have a chance to earn.

The game is clearly heading in a very specific direction and the options seem to be get on board or tough luck.

Oh well, plenty of other ways to spend my time and money.

Best of luck to you all.

Can anyone really see through the clutter?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Hey Colin,

I would like to see Anet address the insane particle effects.

I can never anticipate when to dodge the statue of dwayna attacks because of this. You can barely make out the enemy model. Particle effects are nice and all, but in gw2 they are overly done. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this issue in any mmorpg I’ve played.

Yeah we’ve done a number of steps already this year to improve it, but we have a long ways to go to get it cleaned up to the point we’re happy with. It’s something we’re continuing to work on for sure, but we’re focusing way more on game performance currently before we turn back to the FX side.

If I had the option I would make combo fields and the AoE red rings more visable, set other players spells to 50%, other players avatars (legendaries, radiant skins etc.) to 75% and my personal spells and avatar to 85%~90%. Just as a start.

Sliders for each of these would be fantastic. Even if they only adjusted the opacity.

The ‘number of steps already done this year’ were infintesimal. If you hadn’t specifically said that ‘things’ were done, I never would have known.

If it matters at all I would certainly be greatly appreciative if this moved up in priority.


Did Anet just destory Halloween?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


The labyrinth is a shambles…

All of the knockbacks, pulls, chills, & cripples on high hit point mobs that pop retaliation is just annoying. Its just not fun.
On top of that you can only get the champion chests 1 per day per account.

<snip> The sad thing I find is of people complaining about the difficulty of the mobs in the labyrinth. Me personally I found the difficulty refreshing and not too high, specially when you consider, it is a LEVEL 80 ZONE. I liked the challenge to it. <snip>

I don’t think difficulty is exactly the issue. I think it has to do with losing control of your character for several seconds in a row or being chain knockdown / knockback / stunned and immobilezed to death.

Difficulty does not have to come at the cost of fun.

Having mobs with some CC options is fine. Putting 6~10 of those mobs in a pack with the same script to abuse one player at a time is not. As it stands now if you want to avoid the ‘pack cc’ you would have to kill literaly every single mob in between where you are and where you are trying to go, and even then you would be subject to a ton of this ‘pack cc’ and by the time you got there the event you were trying to reach will be over and everything behind you will have respawned leaving you at square one.

The issues with the labyrinth remind me of all of the complaint threads about Orr. They finally made changes to Orr but then made the labyrinth like the old Orr. If people don’t like it in place ‘A’ they aren’t going to like it in place ‘B’.

Overall I think mob variety would have helped a a bit. So that the chain cc would be broken up. That right there would have gone a long way.

And I agree with you there is something wrong with the lich’s scaling. If there isn’t it is waaaayyy over the top.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I actually had a question about this insatiable need for a dragon-centric story from everyone.

Mainly it is because other villians are out to conquer or subjugate while the very existence of the elder dragons threatens to eraddicate Tyria.

Who cares if alliance number one takes over zone ‘A’ if an elder dragon is going to awaken and destroy the planet?

As a hero, who do you stop? The guy invading fort <whatever> or the primal force of nature that is going to bring about the apocalypse?

In truth you’d go after the immidiate threat even if its a minor one. Strictly speaking it would be strategically unsound to sent your forces after a dragon thats currently leaving you alone and ignoring an invasion force just cause it only theatens part of the world. Doing that will weaken you beyond recovery most likely.

You missed the point entirely.

The response was to the question ‘Why do players seem to want a dragon centric story’, not what is the best tactial way for us to analyze the threats facing every tyrian and react accordingly.

Players want to be hero’s, saving the world, not local enforcers stamping out fires.

Of course the mad-sylvari who is somehow trying to kill us has our immediate attention. It doesn’t mean that is the story the posters in this thread are aksing for.

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I actually had a question about this insatiable need for a dragon-centric story from everyone.

Mainly it is because other villians are out to conquer or subjugate while the very existence of the elder dragons threatens to eraddicate Tyria.

Who cares if alliance number one takes over zone ‘A’ if an elder dragon is going to awaken and destroy the planet?

As a hero, who do you stop? The guy invading fort <whatever> or the primal force of nature that is going to bring about the apocalypse?

ToN goes against what we know of Krait

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Speaking of lore.

What are the centaurs in kessex hills doing right now? Oh, you know, same old thing. Never mind the fact that they have been warring against the humans to remove them from their land. Land that they hold precious.

Along come the toxic alliance corrupting the land, mass deforestation and invasions. Eh, no biggie say the centaurs. Krait nameplates are the same color as centaur nameplates so no harm no foul I guess.

I guess the centaurs could be part of an upcoming alliance with skritt and are just waiting their turn.

ToN goes against what we know of Krait

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I’m actually a little stunned here. Did people actually think that something as silly as the lore would stop Scarlet?

Scarlet is so powerful she re-writes lore to suit her needs. She needed a new alliance, krait were available. BAM! Lore is changed to suit Scarlets compulsion to pair races together. This is what she does. Shes done it before, she’s doing it now and she’ll do it again.

It is painful and its getting old.

I No Longer Care - Do You?

in Living World

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I’m going to get the point of power for my home instance, just because I guess.
One day it might be useful. Maybe for ascended armor materials? I don’t know if this will be the only time I am able to add a PoP to my home instance. Anet likes offering things once and only once and if your not there to get that one time, well then screw you buddy, you should’ve logged in, exclusivity and all that.

Now do I actually care what’s going on. Oh god no. I stopped that a bit ago. Can’t remember when I stopped caring. Maybe chasing balloons? Or dragon footprints?

The content itself just isn’t engaging.

Mad King's Dungeon returning?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


It is a shame too. Ascent to Madness was fun.

Just like reapers rumble. The content is made, players want to play it, but it sits gathering dust on a shelf instead…

Did Anet just destory Halloween?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


The labyrinth is a shambles…

All of the knockbacks, pulls, chills, & cripples on high hit point mobs that pop retaliation is just annoying. Its just not fun.
On top of that you can only get the champion chests 1 per day per account.

People got thier achievements and have now abandoned it.

I really am sorry that you were unable to get the item you were after but I don’t think anyone is going to go back in there. Maybe you could find some people here on the forums or on reddit/guildwars2 that are in the same boat and team up?

ToN goes against what we know of Krait

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I posted this in another thread in response to a similar post by someone who was horrified that the krait would form any sort of alliance just before the patch.

And this is why you are supposed to be all the more impressed / afraid of Scarlet as she will be the one to make the krait ally with the nightmare court.

Scarlet has already made the racist, sexist, xenophobic flame legion char work for her, alongside another race.

Scarlet has already made the xenophobic dredge, who have freed themselves from very oppressive leaders twice before, work for her along side another race.

Scarlet found an army of pirates that were pretty much non-exsistent before her.

Scarlet creates portals to other worlds and imports armies of steam creatures.

Why wouldn’t she be able to make the krait & nightmare court work together? This is her M.O. to a tee. She is above all. Better than the best Norn blacksmith, smarter than all the asura, the best char legionaire since sliced internet bread.

Make no mistake about it. Whether they fight against her or for her, the krait are now allied with the nightmare court and it is because of Scarlet Briar.

I wish I was wrong…. but all of the evidence suggests that I am not…

The question is are you more impressed / afraid / respecful of her threat or just even more annoyed by Scarlet’s superiority?

Toxic Krait Historian - awful experience

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


The issue is that the game ‘knows’ which ones you have done. It has to know otherwise you could click one <WhateverYouNeedToClickThisTime> 24 times and be done.

The game knows. The game intentionally hides this information from the player. This is bad.

Everytime something comes up, I am always told to make a list, check it twice etc… wtf… I’m not santa… The game knows… just let me see it…

sigh same thing with the short stories… want to have any clue whats going on in game. Go to this external site and read all about it… Nevermind that I am trying to PLAY a game. If I wanted short stories or the like I’d just buy the books and not bother logging in…

/end rant

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I’m not sure if TV is really comparable here.

I watch TV, I have a story told to me, for me.

In a game I want to play, I want to be a part of it, I want to influence it. Not just hash through a script…

That said I do watch TV. Do you know what the best thing about watching TV is?
I can watch it on my schedule. If I miss an episode I can catch the re-run, dowload the show, use netflix, amazon, hulu or even cable providers on demand channels to watch what I missed, or even catch up on something new from the very beginning. None of that even reflects that I have a DVR to ensure I don’t miss a thing.
TV is watched on my terms, at my lesiure.

The current living world / story is none of the above. No chance to replay any of it. No were (in game, and that’s the important part) to recap what went on while I was attending to life. If you miss something its gone forever and you lose / miss out seeing the episode and the rewards.

There needs to be something in game (NOT fractals) that let’s me replay past chapters. Rewards / skins and all. (I have ideas for this but it would be a much larger post and is probably more appropriate somewhere else. Unless you want them here) The frantic pace of the living story, the feeling of regret if you miss something cool, the ‘lost’ feeling if you come back after an event, knowing that skin you missed is gone forever. All of this compounds to make a less than pleasing impression of the living world / story.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


One more thing.

Skins earned from the living world also need to be ‘living’. By that I mean much more user friendly. Like the zenith and hellfire/radiant skins.

I have earned several of the back pieces and while they look nice, they mostly rot in my bank because they are actual soulbound items instead of reusable skins.

The two most saddening of which are my wind-catcher and my mad memories: complete edition. I would love to use these more often, but they are soulbound. Even if I transmute them to better (ascended) or more suitable stats they remain locked onto characters, that due the evolution of the game (mechanics, playstyle etc) I no longer log into that often.

Also stop discontinuing skins. I get that you want them rare or exclusive. Eventually though they will be all but removed from the game (replaced by new skins, no longer played etc) and that seems like a shame. In my opinion having them available all the time creates more variety for people to choose from and thus more diveristy in player character appearances.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Why have the dragons taken a back seat? I would much rather a long buildup of fending off primordus & jormag while trying to uncover more about the deep sea dragon and the jungle dragon all while kralkatorrik runs amok.

I ask this question in all seriousness. What do you forsee as the lifespan of this game?
5 years? 8 years? 10? It can’t go on forever.

Zhaitan’s corruption is still all over Orr while his minions are still all over the place. There are 5 other elder dragons out there as well.

If the living world built up to each dragon (even overlapping their storylines a bit) over 12~16 months time, that would mean in just six years from now we would be fighting the last elder dragon.

So a 7 year lifespan for the just the dragons. Plus there is so much more going on. Murssat, White Mantle, etc. Plus whatever is unleashed through the mists.

The current build up in kessex hills is sort of what I am talking about.
Oh and if it turn out scarlet is a dragon minion or something… that would not be what I am talking about.

We need to be fighting the dragons and cleansing their corruption, while knowing that is what we are doing.

The updates schedule is a little rough. It is so rapid that myself and members of my guild are actively choosing to either not log in or skip the events completely. I truly believe that the 2 week schedule is a lesson for players in ‘be careful what you wish for’ when aksing for more ‘stuff to do’.

Rolling back the clocks (daylight savings)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Last year the time just adjusted to the current time.

(times made up as I don’t remember them exactly)
At 2:59 am all was well. Then what would have been 3:00 am simpliy became 2:00 am. Displayed with local time.

Server time is UTC I think, which doesn’t observe daylight savings.

So in short, no there was no downtime last year for daylight savings time (spring forwards or fall back).

The Name of Ms Villain Sue's Next Alliance?

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Krait would never ally themselves with other race for any reason whatsoever.

They are Tyria’s equivalent of the Daleks, no matter what form they take, their one constant is that for them any other race is to be destroyed or enslaved.

So the only way Scarlet could be involved without breaking the ore would be if the krait where not willingly in her plans. Like they being foolled by a scarlet impersonating a krait witch with illusions, or forcing them with mind control or anything that doesn’t involve them following the instructions of anyone who isn’t krait or a krait god.

If there’s any alliance, whoever wrote this would be completely ignoring the lore. And ArenaNet would be sending the message: “?Lodi dodi, we don’t care about the lore?”.

And this is why you are supposed to be all the more impressed / afraid of Scarlet as she will be the one to make the krait ally with the nightmare court.

Scarlet has already made the racist, sexist, xenophobic flame legion char work for her, alongside another race.

Scarlet has already made the xenophobic dredge, who have freed themselves from very oppressive leaders twice before, work for her along side another race.

Scarlet found an army of pirates that were pretty much non-exsistent before her.

Scarlet creates portals to other worlds and imports armies of steam creatures.

Why wouldn’t she be able to make the krait & nightmare court work together? This is her M.O. to a tee. She is above all. Better than the best Norn blacksmith, smarter than all the asura, the best char legionaire since sliced internet bread.

Make no mistake about it. Whether they fight against her or for her, the krait are now allied with the nightmare court and it is because of Scarlet Briar.

I wish I was wrong…. but all of the evidence suggests that I am not…

Necromancer Death Shroud Hint Achievement?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


The hint says “Enter deathshroud form F1 when you have low health. Every foe you kill increases your lifeforce bar, which lets you stay longer in deathshroud.”

For the death shroud acheivement I had to be Really low on health for it to trigger.
I mean really low. Less than 100 hit points left then I triggered death shroud and dinged the acheivement.

That’s what worked for me. Hope it helps.

Gambits in Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


The rumor was a datamining, it included:
- Do it with 4 people.
- Do it with a level 70 or less member.
- You play with half hp.
- If you go down you are dead permanently and the party cant kick you or invite another player.

I hope they implement it and you can play with all gambits at same time.

Troll Mode:
Cave troll randomly spawns at one boss in the dungeon.

Fire fight:
All melee is half damage.

Lava floor:
Must keep moving otherwise burn damage.

Infinity Mode:
Mobs spawn infinitely at 2 random bosses.

Easy Mode: (Rewards are halved; Other gambits can not be activated)
Everything in dungeon has half health.

I like all of these. I actually really like the Easy Mode suggestion. It might help to get some people up to speed on the mechanics or encourage some people to try dungeons.

All in all I really like the gambits in dungeons idea. Instead of reworking the whole dungeon for ‘hard mode’ use the gambit system and let the player ramp up the difficulty as they see fit.

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

GW2 Livestream: History of Tyrian Halloween

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


I know that these are supposed to be lore oriented questions, but Konig covered all of my lore questions and then some with his post above. So on that note maybe you could answer these if you know them or pass them along for me.

  • Why was Reapers Rumble left out this year?
    • Will it be returning on the 29th?
  • Why was the original Ascent to Madness not available again this year?
  • What is the reasoning behind the current amount of candy corn needed for items this year?
  • Will the Mad Memories & Mad Memories: Complete Edition ever be more user friendly? Will it move to the acheivement skin panel with the zenith, radiant & hellfire skins?


Who's behind all these krait shenanigans....

in Living World

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


But the Krait are xenophobic so why would they side with the Nightmare Court?!? ughhhhhhhhh… kitten Arena Net! Quit just throwing bad guys together and calling it an alliance under Scarlet -_-

And this is why you are supposed to be all the more impressed / afraid of Scarlet as she will be the one to make the krait ally with the nightmare court.

Scarlet has already made the racist, sexist, xenophobic flame legion char work for her, alongside another race.

Scarlet has already made the xenophobic dredge, who have freed themselves from very oppressive leaders twice before, work for her along side another race.

Why wouldn’t she be able to make the krait & nightmare court work together? This is her M.O. to a tee. She is above all. Better than the best Norn blacksmith, smarter than all the asura, the best char legionaire since sliced internet bread.

Make no mistake about it. Whether they fight against her or for her, the krait are now allied with the nightmare court and it is because of Scarlet Briar.

I wish I was wrong…. but all of the evidence suggests that I am not…

(edited by XarOneZeroNine.2374)

Why are traits roman numerals and not images?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


all the arguments you all presented are invalid.

i see roman numerals only. i.e. I, II, III, IV, V …
these numbers tell me nothing.

i do not see the names and description unless i mouse over it.
i must mouse over to check the names and description each time.

tell me how is this better than unique icons identifiable at first glance?
with icons, i can know at first glance what each trait do.

All of the arguments that you have presented are invalid.

With icons we will only see pic1, pic2, pic3 etc.
These icons still tell me nothing.

I can not see the names and description unless I mouse over it.
I must mouse over each individual icon to check the names and description each time.

Tell me how is this better than simple, clear, concise, elegant and easily identifiable numerals?
With roman numerals, I can know at first glance what tier each trait is in and what it does.

Next update: Tower of Nightmares

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Nailed it…

With everyone distracted by the Mad King & Bloody Prince this left time for Scarlet Briar to ally the Nightmare Court with the Krait and create a nightmare krait tower in the lake.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Hi All,

Thanks all for taking the time to post your topics. This thread will be closing on Tuesday 22nd Oct at 6pm PST. From there we will count up the the individual topics to ascertain which one is the most popular in this area.


Please tell me that this includes tallying up all of the “+1’s” a post received behind the scenes. There are a lot of lurkers around here that will give the + 1 thumbs up to a post rather than post themselves.

[Suggestion] Achievement timers for LS

in Living World

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Population's achievement points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Here are a few more numbers from NA just because.

90% 5627
90% 5259
80% 3242
80% 2048 (side note: This player has 3 level 80’s)
70% 1784
70% 1604
60% 1310
20% 244

Guardian Collaborative-Development

in Guardian

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


edit I don’t know why some of my points are underlined. I didn’t do it, and I can’t seem to undo it.

The ‘+’ in front of your “+25%” and “+1” in points 12) and 16) need a space in between them. Just change the ‘+25%’ to ‘+ 25%’ and the ‘+1’ to ‘+ 1’ and the underline will go way.

Guardian Collaborative-Development

in Guardian

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Some good ideas in this thread so far.

To summarize:

  • Virtues need some attention. Their passives, actives and traits all need a good once over. AH should move to virtue of resolve or get its own 4th virtue.
  • Spirit weapons need love. Lots of it. Both their implementaion and their traits.
  • Symbol traits need consolidating. Either to one line or combined in some fashion. All weapons should have a sysmbol.
  • Signets are lackluster.
  • Traits. Lots of conflicting traits and others not worth taking.

What about our utility skills? Any thoughts on those? Off the top of my head I’d say that the cooldowns on consecrations are a bit too long to make they really useful. Meditations did get a bit of attention in the recent patch but I’m not sure they are where they should be just yet.

What happened to Kessex Hills?

in Living World

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


With everyone distracted by the Mad King & Bloody Prince this left time for Scarlet Briar to ally with the Krait witch and create a nightmare krait tower in the lake.


candy corn nodes?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


As far as I am able to tell the actual mining nodes are only inside the labyrinth this year.

So no open world mining of candy corn.

The Mystery of Viathan Lake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


With everyone distracted by the Mad King & Bloody Prince this left time for Scarlet Briar to ally the Nightmare Court with the Krait and create a nightmare krait tower in the lake.